Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
There is currently no conservation effort focused on this bird. Like other avian species, as long as it has adequate habitat - grasslands, open area, and agricultural lands - there is a chance it can survive with humans.
US Migratory Bird Act: protected
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
Their diet can consist largely of agricultural pests and therefore they are helpers in keeping the ecosystems around crops in better order. The long tail feathers have been used make peyote fans. Otherwise, the human utility of the bird is limited to the beauty of the bird witnessed in their skydances.
(Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, no date)
Positive Impacts: controls pest population
Scissor-tailed flycatchers forage at heights ranging from the ground to 10 meters. They capture their prey by aerial hawking or gleaning during prey-specific flight forays. (Regosin, 1998)
They eat mostly grasshoppers and beetles but have been known to eat bees, wasps, spiders, crickets, some fruits and berries as well. (Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, no date)
Animal Foods: insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods
Plant Foods: fruit
Primary Diet: carnivore (Insectivore )
Breeds in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and southern Nebraska, and occasionally eastern to western Louisiana and southwestern Missouri; migrates to and winters in Central America. The birds' wintering grounds can be anywhere within south Mexico through central Costa Rica and rarely into Panama as well as the southern tip of Florida.
(Peterson, 1963; Rand, 1971; Regosin, 1998)
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )
Breeds mainly in savannas that contain a few trees, shrubs and or brushes. But may also be found in agricultural and urban areas as well as pastures in their breeding time.
Sits on fence posts or bushes in open country of Texas and Oklahoma; prefers open grassland and areas with scattered trees.
Present in savannas, pastures, agricultural lands, urban areas and at the periphery of tropical forests.
(Regosin, 1998; Rand, 1971)
Range elevation: 1000 to 2300 m.
Average elevation: 1500 m.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial
Other Habitat Features: urban ; suburban ; agricultural
Scissor-tailed flycatchers are slender, pale gray and black, with contrasting white tails and pink flanks; red patches are present just under the wings at the shoulders. The common name refers to the long rectrices that have a gap between them giving the appearance of scissors. Females are usually shorter than males and have shorter tails.
(Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, no date; Peterson, 1963; Rand, 1971)
Range mass: 36 to 43 g.
Range length: 159 to 225 mm.
Range wingspan: 111 to 125 mm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
These birds are socially monogamous. (Regosin, 1998)
Mating System: monogamous
As soon as birds arrive back on their breeding grounds in the United States, breeding pairs are formed. The female primarily builds the nest but the male may help in shaping the nest with his bill and or feet. There can be four to five eggs per clutch in a nest and up to two broods are produced per season. Nests are usually built in small trees or shrubs. The eggs are incubated for 12-14 days and the hatchlings require another 14 days before they can leave the nest. (Rand, 1971; Sutton, 1977)
Breeding season: April to August
Range eggs per season: 3 to 6.
Average time to hatching: 14 days.
Average fledging age: 14 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 1 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 1 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (External ); oviparous
The male assists in feeding the young. The young are altricial and are born naked except for some white down. (Regosin, 1998)
Parental Investment: altricial ; male parental care ; female parental care
An extremely large (11-15 inches) flycatcher, the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher is most easily identified by its gray head and back, pale breast, dark wings, and exceptionally long “swallow-tailed” tail feathers comprising well over half of its body length. Adult birds are almost unmistakable in this species’ breeding range, although they may be confused with adult Fork-tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus savanna), which are darker on the head and face, that occur in this species’ tropical winter range and as rare vagrants further north. Male and female Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are similar to one another in all seasons. The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher breeds in portion of the southern Great Plains stretching from Nebraska and Missouri south to Texas and northern Mexico. In winter, this species migrates south to southern Mexico, Central America, and extreme southern Florida. During migration, stray individuals occasionally appear far from this species’ breeding range, some turning up as far north as southern Canada. Scissor-tailed Flycatchers breed in a variety of open habitats, including grasslands, prairies, and fields, utilizing similar habitats in winter as in summer. In particular, these birds require sections of habitat containing isolated low trees, bushes, or fence posts suitable for perching or nesting. Like most of their relatives, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers primarily eat small flying insects. In appropriate habitat, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are most easily seen scanning the grass or brush from a prominent perch. These birds hunt by flying out from perches to capture prey in the air, displaying their characteristic tail feathers as they do so. Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are primarily active during the day.
An extremely large (11-15 inches) flycatcher, the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher is most easily identified by its gray head and back, pale breast, dark wings, and exceptionally long “swallow-tailed” tail feathers comprising well over half of its body length. Adult birds are almost unmistakable in this species’ breeding range, although they may be confused with adult Fork-tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus savanna), which are darker on the head and face, that occur in this species’ tropical winter range and as rare vagrants further north. Male and female Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are similar to one another in all seasons. The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher breeds in portion of the southern Great Plains stretching from Nebraska and Missouri south to Texas and northern Mexico. In winter, this species migrates south to southern Mexico, Central America, and extreme southern Florida. During migration, stray individuals occasionally appear far from this species’ breeding range, some turning up as far north as southern Canada. Scissor-tailed Flycatchers breed in a variety of open habitats, including grasslands, prairies, and fields, utilizing similar habitats in winter as in summer. In particular, these birds require sections of habitat containing isolated low trees, bushes, or fence posts suitable for perching or nesting. Like most of their relatives, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers primarily eat small flying insects. In appropriate habitat, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are most easily seen scanning the grass or brush from a prominent perch. These birds hunt by flying out from perches to capture prey in the air, displaying their characteristic tail feathers as they do so. Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are primarily active during the day.
Distribucion General: Se reproduce en el sur y parte central de E.U.A. y el noreste de México. Invierna desde el sur de E.U.A. hasta el oeste de Panamá.
'''Tyrannus forficatus, tamién conocíu como Tiranu-tijereta rosado,[2] ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae.[1] Ye un ave migratoriu qu'añera n'América del Norte y envierna en América Central. Nun tien subespecies reconocíes.[2]
La so área de distribución inclúi Canadá, Estaos Xuníos, Méxicu, Belice, Guatemala, El Salvador, Hondures, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Les Bahames, Cuba, Haití, Puertu Ricu, Islles Turques y Caicos, y asocede dacuando na República Dominicana.[1] Ye un ave migratoriu qu'añera nos Estaos Xuníos y el nordés de Méxicu y envierna nel sur de Méxicu, América Central y delles islles del Caribe. El so hábitat natural compónse de monte subtropical, sabanes pacionales y carbes.[1]
'''Tyrannus forficatus, tamién conocíu como Tiranu-tijereta rosado, ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae. Ye un ave migratoriu qu'añera n'América del Norte y envierna en América Central. Nun tien subespecies reconocíes.
El tirà de cua de tisora[1] (Tyrannus forficatus) és un ocell de la família dels tirànids (Tyrannidae) que habita zones obertes, matolls, sabanes i terres de conreu des del sud de Nebraska i Missouri, cap al sud, fins a Texas i zona limítrofa del nord-est de Mèxic. Passa l'hivern al sud de Mèxic i Amèrica Central.
El tirà de cua de tisora (Tyrannus forficatus) és un ocell de la família dels tirànids (Tyrannidae) que habita zones obertes, matolls, sabanes i terres de conreu des del sud de Nebraska i Missouri, cap al sud, fins a Texas i zona limítrofa del nord-est de Mèxic. Passa l'hivern al sud de Mèxic i Amèrica Central.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Teyrnaderyn cynffonsiswrn (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: teyrnadar cynffonsiswrn) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Tyrannus forficatus; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Scissor-tailed flycatcher. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Teyrn-wybedogion (Lladin: Tyrannidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.[1]
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn T. forficatus, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yng Ngogledd America.
Mae'r teyrnaderyn cynffonsiswrn yn perthyn i deulu'r Teyrn-wybedogion (Lladin: Tyrannidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Gwybedog bronwinau’r Gogledd Aphanotriccus capitalis Gwybedog pigddu Aphanotriccus audax Teyrn corunllwyd Attila bolivianus Teyrn cycyllog Attila rufus Teyrn gwinau mawr Attila cinnamomeus Teyrn gylfingam y De Oncostoma olivaceum Teyrn gylfingam y Gogledd Oncostoma cinereigulare Teyrn melyngoch Attila torridus Teyrn tinfelyn Attila spadiceus Teyrn torfelyn Attila citriniventrisAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Teyrnaderyn cynffonsiswrn (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: teyrnadar cynffonsiswrn) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Tyrannus forficatus; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Scissor-tailed flycatcher. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Teyrn-wybedogion (Lladin: Tyrannidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn T. forficatus, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yng Ngogledd America.
Der Scherenschwanz-Königstyrann (Tyrannus forficatus) ist ein Sperlingsvogel aus der Familie der Tyrannen innerhalb der Unterordnung der Schreivögel.
Der Scherenschwanz-Königstyrann hat einen extrem langen gegabelten schwarzen Schwanz. Oberseits ist der Vogel grau gefärbt; die Unterseite ist heller mit rosa Flanken. Die Jungvögel sind weniger farbenprächtig und haben einen kürzeren Schwanz.
Dieser Schreivogel brütet in offenen Buschlandschaften mit vereinzelten Bäumen im zentralen Süden der USA und im Nordosten Mexikos und überwintert im südlichen Mexiko und in Zentralamerika. Manchmal taucht der Vogel an der Küste der USA auf und selten wird er in Südkanada gesehen. Der Scherenschwanz-Königstyrann ist der Staatsvogel von Oklahoma.
Der Vogel, der aggressiv sein Brutrevier verteidigt, ernährt sich von Insekten, die er von einem Ansitz aus jagt, und gelegentlich von Beeren.
Bei der Balz führt das Männchen spektakuläre Schauflüge auf. Ein schalenförmiges Nest wird in einem Busch oder Baum, manchmal auch auf einen Telefonmast gebaut. Beide Elternvögel füttern die Jungvögel.
Der Scherenschwanz-Königstyrann (Tyrannus forficatus) ist ein Sperlingsvogel aus der Familie der Tyrannen innerhalb der Unterordnung der Schreivögel.
The scissor-tailed flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus), also known as the Texas bird-of-paradise and swallow-tailed flycatcher, is a long-tailed insectivorous bird of the genus Tyrannus, whose members are collectively referred to as kingbirds. It is found in North and Central America.
The scissor-tailed flycatcher was formally described in 1789 by the German naturalist Johann Friedrich Gmelin in his revised and expanded edition of Carl Linnaeus's Systema Naturae. He placed it with the flycatchers in the genus Muscicapa and coined the binomial name Muscicapa forficata.[2][3] The specific epithet is from Latin forfex, forficis meaning "a pair of scissors".[4] Gmelin based his description on "Le moucherolle à queue fourchue du Mexique" (French: "the Mexican swallow-tailed flycatcher") that had been described in 1778 by the French polymath Comte de Buffon from a specimen from Mexico and illustrated with a hand-coloured engraving by François-Nicolas Martinet.[5][6] The scissor-tailed flycatcher is now one of 13 species placed in the kingbird genus Tyrannus that was introduced in 1799 by Bernard Germain de Lacépède.[7] The species is monotypic: no subspecies are recognised.[7]
Within the genus Tyrannus, the scissor-tailed flycatcher is most closely related to the western kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis).[8] In eastern Arkansas and western Tennessee, there is a hybrid breeding zone where the scissor-tailed flycatcher and the western kingbird are sympatric and possibly compete for the same niche.[9] Both these species have simultaneously expanded their breeding ranges eastward over the past 50 years.
Adult birds have pale gray heads and upper parts, light underparts, salmon-pink flanks and undertail coverts, and dark gray wings. Axillars and patch on underwing coverts are red.[10] Their extremely long, forked tails, which are black on top and white on the underside, are characteristic and unmistakable. At maturity, the male may be up to 15 in (38 cm) in length, while the female's tail is up to 30% shorter. The wingspan is 15 cm (5.9 in) and the weight is up to 43 g (1.5 oz).[11] Immature birds are duller in color and have shorter tails. A lot of these birds have been reported to be more than 40 cm (16 in).
They build a cup nest in isolated trees or shrubs, sometimes using artificial sites such as telephone poles near towns. The male performs a spectacular aerial display during courtship with his long tail forks streaming out behind him. Both parents feed the young. Like other kingbirds, they are very aggressive in defending their nest. Clutches contain three to six eggs.
In the summer, scissor-tailed flycatchers feed mainly on insects (grasshoppers, robber-flies, and dragonflies), which they may catch by waiting on a perch and then flying out to catch them in flight (hawking). For additional food in the winter they will also eat some berries.
Their breeding habitat is open shrubby country with scattered trees in the south-central states of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, western portions of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri west to far eastern New Mexico and northeastern Mexico. Reported sightings record occasional stray visitors as far north as southern Canada and Upstate New York, as far east as Florida and Georgia, and in the West Indies. They migrate through Texas and eastern Mexico to their winter non-breeding range, from southern Mexico to Panama. Pre-migratory roosts and flocks flying south may contain as many as 1000 birds.[12]
The scissor-tailed flycatcher is the state bird of Oklahoma, and is displayed in flight with tail feathers spread on the reverse of the Oklahoma Commemorative Quarter.
Professional soccer team FC Tulsa features a scissor-tailed flycatcher on their crest. The scissor-tailed flycatcher is also displayed in the background of the current license plate.
Scissor-tailed fly catcher at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Near Tampico, Mexico
The scissor-tailed flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus), also known as the Texas bird-of-paradise and swallow-tailed flycatcher, is a long-tailed insectivorous bird of the genus Tyrannus, whose members are collectively referred to as kingbirds. It is found in North and Central America.
La tijereta rosada (Tyrannus forficatus), también conocido como tirano-tijereta rosado,[2] es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae.[1] Es un ave migratoria que anida en América del Norte e inverna en América Central. No tiene subespecies reconocidas.[2]
Su área de distribución incluye Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, Belice, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Bahamas, Cuba, Haití, Puerto Rico, Islas Turcas y Caicos, y ocurre ocasionalmente en la República Dominicana.[1] Es un ave migratoria que anida en los Estados Unidos y el noreste de México e inverna en el sur de México, América Central y algunas islas del Caribe. Su hábitat natural se compone de bosque subtropical, sabanas pastizales y matorrales.[1]
La tijereta rosada (Tyrannus forficatus), también conocido como tirano-tijereta rosado, es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae. Es un ave migratoria que anida en América del Norte e inverna en América Central. No tiene subespecies reconocidas.
Tyrannus forficatus Tyrannus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Tyrannidae familian sailkatua dago.
Tyrannus forficatus Tyrannus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Tyrannidae familian sailkatua dago.
Saksityranni (Tyrannus forficatus) on tyrannien heimoon kuuluva pohjoisamerikkalainen varpuslintu. Sen esiintymisalue käsittää Yhdysvaltain keskiosat Kaakkois-Coloradosta ja Etelä-Nebraskasta etelään läntiseen Louisianaan ja Koillis-Meksikoon. Se on muuttolintu, joka talvehtii Keski-Amerikassa, harvoin Etelä-Floridassa. Johann Friedrich Gmelin kuvaili lajin holotyypin Meksikosta vuonna 1789.[2]
Saksityranni (Tyrannus forficatus) on tyrannien heimoon kuuluva pohjoisamerikkalainen varpuslintu. Sen esiintymisalue käsittää Yhdysvaltain keskiosat Kaakkois-Coloradosta ja Etelä-Nebraskasta etelään läntiseen Louisianaan ja Koillis-Meksikoon. Se on muuttolintu, joka talvehtii Keski-Amerikassa, harvoin Etelä-Floridassa. Johann Friedrich Gmelin kuvaili lajin holotyypin Meksikosta vuonna 1789.
Tyrannus forficatus
Le Tyran à longue queue (Tyrannus forficatus) est une espèce de passereaux appartenant à la famille des Tyrannidae.
Le tyran à longue queue se rencontre aux Bahamas, au Belize, au Canada, sur la côte ouest du Costa Rica, à Cuba, aux États-Unis, dans le Sud du Guatemala, en Haïti, dans le Sud du Honduras (présence isolée), sur la côte est et dans le Sud du Mexique, sur la côte ouest du Nicaragua, à l'ouest du Panama (présence isolée), à Porto Rico, de passage en République dominicaine, au Salvador et aux îles Turques-et-Caïques[1].
Cette espèce fréquente les territoires ouverts, plus particulièrement les prairies sèches, les zones cultivées ou broussailleuses[2].
Le tyran à longue queue niche dans l'Est du Nouveau-Mexique, dans le Sud-Est du Colorado, dans le Sud du Nebraska, dans le Nord et au centre du Missouri, au centre de l'Arkansas, dans l'Ouest de la Louisiane, du sud au nord de l'État du Nuevo León et dans le Sud du Texas. Il niche également, de manière isolée, dans le Nord-Est du Mississippi, au centre du Tennessee et au centre de l'Iowa.
Il passe l'hiver dans le Sud de la Louisiane (présence isolée), dans le Sud de la Floride et en Amérique centrale[2].
D'après la classification de référence (version 7.2, 2017) du Congrès ornithologique international, cette espèce ne compte pas de sous-espèces.
Tyrannus forficatus
Le Tyran à longue queue (Tyrannus forficatus) est une espèce de passereaux appartenant à la famille des Tyrannidae.
De zwaluwstaartkoningstiran (Tyrannus forficatus) is een zangvogel uit de familie Tyrannidae (Tirannen).
Het verenkleed van het mannetje is wit met zwarte vleugels en een groenzwarte, lange staart met witte en zwarte buitenste staartpennen. Het vrouwtje heeft een kortere staart. Hij maakt tijdens de baltsvlucht een rollend, kakelend geluid, dat als applaus klinkt. De lichaamslengte bedraagt 30 tot 38 cm.
Tijdens de baltsvlucht maakt het mannetje verticale en zigzaggende duik- en tuimelvluchten, waarbij de lange staartveren als linten achter hem aan dwarrelen.
Deze soort komt voor in Noord- en Midden-Amerika.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesDe zwaluwstaartkoningstiran (Tyrannus forficatus) is een zangvogel uit de familie Tyrannidae (Tirannen).
Saksetyrann (vitenskapelig navn: Tyrannus forficatus) er en langhalet insektetende fugl i familien tyrannfugler.
Fuglen er Oklahomas symbolske statsfugl.
Saksetyrann (vitenskapelig navn: Tyrannus forficatus) er en langhalet insektetende fugl i familien tyrannfugler.
Fuglen er Oklahomas symbolske statsfugl.
Tyran różany (Tyrannus forficatus) – gatunek średniej wielkości ptaka z rodziny tyrankowatych. Wędrowny, tereny lęgowe znajdują się głównie w Stanach Zjednoczonych, zimowiska zaś w Ameryce Środkowej. Niezagrożony wyginięciem.
Długość ciała wynosi około 29 cm[3], z czego około 13,8 mm przypada na dziób, zaś na ogon średnio 216,8 mm u samców i 146,7 mm u samic; ogon wcięty, środkowe sterówki mierzą ok. 50 mm[3]. Skrzydło mierzy średnio 124,4 mm u samców i 114,3 mm u samic[4]. Masa ciała waha się między 39 a 40 g[5].
Wierzch głowy i szyi jasnoszary, wierzch ciała szary, kuper niemal czarny. Spód ciała czystobiały, boki ciała czerwonawe. Pokrywy podogonowe różane. Skrzydła brązowoczarne, pokrywy skrzydłowe oraz lotki II rzędu na chorągiewkach zewnętrznych i na zakończeniach brudnobiało obrzeżone. Trzy zewnętrzne bardzo długie, czarne, na wewnętrznej chorągiewce na końcu biała plama. Dziób i stopy czarne, sterówki brązowe. Samica nie różni się ubarwieniem od samca[3].
Gatunek wędrowny. Tereny lęgowe, mające łącznie obszar około 305 000 km², znajdują się na obszarze od południowego stanu Nebraska, poprzez południowo-wschodni Nowy Meksyk i Missouri po północno-wschodni Meksyk. Tereny przeznaczone do zimowania leżą w Ameryce Środkowej, od południowego Meksyku po centralną Panamę. Zasiedla różnego rodzaju lasy, tereny rolnicze, zakrzewienia oraz tereny miejsce[6].
Samiec agresywnie broni terytorium, odzywając się głosem podobnym do odgłosów nieświszczuków (piesków preriowych; Cynomys), brzmiącym jak 'tsh, 'tsh, 'tsh[3]. Tyran różany żywi się głównie konikami polnymi oraz świerszczami[5].
Samice mogą kierować się długością ogona w wyborze samców[4]. Okres lęgowy trwa od marca do sierpnia[5].
Gniazdo mieści się na drzewie, nie jest wybierane według gatunku. Budulec stanowią korzonki, mchy i trawy, wplata w nie także śmieci (np. papier). Przeważnie znajduje się na wysokości około 4,5 metra nad ziemią (15 stóp). W lęgu 5-6 jaj o wymiarach około 22,86 x 17 mm. Są białe, pokryte czarnymi plamami, najintensywniej przy dłuższym zakończeniu[7].
Okres inkubacji wynosi 13-16 dni, wysiaduje jedynie samica. Młode karmione są przez oba ptaki z pary, po 14-17 dniach są w pełni opierzone[5].
Tyran różany (Tyrannus forficatus) – gatunek średniej wielkości ptaka z rodziny tyrankowatych. Wędrowny, tereny lęgowe znajdują się głównie w Stanach Zjednoczonych, zimowiska zaś w Ameryce Środkowej. Niezagrożony wyginięciem.
A tesourinha-rosada (Tyrannus forficatus)[2] é uma espécie de ave de cauda longa pertencente ao gênero Tyrannus, é aparentada com a tesourinha-do-campo (Tyrannus savana), que habita a América do Sul. Recebe seu nome popular devido à sua longa cauda e por sua plumagem de cor rosa-salmão. A tesourinha-rosada é encontrada na América do Norte e Central e realiza migrações ao longo de sua distribuição.[3]
O seu antigo nome latim era Muscivora forficata. O antigo nome do gênero Muscivora deriva das palavras latinas 'voar' (musca) e 'devorar' (vorare), enquanto o nome da espécie forficata deriva da palavra latina para 'tesoura' (forfex). A tesourinha-rosada é agora considerada um membro do gênero Tyrannus, o mesmo grupo dos suiriris. Este gênero ganhou esse nome porque várias de suas espécies são extremamente agressivas em seus territórios de reprodução, onde atacam aves maiores, como gralhas, gaviões e corujas.
Os indivíduos adultos têm cabeças e partes do pescoço cinza-claras, dorso branco, flancos rosa-salmão com coberteiras e asas cinza-escuro. As axilas e manchas nas coberteiras inferiores são vermelhas.[4] Suas caudas extremamente longas e bifurcadas, pretas na parte superior e brancas na parte inferior, são características inconfundíveis. Na maturidade, o macho pode ter até 38 cm (15 in) de comprimento, enquanto a cauda da fêmea é até 30% mais curta. A envergadura mede aproximadamente 15 cm (5.9 in) e o peso é de até 43 g (1.5 oz). Aves imaturas são de cor mais opaca e possuem caudas mais curtas.[5]
Constroem um ninho em formato de xícara em árvores ou arbustos isolados, às vezes usando locais artificiais, como postes telefônicos próximos de cidades. O macho realiza uma exibição aérea espetacular, exibindo sua longa cauda. Ambos os pais alimentam os filhotes. Assim como os outros membros do gênero Tyrannus, são muito agressivos na defesa de seu ninho. As ninhadas contêm três a seis ovos.[6]
No verão, as tesourinhas-rosadas se alimentam principalmente de insetos (gafanhotos, moscas e libélulas), que podem ser capturados esperando enquanto aguardam em um poleiro e depois voando para pegá-los. Durante o inverno, algumas bagas também acabam fazendo parte de suas dietas.[7]
Sua área de reprodução é nos estados estadunidenses do Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas; porções ocidentais de Louisiana, Arkansas e Missouri; extremo leste do Novo México e nordeste do México. Avistamentos relatados registram vagantes ocasionais no extremo norte do Canadá e no extremo leste da Flórida. As tesourinhas-rosadas migram através do Texas e do leste do México para sua área de inverno não reprodutiva, que é do sul do México ao Panamá.[8] Bandos pré-migratórios podem conter até 1.000 aves.[7]
No leste do Arkansas e no oeste do Tennessee, EUA, existe uma zona híbrida entre a tesourinha-rosada e o suiriri-ocidental, que são espécies irmãs simpátricas e ecologicamente semelhantes.[9] Ambas as espécies expandiram simultaneamente suas áreas de reprodução nos últimos 50 anos.
Tesourinha-rosada no Aviário Nacional em Pittsburgh, Pensilvânia
Perto de Tampico, México
(ajuda) A tesourinha-rosada (Tyrannus forficatus) é uma espécie de ave de cauda longa pertencente ao gênero Tyrannus, é aparentada com a tesourinha-do-campo (Tyrannus savana), que habita a América do Sul. Recebe seu nome popular devido à sua longa cauda e por sua plumagem de cor rosa-salmão. A tesourinha-rosada é encontrada na América do Norte e Central e realiza migrações ao longo de sua distribuição.
Saxstjärtstyrann[2] (Tyrannus forficatus) är en fågel i familjen tyranner inom ordningen tättingar.[3] Fågeln häckar i södra och centrala USA och övervintrar så långt söderut som till västra Panama.[3] IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]
Saxstjärtstyrann (Tyrannus forficatus) är en fågel i familjen tyranner inom ordningen tättingar. Fågeln häckar i södra och centrala USA och övervintrar så långt söderut som till västra Panama. IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.
Tyrannus forficatus là một loài chim trong họ Tyrannidae.[1]
Tyrannus forficatus là một loài chim trong họ Tyrannidae.
Tyrannus forficatus (Gmelin, 1789)
СинонимыДлиннохвостый королевский тиранн[1] (лат. Tyrannus forficatus) — вид певчих птиц из семейства тиранновые.
У взрослых особей голова светло-серого цвета и тёмный клюв, грудь и брюхо светлое с лососево-розовыми боками[2]. Спина и крылья тёмно-серые. Взрослые птицы имеют характерный длинный, раздвоенный хвост. У самцов он достигает 38 см в длину, у самок на 30 % короче. Размах крыльев 15 см, вес в среднем 43 грамма[3]. Молодые птицы менее красочные и имеют более короткий хвост.
Длиннохвостый королевский тиранн обитает на открытых кустарниковых местностях в юго-центральной части штатов Техас, Оклахома, Канзас, в западной части Луизианы, Арканзаса и Миссури, на северо-востоке Мексики. На зимовку птицы мигрируют стаями до 1000 особей[4]. Регион зимования охватывает территорию от юга Мексики до Панамы.
Питаются преимущественно насекомыми (кузнечики, мухи и стрекозы), поджидая добычу на насесте. Как правило, ловят насекомых в воздухе. Также в рацион птиц могут входить ягоды.
Птицы строят гнёзда в одиноко стоящих деревьях или кустарниках, либо на искусственных объектах, таких как телефонные столбы вблизи населённых пунктов. Кладка содержит от трёх до шести яиц. Выкармливанием занимаются оба родителя. Как и другие представители семейства, тиранны агрессивно защищают свои гнёзда.
Длиннохвостый королевский тиранн (лат. Tyrannus forficatus) — вид певчих птиц из семейства тиранновые.
エンビタイランチョウ(学名:Tyrannus forficatus)は、スズメ目タイランチョウ科に分類される鳥類の一種。
エンビタイランチョウ(学名:Tyrannus forficatus)は、スズメ目タイランチョウ科に分類される鳥類の一種。