Imagem de Pseudobranchus axanthus Netting & Goin 1942
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Pseudobranchus axanthus Netting & Goin 1942

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por AmphibiaWeb articles
A slender and elongate aquatic salamander lacking hindlimbs. The lack of hindlimbs is a feature of sirens and dwarf sirens (Family Sirenidae). Other features of sirens and dwarf sirens are lack of eyelids and the presence of a horny beak on the upper and lower jaws (Martof 1974). Pseudobranchus have a single gill slit (Martof 1972 1974). There are only three toes on the front limbs, which are reduced and often hard to see. Individuals bear bushy, external gills throughout life. Adults may reach 25 cm total length, with 29-37 costal grooves (Martof 1972; Petranka 1998). The tail is about 40% of the total length (Martof 1972). There is sexual dimorphism, with females reaching adult size about 28% greater than males (Netting and Goin 1942; Petranka 1998). Adult P. axanthus have a brownish black to light grey ground color and parallel yellow or tan stripes on the back and sides. The stripes run from the head to the tip of the tail (Petranka 1998).The two recognized subspecies may be distinguished by differences in coloration and number of costal grooves. Pseudobranchus a. belli, the Everglades dwarf siren, has 29-33 costal grooves, three narrow, light lines within the mid-dorsal stripe, and two wider, buff-colored bands along the sides of the body. Pseudobranchus a. axanthus, the narrow-striped dwarf siren, has 34-37 costal grooves, a gray ground color, lacks well-defined light stripes and has poorly defined, grayish lateral stripes. Descriptions from Petranka (1988).Hatchling size is 10-11.5 mm snout to vent length (14.5-16 mm total length) (Petranka 1998).Juveniles differ from adults in the presence of a dorsal fin which extends from the base of the head to the tail tip. (Martof 1972; Petranka 1998).Prior to 1993, a single species of dwarf siren was recognized (e.g. Conant and Collins 1991). Moler and Kezer (1993) studied the chromosomes of Pseudobranchus striatus and split it into two separate species with different chromosome complements: Pseudobranchus striatus (n = 24) and Pseudobranchus axanthus (n = 32). The two species are found in sympatry in northern and mid-Florida, although they seem to prefer different micro-habitats. Pseudobranchus axanthus occur in open ponds and marshes, and P. striatus in cypress swamps. In addition, P. axanthus are commonly found in mats of floating water hyacinth and P. striatus are never found in water hyacinth, preferring a different floating plant called frog's bit (Limnobium spongia) (Moler and Kezer 1993). Within P. axanthus there is evidence of intergradation between the two subspecies (Moler and Kezer 1993).


  • Martof, B. S. (1972). ''Pseudobranchus, P. striatus.'' Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 118.1-118.4.
  • Martof, B. S. (1974). ''Sirenidae. Sirens.'' Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 151.1-151.2.
  • Moler, P. E., and Kezer, J. (1993). ''Karyology and systematics of the salamander genus Pseudobranchus (Sirenidae).'' Copeia, 1993, 39-47.
  • Netting, M. G., and Goin, C. J. (1942). ''Descriptions of two new salamanders from peninsular Florida.'' Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 29, 175-196.
  • Sever, D. M., Rania, L. C. and Krenz, J. D. (1996). ''Reproduction of the salamander Siren intermedia Le Conte with especial reference to oviducal anatomy and mode of fertilization.'' Journal of Morphology, 227, 335-348.

Meredith J. Mahoney
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Distribution and Habitat ( Inglês )

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This species is distributed throughout peninsular Florida, occurring in open marshes, prairie ponds, and other permanent and semi-permanent aquatic habitats (Moler and Kezer 1993; Petranka 1998).Individuals are frequently found in floating mats of water hyacinth, a plant introduced to the region (Moler and Kezer 1993; Petranka 1998).
Meredith J. Mahoney
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( Inglês )

fornecido por AmphibiaWeb articles
There is no evidence that populations of this species are declining. However, the habitat of dwarf sirens is threatened, and therefore populations are at risk, by development and agriculture which lead to the destruction of wetlands (Petranka 1998).
Meredith J. Mahoney
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( Inglês )

fornecido por AmphibiaWeb articles
Courtship and mating have not been observed (Petranka 1998). Fertilization is presumed to be external (Martof 1972 1974; Sever et al. 1996).Eggs are deposited singly, and the oviposition period lasts from early November through March (Petranka 1998).Often locally abundant. Diet consists of aquatic invertebrates, including earthworms, amphipods, chironomids, and ostracods. When semi-permanent pools dry, dwarf sirens aestivate in burrows 10-30 cm underground. Individuals are likely to be preyed upon by birds, turtles, alligators, and aquatic snakes. When disturbed, dwarf sirens sometimes emit a high-pitched yelp. See Petranka (1998) and references therein.
Meredith J. Mahoney
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Relation to Humans ( Inglês )

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Dwarf sirens are sometimes seen in the pet trade.
Meredith J. Mahoney
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Southern dwarf siren ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The southern dwarf siren, (Pseudobranchus axanthus) is a perennibranch salamander lacking hind legs. Found exclusively in Florida,[2] it is one of two currently recognized species of dwarf sirens. Two subspecies are currently recognized; P. a. axanthus, the narrow-striped dwarf siren, and P. a. belli, the Everglades dwarf siren.

Physical description

Southern dwarf sirens are thin, slimy salamanders that are frequently mistaken for eels. They have long bodies with bushy gills and small, three-toed fore legs. Coloration is generally brown, black, or gray, with yellow or tan stripes on their backs and sides. Adults reach a length of 10 centimetres (3.9 in) to 25 centimetres (9.8 in).

Southern dwarf sirens can easily be distinguished from amphiumas by size and the presence of hind legs, and from Siren spp. salamanders by the presence of three toes on each foot. Distinguishing between P. axanthus and P. striatus is more difficult, requiring comparison of patterns with a field guide, known distribution, or a karyotype test. P. axanthus has 32 chromosomes, while P. striatus has 24. A costal groove count may assist in differentiating P. a. axanthus and P. a. belli, as the former has 34–37 costal grooves, while the latter has 29–33 (Petranka, 1998).


P. axanthus is found throughout eastern Florida, with P. a. axanthus located in the northern two-thirds of the range and P. a. belli located in the southern third. P. axanthus prefers cypress ponds, ditches, swamps and marshes, and other aquatic and semiaquatic habitats.[4] P. axanthus is frequently associated with water hyacinth.


Little is known about the reproduction of wild sirenid salamanders. Eggs of P. axanthus have been found from November through March, and are usually attached singly to aquatic plants. Eggs average 3 mm in diameter and have three jelly envelopes.[4]

In captivity, eggs were attached singly at night to floating vegetation in groups of two to five a day. Larvae hatch out at about 5 mm after around three weeks.


Southern dwarf sirens eat a variety of food items, including small worms, chironomids, amphipods, and ostracods.[4] Dwarf sirens have surprisingly small mouths, but will likely eat any invertebrate they can swallow. In captivity, adult Daphnia magna, whiteworms, blackworms, and tubifex worms are readily taken.


During dry spells, P. axanthus is known to aestivate in muddy burrows, and adults have been kept for periods longer than two months in dry soil with no ill effects in the laboratory.[4]


Wikispecies has information related to Pseudobranchus axanthus.
  1. ^ SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (2022). "Pseudobranchus axanthus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2022: e.T59489A196342247. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2022-1.RLTS.T59489A196342247.en. Retrieved 1 November 2022.
  2. ^ a b "Pseudobranchus axanthus". NatureServe Explorer. Retrieved 1 November 2022.
  3. ^ Amphibian Species of the World 5.5. research.amnh.org/vz/herpetology/amphibia.
  4. ^ a b c d Petranka, 1998
  • Netting, M.G. & C.J. Goin. 1942. Descriptions of two new salamanders from peninsular Florida. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 29: 175-196.
  • Petranka, James W.; 1998, Salamanders of the United States and Canada, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington.
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wikipedia EN

Southern dwarf siren: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The southern dwarf siren, (Pseudobranchus axanthus) is a perennibranch salamander lacking hind legs. Found exclusively in Florida, it is one of two currently recognized species of dwarf sirens. Two subspecies are currently recognized; P. a. axanthus, the narrow-striped dwarf siren, and P. a. belli, the Everglades dwarf siren.

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wikipedia EN

Pseudobranchus axanthus ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

La sirena enana del sur (Pseudobranchus axanthus) es una especie de salamandra sin patas traseras de la familia Sirenidae. Se encuentra exclusivamente en Florida y es una de las dos especies de sirenas enanas actualmente reconocidas. Se reconocen dos subespecies: P. a. axanthus y P. a. belli.


Las sirenas enanas del sur son salamandras delgadas y viscosas que a menudo se confunden con anguilas. Tienen un cuerpo largo con branquias ramificadas y pequeñas patas delanteras con tres dedos. Su coloración es generalmente marrón, negra o gris, con rayas amarillas o marrones en el lomo y los costados. Los adultos alcanzan una longitud de 10 a 25 cm.

Estos animales se distinguen fácilmente del género Amphiuma por su tamaño y por la presencia de patas traseras y de las salamandras del género Siren por la presencia de tres dedos en cada pata. Distinguir entre P. axanthus y P. striatus es más difícil, ya que requiere la comparación de los patrones de ambos usando una guía de campo, conociendo su distribución específica o una prueba de cariotipo. P. axanthus tiene 32 cromosomas, mientras que P. striatus tiene 24. Un recuento de sus surcos costales puede ayudar a diferenciar P. a. axanthus y P. a. belli, ya que el primero tiene 34-37 surcos costales, mientras que el segundo tiene 29-33 (Petranka, 1998).

Hábitat y distribución

P. axanthus se encuentra en todo el este de Florida, con P. a. axanthus localizado en los dos tercios septentrionales del área de distribución y P. a. belli en el tercio meridional. P. axanthus habita en estanques, zanjas, pantanos y ciénagas, y otros hábitats acuáticos y semiacuáticos[2]P. axanthus se asocia frecuentemente con el jacinto de agua.

En cautiverio, se observó que los huevos se adherían individualmente por la noche a la vegetación flotante en grupos de dos a cinco por día. Las larvas eclosionan a unos 5 mm después de unas tres semanas.


Se sabe poco sobre la reproducción de estas salamandras sirénidas. Se pueden encontrar huevos de P. axanthus desde noviembre hasta marzo, y normalmente están adheridos individualmente a las plantas acuáticas. Los huevos tienen un promedio de 3 mm de diámetro y tienen tres capas de sustancia gelatinosa.[2]

En cautiverio, los huevos eran adheridos individualmente por la noche a la vegetación flotante en grupos de dos a cinco al día. Las larvas eclosionan a unos 5 mm después de unas tres semanas.


Las sirenas enanas del sur comen una variedad de alimentos, incluyendo pequeños gusanos, quironómidos, anfípodos y ostrácodos. [2]​Las sirenas enanas tienen bocas sorprendentemente pequeñas, pero es probable que coman cualquier invertebrado que puedan tragar. En cautiverio, ejemplares adultos se alimentan fácilmente de Daphnia magna, Tubifex y otras especies.


Durante períodos de sequía, se sabe que P. axanthus estiva en madrigueras fangosas, y los adultos se han mantenido durante períodos superiores a dos meses en seco en laboratorio sin ninguna consecuencia.[2]


  1. Amphibian Species of the World 5.5. research.amnh.org/vz/herpetology/amphibia.
  2. a b c d Petranka, 1998


  • Netting, M.G. & C.J. Goin. 1942. Descriptions of two new salamanders from peninsular Florida. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 29: 175-196.
  • Petranka, James W.; 1998, Salamanders of the United States and Canada, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington.
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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Pseudobranchus axanthus: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

La sirena enana del sur (Pseudobranchus axanthus) es una especie de salamandra sin patas traseras de la familia Sirenidae. Se encuentra exclusivamente en Florida y es una de las dos especies de sirenas enanas actualmente reconocidas. Se reconocen dos subespecies: P. a. axanthus y P. a. belli.

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Pseudobranchus axanthus ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Pseudobranchus axanthus Pseudobranchus generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Sirenidae familian sailkatuta dago, Caudata ordenan.


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Pseudobranchus axanthus: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Pseudobranchus axanthus Pseudobranchus generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Sirenidae familian sailkatuta dago, Caudata ordenan.

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wikipedia EU

Pseudobranchus axanthus ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Pseudobranchus axanthus est une espèce d'urodèles de la famille des Sirenidae[1].


Cette espèce est endémique de Floride aux États-Unis[1].

Publication originale

  • Netting & Goin, 1942 : Descriptions of two new salamanders from peninsular Florida. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, vol. 29, p. 175-196.

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Pseudobranchus axanthus: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Pseudobranchus axanthus est une espèce d'urodèles de la famille des Sirenidae.

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wikipedia FR

Pseudobranchus axanthus ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Pseudobranchus axanthus is een salamander uit de familie sirenen (Sirenidae). De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Morris Graham Netting en Coleman Jett Goin in 1942. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Pseudobranchus striatus axanthus gebruikt. De enige andere soort uit het geslacht is de gestreepte dwergsirene (Pseudobranchus striatus).[2]

Uiterlijke kenmerken

Deze aal-achtige salamander heeft veel gemeen met zijn geslachtsgenoot; de achterpoten ontbreken, de voorpoten zijn zeer klein en hebben ieder drie tenen, en de kieuwen blijven bij volwassen exemplaren behouden (neotenie). Wel wordt deze soort iets groter met 25 centimeter waarvan ruim een derde staart, en vrouwtjes worden een derde groter dan mannetjes in plaats van iets groter. Ook komt deze soort alleen voor op het schiereiland van de Amerikaanse staat Florida; Pseudobranchus striatus heeft een ongeveer even groot verspreidingsgebied, maar dat ligt juist rond het continentale gedeelte van Florida en het gebied ten noordwesten ervan in South Carolina en Georgia.[3]


Pseudobranchus axanthus leeft in meer open, stilstaande wateren zoals kleine meren, vennen en poelen die ondiep zijn en onderwatervegetatie bevatten. Deze soort is volledig aquatisch en komt nooit uit het water; bij droogte graaft de salamander zich in en maakt een soort cocon van afgeworpen huid en slijm, en kan het in deze staat maanden uithouden. Er is niet veel bekend over de voortplanting, en er is nog nooit een paring waargenomen. De eitjes worden één voor een afgezet op waterplanten en komen na ongeveer een maand uit. Op het menu staan kleine ongewervelden die in het water worden gevangen.


  1. (en) Pseudobranchus axanthus op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History, Pseudobranchus axanthus.
  3. University of California - AmphibiaWeb, Pseudobranchus axanthus.
  • (en) - Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History - Pseudobranchus axanthus - Website Geconsulteerd 15 maart 2017
  • (en) - University of California - AmphibiaWeb - Pseudobranchus axanthus - Website
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wikipedia NL

Pseudobranchus axanthus: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Pseudobranchus axanthus is een salamander uit de familie sirenen (Sirenidae). De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Morris Graham Netting en Coleman Jett Goin in 1942. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Pseudobranchus striatus axanthus gebruikt. De enige andere soort uit het geslacht is de gestreepte dwergsirene (Pseudobranchus striatus).

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wikipedia NL

Pseudobranchus axanthus ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Pseudobranchus axanthus é uma espécie de anfíbio caudado pertencente à família Sirenidae. Endêmica dos Estados Unidos da América.


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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Pseudobranchus axanthus: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Pseudobranchus axanthus é uma espécie de anfíbio caudado pertencente à família Sirenidae. Endêmica dos Estados Unidos da América.

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wikipedia PT

Pseudobranchus axanthus ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Pseudobranchus axanthus är en ållik art i ordningen stjärtgroddjur och familjen Sirenidae som finns i Florida.


Salamandern är ålliknande med mycket små framben, inga bakben och yttre, buskiga gälar. Längden är 12 till 19 cm. Den är nära släkt med Pseudobranchus striatus, och räknades förr till denna art.[2] Ovansidan är mörkt olivfärgad med 3 ljusare strimmor, medan buken är grå med en brunaktig längsstrimma, omgiven av ljusare fält.[3]


Salamandern har två underarter, P. a. axanthus och P. a. belli.[2]


Arten finns i Florida i USA, utom den kontinentala delen längst i norr.[1]


Arten lever helt i vatten och föredrar grunda sjöar och vegetationsrika träsk, till exempel Everglades. Den lever av bland annat märlkräftor, musselkräftor, vattenlevande fåborstmaskar och fjädermygglarver. Parning och larvutveckling sker i vatten; honan lägger äggen bland vattenväxter. Larven blir könsmogen efter omkring 2 år.[4]


Pseudobranchus axanthus är klassad som livskraftig ("LC"), men beståndet minskar, framför allt på grund av våtmarksförlust till följd av urbanisering.[1]


  1. ^ [a b c] Pseudobranchus axanthusIUCN:s rödlista (engelska). Auktor: Geoffrey Hammerson (2004), besökt 2009-09-28.
  2. ^ [a b] Ed Kowalski (2004). Pseudobranchus axanthus Southern Dwarf Siren - Pseudobranchus striatus Northern Dwarf Siren” (på engelska). Caudata Culture. http://www.caudata.org/cc/species/Pseudobranchus/Pseudobranchus.shtml. Läst 28 september 2009.
  3. ^ ”Southern Dwarf Siren Pseudobranchus axanthus (på engelska). US Geological Survey. 6 mars 2008. http://fl.biology.usgs.gov/herps/Salamanders/P_axanthus/p_axanthus.html. Läst 29 september 2009.
  4. ^ Paul E. Moler (2009). Pseudobranchus axanthus (på engelska). AmphibiaWeb, University of California. http://amphibiaweb.org/cgi/amphib_query?where-genus=Pseudobranchus&where-species=axanthus. Läst 28 september 2009.
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wikipedia SV

Pseudobranchus axanthus: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Pseudobranchus axanthus är en ållik art i ordningen stjärtgroddjur och familjen Sirenidae som finns i Florida.

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Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
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wikipedia SV

Pseudobranchus axanthus ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Pseudobranchus axanthus là một loài kỳ giông thiếu chân sau. Nó chỉ xuất hiện ở Hoa Kỳ, nó là một trong hai loài hiện đang được công nhận của chi Pseudobranchus. Hai phân loài hiện đang được công nhận; P.a.axanthus và P.a.belli.

Chú thích

  1. ^ Amphibian Species of the World 5.5. research.amnh.org/vz/herpetology/amphibia.

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Pseudobranchus axanthus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Pseudobranchus axanthus là một loài kỳ giông thiếu chân sau. Nó chỉ xuất hiện ở Hoa Kỳ, nó là một trong hai loài hiện đang được công nhận của chi Pseudobranchus. Hai phân loài hiện đang được công nhận; P.a.axanthus và P.a.belli.

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