Brief Summary
المقدمة من IABIN
Diagnosis A medium size aquatic frog (snout vent length 38-55 mm in males, 40-58 mm in females) with foot entirely webbed.
- مؤلف
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- محرر
- Diego Arrieta
المقدمة من IABIN
Southeastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and south-central Brazil into northeastern Argentina.
- مؤلف
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- محرر
- Diego Arrieta
Diagnostic Description
المقدمة من IABIN
Description of the holotype Tympanum approximately the same size as the eye and as the distance from eye to nostril. Prac¬tically no supratympanic fold. Vomerine teeth large, with little separation. Metatarsal tubercle rather prominent, but without hook. On the back. two large dark spots shaped like commas, ex¬tending from the interorbital space to the scapular region ; two interrupted dorsal dark lines. Dorsal aspect of the limbs and interdigital membrane of the foot with dark spots. Throat, pec¬toral and abdominal regions with more or fewer round dark spots. Ventral aspect of the thigh with dark thick lines; space between line 1 and external edge without spots; space between line 1 and line 2 with an extensive proximal spot; light space between line 2 and line 3 with the projections from the lines only slightly indicated ; space between line 3 and line 4 light ; between line 4 and the internal edge, light rectangles. Two light long spots below the cloaca. Ventral aspect of tibia with extended dark spots interrupted and irregular. Measurements: Head and body 50 mm. Head length 15 mm. Head width 16 mm. Head height 7 mm. Eye 5 min. Interorbital space 3 mm. Elbow to third finger 24 mm. Femur length 25 mm. Tibia length 25 mm. Tibia width 8 mm. Heel to fourth toe 36 mm. Foot 25 mm. Variations Geographical variation in snout shape, size of tympanum and pattern of dorsum, belly and lower surface of the thighs was recognized in the past like other taxon, Larval morphology Its general shape is rhomboid, being the body rounded and compressed with large eyes, laterally located. The nostrils appear very closed and dorsal, near the tip of the protruding snout. The dorsal fin is high, entering onto the back and reaching as a rather unusual crest the extreme cephalic portion of the larva. Dorsal and ventral fins end in an acuminate tip, in which the narrower part of the caudal muscuIature is lodged. The spiracle is dorso-lateral and sinistral, opening upward in the posterior half of the body; the cloaca is medial, opening as a large inverted funnel on the anterior border of the ventral fin. The fine furrows of the lateral line system are still evident at this stage, disappearing at the stage 42 of Gosner (1960). Body and tail are largely scattered with close dark spots, being the tail paler by the presence of creamish dots. Mouth with marginal labial folds are crowded by small rounded papillae; the median part of the upper lip is bare. The tooth rows formula is usually: 2/3(1). Tadpoles reached up to 168 mm in length.
- مؤلف
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- محرر
- Diego Arrieta