Head of male Sowerby's Whale. (After Andrews.)
Hyperoodon rostratus, (Chemnitz) Wesmael. Bottlenose Whale. (Female). Length, 30 feet (After Wesmael)
Berardius arnuxi, Duvenoy. Arnux's Whale.. Length, 29 feet (After Knox.)
Ziphius novae-zealandiae, Von Haast. Length, 20 feet. (After Von Haast).
Mesoplodon Sowerbiensis, (Blainville) Gervais. Sowerby's Whale, female.. Length, 11 feet. (After Dumortier)
USNM 593534 Indopacetus pacificus flipper radiograph inverted.
USNM 593534 Indopacetus pacificus flipper radiograph.
USNM 593534 Indopacetus pacificus flipper radiograph edited.
USNM 593534 Indopacetus pacificus flipper radiograph inverted.
USNM 593534 Indopacetus pacificus flipper radiograph.
USNM 594131 Mesoplodon europaeus flippers radiograph.
Digital radiograph of left flipper of USNM 571848, Mesoplodon europaeus.
USNM 550853 radiograph of left flipper.
USNM 572108 radiograph of right flipper.
USNM 572108 radiograph of left flipper.