
Scolopsis bilineata biofluorescence 2

صورة أبرميس مونوكل مُخلَّب


Description: English: Images of reef fishes fluorescing in their natural habitat captured with a Red Epic video camera at night in the Solomon Islands. A green fluorescing nemipterid (bream), Scolopsis bilineata, near a green fluorescing Acropora sp. coralhead. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083259.g005. Date: 9 January 2014, 03:18:50. Source: Sparks, J. S.; Schelly, R. C.; Smith, W. L.; Davis, M. P.; Tchernov, D.; Pieribone, V. A.; Gruber, D. F. (2014). "The Covert World of Fish Biofluorescence: A Phylogenetically Widespread and Phenotypically Variable Phenomenon". PLoS ONE 9: e83259. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0083259. Author: Sparks, J. S.; Schelly, R. C.; Smith, W. L.; Davis, M. P.; Tchernov, D.; Pieribone, V. A.; Gruber, D. F.

معلومات المصدر

حقوق النشر
Sparks, J. S.; Schelly, R. C.; Smith, W. L.; Davis, M. P.; Tchernov, D.; Pieribone, V. A.; Gruber, D. F.
Sparks, J. S.; Schelly, R. C.; Smith, W. L.; Davis, M. P.; Tchernov, D.; Pieribone, V. A.; Gruber, D. F.
journal (PLoS ONE). DOI (10.1371/journal.pone.0083259).
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