
Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates


Body elongated, tapering to a point, confluent with the caudal fin posteriorly. Caudal fin very large and broad, rhomboidal, occupying about half the length of the body. Mantle fastened to the base of the siphon by an ovate, ear-shaped elevated cartilage, on each side, fitting into corresponding deep, circumscribed pits on the base of the siphon. Siphon with a bilabiate aperture, an internal valve, and a pair of dorsal bridles. Eyes large, with round pupils; lids free, thin, apparently with a very small anterior sinus. Arms very unequal, the ventral ones much the longest. Suckers small, in two regular rows. Tentacular arms long and round, tapering to the tips, shaped like a whip-lash, without any distinct club; the distal portion is covered nearly all around with exceedingly numerous and minute suckers, which leave only a very narrow, naked line along the outside. Pen narrow and bicostate anteriorly, very slender in the middle; posteriorly much larger, with a long tubular cone.

This remarkable genus differs so widely from all others hitherto described. that it will form the type of a new family (Mastigoteuthidæ), distinguished by the character of the tentacular arms and suckers, the pen, the connective cartilages, and simple eyelids.”

(Verrill, 1881: 100)

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NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates