Depresin del EbroDistribucin: Marruecos, S de Francia y Pennsula Ibrica. En Aragn se distribuye de forma general por toda la regin, excepto las reas montaosas ms elevadas.Biologa y fenologa Hbitat: Muy abundante en el rea de estudio, forma extensos matorrales en enclaves ms o menos secos o bien se instala en claros de bosque (sobre todo en carrascales, pinares, quejigales, etc), campos abandonados, zonas incendiadas y eriales.Preferencia edfica: Basfila Rango altitudinal:70- 1700 mFenologa:Floracin ( Febrero ) Marzo - JunioFructificacin Abril - JulioForma Biolgica: FanerfitoExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
7 September 2002Teline monspessulana, Montpellier broom (Plant, Fabaceae), New Zealand: NaturalisedClear cut pine boundary, clearcut transect, R12Rotorua area, Bay of PlentyNZMS 260 U15 067 559
7 September 2002Teline monspessulana, Montpellier broom (Plant, Fabaceae), New Zealand: NaturalisedClear cut pine boundary, clearcut transect, R12Rotorua area, Bay of PlentyNZMS 260 U15 067 559
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 16. 2022Lat.: 44.80517 Long.: 14.41852Code: Bot_1464/2022_DSC7811Habitat: Stony pasture, almost flat terrain; open, dry, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground; elevation 156 m (510 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; west of the main road from town Cres to island Loinj, near road exit toward village Martinica, about 3 km north of village Belej, Rijeka region, Croatia.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262.
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 24. 2022Lat.: 44.81837 Long.: 14.39703Code: Bot_1470/2022_DSC00168Habitat: Stony phrygana (a low Mediterranean shrubland community with gaps in vegetation), almost flat terrain; open, dry, windswept, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground, elevation 200 m (650 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region.Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; east of village Martinica and of the local road toward settlement Grmov, about 1.5 km southeast of the settlement, near a pool of power lines; Rijeka region, Croatia EC.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262.
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 16. 2022Lat.: 44.80517 Long.: 14.41852Code: Bot_1464/2022_DSC7811Habitat: Stony pasture, almost flat terrain; open, dry, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground; elevation 156 m (510 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; west of the main road from town Cres to island Loinj, near road exit toward village Martinica, about 3 km north of village Belej, Rijeka region, Croatia.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262.
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 24. 2022Lat.: 44.81837 Long.: 14.39703Code: Bot_1470/2022_DSC00168Habitat: Stony phrygana (a low Mediterranean shrubland community with gaps in vegetation), almost flat terrain; open, dry, windswept, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground, elevation 200 m (650 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region.Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; east of village Martinica and of the local road toward settlement Grmov, about 1.5 km southeast of the settlement, near a pool of power lines; Rijeka region, Croatia EC.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 24. 2022Lat.: 44.81837 Long.: 14.39703Code: Bot_1470/2022_DSC00168Habitat: Stony phrygana (a low Mediterranean shrubland community with gaps in vegetation), almost flat terrain; open, dry, windswept, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground, elevation 200 m (650 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region.Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; east of village Martinica and of the local road toward settlement Grmov, about 1.5 km southeast of the settlement, near a pool of power lines; Rijeka region, Croatia EC.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 24. 2022Lat.: 44.81837 Long.: 14.39703Code: Bot_1470/2022_DSC00168Habitat: Stony phrygana (a low Mediterranean shrubland community with gaps in vegetation), almost flat terrain; open, dry, windswept, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground, elevation 200 m (650 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region.Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; east of village Martinica and of the local road toward settlement Grmov, about 1.5 km southeast of the settlement, near a pool of power lines; Rijeka region, Croatia EC.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 16. 2022Lat.: 44.80517 Long.: 14.41852Code: Bot_1464/2022_DSC7811Habitat: Stony pasture, almost flat terrain; open, dry, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground; elevation 156 m (510 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; west of the main road from town Cres to island Loinj, near road exit toward village Martinica, about 3 km north of village Belej, Rijeka region, Croatia.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262.
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 16. 2022Lat.: 44.80517 Long.: 14.41852Code: Bot_1464/2022_DSC7811Habitat: Stony pasture, almost flat terrain; open, dry, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground; elevation 156 m (510 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; west of the main road from town Cres to island Loinj, near road exit toward village Martinica, about 3 km north of village Belej, Rijeka region, Croatia.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262.
Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb., syn.: Genista dalmatica Bartl., Genista silvestris var. dalmatica (Bartl.) H. Lindb.Family: LeguminosaeEN: no name, DE: no nameSlo.: dalmatinska koeniica, CR: utica dalmatinska, dalmatinska utilovkaDat.: May 16. 2022Lat.: 44.80517 Long.: 14.41852Code: Bot_1464/2022_DSC7811Habitat: Stony pasture, almost flat terrain; open, dry, sunny place; calcareous, skeletal ground; elevation 156 m (510 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 12 -13 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil among rocks.Place: Adriatic Sea, island Cres; west of the main road from town Cres to island Loinj, near road exit toward village Martinica, about 3 km north of village Belej, Rijeka region, Croatia.Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica): In the genus Genista about 90 species are known growing in Europe, north Africa and west Asia. Many of them are very similar and their taxonomy is not yet univocally settled. Presently Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is a subspecies of Genista sylvestris. It is a 'dwarf'-bush (hamefit) and an endemic plant known only from Dinaric mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania and East Adriatic Sea shore and pertaining islands of Croatia. In addition, a few disjunct spots in Italy are also known. It is a plant of a dry, stony and sunny habitats (heliophyte) growing from sea level up to the highest mountain peaks in the region at 1.800 m altitude. On Adriatic island, in spite of the impression that it sometimes grows in apparently 'pure stone' terrain, it flowers abundantly. In the central part of the island Cres it is quite common and one should not have troubles to find it blooming in April and May. Watch on stem hairs. If they are pilose (long, soft, more or less straight) this is Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica, if they are adpressed to the stem, then you found its close relative Genista sylvestris ssp. sylvestris (which doesn't grow on Adriatic islands but on mainland). Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica is strictly protected by law in Croatia.Ref.:(1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 295. (2) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske (in Croatian language), Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 774.(3) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), kolska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 213.(4) T. Nikoli, M. Milovi, S. Bogdanivi, N. Jaspica, Endemi u Hrvatskoj flori, (in Croatian language), Alfa d.d., Zagreb (2015), pp 262.
Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Monkwood Green SSSI, (SO799604) Worcestershire
Monkwood Green SSSI, (SO799604) Worcestershire
Plana de Zaragoza: Zaragoza.(Espaa).Familia: FABACEAE (LEGUMINOSAE)Distribucin: Marruecos, S de Francia y Pennsula Ibrica. Suelo: BasfilaFloracin: ( Febrero ) Marzo - Junio Altitud: 7 - 1700 m