
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Elachista leucosticta new species (Figs. 89, 89a.)
Head shining dark yellowish gray; palpi dark brown, whitish inwardly and above; antennae dark brown. Thorax and fore wing dark brown; on the middle of the dorsum an irregular white spot reaching the middle of the wing, indented on the fold with a suggestion of a black plical spot (stigma) ; at twothirds of costa an oblique white bar to middle of wing and a little beyond it, a smaller and triangular tornal spot; extreme tip of wing white; cilia dark gray, with the scales around apex very elongate and scarcely contrasting with the cilia. Hind wings and cilia dark brownish gray. Legs dark brown, with a broad white band on hind tibiae ; tips of segments white.
Alar expanse : 6.5 mm.
Male genitalia (figs. 89, 89a) : uncus deeply divided, lobes narrow elongate, with short stiff setae on upper half only ; gnathos, two elongate elliptical knobs, each borne on a long arm ; costal area of harpe expanded, free process small, sacculus reduced, basal processes rather short, club-shaped, with a few scattered setae; anellus lobes curved, deeply concave laterally; vinculum triangular; aedeagus short, tapering to a point, no cornutus.
Type. — $, Constance Bay, Ontario, 21. VI. 1933 (G. S. Walley), [C. N. Coll., Type No. 5744].
Food plant and early stages unknown. By the male genitalia, this species is allied to the European serricontis Stainton.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Braun, A.F. 1948. Elachistidae of North America (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 13. Philadelphia, USA
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Memoirs of the American Entomological Society