
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Abronia covillei Heimerl, Srnithson. Misc. Coll. 52: 197. 1908
Abronia nana Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 178. 1893. Not A. nana S. Wats. 1870.
Densely cespitose perennial from a thick woody root, the caudex much branched, the very stout branches interlaced, 3-4 cm. long, bearing dense fascicles of leaves; petioles 1-4 cm. long, puberulent; leaf-blades ovate-rhombic, ovate, ovate-oblong, oval, or suborbicular, 7-16 mm. long, 5-1 1 mm. wide, acute to truncate at the base, rounded or very obtuse at the apex, thick, entire, concolorous, minutely puberulent; peduncles scapelike, 1.7-10 cm. long, slender, minutely hirtellous or puberulent; heads 6-many~flowered, the 4-6 bracts lanceolate or narrowly oblong, 6-8 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, acute or attenuate, scarious, densely and finely puberulent; perianth 11 mm. long, finely puberulent, the limb about 8 mm. wide, white; stamens 5-7 ; fruit turbinate, 7-8 mm. long, thin, deeply lobed, puberulent above, glabrous
Type locality: Inyo Mountains, Inyo County, California. Distribution: Inyo and San Bernardino counties, California.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Paul Carpenter Standley. 1918. (CHENOPODIALES); ALLIONIACEAE. North American flora. vol 21(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora