
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Ctenium aromaticum (Walt.) Wood, Class-Book ed. 1861 806. 1861.
Aegilops aromalicum Walt. Fl. Car. 249. 1788. (Type from South Carolina.)
Nardus scorpioides Lam. Tab. Encyc. 1: 152. 1791. (Type from America.)
Chloris monostachya Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 59. 1803. (Type from South Carolina, Michaux.)
Campulosus gracilior Desv. Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. 2: 189. 1810. (Based on Chloris monostachya
Michx.) Campulosus monoslachyus Beauv. Agrost. 64, 157, 158. 1812. (Based on Chloris monostachya
Michx.) Ctenium carolinianum Panzer, Denks. Akad. Miinch. 1813: Math. Phys. 311. 1813. (Type from
South Carolina.) Cam puloa gracilis Desv. Jour, de Bot. Desv. II. 1: 69. 1813. (Based on Chloris monostachya
Michx.) Monocera aromatica Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 1: 177. 1816. (Based on Aegilops aromalicum Walt.) Campuloa monostachya R. & S. Syst. Veg. 2: 516. 1817. (Based on Chloris monostachya Michx.) Cynodon monostachyos Rasp. Ann. Sci. Nat. 5: 303. 1825. (Based on Campulosus monoslachyus
Desv. [error for Beauv.]) Ctenium americanum Spreng. Syst. 1: 274. 1825. (Type from North America, Chloris monostachya
Michx., cited as synonym.) Campulosus aromaticus Trin.; Steud. Nom. Bot. ed. 2. 1 : 272, as synonym of C. monoslachyus Beauv.
1840. Chloris piperita Michx.; Steud. Nom. Bot. cd. 2. 1: 353, as synonym of Campulosus monoslachyus
Beauv. 1840. Rottboellia scorpioides Poir.; Steud. Nom. Bot. cd. 2. 2: 474, as synonym of Ctenium americanum
Spreng. 1841. Campulosus gracilis Bertol. Mem. Accad. Bologna 2: 602. 1850. (Type specimen from Alabama.) ^Campulosus gangitis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 764. 1891. (Based on Nardus gangitis L., taken up for
Ctenium aromaticum.) Campulosus aromaticus Scribn. Mem. Torrcy Club S; 45. 1894. (Based on Aegilops aromalicum
Walt.) iCienium gangitum Druce. Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 3: 416. 1914. (Based on Nardus
gangitis L., taken up for C. aromaticum.)
Culms den.sely tufted, erect, 1-1.5 meters tall, pubescent below the spike; sheaths shorter than the internodes, rounded on the back, scaberulous, the lower ones becoming shredded with age; ligule membranaceous, 1-3 mm. long, erose; culm-blades flat or involute, 5-10 cm. long, 1-3 mm. wide, glabrous or scaberulous, those on the innovations as much as 40 cm. long, 5 mm. wide, often rolled and tortuous; spike 5-15 cm. long, arcuate; first glume 2.5 mm. long, acuminate; second glume 5-7 mm. long, acute, scabrous between the nerves, the margins glabrous, the awn stout, awl-shaped, scabrous, 3-5 mm. long; first sterile lemma 3-5 mm. long, the margins ciliate at the middle, the awn straight, 2-3 mm. long; second sterile lemma 4-6 ram. long, with a tuft of hairs on the margins at the middle, otherwise glabrous or nearly so, the awn stout, curved, 4—5 mm. long; fertile lemma 4.5-5.5 mm. long, the margins ciliate at the middle, glabrous on the back, the awn 1-2 mm. long; reduced upper floret 3-4 mm. long, glabrous, nearly awnless.
Typ8 locality: South Carolina.
Distribution: Wet pine barrens on the Coastal Plain, New Jersey to Florida and Louisiana.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Albert Spear Hitchcock, Jason Richard Swallen, Agnes Chase. 1939. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(8). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora