Oxymonas - oxymonad flagellates with a club-shaped cell, (5-165 µm), and an anterior extensile rostellum terminated by a holdfast that attaches to the cuticle of the host intestinal intima. The four relatively short flagella are inserted in two pairs at the base of the rostellum. The crystalline axostyle originates at the base of the rostellum and divides in thin branches traversing the cell to the posterior end where it is surrounded by a sheath. The nucleus is situated at the base of the rostellum. Oxymonas jouteli showing the anterior rostellum, the nucleus and the posterior axostyle with an arrow-shaped end (protargol).
Oxymonas - oxymonad flagellates with a club-shaped cell, (5-165 µm), and an anterior extensile rostellum terminated by a holdfast that attaches to the cuticle of the host intestinal intima. The four relatively short flagella are inserted in two pairs at the base of the rostellum. The crystalline axostyle originates at the base of the rostellum and divides in thin branches traversing the cell to the posterior end where it is surrounded by a sheath. The nucleus is situated at the base of the rostellum. Oxymonas jouteli anterior rostellum, nucleus and subdivided posterior axostyle (protargol).
Pyrsonympha are oxymonad flagellates with a spirally twisted and contractile pyriform cell body of 20-150 µm according to species. Four to eight flagella wrapped around the cell body with a posterior trailing portion. Nucleus anterior or median; contractile axostyle arising at the anterior end and traversing the body to protrude posteriorly with a sheath. Anterior finger-like holdfast to attach to the cuticle of the termite gut. Phagocytoses wood particles. Several species such as P. vertens and P. flagellata from Reticulitermes and Hodotermopsis. Pyrsonympha vertens from Reticulitermes lucifugus grassei showing the anterior holdfast, the nucleus and adherent flagella along the cell body (phase contrast).
Central contractile axostyle, nucleus and adherent flagella (Immunofluorescence).
Central contractile axostyle and nucleus revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy.
Streblomastix strix Kofoid & Swezy, 1919, long and rod-shaped oxymonad flagellate (15-500 µm) which bears four long flagella inserted subapically at he base of a small holdfast. The cell surface is carved in deep spiral ridges (4 to 8) and covered with long rod-shaped bacteria. From Zootermopsis angusticolis (phase contrast).
Scanning EM showing the cell body covered with long rod-shaped bacteria and the four anterior recurrent flagella.
Oxymonad flagellates with a spirally twisted and contractile cell body of 20-100 µm in length and 3 -10 µm in breath. Four flagella arise at the anterior end and adhere to the cell body in gutters but have a posterior free portion. The nucleus is anterior or median and the cell is traversed by a contractile axostyle generally not protruding posteriorly. There is no developed anterior holdfast in contrast to Pyrsonympha. It phagocytoses wood particles, about six species, occuring in several termites such as Reticulitermes and Hodotermopsis species. Dinenympha exilis from Hodotermopsis sjoestedti, Giemsa.
Oxymonad flagellates with a spirally twisted and contractile cell body of 20-100 µm in length and 3 -10 µm in breath. Four flagella arise at the anterior end and adhere to the cell body in gutters but have a posterior free portion. The nucleus is anterior or median and the cell is traversed by a contractile axostyle generally not protruding posteriorly. There is no developed anterior holdfast in contrast to Pyrsonympha. It phagocytoses wood particles, about six species, occuring in several termites such as Reticulitermes and Hodotermopsis species. Dinenympha exilis from Hodotermopsis sjoestedti showing the central axostyle (left) and the four flagella adhering to the cell body (right) (immunofluorescence micrograph).
Scanning EM showing the adhering flagella to the twisted cell body with a posterior protruding axostyle