
Euphorbia helioscopia leaf1 (15361833191)

صورة جيجان


Description: Introduced, cool season, annual, erect or spreading herb to about 50 cm tall. All parts exude white sap when broken. Stems, 1-many, are slightly hairy in upper part; each stem with 3–5 terminal fertile branches - at first 3-branched and then dichotomously divided 1–3 times. Stem leaves are obovate to spathulate, 10–40 mm long; lower leaves of fertile branches similar to stem leaves but usually larger; upper leaves with lamina circular to elliptic, to 15 mm long and toothed. Cyathia are solitary in the base of the fork or 1–3 terminal, about 2 mm long and on short peduncles. a native of Europe and Asia, it is an occasional weed near habitation in NSW. Date: 25 September 2014, 12:49. Source: Euphorbia helioscopia leaf1. Author: Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia.

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Harry Rose
Harry Rose
Flickr user ID macleaygrassman
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