Description: Male Common Frogs on the lookout for females and croacking, most eggs are laid already, one amplex on the background, The male frogs get a grey/bluish haze and a white throat over their normal color pattern. They were apparently displaying their white throats using the sunlight to attract females probably, Wolfheze, Gelderland, The Netherlands. Date: 15 March 2007. Source: Own work. Author: Viridiflavus. Other versions: Derivative works of this file: DutchCommonFrogsCroackingRanaTemporaria MaleVocalsac.png.
Description: Pair of pool frogs (Rana lessonae) with male on top chased away by a hybrid frog (Rana esculenta*ridibunda). Date: 28 April 2007. Source: Own work. Author: Viridiflavus.
Description: Čeština: Samec skokana skřehotavého láká kvákáním samičky (jsou slyšet i jiné žáby, ale nejsou vidět) Français : Chant de grenouille rieuse (version stabilisée avec DeShaker)English: Marsh Frog call (version stabilized with DeShaker)Latina: Pelophylax ridibundus. Date: 1 May 2012. Source: Own work. Author: Calimo. : This file was selected as the media of the day for 10 May 2012. It was captioned as follows: English: A male Marsh Frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) calling to attract a mate. Vocal sacs are inflated and deflated to amplify the call. Other frogs can be heard but not seen on the video. Other languages Čeština: Samec skokana skřehotavého láká kvákáním samičky (jsou slyšet i jiné žáby, ale nejsou vidět).English: A male Marsh Frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) calling to attract a mate. Vocal sacs are inflated and deflated to amplify the call. Other frogs can be heard but not seen on the video.Français : Une grenouille rieuse (Pelophylax ridibundus) mâle chante pour attirer une partenaire. Les sacs vocaux sont gonflés et dégonflés pour amplifier le chant. D'autres grenouilles chantent en arrière-plan.Македонски: Машка Езерска жаба (Pelophylax ridibundus) како крека за да привлече женка. Гласниот меур се шири и смалува за да го засили звукот. На снимката можат да се чујат и други жаби.Русский: Самец Озёрной лягушки (Pelophylax ridibundus) у которого в брачный период во время пения в углах рта надуваются резонаторы, служащие усилителями звука.中文(简体): 雄性沼蛙 (Pelophylax ridibundus) 的求偶鸣叫,其发声囊通过共振放大鸣叫响度。还可听到其他蛙类鸣叫。. Other version[edit] 500x120px: Pelophylax ridibundus call.ogv Original (shaking) version.
Description: Pool frogs (Rana lessonae) croacking, Binnenveld Wageningen, the Netherlands. Date: 28 April 2007. Source: Own work. Author: Viridiflavus.