
MammalMAP says about the Dugong: ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors

The dugong (Dugong dugon; IUCN status: Vulnerable), also commonly called the ‘sea cow’ favours shallow and protected coastal waters in tropical areas.Both dugongs and their close freshwater relative – manatees – have pectoral mammary glands that closely resemble (closely enough, anyway) human breasts. These features, as well as the animals nursing behaviour, may have caused sailors to liken them to mermaids or sirens; hence the name of the order to which they belong: 'Sirenia'. Dugongs can be extremely long-lived, reaching ages of 70 years or more. Group sizes appear to be flexible with animals living alone, in pairs or in large groups; however the most stable and long-lasting groups are mother and calf pairs. The dugong has a wide range throughout the Indo-Pacific region, from the east coast of Africa to islands of the western Pacific, such as Vanuatu. However, many populations are severely depleted or almost extinct. The majority are found off the coast of northern Australia. For more information visit the MammalMAP virtual museum and blog.

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