Associated Forest Cover
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust develops and grows best in cove or mixed mesophytic
forests of the central and southern Appalachian Region. These
forests are usually highly productive and characterized by a
large and variable number of species. The species is often a
component of mature forest on such sites but is seldom very
abundant. Black locust is listed as a component of the Mixed
Mesophytic Forest (6). In the Cumberland Mountains of Kentucky,
it made up about 1 percent of the mixed mesophytic forest on
north and south slopes but is considered as more properly
belonging to other communities and as a relict from preceding
stages or accidentals from nearby unlike communities. It is not
listed as a component of oak-hickory forest in the Ozark and
Ouachita Highlands or of oak-chestnut forest in the southern
Appalachians but is listed as an associate of shortleaf pine (Pinus
echinata) and Table Mountain pine (P. pungens) in the
oak-pine communities of the oak-chestnut forest region.
In the forest cover type Black Locust (Society of American
Foresters Type 50) the species is in pure stands or makes up the
majority of stocking (15). Black locust is listed as an associate
in only two other types: Yellow-Poplar (Type 57) and
Yellow-Poplar-White Oak-Northern Red Oak (Type 59). Black locust
is a pioneer type, usually man-influenced, and temporary. It
follows disturbances and may be natural or planted. The type is
found locally throughout the Eastern United States and in
southern Canada. Black locust makes up a majority of the stand
during early stages but is short lived and seldom matures to a
sawtimber stand. A wide variety of species become associated with
black locust and usually replace most of it. On good sites,
single trees or small groups may persist, grow to a large size,
and form a small part of the ultimate canopy layer.
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المقدمة من Silvics of North America
The native range of black locust is classified as humid, with two
local areas of superhumid climate (43). The range includes the
cool temperate moist forest, warm temperate montane moist forest,
warm temperate montane wet forest, and warm temperate moist
forest life zones (38).
Native black locust appears under the following ranges of climatic
conditions (45). January normal daily temperatures: maximum, 2°
to 13° C (36° to 55° F); minimum, -7° to 2°
C (20° to 36° F); average -4° to 7° C (25°
to 45° F); August normal daily temperatures: maximum, 27°
to 32° C (81° to 90° F); minimum, 13° to 21°
C (55° to 70° F); average, 18° to 27° C (64°
to 81° F); mean length of frost-free period, 150 to 210
days; normal annual total precipitation, 1020 to 1830 mm (40 to
72 in); mean annual total snowfall, 5 to 152 em (2 to 60 in).
Black locust has been successfully introduced into many parts of
the world where the climatic conditions are different from those
of its native range.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Damaging Agents
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust is severely damaged by
insects and disease, probably more than any other eastern
hardwood species. Ubiquitous attacks by the locust borer (Megcallene
robiniae) and by the heart rot fungi Phellinus rimosus
or Polyporus robiniophilus make growing black locust
for timber production impractical. Locust borer larvae construct
feeding tunnels throughout the wood, and the holes serve as entry
points for heart rot fungi that cause extensive wood decay.
Locust borer attacks can begin at a young age and damage can be so
extensive that trees are not suitable for fence posts. Many
plantations planted in reclamation projects were seriously
damaged, but more trees could be used if cut as soon as they
reach post or mine-prop size. Slow-growing trees on poor sites
are most susceptible to borer attack. On sites where tree vigor
is low, repeated attacks often reduce black locust to sprout
clumps. Damage to the sprouts is often as severe as in the
original stem (37).
Outbreaks of the locust leafminer (Odontota dorsalis)
occur almost yearly. Black locust trees throughout an entire
region are often defoliated, and during years of low rainfall
many are killed. Attacks by the locust twig borer (Ecdytolopha
insiticiana) occur over a wide area and in heavily infested
areas seedling mortality may be high. Black locust is attacked by
a wide variety of other insects that cause some degree of damage
Common diseases are heart rot and witches' broom disease, caused
by a virus, Chlorogenus robiniae. In the southern
Appalachians most large trees are infected with heart rot and
decay of trunk wood is extensive. In the Texas root-rot belt,
black locust is extremely susceptible to Phymatotrichum
omnivorum (21). In New Brunswick, plantings of black locust
are not recommended because of high mortality and dieback of
branches caused by Nectria cinnabarina and because of
superior performance by conifer species (40).
Although black locust is moderately frost hardy in the southern
and central Plains, cold weather damage has occurred in the
colder parts of its range (37). In the Appalachian region, it is
highly susceptible to frost damage (44). Although the species has
been reported to be very susceptible to fire damage, researchers
concluded that parts of a study area in Illinois would be rapidly
converted to black locust thickets if fire was the only
management tool used (2).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Flowering and Fruiting
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
The fragrant, whitish flowers,
borne in showy racemes, appear after leaf emergence in May or
June. The perfect flowers originate in the axils of current year
leaves and are pollinated by insects, primarily bees. The fruit
is a flattened, oblong pod that ripens during September and
October. The fruit opens on the tree and seeds are dispersed from
September to April (34).
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المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust is a variable species. Many cultural varieties have
been recognized, especially in Europe. Forty-nine varieties have
been tested in Hungary (23), and varieties have been selected
that increase wood production 18 to 32 percent and nectar
production 74 percent (31). In Korea, numerous studies have been
conducted on the development, morphology, and cytological
characteristics of spontaneous and colchicine-induced tetraploids
of black locust (24). Shipmast locust (Robinia pseudoacacia
var. rectissima), a clone of unknown origin, is
listed by Little as a natural variety (27). After protein
analysis and comparison; however, Huang and others consider
shipmast locust an ecological variant and believe that it should
not be given varietal status (22).
Selection and propagation of trees with superior vigor, form, and
resistance to borers have been attempted. The most promising
selections were tested in several States. Early results indicate
significant differences in borer attack between clones and
between sites; however, differences were small and may have no
practical application (33).
Four hybrids are recognized (27). These are crosses with Kelsey
locust, Robinia kelseyi Hutch. (R. x slavinii
Rehd.); New Mexico locust, R. neomexicana Gray
(R. x holtii Beissn.); clammy locust, R. viscosa Vent.
(R. x ambigua Poir.); and bristly locust, R. hispida
L. (R. x margaretta Ashe).
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Growth and Yield
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust is a mediumsized tree,
generally 12 to 18 m (40 to 60 ft) in height and 30 to 76 cm (12
to 30 in) in diameter. On better sites it may reach 30 m (100 ft)
in height and 122 cm (48 in) or more in diameter. The bole of
opengrown trees is usually short and separates at 3 to 5 m (10 to
15 ft) into several stout branches, but in stands on good sites
the bole is often clear and straight (18,19).
Young trees grow very fast on good sites, but the species matures
early and growth rate decreases rapidly after 30 years,
especially on poor sites (table 1). Sprouts grow more rapidly
than seedlings. Average yields from 27-year-old plantations in
the Central States were 126 m³/ha (1,800 ft³/acre,
1,100 posts/acre, or 4,100 bd.ft./acre). On the best sites, black
locust requires 15 to 20 years to produce post-size trees and 30
years to produce 20 cm (8 in) bolts (37). Little information is
available on the growth and yield of black locust in natural
stands, but numerous studies have documented its early growth in
reclamation plantings (5,7,11,20,37). In West Virginia, slope
percent, aspect, elevation, and extent of regrading accounted for
60 percent of height growth variation. Estimated annual height
growth on surface-mined sites was tabulated (8).
Table 1- Average size of plantation-grown black
locust in the Central States (37)
Site index at basde age
50 years
9.1 m or 30 ft
18.3 m or 60 ft
27.4 or 90 ft
Early growth information is available for black locust plantations
on abandoned fields in the Arkansas Ozarks (32). On the best
11-year-old plantations, heights ranged from 7.8 to 11.5 m (25.7
to 37.8 ft) and diameters ranged from 6.9 to 10.4 cm (2.7 to 4.1
in). Many of the plantations were complete failures, and
established plantations were often severely damaged by insects.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Reaction to Competition
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust is very sensitive to
competition and is classed as very intolerant of shade (44). It
is found in closed forest stands only as a dominant tree.
Reproduction is not successful until perturbations create
openings in which black locust, because of its rapid juvenile
growth, can compete successfully. In open areas, dense herbaceous
growth often prevents seedling establishment (37). On spoil banks
in Illinois, survival rate of planted black locust was 83
percent on sparsely vegetated sites but was only 31 percent on
densely vegetated sites (5).
Except for reclamation, most forest managers consider this tree a
weed species and a strong competitor against more desirable
species. Two years after clearcutting a mixed hardwood stand from
a good site on the southern Cumberland Plateau, 28 percent of all
woody stems taller than 1.4 in (4.5 ft) were black locust. Ten
years after clearcutting a high-quality hardwood stand in the
southern Appalachians, the number of free-to-grow black locust
had decreased but it was still the most abundant tree species
(28). Dense black locust thickets occupied at least 15 percent of
the area and suppressed the growth of more desirable species (4).
Frill treatment with 2,4,5-T controlled the thickets. Glyphosate
effectively controlled black locust in Christmas tree plantations
in Maryland (17).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Rooting Habit
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust ordinarily produces a shallow
and wide-spreading root system that is excellent for soil binding
but is also capable of producing deep roots. In the and
Southwest, trees may develop vertical roots from 6.1 to 7.6 m (20
to 25 ft) long (37). This deep rooting ability may explain why
black locust can grow in and lands much drier than its native
range. Radial root spread is about 1 to 1.5 times tree height
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seed Production
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust begins seed production at
about age 6 and produces good crops at I- to 2-year intervals.
Seed production is best between 15 and 40 years of age and
continues until age 60. Black locust yields 7 to 15 kg (15 to 33
lb) of seeds per 45 kg (100 lb) of fruit, and seeds average
52,900/kg (24,009/lb) (34,37).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seedling Development
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Because black locust has been widely
planted, the proper seed treatment and nursery practices are well
described. Dry seeds can be stored and retain their viability for
as long as 10 years if placed in closed containers at 0° to
5° C (32° to 41° F). Because seed coats are
impermeable, germination must be induced by scarification.
Soaking in concentrated sulfuric acid, soaking in boiling or
near-boiling water, and mechanical scarification have proved
successful. Germination is epigeal (34).
During seedling development, the first leaf appears within a week
after germination and is 8 to 10 cm (3 to 4 in) long after 2
months. The young stems are zig-zag, round to slightly angular,
and in the latter half of the first year develop pairs of thorns
from stipules at the base of leaf petioles (29). Black locust
seedlings grow rapidly when planted on good sites and competition
is sparse. Control of competition aids in the establishment and
growth of seedlings because black locust is intolerant of shade
and herbaceous competition. In plantations in the Tennessee
Valley, it was a very site-exacting species and grew poorly on
severely eroded sites (1). Average annual height growth of
5-year-old plantations ranged from 0.3 m (1.1 ft) on severely
sheet-eroded sites to 0.8 m (2.6 ft) on sites with little or no
erosion. In the Central States, annual height growth for the
first 10 years averaged 0.5 m (1.5 ft) on below-average sites but
was 1.2 m (4 ft) or more on good sites (37). Black locust can be
established on poor and disturbed sites. It has been widely
planted for erosion control along roadsides and for reclamation
of surface mine spoil banks. Throughout the Eastern and Central
States, reclamation plantings have been successful across a wide
range of spoil bank conditions.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Soils and Topography
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust grows naturally over a wide range of soils and
topography. The most common orders of soil within its native
range are Inceptisols, Ultisols, and Alfisols, and the most
common soil great groups are Hapludults, Paleudults,
Dystrochrepts, and Eutrochrepts (41). The species does best on
moist, rich, loamy soils or those of limestone origin and thrives
best on moist slopes of the eastern mountains below 1040 in
(3,400 ft) (18,21). In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park,
the upper elevational limit is 1620 ni (5,300 ft) (46). Black
locust has become established on a wide variety of disturbed
sites such as old fields or other cleared areas.
Black locust is very sensitive to poorly drained or compact
plastic soils. Excessively dry sites are also poor for the
species. Yellow, brown, or reddish-brown subsoils without
pronounced mottling are better than gray, bluish-gray, or yellow
subsoils mottled any color. Silt loams, sandy loams, and the
lighter textured soils are superior to clay, silty clay loams,
and the heavier soils. In the Central States, growth of black
locust plantations was found to be closely correlated to
plasticity, compactness, and structure of the subsoil, all of
which influence drainage and aeration. Growth was unfavorably
affected by insufficient or excessive drainage. Soil pH from 4.6
to 8.2 and the amount of mineral nutrients present showed no
relationship to growth. Growth was best on limestone-derived
soils and soils without pronounced subsoil development (37).
On West Virginia spoil banks, black locust was the most successful
species, but survival declined as slope increased. On slopes
greater than 25 percent, each 10 percent increase in slope
decreased survival 3.4 percent. On slopes steeper than 40
percent, growth was inversely related to slope steepness.
Survival was about 80 percent at elevations of 340 to 670 m
(1,100 to 2,200 ft). Above 670 m (2,200 ft), survival decreased
steadily with increasing elevation and at 1330 m (4,350 ft)
survival was less than 65 percent (7).
Although black locust has done well in mine spoil banks in the
Central States, it has failed consistently when planted on badly
eroded, compacted, clayey soils of the southern Appalachian
Region (21). In the Arkansas Ozarks, many plantations on worn out
and eroded fields were complete failures. On the southwestern
Coastal Plain of Arkansas, plantations on sites previously in
agricultural crops failed because of slow growth due to low soil
fertility, repeated attacks by the locust borer (Megacyllene
robiniae), and invasion of pine (32).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Special Uses
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Although black locust is not an important timber tree in the
United States, it is used for a wide variety of products and is
planted for many specialized purposes. It is used for fence
posts, mine timbers, poles, railroad ties, insulator pins, ship
timber, tree nails for wooden ship construction, boxes, crates,
pegs, stakes, and novelties. Pulp with satisfactory mechanical
properties can be made, particularly by the sulfate process (35).
It is also suitable for use in fuel plantations (14,16).
Black locust is widely planted in the United States, Europe, and
Asia for erosion control, reclamation of drastically disturbed
sites, windbreaks, nurse crops, amelioration of sites, honey
production, and ornamental use. Many early plantations on
severely eroded old fields were failures, but establishment on
spoil banks has been generally successful. Black locust is often
broadcast or hydroseeded with a mixture of herbaceous seed. The
most commonly used seeding rate is 2.2 to 3.4 kg/ha (2 to 3
lb/acre) (12).
Because of its soil-improving properties, black locust is often
planted in mixtures. Many species have been underplanted in black
locust stands. Success of such planting has been variable and
many factors have to be considered carefully (37). On mine spoil
in Illinois, black locust was a valuable nurse crop for black
walnut (Juglans nigra), silver maple (Acer
saccharinum), and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron
tulipifera), but not for cottonwood (Populus deltoides),
sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), or Osage-orange
(Maclura pomifera) (25). On surface-mined land in Kansas,
survival, growth, and form of black walnut were impaired when
planted with black locust (39).
Black locust was superior to other hardwoods in developing
wildlife habitat on mine spoils. It quickly provided cover, and
by 10 to 15 years native vegetation had established a dense
undergrowth (36). Its seeds are rated low as wildlife food but
are used to a limited extent by Northern bobwhite, other game
birds, and squirrels (30,42). White-tailed deer browse the young
growth, and a study in the southern Appalachians showed that 92
percent of the sprouts were browsed (13). Because older trees are
usually infected with heart rot, woodpeckers often construct
cavities in them. Nest cavities of the downy woodpecker, hairy
woodpecker, and common flicker have been found (9).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Vegetative Reproduction
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust sprouts readily from
both stump and roots, especially after being cut or damaged.
Although seedlings are produced, root suckers are most prevalent
in natural reproduction. Suckers usually appear in the fourth or
fifth year (37). In the southern Appalachians, dense thickets of
suckers develop in clearcuts (4,28).
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- USDA, Forest Service
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Black locust has a disjunct original range, the extent of which is
not accurately known. The eastern section is centered in the
Appalachian Mountains and ranges from central Pennsylvania and
southern Ohio, south to northeastern Alabama, northern Georgia,
and northwestern South Carolina. The western section includes the
Ozark Plateau of southern Missouri, northern Arkansas, and
northeastern Oklahoma, and the Ouachita Mountains of
central Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma. Outlying populations
appear in southern Indiana and Illinois, Kentucky, Alabama, and
Georgia (26). Black locust has been planted widely and has become
naturalized throughout the United States, southern Canada, and
parts of Europe and Asia.
-The native range of black locust.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Brief Summary
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Leguminosae -- Legume family
J. C. Huntley
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), sometimes called
yellow locust, grows naturally on a wide range of sites but does
best on rich moist limestone soils. It has escaped cultivation
and become naturalized throughout eastern North America and parts
of the West.
Black locust is not a commercial timber species but is useful for
many other purposes. Because it is a nitrogen fixer and has rapid
juvenile growth, it is widely planted as an ornamental, for
shelterbelts, and for land reclamation. It is suitable for
fuelwood and pulp and provides cover for wildlife, browse for
deer, and cavities for birds.
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- USDA, Forest Service