Diagnostic Description
المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
Body moderately elongate, somewhat compressed. Lateral line scales 45-46. Mouth inferior, the overhanging snout blunt; maxilla barely reaching past eye, its posterior edge only slightly expanded. Two widely separated dorsal fins, the first with 8 feeble spines and second with I + 13-14. Anal fin with 3 spines and 11-12; length of second dorsal and anal fin bases about equal. Pectoral fins low on body, with 9 or 10 detached thread-like lower rays. Colour dull silvery, brownish to green on back shading to whitish ventrally; large, round, dusky spot about size of eye, often present below lateral line at level of first dorsal fin.
- Fischer, W.; G. Bianchi; W. B. Scott (eds.). - 1981 Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Atlantique centre-est; zones de pêche 34, 47 (en partie). Canada Fonds de Dépôt. Ottawa, Ministère des Pêcheries et Océans Canada, en accord avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture, Vol. 1-7: pag. var.
- Hureau, J.-C. - 1986 Polynemidae. In: P.J.P. Whitehead et al., (eds.). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (FNAM). Unesco, Paris, vol. III: 1205-1206.
- Njock, J. C. - 1990 Polynemidae. In: J.C. Quero et al., (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). Unesco, Portugal, vol. III: 865-867.
المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
Known from western coast of Africa; sporadically known from North Africa (Agadir, Tangier) and Oran (Mediterranean Sea); generally occurs only between the Canary Islands and Angola.
المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
To about 45 cm; common to 30 cm.
Brief Summary
المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
Occurs over sandy and muddy bottomsin shallow waters,frequently in brackish habitats.Feeding small fishes and crustaceans.
المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
Caught with beach seines, gillnets, and in shallow trawl hauls. The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 11 528 t. The countries with the largest catches were (3 292 t) and Senegal (3 016 t). Marketed fresh, dried salted or smoked; flesh very good eating and highly regarded.