
Ethnobotanical Uses ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors
The pulp of the fruit is eaten fresh , made into juice, concentrates, jellies and sherbets in Thailand. It's leaves are also used as spice in Thai cusine. The common name for it in Thai is "makok." In the traditional medicine of Suriname its leaves are used to treat eye inflamation, diarrhea and venereal diseases. The roots, bark and leaves are also used medicinally in Ivory Coast and parts of Nigeria. Common names include: golden apple, java plum, jobo (Mexico and the Spanish speaking Caribean), yellow mombin or hog plum (English speaking Caribean), Spanish plum or gully plum (Jamaica), hogplum or Ashanti plum (Ghana), caja (Brazil), agbalumo (West Nigeria), udara (East Nigeria).
حقوق النشر
Amy Chang
Amy Chang
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EOL authors