
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8. 1768
Zanlhoxylum fraxinifolium Marsh. Arbust. 167. 1785. Zanthoxylum fraxineum Willd. Berl. Baumz. 413. 1796. Zanthoxylum ramiflorum Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 235. 1803. Zanlhoxylum mite Willd. Enum. 1013. 1809. Thy lax fraxineum Raf. Med. Bot. 2: 114. 1830. Mioptrila odorata Raf. Am. Man. Mulb. 37. 1839.
An aromatic shrub, or sometimes a small tree, with a grayish or brownish bark and spreading branches which are armed with sharp, straight or sometimes curved brownish or blackish rather stout stipular prickles ; petioles terete or nearly so, slightly channeled above and on the rachis, more or less pubescent, commonly armed with a few slender pale prickles; leaves odd-pinnate, 1-3 dm. long; leaflets 3-11, ovate to oblong-ovate or oval, 1.5-8 cm. long, 0.7-3. 8cm. broad, acute, short-acuminate, obtuse, or occasionally emarginate at the apex, obliquely rounded or cuneate at the base, crenate or entire, deep-green above,
* These species are repeated in the key because the number of the sepals is doubtful. paler beneath, when young thinly velvety, less so in age, or glabrate, sessile or shortpetiolulate ; pellucid glands usually small, scattered, those between the teeth larger ; flowers in small, sessile, axillary cymes on the branches of the previous season, usually appearing before the leaves; staminate flowers: calyx wanting; petals 4 or 5, greenish or greenishyellow, oblong to oval, occasionally obovate, 2.5-3 mm. long, 1-1.5 mm. broad, fringed at the tip ; stamens 4 or 5, equaling or longer than the petals ; anthers elliptic to ovate ; ovary rudimentary; styles wanting; pistillate flowers: calyx wanting; petals oblong to oval, fringed at the tip ; gynoecium 2-5-carpellarv ; styles rather long ; stigmas capitate ; follicles ellipsoid, 4-6 mm. long, grayish or brownish, stipitate, glandular, the surface wrinkled or pitted ; seeds ovoid, 4-5 mm. long, black, shining, more or less wrinkled.
Type locality : Pennsylvania.
Distribution : Quebec and Ontario to Minnesota, Georgia, Alabama, and Oklahoma.
citação bibliográfica
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Zanthoxylum americanum ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST

Zanthoxylum americanum ye una especie d'árbol perteneciente a la familia de les rutácees. Ye un parrotal arumosu o árbol pequeñu nativu del centru y oriente d'Estaos Xuníos y Canadá. Puede crecer hasta los 10 metros d'altor.[1] Produz foliolos membranosos y recímanos de flores axilares.[1] La madera nun ye de gran valor comercial, pero los estractos d'aceite de la corteza utilizáronse na medicina tradicional y alternativa, y fueron estudiaos poles sos propiedaes antifúngicas y citotóxicas.[1]


La planta tien les fueyes pinnaes compuestes con 5-11 foliolos membranosos. Les inflorescencies son axilares en forma de recímanos.[1] Los biltos son peludos. Les fueyes de color verde escuru son arumoses, colos marxes crenaos.[1] Les bagues empiecen de color coloráu y camuden al azul y negru. Les flores son dioiques colos pétalos verde-amarellentaos.[2]


Alcuéntrase nel norte d'Estaos Xuníos y Canadá.[3]


Les camparines qu'utilicen la planta Zanthoxylum americanum como fonte d'alimentu de los sos bárabos inclúin a Papilio thoas, Papilio cresphontes y Papilio troilus.[4]

Usu melecinal

Dibuxo de plántulas
Vista de la planta

Un aceite esencial estrayíu de la corteza y les bayes de Zanthoxylum americanum utilizar con fines melecinales.[1][5] L'estractu puede actuar como un estimulante, y l'usu melecinal hestóricu haber utilizáu pal reumatismu crónicu, fiebre tifoideo, enfermedaes de la piel y l'impureza del sangre ... según pa trestornos dixestivos.[5] Grieve, diz: «Les bagues considérense entá más actives que la corteza, ye carminativo y antiespasmódico, y utilícense como un laxante y pa la dispepsia y la indixestión, un estractu fluyíu de los frutos dar en dosis de 10 a 30 gotes». La corteza hai usa pa los dolores de mueles, y un té de les bagues usóse pa dolores de gargüelu y como diuréticu.[6]

Hubo dellos estudios modernos de los componentes del aceite y les sos propiedaes antifúngicas[7] y los efeutos citotóxicos.[8] [9]


Zanthoxylum americanum describióse por Philip Miller y espublizóse en The Gardeners Dictionary: . . . eighth edition non. 2, nel añu 1768.[10][11][12]

  • Thylax fraxineum (Willd.) Raf.
  • Zanthoxylum fraxineum Willd.
  • Zanthoxylum fraxinifolium Marshall
  • Zanthoxylum mite Willd.
  • Zanthoxylum parvum Shinners
  • Zanthoxylum ramiflorum Michx.[13]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 Duncan, Wilbur H. and Marion B. Duncan. Trees of the Southeastern United States. Athens, Xeorxa: The University of Xeorxa Press, 76–77. ISBN 0820314692.
  2. Brown, Claud L.; L. Katherine Kirkman. Trees of Xeorxa and Adjacent States. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 163–164. ISBN 0881921483.
  3. «PLANTS profile for Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. (common pricklyash)». Natural Resources Conservation Service. United States Department of Agriculture. Consultáu'l 3 de xunetu de 2009.
  4. «NPIN: Zanthoxylum americanum (Common pricklyash)». Consultáu'l 3 de xunetu de 2009.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Grieve, Mrs. M.. en Mrs. C. F. Leyel: A Modern Herbal. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 70–71. ISBN 0880299215.
  6. Foster, Steven; James A. Duke. A Field Guide to Melecinal Plants: Eastern and Central North America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 238. ISBN 0395353092.
  7. N. Bafiyeboa. Antifungal constituents of Northern prickly ash, Mill. Phytomedicine, Volume 12, Issue 5, Pages 370-377
  8. Ju, Yong; Dr Cecil C. Still, John N. Sacalis, Jiangang Li, Chi-Tang Ho. Cytotoxic coumarins and lignans from extracts of the northern prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) 15. John Wiley & Sons, 441–443. Consultáu'l 3 de xunetu de 2009.
  9. Saqib, Q. N.; Y.-H. Hui, J. Y. Anderson, J. L. McLaughlin (11 Jan 2006). «Bioactive furanocoumarins from the berries of Zanthoxylum americanum». Phytotherapy Research (John Wiley & Sons) 4 (6). doi:10.1002/ptr.2650040604. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/112228703/abstract. Consultáu 'l 3 de xunetu de 2009.
  10. Zanthoxylum americanum en Trópicos
  11. «Zanthoxylum americanum», International Plant Names Index, Real Xardín Botánicu de Kew, Herbariu de la Universidá de Harvard y Herbariu nacional Australianu (eds.), http://www.ipni.org/ipni/idPlantNameSearch.do?id=775568-1
  12. Miller, Philip (1768). The Gardeners Dictionary: Containing the Best and Newest Methods of Cultivating and Improving The Kitchen, Fruit, Flower Garden, and Nursery; As also for Performing The Practical Parts of Agriculture: Including the Management of Vineyards, With The Methods of Making and Preserving Wine, According to the present Practice of The most skilful Vignerons in the several Wine Countries in Europe. Together With Directions for Propagating and Improving, From Real Practice and Experience, All Sorts of Timber Trees, Eighth, London: Printed for the Author.
  13. Zanthoxylum americanum en PlantList


  1. Anonymous. 1986. List-Based Rec., Soil Conserv. Serv., O.S.D.A. Database of the O.S.D.A., Beltsville.
  2. Gleason, H. A. 1968. The Choripetalous Dicotyledoneae. vol. 2. 655 pp. In H. A. Gleason Ill. Fl. N. O.S. (ed. 3). New York Botanical Garden, New York.
  3. Great Plains Flora Association. 1986. Fl. Great Plains i–vii, 1–1392. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence.
  4. Radford, A. Y., H. Y. Ahles & C. R. Bell. 1968. Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas i–lxi, 1–1183. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
  5. Reynel, C. 1995. Syst. Neotrop. Zanthoxylum 1–657. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Missouri---St. Louis, St. Louis.
  6. Scoggan, H. J. 1978. Dicotyledoneae (Saururaceae to Violaceae). 3: 547–1115. In Fl. Canada. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa.
  7. Small, J. K. 1933. Man. S.Y. Fl. i–xxii, 1–1554. Published by the Author, New York.
  8. Voss, Y. G. 1985. Michigan Flora. Part II Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci. 59. xix + 724.
  9. Wunderlin, R. P. 1998. Guide Vasc. Pl. Florida i–x + 1–806. University Press of Florida, Gainseville.

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Zanthoxylum americanum: Brief Summary ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST
Zanthoxylum americanum

Zanthoxylum americanum ye una especie d'árbol perteneciente a la familia de les rutácees. Ye un parrotal arumosu o árbol pequeñu nativu del centru y oriente d'Estaos Xuníos y Canadá. Puede crecer hasta los 10 metros d'altor. Produz foliolos membranosos y recímanos de flores axilares. La madera nun ye de gran valor comercial, pero los estractos d'aceite de la corteza utilizáronse na medicina tradicional y alternativa, y fueron estudiaos poles sos propiedaes antifúngicas y citotóxicas.

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Amerika zantoksilumu ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Ümumi yayılması

Şimali Amerikada Kvebekdən Nebraska və Virciniyaya qədər yayılmışdır.

Botaniki təsviri

8-12 m hündürlükdə yarpağını tökən, çoх iri olmayan ağac, bəzən koldur. Gövdəsinin qabığı açıq boz rəngdə olub, üzəri şişə oхşar çıхıntılarla örtülüdür. Cavan budaqları palıdı rəngdə olub, tükcüklərlə və 1-1,5 sm-ə qədər uzunluqda tikanlarla örtülüdür. Yarpaqları təklələkvari, 12-25 sm uzunluqdadır. Hər yarpaq tamkənarlı və dişli, 3-6 sm uzunluqda, 5-11 ədəd yumurtavarı və ya enli ellips formalı yarpaqcıqdan ibarətdir. Yarpaqcıqlar üstdən tünd yaşıl, altdan bir qədər açıq rəngli, tükcüklüdür. Tükcüklər əksərən damarların üzərindədir. Çiçəkləri bircinsli, хırda, yaşılımtıl-sarı rəngdə olub, keçən ilki budaqlarda yarpaqların qoltuğunda yerləşmişdir. Yarpaqlamadan qabaq çiçəkləyir. Qutucuq qaramtıl rəngdə olub, 5 mm diametrindədir. Toхumları qaradır. Aprel-may aylarında çiçəkləyir, meyvəsi avqust-sentyabrda yetişir.


Azərbaycanın düzən və dağətəyi zonalarında 2-3 m-ə qədər hündürlüyə qalхaraq sıх tikanlı kollar əmələ gətirir.

Azərbaycanda yayılması

Böyük Qafqazda təbii halda rast gəlinir.


Yaşıllaşdırmada canlı çəpərlərin salınmasında istifadə oluna bilər.


  • Tofiq Məmmədov, “Azərbaycan dendroflorasi” V cild, Baki, “Elm”, 2019, 370 səh.
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Zanthoxylum americanum ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Zanthoxylum americanum, és una espècie d'arbust o arbret aromàtic que és planta nativa dels Estats Units i el Canadà. És l'espècie de rutàcia que viu més al nord.[1] Pot arribar a fer 10 m d'alt..[2]

Originàriament aquesta espècie va ser descrita per Philip Miller el 1768,[3] Zanthoxylum americanum és l'espècie tipus del gènere Zanthoxylum .[4]



  1. «Zanthoxylum americanum». U.S. Geological Survey.
  2. Duncan, Wilbur H.; Duncan, Marion B. Trees of the Southeastern United States. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press, 1988, p. 76–77. ISBN 0-8203-1469-2.
  3. Plantilla:IPNI
  4. Miller, Philip. The Gardeners Dictionary: Containing the Best and Newest Methods of Cultivating and Improving The Kitchen, Fruit, Flower Garden, and Nursery; As also for Performing The Practical Parts of Agriculture: Including the Management of Vineyards, With The Methods of Making and Preserving Wine, According to the present Practice of The most skilful Vignerons in the several Wine Countries in Europe. Together With Directions for Propagating and Improving, From Real Practice and Experience, All Sorts of Timber Trees. Eighth. Londres: Printed for the Author, 1768.

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Zanthoxylum americanum: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Zanthoxylum americanum, és una espècie d'arbust o arbret aromàtic que és planta nativa dels Estats Units i el Canadà. És l'espècie de rutàcia que viu més al nord. Pot arribar a fer 10 m d'alt..

Originàriament aquesta espècie va ser descrita per Philip Miller el 1768, Zanthoxylum americanum és l'espècie tipus del gènere Zanthoxylum .

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Tandpinetræ ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA

Tandpinetræ (Zanthoxylum americanum) (af græsk: xanthos = "gul" + xylon = "træ") er en løvfældende plante, som enten bliver en stor busk eller et lille træ. Alle dele af planten er duftende: blade, bark og det gullige ved. Af barken udtrækkes der en duftende olie. Det danske navn skyldes, at den oprindelige befolkning i Nordamerika tyggede bark og frugter mod tandpine.



Tandpinetræ er en løvfældende busk eller et lille træ med en opret til opstigende vækst. Barken er først lysebrun med rødlige, parvist siddende torne. Senere bliver den mørkt gråbrun med kraftige, grå torne. Gamle grene og stammer får en grå og fint furet bark. Knækkede grene afgiver en stærk duft af citronskal. Knopperne sidder spredtstillet, og de er røde og uldhårede. Bladene er uligefinnede med 5-11 småblade, som er blanke og mørkegrønne med lyse kirtler på oversiden, men lysegrønne og dunhårede på undersiden. Blomstringen foregår i maj, dvs. før løvspringet. Blomsterne sidder samlet i små, tvebo stande ved bladhjørnerne. De enkelte blomster er grøngule, små og 4- eller 5-tallige. Frugterne er først røde og ved modning sorte bælgkapsler[1].

Rodsystemet består af kraftige hovedrødder og grove siderødder. Planten indeholder flere alkaloider (bl.a. chelerythrin, nitidin og temberatin) samt herclavin, asarinin, neoherculin, garvestoffer, harpiks og en skarp, æterisk olie.[2]

Planten kan i hjemlandet nå en højde på næsten 10 m. Bredden i kronen er dog ofte kun 5-6 m.


Tandpinetræ hører hjemme i den nordøstlige, østlige og midtvestlige del af USA, og den findes også i de canadiske delstater Ontario og Quebec. Overalt foretrækker den lysåbne til let skyggede voksesteder med kalkrig, men næringsfattig og veldrænet jordbund.

Arten findes i gamle blandingsskove på kalkbund i New Jersey. Her vokser den sammen med bl.a. disse træarter: Tulipantræ, amerikansk kristtorn, appalachisk eg, begfyr, blomsterkornel, blyantene, glansbladet hæg, poppelbirk, rødask og sort valnød[3] og desuden med bl.a. amerikansk blærenød, amerikansk celaster, feberbusk, Gaylussacia baccata (en art af bukkelbær), næbhassel, Rhododendron nudiflorum (en art af rododendron), rundbladet kornel, sommervin, Vaccinium vacillans (en art af blåbær), Viburnum acerifolium og Viburnum prunifolium (arter af kvalkved) samt virginsk troldnød[4]




  1. ^ Diana L. Immel: Plant Guide - Common Pricklyash, Zanthoxylum americanum - grundig beskrivelse af arten (engelsk)
  2. ^ P.R. Bradley: British Herbal Compendium, 2010, ISBN 9780903032148
  3. ^ Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey: Trees and Forests – let tilgængelig, turistpræget oversigt over træarterne (engelsk)
  4. ^ Donald W. Davidson: Geological substratum, shrub vegetation and floristic diversity of mature upland forest sites in northern New Jersey – kort, men grundig oversigt over sammenhængen mellem undergrund og vegetation (engelsk)

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Tandpinetræ: Brief Summary ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA

Tandpinetræ (Zanthoxylum americanum) (af græsk: xanthos = "gul" + xylon = "træ") er en løvfældende plante, som enten bliver en stor busk eller et lille træ. Alle dele af planten er duftende: blade, bark og det gullige ved. Af barken udtrækkes der en duftende olie. Det danske navn skyldes, at den oprindelige befolkning i Nordamerika tyggede bark og frugter mod tandpine.

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Zanthoxylum americanum ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE
Blätter und unreife Früchte
Weibliche Blüten

Zanthoxylum americanum oder das Zahnwehholz, -baum, Gelbholz,[1] auch die (Amerikanische) Stachelesche, ist eine Pflanzenart in der Familie der Rautengewächse aus den mittleren bis östlichen USA bis in östliche Kanada und ins nordöstliche Mexiko.


Vegetative Merkmale

Zanthoxylum americanum wächst als laubabwerfender, stacheliger Strauch bis über 3 Meter hoch oder selten als kleiner Baum bis über 7 Meter. Die Stacheln sind bis 6–12 Millimeter lang.

Die wechselständigen und gestielten Laubblätter sind unpaarig gefiedert mit bis zu 11 Blättchen. Der Blattstiel ist bis 6 Zentimeter lang. An der bis zu 24 Zentimeter langen Rachis und am Blattstiel können Stacheln vorkommen. Die Rhachis und der Blattstiel sind leicht behaart bis kahl.[2][3] Die sehr kurz gestielten, das Endblättchen länger, ganzrandigen bis leicht oder schwach gekerbten bis gesägten und eiförmigen, seltener verkehrt-eiförmigen, leicht ledrigen Blättchen sind bis etwa 7,5 Zentimeter lang. Sie sind leicht drüsig,[2] spitz bis zugespitzt und an der Spitze öfters stumpf bis eingebuchtet,[4] oberseits sind sie fast kahl, unterseits sind sie leicht behaart bis kahl. Das Laub riecht aromatisch.[5][6] Die zerriebenen Blätter duften nach Orange, gebrochene Zweige riechen nach Zitronenschale.[7] Die Herbstfärbung ist gelb.

Generative Merkmale

Zanthoxylum americanum ist funktionell zweihäusig subdiözisch, wobei meist weibliche und männliche Pflanzen vorkommen. Es kommen aber auch noch fruchtenden Pflanzen mit nur zwittrigen Blüten und solche mit zwittrigen und männlichen vor.[8] Die männlichen, weiblichen oder zwittrigen Blüten erscheinen in kleinen, achselständigen Büscheln vor den Blättern. Die kleinen, 4–5-zähligen, gestielten Blüten mit einfacher Blütenhülle sind ohne Kelchblätter. Die aufrechten Kronblätter sind grünlich-gelb bis rötlich und an der Spitze fransig. Die weiblichen Blüten besitzen bis zu 5 oberständige, fast freie und kurz gestielte Stempel, die männlichen bis zu 5 Staubblätter und reduzierte Pistillode. In den weiblichen Blüten können reduzierte Staminodien vorkommen.[9] Die meisten zwittrigen Blüten erscheinen fast wie die funktionell männlichen, es gibt aber auch welche bei denen die Stempel größer sind, wie in den weiblichen.[8] Es ist jeweils ein Diskus vorhanden.

Es werden kleine, 5–8 Millimeter große, meist ein- bis zweisamige, rote später bräunlich eintrocknende, rundliche, leicht fleischige, weichledrige und drüsig-nopplige,[2] aromatische[10] Balgfrüchte gebildet. Sie erscheinen einzeln oder meist in einer Sammelbalgfrucht. Die rundlichen bis ellipsoiden, glänzenden, etwa 3,5–4,5 Millimeter großen Samen sind schwärzlich mit dünner, leicht fleischiger, weichlicher Samenschale. Sie hängen nach dem Öffnen der Früchte am Funiculus heraus.[11] Die Früchte werden teils auch apomiktisch produziert, auch ist ein kleiner Teil nur klein und samenlos, stenospermokarp.[8]


Die Früchte können als Pfefferersatz verwendet werden, ähnlich dem Szechuanpfeffer.

Die Rinde,[1][12] Früchte und Wurzeln werden medizinisch genutzt.[13]

Das mittelschwere Holz ist weich und wird wenige verwendet.


  • Asa Gray: The Botanical Text-Book. Second Edition, Wiley and Putnam, 1845, S. 370 f.
  • Asa Gray: The Genera of the Plants of the United States. Vol. II, Putnam, 1849, S. 147 f, Plate 156, online auf biodiversitylibrary.org.
  • A. von Villers, F. von Thümen: Die Pflanzen des homöopathischen Arzneischatzes. Erster Band, Baensch, 1893, S. 452 f.
  • Leopold Dippel: Handbuch der Laubholzkunde. Zweiter Teil, Parey, 1892, S. 346 f.
  • David A. Munter, James J. Luby, Neil O. Anderson: Reproductive Biology in Northern Prickly Ash. In: Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 143(1), 2018, S. 72–83, doi:10.21273/JASHS04280-17.
  • Robert K. Godfrey: Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines… University of Georgia Press, 1988, ISBN 0-8203-1035-2, S. 611 ff.
  • James S. Fralish, Scott B. Franklin: Taxonomy and Ecology of Woody Plants in North American Forests. Wiley, 2002, ISBN 0-471-16158-6, S. 408 f.


  1. a b P. H. List, L. Hörhammer: Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Auflage, Sechster Band: Chemikalien und Drogen Teil C: T–Z, Springer, 1979, ISBN 978-3-642-67086-2 (Reprint), S. 548 f.
  2. a b c Robert K. Godfrey
  3. James S. Fralish, Scott B. Franklin
  4. Leopold Dippel
  5. Woody-Plant Seed Manual. No. 654, USDA, 1948, S. 376 f.
  6. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agriculture Handbook 727, USDA, 2008, S. 1180 ff.
  7. Useful Temperate Plants
  8. a b c David A. Munter, James J. Luby, Neil O. Anderson
  9. The Ohio Journal of Science. Volume XVIII, 1917–1918, S. 125.
  10. Botanical Gazette. Vol. 2, No. 12, 1877, S. 146, online auf biodiversitylibrary.org.
  11. Asa Gray: 1845 und 1849.
  12. Zanthoxylum americanum bei Therapeutika.
  13. Zanthoxylum americanum bei Henriette's Herbal.
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wikipedia DE

Zanthoxylum americanum: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE
 src= Illustration  src= Blätter und unreife Früchte  src= Weibliche Blüten  src= Früchte

Zanthoxylum americanum oder das Zahnwehholz, -baum, Gelbholz, auch die (Amerikanische) Stachelesche, ist eine Pflanzenart in der Familie der Rautengewächse aus den mittleren bis östlichen USA bis in östliche Kanada und ins nordöstliche Mexiko.

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Zanthoxylum americanum ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Zanthoxylum americanum, the common prickly-ash, common pricklyash, common prickly ash or northern prickly-ash (also sometimes called toothache tree, yellow wood, or suterberry), is an aromatic shrub or small tree native to central and eastern portions of the United States and Canada. It is the northernmost New World species in the citrus family, Rutaceae, and is the type species in its genus, which includes sichuan pepper.[2] It can grow to 10 meters (33 ft) tall with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of 15 cm (5.9 in).[3] It produces membranous leaflets and axillary flower clusters.[3] The wood is not commercially valuable, but oil extracts from the bark have been used in traditional and alternative medicine, and have been studied for antifungal and cytotoxic properties.[3] The genus name is sometimes spelled Xanthoxylum.

Alternative names and taxonomy

Zanthoxylum parvum, known vernacularly as Shinners' tickletongue and small prickly-ash is considered by some botanists to be an isolated and aberrant population of Zanthoxylum americanum.

Originally described by Scottish botanist Philip Miller in 1768,[4] Zanthoxylum americanum is type species of the wide-ranging genus Zanthoxylum in the plant family Rutaceae, which includes many species with aromatic foliage. Miller, who spelled the name Xanthoxylum, described the plant in the eighth edition of his Gardeners Dictionary, as "grow[ing] naturally in Pensylvania [sic] and Maryland".[5]


The plant has pinnately compound leaves with 5–11 membranous leaflets. It has axillary flower and fruit clusters.[3] The buds are hairy. The dark green leaves are bitter-aromatic, with crenate margins.[3][6] The stalked follicles are green and then turn red[6] through deep blue through black.[3][7] Flowers are dioecious, with yellow-green petals.[8]

Flowers appear as umbrella-like clusters from 2–12 in small terminal to axillary umbellate clusters. They are imperfect with pedicels 2–4 m long; there are 4–5 petals, elliptic to ovate-oblong 1.6–1.9 mm long and have green with reddish hairs near the tips; stamens 5; ovary with 2–5 carpels. The fruit is a follicle, with 2 seeds per carpel.

Distribution and conservation status

Zanthoxylum americanum berries

Rare in the South, it is more common in the northern United States.[3] In the United States, it occurs in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Vermont, Wisconsin and West Virginia; the species also occurs in Ontario and Quebec in Canada.[9] The species is listed as Endangered in Florida, Maryland, and New Hampshire; and as Special Concern in Tennessee.[9]

Butterflies that use Zanthoxylum americanum as a larval food source include the Thoas swallowtail (Papilio thoas), giant swallowtail (P. cresphontes), and spicebush swallowtail (P. troilus).[6]

This plant was known to the indigenous peoples of the region. It was first described to Europeans by John Bartram in his travels and plant collecting excursions.

Zanthoxylum parvum


Underlies of maple-oak woodlands or dense growth of small trees like evergreen oak on rocky, often shallow, well-drained, tuff or other igneous rock, at elevations of 1,350–1,750 metres (4,430–5,740 ft).

The understory is primarily native bunchgrasses with a mix of other cacti and herbaceous species. In shaded dense areas, the ground is sparsely inhabited with vegetation but covered with dense leaf litter.


Zanthoxylum parvum flowers in late March until early April, before its leaves have expanded fully. Although foliage is present throughout most of the year it eventually becomes deciduous and turns yellow in mid-October.


Zanthoxylum parvum is a rare and poorly understood plant from a few populations in the Davis Mountains

Medicinal use

Seedling drawing


An oil extracted from the bark and follicles of the prickly-ash (both this species and Zanthoxylum clava-herculis) has been used in herbal medicine.[3][7] The extract may act as a stimulant, and historic medicinal use has included use "for chronic rheumatism, typhoid and skin diseases and impurity of the blood..." as well as for digestive ailments.[7] Grieve states, "The berries are considered even more active than the bark, being carminative and antispasmodic, and are used as an aperient and for dyspepsia and indigestion; a fluid extract of the berries being given in doses of 10 to 30 drops."[7] The bark has been chewed for toothaches, and a tea from the follicles has been used for sore throats and as a diuretic.[10] As noted by Michael Dirr, in his Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, "Supposedly the stems and fruits were chewed by the Indians to alleviate toothache for the acrid juice has a numbing effect."[11]

Modern studies and uses

There have been some modern studies of the oil's chemical constituents and their antifungal[12] and cytotoxic effects.[13][14]

In 2012, a Pennsylvania distillery introduced a bitters called Bartram's Bitters that uses prickly ash bark as one of several botanical ingredients. The concoction was based on a recipe for "Bartram's Homestead Bitters" that was found in a book that belonged to the family of botanist John Bartram.[15]


See also


  1. ^ Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI).; IUCN SSC Global Tree Specialist Group (2018). "Zanthoxylum americanum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T135956405A135956407. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T135956405A135956407.en. Retrieved November 19, 2021.
  2. ^ "Zanthoxylum americanum" (PDF) (range map). U.S. Geological Survey.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Duncan, Wilbur H.; Duncan, Marion B. (1988). Trees of the Southeastern United States. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press. pp. 76–77. ISBN 0-8203-1469-2.
  4. ^ "Zanthoxylum americanum". International Plant Names Index (IPNI). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries; Australian National Botanic Gardens. Retrieved July 5, 2009.
  5. ^ Miller, Philip (1768). The Gardeners Dictionary: Containing the Best and Newest Methods of Cultivating and Improving The Kitchen, Fruit, Flower Garden, and Nursery; As also for Performing The Practical Parts of Agriculture: Including the Management of Vineyards, With The Methods of Making and Preserving Wine, According to the present Practice of The most skilful Vignerons in the several Wine Countries in Europe. Together With Directions for Propagating and Improving, From Real Practice and Experience, All Sorts of Timber Trees (Eighth ed.). London: Printed for the Author.
  6. ^ a b c "NPIN: Zanthoxylum americanum (Common pricklyash)". Retrieved July 3, 2009.
  7. ^ a b c d Grieve, Mrs. M. (1996) [1973]. Leyel, Mrs. C. F. (ed.). A Modern Herbal. New York: Barnes & Noble Books. pp. 70–71. ISBN 0-88029-921-5.
  8. ^ Brown, Claud L.; Kirkman, L. Katherine (1990). Trees of Georgia and Adjacent States. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. pp. 163–164. ISBN 0-88192-148-3.
  9. ^ a b "PLANTS profile for Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. (common pricklyash)". Natural Resources Conservation Service. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved July 3, 2009.
  10. ^ Foster, Steven; Duke, James A. (1990). A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants: Eastern and Central North America. The Peterson Field Guide Series. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. 238. ISBN 0-395-35309-2.
  11. ^ Dirr, Michael A. (2009). Manual of woody landscape plants : their identification, ornamental characteristics, culture, propagation and uses (6th ed., Rev. ed.). Champaign, Illinois: Stipes Publishing. ISBN 978-1588748683.
  12. ^ Bafiyeboa, N. (May 2005). "Antifungal constituents of Northern prickly ash, Mill". Phytomedicine. 12 (5): 370–377. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2003.12.005. PMID 15957372.
  13. ^ Ju, Yong; Still, Cecil C.; Sacalis, John N.; Li, Jiangang; Ho, Chi-Tang (July 30, 2001). "Cytotoxic coumarins and lignans from extracts of the northern prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum)". Phytotherapy Research. John Wiley & Sons. 15 (5): 441–443. doi:10.1002/ptr.686. PMID 11507740. S2CID 26958006. Retrieved July 3, 2009.
  14. ^ Saqib, Q. N.; Hui, Y.-H.; Anderson, J. E.; McLaughlin, J. L. (January 11, 2006). "Bioactive furanocoumarins from the berries of Zanthoxylum americanum". Phytotherapy Research. John Wiley & Sons. 4 (6): 216–219. doi:10.1002/ptr.2650040604. S2CID 84567279. Archived from the original on October 16, 2012. Retrieved July 3, 2009.
  15. ^ Nichols, Rick (May 25, 2012). "The resurrection of Bartram's Bitters". Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved May 23, 2021.

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Zanthoxylum americanum: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Zanthoxylum americanum, the common prickly-ash, common pricklyash, common prickly ash or northern prickly-ash (also sometimes called toothache tree, yellow wood, or suterberry), is an aromatic shrub or small tree native to central and eastern portions of the United States and Canada. It is the northernmost New World species in the citrus family, Rutaceae, and is the type species in its genus, which includes sichuan pepper. It can grow to 10 meters (33 ft) tall with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of 15 cm (5.9 in). It produces membranous leaflets and axillary flower clusters. The wood is not commercially valuable, but oil extracts from the bark have been used in traditional and alternative medicine, and have been studied for antifungal and cytotoxic properties. The genus name is sometimes spelled Xanthoxylum.

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Zanthoxylum americanum ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Zanthoxylum americanum es una especie de árbol perteneciente a la familia de las rutáceas. Es un arbusto aromático o árbol pequeño nativo del centro y oriente de Estados Unidos y Canadá. Puede crecer hasta los 10 metros de altura.[1]​ Produce foliolos membranosos y racimos de flores axilares.[1]​ La madera no es de gran valor comercial, pero los extractos de aceite de la corteza se han utilizado en la medicina tradicional y alternativa, y han sido estudiados por sus propiedades antifúngicas y citotóxicas.[1]


La planta tiene las hojas pinnadas compuestas con 5-11 foliolos membranosos. Las inflorescencias son axilares en forma de racimos.[1]​ Los brotes son peludos. Las hojas de color verde oscuro son aromáticas, con los márgenes crenados.[1]​ Las bayas comienzan de color rojo y cambian al azul y negro. Las flores son dioicas con los pétalos verde-amarillentos.[2]


Se encuentra en el norte de Estados Unidos y Canadá.[3]


Las mariposas que utilizan la planta Zanthoxylum americanum como fuente de alimento de sus larvas incluyen a Papilio thoas, Papilio cresphontes y Papilio troilus.[4]

Uso medicinal

Dibujo de plántulas
Vista de la planta

Un aceite esencial extraído de la corteza y las bayas de Zanthoxylum americanum se utiliza con fines medicinales.[1][5]​ El extracto puede actuar como un estimulante, y el uso medicinal histórico lo ha utilizado para el reumatismo crónico, fiebre tifoidea, enfermedades de la piel y la impureza de la sangre ... así como para trastornos digestivos.[5]​ Grieve, dice: «Las bayas se consideran aún más activas que la corteza, es carminativo y antiespasmódico, y se utilizan como un laxante y para la dispepsia y la indigestión, un extracto fluido de los frutos se da en dosis de 10 a 30 gotas». La corteza ha usa para los dolores de muelas, y un té de las bayas se ha usado para dolores de garganta y como diurético.[6]

Ha habido algunos estudios modernos de los componentes del aceite y sus propiedades antifúngicas[7]​ y los efectos citotóxicos.[8][9]


Zanthoxylum americanum fue descrita por Philip Miller y publicado en The Gardeners Dictionary: . . . eighth edition no. 2, en el año 1768.[10][11][12]

  • Thylax fraxineum (Willd.) Raf.
  • Zanthoxylum fraxineum Willd.
  • Zanthoxylum fraxinifolium Marshall
  • Zanthoxylum mite Willd.
  • Zanthoxylum parvum Shinners
  • Zanthoxylum ramiflorum Michx.[13]


  1. a b c d e f Duncan, Wilbur H. and Marion B. Duncan (1988). Trees of the Southeastern United States. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press. pp. 76–77. ISBN 0820314692.
  2. Brown, Claud L.; L. Katherine Kirkman (1990). Trees of Georgia and Adjacent States. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. pp. 163-164. ISBN 0881921483. La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
  3. «PLANTS profile for Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. (common pricklyash)». Natural Resources Conservation Service. United States Department of Agriculture. Consultado el 3 de julio de 2009.
  4. «NPIN: Zanthoxylum americanum (Common pricklyash)». Consultado el 3 de julio de 2009.
  5. a b Grieve, Mrs. M. (1931, revised 1973, republished 1996). Mrs. C. F. Leyel, ed. A Modern Herbal. Nueva York: Barnes & Noble Books. pp. 70–71. ISBN 0880299215.
  6. Foster, Steven; James A. Duke (1990). A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants: Eastern and Central North America. The Peterson Field Guide Series. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. 238. ISBN 0395353092. La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
  7. N. Bafiyeboa. Antifungal constituents of Northern prickly ash, Mill. Phytomedicine, Volume 12, Issue 5, Pages 370-377
  8. Ju, Yong; Dr Cecil C. Still, John N. Sacalis, Jiangang Li, Chi-Tang Ho (30 de julio de 2001). «Cytotoxic coumarins and lignans from extracts of the northern prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum. Phytotherapy Research 15 (5) (John Wiley & Sons). pp. 441-443. PMID 11507740. doi:10.1002/ptr.686. Consultado el 3 de julio de 2009. La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
  9. Saqib, Q. N.; Y.-H. Hui, J. E. Anderson, J. L. McLaughlin (11 de enero de 2006). «Bioactive furanocoumarins from the berries of Zanthoxylum americanum». Phytotherapy Research (John Wiley & Sons) 4 (6): 216-219. doi:10.1002/ptr.2650040604. Archivado desde el original el 16 de octubre de 2012. Consultado el 3 de julio de 2009. La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
  10. Zanthoxylum americanum en Trópicos
  11. «Zanthoxylum americanum». International Plant Names Index. Real Jardín Botánico de Kew, Herbario de la Universidad de Harvard y Herbario nacional Australiano (eds.).
  12. Miller, Philip (1768). The Gardeners Dictionary: Containing the Best and Newest Methods of Cultivating and Improving The Kitchen, Fruit, Flower Garden, and Nursery; As also for Performing The Practical Parts of Agriculture: Including the Management of Vineyards, With The Methods of Making and Preserving Wine, According to the present Practice of The most skilful Vignerons in the several Wine Countries in Europe. Together With Directions for Propagating and Improving, From Real Practice and Experience, All Sorts of Timber Trees (Eighth edición). Londres: Printed for the Author.
  13. Zanthoxylum americanum en PlantList

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wikipedia ES

Zanthoxylum americanum: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Zanthoxylum americanum es una especie de árbol perteneciente a la familia de las rutáceas. Es un arbusto aromático o árbol pequeño nativo del centro y oriente de Estados Unidos y Canadá. Puede crecer hasta los 10 metros de altura.​ Produce foliolos membranosos y racimos de flores axilares.​ La madera no es de gran valor comercial, pero los extractos de aceite de la corteza se han utilizado en la medicina tradicional y alternativa, y han sido estudiados por sus propiedades antifúngicas y citotóxicas.​

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wikipedia ES

Zanthoxylum americanum ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Zanthoxylum americanum ou, en anglais, Common Pricklyash (communément, prickly-ash (Floride) ou « northern prickley ash » dans les États du Nord ou encore toothachetree (Maryland)), anciennement Thylax fraxineum, est une espèce de plantes du genre Zanthoxylum, dans la famille des Rutaceae sous-famille des Toddalioideae.

C'est un arbuste épineux à feuilles caduques produisant une petite fleur jaune au printemps puis un petit fruit rouge de la taille d'un grain de poivre apparaissant en grappe en fin d'été. Il mesure couramment 3 à 4 mètres à taille adulte et peut atteindre 7 mètres de hauteur au maximum.


Il est originaire d'Amérique du Nord (Missouri) et représenté dans tous les États de la cote est des États-Unis et du Canada.


Zanthoxylum americanum est considéré comme une espèce protégée notamment dans le Maryland, le New Hampshire et le Tennessee.


Ses formes sont les suivantes :

  • Zanthoxylum americanum f. armatius ;
  • Zanthoxylum americanum f. inpuniens.

Culture et milieu

La culture de Zanthoxylum americanum est aisée dans les sols drainés et en plein soleil ou mi-ombre. Il apprécie un pH neutre (6.8/7.2) et les sols rocheux calcaires. Il tolère les sols pauvres. Il doit être protégé des larves de papillon géant (Papilio cresphontes).

Il est utilisé en haies de protection (épines).

Il se trouve à l'état naturel sur les falaises, les hautes plateaux rocheux, les forêts, les ravins humides et les fourrés.

Utilisations médicinales

Les Américains autochtones mâchaient l'écorce ou les fruits à l'effet anesthésiant, notamment pour le soulagement des douleurs dentaires. Ils utilisaient également l'écorce et les racines en décoctions pour le traitement des fièvres, de la toux, de la gonorrhée, des rhumatismes (par les Cherokee) et des plaies.

Notes et références

Voir aussi

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Zanthoxylum americanum: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Zanthoxylum americanum ou, en anglais, Common Pricklyash (communément, prickly-ash (Floride) ou « northern prickley ash » dans les États du Nord ou encore toothachetree (Maryland)), anciennement Thylax fraxineum, est une espèce de plantes du genre Zanthoxylum, dans la famille des Rutaceae sous-famille des Toddalioideae.

C'est un arbuste épineux à feuilles caduques produisant une petite fleur jaune au printemps puis un petit fruit rouge de la taille d'un grain de poivre apparaissant en grappe en fin d'été. Il mesure couramment 3 à 4 mètres à taille adulte et peut atteindre 7 mètres de hauteur au maximum.

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Zuboboljno drvo ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Zuboboljno drvo (lat. Zanthoxylum americanum; sin. Zanthoxylum fraxineum) , aromatični grm ili manje drvo iz porodice rutovki[1]. Rasprostranjeno je na području Sjeverne Amerike u Kanadi i SAD–u gdje je poznato pod imenom toothache tree ili zuboboljno drvo i u Meksiku (Nuevo Leon) .

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Zanthoxylum americanum ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Zanthoxylum americanum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cửu lý hương. Loài này được Mill. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1768.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Zanthoxylum americanum. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Zanthoxylum americanum: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

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Zanthoxylum americanum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cửu lý hương. Loài này được Mill. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1768.

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