
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Enlinia crinita

MALE.—Length 1.0 mm; wing 1.0 mm by 0.4 mm. Face and front dark metallic green with very slight pollen; eyes essentially contiguous below, anterior facets enlarged. Palpus and proboscis dark brown. Antenna black, segment 3 blunt, arista near half again as long as face.

Thorax metallic dark bluish green with slight pollen, pleura more brownish; setae dark; about 7 pairs of small acrostichals, 7 or 8 pairs of dorsocentrals; scutellum hind margin evenly rounded, bristles as near sides as middle.

Legs brown with rather pale trochanters; setae mostly dark. Forecoxa (Figure 35) with large bristle on inner anterior surface, only short hairs on rest of anterior surface; forefemur (Figure 35) rather thick toward base, a slender ventral seta at thickest part followed by a row of short black setae; middle femur (Figure 36) thickened at base, with a long stout seta at thickest part followed by about 6 stout erect setae, about 2 smaller less erect setae near tip; hind femur with ventral setae not much longer than dorsal; foretibia (Figure 35) gradually slightly widened toward tip; middle tibia (Figure 36) flattened and curved, with a few crowded erect setae ventrally near tip; hind tibia with a slightly larger seta near base and tip dorsally. Foretarsus (Figure 35) modified, segment 1 compressed with a sharp dark point ventrally, segment 2 very short, segment 3 slender with ventral spur constituting half its length, segment 4 about as long as spur of 3, last segment somewhat broadened distally; lengths of segments of middle tarsus from base as 6-3-3-2-3; hind tarsus as 8-6-5-4-5.

Wing (Figure 38) rather elliptical with middle of hind margin very straight and fringed, wing clear with brown veins; vein 2 slightly sinuous, diverging from vein 3 at tip; vein 3 nearly straight, bulging slightly forward; vein 4 diverging from 3rd for most of length, bulging backward in basal part and forward in distal part; crossvein nearly perpendicular to adjacent parts of vein 4, about half as long as last part of vein 5; vein 5 ending short of margin or continuing with only weak trace; vein 6 fused with anal margin which is narrowly brownish. Knob of halter blackish.

Abdomen (Figure 37) about as long as thorax, cylindrical, arching downward, blackish with slight metallic reflections, setae dark; sternite 4 bearing slender erect appendage that is forked near tip with each short tip recurved. Hypopygium rather large, capping tip of preabdomen and extending forward below, brown; lamellae small, triangular, with a few short stout black setae; inner appendages broad and flat, shining reddish brown, flanked by a short dark arm that expands apically into a very thin hyaline lamella.

FEMALE.—Differing from male by face over half as wide as antennal segment 1; forecoxa and fore- and middle femora with only small setae, middle tibia cylindrical with normal setae; foretarsus not modified, lengths of segments from base as 6-2-2-2-3; wing (Figure 39) with vein 4 more nearly straight, vein 5 reaching margin, hind margin evenly rounded and not long fringed.

TYPE-DATA.—Holotype ♂ and allotype ♀ from Mexico: San Luis Potosi, small ravine a few km south of Tamazunchale, on surface of moist limestone, 14 August 1962, H. Robinson (USNM 70288). Paratypes: same locality as holotype, 4–5, 13–14 August 1962, 2 ♂ and 6 ♀; San Luis Potosi, El Salto, river below upper falls, limestone deposits, 9 May 1963, 5 ♂; Veracruz, near Santiago Tuxtla, 26 May 1963, 2 ♂ and 2 ♀; Oaxaca, Rio Valle Nacional, 12 May 1963, 1 ♀; Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Botanic Garden, on cement aqueduct, 25 December 1962, 2 ♂ and 5 ♀; near Bochil, 23 May 1963, 1 ♀; near Pichucalco, 23 May 1963, 2 ♂ and 1 ♀; all collected by H. Robinson.
citação bibliográfica
Robinson, Harold E. 1969. "A monographic study of the Mexican species of Enlinia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-62. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.25