
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Enlinia exigua

MALE.—Length 0.8 mm; wing 1.1 mm by 0.4 mm. Front about twice as wide as high, dark metallic blue nearly obscured by brackish-brown pollen; face concolorous, narrowed below, eyes contiguous in lower half; anterior eye facets enlarged. Palpus and proboscis dark. Antenna black, segment 3 blunt, arista half again as long as face.

Mesoscutum shining metallic dark blue with slight pollen, pleura more brown; setae dark with pale reflections; 3 pairs of small acrostichals; 5 pairs of dorsocentrals, hind pairs longer; scutellum hind margin sharply rounded in middle, bristles as near each other as to sides.

Legs black with dark setae. Forecoxa with a few hairs anteriorly; forefemur (Figure 199) with rather long slender erect seta ventrally near base, about 6 long slender rather erect setae following along anteroventral surface; middle femur (Figure 201) with erect slender anteroventral at base followed by about 8 erect slender setae; middle tibia with 1 minute dorsal; hind tibia with 2 or 3 minute indistinct dorsals. Foretarsus (Figure 199) with segments 1 and 2 rather compressed, 3 flattened with stout black seta posteriorly, 4 and especially 5 broadened and flattened, lengths of segments from base as 7-5-4-4-6; middle tarsus as 10-6-4-3-7, segment 5 slightly enlarged; hind tarsus as 10-9-7-4-6.

Wing (Figure 200) elliptical, with evenly but shallowly rounded anal margin, clear; vein 2 evenly arched, curved distinctly forward at tip; vein 3 curved slightly, straightened at tip, ending just before wing tip; crossvein two-thirds to three-fourths as long as last of vein 5. Knob of halter black.

Abdomen (Figure 202) about as long as thorax, cylindrical to rather compressed, brown with blackish pollen above, setae dark; sternites without auxiliary genitalia. Hypopygium small, partly immersed in tip of preabdomen, brown, with pair of small black triangular lamellae below, each lamella bearing 8 or more long slender black setae; inner appendages pale, slender, longest pair with small hook on end.

FEMALE.—Not seen.

TYPE-DATA.—Holotype ♂ from Mexico: Oaxaca, Sierra Juarez, Route 175 at 100 km marker, rocks around roadside spring, in rain forest area, 18 May 1963, H. Robinson (USNM 70326). Paratype: same data as holotype, 1 ♂ .
citação bibliográfica
Robinson, Harold E. 1969. "A monographic study of the Mexican species of Enlinia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-62. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.25