
صورة Subterbranchialia

صورة Subterbranchialia


Description: Chimaerids (ghost shark). These individuals are most similar to Hydrolagus affinis. Some individuals are paler and others are a darker purple. Some of the paler individuals appear to have vein-like markings extending vertically from the lateral line. In some individuals the dorsal spine is marginally shorter than the longest fin rays, but in other individuals the reverse is true. No clear pattern or delineation can be made between morphotypes and some individuals seem to be intermediate. Provisionally all of these affinis-like individuals are called Hydrolagus cf. affinis
Item Type: Image
Title: Hydrolagus sp.
Copyright: SERPENT
Species: Hydrolagus sp.
Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Mzia-2
Site Description: Seafloor
Depth (m): 1620
Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania
Habitat: Benthic Boundary
Rig: Deep Sea Metro I
Project Partners: BG Group, Oceaneering
ROV: Millennium 113
Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates
Deposited On: 04 February 2015

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