
صورة Plectrocnemia cryptoparamere Morse, Zhong & Yang

صورة Plectrocnemia cryptoparamere Morse, Zhong & Yang


Figure 3.Plectrocnemia cryptoparamere Morse, Zhong & Yang, sp. n., male genitalia. 3A left lateral view 3B ventral view 3C dorsal view 3D phallus, ventral view 3E phallus, left lateral view. ap.s. = apical setae of mesal plate of an inferior appendage; dig.pro. = digitate process of a mesal plate of an inferior appendage; inf.app. = inferior appendage; m.v.pro.pre.app. = mesoventral process of a preanal appendage; phtrl.scl. = phallotremal sclerite; pre.app. = preanal appendage; s.IX = sternum IX; t.IX = tergum IX; t.X = tergum X; v.m.pro.inf.app. = ventromesal process of an inferior appendage.

معلومات المصدر

حقوق النشر
John C. Morse, Hua Zhong, Lian-fang Yang
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Morse J, Zhong H, Yang L (2012) New species of Plectrocnemia and Nyctiophylax (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae) from China ZooKeys 169: 39–59
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