
Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Plocamia gaussiana Hentschel

Hentschel, 1914: 120, Taf. VIII, Fig. 5; Burton, 1929: 435.

DIAGNOSIS. Body globular, reticular, up to 2.5 cm long. Most of the surface is rough. Color: grayish yellow. Basal skeleton formed of a reticulum of acanthotylotes filled with acanthostyles which sharply protrude outward. The dermal skeleton is formed of tangential strongyles.

Spicules. Macroscleres: acanthotylotes (also acantho­strongyles — 0.216 - 0.232 mm long and 0.015 mm wide; acanthostyles — 0.264 - 0.392 mm long and 0.016 - 0.021 mm wide; strongyles (and also tornotes) — 0.280 - 0.328 mm long and 0.005 - 0.007 mm wide. Microscleres: arcuate chelas — 0.035 - 0.040 mm long.

DISTRIBUTION. Antarctic shores (Wilhelm II Coast, Oates Coast, Victoria Land). Depth: 324 - 385 m.”

(Koltun, 1964)