Jeniang, Kedah, Malaysia.
Paspalum conjugatum P. J. Bergius. Poaceae. CN: [Malay - Rumput kerbau, Jampang canggah], Buffalo grass, Carabao grass, Sour grass, Sour paspalum. Native probably pantropical and naturalized pantropically. Animal forage. An extensive creeping perennial with long leafy stolons, stem ascending to 60cm high; nodes and bases of leaf and sheaths often purple; nodes often silky hairy; hairs up to 8 mm long; leaf blades 5.20 cm long, tapering towards both ends, often shiny, crinkling absent or confined to upper parts of blade which is sometimes hairy, margin hairy. Ligule short membranous with tuft of fine hairs at the apex; base of blade often purple chevrone. Inflorescence of usually two divergent somewhat arched, spikes, 4-15 cm long; spikelets overlap on each side of a flattened rachis. Single spikelet, oval almost round, pale yellow or green, fringed with long silky hairs; anthers yellow, stigma white. Ref and suggested reading: