
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Rondeletia martinicensis Krug & Urban; Urban, Symb. Ant. 1:
415. 1899.
Shrub, 3.5 meters high, the branches terete, densely fulvous-hirsute when young with short hairs; stipules triangular, emarginate and short-apiculate ; leaves opposite, the petioles 1.5-2.5 cm. long, the blades oval-elliptic, 13-20 cm. long, 7-9.5 cm. wide, acute at the base, cuspidate-acuminate at the apex, thick-chartaceous, short-hirsute along the costa, elsewhere sparsely pilose, or glabrate above, the lateral veins about 7 on each side, arcuate; inflorescence axillary, paniculate, 6-8 cm. long, many-flowered, the terminal flower of each cymule sessile, the others on pedicels 2-3 mm. long; bracts linear or linear-subulate; hypanthium tomentosehirsutulous; calyx-lobes 5, lance-linear, 1.5 mm. long, obtuse, slightly longer than the hypanthium; corolla densely retrorse-strigose outside, the tube cylindric, 6 mm. long, slightly ampliate above, the 5 lobes obovate-orbicular, one third as long as the tube or shorter, the throat naked; anthers included, the filaments very short; capsule didymous-globose, 6-7 mm. broad, short-pilose; seeds 1.5-2 mm. long, winged, the wing irregularly crenate or dentate.
Type locality: In forests, Fond St. Denis, Martinique. Distribution: Martinique.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Paul Carpenter Standley. 1918. RUBIALES; RUBIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 32(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora