Jasminum fluminense (Oleaceae) based on Acevedo 3839 from U.S. Virgin Islands. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Jasminum fluminense (Oleaceae) based on Acevedo 3839 from U.S. Virgin Islands. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Jasminum fluminense. Oleaceae
Photograph of Jasminum fluminense (Olacaceae)
Photograph of Jasminum fluminense. Oleaceae
Photograph of Jasminum sp. (Olacaceae)
Jasminum multiflorum (Oleaceae) based on Acevedo 10710 from Puerto Rico. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Jasminum multiflorum. Oleaceae
Jasminum multiflorum (Oleaceae) based on Acevedo 3854 from U.S. Virgin Islands. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Forestiera eggersiana (Oleaceae) based on Acevedo 3194 from U.S. Virgin Islands. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Forestiera eggersiana.
Photograph of Forestiera eggersiana.
Photograph of Forestiera segregata.
Chionanthus compactus (Oleaceae) based on Acevedo 1896 from US Virgin Islands. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Chionanthus compactus.
Chionanthus compactus (Oleaceae) based on Acevedo 2800 from U.S. Virgin Islands. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Chionanthus compactus.