
Distribution in Egypt ( englanti )

tarjonnut Bibliotheca Alexandrina LifeDesk

Eastern desert ? and Sinai?

Bibliotheca Alexandrina
BA Cultnat
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Global Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut Bibliotheca Alexandrina LifeDesk

Europe, north Africa, Sinai, east Mediterranean region, central Asia.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina
BA Cultnat
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Habitat ( englanti )

tarjonnut Bibliotheca Alexandrina LifeDesk

Sheltered habitats.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina
BA Cultnat
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Life Expectancy ( englanti )

tarjonnut Bibliotheca Alexandrina LifeDesk


Bibliotheca Alexandrina
BA Cultnat
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Associations ( englanti )

tarjonnut BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / miner
larva of Aulagromyza anteposita mines stem of Galium aparine
Other: sole host/prey

Foodplant / miner
larva of Aulagromyza orphana mines stem of Galium aparine
Other: sole host/prey

Foodplant / gall
Eriophyes galii causes gall of leaf of Galium aparine

Foodplant / open feeder
larva of Halidamia affinis grazes on leaf of Galium aparine

Foodplant / saprobe
superficial, scattered on in small groups, thinly subiculate perithecium of Hydropisphaera arenula is saprobic on dead stem of Galium aparine
Remarks: season: 1-12

Foodplant / sap sucker
nymph of Legnotus limbosus sucks sap of Galium aparine
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
immersed pseudothecium of Leptosphaeria galiorum is saprobic on dead stem of Galium aparine

Foodplant / saprobe
immersed pseudothecium of Leptosphaeria scitula is saprobic on dead stem of Galium aparine
Remarks: season: 3

Plant / resting place / on
female of Melanthrips ficalbii may be found on live flower of Galium aparine
Remarks: season: 5-8

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / parasite
cleistothecium of Neoerysiphe galii parasitises live Galium aparine

Foodplant / parasite
sporangium of Peronospora aparines parasitises live plant of Galium aparine
Remarks: season: Spring, Autumn

Foodplant / saprobe
thinly scattered, immersed soon erumpent pycnidium of Phomopsis coelomycetous anamorph of Phomopsis elliptica is saprobic on dead stem of Galium aparine
Remarks: season: 1-4

Foodplant / feeds on
subepidermal, elongate stroma of Placosphaeria coelomycetous anamorph of Placosphaeria galii feeds on stem of Galium aparine
Remarks: season: 7-8

Foodplant / parasite
pycnium of Puccinia difformis parasitises live leaf of Galium aparine

Foodplant / parasite
amphigenous telium of Puccinia punctata parasitises live leaf of Galium aparine
Other: minor host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
gregarious to scattered, erumpent apothecium of Pyrenopeziza galii is saprobic on dead stem of Galium aparine

Foodplant / saprobe
minute, scattered, punctiform, black pycnidium of Septoria coelomycetous anamorph of Septoria galiorum is saprobic on dead stem of Galium aparine
Remarks: season: 6


Size ( englanti )

tarjonnut EOL authors
30-150 cm
Julia (Nenya)
käy lähteessä
EOL authors

Broad-scale Impacts of Fire ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fire intensity, litter, seed

Survival of stored seed following fire likely depends on depth of burial and
fire intensity. Some suggest that seed in the litter layer is killed by fire [115],
while others suggest recolonization of an area is
by germination of
on-site seed [138]. Pratt and others [115] found heat
significantly reduced (p<0.05) stickywilly germination. See Germination
for study specifics.
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: association, cover, density, duff, fire frequency, fire severity, forb, forbs, forest, frequency, grassland, litter, restoration, severity, shrub, shrubland, tree, wildfire, woodland

Single fires:
Stickywilly is typically
present in postfire communities. Coverage, frequency, and/or density are often
reduced immediately following fire; however, stickywilly's reduction or absence
postfire is likely short lived.

Coniferous forests:
The following studies
indicate that stickywilly is often absent from the 1st postfire year conifer communities. Several fires burned in 2 northeastern
Oregon forests
(Douglas-fir and subalpine fir) where stickywilly occurs. Moderately severe fires partially consumed the litter and woody
debris, blackened shrub stems, and charred and
partially burned tree trunks. Severe fires deeply charred tree trunks, consumed
most branches, consumed litter and duff, and left a white ash layer.
Stickywilly coverage in the 5th postfire year surpassed prefire coverages
in moderate and severe burns.
Pre- and postfire percent coverages for stickywilly are provided below [66]:

Vegetation association prefire postfire year 1 postfire year 5 prefire postfire year 1 postfire year 5

moderate burn (n=4)

severe burn (n=2)

1 1 8 1 0 2
Subalpine fir/menziesia (Menziesia

partial burn (n=2)

severe burn (n=2)

0 0 5 0 0 no data

A study of different-aged burns in western hemlock-Douglas-fir forests in the
Olympic Mountains of Washington revealed stickywilly's preference for recently
disturbed forests. The author described past fires as "catastrophic," but no additional information
regarding fire season or severity was given. The percent frequency of stickywilly
is shown below [64]:

Time since fire (years) 2 3 19 110 515
Percent frequency 0.04 0.19 0.10 0 0

Deciduous forests:
Reestablishment of stickywilly
following fires in deciduous woodlands is quick. In a red alder
woodland in the Oregon Coast Range, sites were clearcut in early
spring (March-April), treated with herbicide in June, and burned in early
August. The prefire frequency of stickywilly was 15%. Two months following
frequency of stickywilly was 0%, and 4 months later stickywilly frequency was
1% [122].

"Moderately disturbed" upland slippery
elm-dominated forests of northern Illinois burned during the 1992 dormant and
growing seasons. The dormant season fire burned in March when
temperatures averaged 62 °F (16.7 °C), relative humidity was 70%, and the 8 days prior received no precipitation.
Approximately 75%
to 80% of the unit burned,
flame heights measured between 5.9 and 39.4 inches (15-100 cm), and fire spread was 1.3 m/minute. The growing
season fire burned in May when temperatures averaged 78 °F (25.6 °C), relative
humidity was 29%, and the 9 days prior received no precipitation. Approximately
75%-80% of the unit burned, flame heights were between 4 and 29.5 inches (10-75 cm), and fire spread was 1.7
m/minute. The density of stickywilly decreased on all burned and unburned sites in
1992 and 1993. Stickywilly had not recovered on either burned site by the 3rd
postfire year. The prefire and postfire stem densities (per m²) of
stickywilly on dormant season burns, growing season burns, and unburned plots are
provided below [127].

Fire season
dormant (March)
growing (May)
Year 1991
(prefire) 1992 1993 1994 1991 (prefire) 1992 1993 1994 1991 (prefire) 1992 1993 1994
Stickywilly stem density (per m²) 4.6 0.1 1.2 0.8 8.4 0.2 0.7 2.7 8.4 1.4 2.0 9.6

In shrubland and
grassland fires, stickywilly was commonly present in the 1st postfire community.
Following a July wildfire in the chaparral riparian zone of Ventura County,
California, stickywilly was present 1, 2, and 3 years following fire [26]. In west-central Utah, a fire burned
big sagebrush and Colorado pinyon-Utah juniper (Pinus edulis-Juniperus
ecosystems. Stickywilly occurred on 2 plots in the 1st postfire season but was
not encountered in the 2nd or 3rd postfire years. The frequency of stickywilly on nearby unburned sites was 0 for
all 3
years of postfire sampling [109]. A late July fire in southern California's foothill chaparral vegetation produced
surface temperatures of 670 °F
(354 °C) and soil
temperatures of 156 °F (69 °C) 2 inches (5 cm) below the soil surface. In the preburn
community, stickywilly occupied 11 m²; in the 1st year postfire
stickywilly occupied 32 m². Researchers
indicate that annual forbs were replaced by increasingly dense grasses in the
2nd, 3rd, and 4th postfire years [84].

An "intense wildfire" burned Gambel oak and big
sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass communities in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah in
August of 1990. Coverage and frequency of stickywilly were greater on burned
sites compared to unburned areas. The coverage and frequency (percent of
quadrats in which species occurred) of stickywilly on burned and unburned plots
is given below [114]:

Community type
Gambel oak
big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass
Burn status
Frequency (%) 4.5 24.6 11.8 24.3
Cover (%) 0.02 0.52 0.21 0.69

In northeastern Oregon, fires burned in 2 grazing exclosures (1 excluding
livestock and game animals, 1 excluding just livestock) within a common
snowberry-rose (Rosa spp.) community. The fire was moderately severe: it consumed the litter
and woody debris, blackened shrub stems, and charred and partially burned tree
trunks. Stickywilly coverage in the 5th postfire year surpassed prefire
coverages in both exclosures. Prefire and postfire percent coverage for
stickywilly is provided below [66]:

Burn severity

moderate burn/no game or livestock postfire disturbance

moderate burn/no livestock postfire disturbance (n=1)

Time since fire prefire 1 year 5 yrs prefire 1 year 5 yrs
Cover (%) 3 3 12 0 0 trace

While stickywilly is common in the 1st postfire year in shrub or grassland communities, some
studies did not detect stickywilly the 1st season following
fire. Following a November, 1994 fire in southern California's chaparral vegetation,
stickywilly was not present the 1st
postfire growing season. Stickywilly did occur in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th postfire years [49].
In a rough fescue-dominated grassland near Missoula, Montana, a late
June fire burned in 1977. The fire, pushed by gusty winds, consumed virtually all above ground vegetation. The
following fall (August
and September) received above normal precipitation. Researchers compared burned and nearby unburned
sites in the fall, spring, and summer immediately following the fire. Stickywilly was
not present on burned sites by the next summer [2].

The following study presents more long-term fire effects information by
comparing burned and unburned Gambel oak communities in central and northern Utah.
On unburned sites, the average frequency of stickywilly was 36.8; on burned
sites, stickywilly frequency was 33.1. A majority of the burned sites
experienced fires 8 years prior, while others burned less than 30 years before
initiating the study. Researchers provided no data regarding fire severity or
season [80].

Repeated fires:
Stickywilly's probability of recovery from fires seems to decrease as fire frequency
increases. In a mixed mesophytic forest of northern Kentucky,
sites burned repeatedly. For 2 and 3 consecutive fall seasons, prescription
fires with flame heights of up to 5.9 inches (15 cm) burned. The importance of
stickywilly was significantly (p<0.05) greater on unburned sites than on
sites repeatedly burned [88]. Spring fires (late March-early April)
burned annually, biennially, and at 4-, 10-, and 20-year intervals in tallgrass
prairie wetlands of northeastern Kansas. The relative importance of stickywilly
decreased with increased fire frequency. The relative importance values (%) are
provided below. Data are means and 1 standard deviation [67].

Fire frequency 10 and 20 2 and 4 annual fires
Relative importance value 19.7±3.2 3.5±3.1 0

Fall and spring prescribed burning in a basin big sagebrush community in east-central Oregon had no significant
effect on stickywilly frequency in postfire year 1 or 2 [126]. See the Research Project Summary of this work for more information on fire effects
on stickywilly and 60 additional forb, grass, and woody plant species.

These fire studies also provide information on postfire responses of plant species in communities that include stickywilly:
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Common Names ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants

catchweed bedstraw


bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Conservation Status ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: natural, seed

Galium spp. seed is prohibited or restricted in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New
York, and Vermont [154]. Kentucky recognizes stickywilly as a "lesser
threat" weed species that "principally spreads and remains in disturbed corridors, not
readily invading natural areas" [72]. Stickywilly appears in several
weed identification references as well [124,143,152,153,164]. Its ability to colonize
disturbed sites, occurrence in cultivated crops, and long-distance
dispersal potential are likely reasons for its inclusion in weed literature.

The Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan
list stickywilly as a noxious weed [124,154].
Under the Canada Seeds Act, stickywilly is a Class 2 "primary noxious weed seed."
There is zero tolerance for stickywilly seed in crop seed [92].
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forb, perfect

This description provides characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology,
and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available

Stickywilly is an annual
forb [25,44,58,143] that due to its
highly plastic nature can grow as a winter or summer annual in temperate regions
[28]. Under certain environmental conditions, stickywilly may grow more like a
biennial [90]. The stickywilly root system is a
shallow, branching taproot. Stickywilly has weak square stems with few branches
[25,41,44,58]. Weak stems give
stickywilly a gangly appearance, and tangles of stickywilly's scrambling stems
with nearby vegetation are inevitable [44,143]. This growth form allows stickywilly
a spread of up to 6 feet (1.8 m) [21].
At the stem angles are hooked hairs or bristles that further aid in clambering
and provide for plant dispersal [21,41,44].

A distinct characteristic of bedstraw species (Galium spp.) is leaves
arranged in whorls. Stickywilly typically displays simple linear leaves (0.4 to
3.2 inches long (1-8 cm)) in whorls of 8. However, whorls of 6 and 7 leaves
occur as well [25,41,44,58,62,143]. Flowers are perfect cymes and fruits are schizocarps that measure
between 1-4 mm in diameter, but 3-4 mm is more typical [44,57,143]. Seeds are covered with sticky hooked
hairs [21,25,58]. When found on dry sites, stickywilly leaves measure
0.4 to 1.6 inches (1-4 cm) long, and fruits typically range from 1.5 to 3 mm in diameter [44].

Look-alike species:
Stickywilly can be
mistaken with Marin County bedstraw (Galium spurium) especially when found in
crops or disturbed sites. Marin County bedstraw is a more aggressive, nonnative
species tolerant of dry sunny areas. The 2 species are
unreliably distinguished by habitat, but chromosome numbers distinguish them [103].

bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants

Stickywilly is widely distributed in North America. It occurs in every U.S.
state except Hawaii [153]. Stickywilly is present in parts of northern Mexico and in most Canadian
provinces [90,165]. The nativity of stickywilly is
debated. While most accept this species as native, some consider it nonnative
[163,171]. Still others suggest that stickywilly is a native, but that
subsequent introductions have occurred as well [90]. In
a literature review, it is suggested stickywilly arrived in the fur of animals crossing the Bering
Strait into North America [28]. While debate regarding the nativity of
stickywilly continues, it is in all likelihood native and is considered
native in most literature [25,44,58,143]. For more discussion on the nativity of
stickywilly see [62,90].

A distributional map of stickywilly is accessible through Plants database.

bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Fire Ecology ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fire regime, fire tolerant, marsh, seed, woodland

Fire adaptations:
Stickywilly recolonizes burned sites through seed germination. Seed may be from on-site
and/or off-site sources
(see Fire Effects).

Many diverse communities provide stickywilly habitat. The FIRE REGIMES are
dictated by the overstory community. Stickywilly experiences extreme ranges in fire frequencies.
Vegetation in Quebec's Huntingdon Marsh that includes stickywilly burns
almost every fall or early spring. Researchers found evidence of
previous growing season fires in 28% to 50% of the quadrats sampled, and 14% to 25% of
quadrats burned in the last 2 or 3 years [9]. Western Montana's
rough fescue (Festuca altaica)-dominated
grasslands that are also stickywilly habitat tolerate fire frequencies of
between 5 and 10 years. Researchers based estimated fire frequencies on this community's
postfire vegetation recovery [2]. In the East, stickywilly is common in sugar
maple communities where fires are exceptionally rare, occurring at
greater than 1,000-year intervals [159]. This range of FIRE REGIMES
tolerated by stickywilly suggests that this species is fire tolerant but not fire

The following table provides fire return intervals for plant communities and
ecosystems where stickywilly is important. This list may not be
inclusive for all plant communities in which stickywilly occurs.
Find further fire regime information for the plant communities in which this
species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".

Community or Ecosystem Dominant Species Fire Return Interval Range (years)
silver fir-Douglas-fir Abies amabilis-Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii > 200
grand fir Abies grandis 35-200 [4]
maple-beech-birch Acer-Fagus-Betula spp. > 1,000
silver maple-American elm Acer saccharinum-Ulmus americana < 35 to 200
sugar maple Acer saccharum > 1,000
sugar maple-basswood Acer saccharum-Tilia americana > 1,000 [159]
California chaparral Adenostoma and/or Arctostaphylos spp. 111]
bluestem prairie Andropogon gerardii var. gerardii-Schizachyrium scoparium 78,111]
Nebraska sandhills prairie Andropogon gerardii var. paucipilus-Schizachyrium scoparium < 10
bluestem-Sacahuista prairie Andropogon littoralis-Spartina spartinae 111]
silver sagebrush steppe Artemisia cana 5-45 [55,117,169]
sagebrush steppe Artemisia tridentata/Pseudoroegneria spicata 20-70 [111]
basin big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata var. tridentata 12-43 [126]
mountain big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata var. vaseyana 15-40 [6,20,100]
Wyoming big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata var. wyomingensis 10-70 (40**) [156,172]
coastal sagebrush Artemisia californica 111]
plains grasslands Bouteloua spp. 111,169]
cheatgrass Bromus tectorum 112,162]
California montane chaparral Ceanothus and/or Arctostaphylos spp. 50-100 [111]
sugarberry-America elm-green ash Celtis laevigata-Ulmus americana-Fraxinus pennsylvanica 159]
mountain-mahogany-Gambel oak scrub Cercocarpus ledifolius-Quercus gambelii 111]
beech-sugar maple Fagus spp.-Acer saccharum > 1,000
black ash Fraxinus nigra 159]
juniper-oak savanna Juniperus ashei-Quercus virginiana < 35
Ashe juniper Juniperus ashei < 35
western juniper Juniperus occidentalis 20-70
Rocky Mountain juniper Juniperus scopulorum 111]
cedar glades Juniperus virginiana 3-22 [50,111]
tamarack Larix laricina 35-200 [111]
western larch Larix occidentalis 25-350 [5,13,27]
yellow-poplar Liriodendron tulipifera 159]
Great Lakes spruce-fir Picea-Abies spp. 35 to > 200
northeastern spruce-fir Picea-Abies spp. 35-200 [31]
southeastern spruce-fir Picea-Abies spp. 35 to > 200 [159]
Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir Picea engelmannii-Abies lasiocarpa 35 to > 200 [4]
black spruce Picea mariana 35-200
conifer bog* Picea mariana-Larix laricina 35-200 [31]
pinyon-juniper Pinus-Juniperus spp. 111]
Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine* Pinus contorta var. latifolia 25-340 [12,13,147]
Sierra lodgepole pine* Pinus contorta var. murrayana 35-200 [4]
shortleaf pine Pinus echinata 2-15
slash pine-hardwood Pinus elliottii-variable < 35
longleaf pine-scrub oak Pinus palustris-Quercus spp. 6-10 [159]
Pacific ponderosa pine* Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa 1-47 [4]
interior ponderosa pine* Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum 2-30 [4,10,83]
Arizona pine Pinus ponderosa var. arizonica 2-15 [10,24,128]
eastern white pine Pinus strobus 35-200
eastern white pine-eastern hemlock Pinus strobus-Tsuga canadensis 35-200
eastern white pine-northern red oak-red maple Pinus strobus-Quercus rubra-Acer rubrum 35-200
Virginia pine Pinus virginiana 10 to < 35
Virginia pine-oak Pinus virginiana-Quercus spp. 10 to < 35
sycamore-sweetgum-American elm Platanus occidentalis-Liquidambar styraciflua-Ulmus americana 159]
eastern cottonwood Populus deltoides 111]
aspen-birch Populus tremuloides-Betula papyrifera 35-200 [31,159]
quaking aspen (west of the Great Plains) Populus tremuloides 7-120 [4,47,99]
black cherry-sugar maple Prunus serotina-Acer saccharum > 1,000 [159]
mountain grasslands Pseudoroegneria spicata 3-40 (10**) [3,4]
Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir* Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca 25-100 [4,6,7]
coastal Douglas-fir* Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii 40-240 [4,104,121]
California mixed evergreen Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii-Lithocarpus densiflorus-Arbutus
menziesii < 35
California oakwoods Quercus spp. 4]
oak-hickory Quercus-Carya spp. 159]
oak-juniper woodland (Southwest) Quercus-Juniperus spp. 111]
northeastern oak-pine Quercus-Pinus spp. 10 to 159]
oak-gum-cypress Quercus-Nyssa-spp.-Taxodium distichum 35 to > 200 [106]
southeastern oak-pine Quercus-Pinus spp. 159]
coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 2-75 [45]
white oak-black oak-northern red oak Quercus alba-Q. velutina-Q. rubra 159]
canyon live oak Quercus chrysolepis <35 to 200
blue oak-foothills pine Quercus douglasii-P. sabiniana 4]
northern pin oak Quercus ellipsoidalis 159]
Oregon white oak Quercus garryana 4]
bear oak Quercus ilicifolia 159]
California black oak Quercus kelloggii 5-30 [111]
bur oak Quercus macrocarpa 159]
oak savanna Quercus macrocarpa/Andropogon gerardii-Schizachyrium scoparium 2-14 [111,159]
chestnut oak Quercus prinus 3-8
northern red oak Quercus rubra 10 to < 35
post oak-blackjack oak Quercus stellata-Q. marilandica < 10
black oak Quercus velutina < 35
live oak Quercus virginiana 10 to159]
interior live oak Quercus wislizenii 4]
blackland prairie Schizachyrium scoparium-Nassella leucotricha < 10
Fayette prairie Schizachyrium scoparium-Buchloe dactyloides 159]
little bluestem-grama prairie Schizachyrium scoparium-Bouteloua spp. 111]
redwood Sequoia sempervirens 5-200 [4,37,142]
baldcypress Taxodium distichum var. distichum 100 to > 300
pondcypress Taxodium distichum var. nutans 106]
western redcedar-western hemlock Thuja plicata-Tsuga heterophylla > 200 [4]
eastern hemlock-yellow birch Tsuga canadensis-Betula alleghaniensis > 200 [159]
western hemlock-Sitka spruce Tsuga heterophylla-Picea sitchensis > 200
mountain hemlock* Tsuga mertensiana 35 to > 200 [4]
elm-ash-cottonwood Ulmus-Fraxinus-Populus spp. 31,159]

*fire return interval varies widely; trends in variation are noted in the species review

bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Fire Management Considerations ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
It seems likely that annual fires could control stickywilly if this were a management objective. However, if managing to promote
stickywilly, fire is likely unnecessary.
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification) ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the term: therophyte


bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Habitat characteristics ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, minerotrophic, natural, organic soils, swamp

Stickywilly thrives in many natural and disturbed areas. Shady, moist sites are
preferred [92], but full sun sites are tolerated with sufficient moisture [56].
Stickywilly is common on seashores of Alaska [65]
and in riparian areas of the Grand Canyon [134]. It is
found in scrub areas,
woodlands, meadows, roadsides, and waste sites of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts
[33], and
occupies deciduous forests, thickets, disturbed sites, springs, limestone
glades, weedy meadows, and flood plains in the Plains States [56,158]. Stickywilly is also common in gardens, cultivated
crops, fence lines, barnyards, ditches, abandoned fields and homesteads
throughout its range [21,56,92,124].

The ability to behave as a winter or summer annual [28] allows stickywilly a
broad range of climatic tolerances.
The climate patterns for several regions in
which stickywilly occurs are provided below:

Region Summer max. and winter min. temp. Annual precipitation Other
Eastern Montana [86] 88-0.4 °F  11.4-16.1 inches semiarid, continental climate
Wasatch Mts., northern Utah [114] 61-27 °F 15.4 inches 70-80 consecutive frost-free days
Northeastern Arizona [59] 100-55 °F
6.8-18.8 inches semiarid to arid continental climate
Northern California  [144] 100-19 °F
70.1-80 inches Mediterranean climate, receives 90% of  precipitation
from Oct.-May
New York, Ontario and Quebec
borders [9] 90 to -44 °F 39.8 inches,

includes 90.2 inches snowfall rainfall delivery consistent
North-central Ohio ([63] and references therein).
69-27 °F 35.4 inches,

snowfall 36 inches humid continental climate, 60% of precipitation falls from

Several western states reported elevational ranges for stickywilly:

State Region Elevational range
Arizona Grand Canyon 1,201 to 7,999 feet (366-2,438 m) [134]

California southern up to 7,500 feet (2,286 m) [105]
Colorado western 5,000 to 9,500 feet (1,524-2,896 m) [53]
Montana west-central below 6,004 feet (1,830 m) [81]
Nevada   5,400 to 7,500 feet (1,646-2,286 m) [71]
New Mexico   5,000 to 9,000 feet (1,524-2,742 m) [94]
Utah   3,002 to 10,007 feet (915-3,050 m) [161]

Stickywilly favors moist soils and tolerates sites with
moderate to poor drainage [63].
Rich loam, heavy organic soils with above average nitrogen and
phosphorus content, and pH values between 5.5 and 8.0 are reportedly preferred
in reviews

In a Minnesota swamp forest where northern white-cedar, black
ash, tamarack, and white spruce are common,
stickywilly occurrence was indicative of minerotrophic conditions, a pH range
between 5.8
and 7, and calcium contents of  10 to 25 ppm [54]. In
bottomlands of New York's north shore of Long Island, researchers compared the
soil and vegetation composition in 1922 and 1985. In 1922, soil pH ranged
from 6 to 7
and stickywilly was present, yet sites revisited and surveyed
in 1985 had a pH of 4.1 and were without stickywilly. Researchers considered
increased soil acidity the reason that stickywilly was unable to
occupy the site [46].
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Habitat: Cover Types ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

More info for the terms: cover, swamp


12 Black spruce

13 Black spruce-tamarack

14 Northern pin oak

16 Aspen

17 Pin cherry

18 Paper birch

19 Gray birch-red maple

20 White pine-northern red oak-red maple

21 Eastern white pine

22 White pine-hemlock

23 Eastern hemlock

24 Hemlock-yellow birch

25 Sugar maple-beech-yellow birch

26 Sugar maple-basswood

27 Sugar maple

28 Black cherry-maple

30 Red spruce-yellow birch

31 Red spruce-sugar maple-beech

38 Tamarack

39 Black ash-American elm-red maple

40 Post oak-blackjack oak

42 Bur oak

43 Bear oak

44 Chestnut oak

45 Pitch pine

46 Eastern redcedar

50 Black locust

51 White pine-chestnut oak

52 White oak-black oak-northern red oak

53 White oak

55 Northern red oak

57 Yellow-poplar

58 Yellow-poplar-eastern hemlock

59 Yellow-poplar-white oak-northern red oak

60 Beech-sugar maple

61 River birch-sycamore

62 Silver maple-American elm

63 Cottonwood

64 Sassafras-persimmon

65 Pin oak-sweetgum

66 Ashe juniper-redberry (Pinchot) juniper

73 Southern redcedar

75 Shortleaf pine

76 Shortleaf pine-oak

78 Virginia pine-oak

79 Virginia pine

80 Loblolly pine-shortleaf pine

81 Loblolly pine

82 Loblolly pine-hardwood

85 Slash pine-hardwood

87 Sweetgum-yellow-poplar

88 Willow oak-water oak-diamondleaf (laurel) oak

89 Live oak

91 Swamp chestnut oak-cherrybark oak

92 Sweetgum-willow oak

93 Sugarberry-American elm-green ash

94 Sycamore-sweetgum-American elm

95 Black willow

96 Overcup oak-water hickory

101 Baldcypress

102 Baldcypress-tupelo

103 Water tupelo-swamp tupelo

104 Sweetbay-swamp tupelo-redbay

107 White spruce

108 Red maple

109 Hawthorn

110 Black oak

201 White spruce

202 White spruce-paper birch

205 Mountain hemlock

206 Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir

207 Red fir

210 Interior Douglas-fir

211 White fir

212 Western larch

213 Grand fir

215 Western white pine

216 Blue spruce

217 Aspen

218 Lodgepole pine

219 Limber pine

220 Rocky Mountain juniper

221 Red alder

222 Black cottonwood-willow

223 Sitka spruce

224 Western hemlock

225 Western hemlock-Sitka spruce

226 Coastal true fir-hemlock

227 Western redcedar-western hemlock

228 Western redcedar

229 Pacific Douglas-fir

230 Douglas-fir-western hemlock

231 Port-Orford-cedar

232 Redwood

233 Oregon white oak

234 Douglas-fir-tanoak-Pacific madrone

235 Cottonwood-willow

236 Bur oak

237 Interior ponderosa pine

238 Western juniper

239 Pinyon-juniper

240 Arizona cypress

241 Western live oak

243 Sierra Nevada mixed conifer

244 Pacific ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir

245 Pacific ponderosa pine

246 California black oak

247 Jeffrey pine

248 Knobcone pine

249 Canyon live oak

250 Blue oak-foothills pine

251 White spruce-aspen

252 Paper birch

253 Black spruce-white spruce

254 Black spruce-paper birch

255 California coast live oak

256 California mixed subalpine
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Habitat: Ecosystem ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

More info for the term: shrub


FRES10 White-red-jack pine

FRES11 Spruce-fir

FRES13 Loblolly-shortleaf pine

FRES14 Oak-pine

FRES15 Oak-hickory

FRES16 Oak-gum-cypress

FRES17 Elm-ash-cottonwood

FRES18 Maple-beech-birch

FRES19 Aspen-birch

FRES20 Douglas-fir

FRES21 Ponderosa pine

FRES22 Western white pine

FRES23 Fir-spruce

FRES24 Hemlock-Sitka spruce

FRES25 Larch

FRES26 Lodgepole pine

FRES27 Redwood

FRES28 Western hardwoods

FRES29 Sagebrush

FRES34 Chaparral-mountain shrub

FRES35 Pinyon-juniper

FRES36 Mountain grasslands

FRES37 Mountain meadows

FRES38 Plains grasslands

FRES39 Prairie

FRES42 Annual grasslands
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Habitat: Plant Associations ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the terms: forest, shrub, woodland


K001 Spruce-cedar-hemlock forest

K002 Cedar-hemlock-Douglas-fir forest

K003 Silver fir-Douglas-fir forest

K004 Fir-hemlock forest

K005 Mixed conifer forest

K006 Redwood forest

K007 Red fir forest

K008 Lodgepole pine-subalpine forest

K010 Ponderosa shrub forest

K011 Western ponderosa forest

K012 Douglas-fir forest

K013 Cedar-hemlock-pine forest

K014 Grand fir-Douglas-fir forest

K015 Western spruce-fir forest

K016 Eastern ponderosa forest

K017 Black Hills pine forest

K018 Pine-Douglas-fir forest

K019 Arizona pine forest

K020 Spruce-fir-Douglas-fir forest

K021 Southwestern spruce-fir forest

K023 Juniper-pinyon woodland

K024 Juniper steppe woodland

K025 Alder-ash forest

K026 Oregon oakwoods

K028 Mosaic of K002 and K026

K029 California mixed evergreen forest

K030 California oakwoods

K031 Oak-juniper woodland

K032 Transition between K031 and K037

K033 Chaparral

K034 Montane chaparral

K035 Coastal sagebrush

K036 Mosaic of K030 and K035

K037 Mountain-mahogany-oak scrub

K038 Great Basin sagebrush

K047 Fescue-oatgrass

K048 California steppe

K050 Fescue-wheatgrass

K051 Wheatgrass-bluegrass

K055 Sagebrush steppe

K056 Wheatgrass-needlegrass shrubsteppe

K063 Foothills prairie

K064 Grama-needlegrass-wheatgrass

K066 Wheatgrass-needlegrass

K067 Wheatgrass-bluestem-needlegrass

K068 Wheatgrass-grama-buffalo grass

K069 Bluestem-grama prairie

K070 Sandsage-bluestem prairie

K074 Bluestem prairie

K075 Nebraska Sandhills prairie

K081 Oak savanna

K082 Mosaic of K074 and K100

K083 Cedar glades

K084 Cross Timbers

K089 Black Belt

K093 Great Lakes spruce-fir forest

K095 Great Lakes pine forest

K096 Northeastern spruce-fir forest

K097 Southeastern spruce-fir forest

K098 Northern floodplain forest

K099 Maple-basswood forest

K100 Oak-hickory forest

K101 Elm-ash forest

K102 Beech-maple forest

K103 Mixed mesophytic forest

K104 Appalachian oak forest

K106 Northern hardwoods

K107 Northern hardwoods-fir forest

K108 Northern hardwoods-spruce forest

K109 Transition between K104 and K106

K110 Northeastern oak-pine forest

K111 Oak-hickory-pine

K112 Southern mixed forest

K113 Southern floodplain forest
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Habitat: Rangeland Cover Types ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following Rangeland Cover Types (as classified by the Society for Range Management, SRM):

More info for the terms: association, cover, forb, forest, grassland, hardwood, mesic, shrub, shrubland, tundra, woodland


101 Bluebunch wheatgrass

102 Idaho fescue

104 Antelope bitterbrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

105 Antelope bitterbrush-Idaho fescue

106 Bluegrass scabland

107 Western juniper/big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass

109 Ponderosa pine shrubland

110 Ponderosa pine-grassland

201 Blue oak woodland

202 Coast live oak woodland

203 Riparian woodland

204 North coastal shrub

205 Coastal sage shrub

206 Chamise chaparral

207 Scrub oak mixed chaparral

208 Ceanothus mixed chaparral

209 Montane shrubland

210 Bitterbrush

214 Coastal prairie

215 Valley grassland

216 Montane meadows

301 Bluebunch wheatgrass-blue grama

302 Bluebunch wheatgrass-Sandberg bluegrass

303 Bluebunch wheatgrass-western wheatgrass

304 Idaho fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass

305 Idaho fescue-Richardson needlegrass

306 Idaho fescue-slender wheatgrass

307 Idaho fescue-threadleaf sedge

308 Idaho fescue-tufted hairgrass

309 Idaho fescue-western wheatgrass

310 Needle-and-thread-blue grama

311 Rough fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass

312 Rough fescue-Idaho fescue

313 Tufted hairgrass-sedge

314 Big sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

315 Big sagebrush-Idaho fescue

316 Big sagebrush-rough fescue

317 Bitterbrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

318 Bitterbrush-Idaho fescue

319 Bitterbrush-rough fescue

320 Black sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass

321 Black sagebrush-Idaho fescue

322 Curlleaf mountain-mahogany-bluebunch wheatgrass

323 Shrubby cinquefoil-rough fescue

324 Threetip sagebrush-Idaho fescue

401 Basin big sagebrush

402 Mountain big sagebrush

403 Wyoming big sagebrush

404 Threetip sagebrush

405 Black sagebrush

406 Low sagebrush

407 Stiff sagebrush

408 Other sagebrush types

409 Tall forb

411 Aspen woodland

412 Juniper-pinyon woodland

413 Gambel oak

415 Curlleaf mountain-mahogany

416 True mountain-mahogany

417 Littleleaf mountain-mahogany

418 Bigtooth maple

419 Bittercherry

420 Snowbrush

421 Chokecherry-serviceberry-rose

422 Riparian

503 Arizona chaparral

504 Juniper-pinyon pine woodland

509 Transition between oak-juniper woodland and mahogany-oak association

601 Bluestem prairie

602 Bluestem-prairie sandreed

604 Bluestem-grama prairie

605 Sandsage prairie

606 Wheatgrass-bluestem-needlegrass

607 Wheatgrass-needlegrass

608 Wheatgrass-grama-needlegrass

609 Wheatgrass-grama

610 Wheatgrass

612 Sagebrush-grass

613 Fescue grassland

614 Crested wheatgrass

615 Wheatgrass-saltgrass-grama

708 Bluestem-dropseed

709 Bluestem-grama

710 Bluestem prairie

711 Bluestem-sacahuista prairie

717 Little bluestem-Indiangrass-Texas wintergrass

719 Mesquite-liveoak-seacoast bluestem

720 Sand bluestem-little bluestem (dunes)

721 Sand bluestem-little bluestem (plains)

722 Sand sagebrush-mixed prairie

724 Sideoats grama-New Mexico feathergrass-winterfat

731 Cross timbers-Oklahoma

732 Cross timbers-Texas (little bluestem-post oak)

733 Juniper-oak

734 Mesquite-oak

735 Sideoats grama-sumac-juniper

801 Savanna

802 Missouri prairie

803 Missouri glades

804 Tall fescue

805 Riparian

809 Mixed hardwood and pine

812 North Florida flatwoods

815 Upland hardwood hammocks

817 Oak hammocks


901 Alder

906 Broadleaf forest

908 Fescue

914 Mesic sedge-grass-herb meadow tundra

915 Mixed herb-herbaceous

919 Wet meadow tundra

921 Willow
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Immediate Effect of Fire ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: seed

Fire kills stickywilly when it is actively growing [138]. Fall germinating seedlings were killed by both
early winter and spring fires
in tallgrass prairie wetlands of northeastern Kansas [67].
Fires late in the growing season may only affect stored seed as stickywilly
senesces following fruiting [103].
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, forest, seed


Stickywilly is not a major food source for livestock or wildlife. Livestock will
eat stickywilly, but it is rarely viewed as important since it produces so
little biomass [92]. In reviews, DeFelice [28] and Holm and others [62] report
that seed viability is retained after
digestion by birds and domestic cattle, horses, pigs, and goats, while Malik and Vanden
Born [92] suggest that germination percentages increase following passage
through animal digestive tracts.

Other mammals:
Direct evidence of small
mammal use of stickywilly is lacking. In California's Central Valley, 44.5
ringtails/mi2 are estimated to occur in the in riparian areas
dominated by Fremont cottonwoods, willows, box elder, black walnut, Douglas' sagewort,
California manroot, and stickywilly [14]. Woodrats may feed on stickywilly seeds. Researchers recovered stickywilly
seed from 2065- to 2800-year-old woodrat middens
in northeastern California and southeastern Oregon [98].
In Picacho Peak, Arizona, 9,400- to 13,100-year-old woodrat middens contained
both seeds and leaves [155].

Wild turkeys, ring-necked pheasants, Canada geese, and prairie-chickens eat stickywilly seeds
[56,143]. However, the stiff, hooked hairs coating the seeds may
discourage predation by small birds [92].

Several caterpillars
including the drab brown wave, common tan wave, and large lace border feed on
stickywilly [56]. Likely, many other generalist insects
utilize stickywilly.

Palatability/nutritional value:
Relatively little information is available on the palatability or nutritional
value of stickywilly. On
15-year-old-burn sites in ponderosa pine communities of California's Teaford
Forest in the Sierra Nevada,
stickywilly contained 1.4% nitrogen [17].

Cover value:
No information is available on this topic.

bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Key Plant Community Associations ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: climax, constancy, cover, fern, forbs, frequency, grassland, habitat type, hardwood, marsh, natural, presence, shrubs, swamp, woodland

Stickywilly is fairly ubiquitous. It occurs in coniferous forests, deciduous woodlands, meadows,
prairies, flood plains, disturbed areas, abandoned fields, and cultivated crops [62,92].
For crop contamination information see [28,36,91,92,124,149,150].
The above ecosystems and cover types are potential stickywilly habitat. The
following plant community and habitat descriptions are those in which
stickywilly was found and noted. Likely these described
plant associations and communities do not encompass all those inhabited by

In the Northwest, stickywilly is described in coniferous and deciduous forests, shrublands, and
grassland communities.

Coniferous forests:
Stickywilly is typical in mixed conifer/blueberry/American skunkcabbage (Vaccinium spp./Lysichiton
americanus) habitats of southeastern Alaska. Typical conifers in this
vegetation type include
western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), mountain hemlock (T. mertensiana),
Alaska-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), and
shore pine (Pinus contorta var. contorta) [93]. On Saturna Island, British Columbia,
stickywilly occurs in habitats dominated by Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii),
western hemlock, and
salal (Gaultheria shallon) [145]. In other parts of southern
British Columbia, ponderosa pine is the climax species in communities where stickywilly occurs [168].
Stickywilly is also found in ponderosa pine (P. ponderosa) communities of
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and western Montana [115,168]. In the
Puget Trough of Washington, stickywilly occurs in Douglas-fir-Pacific madrone/pink
honeysuckle (Arbutus menziesii/Lonicera hispidula) and Douglas-fir-Pacific madrone/salal
vegetation associations [23]. In central Idaho, researchers encountered stickywilly in Douglas-fir/ninebark
(Physocarpus malvaceus) and grand fir/big huckleberry (Abies grandis/Vaccinium
membranaceum) habitats [75].

Deciduous and mixed forests:
Stickywilly is present at frequencies of 81%-100% in Oregon white oak (Quercus
garryana)-dominated sites in coastal British Columbia where blue wildrye (Elymus
glaucus) is also common [74].
On the southern portion of Waldron Island, Washington, a white oak/stickywilly
woodland community type occurs on the southeastern slopes of Pt. Disney [125]. In southwestern Oregon, stickywilly occurs with at least 50% constancy in
Oregon white oak-Douglas-fir/poison-oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum),
Port-Orford-cedar (C. lawsoniana)-western
hemlock/western sword fern (Polystichum munitum), and California red fir-white
fir/deer oak/sidebells wintergreen (Abies magnifica shatensis-A. concolor/Q.
sadleriana/Orthilia secunda) communities [8]. Stickywilly is also
found in Oregon white oak-true mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus
montanus) vegetation types in southwestern Oregon [120]. In green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) woodlands
of eastern Montana, stickywilly occurs at 11% frequency [86].

Shrub- and grassland communities:
Stickywilly occurs in southeastern Oregon's common snowberry-rose (Symphoricarpos albus-Rosa
spp.) [66] and in northern Idaho's bluebunch wheatgrass/Sandberg bluegrass
(Pseudoroegneria spicata-Poa secunda) vegetation associations [48].

A variety of southwestern
environments and habitats is occupied by stickywilly.

Coniferous forests: Stickywilly is
common in several redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)-dominated vegetation types
on northern California's coasts. On intermediate elevation sites where the
dominant understory species is dwarf Oregon-grape (Berberis nervosa), stickywilly
occurrence is greatest. On low- and high-elevation sites where deer fern (Blechnum spicant) and
Pacific madrone codominate, respectively, stickywilly is still present [85]. Stickywilly is
described in spruce-fir (Picea spp.-Abies
spp.) communities in Utah [161]. In northeastern
Arizona, stickywilly occupies Tsegi Canyon's Douglas-fir dominated forests
[59]. Along southern Arizona's San Pedro River, stickywilly
occupies riparian sites with saltcedar (Tamarix spp.),
mule's fat (Baccharis salicifolia), and singlewhorl burrobrush (Hymenoclea monogyra) [140].
Stickywilly is also found in pinyon-juniper (Pinus spp.-Juniperus spp.)
communities of the Great Basin Desert [71,161].

Deciduous and mixed forests:
In the oak (Quercus spp.) woodlands of California's
North Coast Range,
stickywilly occupies several communities identified by the presence of snowberry, orchardgrass
glomerata), Columbian larkspur (Delphinium trolliifolium), Lewis'
mockorange (Philadelphus lewisii), bladder-fern (Cystopteris spp.),
Sierra gooseberry (Ribes roezlii), varileaf phacelia (Phacelia heterophylla),
and dogstail
grass (Cynosurus spp.) [144].
Stickywilly in the Berkeley Hills, occurs in oak woodlands
dominated by coast live oak (Q. agrifolia), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum),
California bay (Umbellularia californica), and poison-oak [96]. In riparian areas of
California's Central Valley,
stickywilly is found among cottonwoods
(Populus spp.),
willows (Salix spp.), boxelder (A. negundo), California black walnut (Juglans
californica), Douglas' sagewort (Artemisia douglasiana), and California manroot (Marah fabaceus)

In the Sierra Nevada foothills, stickywilly occurs in chaparral communities
where blue oak (Q. douglasii), gray pine (Pinus sabiniana), interior live oak
(Q. wislizenii), and wedgeleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus cuneatus) are
[84]. In southern California's scrub oak (Q. berberidifolia)
communities, stickywilly occurs with Eastwood manzanita (Arctostaphylos glandulosa)
and chamise [49].

In Gambel oak (Q. gambelii)-dominated sites of central and northern Utah, stickywilly is
common. Other associated species include chokecherry (Prunus virginiana),
bigtooth maple (A. grandidentatum), mountain snowberry (S. oreophilus),
Saskatoon serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia), cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum),
Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), and bluebunch wheatgrass [80,114].
Stickywilly occurs in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides)-dominated
sites of Utah, too [68,161].

Shrub- and grassland communities:
Stickywilly's presence in big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) communities is noted
by several authors [71,114,161].
In Utah's Wasatch Mountains State Park, antelope
bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) and bluebunch wheatgrass are common
sagebrush associates [114]. In California's chaparral communities stickywilly is
common. On Santa Cruz Island, stickywilly occurs in scrub oak chaparral,
chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum) chaparral, and hollyleaf cherry (Prunus ilicifolia)
woodlands [18]. Stickywilly is described in grass-forb habitat types in northern Utah
with brome grasses (Bromus spp.), prairie Junegrass
(Koeleria macrantha), and lupines (Lupinus spp.) [68].

Hardwood forests and prairies of the north-central U.S. are typical stickywilly habitat.

Deciduous forests: In the bur oak/eastern
hophornbeam (Q. macrocarpa/Ostrya virginiana) habitat type of
the Great Plains Province, stickywilly has 75% constancy [52]. In
southern Wisconsin, stickywilly occurs with sugar maple (Acer saccharum), slippery elm (Ulmus rubra),
American elm (U. americana), and basswood (Tilia americana) [141].
Stickywilly is typical of forests adjacent to river systems or wet
meadows where sugar maple, American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), northern
spicebush (Lindera benzoin), eastern hophornbeam, yellow-poplar (Liriodendron
tulipifera), northern red oak (Q. rubra), white oak (Q. alba), bur oak, shagbark
hickory (Carya ovata), shellbark hickory (C. laciniosa), ash (Fraxinus spp.),
eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana), elm (Ulmus spp.) and/or
basswood may characterize the overstory vegetation [73,76,77,146]. Associated forbs and shrubs may include
false lily-of-the-valley (Maianthemum
racemosum ssp. racemosum), snow trillium (Trillium grandiflorum),
sweet cicely (Osmorhiza
claytonii), poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans),
Canadian woodnettle (Laportea canadensis),
and bristly buttercup (Ranunculus hispidus var. nitidus) [76,146] On
floodplains where stickywilly also occurs, boxelder, cottonwood, willow,
hackberry (Celtis spp.) and walnut (Juglans spp.) are typical [77].

Grassland communities:
In Jasper County, Illinois,
stickywilly occurs in a tallgrass prairie
dominated by big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), and
showy partridgepea (Cassia fasciculata)
[34]. Stickywilly is considered a "characteristic forb" in a moist switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)
community type
with big bluestem, bluegrasses (Poa
spp.), and Scribner's rosette grass (Dichanthelium oligosanthes var.
scribnerianum) [160].

In the south-central
U.S., stickywilly is commonly described in hardwood bottomland forests.

Along the Trinity River of
Texas, stickywilly occurs with an overstory of winged elm (U. alata), post oak (Q.
stellata), and Mexican plum (Prunus mexicana). The understory is Virginia creeper
(Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
and saw greenbrier (Smilax bona-nox) [107]. On the Mississippi
floodplain in southern Louisiana, stickywilly is found in bottomland hardwood-baldcypress
(Taxodium distichum) forests. The dominant overstory species are sugarberry (Celtis laevigata), green ash,
and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) [148].

Northeast: Stickywilly is described
in northeastern hardwood forests, meadows, and abandoned fields.

Mixed forests:
Riparian areas and
floodplains typically contain stickywilly. In north-central Ohio, stickywilly
occurs in old-growth mixed oak-hickory (Carya spp.) floodplain forests and
in upland riparian
forests dominated by beech
(Fagus spp.) and maple (Acer spp.) [63].
In the Lake Agassiz Peatlands of north-central Minnesota stickywilly occurs
in rich swamp forests. Northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis), black
ash (Fraxinus nigra), tamarack (Larix laricina), and white spruce (Picea
glauca) are characteristic species in swamp forests where stickywilly is
present with low coverages [54].
Stickywilly was a major understory species in oak-sugar maple forests of
southwestern Ohio where both white and northern red oak occur.
Stickywilly frequency was lowest in the youngest stands
(40-year-old), where water content and light levels
were lowest [29]. On the floodplains of the Potomac River
(Maryland side) stickywilly occurs with an overstory of boxelder,
pawpaw (Asimina triloba), hackberry (Celtis occidentalis),
northern spicebush, and sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) [116].

Meadow communities:
Stickywilly is
described in wet meadows of Quebec's Huntingdon Marsh near the Ontario and New
York borders. Also typical are bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis), sedges (Carex spp.),
and common marsh bedstraw (Galium palustre) [9].

Old fields and urban communities:
In the abandoned fields of central and western New York, stickywilly is present with
several shrubs including Morrow's
honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii),
gray dogwood (Cornus racemosa), red-osier dogwood (C. sericea), and silky dogwood (C. amomum).
Common forbs and grasses include
Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis),
timothy (Phleum pratense), quackgrass (Elymus repens), and Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa)
[101]. In the
Wave Hill natural area in Bronx, New York, stickywilly persists in open woodland
interspaces with
a variety of nonnative vegetation including Amur peppervine (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata),
Amur honeysuckle (L. maackii), garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata),
and Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) [171].

Southeast: Stickywilly is typical of
southeastern riparian and floodplain forests.

Deciduous forests:
In northern Kentucky mixed mesophytic forests, sugar maple,
white ash (Fraxinus
americana), sycamore, boxelder, and northern spicebush provide the canopy
for stickywilly [88]. Sweetgum, yellow-poplar, ash, elm, and northern red maple commonly
occur with stickywilly in bottomland mixed hardwood forests in the Piedmont of North Carolina [108].
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Life Form ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: forb

bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Management considerations ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: indicator value, natural, presence

Stickywilly fruits heavily matted heavily
into sheep decrease wool value [21].

The chemical and mechanical control of stickywilly in cultivated
crops is discussed in several studies [21,51,62,91].

In natural settings, the presence of stickywilly may give an indication of
natural regeneration following disturbances. In southwestern Oregon, stickywilly had an indicator value of 11,
suggesting low to moderately low natural regeneration difficulty following clearcutting
in mixed conifer and mixed evergreen forests [43].
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Other uses and values ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: seed

Stickywilly's wide distribution may explain the reason for its diversity of
practical uses. Stickywilly seeds are used as a coffee substitute, and like
coffee, stickywilly successfully curbs the appetite [28,44,143]. Ripe seeds when
roasted and ground are considered a "poor man's instant coffee" [32]. A seed extract
was used to curdle milk for cheese making
[143]. The easily matted stickywilly stems were
used as strainers to remove particles from liquids and for mattress fillings [21,143].
Bedstraw, the common name given to the Galium genus, developed out of this mattress filling
use [21]. A red dye is made from
stickywilly roots [143]. The Cowichan, Native People of Pacific
Northwest Coast, found stickywilly removed pitch when rubbed on sticky
hands [113]. Women of the Cowlitz tribe bathed with stickywilly as it was
thought to make them "successful in bed" (Moerman 1986, as cited in [32]). Chippewa used
stickywilly as a laxative and to treat dermatitis. Native people of the Micmac
tribe used stickywilly to treat gonorrhea and kidney problems [32]. Belgian lace makers
utilized the seeds as pin heads [113]. In a review, DeFelice [28]
notes that Europeans used stickywilly plant juice to treat inflamed tonsils,
poisonous insect and snake bites, earaches, liver ailments, goiters, scurvy,
tumors, and cancers.
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Phenology ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the term: seed

Stickywilly flowers appear from early spring through late summer
or early fall. Flower development likely depends on site and climate conditions.
Regional flowering periods are as follows:

Region Flowering dates
California (southern) March-July [105]
Canada late May-mid-June [103]
Florida summer-fall [170]
Great Plains May-August [143]
Gulf and Atlantic coasts April-July [33]
Illinois (Jasper County) 1st flowers: mid-May
peak flowering: late May
last flowers_ mid-June [34]
Illinois (southeast) mid-April-mid June [166]
Kansas June-July [11]
New Mexico June-September [94]
North and South Carolina July-August [118]
North Dakota flowering begins as early as May 21 or as late as June 13
Texas (lower Rio Grande Valley) May-June [157]
Texas (north-central) March-April [30]
Utah (Wasatch Mts.) mid-May-late June [1]
Virginia (Blue Ridge Mts.) April-May [167]
West Virginia April-June [139]

Fruits develop in the Great Plains and in New England from May through August [44,129].
Moore [103] reports that in most of Canada, stickywilly fruits are ripe by late June to mid-July,
while Staniforth and Scott [133] suggest that seed is not ripe in
subarctic northern Manitoba until mid-September. After fruits are released,
stickywilly foliage dies and
decays [103].
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Plant Response to Fire ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: seed

Stickney and Campbell [138] tentatively classified stickywilly as a
nonsurvivor that colonizes burned sites from on-site seed. Due to a limited
number of fire effect observations for this species, researchers were tentative
in their description of stickywilly's postfire response.
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Post-fire Regeneration ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: initial off-site colonizer, secondary colonizer, seed


Initial off-site colonizer (off-site, initial community)

Secondary colonizer (on-site or off-site seed sources)
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Regeneration Processes ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: constancy, density, litter, perfect, seed, stratification

As an annual, stickywilly reproduces solely by seed [56,143]

Breeding system:
Stickywilly produces perfect flowers
[53,62] and is largely self-pollinating [28,62,103].

In a review article, DeFelice [28] indicates that insects may pollinate stickywilly, and others
[56] infrequently observed small bees and flower flies visiting
stickywilly flowers.

Seed production:
The information regarding seed production by stickywilly varies widely. A single
stickywilly plant in North Dakota of average size, growing with little
"competition" from other vegetation, produced 105 seeds [136].
Royer and Dickinson [124]
suggest that 1 plant can yield 400 seeds. Likewise in a review, DeFelice [28]
reports 300 to 400 seeds produced per plant. In old fields of Tennessee,
researchers compared the stickywilly seed rain in sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
stands in different successional stages. In 5-15 year-old-stands, an estimated
22,000 stickywilly seeds/ha were collected on the ground. In stands over 50
years old, 81,000 seeds/ha were trapped on the ground, and 1,160,000 seeds were
recovered from airborne collectors. No data were provided on stickywilly coverage in the
study sites or distances from the trapping area [39].

Seed dispersal:
Stickywilly is highly adapted for long-distance dispersal. The hooked bristles coating
stickywilly seed easily attach to feathers, fur, and clothing [28,62,143,158]. The backward-turned
bristles on leaves and stems also grip easily to animals, equipment,
and clothing aiding in
long-distance dispersal of this species [21]. DeFelice
[28] reports in a review that stickywilly seeds are light enough for wind
dispersal and can float due to empty space between the 2 carpels.

In northern Delaware and southern Pennsylvania, researchers calculated migration rates
for stickywilly
based on plant distances from an old-growth ecotone to the furthest plant or to the furthest occurrence
where plants grew at 1/2 peak
density. Stickywilly's migration rates were 2.48 ± 0.71
m/year and 1.94 ± 0.30 m/year based on the
furthest 1/2 peak density and furthest individual calculations, respectively.
These high dispersal rates are likely the result of animal transport [95].

Seed banking:
Estimates regarding amounts of seed banked and duration of seed viability in the soil for
stickywilly are broad ranging. Royer and Dickinson [124] suggest stickywilly
seed can retain viability for 6 years. After reviewing literature on this subject, DeFelice [28]
indicates that seeds are viable in the soil for just 2 to 3

In Pennsylvania, the existing vegetation and
soil seed bank were compared in forested, prairie, and prairie edge sites.
Stickywilly was present in 1 of the forested plots dominated by black walnut (Juglans
nigra), black cherry (Prunus serotina), eastern white pine (Pinus
strobus), and hawthorn (Crataegus spp.), but no stickywilly seed germinated
in soil collected from any of the 3 sites [82]. In Douglas-fir and grand fir
forests of central Idaho where stickywilly occurred with 0%-6% constancy,
researchers recovered only 2 viable seeds from 20 soil samples collected from
early May to late August [75]. Soil samples taken from
ponderosa pine/common snowberry habitat types in southeastern Washington
produced high stickywilly seed density estimates. In the area, stickywilly
occupied 1% coverage and was 83% constant. From soil cores samples
germinated at optimal conditions, researchers estimated 83 ± 169
seeds/m² and 417±225 seeds/m² in spring and fall soils,
respectively. Seed densities were greatest in
the litter layer [115].

Seed germination
percentages are reduced by increased depth of burial and increased temperatures. Stickywilly
seed requires burial to germinate. Germination in a
laboratory setting was
between 0% and 5% when seed was
uncovered, but when buried at depths of between 2 and 10 mm, 60%-80% of seed germinated [19].
When buried 3.9 inches (10 cm) below the soil surface, 5%-15% of seed germinated,
and no seedlings emerged at 4.7 inches (12 cm) [15]. Royer and Dickinson [124] claim that no seedlings emerge
when seed is buried greater than 1.6 inches (4 cm) deep. In a review, Holm and others [62] suggest that seed will not germinate from depths of 1.6 inches
(4 cm) when in heavy, firm soils, and when buried 3.9 inches (10 cm) deep in
light soils, germination, flowering, and fruiting are delayed.

In the laboratory, Pratt and others [115] found that heat
treatments significantly (p<0.05) reduced germination of
stickywilly. Of 196 fall collected seeds, just 21 seeds germinated after being
heated at 167 °F (75 °C) for 20 minutes then stratified at 32 °F (0 °C) for 60 days. No seeds
survived a heat treatment of 212 °F (100 °C) for 20 minutes followed by cold
stratification. The researchers concluded that fire likely kills stickywilly
seed in the litter layer [115]. Royer and Dickinson [124]
report decreased germination when soil temperatures are above 68°F (20 °C).

Holm and others [62] report recovering viable seed from cattle, horse, pig,
goat, and bird feces,
while other reviewers, Malik and Vanden Born [90], describe increased germination
percentages following animal digestion.

Seedling establishment/growth:
Stickywilly develops rapidly. Root lengths may be 2 to 2.4 inches (5-6 cm) long
by the
time 1st leaves appear, and flowers can appear 8 weeks after germination
[124]. Seedlings may also appear throughout the growing
season [90].

Studies in southwestern Ohio reveal that 79%-94% of seedlings survived to
reproductive age planted on mixed northern red oak, hickory, sugar maple, and ash forests where the
density of Amur honeysuckle ranged from 0.3-0.7 shrub/m² [42].

In a greenhouse, researchers compared the growth of stickywilly seed collected from Ontario,
Illinois, Oklahoma, and California. Growth rate differences were
apparent 6 weeks after planting done in August. Developmental differences in seeds
of different localities are shown below [103]:

Seed source Oklahoma Ontario and California IL
Height by late December 3.28 ft (1 m) intermediate between Oklahoma and Illinois 6-7.9 inches (150-200 mm)
Flowering date late December early March late January

Asexual regeneration: Malik and Vanden
Born [90] indicate that stickywilly does not reproduce
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Regional Distribution in the Western United States ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):


1 Northern Pacific Border

2 Cascade Mountains

3 Southern Pacific Border

4 Sierra Mountains

5 Columbia Plateau

6 Upper Basin and Range

7 Lower Basin and Range

8 Northern Rocky Mountains

9 Middle Rocky Mountains

10 Wyoming Basin

11 Southern Rocky Mountains

12 Colorado Plateau

13 Rocky Mountain Piedmont

14 Great Plains

15 Black Hills Uplift

16 Upper Missouri Basin and Broken Lands
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

States or Provinces ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
(key to state/province abbreviations)











B.C.N. Chih. Son.

bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Successional Status ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: association, constancy, cover, density, forest, frequency, grassland, hardwood, nonnative species, presence, succession

While many consider disturbed sites common stickywilly habitat [133,158,167], in many instances stickywilly coverage
and/or frequency is greater on undisturbed or more successionally advanced sites

Shade relationships:
Habitats providing light shade are preferred by
stickywilly; however, deep shade and/or full sun conditions are tolerated in some
environments. In greenhouse simulations, stickywilly root and
shoot growth were significantly lower (p<0.001) under deep shade conditions.
Height increases were greater under patchy light conditions than under deep shade
[131]. In central California, stickywilly produced
more biomass when growing under live or dead blue oaks than when growing in open
grasslands. The density of stickywilly was 1.3 g/m²
under live trees, 2.0 g/m² growing under dead trees,
and 0.2 g/m²
 in open grassland [61].

Comparisons between Douglas-fir
forests of western Washington and Oregon revealed that stickywilly coverage and
frequency were 0.2% and 20.8%, respectively, in forests characterized by well-spaced Douglas-fir trees
between 21.6 and 25.6 inches (55-65 cm) dbh. Stickywilly was absent
from forests with closely-spaced Douglas-fir trees between 11.8 and
17.7 inches (30-45 cm) dbh. [151].

Pyle [116] made comparisons between Maryland's Potomac River
floodplain forests with different levels of shading and human use. The canopy of
these floodplain forests were dominated by box elder and pawpaw. Stickywilly
was present only on sites receiving the heaviest recreation use and the highest
degree of shading. Stickywilly did not occur on sites with little to no human
disturbance that received mid-levels of sunlight. The combined land use and
shading variables make determining the most important factor affecting
stickywilly presence impossible [116].

Recent disturbances/early succession:
The following studies suggest that stickywilly is not necessarily encouraged through
disturbances and that disturbance responses are likely situation dependent.
Stickywilly was not present in 1-, 2-, or 3-year-old abandoned fields of Piedmont, North
Carolina, but did occur in bottomland mixed-hardwood forests in the same area [108].
In western Massachusetts, stickywilly occurred on marshes above the
active flood plain but did not occur on annually flooded sites [60]. In north-central Idaho,
stickywilly was absent from the earliest
seral communities within a western redcedar-western hemlock vegetation
association [123]. Following the excavation of hardwood bottomland
forests near Dallas, Texas, Nixon [107] monitored early successional changes.
Stickywilly was absent from the youngest sites (3 and 5 years since excavation)
and had an importance value of 1 on sites excavated 47 years prior. The 3-, 5-,
and 47-year-old forests were dominated by eastern cottonwood (Populus
deltoides), black willow (Salix nigra), and sugarberry, respectively. On
unexcavated forest sites, stickywilly had an importance value of 20 [107]. On a debris flow
along a second order stream in the
Central Coast Range
of Oregon, stickywilly presence was first recorded 7 years following the initiation of
succession. Stickywilly was absent from sites visited 10 years following
the debris flow [110].

In an Oregon white oak meadow of southwestern British Columbia, MacDougall [89]
intentionally disturbed sites in an attempt to decrease nonnative species.
Disturbances included burning, mowing, and removal of nonnative species. Some
sites were treated in the fall, others in the summer and fall. All treated sites
were grouped and considered disturbed, so differences between burning, mowing, or
removal treatments were lost. On shallow soil sites
(2 to 5.9 inches (5-15 cm)), the predisturbance coverage of stickywilly was 9.8%
and postdisturbance coverage was 22.6%. On deep soil sites (>39.4
inches (100 cm)), the predisturbance and postdisturbance coverages of stickywilly were 2.5% and 2.3%,
respectively [89].

Following a 1975 clearcut and slash burn in north-central California,
McDonald [97] monitored early
succession in a ponderosa pine community. Stickywilly was absent in the 1st,
3rd, and 4th posttreatment years and frequency was low in the 2nd and 5th
posttreatment years. The percent frequency, density, and
height (average of 3 tallest stems) of stickywilly are given below for all
posttreatment monitoring years. Sites were exceptionally dry in 1976 and 1977 and
were extremely wet in 1978 [97].

Year Frequency (%) Density (plants/milacre) Height (ft)
1976 --- --- ---
1977 2 17 0.5
1978 --- --- ---
1979 --- --- ---
1980 2 17 3.1

Past disturbances/later succession:
Stickywilly occupies developing, mature, and old-growth woodlands and forests
but is generally more frequent in mid-successional stages. In Douglas-fir
forests of Oregon's Cascade Range, stickywilly's frequency of occurrence was significantly greater
(p≥195 years)
or young (132].
In coast live oak woodlands of Berkeley Hills, California,
stickywilly frequency was 5% to 52%, while frequency was 1% to 9% in
San Francisco Bay woodlands
considered successionally older [96]. In
a southeastern Washington ponderosa pine/common snowberry community representative of
a middle stage of succession, stickywilly had 83% constancy and 1% cover [115].

Luken and Fonda [87] investigated changes in vegetation, canopy cover, and
soil nitrogen as red alder (Alnus rubra) stands aged along the Hoh River in
Washington. Soil nitrogen content increased and
canopies became more open with age. Stickywilly frequency and cover were greatest in the
24-year-old red alder stands. The differences in stickywilly coverage and frequency in 14-, 24-,
and 65-year-old red alder stands are presented below [87]:

Stand Age (years)
Attribute measured Cover Frequency Cover Frequency Cover Frequency
Stickywilly * 5 3.4 50 * 5

*present, but with coverage below 1%.

In mature American beech-sugar maple forests of southwestern Ohio,
canopy gaps were created by falling single American beech trees. Vegetation changes in
different aged gaps (1-15 years) were monitored. The middle-aged gaps had
significantly (p=0.05) greater coverage of stickywilly. The results are provided
below; values followed by the same letter are not significantly different [102].

Gap age (years) 1-2 5-7 12 & 15 Intact canopy
Stickywilly coverage (average) 0.4a 0.5b 0.4a 0.4a
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Taxonomy ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
The currently accepted scientific name of stickywilly is Galium aparine
L. (Rubiaceae) [25,41,44,57,69,70,118,139,158]. No
infrataxa are recognized in this review in accordance with current taxonomic
views [70,71,153]. However, some systematists
recognize 1 or 2 varieties [25,41,57]. For a taxonomic discussion on
stickywilly see Moore [103].
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: frequency

The lack of literature describing stickywilly in rehabilitation or revegetation
efforts suggests that the usage of stickywilly in these projects
is limited. Stickywilly frequency was 25% to 35% on a 31-year-old revegetated coal
mine spoil sites in southeastern Ohio; stickywilly was not purposefully planted
on the site [22].
bibliografinen lainaus
Gucker, Corey L. 2005. Galium aparine. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/galapa/all.html

Distribution ( kastilia )

tarjonnut IABIN
I, II, III, IV, V, RM, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, Juan Fernandez
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez

İlişkən qatıqotu ( azeri )

tarjonnut wikipedia AZ

İlişkən qatıqotu (lat. Galium aparine)[1]qatıqotu cinsinə aid bitki növü.[2]


  1. Nurəddin Əliyev. Azərbaycanın dərman bitkiləri və fitoterapiya. Bakı, Elm, 1998.
  2. Elşad Qurbanov. Ali bitkilərin sistematikası, Bakı, 2009.
Inula britannica.jpeg İkiləpəlilər ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin.
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İlişkən qatıqotu: Brief Summary ( azeri )

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İlişkən qatıqotu (lat. Galium aparine) — qatıqotu cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Apegalosa ( valencia )

tarjonnut wikipedia CA

L'apegalòs,[1] apegalosa o rèvola (Galium aparine) és una planta amb flor de la família de les rubiàcies.


Aquesta planta rep els següents noms comuns:

  • Apegalosa, apegalós, amor d'hortolà, rèvola, rèbora i herba de gallina.[2]


Planta sencera a Castelltallat

És una herba anual, nadiua d'Europa i de l'Amèrica del Nord.

Les seves fulles són un dels aliments preferits de les erugues del bufaforats.


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Apegalosa Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
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Apegalosa: Brief Summary ( valencia )

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L'apegalòs, apegalosa o rèvola (Galium aparine) és una planta amb flor de la família de les rubiàcies.

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Llau'r offeiriad ( kymri )

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Llwyn blodeuol sy'n hannu o'r is-drofannau yw Llau'r offeiriad sy'n enw lluosog. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Rubiaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Galium aparine a'r enw Saesneg yw Cleavers.[1] Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Llau'r Offeiriad, Bwyd Gwyddau, Cariadwyr, Cynga, Cynga'r Coed, Cyngaean, Cyngaf, Cynghafan, Cynna, Gwlydd y Perthi, Gwlyddyn Garw, Gwlyddyn y Perthi, Gwreiddrudd y Perthi, Llau'r Perthi, Llyffeiriad, Llys yr Hidl, Llysiau'r Hidl.

Gelwir y teulu Rubiaceae yn 'deulu'r coffi' ar lafar. Ar wahân i goffi ceir aelodau eraill o'r teulu sy'n sy'n cyfrannu'n helaeth i economi gwledydd e.e. O'r planhigyn Cinchona, y daw quinine. Mae gan y planhigyn hwn ddail syml, cyflawn, cyferbyn â'i gilydd, coronigau tiwbaidd ac ofari isradd.

Ffeithiau diddorol

Dyma gasgliad o waith ymchwil plant Ysgolion Llangoed a Biwmares (Bro Seiriol), Ynys Môn[8]:

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gerddi Kew; adalwyd 21 Ionawr 2015
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Llau'r offeiriad: Brief Summary ( kymri )

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Llwyn blodeuol sy'n hannu o'r is-drofannau yw Llau'r offeiriad sy'n enw lluosog. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Rubiaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Galium aparine a'r enw Saesneg yw Cleavers. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Llau'r Offeiriad, Bwyd Gwyddau, Cariadwyr, Cynga, Cynga'r Coed, Cyngaean, Cyngaf, Cynghafan, Cynna, Gwlydd y Perthi, Gwlyddyn Garw, Gwlyddyn y Perthi, Gwreiddrudd y Perthi, Llau'r Perthi, Llyffeiriad, Llys yr Hidl, Llysiau'r Hidl.

Gelwir y teulu Rubiaceae yn 'deulu'r coffi' ar lafar. Ar wahân i goffi ceir aelodau eraill o'r teulu sy'n sy'n cyfrannu'n helaeth i economi gwledydd e.e. O'r planhigyn Cinchona, y daw quinine. Mae gan y planhigyn hwn ddail syml, cyflawn, cyferbyn â'i gilydd, coronigau tiwbaidd ac ofari isradd.

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Svízel přítula ( Tšekki )

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Svízel přítula (Galium aparine) je hojná rostlina z čeledi mořenovitých, rozšířená v podstatě po celém světě.


Český název charakterizuje chování rostliny, která se v kontaktu s člověkem nebo zvířetem přichytává svými chlupy na srst nebo na oblečení. Německý název je Kletten-Labkraut, anglický Cleavers, slovenský lipkavec obyčajný a ruský podmarennik cepkij. Lidově se mu říká přítula, svízel, lepenice, lepký rozmarýn nebo opřástka.[1]


Svízel přítula je jednoletý plevel, který dorůstá délky 30–150 cm.[2][3]

Kořen je kůlovitý, může být jednoduchý nebo větvený.

Lodyha je čtyřhranná popínavá nebo poléhavá. Z hran lodyhy vyrůstají tuhé nazpět zahnuté háčkovité chlupy, kterými se svízel přichytává k okolním rostlinám.[4]

Listy jsou jednožilné, mají kopinatý až obkopinatý tvar a jsou zúžené v osinkatou špičku. Uspořádány jsou po 6–9 ve zdánlivých přeslenech. Čepele listů jsou po obvodu osténkaté, na lícní straně krátce chlupaté, až olysalé. Na spodní straně je patrná osténkatá žilnatina.

Květy jsou oboupohlavné, bílé až nazelenalé. Rozlišeny jsou na kalich a korunu. Koruna má nálevkovitý tvar, v průměru 1,5–1,7 mm. Kalich je zakrnělý. Květenstvím jsou 1–7 květé vidlany.[5] Svízel kvete od května do září.[3]

Plody jsou dvounažky s průměrem 3,2 mm. Jejich povrch je pokryt bradavkami s háčkovitými ostny, které se snadno ulamují. Nažky jsou oválné až kruhovité, šedohnědé až šedozelené, v době zralosti se poltí na dva díly (někdy může být vyvinut jen jeden díl plodu). Bradavky a ostny jsou světlejší. Na spodní straně nažky je hluboká prohlubeň. Na jedné rostlině uzraje 100 až 500 nažek, které ale po dozrání díky tvrdé slupce špatně klíčí. Klíčivost nažek se zvyšuje po přezimování v půdě, kde zůstávají schopné vyklíčit i několik let. Nažky většinou dozrávají zároveň s obilninami, proto s nimi mohou být z velké části sklizeny.


Plevel se šíří osivem obilnin, vodou, vyklíčením na stanovištích a pohybem zvířat, v jejichž srsti se nažky zachytí.


Svízel přítula je domácí druh téměř v celé Evropě a Asii, později byl zavlečen do Jižní a Severní Ameriky. Dnes se vyskytuje téměř na celém světě.

Bylina dává přednost čerstvě vlhkým, kyprým, živinami bohatým půdám, roste ale i na vysýchavých nebo písčitých stanovištích.

V České republice je rozšířen na celém území – od nížin až do podhorských, místy až horských oblastí. Roste v křovinách, v pobřežních houštinách, ve světlých lesích, v sadech, na rumištích, na hromadách hnoje a v polích, kde zapleveluje plodiny, hlavě obilniny a luskoviny. Svízel je odolný vůči zastínění, a proto se může vyskytovat i v hustých porostech.[6]



Svízel je plevel, který způsobuje poléhání obilí a zhoršuje kvalitu sklizně i píce. Šíří se díky vysokému zastoupení ozimů a odolnosti vůči většině používaných herbicidů. Nejúčinnějšími herbicidy proti svízeli jsou: fluroxypyr, amidosulfuron, clomazone, quinmerac, ethofumesat, triflusulfuron a metamitron.[1]


Stejně jako svízel syřišťový (Galium verum) obsahuje svízel přítula v nati glykosid galiosin, rubiadinglykosid a asperulosid, stopy silice, minerály, třísloviny, saponiny a četné enzymy. Slouží k ošetřování vředů, jako diuretikum při otocích, křečích a onemocněních močových cest, ve formě koupelí při špatně se hojících ranách, vyrážkách a v obkladech na popáleniny.[7]



  1. a b KOHOUT, Václav. Plevele polí a zahrad. Praha: Agrospoj, 1997. S. 208.
  2. KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Příroda v ČSSR. Praha: Práce, 1978. S. 88.
  3. a b HRON, František. Rostliny polí a zahrad. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1974. S. 298.
  4. DEYL, Miloš; HÍSEK, Květoslav. Naše květiny II. Praha: Albatros, 1973. S. 426.
  5. DOSTÁL, Josef. Nová květena ČSSR 2. Praha: Academia, 1989. S. 775.
  6. SLAVÍK, Bohumil. Květena České republiky 6. Praha: Academia, 2000. S. 153.
  7. KORBELÁŘ, Jaroslav; ENDRIS, Zdeněk. Naše rostliny v lékařství. Praha: Avicentrum, 1970. S. 398.

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Svízel přítula: Brief Summary ( Tšekki )

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Svízel přítula (Galium aparine) je hojná rostlina z čeledi mořenovitých, rozšířená v podstatě po celém světě.

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Burresnerre ( tanska )

tarjonnut wikipedia DA

Burresnerre (Galium aparine) eller præstelus er en 10-120 cm høj urt, der vokser på agerjord, i haver og krat. Stænglerne er forsynet med krogformede børster, som hjælper planten med at komme til vejrs. Den er rig på c-vitamin. Navnet burresnerre skrives ofte burre-snerre.


Burresnerre er en enårig plante med en opstigende eller klatrende vækst. Stænglerne er spinkle, firkantede og udstyret med talrige, krogformede børster, som hjælper planten med at komme til vejrs. Bladene sidder kransstillet, og de er omvendt ægformede, men smalle og helrandede. Begge sider af bladet er lysegrønne og både bladrand og midterribbe er dækket af krogformede børster. Blomstringen sker i juli-september, hvor man ser de hvide, 4-tallige blomster sidde på lange stilke fra bladhjørnerne. Frugten er kugleformede delfrugter, der er beklædt med de samme tornagtige og krogformede børster som resten af planten.

Rodnettet er forholdsvist svagt og fint. Rodnettet indeholder et rødt farvestof, som svarer meget til krap.

Højde x bredde og årlig tilvækst: 1,50 x 0,50 m (150 x 50 cm/år).


Indikatorværdier Burresnerre L = 7 T = 6 K = 3 F = x R = 6 N = 8

Planten er knyttet til kvælstofrig jord nær bebyggelser og på tangvolde langs stranden. Den optræder af samme grund som ukrudt på velgødede marker og ruderater sammen med bl.a. alm. fuglegræs, enårig rapgræs, liden nælde, lugtløs kamille og sort natskygge.

I Danmark er den almindelig på agerjord, i haver, løvskove og krat og på strandvolde. I Suserup Skov har Naturstyrelsen en gård, Suserupgård. Arealet omfatter skov, agerland, eng og ovedrev. Ved en opmålig af et mindre skovstykke, her kaldet ”analyse nr. 540”, fandt man arten sammen med bl.a. agersnerle, almindelig ask, almindelig brunelle, almindelig fuglegræs, almindelig hundegræs, almindelig hvidtjørn, almindelig hyld, almindelig hæg, almindelig kvik, almindelig rapgræs, almindelig røllike, almindelig røn, bakkeforglemmigej, brunfiltet stjernemos, almindelig bøg, febernellikerod, fladstrået rapgræs, fløjlsgræs, fuglekirsebær, glat dueurt, grå bynke, haremad, hindbær, hvas randfrø, knoldet brunrod, korsknap, krybhvene, lundrapgræs, lægeoksetunge, mælkebøtte, nældeklokke, nældesilke, pastinak, rubørstet kortkapsel, rynket rose, rød svingel, skovelm, skovhanekro, stilkeg, stor fladstjerne, [[stor nælde og vild kørvel[1]



  • Signe Frederiksen et al., Dansk flora, 2. udgave, Gyldendal 2012. ISBN 8702112191.

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Burresnerre: Brief Summary ( tanska )

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Burresnerre (Galium aparine) eller præstelus er en 10-120 cm høj urt, der vokser på agerjord, i haver og krat. Stænglerne er forsynet med krogformede børster, som hjælper planten med at komme til vejrs. Den er rig på c-vitamin. Navnet burresnerre skrives ofte burre-snerre.

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Kletten-Labkraut ( saksa )

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Das Kletten-Labkraut (Galium aparine), auch Klebkraut, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Labkräuter (Galium) innerhalb der Familie der Rötegewächse (Rubiaceae). Sie ist ein wirtschaftlich bedeutendes Ackerunkraut, wächst aber auch in Hecken, Säumen und in Wäldern. Dieser Spreizklimmer klimmt mit seinen Borstenhaaren an anderen Pflanzen empor.


Illustration aus Donovan Stewart Correll, Helen B. Correll: Aquatic and wetland plants of southwestern United States, 1972
Vierkantiger Stängel mit Stachelborsten
Blatt von unten – deutlich zu erkennen die Borsten am Blattrand
Blüten- bzw. Fruchtstand
Die Früchte sind mit Hakenborsten besetzt, die auf papillösen Höckern stehen.
Oberfläche einer Frucht mit Hakenborste und spitzen Papillen

Vegetative Merkmale

Das Kletten-Labkraut ist eine einjährige krautige Pflanze, deren niederliegende oder – häufiger – klimmend aufsteigende Stängel sind meist 50 bis 150 (15 bis 300) Zentimeter lang und wenig verzweigt. An den Knoten sind sie behaart. Die vierkantigen Stängel besitzen an den Kanten rückwärts gerichtete Stachelborsten.

Die Blätter stehen zu sechst bis neunt in Quirlen. Die einadrigen Blätter sind bei einer Länge von 12 bis 60 Millimeter sowie einer Breite von 3 bis 8 Millimetern lanzettlich bis elliptisch. An der Blattoberseite sind spitzenwärts gerichtete Borsten und am Blattrand rückwärts gerichtete Stacheln vorhanden. Die Blattspitze trägt eine Stachelspitze.

Das Wurzelsystem ist – charakteristisch für einjährige Pflanzen – nur schwach ausgebildet. Die Wurzeln reichen bis 35 Zentimeter tief.[1]

Blütenstände und Blüten

Die Teilblütenstände stehen in den Achseln von laubblattähnlichen Tragblättern, überragen diese und bestehen aus zwei bis fünf Blüten, die eine Trugdolde bilden.

Die zwittrigen Blüten sind vierzählig. Der Kelch ist zu einer Ringwulst reduziert. Die vier Kronblätter sind kurz verwachsen, aber es fehlt eine deutliche Kronröhre. Die weißliche Blütenkrone ist 1,5 bis 2 Millimeter breit und besitzt vier spitze Kronlappen. Es gibt vier Staubblätter. Zwei Fruchtblätter sind zu einem Fruchtknoten verwachsen. Die zwei Griffel sind am Grund verwachsen und tragen kopfige Narben.


Die Trockenfrüchte sind 3 bis 5 Millimeter lang, dabei immer größer als die Krone. Die oliv- oder purpurfarbenen Früchte sind dicht mit borstigen Haken besetzt. Die zwei Teilfrüchte sind Spaltfrüchte, enthalten je einen Samen und sind kugelig. Die Früchte wiegen 7 bis 9 Milligramm und die Samen rund 3,7 Milligramm.


Die Chromosomengrundzahl der Gattung Galium beträgt x = 11. Die Art Galium aparine umfasst tetraploide, hexaploide und oktoploide Cytotypen mit 2n = 42, 44, 66, 88. Fischer bezeichnet die Art als hexaploid.[2] Beobachtungen von 64 Chromosomen werden als Ergebnis der Fusion von zwei Chromosomen gedeutet.

An einem Gartenzaun emporklimmend
Vierzählige Blüten im Detail



Beim Kletten-Labkraut handelt es sich um einen, zum Teil winterannuellen, Therophyten. Die Wurzelbiomasse macht nur rund 10 Prozent der Gesamtbiomasse aus. Mykorrhiza fehlt häufig.

Die Borsten an Stängel und Blättern erlauben der Pflanze das klimmende Aufsteigen entlang von Stützen, sie ist ein Spreizklimmer. Beim Berühren erzeugen sie einen klebenden Eindruck, der der Pflanze auch ihren Namen gegeben hat.

Das Kletten-Labkraut vermehrt sich ausschließlich über Samen. Die Keimung erfolgt epigäisch. Das Hypokotyl ist 2 bis 3 Zentimeter lang und glatt. Die zwei Keimblätter sind länglich-eiförmig und 9 bis 15 Millimeter lang und unterscheiden sich damit deutlich von den übrigen Blättern. Es gibt zwei Ökotypen, die sich deutlich in ihrem Wachstumsverhalten unterscheiden: einen Hecken-Ökotyp und einen Acker-Ökotyp.

Samen des Acker-Ökotyps keimen im Herbst und bilden Sämlinge mit kurzen, unter einem Zentimeter langen Internodien. An den untersten beiden Knoten bilden sie rundliche Blätter und erreichen eine Höhe von 10 bis 20 Zentimeter. In diesem ersten vegetativen Wachstumsstadium überwintern sie. Sie sind bis zu −17 °C frostresistent. Beim Hecken-Ökotyp benötigen die Samen eine Vernalisation und keimen erst im Frühjahr. Bei ihnen ist das erste Stadium stark verkürzt und reduziert. Im zweiten vegetativen Stadium werden lange Internodien (bis 10 Zentimeter) und die normalen lanzettlichen Blätter gebildet. Wenn die Stängel von ihren Stützen entfernt werden, etwa durch Wind, richten sich die niederliegenden Stängel binnen weniger Stunden an den Knoten wieder auf.

Die Dauer zwischen Keimung und Blüte wird durch die Temperatur, die Tageslänge, die Nährstoff-Verfügbarkeit und den Ökotyp bestimmt, Feuchtigkeit und Lichtverhältnisse spielen keine Rolle.

Im ersten reproduktiven Stadium werden Blüten an Seitenzweigen gebildet, während das vegetative Wachstum des Haupttriebs noch weitergeht. Im letzten Stadium bildet auch die Haupttriebspitze einen Blütenstand, beendet damit das Wachstum. Blüten werden von Mai bis in den September gebildet. Die Fruchtreife beginnt im Juni und dauert bis in den Oktober. Nach der Fruchtreife stirbt die Pflanze ab.


Das Kletten-Labkraut pflanzt sich ausschließlich sexuell fort und ist damit ein Amphimikt. Die zwittrigen Blüten sind protandrisch, das heißt, die Staubblätter reifen vor den weiblichen Organen. Die Staubblätter werden bei der Blütenöffnung nicht zurückgebogen. Wenn die Narben reifen und die Narbenfläche zugänglich wird, berühren die Narben die Antheren. Da die Antheren zu diesem Zeitpunkt zwar schon trocken sind und den Pollen ausgestreut haben, aber immer noch etlichen Pollen beherbergen, erfolgt eine sichere Selbstbestäubung.

Selten werden die Blüten von kleinen Insekten besucht. Als Blütenbesucher wurden die Schwebfliege Syritta pipiens L., kleine Wespen, Schlupfwespen und Echte Fliegen beobachtet.


Ein Pflanzenexemplar bildet rund 300 bis 400 Teilfrüchte. Diese sind die Ausbreitungseinheiten (Diasporen) und haften durch ihre Widerhaken sehr gut im Fell von Tieren, aber auch an Kleidung und an Schlamm. Daher sind Tiere und der Mensch die wichtigsten Ausbreiter. Es können an Tieren auch ganze fruchtende Sprossabschnitte hängenbleiben und ausgebreitet werden.[3] Daneben wurde auch Ausbreitung im Wasser (Hydrochorie) und durch Endozoochorie durch Vieh und Vögel beobachtet. Auch Windausbreitung (Anemochorie) als Bodenroller (Chamaechorie)[3] kommt vor.

Herbivoren und Krankheiten

Der Tatzenkäfer (Timarcha tenebricosa) lebt monophag vom Kletten-Labkraut.
Stängel mit Blattwirteln

Das Kletten-Labkraut ist Futterpflanze für mindestens 40 Insektenarten, von denen folgende sich ausschließlich von dieser Art ernähren, also monophag sind: Sminthurus viridis (Springschwänze); Tatzenkäfer (Timarcha tenebricosa) (Blattkäfer); Dasineura aparines, Dasineura galiicola, Liriomyza morio, Paraphytomyza anteposita, Paraphytomyza orphana (Zweiflügler).

Neben dem Mehltau Peronospora aparines wird das Kletten-Labkraut auch von den Pilzen Erysiphe galii (Leotiomycetes), Leptosphaeria galiorum und Leptosphaeria scitula (Pleosporales), Puccinia difformis und Puccinia punctata (Uredinales) und Phomopsis elliptica (Hyphomycetes) befallen.



Das Verbreitungsgebiet des Kletten-Labkrauts umfasst Makaronesien und die gemäßigten Zonen Eurasiens. Es ist fast weltweit ein Neophyt.[4]

Das Kletten-Labkraut ist in fast ganz Europa verbreitet und häufig anzutreffen. In Norwegen kommt es bis 70° nördlicher Breite vor, ansonsten fehlt es nördlich des Polarkreises. Im Westen reicht es bis zu den Azoren, im Osten reicht es über den Ural nach West- und Südsibirien. Es kommt auch im Nordkaukasus, in den küstennahen Gebieten Kleinasiens und des Mittelmeerraumes sowie in Nordwestafrika (Atlasgebirge) vor. Das Verbreitungsgebiet ist somit eurasisch-subozeanisch. In Nordamerika wurde es eingeschleppt und kommt im Osten der USA zwischen 30 und 48° Nord sowie an der Westküste von Kalifornien bis Alaska vor.


Das Kletten-Labkraut wächst besonders an Stellen mit guter Stickstoff- und Phosphat-Verfügbarkeit. Es ist ein Lehmzeiger und ein ausgesprochener Stickstoffzeiger. Am häufigsten ist es auf Böden mit einem pH-Wert zwischen 5,5 und 8,0. Es wächst in Auwäldern, Äckern, Weingärten, Ruderalstellen, in Hecken und auf Flussschottern. Es kommt besonders an gestörten Standorten vor, da dort ein hohes Stickstoffangebot besteht. Es steigt bis in die montane Höhenstufe bis in Höhenlagen von meist etwa 1200 Metern. In den Allgäuer Alpen steigt sie bis zu einer Höhenlage von 1400 Metern auf.[5]

Es ist eine Halblichtpflanze, die bei vier bis 100 Prozent des vollen Sonnenlichts wachsen kann, und ein Mäßigwärmezeiger. Bezüglich der Feuchtigkeit ist es indifferent. In Wiesen und Weiden ist es empfindlich gegen Mahd und Weide und unverträglich gegen Tritt.[6]

Die ökologischen Zeigerwerte nach Ellenberg für Galium aparine sind: L7 = Halblichtpflanze, T6 = Mäßigwärme- bis Wärmezeiger, Fx = indifferentes Verhalten, R6 = Schwachbasen- bis Mäßigsäurezeiger, N8 = ausgesprochener Stickstoffzeiger


Das Kletten-Labkraut ist in Mitteleuropa eine Klassencharakterart der Ruderalgesellschaften (Artemisietea vulgaris) beziehungsweise der nitrophilen Säume (Galio-Urticetea). Weiters kommt es vor in: Intensiv-Hackfrucht- und Gartenunkraut-Gesellschaften (Polygono-Chenopodietalia), in bodenfeuchten Segetal-Unkrautgesellschaften (Secalietea) und in Silberweidengehölzen (Salicion albae). Daneben kommt es auch in feuchteren Robinien-Wäldern,[7] in ruderalen Glatthaferwiesen (Artemisia vulgaris-Arrhenatherum-Gesellschaft)[6] und Mädesüß-Hochstaudenfluren (Filipendulion)[6] vor.

Illustration aus Flora Batava, Volume 5


Die Erstveröffentlichung von Galium aparine erfolgte 1753 durch Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum.[8] Das Artepitheton aparine wurde schon von Theophrast und Plinius dem Älteren als Bezeichnung für das Kletten-Labkraut verwendet, wobei die Etymologie des Wortes unklar ist.[9] Synonyme für Galium aparine L. sind: Aparine vulgaris Hill, Aparine hispida Moench nom. superfl., Galium lappaceum Salisb. nom. superfl., Asperula aparine (L.) Besser nom. illeg., Asterophyllum aparine (L.) Schimp. & Spenn., Asperula aparine var. aparine (L.) Nyman nom. inval., Galion aparinum (L.) St.-Lag., Rubia aparine (L.) Baill., Galium adhaerens Gilib., Galium asperum Honck. nom. illeg., Galium uliginosum Thunb. nom. illeg., Galium hispidum Willd., Galium uncinatum Gray, Galium aparine var. hirsutum Mert. & W.D.J.Koch, Galium aparine var. verum Wimm. & Grab., Galium aparine var. marinum Fr., Galium intermedium Mérat nom. illeg., Galium aparine var. minor Hook., Galium horridum Eckl. & Zeyh. nom. illeg., Galium aparine var. subglabrum Peterm., Crucianella purpurea Wulff ex Steud., Galium segetum K.Koch, Galium chilense Hook. f., Galium aparine var. microphyllum Clos, Galium chonosense Clos nom. superfl., Galium pseudoaparine Griseb., Galium parviflorum Maxim. nom. illeg., Galium aculeatissimum Kit. ex Kanitz, Galium tenerrimum Schur, Galium aparine var. fructibushispidis Franch., Galium aparine var. intermedium (Mérat) Bonnet, Galium borbonicum var. makianum Cordem., Galium aparine var. pseudoaparine (Griseb.) Speg., Galium australe Reiche nom. superfl., Galium larecajense Wernham, Galium charoides Rusby, Galium aparine var. agreste P.D.Sell, Galium aparine subsp. agreste P.D.Sell, Galium aparine f. intermedium (Mérat) R.J.Moore.[4]

Galium aparine gehört zur Sektion Aparine in der Gattung Galium.[10] Zusammen mit dem nahe verwandten, aber diploiden Kleinfrüchtigen Kletten-Labkraut (Galium spurium) bildet es die Artengruppe Galium aparine agg. Es sind keine Hybriden mit anderen Arten bekannt.

Innerhalb der Art Galium aparine werden die zwei im Abschnitt Wachstum beschriebenen Ökotypen unterschieden. Ferner gibt es bei einigen Autoren zwei Formen: Galium aparine f. intermedium Bonnet mit glatten Früchten sowie Galium aparine L. f. aparine, das die bereits beschriebenen stacheligen Früchte hat.


Kletten-Labkraut in einem Weizenfeld

Das Kletten-Labkraut wird als Volksarzneipflanze, als Wildgemüse und in der Homöopathie verwendet.[2] Plinius der Ältere erwähnt es als Mittel gegen Schlangen- und Spinnenbisse, gegen Ohrenschmerzen sowie zur Blutstillung.[11] Leonhart Fuchs nennt die gleichen Wirkungen, zusätzlich jene gegen den Kropf.[12] In der modernen Kräuterkunde wird das ganze Kraut frisch oder getrocknet als Diuretikum, als Entzündungshemmer (Antiphlogistikum), gegen Hautkrankheiten und bei Schlaflosigkeit verwendet.[13] Die Blätter können in Gemüsesuppen verwendet werden, aus getrockneten Blättern kann ein Tee gebraut werden und geröstete Früchte ergeben einen Kaffee-Ersatz.[13]

Eine weitere Bedeutung hat es als Ackerunkraut. Vor allem im Winterweizen und Winterraps zählt es zu den bedeutendsten Unkräutern und kann den Ertrag um 30 bis 60 Prozent mindern.[10] Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Ackerunkräutern ist das Kletten-Labkraut in Mitteleuropa seit jeher heimisch, wechselte aber von seinen natürlichen Wald-Standorten in die Äcker (Apophyt). Seit der jüngeren Steinzeit ist die Art ein Kulturbegleiter. Die Schadwirkung beruht auf der Konkurrenz um Bodenstickstoff und Licht, da das Labkraut die Getreidebestände überwuchert. Die hohe wirtschaftliche Bedeutung führt zur Definition der Schadensschwelle von nur 0,1 Pflanzen pro Quadratmeter. Gegen chemische Bekämpfung ist es relativ widerstandsfähig, selbst stark geschädigte Pflanzen regenerieren sich und bilden Samen.[14] Zur Bekämpfung eignen sich die Wirkstoffe Fluroxypyr, Mecoprop, Florasulam oder Amidosulfuron; auch Kombipräparate sind erfolgbringend, während Kontakt- und Breitbandherbizide nur begrenzt wirksam sind.[15] Für die gezielte Bekämpfung von Kletten-Labkraut auf Baumstreifen wird Glufosinat als Wirkstoff empfohlen.[16]




  1. Erich Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Unter Mitarbeit von Angelika Schwabe und Theo Müller. 8., stark überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5, S. 769–770.
  2. a b Manfred A. Fischer, Wolfgang Adler, Karl Oswald: Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol. 2., verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, Linz 2005, ISBN 3-85474-140-5.
  3. a b Ruprecht Düll, Herfried Kutzelnigg: Taschenlexikon der Pflanzen Deutschlands. Ein botanisch-ökologischer Exkursionsbegleiter zu den wichtigsten Arten. 6., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2005, ISBN 3-494-01397-7.
  4. a b Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Galium aparine. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 1. Februar 2016.
  5. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert: Flora des Allgäus und seiner Umgebung. Band 2, IHW, Eching 2004, ISBN 3-930167-61-1, S. 509.
  6. a b c Hartmut Dierschke, Gottfried Briemle: Kulturgrasland. Wiesen, Weiden und verwandte Staudenfluren. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-8001-3816-6.
  7. Heinz Ellenberg: Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen in ökologischer Sicht. 4., verbesserte Auflage. Ulmer, Stuttgart 1986, ISBN 3-8001-3430-6, S. 702.
  8. Carl von Linné: Species Plantarum. Band 1, Lars Salvius, Stockholm 1753, S. 108, http://vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.biodiversitylibrary.org%2Fopenurl%3Fpid%3Dtitle%3A669%26volume%3D1%26issue%3D%26spage%3D108%26date%3D1753~GB%3D~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3D~doppelseitig%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D.
  9. Helmut Genaust: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen. 3., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-16-7, S. 68 (Nachdruck von 1996).
  10. a b Kenneth Taylor: Galium aparine L. (= Biological Flora of the British Isles. No. 207). In: Journal of Ecology. Band 87, Nr. 4, 1999, , S. 713–730, doi:10.1046/j.1365-2745.1999.00381.x.
  11. C. Plinius Secundus: Naturalis historia. Buch XXVII, §32. (online).
  12. Leonhart Fuchs: New Kreüterbuch. Caput XIIII, 1543 (Nachdruck ISBN 3-8228-1298-6), (online).
  13. a b Galium aparine bei Plants For A Future
  14. Unkrautsteckbrief Kletten-Labkraut (Memento vom 10. April 2008 im Internet Archive) der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Zugriff am 6. Dezember 2011.
  15. Klaus Gehring, Stefan Thyssen: Wirkungspotential verschiedener Getreideherbizide gegenüber Klettenlabkraut. (Memento vom 24. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive) Untersuchung der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Zugriff am 6. Dezember 2011.
  16. Arbeitstagebuch 2014 der Obstbauversuchsanstalt Jork, S. 185.


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Kletten-Labkraut: Brief Summary ( saksa )

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Das Kletten-Labkraut (Galium aparine), auch Klebkraut, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Labkräuter (Galium) innerhalb der Familie der Rötegewächse (Rubiaceae). Sie ist ein wirtschaftlich bedeutendes Ackerunkraut, wächst aber auch in Hecken, Säumen und in Wäldern. Dieser Spreizklimmer klimmt mit seinen Borstenhaaren an anderen Pflanzen empor.

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Chakamigʻ ( uzbekki )

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Chakamigʻ, yopishqoq qumrioʻt (Galium aparine L.) — roʻyandoshlar oilasi qumrioʻtlar turkumiga mansub bir yillik oʻtsimon oʻsimlik turi; begona oʻt. Poyasi toʻrt qirrali, yotib usadi, pastga qayrilgan tikanchalar bilan qoplangan. Boʻyi 80—100 sm. Barglari yaxlit qirrali, oʻtkir uchli, nashtar ponasimon, tikansimon, tikancha va qillari bor. Gullari oqish, tikansimon gulbandli. Mevasi buyraksimon yongʻoqcha. Ildizi oʻq ildiz. May—sentabrda gullab mevalaydi. Urugʻidan koʻpayadi. Bir tupi 1000 tagacha urugʻ beradi. Mevalari yetilishi bilan sochiladi. Sugʻorma dehqonchilik hududlarida urugʻlari kuzdayoq koʻkarib chiqadi. Oʻrta Osiyo, jumladan, Toshkent, Samarqand, Fargʻona, Andijon, Surxondaryo viloyatlarida keng tarqalgan. Sugʻoriladigan yerlar, ayniqsa, gʻallazorlarda, shuningdek, polizlar, bogʻlar, ariq boʻylari, yoʻl yoqalari hamda toʻqayzorlarda uchraydi.

Kurash choralari: urugʻlikni tozalash, gʻalla ekinlari yigʻishtirilgach, angʻizni yumshatish; yerlarni shudgor qilish; gʻalla ekinlariga gerbitsidlar purkash.

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Galium aparine ( Skotti )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Galium aparine, kent as stickers, is a herbaceous annual plant o the faimily Rubiaceae.


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Galium aparine: Brief Summary ( Skotti )

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Galium aparine, kent as stickers, is a herbaceous annual plant o the faimily Rubiaceae.

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Imenteḍ ( Kabyyli )

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Imenteḍ (Isem usnan: Galium aparine) d talmest n yemɣi seg twacult n rubiaceae Suqel. Carl Von Linné d amdan amezwaru i yuran fell-as deg useggas n 1753.


Galium aparine - Imenteḍ[1]


  • Isem-is s latinit: Galium aparine
  • Isem-is s tefransist: Gaillet gratteron
  • Ismawen-is nniḍen s teqbaylit:
  • Ismawen-is nniḍen s tmaziɣt:



  1. 'Imɣan n Tensawt - Plantes de Kabylie ' - Saïd Zidat - Editions Innexsys, Luxembourg, Avril 2016 ISBN 978-99959-0-205-6 www.imghantensawt.lu
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Imenteḍ: Brief Summary ( Kabyyli )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Imenteḍ (Isem usnan: Galium aparine) d talmest n yemɣi seg twacult n rubiaceae Suqel. Carl Von Linné d amdan amezwaru i yuran fell-as deg useggas n 1753.

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Pnącô marzónka ( Kašubi )

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Pnącô marzónka

Pnącô marzónka (Galium aparine L.) - to je wielelatnô roscëna z rodzëznë prząszczkòwatëch. M. jin. na Kaszëbach òna rosce.

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Galium aparine ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Galium aparine, with common names including cleavers, clivers, catchweed "robin-run-the-hedge", and sticky willy among others, is an annual, herbaceous plant of the family Rubiaceae.


Galium aparine is known by a variety of common names in English. They include hitchhikers, cleavers,[2] clivers, bedstraw, (small) goosegrass (not to be confused with other plants known as goosegrass),[2] catchweed,[2] stickyweed, sticky bob,[3] stickybud, stickyback, sticky molly, robin-run-the-hedge, sticky willy,[2][4] sticky willow, stickyjack, stickeljack, grip grass, sticky grass, bobby buttons, whippysticks, velcro plant, and bort.[5][6]

Galium is Dioscorides’ name for the plant. It is derived from the Greek word for ‘milk’, because the flowers of Galium verum were used to curdle milk in cheese making.[7] Aparine is a name used by Theophrastus. It means 'clinging' or 'seizing',[7] and is derived from the Greek απαίρω apairo 'lay hold of, seize', itself coming from από 'from' + αίρω 'pull to lift'.[8]


Cleavers are annuals with creeping straggling stems which branch and grow along the ground and over other plants. They attach themselves with the small hooked hairs which grow out of the stems and leaves. The stems can reach up to 3 feet (0.91 m) or longer, and are angular or square shaped.[9] The leaves are simple, narrowly oblanceolate to linear, and borne in whorls of six to eight.[9][10][11]

Cleavers have tiny, star-shaped, white to greenish flowers, which emerge from early spring to summer. The flowers are clustered in groups of two or three, and are borne out of the leaf axils.[12] The corolla bears 4 petals.[13] The globular fruits are burrs which grow one to three seeds clustered together; they are covered with hooked hairs which cling to animal fur and human clothing, aiding in seed dispersal.[12]


The species is native to a wide region of Europe, North Africa and Asia from Britain and the Canary Islands to Japan. It is now naturalized throughout most of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, some oceanic islands and scattered locations in Africa. Whether it is native to North America is a question of some debate, but it is considered to be native there in most literature.[14] It is considered a noxious weed in many places.[15][16]

Effects on the body

For some people, contact with Galium aparine can cause skin irritation. Although the plant's hairs are small, they can scratch more sensitive parts of the skin.[17] Numerous such scratches can resemble a rash.


Chemical constituents of Galium aparine include: iridoid glycosides such as asperulosidic acid and 10-deacetylasperulosidic acid;[18] asperuloside; monotropein; aucubin; alkaloids such as caffeine; flavonoids; coumarins; organic acids such as citric acid and a red dye; phenolics such as phenolic acid;[19] and anthraquinone derivatives such as the aldehyde nordamnacanthal (1,3-dihydroxy-anthraquinone-2-al).[20]


Galium aparine is edible. The leaves and stems of the plant can be cooked as a leaf vegetable if gathered before the fruits appear. However, the numerous small hooks which cover the plant and give it its clinging nature can make it less palatable if eaten raw.[21][22] Geese frequently consume G. aparine, hence one of its other common names, "goosegrass".[23] Cleavers are in the same family as coffee. The fruits of cleavers have often been dried and roasted, and then used as a coffee substitute which contains less caffeine.[9][24]

Folk medicine

Poultices and washes made from cleavers were traditionally used to treat a variety of skin ailments, light wounds and burns.[25] As a pulp, it has been used to relieve poisonous bites and stings.[26] To make a poultice, the entire plant is used, and applied directly to the affected area.[27] Making a tea with the dried leaves is most common.[28] It can be brewed hot or cold. For a cold infusion, steep in water and refrigerate for 24–48 hours.

Other uses

Dioscorides reported that ancient Greek shepherds would use the barbed stems of cleavers to make a "rough sieve", which could be used to strain milk. Carl Linnaeus later reported the same usage in Sweden, a tradition that is still practiced in modern times.[25][29]

In Europe, the dried, matted foliage of the plant was once used to stuff mattresses. Several of the bedstraws were used for this purpose because the clinging hairs cause the branches to stick together, which enables the mattress filling to maintain a uniform thickness.[22][30] The roots of cleavers can be used to make a permanent red dye.[31]

Children in the British Isles have historically used cleavers as a form of entertainment. The tendency for the leaves and stems to adhere to clothing is used in various forms of play, such as mock camouflage and various pranks.


The plant can be found growing in hedges and waste places, limestone scree and as a garden weed.[32][33]

G. aparine prefers moist soils and can exist in areas with poor drainage. It reportedly flourishes in heavy soils with above-average nitrogen and phosphorus content, and prefers soils with a pH value between 5.5 and 8.0. G. aparine is often found in post-fire plant communities in the United States, likely developing from onsite seed and therefore rendering controlled burns as an ineffective means of removing G. aparine in areas where it is considered a noxious weed.[34]

Many insects feed on cleavers including aphids and spittlebugs.

The anthraquinone aldehyde nordamnacanthal (1,3-dihydroxy-anthraquinone-2-al) present in G. aparine has an antifeedant activity against Spodoptera litura, the Oriental leafworm moth, a species which is considered an agricultural pest.[20] The mite Cecidophyes rouhollahi can be found on G. aparine.[35]



  1. ^ "The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species". Retrieved 20 June 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d "Galium aparine". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Retrieved 20 June 2015.
  3. ^ "Plant Details for a Galium aparine L".
  4. ^ Viney, Michael. "Another Life: Sometimes stickyback is just the weed we need". 24 Aug 2013. Irish times.com. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
  5. ^ "Catchweed Bedstraw Management Guidelines--UC IPM".
  6. ^ james. "Cleavers (Gallium aparine) Identification". Totally Wild UK.
  7. ^ a b Gledhill, David (2008). "The Names of Plants". Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521866453 (hardback), ISBN 9780521685535 (paperback). pp 52, 174
  8. ^ "Galium aparine | CLIMBERS".
  9. ^ a b c Duke, James A. (2001). Handbook of Edible Weeds. CRC Press. p. 100. ISBN 9780849329463.
  10. ^ Rabeler, Richard K. (2007). Gleason's Plants of Michigan. University of Michigan Press. p. 299. ISBN 9780472032464.
  11. ^ Webb, D.A., Parnell, J. and Doogue, D. 1996. An Irish Flora. Dundalgan Press (W.Tempest) Ltd. Dundalk. 0-85221-131-7
  12. ^ a b Grieve, Maud (1971). "Clivers". A Modern Herbal: The Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-lore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs, & Trees with All Their Modern Scientific Uses, Volume 1. Dover Publications. p. 206. ISBN 9780486227986.
  13. ^ Parnell, J. and Curtis, T. 2012 Webb's An Irish Flora Cork University Press. ISBN 978-185918-4783
  14. ^ US Forest Service
  15. ^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  16. ^ Biota of North America Program
  17. ^ Mahr, Susan. "Catchweed Bedstraw, Galium aparine". Wisconsin Horticulture. Archived from the original on 2023-03-04. Retrieved 2023-04-26.
  18. ^ Iridoids from Galium aparine. D Deliorman, I Çalis, and F Ergun, Pharmaceutical Biology, 2001, Vol. 39, No. 3, Pages 234–235, doi:10.1076/phbi.
  19. ^ Rahman, Atta-ur (2005). Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Bioactive Natural Products (Part L). Gulf Publishing Company. p. 291. ISBN 9780444521712.
  20. ^ a b Antifeedant activity of an anthraquinone aldehyde in Galium aparine L. against Spodoptera litura F. Masanori Morimoto, Kumiko Tanimoto, Akiko Sakatani and Koichiro Komai, Phytochemistry, May 2002, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pages 163–166, doi:10.1016/S0031-9422(02)00095-X
  21. ^ Elias, Thomas S.; Dykeman, Peter A. (1990). Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide. ISBN 9780806974880. Retrieved 2013-08-14.
  22. ^ a b Tull, Delena. "Edible and Useful Plants of Texas and the Southwest." 1999, p. 145
  23. ^ Dukes, James A. (2002). The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook. Macmillan. p. 102. ISBN 9780312981518.
  24. ^ Wood, Matthew (2008). "Galium aparine. Cleavers. Lady's Bedstraw. Goosegrass.". The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants. North Atlantic Books. p. 267. ISBN 9781556436925.
  25. ^ a b Grieve, Maud (1971). "Clivers". A Modern Herbal: The Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-lore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs, & Trees with All Their Modern Scientific Uses, Volume 1. Dover Publications. p. 207. ISBN 9780486227986.
  26. ^ Jones, Pamela. Just Weeds: History, Myths, and Uses. Prentice Hall Press, New York. 1991.
  27. ^ Schneider, Anny; Mellichamp, Larry (2002). Wild Medicinal Plants: What to Look For, When to Harvest, How to Use. Stackpole Books. p. 73. ISBN 9780811729871.
  28. ^ "Extend the Benefits of Massage: Part 2 | achs.edu". 14 May 2012.
  29. ^ Loudon, John Claudius. "An encyclopædia of plants", 1836, p. 93
  30. ^ Runkel, Sylvan T.; Roosa, Dean M. (2009). Wildflowers of the Tallgrass Prairie: The Upper Midwest. University of Iowa. p. 65. ISBN 9781587297960.
  31. ^ Hutchens, Alma R. (1992). A Handbook of Native American Herbs. Shambala Publications. p. 97. ISBN 9780877736998.
  32. ^ Hackney, P. (Ed)1992. Stewart & Corry's Flora of the North-east of Ireland. Third Edition. Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen's University of Belfast. ISBN 0 85389 446 9
  33. ^ Clapham, A.R., Tutin, T.G. and Warburg, E.F. 1968. Excursion Flora of the British Isles. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press.
  34. ^ Gucker, Corey. "Galium aparine". Fire Effects Information System. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Retrieved 14 February 2017.
  35. ^ A new species of Cecidophyes (Acari: Eriophyidae) from Galium aparine (Rubiaceae) with notes on its biology and potential as a biological control agent for Galium spurium. Charnie Craemer, Rouhollah Sobhian, Alec S. McClay and James W. Amrine Jr., International Journal of Acarology, 1999, Volume 25, Issue 4, pages 255–263, doi:10.1080/01647959908684162
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Galium aparine: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Galium aparine, with common names including cleavers, clivers, catchweed "robin-run-the-hedge", and sticky willy among others, is an annual, herbaceous plant of the family Rubiaceae.

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Alkroĉa galio ( Esperanto )

tarjonnut wikipedia EO

Alkroĉa galio aŭ Galio kroĉa (Galium aparine) estas planto el la familio de rubiacoj. Ĝi kreskas ĉie, do eble ankaŭ en via ĝardeno aŭ sur via balkono. Ĝi facile kroĉiĝas (pro tio la nomon) al la haŭto de bestoj kaj vestaĵoj.


La tuta planto estas manĝebla, kvankam la plej junaj ŝosoj estas la plej bongustaj. Manĝu ĝin krude aŭ vapore kuirita, ekz. aldone al supo. La semojn vi povas sekigi kaj rosti por anstataŭigi kafon.


Sekigu la tutan planton por elfari teon. Iuj ankaŭ hakas la planton kaj elpremas la sukon por trinki.

Kuraca efiko

La planto helpas peli urinon, vekas apetiton, kontraŭas inflamojn, stimulas limfo-drenadon kaj purigas la sangon.


Ne uzu kune kun sango-maldensigiloj aŭ diurezilo.

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Alkroĉa galio: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

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Alkroĉa galio aŭ Galio kroĉa (Galium aparine) estas planto el la familio de rubiacoj. Ĝi kreskas ĉie, do eble ankaŭ en via ĝardeno aŭ sur via balkono. Ĝi facile kroĉiĝas (pro tio la nomon) al la haŭto de bestoj kaj vestaĵoj.

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Galium aparine ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El amor de hortelano, azotalenguas o lapa (Galium aparine) es una hierba anual de la familia de las rubiáceas, nativa de Europa y Norteamérica. Todas las partes de la planta están cubiertas de pequeños espolones, que hacen que se adhiera como el velcro a la ropa o el vello corporal. La infusión de sus semillas molidas se toma como sucedáneo del café, con el que está remotamente emparentado.


G. aparine es una hierba anual, de hasta 2 m de longitud de tallo. Este es trepador, de sección cuadrangular, ramificado desde la base, con los nudos setosos, anguloso, cubierto de espolones. Las hojas forman verticilos de 6 a 8 unidades; son mononervadas, lineares a lanceoladas o espatuladas, de hasta 1 cm de largo, con el ápice hialino, mucronadas. Presentan acúleos retrorsos en los márgenes. Las flores son hermafroditas, blancas o verde claro, carentes de cáliz, tetrámeras, con los pétalos soldados en la base, de cuatro estambres; forman cimas axilares de pocas flores. El fruto es un esquizocarpo globoso, cubierto de pelos uncinados de base tuberculada. Florece a comienzos de la primavera.

Crecimiento, hábitat y distribución

G. aparine es nativo de Europa y América del Norte. Crece de forma silvestre en pastizales, terrenos arados y jardines; es una de las malezas más frecuentes que afectan al cereal, por la similitud de sus semillas con las de estos.

Es un terófito, es decir, completan todo su desarrollo durante la estación favorable; muere al aproximarse el frío. Los espolones de los frutos favorecen la dispersión por zoocoria.

Galium aparine01.jpg


Planta conocida desde la Antigüedad, de la que Dioscórides dice: "Su flor aplicada en forma de emplasto, sana las quemaduras del fuego y restaña las efusiones de sangre". Su raíz atiza la virtud genital". Andrés Laguna añade: "restiñe todo fluxo de sangre". Se cuenta además que sus bellas flores amarilla sirvieron en la antigüedad para enrubiar los cabellos, así como para cuajar la leche para hacer quesos que adoptan un bello color amarillo. De esto último parece derivar el nombre del género (de gala = leche).[1]


Galium aparine fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 1: 108, en el año 1753.[2]


Número de cromosomas de Galium aparine (Fam. Rubiaceae) y táxones infraespecíficos: 2n=66.[3]​ 2n=64.[4]​ 2n=64, 66.[5]


Galium: nombre genérico que deriva de la palabra griega gala que significa "leche", en alusión al hecho de que algunas especies fueron utilizadas para cuajar la leche.[6]

aparine: epíteto que significa "como el género Aparine (ahora un sinónimo de Galium).

  • Aparine vulgaris Hill (1770).
  • Asperula aparine (L.) Besser (1809), nom. illeg.
  • Asterophyllum aparine (L.) Schimp. & Spenn. in F.C.L.Spenner (1829).
  • Asperula aparine var. aparine (L.) Nyman (1879), nom. inval.
  • Galion aparinum (L.) St.-Lag. (1880).
  • Rubia aparine (L.) Baill. (1880).
  • Galium adhaerens Gilib. (1782)
  • Galium asperum Honck. (1782), nom. illeg.
  • Galium uliginosum Thunb. (1784), nom. illeg.
  • Aparine hispida Moench (1794).
  • Galium lappaceum Salisb. (1796).
  • Galium hispidum Willd. (1809).
  • Galium scaberrimum Vahl ex Hornem. (1813).
  • Galium uncinatum Gray (1821).
  • Galium agreste Wallr. (1822).
  • Galium intermedium Mérat (1831), nom. illeg.
  • Galium aparine var. minor Hook. (1833).
  • Galium pauciflorum Bunge (1833), nom. illeg.
  • Galium horridum Eckl. & Zeyh. (1837), nom. illeg.
  • Galium aparine var. subglabrum Peterm. (1838).
  • Galium spurium var. echinospermum Desp. (1838).
  • Crucianella purpurea Wulff ex Steud. (1840).
  • Galium segetum K.Koch (1843).
  • Galium chilense Hook.f. (1846).
  • Galium aparine var. microphyllum Clos in C.Gay (1848).
  • Galium chonosense Clos in C.Gay (1848)
  • Galium pseudoaparine Griseb. (1854).
  • Galium parviflorum Maxim. (1859), nom. illeg.
  • Galium tenerrimum Schur (1866).
  • Galium aparine var. fructibushispidis Franch. (1883).
  • Galium aparine var. intermedium (Mérat) Bonnet (1883).
  • Galium borbonicum var. makianum Cordem. (1895).
  • Galium aparine var. pseudoaparine (Griseb.) Speg. (1897).
  • Galium aparine var. echinospermum (Wallr.) T.Durand in É.A.J.De Wildeman & T.A.Durand (1899).
  • Galium australe Reiche (1900), nom. superfl.
  • Galium larecajense Wernham (1912).
  • Galium spurium var. echinospermum (Wallr.) Hayek (1912).
  • Galium charoides Rusby (1934).
  • Galium oliganthum Nakai & Kitag. (1934).
  • Galium aparine f. intermedium (Mérat) R.J.Moore (1975).
  • Galium aparine var. agreste P.D.Sell (2006).
  • Galium aparine subsp. agreste P.D.Sell (2006).[7][8]

Nombre común

  • Castellano: amigo de caminantes, amor de hortelano, amor del hortelano, amor de ortolano, apegaloso, apegamanos, azotalengua, azotalenguas, busca-medias, cadillo, chapizo, cuajaleches, cuajo, enredadera, galio, galio de flor blanca, garduña, hierba de gallina, hierba pegajosa, hierba presa, lampazo menor, lapa, lapas, largalo, lepra, lárgalo, lártago, meloja, pajiro, pegadizos, pegamanos, pega ropas, pelosa, planta del amor, presera, presura, rabia, rapia, rascalenguas, raspalenguas, rébola, redondos, repegón, saupeños, tiña, yerba pegajosa, Zarafuelle [9]
  • lengua de gato (Chile)[10]


  1. Dr. Berdonces I Serra. «Galium aparine». Gran Enciclopedia de las Plantas Medicinales. Tikal ediciones ISBN 84-305-8496-X. pp. 468-469. Falta la |url= (ayuda)
  2. Galium aparine en Trópicos
  3. Cytotaxonomy of spanish plants. IV.-Dicotyledons: Caesalpinacea-Asteracea. Löve, A. & E. Kjellqvist (1974) Lagascalia 4(2): 153-211
  4. Notas cariológicas em Rubiaceae portuguesas. Queirós, M. (1987) Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2 59: 233-243
  5. Cytotaxonomic studies on Galium aparine L. Kliphuis, E. (1980) Proceedings C 83(1): 53-64
  6. En Nombres Botánicos
  7. Sinónimos en Kew
  8. Galium aparine en PlantList/
  9. Nombres en Real Jardín Botánico
  10. Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.

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Galium aparine: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El amor de hortelano, azotalenguas o lapa (Galium aparine) es una hierba anual de la familia de las rubiáceas, nativa de Europa y Norteamérica. Todas las partes de la planta están cubiertas de pequeños espolones, que hacen que se adhiera como el velcro a la ropa o el vello corporal. La infusión de sus semillas molidas se toma como sucedáneo del café, con el que está remotamente emparentado.

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Roomav madar ( viro )

tarjonnut wikipedia ET

Roomav madar ehk virn (ladina keeles Galium aparine; rahvapäraselt karn virn, virnarohi, kiskjarohi, kassitapp[2]) on madaraliste sugukonda kuuluv üheaastane ja ühekojaline rohttaim.[3]

Botaaniline iseloomustus

Roomav madar on üheaastane 30–120 cm kõrgune 2,5–4 cm pikkuste lehtedega rohttaim. Roomava madara õied on valged. Vili on kaksikvili ja koosneb kahest kerakesest.


Roomav madar on Eestis levinud taim, teda võib kohata kasvamas rannikul, võsastikes, jäätmaal ja umbrohuna põldudel ja aedades.

Taim on levinud Euroopas, Aasias (eriti Siberis), Põhja- ja Lõuna-Ameerikas.[4] Aga ka Suurbritannias, Kanaari saartel, Jaapanis, Ameerika Ühendriikides, Kanadas, Mehhikos, Kesk-Ameerikas, Austraalias, Uus-Meremaal jm.[5]


Next.svg Pikemalt artiklis Roomava madara ürt

Roomavat madarat kasutatakse ravimtaimena. Ürt (Galii aparinis herva) on taime maapealne osa. Ürti kogutakse taime õitsemise ajal ja kuivatatakse. Droog sisaldab iridoide, flavonoide, antratseene, kumariine, tanniine, orgaanilisi happeid, mineraalaineid (vask, tsink, raud, mangaan, boor, titaan, strontsium, vanaadium, tallium, nikkel, molübdeen), rasvõli jpm.[4]

Droogil on uriinieritust suurendav toime. Kasutatakse düsuuria, kuseteede, lümfisõlme-, mao- ja peensoolepõletiku, haavandtõve ja palaviku korral. Suurendab sapinõristust.[4]

Rahvameditsiinis peetakse teda põletiku-, mikroobi-, oksüdeerumis- ja vähivastaseks.[6]


  1. "The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species". Vaadatud 22. veebruar 2017.
  2. "Roomav madar - liigikirjeldus". Loodusteadusliku hariduse keskus. Vaadatud 21. veebruar 2017.
  3. "Roomav madar - täiendav info". Loodusteadusliku hariduse keskus. Vaadatud 21. veebruar 2017.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Ain Raal, "Maailma ravimtaimede entsüklopeedia", lk 380, Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, 2010
  5. Galium aparine L., Sp. Pl.: 108 (1753)., [2017, veebruar 22]
  6. Atmaca H, Bozkurt E, Cittan M, Dilek Tepe H, Effects of Galium aparine extract on the cell viability, cell cycle and cell death in breast cancer cell lines., J Ethnopharmacol. 20. juuni 2016;186:305-10. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.04.007. Epub 13. aprill 2016, [2017, veebruar 22]



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Roomav madar: Brief Summary ( viro )

tarjonnut wikipedia ET

Roomav madar ehk virn (ladina keeles Galium aparine; rahvapäraselt karn virn, virnarohi, kiskjarohi, kassitapp) on madaraliste sugukonda kuuluv üheaastane ja ühekojaline rohttaim.

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Ziabelar latz ( baski )

tarjonnut wikipedia EU

Ziabelar latza edo amodio-belarra (Galium aparine) Rubiaceae familiako landare belarkara da. Ziabelar latza landare oso inbaditzailea da. Pertsona eta animalien azalean itsatsita geratzen da, itxura zakarra ematen dioten fruitu eta zurtoinetan dituen gakoei esker. Dituen bertute medizinalak antzinatik dira ezagunak.[1]


Zurtoinak 20-50 zentimetroko garaiera du. Hostoak 3-6 cm luze dira, 6-9 multzoko bertiziloetan estutuak. Loreak zuriskak, 1,5 eta 1,8 milimetro arteko diametroa duen koroladunak. Maiatzetik irailera loratzen da.


Basoak, sastrakak, bideak, lur landuak.


  1. Howard, Michael. Traditional Folk Remedies (Century, 1987) pp. 145-6
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Ziabelar latz: Brief Summary ( baski )

tarjonnut wikipedia EU

Ziabelar latza edo amodio-belarra (Galium aparine) Rubiaceae familiako landare belarkara da. Ziabelar latza landare oso inbaditzailea da. Pertsona eta animalien azalean itsatsita geratzen da, itxura zakarra ematen dioten fruitu eta zurtoinetan dituen gakoei esker. Dituen bertute medizinalak antzinatik dira ezagunak.

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tarjonnut wikipedia FI

Kierumatara (Galium aparine) on mataroiden sukuun kuuluva yksivuotinen, ruohovartinen rikkakasvi. Kasvi muistuttaa läheisesti peltomataraa (Galium spurium), mutta on kookkaampi ja rotevavartisempi. Kierumataralla on 3–5 senttimetriä pitkät vastapuikeat lehdet, jotka kasvavat kiehkuroina varressa. Kukintona on viuhko, jossa on 2–5 hyvin pientä valkoista kukkaa. Hedelmykset ovat halkaisijaltaan 4-millimetriset, pareittain kasvavat, pyöreähköt ja täynnä pieniä koukkukarvoja. Kierumatara voi risteytyä peltomataran alalajin rikkapeltomataran (Galium spurium ssp. vaillantii) kanssa.[1]

Kierumatara kasvaa Suomessa enimmäkseen etelärannikolla, mutta harvakseltaan Oulun korkeudelle asti. Ahvenanmaalla ja Varsinais-Suomessa se kasvaa yleisenä.[2] Merenrannoilla laji on Suomessa alkuperäinen.


  • Mossberg, B. & Stenberg, L. (suom. Vuokko, S. & Väre, H.): Suuri Pohjolan kasvio. Tammi, 2005. ISBN 951-31-2924-1.


  1. Kasviatlas 2009: Galium aparine x G. spurium ssp. vaillantii
  2. Lampinen, R. & Lahti, T.: Kasviatlas 2016: Suomen putkilokasvien levinneisyyskartasto (Kierumataran levinneisyys Suomessa) 2017. Helsinki: Helsingin Yliopisto, Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Kasvimuseo.

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Kierumatara: Brief Summary

tarjonnut wikipedia FI

Kierumatara (Galium aparine) on mataroiden sukuun kuuluva yksivuotinen, ruohovartinen rikkakasvi. Kasvi muistuttaa läheisesti peltomataraa (Galium spurium), mutta on kookkaampi ja rotevavartisempi. Kierumataralla on 3–5 senttimetriä pitkät vastapuikeat lehdet, jotka kasvavat kiehkuroina varressa. Kukintona on viuhko, jossa on 2–5 hyvin pientä valkoista kukkaa. Hedelmykset ovat halkaisijaltaan 4-millimetriset, pareittain kasvavat, pyöreähköt ja täynnä pieniä koukkukarvoja. Kierumatara voi risteytyä peltomataran alalajin rikkapeltomataran (Galium spurium ssp. vaillantii) kanssa.

Kierumatara kasvaa Suomessa enimmäkseen etelärannikolla, mutta harvakseltaan Oulun korkeudelle asti. Ahvenanmaalla ja Varsinais-Suomessa se kasvaa yleisenä. Merenrannoilla laji on Suomessa alkuperäinen.

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Gaillet gratteron ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Galium aparine

Le Gaillet gratteron Écouter (Galium aparine L.) est une plante herbacée très commune de la famille des Rubiacées.

Étymologie et dénominations

Une croyance populaire répandue mais invalidée par de nombreux auteurs[1],[2] allègue la présence d'une enzyme permettant de faire cailler le lait. Cette propriété serait à l'origine de l'étymologie populaire « caille-lait » issue du nom de genre Galium (du grec γάλα, γάλακτος, gala, galaktos signifiant « lait »). L'épithète aparinê désignait en grec cette plante dans l'Antiquité[3] et vient peut-être du grec ἀπαρίνη signifiant « qui agrippe »[4],[5], dérivé de ἀπαίρω (lever, enlever)[6].

On connaît aussi cette espèce végétale sous les noms de "rièble", "grateron", "gratte-cul", "gratte-langue", "saigne-langue", "gaille", "gaillet accrochant", "herbe collante", "anis sucré"[7], "chō d'âné", "japissou". Plusieurs de ces noms vernaculaires font référence aux petits aiguillons recourbés qui couvrent les tiges et les fruits, ce qui lui permet de grimper sur d'autres végétaux[8] ou, à ses fruits globuleux — les petites « boules » —, de s'accrocher aux vêtements ou aux poils des animaux afin de disséminer ses graines[9].


Appareil végétatif

Sa taille varie de 20 cm à 2 m. La partie souterraine est constituée d'une racine principale assez grêle. C'est une plante très accrochante à tige grêle quadrangulaire, renflée aux nœuds, longue de 30 cm à 1 m, très rude parce qu'elle est garnie sur les angles de petits aiguillons rebroussés qui lui permettent de grimper en s'accrochant aux autres plantes. Si de tels supports ne sont pas disponibles, le gaillet poursuit son cycle de développement comme une plante prostrée. À l'inverse, en cas d'une population de forte densité, des pieds de Gaillet gratteron peuvent servir de support à des individus de la même espèce[10].

Les feuilles oblongues, très allongées ou ovales (longueur de 12 à 60 mm et largeur de 3 à 8 mm), sont en apparence verticillées par 6 à 9 par suite de la transformation des stipules en feuilles ordinaires (pseudo-verticille résultant du dédoublement des stipules). Munies d'une seule nervure, elles sont hérissées à leur face supérieure de petits aiguillons dirigés vers le haut et sur leurs bords, de petits aiguillons dirigés vers le bas[11].

Il peut être parasité par Cecidophyes galii est un acarien de la famille des Eriophyidae responsable de galles.

Appareil reproducteur

Plante hermaphrodite à floraison estivale, ses fleurs actinomorphes de 2 mm de diamètre sont blanchâtres ou verdâtres, en inflorescence axillaire (4 à 5 fleurs par pédoncule muni de 5 à 6 bractées). À chaque verticille, ce n'est ordinairement qu'à l'aisselle de l'une ou des deux vraies feuilles que se développe un rameau : les fleurs sont disposées par petites cymes rameuses dépassant longuement les feuilles. Elles sont constituées d'un calice caduc à 4 dents très courtes, d'une corolle gamopétale à 4 lobes mucronés et de 4 étamines alternant avec les lobes de la corolle. Le pistil est formé de 2 carpelles soudés et de 2 styles. Ses fruits globuleux, d'une longueur de 3 à 7 mm, sont des diakènes schizocarpes. De couleur verte, ils sont densément recouverts de poils crochus portés chacun par un petit tubercule, trichomes qui facilitent la dissémination épizoochore[12].


C'est une plante annuelle hivernale qui fleurit de mai à octobre.

Une des adventices qui résiste le mieux à la saison hivernale[13].

Distribution et habitat

Cette plante eurasiatique, introduite dans le monde entier, est très commune en France[7]. Cette espèce bioindicatrice se rencontre dans les moissons, les friches rudérales, les haies, les bordures de champs et les broussailles jusqu'à 1 000 m d'altitude. Dans les villes, elle pousse au pied des murs et des arbres. Elle apprécie les sols argileux humides et aussi les nitrates (c'est un nitrophyte ou plante nitrophile souvent associée à l'ortie dioïque). Thérophyte de demi-ombre, rudérale, elle est une espèce indicatrice de l'eutrophisation des milieux[14].

Plusieurs caractéristiques la prédisposent à l'envahissement : développement rapide de ses semences, floraison hâtive après une courte période de croissance végétative, autocompatibilité, adhésivité des fruits et des feuilles qui favorisent sa dispersion et la contamination des cultures, résistance aux herbicides de phénoxy et émergence des jeunes plantes pendant toute la saison de croissance, ce qui les aide à échapper aux herbicides et au travail du sol[15].


Plante adventice résistante aux herbicides, elle se rencontre couramment dans les cultures maraîchères, les pâturages, les vignes et les champs de diverses plantes cultivées, pouvant notamment réduire les rendements de cultures céréalières de 30 à 60 %[16] par effet de verse.



La torréfaction de ses fruits bien mûrs (lorsqu'ils commencent juste à brunir) fournit l'un des meilleurs succédané de café (plante qui appartient à la même famille) mais moins riche en caféine, ce qui explique son emploi comme pseudo-café pendant le blocus continental, et encore au début du XXe siècle en Angleterre où il est désigné comme le café des riches car il restait cher à fabriquer[17]. Cueillis juste mûrs, lorsque leur couleur passe du vert au brun, et correctement torréfiés, leur arôme en est très proche[18]. Il est probable que les graines des autres espèces du genre Galium pourraient fournir un succédané de même qualité mais elles sont trop petites pour être utilisées[19].

Les feuilles et tiges jeunes (avant que la plante ne s'imprègne de silice et ne devienne trop dure) ont un goût qui rappelle celui des pousses de petit pois et peuvent être consommées crues (en salade, jus, pesto) ou de préférence cuites (en soupe) pour enlever la texture rêche. Elles sont riches en vitamine C[20].


Ce gaillet connaît de multiples usages et accompagne sans doute l'humanité depuis longtemps : médicinal (comme hypotenseur, antispasmodique, diaphorétique, diurétique, utilisé notamment en infusion ; vulnéraire en usage externe[18], en pommade pour soigner certaines maladies de la peau), tinctorial (par sa racine), fourrager (pour nourrir la volaille ou encore comme récurant (feuillage qui gratte)[21].

La plante était également utilisée comme paille de rembourrage de matelas. Comme l'aspérule odorante, ses feuilles et tiges froissées peuvent être employées comme déodorant naturel. Ce gaillet contient en effet le même glucoside (aspéruloside) que l'aspérule mais contrairement à cette dernière, au séchage il ne produit pas, sous l'action d'un ferment, de la coumarine dont l'odeur de vanille persiste plusieurs années[22].

Les akènes munis de crochets tels que ceux de la bardane et du Gaillet gratteron sont à l'origine de l'invention biomimétique du Velcro[23]. Le « Gaillet accrochant » donne lieu d'ailleurs à des jeux buissonniers au cours desquels les enfants collent les tiges sur les dos des autres ou glissent ses graines dans la chemise[24].

Comme toutes les espèces de gaillet, il est comestible mais désagréable en bouche à cause de ces crochets (d'où le nom vernaculaire de « gratte-langue »). Les variétés vivaces sans crochets, bien que moins tendres et juteuses, sont beaucoup plus agréables. Toutes les variétés font un thé plaisant[25].


Notes et références

  1. Le caille-lait fait-il cailler le lait ?
  2. François Rozier, Nouveau cours complet d'agriculture théorique et pratique, Deterville, 1809, p. 63
  3. François Couplan, Les plantes et leurs noms. Histoires insolite, Éditions Quae, 2012 (lire en ligne), p. 63
  4. (en) D. Gledhill, The Names of Plants, Cambridge University Press, 2008 (lire en ligne), p. 52
  5. Pascale Servais et Pierre Seba, « Galium aparine L. », sur Tilo Botanica, 2018 (consulté le 20 avril 2019).
  6. « ἀπαίρω », sur LSJ,‎ 2019 (consulté le 20 avril 2019).
  7. a et b Jean-Claude Rameau, Dominique Mansion, Gérard Dumé, Flore forestière française : guide écologique illustré, Forêt privée française, 1989, p. 1427
  8. Les enfants utilisent cette propriété et jouent à coller les tiges sur les dos des autres.
  9. François Couplan et Eva Styner, Guide des plantes sauvages comestibles et toxiques, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1994, p. 152
  10. (en) J.G. Puntieri & P. Pyšek, « The effects of physical support and density on biomass production and size hierarchies of Galium aparine populations », Oikos, vol. 66,‎ 1993, p. 279–284.
  11. Philippe Jauzein et Olivier Nawrot, Flore d'Île-de-France. Clés de détermination, taxonomie, statuts, éditions Quae, 2013 (lire en ligne), p. 410-411.
  12. Philippe Jauzein, op. cit., p. 413
  13. R.J. Moore, « Le complexe Galium aparine au Canada », Revue canadienne de botanique, vol. 53, no 9,‎ 1975, p. 877-893.
  14. Philippe Jauzein, Olivier Nawrot et Gérard Aymonin, Flore d'Ile-de-France, Quae, 2011 (lire en ligne), p. 617.
  15. (en) N. Malik, W.H. Vanden Born, « The biology of Canadian weeds. 86.Galium aparine L. and Galium spurium L. », Canadian Journal of Plant Science, vol. 68, no 2,‎ 1988, p. 481–499 (DOI ).
  16. (en) J. Rola, « Causes and effects of weed compensation in crops », Weed Abstr, vol. 20,‎ 1971, p. 425.
  17. (en) Euell Gibbons, Stalking the Healthful Herbs, David McKay Comany, 1966, p. 222.
  18. a et b François Couplan, Le régal végétal : plantes sauvages comestibles, Editions Ellebore, 2009, p. 344
  19. (en) Merritt Lyndon Fernald, Alfred Charles Kinsey, Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North America, Courier Corporation, 2012, p. 342
  20. (en) Megan Brickley et Ives Rachel (édition : Megan Brickley, Ives Rachel (eds.)), The Bioarchaeology of Metabolic Bone Disease, San Diego, Academic Press, 2008 (ISBN 978-0-12-370486-3, lire en ligne), « Chapter 4 - Vitamin C Deficiency Scurvy », p. 41–74.
  21. Gérard Guillot, Guide des plantes des villes et villages, Humensis, 2015 (lire en ligne), p. 102.
  22. Michel Botineau, Guide des plantes comestibles de France, Humensis, 2013 (lire en ligne), p. 118.
  23. (en) Jeremy Burgess, Michael Marten et Rosemary Taylor, Under the Microscope. A Hidden World Revealed, CUP Archive, 1990, p. 179.
  24. (en) Richard Mabey, Flora Britannica, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1996, p. 341.
  25. (en) Gregory L. Tilford, Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West, Mountain Press Publishing, mountain press publishing, p. 36.

Voir aussi

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Gaillet gratteron: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Galium aparine

Le Gaillet gratteron Écouter (Galium aparine L.) est une plante herbacée très commune de la famille des Rubiacées.

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Garbhlus ( Iiri )

tarjonnut wikipedia GA

Planda bliantúil a mhaireann tríd an ngeimhreadh uaireanta. Fiaile choitianta, dúchasach don Eoraip is an Áise. Na gais ceathairuillinne lag streachlánach, ag dreapadh le cabhair crúcaí beaga frithluaileacha. 6-8 duilleog i bhfáinní, agus crúcaí ar na himill. Na bláthanna bídeach bán le 4 pheiteal. Leadán le dhá leath chruinne an toradh, clúdaithe le ribí scothbhána a scaipeann trí ghreim a choinneáil ar ainmhithe.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
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Čekinjasta broćika ( Kroatia )

tarjonnut wikipedia hr Croatian

Čekinjasta broćika (Priljepača, rukodrž, hvatavac, ljepljiva broćika, broćika ljepljiva lat. Galium aparine) je jednogodišnja zeljasta biljka iz porodice Rubiaceae. Raste u Sjevernoj Americi i Euroaziji.


Biljka je fino dlakava, dužine 1 - 1,5 metara. Cvjetovi su bijeli odnosno zelenkasti, promjera 2-3 mm, imaju 4 latice. Cvate u rano ljeto.

Uporaba u narodnoj medicini

Tradicionalno se koristi za liječenje bolesti kože, i to prije svega svježe iscijeđen sok biljke u cvatu. Biljari smatraju i da spušta krvni tlak te tjelesnu temperaturu. Pripremljena kao čaj, djeluje kao tonik, diuretik i laksativ. Po tradicionalnoj kineskoj herbalnoj medicini može se koristiti i kao sredstvo protiv pretjeranog znojenja.

U službenoj medicini se ne koristi. Eksperimentalnim kliničkim studijama utvrđeno je da pokazuje i antitumorsko djelovanje.

U staroj Grčkoj i antičkom Rimu koristila se za ugrize zmija.

U Velikoj Britaniji se biljna tinktura koristila kod gube, psorijaze, ekcema, lupusa i akni. U viktorijanskom razdoblju koristila se kao dio lijeka protiv kašlja, kao imunostimulirajuće i iskašljavajuće sredstvo. U Indiji se koristi kao laksativ.

U njemačkoj narodnoj medicini korištena je kod bolesti mokraćnog mjehura, zadržavanja mokraće i stvaranja bubrežnih kamenaca i pijeska, pri različitim kožnim osipima, lišajima i drugim kožnim bolestima.

U narodnoj medicini Rusije, u zapadnom Sibiru i na Altaju, vjeruje se da pripravci djeluju anti-febrilno, diuretski, koleretično, hemostatiski, pročišćavaju krv, smanjuju bolove. Svježi sok se uzima kod gušavosti, epilepsije, skorbuta, gojaznosti, gonoreje i odavno se koristi za liječenje rana na jeziku. Sok, infuzija i prašak koriste se kod bolesti jetre, žutice, urolitijaze, cistitisa, anurije, ascitesa, grimizne groznice, raka dojke, crijevnih kolika, bolesti bubrega i reume.


Jestiva je cijela sasvim mlada biljka. Plodovi se mogu pržiti i koristiti kao zamjena za kavu.


Sadrži iridoide i glikozide poput asperulozidne kiseline i 10-deacetilasperulozidne kiseline ,[1] asperulozida, monotropeina i aukubina, alkaloide poput kofeina, fenole tipa fenolne kiseline, antrakinonske derivate poput aldehida nordamnakantala[2] ,flavonoide i kumarine,organske kiseline poput limunske kiseline i crveno bojilo.[3] Također sadrži taninske tvari i saponine,kao i oko 128 mg% vitamina C.

Ostali vidovi uporabe

Nekada je korištena za punjenje madraca, koristila se i kao cjedilo za mlijeko. Uvarak korijena daje crveno bojilo za vunu.

Dodatna literatura

Wilfort, R., Ljekovito bilje i njegova upotreba, Zagreb 1974.

Grlić, Lj., Samoniklo jestivo bilje, Zagreb 1980.


  1. Iridoids from Galium aparine. D Deliorman, I Çalis, and F Ergun, Pharmaceutical Biology, 2001, Vol. 39, No. 3, Pages 234–235, DOI:10.1076/phbi.
  2. Antifeedant activity of an anthraquinone aldehyde in Galium aparine L. against Spodoptera litura F. Masanori Morimoto, Kumiko Tanimoto, Akiko Sakatani and Koichiro Komai, Phytochemistry, May 2002, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pages 163–166, DOI:10.1016/S0031-9422(02)00095-X
  3. Rahman, Atta-ur (2005). Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Bioactive Natural Products (Part L), Gulf Publishing Company ISBN 9780444521712
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Čekinjasta broćika: Brief Summary ( Kroatia )

tarjonnut wikipedia hr Croatian

Čekinjasta broćika (Priljepača, rukodrž, hvatavac, ljepljiva broćika, broćika ljepljiva lat. Galium aparine) je jednogodišnja zeljasta biljka iz porodice Rubiaceae. Raste u Sjevernoj Americi i Euroaziji.

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Lěpjacy sydrik ( yläsorbi )

tarjonnut wikipedia HSB

Lěpjacy sydrik (Galium aparine) je rostlina ze swójby čerwjenkowych rostlinow (Rubiaceae).


Lěpjacy sydrik je jednolětna, ćěłcojće lěpjaca abo lěpjaca rostlina, kotraž docpěje wysokosć wot 60 hač 200 cm (wot 30 hač do 150 cm).

Stołpik je ležacy, wustupowacy abo lězucy a často druhe rostliny přerostuje. Nimo toho je štyrihranity a njesu wróćo křiwjene seršćiki.


Łopjena su linealiske, docpěja šěrokosć wot 4 hač 8 mm a wutworja po šesćoch hač po wosmjoch mutlički. Jich kroma njesu wróćo měrjene kałačkowe kosmy.


Kćěje wot junija (meje) hač oktobra. Kwětnistwa steja w hornich łopjenowych kutach a wobsteji z 2 hač 7 kćenjow. Kćenja docpěja wulkosć wot něhdźe 2 mm. Běła króna njese štyri kónčki a docpěje šěrokosć wot 2 mm.


Płody su kulowate, dwudźělne, njesu hóčkojte seršćiki a docpěwaja wysokosć wot něhdźe 3 hač 5 mm a šěrokosć wot 4 hač 6 mm.


Rosće w njerodźowych wobrostach, na kerčinowych kromach, lěsnych kromach, brjohach, rolach a drjebiznowych městnach. Ma radšo čerstwe, wutkate a čumpate pódy.


Rostlina je w Europje rozšěrjena.



  1. Pawoł Völkel: Prawopisny słownik hornjoserbskeje rěče. Hornjoserbsko-němski słownik. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 2005, ISBN 3-7420-1920-1, str. 496.
  2. W internetowym słowniku: Labkraut


  • Meyers Taschenlexikon Biologie, In 3 Bänden, 2. zwjazk, ISBN 3-411-12023-1, strona 116 (němsce)
  • Schauer - Caspari: Pflanzenführer für unterwegs, ISBN 978-3-8354-0354-3, 2. nakład, 2008, strona 32 (němsce)
  • Spohn, Aichele, Golte-Bechtle, Spohn: Was blüht denn da? Kosmos Naturführer (2008), ISBN 978-3-440-11379-0, strona 126 (němsce)
  • Steinbachs Großer Pflanzenführer, ISBN 978-3-8001-7567-3, strona 142 (němsce)
  • Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)

Eksterne wotkazy

Hlej wotpowědne dataje we Wikimedia Commons:
Lěpjacy sydrik

Lěpjacy sydrik. W: FloraWeb.de. (němsce)

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Lěpjacy sydrik: Brief Summary ( yläsorbi )

tarjonnut wikipedia HSB

Lěpjacy sydrik (Galium aparine) je rostlina ze swójby čerwjenkowych rostlinow (Rubiaceae).

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Galium aparine ( Italia )

tarjonnut wikipedia IT

Galium aparine L. è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Rubiaceae, inconfondibile al tatto a causa dei peli ruvidi (simili a del velcro) che la rivestono in tutte le parti. Per questo viene chiamata anche "attaccamani" o "attaccaveste".


Ha il fusto quadrangolare. Ha foglie lineari od oblunghe disposte in verticilli. I fiori, minuscoli, hanno la corolla bianca formata da 4 petali e sono riuniti in infiorescenze ascellari. Il frutto, grande come un chicco di riso, è anch'esso coperto di spine uncinate che, rimanendo attaccate al pelo degli animali favoriscono, la propagazione e diffusione della pianta.

Distribuzione e habitat

È comune in Nord America ed Eurasia.

Cresce lungo i bordi stradali, nei campi incolti, dal livello del mare fino a 2500 metri di altitudine.


Veniva usata per le sue proprietà contro alcune malattie cutanee. È anche commestibile ma solo i germogli primaverili lessati. Il nome galium ricorda che in passato probabilmente era usata come caglio.

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Galium aparine: Brief Summary ( Italia )

tarjonnut wikipedia IT

Galium aparine L. è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Rubiaceae, inconfondibile al tatto a causa dei peli ruvidi (simili a del velcro) che la rivestono in tutte le parti. Per questo viene chiamata anche "attaccamani" o "attaccaveste".

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Kibusis lipikas ( Liettua )

tarjonnut wikipedia LT

Kibusis lipikas (lot. Galium aparine, angl. Cleavers, vok. Kletten-Labkraut) – raudinių (Rubiaceae) šeimos, lipikų (Galium) genties vienmetė žolė. Paplitusi Eurazijoje ir Šiaurės Amerikoje.

Vienmetis, 30-100 cm aukščio žolinis augalas. Šaknis liemeninė, ilga, plona, giliai įsišaknijusi. Stiebas liaunas, gulsčias arba laipiojantis, keturbriaunis. Briaunos apaugusios kabliškais plaukeliais, kuriais augalas gali įsikibti į kitus augalus. Menturiuose po 6-8 lapus, šie taip pat apaugę kabliškais plaukeliais, ypač apatinė pusė, siauri, ilgi, smailūs, viršūnė dygliška. Žiedai smulkūs, balti arba žalsvi ant ilgų žiedkočių, po 3-5 lapų pažastyse. Vaisius iš dviejų tamsiai rudų vaisiukų, apaugusių kabliškai užlenktais gelsvais šereliais. Šiais šereliais vaisiukai prikimba prie gyvulių plaukų ar žmogaus rūbų, ir taip jie platinami. Vienas augalas subrandina 360–1100 sėklų.

Žydi gegužėsspalio mėn. Dažnas visoje Lietuvoje. Auga laukuose, daržuose, dykvietėse, patvoriuose, derlingose neutraliose dirvose.

Gana dažna laukų ir daržų piktžolė. Žolė dažo audinius raudonai, joje taip pat yra fermentų, sutraukiančių pieną. Sėklos kartais vartojamos kaip kavos pakaitalas.

Kibusis lipikas tradicinėje medicinoje turi vaistinę vertę.


Rudenį žydintys augalai, Ramunėlė Jankevičienė, Živilė Lazdauskaitė, Vilnius, Mokslas, 1991, 74 psl.

Kibiojo lipiko žiedai


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Kibusis lipikas: Brief Summary ( Liettua )

tarjonnut wikipedia LT

Kibusis lipikas (lot. Galium aparine, angl. Cleavers, vok. Kletten-Labkraut) – raudinių (Rubiaceae) šeimos, lipikų (Galium) genties vienmetė žolė. Paplitusi Eurazijoje ir Šiaurės Amerikoje.

Vienmetis, 30-100 cm aukščio žolinis augalas. Šaknis liemeninė, ilga, plona, giliai įsišaknijusi. Stiebas liaunas, gulsčias arba laipiojantis, keturbriaunis. Briaunos apaugusios kabliškais plaukeliais, kuriais augalas gali įsikibti į kitus augalus. Menturiuose po 6-8 lapus, šie taip pat apaugę kabliškais plaukeliais, ypač apatinė pusė, siauri, ilgi, smailūs, viršūnė dygliška. Žiedai smulkūs, balti arba žalsvi ant ilgų žiedkočių, po 3-5 lapų pažastyse. Vaisius iš dviejų tamsiai rudų vaisiukų, apaugusių kabliškai užlenktais gelsvais šereliais. Šiais šereliais vaisiukai prikimba prie gyvulių plaukų ar žmogaus rūbų, ir taip jie platinami. Vienas augalas subrandina 360–1100 sėklų.

Žydi gegužėsspalio mėn. Dažnas visoje Lietuvoje. Auga laukuose, daržuose, dykvietėse, patvoriuose, derlingose neutraliose dirvose.

Gana dažna laukų ir daržų piktžolė. Žolė dažo audinius raudonai, joje taip pat yra fermentų, sutraukiančių pieną. Sėklos kartais vartojamos kaip kavos pakaitalas.

Kibusis lipikas tradicinėje medicinoje turi vaistinę vertę.

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Kleefkruid ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

Kleefkruid (Galium aparine) is een plant uit de sterbladigenfamilie (Rubiaceae). De plant dankt zijn naam aan het feit dat ze vast blijft zitten aan alles wat er langs strijkt. Dat komt door de vele haakjes die aan de stengel en de vruchten van kleefkruid zitten. Planten en vruchtjes blijven hangen in de vacht van dieren, waaronder vrijwel alle zoogdieren. Zo worden de vruchten over grote afstand verspreid.

De bladeren zijn boven het midden het breedst en eennervig. Ze staan in kransen van zeven bijeen. Ook de bladeren zijn voorzien van haakjes, maar minder dan de rest van de plant. De stengel is verdikt aan de toppen.

De bloeiperiode is van mei tot oktober. Kleefkruid heeft dan kleine onopvallende witte bloempjes. Deze bloempjes zijn 2 mm in doorsnee. Uit deze bloemen ontstaan kleine vruchtjes met vele haakjes eraan. De vruchten zitten twee aan twee en zijn 6-8 mm groot. Ze zijn paarsachtig of groen.


Kleefkruid komt op veel plaatsen voor. Het kan zowel in de zon als in de schaduw groeien. Op een voedselrijke vochtige bodem vormt de soort matten waardoor andere planten op die plek geen kans meer krijgen. De plant groeit vaak tussen brandnetels, dovenetels en fluitenkruid.


Externe link

Wikimedia Commons Zie de categorie Galium aparine van Wikimedia Commons voor mediabestanden over dit onderwerp.
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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Kleefkruid: Brief Summary ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

Kleefkruid (Galium aparine) is een plant uit de sterbladigenfamilie (Rubiaceae). De plant dankt zijn naam aan het feit dat ze vast blijft zitten aan alles wat er langs strijkt. Dat komt door de vele haakjes die aan de stengel en de vruchten van kleefkruid zitten. Planten en vruchtjes blijven hangen in de vacht van dieren, waaronder vrijwel alle zoogdieren. Zo worden de vruchten over grote afstand verspreid.

De bladeren zijn boven het midden het breedst en eennervig. Ze staan in kransen van zeven bijeen. Ook de bladeren zijn voorzien van haakjes, maar minder dan de rest van de plant. De stengel is verdikt aan de toppen.

De bloeiperiode is van mei tot oktober. Kleefkruid heeft dan kleine onopvallende witte bloempjes. Deze bloempjes zijn 2 mm in doorsnee. Uit deze bloemen ontstaan kleine vruchtjes met vele haakjes eraan. De vruchten zitten twee aan twee en zijn 6-8 mm groot. Ze zijn paarsachtig of groen.

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Klengjemaure ( norja )

tarjonnut wikipedia NN

Klengjemaure er ei plante i maurefamilien. Arten har ei sirkumpolar utbreiing. Planten vert kring 5 dm høg. Stengel og blad har nedvende broddar slik at planten klengjer seg til andre plantar. Kvit krone. Krokpiggane på frukta 1-2 mm lange og med klump ved grunnen. Blomstar kring juni månad på havstrender, i urer og åkrar, og på avfallsplassar. Finst i Noreg nord til Finnmark.


  • Svensk wikipedia.
  • Johannes Lid: Norsk-svensk-finsk flora. Det Norske Samlaget, 1985.
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Klengjemaure: Brief Summary ( norja )

tarjonnut wikipedia NN

Klengjemaure er ei plante i maurefamilien. Arten har ei sirkumpolar utbreiing. Planten vert kring 5 dm høg. Stengel og blad har nedvende broddar slik at planten klengjer seg til andre plantar. Kvit krone. Krokpiggane på frukta 1-2 mm lange og med klump ved grunnen. Blomstar kring juni månad på havstrender, i urer og åkrar, og på avfallsplassar. Finst i Noreg nord til Finnmark.

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Przytulia czepna ( puola )

tarjonnut wikipedia POL

Przytulia czepna (Galium aparine L.) – gatunek rośliny należący do rodziny marzanowatych. Ogólnoświatowy chwast[2]. W Polsce występuje pospolicie na całym terenie.


Rozgałęziona, leżąca lub wspinająca się. Osiąga długość 0,3-1,5 m. Czepia się innych roślin za pomocą haczykowatych, sztywnych włosków. Jest ostro czterokanciasta, węzły ma zgrubiałe i owłosione.
Wyrastają w okółkach w liczbie od 6-10 w jednym okółku. Poszczególne listki są jednonerwowe, klinowatolancetowate i podobnie jak łodyga zadzierzyste.

Drobne kwiaty na długich szypułkach zebrane są w wierzchotki wyrastające w kątach okółków liściowych. Wierzchotki te są znacznie dłuższe od liści z kąta których wyrastają. 2-7 kwiatowe wierzchotki posiadają 4-8 podsadek w okółku. Kielich zrosły, dwuczęściowy. Korona o średnicy ok. 2 mm, składająca się z 4 wolnych białych lub zielonkawych ostro zakończonych płatków. Słupek dwuczęściowy, pręciki cztery z pylnikami wystającymi powyżej znamion słupka.


Rozłupnia rozpadająca się na dwie rozłupki o długości 4-7 mm, pokryte haczykowatymi szczecinkami. Sposób rozsiewania – zoochoria. Haczykowate rozłupki przyczepiają się do sierści zwierząt, ubrania ludzi, itp. rozsiewając się w ten sposób na znaczne nieraz odległości.

Biologia i ekologia

Roślina jednoroczna. Rośnie w zaroślach, na przydrożach oraz na polach uprawnych, na których jest pospolitym chwastem. Kwitnie od czerwca do sierpnia, czasami nawet do października. Kwiaty przedprątne zapylane przez muchówki lub samopylne[3]. Silnie zadzierzystymi rozgałęzieniami pędów spaja ze sobą źdźbła zbóż utrudniając ich zbiór. Roślina ruderalna i azotolubna. W klasyfikacji zbiorowisk roślinnych gatunek charakterystyczny (słabo) dla SCl. Galio-Urticenea[4]. Zawiera kumarynę i czerwony barwnik, oraz enzym, który powoduje, że mleko krów które najedzą się tej rośliny zsiada się[5].

Młode pędy jadalne; z owoców wytwarzano substytut kawy[6].

Pęd z zadziorkami


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2009-05-27].
  2. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-11-11].
  3. Olga Seidl, Józef Rostafiński: Przewodnik do oznaczania roślin. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1973.
  4. Władysław Matuszkiewicz: Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14439-4.
  5. Jakub Mowszowicz: Flora jesienna. Przewodnik do oznaczania dziko rosnących jesiennych pospolitych roślin zielnych. Warszawa: WSiP, 1986. ISBN 83-02-00607-6.
  6. Leokadia Witkowska-Żuk: Rośliny leśne. Warszawa: Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2013. ISBN 978-83-7073-359-9.


  1. Jakub Mowszowicz: Flora jesienna. Przewodnik do oznaczania dziko rosnących jesiennych pospolitych roślin zielnych. Warszawa: WSiP, 1986. ISBN 83-02-00607-6.
  2. Władysław Szafer, Stanisław Kulczyński: Rośliny polskie. Warszawa: PWN, 1953.

Linki zewnętrzne

1. Film przedstawiający, jak rozpoznać przytulię czepną


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Przytulia czepna: Brief Summary ( puola )

tarjonnut wikipedia POL

Przytulia czepna (Galium aparine L.) – gatunek rośliny należący do rodziny marzanowatych. Ogólnoświatowy chwast. W Polsce występuje pospolicie na całym terenie.

Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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Galium aparine ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

Galium aparine é uma espécie de planta com flor silvestre, pertencente à família Rubiaceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Species Plantarum 1: 108. 1753.[1]

Nomes comuns

Dá pelos seguintes nomes comuns: amor-de-hortelão[2], erva-peganhosa[3], pegamaço, rapa-saias[4] e raspa-línguas[5][6].


Amor-de-hortelão, a assobalhar outras plantas no sotobosque

Do que toca ao nome científico, Discórides, designou esta planta Galium, que é um derivado da palavra grega para leite galacto, por causa do uso desta planta pelos pastores gregos para fazer coadores de leite, para fazer queijo.[7]

Aparine, o epíteto desta planta, é dado por Theophrastus e deriva do étimo grego que evoca as ideias de «agarrar-se a», «pegar-se a», «colar-se a» (alguma coisa).[7]

O nome comum «amor-de-hortelão» poderá estar relacionado com o facto desta planta ser um bom indicador dos níveis de fosfato e de azoto do solo, indicando que os mesmos têm boa aptidão para serem cultivados. Também pode ser um nome irónico, tendo em vista o tendência desta planta para assobalhar as outras culturas, sendo capaz de menoscabar as colheitas na ordem dos 30 aos 60%.[8] Os seus efeitos perniciosos advém da concorrência pelo hidrogénio dos solos. [9]

Os nomes comuns «erva-peganhosa», «pagamassa» e «pegamaço» são, naturalmente, alusões às propriedades colantes da planta, que por causa das sedas ou pêlos gancheados que a revestem, se agarra ou pega às superfícies.[10]

Os nomes comuns «rapa-saia» e «raspa-línguas» são alusões ao tacto escábrido ou áspero da planta, que rapa ou raspa na superfície das coisas.[11]


Folhas e caule do amor-de-hortelão. De notar o caule retorso e as folhas oblongas e lanceoladas

O amor-de-hortelão é uma planta herbácea terófita ou anual, multicaule e trepadora, com caules prostrados, frequentemente robustos, pilosos nos nós intumescidos, podendo atingir os 80 a 180 centímetros de comprimento. Tem folhas sésseis com seis a nove verticilos de forma oblonga-ovada ou oblongo-elipticas, terminando numa ponta rígida e não muito longa. As folhas são uninervadas e medem entre 12 a 60 milímetros de comprimento e 3 a 8 milímetros de largura. Há pêlos voltados em sentido ascendente na face superior das folhas.[12]

Os amores-de-hortelão, como sói de ser com o grosso das plantas terófitas, têm um plexo de raízes pouco desenvolvido. Em todo o caso, as raízes arraigam-se até aos 35 centímetros de profundidade.[13]

Flores e inflorescências

As inflorescências são multifloras e podem rondar dos 68 aos 85 centímetros, podem ser piramidais ou oblongas, com eixo sensivelmente retorso. Apresenta pequenas flores brancas dispostas em cimeiras axilares. Trata-se de flores hermafroditas, geralmente tetrâmeras, com pedicelos de 0,1 a 4,5 milímetros, menores ou quase iguais ao diâmetro da corola. A corola, por seu turno, tem 1,5 a 3 milímetros de diâmetro, é rotácea, tem quatro lóbulos erectos, é glabra e branca. Tem quatro estames e dois carpelos que se transformam no gineceu.[14]

Floresce de Março a Junho.[4]


Imagem dos frutos e das folhas do amor-de-hortelão

Os frutos são verde-escuros ou arroxeados e revestem-se de pêlos ou sedas densas e uncinadas (em forma de gancho).[3]

Os frutos secos têm 3 a 5 milímetros de comprimento e são sempre mais largos na ponta do que no pedúnculo. [15]. Os frutos pesam entre 7 e 9 milígramas e as sementes pesam à volta de 3,7 milígramas. [16]


Esta espécie é nativa da Europa em geral, salvo as regiões mais setentrionais, Norte de África, Macaronésia e na Ásia Menor.[17] É uma espécie invasora numa infinidade de territórios, como por exemplo nos Açores[18], na América do Sul, no Reino Unido e na Oceania. [19][20]


Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente os seguintes táxones infraespecíficos:[21]

Em Portugal Continental, é natural, mais concretamente das regiões do Noroeste ocidental, do Noroeste montanhoso, da Terra Quente transmontana, do Centro-Oeste calcário, do Centro-Oeste olisiponense, do Centro-Leste montanhoso, do Centro-Leste de campina, do Centro-Sul plistocénico, do Sudeste Setentrional, do Sudeste Meridional e do Sudoeste Setentrional.[4]

Em Portugal Continental, a subespécie espúria do amor-de-hortelão, é natural das regiões da Terra Quente e da Terra Fria transmontanas, do Centro-Oeste calcário, do Centro-Sul miocénico e do Centro-Sul plistocénico.[4]


Amor-de-hortelão visto ao perto. De notar as sedas gancheadas, que permitem a esta planta trepadora, subir pelas superfícies.

Do que respeita ao seu habitat, trata-se de uma espécie ruderal (ou seja cresce espontaneamente à volta das habitações humanas ou em baldios ou escombros).[22][4]

A subespécie aparine, dá-se melhor na orla de vegetação ripícola, se bem que também medra entre sebes, florestais aluviais, nas orlas de courelas, ermos, monturos, ao pé do burgau do leito dos rios e outros locais quejandos. Em locais com alguma humidade e com boa qualidade de nitrogénio e fosfatos. A presença do amor-de-hortelão é um bom indicador da presença de solos nítricos. Dá primazia a solos com pH entre os 5.5 e os 8.0.[23]

As suas necessidades de insolação são muito versáteis, pelo que consegue prosperar com níveis de insolação na ordem dos 4% aos 100%.[24]

Uso humano

Cuidados a ter

Além do seu tacto áspero, o rapa-línguas pode induzir, em certas pessoas que toquem nela, uma reacção alérgica epidérmica tópica designada [25] «dermatite de contacto».


Na Antiguidade Clássica, Plínio, o Velho relata o uso da polpa desta planta para fazer teríacas (anti-venenos) contra picadas de cobras e aranhas[26], para aliviar outites e para combater a hémostase[27]. Leonhart Fuchs, o académico alemão, arrolou-lhe as mesmas propriedades medicinais que Plínio e ainda adscreveu benefícios no tratamento do bócio.[28] Foi usada na Idade Média para fazer infusões anti-escorbuto.[3]

Na naturopatia moderna, a erva inteira, seja fresca ou seca, é usada para fins diuréticos, para fazer emplastros com efeitos anti-inflamatórios para a pele irritada e queimaduras ligeiras [29] [30].

As folhas e os frutos podem ser usados para fazer infusões, para dar espertina. [31] Essas infusões podem ser ingeridas frias ou quente, sendo certo que as infusões frias devem ser deixadas a repousar durante pelo menos 24 horas.[32]


Imagem da flor e do fruto do amor-de-hortelão. O fruto reveste-se de sedas gancheadas que se agarram aos animais transeuntes, como forma de propagação da semente

A raspa-saias é comestível, sendo certo que a sua textura escábrida (áspera), resultante do pêlos, a torna pouco apetecível, pelo menos quando consumida crua.[33]

As folhas, os frutos e os caules podem ser cozinhados. Aliás, pode ser usada para fazer sopa.[34][35] Foi, ao longo dos séculos, usada como forragem para pascer gado, especialmente gansos.[36]

A raspa-saias pertence à mesma família que o café e pode ser usada para fazer infusões, com os frutos ou as folhas secas, que sirvam como um sucedâneo menos potente que o café, dado o seu baixo teor de cafeína.[37]


Dioscórides relatou que, na Grécia Antiga, os pastores usavam os caules ásperos e uncinados do amor-de-hortelão, para fazer coadores, com que coar o leite.[29] Séculos mais tarde, Carl Linnaeus, faz um relato símil, a respeito dos hábitos dos pastores suecos, tradição essa que persiste até aos dias de hoje, em regiões mais rurais desse país.[29][38]

Na Europa medieval, esta erva foi muito usada por camponeses, para fazer o enchimento de almadraques, enxergas e, havendo mais folguedo económico, até colchões de palha.[39] Eram usadas porque a natureza peganhenta da planta, mercê dos pêlos em forma de gancho que a revestem, garante que os fardos ou as bardas se mantêm compactos e agarrados um aos outros, o que por conseguinte, retumba para dar maior uniformidade à espessura ao leito.[35][39]

As raízes da erva-peganhosa também eram usadas para fazer tintura vermelha permanente.[40]


  1. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 29 de setembro de 2014 http://www.tropicos.org/Name/27900076>
  2. Infopédia. «amor-de-hortelão | Definição ou significado de amor-de-hortelão no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa». Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora. Consultado em 30 de dezembro de 2020
  3. a b c «Galium aparine L.». www.biorede.pt. Consultado em 31 de dezembro de 2020
  4. a b c d e «UTAD- Jardim Botânico -Galium aparine». Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Consultado em 1 de fevereiro de 2020
  5. Castroviejo, S. (coord. gen.). 1986-2012. Flora iberica 146. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid.
  6. Infopédia. «raspa-língua | Definição ou significado de raspa-língua no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa». Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora. Consultado em 31 de dezembro de 2020
  7. a b Gledhill, David (2008). "The Names of Plants". Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521866453 (hardback), ISBN 9780521685535 (paperback). pp 52, 174
  8. Kenneth Taylor: Galium aparine L. (= Biological Flora of the British Isles. No. 207). In: Journal of Ecology. Band 87, Nr. 4, 1999, ISSN , S. 713–730, doi:10.1046/j.1365-2745.1999.00381.x.
  9. Unkrautsteckbrief Kletten-Labkraut (Memento vom 10. abril 2008 im Internet Archive) der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Zugriff am 6. Dezember 2011.
  10. «Galium aparine L.». www.biorede.pt. Consultado em 31 de dezembro de 2020
  11. Infopédia. «raspa-língua | Definição ou significado de raspa-língua no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa». Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora. Consultado em 30 de dezembro de 2020
  12. Castroviejo, S. (coord. gen.). 1986-2012. Flora iberica 145; Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid.
  13. Oberdorfer, Erich (2001). Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas. Stuttgart (Hohenheim): Eugen Ulmer. pp. 769–770. ISBN 3-8001-3131-5
  14. Castroviejo, S. (coord. gen.). 1986-2012. Flora iberica 145; Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid.
  15. «Flora-On | Flora de Portugal interactiva». flora-on.pt. Consultado em 31 de dezembro de 2020
  16. Castroviejo, S. (coord. gen.). 1986-2012. Flora iberica 145; Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid.
  17. Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  18. «Flora-On | Flora de Portugal interactiva». flora-on.pt. Consultado em 31 de dezembro de 2020
  19. US Forest Service
  20. Biota of North America Program
  21. Sequeira M, Espírito-Santo D, Aguiar C, Capelo J & Honrado J (Coord.) (2010). Checklist da Flora de Portugal (Continental, Açores e Madeira). Associação Lusitana de Fitossociologia (ALFA).
  22. a b «Flora-On | Flora de Portugal interactiva». flora-on.pt. Consultado em 31 de dezembro de 2020
  23. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert: Flora des Allgäus und seiner Umgebung. Band 2, IHW, Eching 2004, ISBN 3-930167-61-1, S. 509.
  24. Hartmut Dierschke, Gottfried Briemle: Kulturgrasland. Wiesen, Weiden und verwandte Staudenfluren. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-8001-3816-6.
  25. Evanoff, K. (2013). «Bedstraw is a weed that bites back». Tribune Chronicle. Cópia arquivada em 13 de abril de 2014[Link Evanoff]
  26. Jones, Pamela. Just Weeds: History, Myths, and Uses. Prentice Hall Press, New York. 1991.
  27. C. Plinius Secundus: Naturalis historia. Buch XXVII, §32. (online).
  28. Leonhart Fuchs: New Kreüterbuch. Caput XIIII, 1543 (Nachdruck ISBN 3-8228-1298-6), (online).
  29. a b c Grieve, Maud (1971). «Clivers». A Modern Herbal: The Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-lore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs, & Trees with All Their Modern Scientific Uses, Volume 1. [S.l.]: Dover Publications. p. 207. ISBN 9780486227986
  30. Galium aparine bei Plants For A Future
  31. «Extend the Benefits of Massage: Part 2 | achs.edu»
  32. Schneider, Anny & Mellichamp, Larry (2002). Wild Medicinal Plants: What to Look For, When to Harvest, How to Use. [S.l.]: Stackpole Books. p. 73. ISBN 9780811729871 !CS1 manut: Usa parâmetro autores (link)
  33. Elias, Thomas S.; Dykeman, Peter A. (1990). Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide. [S.l.: s.n.] ISBN 9780806974880. Consultado em 14 de agosto de 2013
  34. Galium aparine bei Plants For A Future
  35. a b Tull, Delena. "Edible and Useful Plants of Texas and the Southwest." 1999, p. 145
  36. Dukes, James A. (2002). The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook. [S.l.]: Macmillan. p. 102. ISBN 9780312981518
  37. Wood, Matthew (2008). «Galium aparine. Cleavers. Lady's Bedstraw. Goosegrass.». The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants. [S.l.]: North Atlantic Books. p. 267. ISBN 9781556436925
  38. Loudon, John Claudius. "An encyclopædia of plants", 1836, p. 93
  39. a b Runkel, Sylvan T. & Roosa, Dean M. (2009). Wildflowers of the Tallgrass Prairie: The Upper Midwest. [S.l.]: University of Iowa. p. 65. ISBN 9781587297960 !CS1 manut: Usa parâmetro autores (link)
  40. Hutchens, Alma R. (1992). A Handbook of Native American Herbs. [S.l.]: Shambala Publications. p. 97. ISBN 9780877736998


Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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Galium aparine: Brief Summary ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

Galium aparine é uma espécie de planta com flor silvestre, pertencente à família Rubiaceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Species Plantarum 1: 108. 1753.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Lipicioasă ( romania )

tarjonnut wikipedia RO

Lipicioasa (Galium aparine) este o plantă erbacee din familia Rubiaceae, fiind nativă din America de Nord și Eurasia. Lipicioasa combate infecțiile stafilococice.[1] Are efecte benefice de curățare, purificare și detoxificare a organismului uman.[2][3][4]

Referințe și note

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Lipicioasă: Brief Summary ( romania )

tarjonnut wikipedia RO

Lipicioasa (Galium aparine) este o plantă erbacee din familia Rubiaceae, fiind nativă din America de Nord și Eurasia. Lipicioasa combate infecțiile stafilococice. Are efecte benefice de curățare, purificare și detoxificare a organismului uman.

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Plezajoča lakota ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia SL

Plezajoča lakota, tudi smolenec[2] ali lepenec[3] (znanstveno ime Galium aparine) je enoletni ali dvoletni širokolistni semenski plevel iz družine broščevk.


Plezajoča lakota ima do 120 cm dolgo ležeče ali plezajočerazvejano steblo s kvadratnim presekom. Robovi stebla so poraščeni z navzdol obrnjenimi dlačicami, zaradi katerih se oprime drugih raslin, pa tudi obleke. Listi so podolgasto suličasti, proti vrhu širši, na osnovi pa zoženi. Izraščajo iz enega kolenca, po 6–8 listov na vsako kolence. Cvet je majhen in belkaste barve s štirimi venčnimi listi. Na enem peclju so 4 cvetovi, na zgornjem peclju pa so ponavadi trije cvetovi.[3]

Zdravilne lastnosti

Čaj ali tinktura iz plezajoče lakote se uporabljata pri težavah z limfnim sistemom, pri vnetjih bezgavk, tonzilitisu in zlatenici, zunanje pa tudi pri suhi koži in luskavici. Ker deluje diuretično pomaga pri vnetjih mehurja in drugih težavah s sečili. Uporablja se tudi za zdravljenje razjed in oteklin, ki nastanejo zaradi zastajanja vode v telesu.[4]

Plezajoča lakota je užitna rastlina, katere listi in vršički pred pojavom plodov se lahko kuhajo podobno kot špinača. Zaradi oprijemalnih kaveljcev se običajno ne uživa surova, čeprav bi se načeloma lahko.[5][6] Seme so v preteklosti ušili in pražili ter ga uporabljali na podoben način kot kavo, saj sta rastlini iz iste družine.[7][8]


  1. "The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species". Pridobljeno dne 20. junija 2015.
  2. "Plezajoča lakota, smolenec". Bayer. Pridobljeno dne 29. maja 2018.
  3. 3,0 3,1 "Plezajoča lakota, lepenec". Bayer. Pridobljeno dne 29. maja 2018.
  4. "LAKOTA, PLEZAJOČA (Galum aparine)". Zdrav planet. 20. april 2009. Pridobljeno dne 29. maja 2018.
  5. Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide. Books.google.com. 1990. ISBN 9780806974880. Pridobljeno dne 2013-08-14.
  6. Tull, Delena. "Edible and Useful Plants of Texas and the Southwest." 1999, p. 145
  7. Duke, James A. (2001). Handbook of Edible Weeds. CRC Press. str. 100. ISBN 9780849329463.
  8. Wood, Matthew (2008). "Galium aparine. Cleavers. Lady's Bedstraw. Goosegrass.". The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants. North Atlantic Books. str. 267. ISBN 9781556436925.
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Plezajoča lakota: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia SL

Plezajoča lakota, tudi smolenec ali lepenec (znanstveno ime Galium aparine) je enoletni ali dvoletni širokolistni semenski plevel iz družine broščevk.

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Snärjmåra ( ruotsi )

tarjonnut wikipedia SV

Snärjmåra (Galium aparine) är en ört tillhörande familjen måreväxter. Namnet kan förtydligas med vitblommig snärjmåra för att skilja den från förväxlingsarten (grönblommig) småsnärjmåra.


  • Aparine philantropos (Människovän, på grund av att växten klänger sig fast i kläderna)[1]


Plantan blir mellan 30 och 120 centimeter lång. Både stjälken och bladen är försedda med små krokborst, som gör att plantan mycket lätt fastnar i både djurs päls och på människors kläder. Detta är ett sätt för växten att sprida sig. Arten blommar ifrån juni till september. Blommorna är vita, 1,5 till 3 mm i diameter och sitter i knippen om 2 till 5 stycken. Stjälken har ett antal kransar med 6 till 8 blad vardera. Varje blad blir 30 till 50 millimeter långt och är omvänt lansettformat. Snärjmåran är mycket vanlig i Sverige.


I Sverige förekommer två varieteter av denna art, nämligen:

  • Galium aparine var. aparine - Vanlig snärjmåra
  • Galium aparine var. marinum - Strandsnärjmåra



Namn Trakt Referens Kommentar
Lové Sydöstra Blekinge Skorv Skåne [2] Snärj(e)gräs [1] I Småland används denna benämning även om Galium infaustum och Galium spurium, Lille-snärjegräs = Småsnärjmåra Snärpegräs Bohuslän [3] Tina [4] Brukas mest i pluralis (tinor) Vattenbinda Roslagen [5]


  1. ^ [a b] Snärje-gräs i Johan Ernst Rietz, Svenskt dialektlexikon (1862–1867)
  2. ^ Skorv 3 i Johan Ernst Rietz, Svenskt dialektlexikon (1862–1867)
  3. ^ Snärpe-gräs i Johan Ernst Rietz, Svenskt dialektlexikon (1862–1867)
  4. ^ Tina 3 i Johan Ernst Rietz, Svenskt dialektlexikon (1862–1867)
  5. ^ Vatten-binda i Johan Ernst Rietz, Svenskt dialektlexikon (1862–1867)

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Snärjmåra: Brief Summary ( ruotsi )

tarjonnut wikipedia SV

Snärjmåra (Galium aparine) är en ört tillhörande familjen måreväxter. Namnet kan förtydligas med vitblommig snärjmåra för att skilja den från förväxlingsarten (grönblommig) småsnärjmåra.

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Підмаренник чіпкий ( ukraina )

tarjonnut wikipedia UK
Galium aparine

Підмаренник чіпкий (Galium aparine) — однорічна трав'яниста рослина родини маренових.


Стебла полеглі або лазячі, 50—200 см завдовжки, чотиригранні, по ребрах вкриті загнутими гачковидно вниз шипиками, розгалужені. Листки — в кільцях по 6—8, оберненояйцевидні (нижні) або клино-видно-ланцетні (серединні й верхні), по краю і зісподу по серединній жилці негусто вкриті відігнутими назад шипиками, зверху розсіянощетинисті, на верхівці — відтягнуті в тонке вістря. Квітки дрібні, правильні, полігамні (двостатеві й чоловічі), зрослопелюсткові, в пазушних півзонтиках, більших за листки; віночок до 2 мм у діаметрі, білуватий, колесовидний, з чо-тирироздільним відгином. Плід— сухий горішок. Цвіте у травні — вересні. Поширення. Підмаренник чіпкий росте по всій території України як бур'ян на городах, у садах, радше на полях.

Заготівля і зберігання

З лікувальною метою використовують свіжий сік (Succi Galii aparinis) і траву підмаренника (Herba Galii aparinis), зібрану під час його цвітіння. Після попереднього пров'ялювання на сонці сировину сушать у затінку на вільному повітрі або в провітрюваному приміщенні. Сухої трави виходить 25 % . Готову сировину зберігають у добре закритих банках або бляшанках. Рослина неофіцинальна. Хімічний склад. Трава підмаренника чіпкого містить глікозид ас-перулозид, дубильні речовини, сапоніни, органічні кислоти (лимонна, галова), червоний барвник та вітамін С (128 мг%).

Фармакологічні властивості і використання

У народній медицині підмаренник чіпкий відомий своїми діуретичними, болетамувальними, кровоспинними й антимікробними властивостями. Найчастіше настій трави цієї рослини п'ють при нирковокам'яній хворобі, циститі, водянці, плевриті й хворобах печінки, при болях у шлунку й кишечнику, діареї, ревматизмі, зобі, епілепсії й скрофульозі та при гарячкових станах. У разі епілепсії краще вживати свіжий сік рослини. Зовнішньо, у вигляді мазі, підмаренник чіпкий використовують для лікування фурункулів, лишаїв, раку шкіри і висипів на шкірі (терапевтичний ефект можна в цих випадках значно посилити одночасним пероральним застосуванням настою або свіжого соку рослини). Порошком трави присипають рани і фурункули. Есенцію із свіжої трави підмаренника чіпкого використовують у гомеопатії.


Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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wikipedia UK

Підмаренник чіпкий: Brief Summary ( ukraina )

tarjonnut wikipedia UK
 src= Galium aparine

Підмаренник чіпкий (Galium aparine) — однорічна трав'яниста рослина родини маренових.

Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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wikipedia UK

Galium aparine ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Galium aparine là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Thiến thảo. Loài này được Carl von Linné mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Galium aparine. Truy cập ngày 3 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Galium aparine: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Galium aparine là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Thiến thảo. Loài này được Carl von Linné mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.

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Подмаренник цепкий ( venäjä )

tarjonnut wikipedia русскую Википедию
Латинское название Galium aparine L.

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 34797 NCBI 29788

Подмаре́нник це́пкий, или Подмаренник льно́вый (лат. Gálium aparíne) — однолетнее травянистое растение, вид рода Подмаренник семейства Мареновые.

Народные названия: липучник, геморройная трава (Курская область), царапница (Воронежская, Тамбовская области), цеплянка, липчица (Украина).


Подмаренник цепкий. Ботаническая иллюстрация из книги О. В. Томе Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 1885

Стебли цепкие, лежачие приподнимающиеся.

Листья узколанцетные, заострённые, цепкие, расположенные по 6—8 в мутовках, к основанию суженные и усаженные мелкими крючковатыми шипиками.

Цветки, мелкие, белые, собраны в пазушные полузонтики. Венчик четырёхраздельный.


Сорное растение, засоряющее посевы льна. Распространился по пустырям, на свалках, полях, вдоль дорог, на сырых лугах, каменистых склонах, среди кустарников и по берегам рек.

Распространён в европейской Арктике, европейской части России, Западной и Восточной Сибири, на Сахалине, на Украине, в Беларуси, Молдове, на Кавказе, в Средней Азии.


Корни содержат иридоиды, сапонины, антрахиноны, пурпурин-3-карбоновую кислоту, витамины С и К. В траве также обнаружены иридоиды, флавоноиды и витамины.

Применение в медицине

В официальной медицине подмаренник цепкий не используется. Экспериментальными клиническими исследованиями установлено, что его препараты проявляют противоопухолевую активность.

В Древней Греции и Древнем Риме подмаренник цепкий употреблялся при укусах змей.

В Древней Руси сок применяли при болезнях печени, желёз, зобе, водянке, от скорбута и рака.

В Великобритании настойка травы применяется при лепре, псориазе, экземе, волчанке и угрях. В викторианскую эпоху применялся в составе препаратов от кашля, в качестве иммуностимулирующего и отхаркивающего средства. В Индии применяется как слабительное.

В немецкой народной медицине отвар травы принимают при катаре мочевого пузыря, задержке мочи и образовании почечных камней и песка, при различных кожных сыпях, лишаях и других кожных заболеваниях.

В Коми-Пермяцком автономном округе в сборах с другими травами применяется при гастралгии, язве, новообразованиях желудка и матки.

В народной медицине чернозёмной полосы, в Западной Сибири и на Алтае считается, что препараты из подмаренника цепкого обладают противолихорадочным, мочегонным, желчегонным, кровоостанавливающим, кровоочистительным, обезболивающим свойствами и способностью размягчать инфильтраты. Свежий сок принимают при водянке, зобе, эпилепсии, цинге, ожирении, гонорее и издавна используется для лечения ран языка. Сок, настой и порошок применяют при болезнях печени, желтухе, мочекаменной болезни, цистите, анурии, асците, скарлатине, раке молочной железы, при кишечных коликах, при болезнях почек и ревматизме.


Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Подмаренник цепкий: Brief Summary ( venäjä )

tarjonnut wikipedia русскую Википедию

Подмаре́нник це́пкий, или Подмаренник льно́вый (лат. Gálium aparíne) — однолетнее травянистое растение, вид рода Подмаренник семейства Мареновые.

Народные названия: липучник, геморройная трава (Курская область), царапница (Воронежская, Тамбовская области), цеплянка, липчица (Украина).

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

原拉拉藤 ( kiina )

tarjonnut wikipedia 中文维基百科

原拉拉藤学名Galium aparine),或稱為豬殃殃为茜草科拉拉藤属下的一个植物种。[1]


  1. ^ 原拉拉藤 Galium aparine L.. 中国植物物种信息数据库. [2013-01-15].

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

原拉拉藤: Brief Summary ( kiina )

tarjonnut wikipedia 中文维基百科

原拉拉藤(学名:Galium aparine),或稱為豬殃殃为茜草科拉拉藤属下的一个植物种。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科