Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis, an endangered lupine eater, This one from Indiana, while the specimen is not in great shape, at full resolution the scales and micro patterns are still beautiful
Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis, an endangered lupine eater, This one from Indiana, while the specimen is not in great shape, at full resolution the scales and micro patterns are still beautiful
Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis, an endangered lupine eater, This one from Indiana, while the specimen is not in great shape, at full resolution the scales and micro patterns are still beautiful
Shed skin from captive reared Endangered Karner Blue butterfly Lycaeides melissa samuelis
Catterpillar of Endangered Karner Blue butterfly Lycaeides melissa samuelis, almost ready to pupate ...a.k.a. a fatty
Catterpillar of Endangered Karner Blue butterfly Lycaeides melissa samuelis, almost ready to pupate ...a.k.a. a fatty
Catterpillar of Endangered Karner Blue butterfly Lycaeides melissa samuelis, almost ready to pupate ...a.k.a. a fatty
Pupae of endangered Karner Blue Butterfly Lycaeides melissa samuelis
The Endangered Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis
The Endangered Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis
The Endangered Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis
The Endangered Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis