
صورة Drypis spinosa subsp. jacquiniana Wettst. & Murb.

صورة Drypis spinosa subsp. jacquiniana Wettst. & Murb.


Slo.: linejev bodičnik - Cr: primorski mekinjak - Habitat: Stony dirt roadside, stony mountain slope, southeast oriented, calcareous ground, dry place, full sun, exposed to direct rain, wind exposed (bora), average precipitations ~ 800-1200 mm/year, average temperature 13-16 deg C, elevation 40 m (130 feet), Mediterranean phytogeographical region. - Substratum: stony soil. - Comment: Growing in low bushes, many plants present. Endemic species. Strictly protected by Pravilnik o proglaavanju divljih svojti zatićenim i strogo zatićenim, Urbroj: 532-08-01/1-05-07 (2005), Zagreb, Hrvatska (Regulations on protected and strictly protected species, Official Gazette 532-08-01/1-05-07 (2005), Zagreb, Croatia).

معلومات المصدر

حقوق النشر
2013 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
النص الأصلي
ملف الوسائط الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
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