Image of flytrap dogbane
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Flytrap Dogbane

Apocynum androsaemifolium L.

Broad-scale Impacts of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: high-severity fire

Spreading dogbane has been observed sprouting vigorously 1 year after fire (121) and was observed flowering within 2 months of a high-severity fire in Oregon [193].
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: constancy, cover, cover type, fern, fire use, forbs, forest, frequency, fuel, habitat type, hardwood, herbaceous, natural, prescribed burn, prescribed fire, seed, succession, wildfire

Due to its broad distribution, accounts of spreading dogbane following fire are widespread
and vary throughout a range of ecosystems. Adverse postfire effects on spreading dogbane
appear to be temporary with reports of fluctuating population cover and frequency in the
years following fire. A large percentage of studies fail to report the significance of the
increase or decrease of populations, likely due to a lack of prefire data. Where spreading
dogbane occurs, it is commonly found on both burned and unburned sites [9] such as Pacific
ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa) stands in Oregon [141], jack pine stands in northwestern Wisconsin [186],
chestnut oak (Quercus prinus) stands in south-central New York [171], and clearcuts in eastern Ontario [196].

Spreading dogbane has been observed after fires in northern California [93,169]. Following
fire in the hardwood forests of northwestern California, it was reported to have 1.5% and
3.4% mean relative cover on 2 sites [169].

Spreading dogbane cover increased from 0.5% to 0.9% following a shelterwood cut at the
Priest River Experimental Forest in northern Idaho. Areas subsequently treated with a
"moist" burn (duff was moist and fire was conducted 1 day during the warmest,
driest period) had 1.0% cover prior to cutting and burning and 2.6% cover 1 year after
treatment. Areas treated with a "dry" burn (duff was dry and burn was conducted
over the course of 2 days throughout the evening, night, and morning) had 0.5% cover prior
to treatment and 1.4% cover 1 year following cutting and burning [154].

Cover and frequency of spreading dogbane on high intensity prescribed burns in Idaho were
significantly higher (P<0.01) than cover and frequency on control and low intensity burn
sites averaged across the 1st 3 years [10]. Following a large wildfire in a western larch
(Larix occidentalis)-Douglas-fir cover type in northern Idaho, spreading dogbane
constituted a maximum of 10% to 14% of cover within the 1st postfire decade due to vegetative
reproduction [164]. It was reported on 11 of 21 plots measuring 16 × 82 feet (5 × 25 m),
returning 2 to 15 years postfire on sites that had previously supported standing timber or
shrubfields. It was not reported on clearcut sites. Three plots reported flowering in the
1st year [165].

Logging and helicopter yarding were conducted in Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir habitat types of
central Idaho in September through November, 1976. Micro plots on each of the logged areas
were burned under prescription or by wildfire following harvest activities and vegetation
plots were measured 1, 2, 5, and 10 years postburn. A comparison of burned and unburned areas
in the years following fire resulted in the following cover [59]:

Prescribed burned (% cover)

Wildfire burned (% cover)































Five years after a wildfire on Peaks Island off the coast of Maine, spreading dogbane
was considered a characteristic "shrub" layer. The area had also experienced
fire 26 and 28 years prior to measurements [37]. On Mount Desert Island off the coast of
Maine, spreading dogbane returned through vegetative reproduction 1 year after the 1923
wildfire and was considered "abundant" [155].

Michigan: In Michigan spreading dogbane was found on mature jack pine stands, unburned
jack pine stands within a 3-year-old clear cut, and jack pine plots burned under prescription
1 and 2 years previously. The highest frequency of spreading dogbane was found on the 1-year-old
prescribed burn site [1]. In the gray birch-red maple (Betula populifolia-Acer
rubrum) habitat type of Painted Rocks National
Lakeshore, spreading dogbane had an average frequency of 13% and constancy of 9% in an area that
had previously experienced fire [102].

In northern lower Michigan, spreading dogbane populations were assessed at 5 sites supporting
eastern white pine (P. strobus), red pine (P. resinosa) , northern red oak
(Q. rubra), and red maple that had previously experienced natural
and/or prescribed burns. Based on 100 1×1 m² quadrats at each site, spreading dogbane was absent
from 4 sites and found with 1% frequency on 1 site 27 years following fire [143]. Out of 53
recorded years, it showed the greatest frequency 16, 38, 45, and 50 years following fire [144].

Spreading dogbane in mature red pine-eastern white pine stands on the southwestern lower peninsula of Michigan had highest cover (0.96%) on a site that
had experienced 3 biennial burns and was not found on sites that had been burned once or were
unburned. Frequencies obtained from 1 m² plots following various burn treatments are as follows


Burned once


Spreading dogbane frequency

1994 (2 burns)

1995 (3 burns)











In a study related to burn succession in coniferous forests of Minnesota, spreading
dogbane was found on 7 of 10 burns. It was abundant in the herbaceous stage after a
pine burn [63]. In the boreal forests of northern Minnesota, plots were examined in
order to determine the effects of fire, logging, and forest type on biodiversity.
Spreading dogbane was found on 54.3% of postfire stands and 45.7% of post-logging
stands. Prefire occurrence was not recorded [130].

In northeastern Minnesota, a single spreading dogbane plant was recorded
immediately after fire and 4 plants were recorded the following year in a forest
supporting coniferous and hardwood species. Over the next 3 years, spreading
dogbane was absent from all sample sites [118]. Intact red pine soil blocks extracted from an unburned
site and a site burned 3 years previous were exposed to moist greenhouse conditions for 3
months. No seed or seedlings were detected in the unburned soil. The equivalent of 109,000
spreading dogbane seedlings per hectare sprouted in greenhouse samples obtained from the
burned area. No seed was found in sieved samples of burned soil, suggesting that seed had
blown in from adjacent plots postfire. Spreading dogbane frequency as measured at the burn
site was 0%, indicating poor establishment despite seed availability [4].

Spreading dogbane was found in Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (P. contorta
var. latifolia), Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir,
spruce (Picea spp.), and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) stands 34 years following fire in Glacier National
Park [68]. It was also detected following 2 wildfires and 1 broadcast burn in the northern Rocky
Mountains [166]. It was reported following a shelterwood cut in interior ponderosa pine-Rocky
Mountain Douglas fir forest types in Montana, on plots treated with a low-consumption burn,
high-consumption burn, or no burn. Spreading dogbane responded to increased intensity of fire
with increasing coverage [11]:

Preburn % cover

Postburn (3 years) % cover

No burn


Low consumption burn (between 0% and 80%
woody fuel consumption)


High consumption burn (~80% consumption
of woody fuels)


In a study that monitored the effects of "light" (<360ºF (180 ºC)),
"medium" (360 to 570 ºF (180-300 ºC)), and "hot" (>570 ºF
(300 ºC)) burn conditions in western larch-Douglas-fir habitat types, intermediate
dogbane averaged 1.63% cover on light burns and 0.20% cover on hot burns 3 years
following treatments [157].

New York:
In south-central New York, spreading dogbane was found to be an overall increaser in 8
chestnut oak stands, 3 of which had experienced 1 fire, 3 that had experienced 2 fires,
and 2 that had experienced 3 fires. Average frequency on burned sites was 39.3% while on
unburned sites it was 14.3%. In a similar study conducted in 2 aspen groves, spreading
dogbane had an average frequency of 47.5% on burned sites and 0% on unburned sites [171].

South Dakota:
Spreading dogbane was detected after fire in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Vegetation
surveys took place in July or August, 2 years following a fire that consumed all organic
matter and killed all of the trees [119].

In the ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forest types of the Entiat Experimental Forest in the
Cascade mountains of Washington, 4 watersheds were "severely and uniformly burned"
in 1970 and received seed, seed and fertilizer, or no treatment. Spreading dogbane was most
abundant where fertilizer was applied. Refer to Tiedemann and Klock [175] for seed mix and
fertilizer types used. Average cover and frequency 1 year following treatments are shown below.
The average cover of spreading dogbane on all 4 watersheds 1, 2, 3, and 4
years after the fire was 0.9%, 1.4%, 1.1%, and 1.5%, respectively [176].

1 Year postburn

Cover (%)

Frequency (%)


0.58 46

Seed and fertilizer

1.41 73
1.06 82

No treatment

0.47 26

On a prairie site in western Washington that is burned annually as a result of military training
exercises, spreading dogbane is 1 of 16 species that retains at least 0.01% cover. Mean cover and
frequency are 0.2% and 16%, respectively [178,179]. In north-central Washington burns covered with
dense snowbrush (Ceanothus velutinus) 20 years after fire, spreading dogbane was reported to
have a "scattered" distribution [103].

Spreading dogbane is considered a prevalent species on burned jack pine stands in northwestern
Wisconsin with a frequency of 11.8% and is not considered prevalent in unburned stands. Nine control
sites and 28 burned sites averaging 3.5 burns per stand were examined. Twenty burned stands were
sampled the summer following the last spring burn while the other 8 were sampled 1 year postburn.
Spreading dogbane frequency was 6.8% greater on burned sites [186].

In the bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) grasslands of northeastern Wisconsin, spreading
dogbane is considered a "neutral" species, averaging 20.8% frequency on undisturbed sites
and 17.3% frequency following burning. Thirteen sites were burned once, 2 sites were burned 3 times
and 1 stand experienced 2 wildfires. Burning was done in March or April and sampling was completed
in July or August of the same year or the following year. A study utilizing 6 pairs of burned and
unburned stands of jack pine-northern pin oak (Q. ellipsoidalis) in north-central
Wisconsin reported a 1% reduction of spreading dogbane frequency on burned sites [186].

Canada: Spreading dogbane occurred on a logged, burned site in a forest
that dominated before treatment by eastern white pine and paper birch (B. papyrifera). Within
1 year of logging and 1 month of burning, spreading dogbane frequency was 5%, and aboveground biomass
totaled 0.40 g in sample plots covering a total area of 5 m2 [152]. Average ground cover
of spreading dogbane was less than 1% [153]. In another burn conducted with a gasoline-powered flamethrower
held 4 to 12 inches (10-30 cm) above the ground surface, there was no recorded effect on spreading
dogbane. Temperatures reached approximately 1700 ºF (925 ºC) [156].

Spreading dogbane in eastern Ontario was detected with 12% frequency 37 years after harvesting and
burning of a site that previously supported white spruce (Picea glauca), quaking aspen, and eastern white pine [28].
Spreading dogbane has also been reported 1 year after a prescribed burn in jack pine habitat where it
did not previously occur [109].

In the Engelmann spruce (P. engelmannii)-subalpine fir habitat type of the Selkirk Range in western Canada, spreading
dogbane was identified soon after reforestation of a burn site [148]. Following a severe fire in spruce
habitat (Picea spp.) of northern British Columbia where < 0.4 inch (1 cm) of ash and organic
matter were left behind, spreading dogbane was considered one of the most common forbs. The population
peaked after the 3rd year and had declined by year 5 [120].

The following Research Project Summary provides information on prescribed fire use and postfire response of many
plant species, including spreading dogbane:

Understory recovery after low- and high-intensity fires in northern Idaho
ponderosa pine forests

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
spreading dogbane


flytrap dogbane
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: coma

This description provides characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology, and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available [22,42,43,60,61,64,73, 74,75,86,98,113,127,128,167,190,191,200].

Spreading dogbane is a native perennial that can grow to 40 inches (100 cm) in height [39]. Stems are erect and diffusely branched, glabrous, and lack a central axis [73,86,98,116,191]. Leaves are opposite, spreading or drooping, glabrous above and pubescent beneath. Leaf size ranges from 0.4 to 5 inches (1-12 cm) in length and 0.2 to 2 inches (0.5-6 cm) in width [64,81,98,189,190,191].

The flowers of spreading dogbane are erect or nodding and small, 0.2 to 0.3 inch (6-8 mm) long [127,147]. The corolla is typically 0.2 to 0.5 inch (4-12 mm) long, broadly campanulate, and approximately 3 times the length of the calyx [61,64]. Spreading dogbane follicles are 1.6 to 6 inches (4-15 cm) long and pendulous or erect when mature [116,191]. Epidermal hair around the head of the stigma ensures that pollen is not lost [56]. Seeds are numerous, 2 to 3 mm long with a 0.4 to 0.8 inch (1-2 cm) long coma [60,64,70].

Spreading dogbane has rhizomes that have been detected to depths of greater than 10 inches (25 cm) and are located primarily in mineral soil [195].

Intermediate dogbane can grow to 40 inches (100 cm) in height [98]. It produces progeny with low pollen fertility [39] and can appear identical to either of the parent species, spreading dogbane or Indian hemp [6].

The inflorescence of A. a. var. pumilum is often larger and the corolla more tubular than that of spreading dogbane [74].

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Spreading dogbane is widely distributed throughout North America. It occurs in every U.S. state except Hawaii, Kansas, and the southeastern states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, and South Carolina [182]. Spreading dogbane can be found in most Canadian provinces [74] and occurs in Mexico [137]. A. a. var. incanum can be found scattered throughout Nova Scotia [137] and A. a. var. pumilum is found in west-central Montana [98]. Intermediate dogbane is found primarily in areas where spreading dogbane and Indian hemp habitats overlap [137,189,190,191]. Plants database provides a distributional map for spreading dogbane.
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Fire Ecology

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fire regime, presence, seed, severity

Fire adaptations: Spreading dogbane recolonizes burned sites immediately after fire through rhizomes [9,29,51,163,165,166,166]. The position of perennating parts below the soil surface allows spreading dogbane to survive short (12 to 15 year) fire intervals in boreal forests [140]. Spreading dogbane may also recolonize a site through seed germination from off-site seed sources [4], although examples have not been documented.

FIRE REGIMES: Spreading dogbane is found in communities that experience long and short fire return intervals. It is most common in dry environments with short fire intervals [9], but has been found among interior ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum) stands with historic mean fire return intervals of 20 to 23 years that had not burned in 96 years [197]. Where spreading dogbane occurs in interior ponderosa pine-Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir habitat types, grazing has resulted in the promotion of younger, denser stands of even-aged trees that are more susceptible to disease and insect outbreaks and consequent increases in high severity fire risks [202].

Where spreading dogbane is found with quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), the longevity of stands is dependant upon the time of fire following germination. Short fire intervals discourage aspen regeneration where extensive root masses have had insufficient time to develop [58]. Although the effect of fire on spreading dogbane within these associations has not been reported, it is unlikely that variable fire return intervals would affect its presence. Spreading dogbane in white fir (Abies concolor) habitat of southern Oregon is able to withstand periods of 15 years or more without fire and was detected in areas that had not burned in 134 years [108].

The following table provides fire return intervals for plant communities and ecosystems where spreading dogbane is important. Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".

Community or ecosystem Dominant species Fire return interval range (years) grand fir Abies grandis 35-200 [12] maple-beech Acer-Fagus spp. 684-1,385 [32,188] sugar maple Acer saccharum >1,000 [188] bluestem prairie Andropogon gerardii var. gerardii-Schizachyrium scoparium 94,123] birch Betula spp. 80-230 [170] cheatgrass Bromus tectorum 124,192] California montane chaparral Ceanothus and/or Arctostaphylos spp. 50-100 [123] beech-sugar maple Fagus spp.-Acer saccharum >1,000 [188] Rocky Mountain juniper Juniperus scopulorum <35 [123] tamarack Larix laricina 35-200 western larch Larix occidentalis 25-350 [13,18,40] Great Lakes spruce-fir Picea-Abies spp. 35 to >200 [44] northeastern spruce-fir Picea-Abies spp. 35-200 southeastern spruce-fir Picea-Abies spp. 35 to >200 [188] Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir Picea engelmannii-Abies lasiocarpa 35 to >200 [12] black spruce Picea mariana 35-200 [44] jack pine Pinus banksiana 32,44] Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine* Pinus contorta var. latifolia 25-340 [17,18,172] Sierra lodgepole pine* Pinus contorta var. murrayana 35-200 [12] Jeffrey pine Pinus jeffreyi 5-30 western white pine* Pinus monticola 50-200 Pacific ponderosa pine* Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa 1-47 interior ponderosa pine* Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum 2-30 [12,16,100] Arizona pine Pinus ponderosa var. arizonica 2-15 [16,34,146] red pine (Great Lakes region) Pinus resinosa 3-18 (µ=3-10) [31,55] red-white pine* (Great Lakes region) Pinus resinosa-P. strobus 3-200 [32,71,102] pitch pine Pinus rigida 6-25 [24,72] eastern white pine Pinus strobus 35-200 [170,188] eastern white pine-eastern hemlock Pinus strobus-Tsuga canadensis 35-200 [188] eastern white pine-northern red oak-red maple Pinus strobus-Quercus rubra-Acer rubrum 35-200 quaking aspen-paper birch Populus tremuloides-Betula papyrifera 35-200 [44,188] quaking aspen (west of the Great Plains) Populus tremuloides 7-120 [12,66,110] black cherry-sugar maple Prunus serotina-Acer saccharum >1,000 [188] Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir* Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca 25-100 [12,14,15] coastal Douglas-fir* Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii 40-240 [12,114,131] canyon live oak Quercus chrysolepis 12] California black oak Quercus kelloggii 5-30 [123] bur oak Quercus macrocarpa <10 [188] chestnut oak Quercus prinus 3-8 northern red oak Quercus rubra 10 to <35 eastern hemlock-white pine Tsuga canadensis-Pinus strobus µ=47 [32] *fire return interval varies widely; trends in variation are noted in the species review
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Fire Management Considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, frequency, wildfire

Fire will not likely eliminate spreading dogbane. It is possible that fire may augment populations by reducing the incidence of competing species [111]. Spreading dogbane may provide important cover on jack pine sites recently burned by wildfire [2].

In the eastern Cascades, artificial seeding following fire resulted in reduced frequency (P = 0.04) and cover (P < 0.001) of spreading dogbane populations [145]. Phenological development of spreading dogbane may be altered as a result of modifications to the thermal regime that occur postfire [52].

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)

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More info for the term: geophyte

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Habitat characteristics

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: mesic, xeric

Spreading dogbane has a broad distribution encompassing a wide variety of site characteristics. It is most common in dry, open areas [181], but can also be found in riparian zones [106] and shady, moist areas with clayey soils [92]. Spreading dogbane is located at elevations ranging from sea level to 11,000 feet (3,400 m) [181] with temperatures ranging from 18 to 90 ºF (-8 to 32 ºC) [1,107], and pH levels of 5.0 to 7.7 [41,88]. Additional site characteristics for spreading dogbane are provided in the table below:   Location description Elevation range Precipitation range Alaska woods and hot springs [81]     Arizona open pine forests [87] 7,000 to 9,000 feet (2,000-3,000 m) [87]   California dry, open slopes and flats [116] 700 to 9,000 feet (200-3,000 m) [73,116] north-central: 68 inches (1,700 mm) annually [107] Colorado open woods; gravelly soils [189,190]
shallow, coarse loam soil of igneous or metamorphic parent material; south aspects [91] Idaho well-drained soils in hot, dry areas [122]
silty loam soils covered by a 6 to 30 inch (15-80 cm) loess mantle [163]
rocky, sandy, and silty areas [138] 3,000 to 4,300 feet (900-1,300 m) [163] 40 to 60 inches (1,000-1,500 mm) annually [163] Michigan disturbed mesic sites [134]   northern: 30 inches (770 mm) of rainfall annually, 70 inches (1,800 mm) of snowfall annually [1] Minnesota clay or sandy soils; fine sandy loams; clayey till [89]     Montana riparian zones [106]
dry valley and montane sites; lower sub-alpine sites [97]
wooded or dry, open areas in the foothills [98]     Nevada dry mountains and meadows, open road banks [86]     New York open fields and roadsides [96] 200 to 3,500 feet (60-1,100 m) [96]   North Carolina mountains, open woods and meadows, and roadside banks [128]     Oregon soils formed from sandy alluvium and pumice flow deposits [108]
well-drained soils, 25 to 30 inches (60-80 cm) in depth; 5% to 25% slopes [41] 4,900 to 6,500 feet (1,500-2,000 m) [41]   South Dakota clay and loam soils derived from limestone [119]
mesic, xeric, and transitional sites [19]
shallow to moderately deep soils derived from metamorphic rock [183] 4,900 to 5,900 feet (1,500-1,800 m) [119,183] 24 inches (600 mm) annually [183] Tennessee limestone soils [136]   southern: 134 inches (3400 mm) annually [136] Utah open slopes [173] 1,500 to 3,400 feet (460-1,000 m) [191] northern: 16 inches (410 mm) annually [173] Washington deep sandy loam soil; 20% to 40% slopes [103]
deep, coarse soils; eastern aspect; steep topography [175]
mostly dry soils; valleys and foothills to sub-alpine slopes [180] 2,000 to 5,200 feet (600-1,600 m) [53] eastern: Infrequent summer precipitation; snow accumulations of 40 to 80 inches (1,000-2,000 mm) annually [53]
north-central: 22 inches (560 mm) annually [103]
central: 18 inches (460 mm) annually [175] West Virginia high flood plains [35]     Wisconsin fine sands approximately 8 inches (20 cm) thick, underlain by sandstone rock [186]
clay or sandy soils; fine sandy loams; clayey till [89]     Wyoming shallow to moderately deep soils derived from metamorphic rock [183] 5,200 to 5,900 feet (1,600-1,800 m) [183] 24 inches (600 mm) annually [183] Canadian Provinces   British Columbia poorly developed soils on south and west aspects [3]
dry sites with limited nutrient availability [90]     Manitoba sandy soil types [203]     Ontario limestone bedrock overlain by thin soils; predominantly loam soils [88]
sandy to clayey soils bordering forested lands [104]     Intermediate dogbane   Arizona dry slopes and meadow borders [22]
moist soils on or near riverbanks [98] 5,000 to 7,900 feet (1,500-2,400 m) [23,87]  
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Habitat: Cover Types

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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

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1 Jack pine

5 Balsam fir

12 Black spruce

13 Black spruce-tamarack

15 Red pine

16 Aspen

18 Paper birch

20 White pine-northern red oak-red maple

21 Eastern white pine

22 White pine-hemlock

27 Sugar maple

28 Black cherry-maple

38 Tamarack

42 Bur oak

44 Chestnut oak

45 Pitch pine

51 White pine-chestnut oak

55 Northern red oak

63 Cottonwood

107 White spruce

108 Red maple

109 Hawthorn

201 White spruce

202 White spruce-paper birch

203 Balsam poplar

204 Black spruce

206 Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir

207 Red fir

210 Interior Douglas-fir

211 White fir

212 Western larch

213 Grand fir

215 Western white pine

217 Aspen

218 Lodgepole pine

220 Rocky Mountain juniper

224 Western hemlock

227 Western redcedar-western hemlock

228 Western redcedar

229 Pacific Douglas-fir

230 Douglas-fir-western hemlock

235 Cottonwood-willow

236 Bur oak

237 Interior ponderosa pine

243 Sierra Nevada mixed conifer

244 Pacific ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir

245 Pacific ponderosa pine

246 California black oak

247 Jeffrey pine

249 Canyon live oak

251 White spruce-aspen

252 Paper birch

253 Black spruce-white spruce

254 Black spruce-paper birch
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Habitat: Ecosystem

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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):


FRES10 White-red-jack pine

FRES11 Spruce-fir

FRES19 Aspen-birch

FRES20 Douglas-fir

FRES21 Ponderosa pine

FRES22 Western white pine

FRES23 Fir-spruce

FRES26 Lodgepole pine

FRES37 Mountain meadows

FRES39 Prairie
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Habitat: Plant Associations

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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the terms: forest, shrub


K002 Cedar-hemlock-Douglas-fir forest

K005 Mixed conifer forest

K007 Red fir forest

K008 Lodgepole pine-subalpine forest

K010 Ponderosa shrub forest

K011 Western ponderosa forest

K012 Douglas-fir forest

K014 Grand fir-Douglas-fir forest

K015 Western spruce-fir forest

K016 Eastern ponderosa forest

K017 Black Hills pine forest

K018 Pine-Douglas-fir forest

K019 Arizona pine forest

K020 Spruce-fir-Douglas-fir forest

K074 Bluestem prairie

K093 Great Lakes spruce-fir forest

K095 Great Lakes pine forest

K096 Northeastern spruce-fir forest

K097 Southeastern spruce-fir forest

K102 Beech-maple forest

K107 Northern hardwoods-fir forest

K108 Northern hardwoods-spruce forest
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Habitat: Rangeland Cover Types

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This species is known to occur in association with the following Rangeland Cover Types (as classified by the Society for Range Management, SRM):

More info for the terms: cover, shrubland, woodland


101 Bluebunch wheatgrass

102 Idaho fescue

104 Antelope bitterbrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

105 Antelope bitterbrush-Idaho fescue

109 Ponderosa pine shrubland

110 Ponderosa pine-grassland

210 Bitterbrush

216 Montane meadows

302 Bluebunch wheatgrass-Sandberg bluegrass

304 Idaho fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass

314 Big sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

317 Bitterbrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

319 Bitterbrush-rough fescue

411 Aspen woodland

420 Snowbrush

601 Bluestem prairie

710 Bluestem prairie

802 Missouri prairie

920 White spruce-paper birch

921 Willow
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Immediate Effect of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Fire likely top-kills spreading dogbane. Rhizomes located greater than 10 inches (25 cm) in depth make destruction of spreading dogbane by fire unlikely [196]. The location of perennating parts below the soil [140] may allow it to tolerate high temperatures and frequent fires.
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife

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More info for the term: cover

Spreading dogbane is considered poisonous to domestic livestock [38,45,96,127] and is intermittently grazed by wildlife. In Idaho's Selway Game Preserve, the leaves and flowers of spreading dogbane account for 5% of elk diets from late June to early October [201]. Stomach content analysis of Rocky Mountain goats in the Crazy Mountains of Montana revealed trace amounts of spreading dogbane during the fall months[142].

Spreading dogbane provides nest-building sites for crab spiders [115], forage for forest-dwelling ground squirrels [36], and is utilized by bees for honey production [181].

Palatability/nutritional value: In central Idaho spreading dogbane has low palatability for elk and deer [159,160] and is unpalatable to black bears [158]. It is utilized by a native slug species on the dry east slopes of the Cascades, but is unpalatable to introduced European slugs [27]. Nutritional values of spreading dogbane as a percentage of total dry matter are as follows [36]:

Nitrogen (%)

Ash (%)

Cellulose (%)

Lignin (%)

1.7 5.6 9.3 6.2

When spreading dogbane was treated with multi-nutrient fertilizers, concentrations of B, Cu, K, N, and S were not significantly different (P>0.10) [184]:


B (ppm)

Cu (ppm)

K (%)

N (%)

S (%)


21.6 5.7 1.880 1.440 0.213


63.1 6.9 1.890 1.580 0.333

Cover value: Frego and Staniforth [54] maintain that spreading dogbane provides canopy cover. Species for which this applies were not discussed.

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Key Plant Community Associations

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More info for the terms: codominant, habitat type

Spreading dogbane is common in dry, open areas and is often found after a disturbance.
It is recognized as dominant or codominant in the Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir
(Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca)/white spirea (Spiraea betulifolia)
habitat type of central Idaho [160] and as dominant in old jack pine (Pinus banksiana)
stands in the boreal forests of Saskatchewan [112].
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Life Form

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More info for the term: forb

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Management considerations

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More info for the terms: bog, cover, density, forest, frequency, peat, scarification

Spreading dogbane exhibits variable responses to projects involving vegetation removal. It was
recorded on 3.4% of 2,142 sample plots in California after thinning and burning operations [132]
and was detected up to 20 years following a clearcut in western Alberta [168]. It occurred with 5%
frequency in the 2nd growing season following clearcutting and barley mulch application in Quebec
[82], and accounted for 0.001% of cover the 1st year, 0.026% the 2nd year, and 0.006% the 3rd year
following clearcutting, scarification, and planting in New Brunswick. It made up 0.006% of cover
in uncut plots during the 3rd year and was never detected in untreated clearcut plots [135]. In
the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, understory was examined after various stocking treatments
in approximately 70-year-old stands of interior ponderosa pine. Spreading dogbane production was
reported as follows [183]:

Growing stock levels (m²/ha)
for sapling-sized interior ponderosa pine stands
(basal area of a stand + standard

Spreading dogbane production (kg/ha) clearcut 5 9 14 18 23 28 unthinned
1974   <1 *   * <1 * <1
1976   <1 3 + 1       <1 <1
1981 <1 3 + 2 * 2 + 1 * 5 + 4 * 1 + 1

Growing stock levels (m²/ha)
for pole-sized interior ponderosa pine stands (basal area of a stand +
standard errors)

1974 <1 <1 * <1 * <1 * <1
1976 5 + 3 7 + 6 <1
1981 1 + <1 5 + 4 * 2 + 2 * <1 * <1

*not measured

In Ontario, spreading dogbane was found 6 years after the removal of vegetation from
a peat bog and subsequent harvesting of up to 7 feet (2 m) of peat, but was not found
in bogs that had been mined 1, 10, and 24 years previously [84]. In northern
Minnesota, understory species were monitored following spring and winter full-tree
logging (tree felled and taken off-site), winter tree-length logging (tree felled,
limbed and only bole taken off site), and sites that received no treatment. Spreading
dogbane was found on the logged sites during the 2nd season following treatment. The
occurrence of spreading dogbane across treated sites was not significantly different
at the P=0.05 level [121]. Spreading dogbane cover increased from 0.5% to 0.9% following
a shelterwood cut at the Priest River Experimental Forest in northern Idaho [154]. In
the 5 years following an 8-acre clear-cut in the northern Sierra Nevada range, the
following measurements of spreading dogbane were taken [107]:


% Frequency

Density (plants/acre +
standard errors)

Cover (ft²/acre +
standard errors)

Height (feet + standard



20 + 0

10 + 0

0.2 + 0



67 + 0

17 + 0

0.5 + 0



83 + 150

T* + 0

0.6 + 0



17 + 0

T + 0

0.3 + 0



83 + 150

17 + 0

0.8 + 0

* T = trace

In a study to determine how light intensity correlates with frequency of spreading dogbane
in red pine forests, plots exposed to variable amounts of sunlight were examined. Frequency
was highest between 50% and 80% of full sunlight [151]. Spreading dogbane is not influenced
by edge effects [49]. Studies conducted to determine the change in moisture content of 21
species from early summer to mid-summer indicate that spreading dogbane was 1 of 3 species
to experience an increase [101].

In Idaho, biomass production of spreading dogbane in an area grazed primarily by cattle and
domestic sheep was greater than 3 times that in ungrazed areas. Cover and frequency were not
significantly different (P>0.05) [202].

Spreading dogbane has been successfully controlled through the use of herbicides [25,38,46,47,125,162].
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Other uses and values

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Spreading dogbane has been used in the construction of fish nets [5] and as cordage when preferred plants were not readily available [127]. Its use as a medicinal has resulted in sickness and death [127].
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html


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More info for the term: vine

Flowering dates throughout the range of spreading dogbane vary over a 4-month period. Fowler and Tiedemann [53] found that 1st bloom and peak bloom of spreading dogbane occurred when soil moisture content of the top 6 inches (15 cm) of soil reached 3% and 5%, respectively. Flowering dates for spreading dogbane are summarized below:

  Flowering dates IL late May-early September [198] AZ June-July [87] CA, NC, NY, OH, SC, UT June-August [8,48,61,96,116] Great Plains region June-September [64] Nova Scotia and intermountain west July-August [39,137]

Flowering dates following 6 years of observation in southeastern North Dakota were as follows [26]:

Earliest first bloom

Latest first bloom

Median date of full flowering

Median date when 95% of flowering complete

Length of flowering period (days)

9 June 21 June 29 June 22 July 32

Intermediate dogbane flowers from May to August in Arizona [87]. Fruits develop from September to October in the Carolinas [128].

A. a. var. incanum in northeastern Oregon was in bud the 3rd week of July, flowering the 4th week, flowering and fruiting the 1st and 2nd weeks of August, and fruiting the last 2 weeks of August and the 1st week of September where it occurred with vine maple (Acer circinatum) associations. Within coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) associations, A. a. var. incanum was in bud the 1st week of August and flowering the 2nd and 3rd week of August [133].

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Plant Response to Fire

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More info for the terms: fire intensity, forest, seed

Spreading dogbane responds well to fire disturbance [187]. It maintains comparable pre and postfire frequencies through its ability to sprout from adaptive rhizomes [9,29,51,163,165]. Spreading dogbane has been reported after fall and spring burns [30] and following low- [78] and high-severity fires [10]. Coverage of spreading dogbane has been reported to increase with increasing fire intensity in interior ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forest types in Montana [11].

Reports indicate that spreading dogbane is able to germinate on recently burned soil [171], likely from off-site seed sources [4]. In the absence of frequent disturbances, populations of spreading dogbane are reported to die out [9], although populations have been reported up to 134 years following fire [108].

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Post-fire Regeneration

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: geophyte, herb, rhizome, secondary colonizer, seed

Rhizomatous herb, rhizome in soil
Geophyte, growing points deep in soil
Secondary colonizer (on-site or off-site seed sources)
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Regeneration Processes

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: density, seed

Spreading dogbane reproduces vegetatively and by seed [9]. Vegetative reproduction is through rhizomes [53]. Flowering and reproductive success is negatively effected by exposure to ambient ozone [20].

Pollination: Spreading dogbane is insect and self-pollinated [83]. Insects transfer pollen from the anther to the stigma upon withdrawal of the proboscis. Cross-pollination occurs when pollen remains adhered to the proboscis and is transferred to the stigma of another flower [56].

In Colorado, approximately 71 species of insect were recorded visiting spreading dogbane over a 15-hour period. None had detectable amounts of pollen from Apocynum spp. plants [83]. A study in South Dakota concluded that behavior of 2 bumblebee species was determined by the density of spreading dogbane plants and availability of alternative food sources [126].

Breeding system: No information is available on this topic.

Seed production: Spreading dogbane produces "numerous" seeds [39,116,127].

Seed dispersal: Spreading dogbane seed is wind dispersed [4,159,161,180].

Seed banking: There is no indication that spreading dogbane stores its seed in soil [158,159,160,161].

Germination: Germination requirements for spreading dogbane are not well known [161]. Seed collected from the prairies of Wisconsin in 1946 had 56% germination rates when stratified for 2 months and 36% germination rates when not stratified. The seed was planted in flats and exposed to temperatures of 65to 70 ºF (18-21 ºC) for 2 months before being stratified outdoors or kept indoors at 40 ºF (4 ºC) for 2 to 3 months [65].

In a study to determine the viability of seeds after submersion in water with temperatures ranging from 33 to 81 ºF (0.5-27 ºC), most spreading dogbane seeds either germinated and/or deteriorated in the first 3 months of submersion. Those that remained firm had germination rates ranging from <1% to 8% following 3 to 24 months of water submersion while germination rates for seed that was not submerged ranged from 53% to 91%. None of the seeds germinated after 36 or more months of submersion [33]:


Months after test initiated

3 6 9 12 24 36 48 60

% of firm seeds

7 8 8 1 1 0 0 0

% germination of fresh-water stored seeds

2 4 6 1 <1 0 0 0

% germination of dry stored seeds

53 74 91 91 87 63 6 1

Apocynum spp. are able to germinate on newly-burned soil [171].

Seedling establishment/growth: No information is available on this topic.

Asexual regeneration: Asexual reproduction of spreading dogbane is attained through rhizomatous sprouts [9,161]. Sprouting from rhizomes has also been observed following disturbance [29,165].

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Regional Distribution in the Western United States

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This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):


1 Northern Pacific Border

2 Cascade Mountains

3 Southern Pacific Border

4 Sierra Mountains

5 Columbia Plateau

6 Upper Basin and Range

7 Lower Basin and Range

8 Northern Rocky Mountains

9 Middle Rocky Mountains

10 Wyoming Basin

11 Southern Rocky Mountains

12 Colorado Plateau

13 Rocky Mountain Piedmont

14 Great Plains

15 Black Hills Uplift

16 Upper Missouri Basin and Broken Lands
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

States or Provinces

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
(key to state/province abbreviations)
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Successional Status

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More info for the terms: cover, forbs, frequency, shrubs

Spreading dogbane can occur in various successional stages. It does well in full sun or partial shade [161] and is considered a representative mid-seral species in multiple habitat types [158,159,160,161]. Spreading dogbane often provides important cover in locations with sparse vegetation [199] such as recently disturbed areas [187]. In Indiana, it was identified along with other forbs and shrubs in the early stage of prairie encroachment by trees [149]. Spreading dogbane is found in early successional stages on the shores of Lake MacDonald in northwestern Montana [67] and is considered a "secondary" species in Michigan aspen (Populus spp.) associations [58].

In Manitoba, wooden screens were placed to allow 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% shade over plots which had been fire-pruned, burned with a propane burner resulting in ground temperatures of 260 to 480 ºF (125-250 ºC)). Spreading dogbane sprouted in plots allowing 75% shade with 10% frequency and 6% cover and did not return to any of the other plots [76], suggesting shade tolerance in spreading dogbane. Variability in light tolerance may exist across populations and/or locations.

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Apocynum ambigens (Greene)

Apocynum pumilum (Greene)

Apocynum scopulorum (Greene)
bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants

The currently accepted scientific name for spreading dogbane is Apocynum
androsaemifolium L. (Apocynaceae) [7,22,23,39,42,61,64,73,74,75,77,81,85, 86,87,96,98,113,127,128,137,167,190,191,200].Varieties are as follows:

A. a. var.androsaemifolium

A. a. var.ambigens (Greene) Rydberg [64]

A. a. var. incanum DC [64,137]

A. a. var. pumilum Gray [75,77,98,137,191]

A. a. var. glabrum Macoun [64,77,105,174]

A. a. var. griseum (Greene) Beg. & Bel. [64]

Hybrids: Hybridization is common within the genus Apocynum [6,39]. Spreading dogbane
commonly hybridizes with Indian hemp (A. cannabinum) to produce intermediate dogbane
(Apocynum × medium Greene) [23,61,113,137,189,191]. Sources which recognize intermediate
dogbane as a separate variety include [75,87,98,167,200].

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites

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More info for the terms: forest, seed

Spreading dogbane has been noted to inhabit recently disturbed sites. It was observed on a clear-cut site in western Montana [99] and reported highest densities (83 plants per acre) 3 and 5 years following harvest activity in California [107]. Spreading dogbane was found on a mudflow surface at Mount St. Helens 1 year following disturbance [69] and is considered an increaser along streams in southern Idaho [139], possibly indicating a propensity to inhabit areas disturbed by flood events. Temperature measurements conducted in southwestern Oregon in undisturbed stands indicate a preference for warm temperatures when compared with other species [62]. In Gifford Pinchot National Forest grand fir (Abies grandis) habitat types, spreading dogbane is used as an indicator for disturbance [177].

Spreading dogbane can be successfully transplanted. Transplanting from high elevation to low elevation sites led to development that was delayed by 1 month when compared to plants currently at the low elevation site. Plants moved from low elevation to high elevation sites were advanced by 1 week in 1st bloom and peak bloom when compared to plants remaining at the low elevation site. Transplants did not produce seed at the lower sites [53]. Spreading dogbane has been used for landscaping in residence areas that seek to utilize prairie species [79].

Procedures for seed propagation of spreading dogbane can be found in [80].

bibliographic citation
Groen, Amy H. 2005. Apocynum androsaemifolium. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apoand/all.html


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
This plant attracts bees and butterflies. In particular it is a larval host and nectar source for the Monarch (Danaus plexippus). (NPIN, 2009)
Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
Blooms June through July. (Hultman, 1978) Blooms from June-August. (NPIN, 2009)
Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
Spreads very rapidly from creeping underground stems. (NPIN, 2009) It is clone-forming. (UW, 2009)
Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
This plant is native to Alaska, Canada, and the lower 48 United States. (USDA PLANTS, 2009)

USA: AL , AK , AZ , AR , CA , CO , CT , DE , GA , ID , IL , IN , IA , ME , MD , MA , MI , MN , MO , MT , NE , NV , NH , NJ , NM , NY , NC , ND , OH , OK , OR , PA , RI , SD , TN , TX , UT , VT , VA , WA , WV , WI , WY , DC (NPIN, 2009)

Canada: AB , BC , MB , NB , NL , NS , ON , PE , QC , SK (NPIN, 2009)

Native Distribution: Nf. to B.C., s. to GA mts. & AZ (NPIN, 2009)

Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
Often borders oak thickets on the old prairie. (Hultman, 1978) Native habitat is forest, woodland, forest dge, prairie, meadow, and field. (NPIN, 2009) Habitat is upland woods. (UW, 2009)
Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk

Life Expectancy

provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
This is a perennial. (NPIN, 2009)
Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
This plant can be weedy or invasive. (USDA PLANTS, 2009)
Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
Overall This is a fragrant, shrub-like plant. (Hultman, 1978) It is widely branching and bushy. It sets a deep tap root. (NPIN, 2009) The plant is erect. (UW, 2009)

Flowers are pale pink. Clusters of nodding, bell-shaped flowers hang from the end of hooked stalks. The interior of the flower is striped with deep rose. (Hultman, 1978) Small groups of tiny, pink, bell-shaped flowers are near the branch tips. The flowers’ fragrance is reminiscent of lilac. It bears numerous small pink, nodding, bell-like flowers. Flowers are pink outside, fragrant, and striped inside with deeper pink. They are hermaphroditic. (NPIN, 2009) Flowers are pink marked with red inside. The are 5-parted, bell- shaped, and nodding. Petals are spreading or curved backward. Inflorescence is a branched cluster (cyme). The main cyme is terminal, others are from the upper leaf axils. (UW, 2009)

Fruit are paired, long, and very narrow pods with seeds on silky hair. (UW, 2009)

Leaves are oval shaped and set in pairs. (Hultman, 1978) The plant bears opposite, oval leaves. Milky juice exudes from broken stems and leaves. Leaves are simple, pinnately veined, and glabrous. The leaf apex is acute and the base rounded. (NPIN, 2009) Leaves are opposite, stalked, mostly drooping, and usually with hairs below. (UW, 2009)

Stems are ruddy and forking repeatedly, giving the appearance of no main stem. They yield a milky juice when broken. (Hultman, 1978) Milky juice exudes from broken stems and leaves. (NPIN, 2009) The plant has many branches, often with no main stem. (UW, 2009)

Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk

Risk Statement

provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
Vertebrate poisons: mammals. (USDA GRIN, 2002) HAZARDOUS: Some part of these plants MAY be known to be mildly to severely toxic to either animals and/or humans. They might cause symptoms either externally or internally. (UW, 2009)
Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk

Plant is 1-4' tall. (Hultman, 1978) It is 2-5' tall. (NPIN, 2009) It is 8"-32" tall. (UW, 2009)

Flowers are 5-7 mm long. (NPIN, 2009) Flowers are 1/4"-3/8" wide. (UW, 2009)

Fruit is 15 cm long. (NPIN, 2009)

Leaves are 1.3"- 3.5" long. (UW, 2009)

Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk


provided by Indiana Dunes LifeDesk
Tough stem fibers were used by pioneers as a substitute for hemp. (Hultman, 1978) Women of some tribes rolled dogbane stem fibers on their legs to make a fine thread. This was said to be finer and stronger than the best cotton thread. It was used for sewing and for making twine, nets, fabric and bowstrings. The poisonous, acrid sap was said to stimulate hair growth by irritating the follicles, but people with sensitive skin are more likely to develop blisters than hair. (Kershaw via NPIN, 2009) The names comes from the Greek for "away from dog," i.e. noxious to dogs, in reference to its ancient use as a dog poison, hence dogbane. (UW, 2009)

Outer bark or rind was used as the finest thread material. Used to bathe dogs for mange. Milk from leaves and stems was used for warts. The root is poisonous in large doses. Root was used as snuff, herbal steam, poultice or in decoction for headache and to increase lactation. Decoctions of root variously used for convulsions, given only to infants for colds, poured into ear for soreness, taken for heart palpitations, as a liver medicine, for evacuation of the placenta, and for stomach cramps. Dried, pulverized root used in various ways for insanity, dizziness. Roots eaten during the medicine lodge ceremony. Leaves chewed and the juice and pulp swallowed or dried leaves smoked as an aphrodisiac. (UM, 2009)

Beck, Nicholas
Beck, Nicholas
partner site
Indiana Dunes LifeDesk

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Apocynum androsaemifolium I^. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 311. 1762
Apocynumfol. androsaemi L. Sp. PI. 213. 1753.
Apocynum muscipulum Moench, Meth. 464. 1794.
Apocynum androsaemifolium var. incanum A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8: 439. 1844.
Apocynum androsaemifolium i. pauciflora Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 47: 158. 1894.
Apocynum silvaticum Greene, Leaflets 2: 179. 1912.
Apocynum androsaemifolium var. puberulum B6g. & Bel. Mem. Acqad. Lincei V. 9: 671. 1913.
Cynopaema androsaemifolium Lunell, Am. Midi. Nat. 4: 509. 1916.
Stems erect or ascending, 2-5 dm. tall, glabrous, freely and rather dichotomously branched, the branches alternate or subalternate ; leaves petiolate, drooping, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 2-10 cm. long, 1-6 cm. broad, glabrous or rarely sparsely pilosulous above, sparsely pilosulous to densely tomentulose beneath, or rarely glabrous or glabrate; calyx-lobes ovate to ovatelanceolate, 2-5 mm. long, glabrous, or rarely minutely pilosulous; corolla campanulate, 5-12 mm. long, the lobes white, usually with pinkish veins, widely spreading or reflexed, glabrous externally; follicles 6-15 cm. long, pendulous at maturity.
Type IvOCality: Canada.
Distribution: Newfoundland to British Columbia, and southward to Georgia and Arizona.
bibliographic citation
Robert Everard Woodson, Jr. 1938. (ASCLEPIADALES); APOCYNACEAE. North American flora. vol 29(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Apocynum androsaemifolium ( Asturian )

provided by wikipedia AST

Apocynum androsaemifolium ye una especie de planta melecinal perteneciente a la familia de les apocinacees. Ye orixinariu de Norteamérica.

Detalle de les flores
Vista de la planta


Ye una planta yerbácea perenne qu'algama los 5 ó 6 metros d'altor, ramificada, y, de mancomún colos otros trés miembros del xéneru, contién cazumbre llechienta qu'apaez nos tarmos rotos. Les fueyes son de color verde escuru'l fexe y más pálidu y nidiu el viesu, ovales, y de 5 a 6 cm de llargu. Les flores son blanques, tiñíes de colloráu y con cinco esguiles nel gargüelu de la corola, que segreguen un líquidu duce, bien curiosu pa les mosques. Estes escales son bien sensibles, y cuando son tocaes se curvan escontra dientro, encarcelando a los inseutos.

La corteza ye dura y fibrosa y ye utilizada polos indios de California como un sustitutu pal cáñamu, na fabricación de cordeles, bolses, redes de pesca y pa ropa de cama.

El raigañu llechientu atopar nel comerciu en pieces cilíndriques, de color acoloratáu o marrón abuxao. Cuasi nun tien golor y el sabor ye como d'almidón, depués ye amargosu y acre.

La naturaleza del principiu activu ye incierta. Un glucósido, apocynamarin, foi separáu, pero l'actividá créese que se debe non a un glucósido, sinón a un principiu bien amargosu, Cymarin.

Usos melecinales

Ye unu de los tónicos cardiacos del grupu de los digitálicos, apocynum, ye'l más poderosu na ralentización del pulsu. Puede causar estomagaes y catarsis, polo que delles persones nun la pueden tolerar. Trátase d'un hidragogo poderosu, preséu n'edemes por cuenta de la insuficiencia cardiaca.

Utilízase como una alterativa nel reumatismu, la sífilis y la escrófula.[1]


Apocynum androsaemifolium describióse por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Species Plantarum 1: 213. 1753.[2]


Apocynum: nome xenéricu que remanez del griegu apo = "fora de", y kyon o kunos = "perru", ye dicir "nocivu pa los perros", en referencia al so antiguu usu como venenu pa los perros.[3]

androsaemifolium: epítetu llatín que significa "como les fueyes de Androsaemum.

  • Cynopaema androsaemifolium (L.) Lunell
subsp. androsaemifolium
  • Apocynum ambigens Greene
  • Apocynum detonsum (Piper) Frye & Rigg
  • Apocynum macranthum Rydb.
  • Apocynum occidentale Rydb. ex Bég. & Beloserky
var. griseum (Greene) Bég. & Beloserky
  • Apocynum griseum Greene
var. incanum A.DC.
  • Apocynum incanum (A. DC.) G.S. Mill.
  • Apocynum muscipulum Moench
  • Apocynum pumilum var. rhomboideum (Greene) Bég. & Belosersky
  • Apocynum rhomboideum Greene
  • Apocynum scopulorum Greene ex Rydb.
  • Apocynum silvaticum Greene
subsp. pumilum (A.Gray) B.Boivin
  • Apocynum ambigens var. bicolor (Y.A.McGregor) Bég. & Belosersky
  • Apocynum androsaemifolium var. pumilum A.Gray
  • Apocynum austinae Greene
  • Apocynum bicolor Y.A.McGregor
  • Apocynum calophyllum Greene
  • Apocynum cardiophyllum Greene
  • Apocynum cercidium Greene
  • Apocynum ericifolium Greene ex Bég. & Belosersky
  • Apocynum eximium Greene
  • Apocynum luridum Greene
  • Apocynum molle Greene ex Bég. & Belosersky
  • Apocynum ovalifolium Greene
  • Apocynum paniculatum Greene
  • Apocynum plumbeum Greene
  • Apocynum pumilum (A.Gray) Greene
  • Apocynum rotundifolium Greene
  • Apocynum stenolobum Greene
  • Apocynum xylosteaceum Greene
var. tomentellum (Greene) B.Boivin
  • Apocynum arcuatum Greene
  • Apocynum cinereum A.Heller
  • Apocynum diversifolium Greene
  • Apocynum polycardium Greene
  • Apocynum pulchellum Greene
  • Apocynum tomentellum Greene[4]


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Apocynum androsaemifolium: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Apocynum androsaemifolium

Apocynum androsaemifolium ye una especie de planta melecinal perteneciente a la familia de les apocinacees. Ye orixinariu de Norteamérica.

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Dəlikçiçəkyarpaq kəndir ( Azerbaijani )

provided by wikipedia AZ

Dəlikçiçəkyarpaq kəndir (lat. Apocynum androsaemifolium)[1] - kəndir cinsinə aid bitki növü.[2]


  1. Nurəddin Əliyev. Azərbaycanın dərman bitkiləri və fitoterapiya. Bakı, Elm, 1998.
  2. Elşad Qurbanov. Ali bitkilərin sistematikası, Bakı, 2009.
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Dəlikçiçəkyarpaq kəndir: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Dəlikçiçəkyarpaq kəndir (lat. Apocynum androsaemifolium) - kəndir cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Apocynum androsaemifolium

provided by wikipedia EN

Apocynum androsaemifolium, the fly-trap dogbane or spreading dogbane, is a flowering plant in the Gentianales order. It is common in North America.


Apocynum androsaemifolium is a perennial herb with branching stems, hairs on the underside of the leaves, and no hair on the stems.[2][3][4] It grows to 20–30 centimetres (8–12 inches), exceptionally 50 cm (20 in). Milky sap[5] appears on broken stems.

Its leaves appear as pointed ovals, with entire leaf margins and alternate venation. Pairs of pink flowers bloom at the end of stalks between June and September.[5] Two seed pods 12.5–17.5 cm (5–7 in) in length contain silky-haired seeds.[5]


Subspecies and varieties

Subspecies and varieties include:[1]

  1. Apocynum androsaemifolium subsp. androsaemifolium - E Canada, W United States
  2. Apocynum androsaemifolium var. griseum (Greene) Bég. & Belosersky - Ontario, British Columbia, Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan
  3. Apocynum androsaemifolium var. incanum A.DC. - widespread in Canada, United States, NE Mexico
  4. Apocynum androsaemifolium var. intermedium Woodson - Colorado
  5. Apocynum androsaemifolium subsp. pumilum (A.Gray) B.Boivin - British Columbia, Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, California, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada
  6. Apocynum androsaemifolium var. tomentellum (Greene) B.Boivin - British Columbia, Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada
  7. Apocynum androsaemifolium var. woodsonii B.Boivin - Alberta, British Columbia, Washington State, Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho


Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeus. From the Greek 'apo': far from and 'kyôn': dog, because of its toxic effects on dogs; Androsema-leaved androsaemifolium (Hypericum androsaemum).

Distribution and habitat

The plant is widespread across most of Canada, the United States (including Alaska but excluding Florida), and northeast Mexico.[5][1][6] Its native habitats include forests, woodlands, forest edges, prairies, meadows, and fields.[7] It prefers dry soils at low to medium elevations.[5]


Animals naturally avoid the plant.[5]


The plant is poisonous[8] due to the cardiac glycosides and resins it contains.[9] Escalating doses usually cause vomiting and diarrhea. Other symptoms include dizziness, colour hallucinations, cold sweats, and excessive urination. In extreme cases, the heart rate may slow before fatal convulsions. Young milkweed shoots must be distinguished from those of the androsemus leaf beetle because they appear at the same time.


Native Americans used spreading dogbane in numerous ways. The plant was used as a medicine to treat ailments including headaches, convulsions, ear ache, heart palpitations, colds, insanity, dizziness, rheumatism, scrofula, and syphilis. The plant can also be used as a contraceptive.[10] Among the Ojibwe, the root was used as a gynecological, oral, and throat aid, as well as an analgesic for headaches and a diuretic during pregnancy. The Ojibwe also consumed the root of the plant during the medicine lodge ceremony.[11] The Forest Potawatomi made medicinal use of the roots as well, and the Prairie Potawatomi used the plant's fruits to treat heart and kidney problems.[10] The stem fibers of the plant are very strong,[11] and Native Americans used them as a thread for sewing.[12] Outside of the Americas, spreading dogbane was also used to treat heart disease in Europe during the first half of the 20th century.[13]


  1. ^ a b c "Apocynum androsaemifolium". World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  2. ^ Alan Hall, The Wild Food Guide, Holt, Rinehard, and Winston, 1976, pp. 171, 217
  3. ^ Blanchan, Neltje (2002). Wild Flowers: An Aid to Knowledge of our Wild Flowers and their Insect Visitors. Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.
  4. ^ Blanchan, Neltje (2005). Wild Flowers Worth Knowing. Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Spellenberg, Richard (2001) [1979]. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers: Western Region (rev ed.). Knopf. pp. 343–344. ISBN 978-0-375-40233-3.
  6. ^ "Apocynum androsaemifolium". County-level distribution map from the North American Plant Atlas (NAPA). Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2014.
  7. ^ "Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin". www.wildflower.org. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
  8. ^ Whitney, Stephen (1985). Western Forests (The Audubon Society Nature Guides). New York: Knopf. pp. 589–90. ISBN 0-394-73127-1.
  9. ^ Elias, Thomas S.; Dykeman, Peter A. (2009) [1982]. Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide to Over 200 Natural Foods. New York: Sterling. p. 267. ISBN 978-1-4027-6715-9. OCLC 244766414.
  10. ^ a b "Apocynum androsaemifolium - Spreading Dogbane". flora.neocities.org. Retrieved 28 March 2021.
  11. ^ a b "BRIT - Native American Ethnobotany Database". Native American Ethnobotany DB. Retrieved 28 March 2021.
  12. ^ Fagan, Damian (2019). Wildflowers of Oregon: A Field Guide to Over 400 Wildflowers, Trees, and Shrubs of the Coast, Cascades, and High Desert. Guilford, CT: FalconGuides. p. 21. ISBN 978-1-4930-3633-2. OCLC 1073035766.
  13. ^ Xie, Wenyan; Zhang, Xiaoying; Wang, Tian; Hu, Jianjun (7 May 2012). "Botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Apocynum venetum L. (Luobuma): A review". Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 141 (1): 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.02.003. PMID 22421379. Retrieved 28 March 2021.

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Apocynum androsaemifolium: Brief Summary

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Apocynum androsaemifolium, the fly-trap dogbane or spreading dogbane, is a flowering plant in the Gentianales order. It is common in North America.

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Apocynum androsaemifolium ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Apocynum androsaemifolium es una especie de planta medicinal perteneciente a la familia de las apocináceas. Es originario de Norteamérica.

Detalle de las flores
Vista de la planta


Es una planta herbácea perenne que alcanza los 5 o 6 metros de altura, ramificada, y, en común con los otros tres miembros del género, contiene savia lechosa que aparece en los tallos rotos. Las hojas son de color verde oscuro el haz y más pálido y suave el envés, ovales, y de 5 a 6 cm de largo. Las flores son blancas, teñidas de rojo y con cinco escalas en la garganta de la corola, que segregan un líquido dulce, muy atractivo para las moscas. Estas escalas son muy sensibles, y cuando son tocadas se curvan hacia dentro, encarcelando a los insectos.

La corteza es dura y fibrosa y es utilizada por los indios de California como un sustituto para el cáñamo, en la fabricación de cordeles, bolsas, redes de pesca y para ropa de cama.

La raíz lechosa se encuentra en el comercio en piezas cilíndricas, de color rojizo o marrón grisáceo. Casi no tiene olor y el sabor es como de almidón, luego es amargo y acre.

La naturaleza del principio activo es incierta. Un glucósido, apocynamarin, fue separado, pero la actividad se cree que se debe no a un glucósido, sino a un principio muy amargo, Cymarin.

Usos medicinales

Es uno de los tónicos cardíacos del grupo de los digitálicos, apocynum, es el más poderoso en la ralentización del pulso. Puede causar náuseas y catarsis, por lo que algunas personas no lo pueden tolerar. Se trata de un hidragogo poderoso, útil en edemas debido a la insuficiencia cardíaca.

Se utiliza como una alternativa en el tratamiento del reumatismo, la sífilis y la escrófula.[1]


Apocynum androsaemifolium fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 1: 213. 1753.[2]


Apocynum: nombre genérico que deriva del griego apo = "fuera de", y kyon o kunos = "perro", es decir "nocivo para los perros", en referencia a su antiguo uso como veneno para los perros.[3]

androsaemifolium: epíteto latino que significa "como las hojas de Androsaemum.

  • Cynopaema androsaemifolium (L.) Lunell
subsp. androsaemifolium
  • Apocynum ambigens Greene
  • Apocynum detonsum (Piper) Frye & Rigg
  • Apocynum macranthum Rydb.
  • Apocynum occidentale Rydb. ex Bég. & Beloserky
var. griseum (Greene) Bég. & Beloserky
  • Apocynum griseum Greene
var. incanum A.DC.
  • Apocynum incanum (A. DC.) G.S. Mill.
  • Apocynum muscipulum Moench
  • Apocynum pumilum var. rhomboideum (Greene) Bég. & Belosersky
  • Apocynum rhomboideum Greene
  • Apocynum scopulorum Greene ex Rydb.
  • Apocynum silvaticum Greene
subsp. pumilum (A.Gray) B.Boivin
  • Apocynum ambigens var. bicolor (E.A.McGregor) Bég. & Belosersky
  • Apocynum androsaemifolium var. pumilum A.Gray
  • Apocynum austinae Greene
  • Apocynum bicolor E.A.McGregor
  • Apocynum calophyllum Greene
  • Apocynum cardiophyllum Greene
  • Apocynum cercidium Greene
  • Apocynum ericifolium Greene ex Bég. & Belosersky
  • Apocynum eximium Greene
  • Apocynum luridum Greene
  • Apocynum molle Greene ex Bég. & Belosersky
  • Apocynum ovalifolium Greene
  • Apocynum paniculatum Greene
  • Apocynum plumbeum Greene
  • Apocynum pumilum (A.Gray) Greene
  • Apocynum rotundifolium Greene
  • Apocynum stenolobum Greene
  • Apocynum xylosteaceum Greene
var. tomentellum (Greene) B.Boivin
  • Apocynum arcuatum Greene
  • Apocynum cinereum A.Heller
  • Apocynum diversifolium Greene
  • Apocynum polycardium Greene
  • Apocynum pulchellum Greene
  • Apocynum tomentellum Greene[4]


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Apocynum androsaemifolium: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Apocynum androsaemifolium es una especie de planta medicinal perteneciente a la familia de las apocináceas. Es originario de Norteamérica.

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Apocyne à feuilles d'androsème ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Apocynum androsaemifolium

L'apocyne à feuilles d'androsème (Apocynum androsaemifolium) (appelé plus fréquemment apocyn à feuilles d'androsème au Canada) possède un rhizome horizontal, des feuilles opposées simples, entières, ovales et pointues. Les fleurs sont de petites cloches roses en cymes terminales ou axillaires. Les fruits sont en follicules grêles, allongés et cylindriques. Ses graines sont nombreuses et munies de longues aigrettes. C'est l'une de deux espèces de plantes vasculaires que l'on appelle communément herbe à la puce ou herbe à puce au Québec (l'autre étant le Sumac grimpant (Toxicodendron radicans), beaucoup plus vénéneux que l'apocyne)[1] et gobe-mouche en France. Il s'agit d'une espèce indigène à l'Amérique du Nord, notamment au Québec[2]. La sève de cette plante peut induire, quoique peu fréquemment, une dermatite allergique lors de son contact avec la peau chez certaines personnes. Par contre, son ingestion a des effets beaucoup plus graves. En effet, l'apocynamarine contenue dans le rhizome peut causer des intoxications produisant des vomissements ou encore la mort chez les humains ainsi que les animaux domestiques [3].


Apocynum androsaemifolium Linné. Du grec apo: loin de et kyôn: chien, à cause de ses effets toxiques sur les chiens; androsaemifolium à feuilles d'androsème (Hypericum androsaemum).


L’apocyn est une plante vivace qui se propage de façon sexuée et asexuée (par son rhizome)[4],[5].

L'apocyn est une plante de taille moyenne, moins d’un mètre, elle possède une tige dressée, ramifiée et rougeâtre, qui contient un latex dont le contact avec la peau peut être irritant pour certaines personnes. Cela lui a valu d’être aussi nommée herbe à puce. Cependant, son pouvoir irritant que certains mettent en doute est faible comparativement à celui de la plante tant redoutée (Toxicodendron radicans)[4].

L’apocyn atteint son plein déploiement à la fin de juin et commence à fleurir peu après. Les feuilles ovales ou elliptiques sont opposées et entières (non dentées). Elle produit, à l’extrémité de ses tiges, de petites fleurs blanches ou roses en forme de clochettes dont l’odeur s’apparente à celle du lilas. Il faut les observer de très près, à la loupe, pour comprendre leur structure fine qui en fait de véritables pièges à insectes. En Europe, on appelle cette plante « gobe-mouche ». Les fruits arrivent à maturité à l’automne. Ce sont des follicules allongés et étroits rattachés par paires et contenant de nombreuses graines très petites. Elles sont pourvues d’une aigrette blanche permettant leur dispersion par le vent.[4],[5],[6],[7].


On trouve l'apocyn à feuilles d'androsème dans une variété de milieux où les sols sont bien drainés c. à. d. à la lisières des bois, sur les collines ouvertes et ensoleillées, dans les prairies, les clairières, sur le bord des routes et en lieux perturbés. Il est particulièrement abondant après un feu, une coupe de bois ou autre perturbation[8].


Les doses excessives provoquent généralement des vomissements et des diarrhées. Sinon, l'intoxiqué est étourdi, voit les objets en vert ou en jaune, exsude des sueurs froides et urine beaucoup. Son cœur ralentit et la mort survient après des convulsions. Avant de consommer les jeunes pousses d'Asclépiade, il est primordial de savoir les distinguer de celles de l'apocyne à feuilles d'androsème car ils apparaissent en même temps[9],[10].


Comme toutes les plantes de cette famille elle est lactifère, mais malgré un de ses noms vernaculaires (herbe à la puce) sa nocivité est beaucoup plus faible, voir nulle, comparée à la véritable herbe à puce (Sumac vénéneux)[7].


Les fibres de la tige, semblables au chanvre, servaient à faire des sac, des filets, de la ficelle et du tissu chez les Amérindiens de la Californie.


Les Amérindiens utilisaient la propagation de l'apocyne de nombreuses manières. La plante était utilisée comme médicament pour traiter les maux de tête, les convulsions, les maux d'oreille, les palpitations cardiaques, les rhumes, la folie, les vertiges, les rhumatismes, la scrofule et la syphilis. La plante peut également être utilisée comme contraceptif. Chez les Ojibwés, la racine était utilisée comme aide gynécologique, orale et de gorge, ainsi qu'un analgésique pour les maux de tête et un diurétique pendant la grossesse. Les Ojibwés ont également consommé la racine de la plante lors de la cérémonie de la loge de médecine. Le Forest Potawatomi utilisait également les racines à des fins médicinales, et le Prairie Potawatomi utilisait les fruits de la plante pour traiter les problèmes cardiaques et rénaux. Les fibres de la tige de la plante sont très résistantes. et les Amérindiens les utilisaient comme fil pour coudre. En dehors des Amériques, la propagation de l'apocyn a également été utilisée pour traiter les maladies cardiaques en Europe au cours de la première moitié du XXe siècle.

Espèces similaires : Il se distingue par son aspect élancé mais légèrement charnu, ses feuilles opposées, courtement pétiolées (a), souvent pendantes, à face inférieure légèrement velue et d'un vert plus pâle, les feuilles les plus jeunes étant vert blanchâtre, ses grappes de fleurs rosâtres (b) mesurant habituellement 6 mm (1/4 po) ou plus, ses follicules longs et grêles (c) et son suc laiteux[5].

Notes et références

  1. « Flore laurentienne - Rhus radicans Linné [Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze] ― Sumac grimpant », sur florelaurentienne.com (consulté le 23 juin 2019)
  2. « Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeus - Base de données des plantes vasculaires du Canada (VASCAN) », sur data.canadensys.net (consulté le 13 août 2016)
  3. « Apocynum androsaemifolium (Nom scientifique) », sur Système canadien d'information sur la biodiversité, 2013
  4. a b et c « L’apocyn à feuilles d’androsème », sur Comité régional pour la protection des falaises, 27 septembre 2017 (consulté le 15 octobre 2021)
  5. a b et c « Les mauvaises herbes de l'Ontario : Apocyn à feuilles d'androsème », sur www.omafra.gov.on.ca (consulté le 16 octobre 2021)
  6. « IRIIS phytoprotection - Fiche technique, Apocyn à feuilles d'androsème - Spreading dogbane », sur iriisphytoprotection.qc.ca (consulté le 16 octobre 2021)
  7. a et b « Flore du Québec :: Présentation = Apocyn à feuilles d'androsème [Apocynum androsaemifolium] », sur floreduquebec.ca (consulté le 16 octobre 2021)
  8. « Apocyn à feuilles d'androsème - informations | Fleurs sauvage du Québec », sur www.fleursduquebec.com (consulté le 17 mars 2022)
  9. « Plantes sauvages comestible », sur www.fsaa.ulaval.ca (consulté en 2021)
  10. « Plantes sauvages toxiques », sur www.fsaa.ulaval.ca (consulté en 2021)

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Apocyne à feuilles d'androsème: Brief Summary ( French )

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Apocynum androsaemifolium

L'apocyne à feuilles d'androsème (Apocynum androsaemifolium) (appelé plus fréquemment apocyn à feuilles d'androsème au Canada) possède un rhizome horizontal, des feuilles opposées simples, entières, ovales et pointues. Les fleurs sont de petites cloches roses en cymes terminales ou axillaires. Les fruits sont en follicules grêles, allongés et cylindriques. Ses graines sont nombreuses et munies de longues aigrettes. C'est l'une de deux espèces de plantes vasculaires que l'on appelle communément herbe à la puce ou herbe à puce au Québec (l'autre étant le Sumac grimpant (Toxicodendron radicans), beaucoup plus vénéneux que l'apocyne) et gobe-mouche en France. Il s'agit d'une espèce indigène à l'Amérique du Nord, notamment au Québec. La sève de cette plante peut induire, quoique peu fréquemment, une dermatite allergique lors de son contact avec la peau chez certaines personnes. Par contre, son ingestion a des effets beaucoup plus graves. En effet, l'apocynamarine contenue dans le rhizome peut causer des intoxications produisant des vomissements ou encore la mort chez les humains ainsi que les animaux domestiques .

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Apocynum androsaemifolium ( Latin )

provided by wikipedia LA

Apocynum androsaemifolium est species planta florentium in familia Apocynacearum.

Planta est herba perennis ad 2 metra alta, ramificans, et sicut aliae generis species, incisa siccum lacteum "india rubber"? aridum similem efferens. Folia sunt atroviridia supra, pallida pubescentiaque infra, ovata, integra, ad 3 uncias longa. Flores sunt albi, rubro suffusi, quinque squamis in fauce corollae praediti, quae liquidum pellucidum secernunt, muscis iucundum. Hae squamae sunt sensilissimae, et tactae introrsum flectunt, insecta includentes.

Tenax fibrosusque omnium Apocynorum specierum cortex interior Indis Californiensibus fuit materies ad vestes, restes, retia piscatoria, chartasque pretiosas faciendas.


  • Blanchan, Neltje. 2002. Wild Flowers: An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors. Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.
  • Blanchan, Neltje. 2005. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing. Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

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Apocynum androsaemifolium: Brief Summary ( Latin )

provided by wikipedia LA

Apocynum androsaemifolium est species planta florentium in familia Apocynacearum.

Planta est herba perennis ad 2 metra alta, ramificans, et sicut aliae generis species, incisa siccum lacteum "india rubber"? aridum similem efferens. Folia sunt atroviridia supra, pallida pubescentiaque infra, ovata, integra, ad 3 uncias longa. Flores sunt albi, rubro suffusi, quinque squamis in fauce corollae praediti, quae liquidum pellucidum secernunt, muscis iucundum. Hae squamae sunt sensilissimae, et tactae introrsum flectunt, insecta includentes.

Tenax fibrosusque omnium Apocynorum specierum cortex interior Indis Californiensibus fuit materies ad vestes, restes, retia piscatoria, chartasque pretiosas faciendas.

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Apocynum androsaemifolium ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Apocynum androsaemifolium là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ La bố ma. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. ^ The Plant List (2010). Apocynum androsaemifolium. Truy cập ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Apocynum androsaemifolium: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Apocynum androsaemifolium là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ La bố ma. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.

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