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Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. T. Buchholz

Biology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Giant sequoias take around 20 years to reach maturity and start bearing cones, and the oldest known individuals are over 3,000 years old (2). Pollination occurs between December and May and cones develop during the spring and summer months (4). Seeds are only released as the cones dry out, shrinking and thus revealing gaps from which the seeds can fall; the process is therefore dependent on particular conditions and cones can lay dormant for many years (5). Each cone contains roughly 230 seeds and each tree will have around 11,000 cones at any one time; these tiny winged seeds are dispersed away from their parent tree by the wind, insects and rodents (2). The germination of seeds is, however, also dependent on particular conditions and these tiny, thin seeds require highly favourable soils with no overlying vegetation into which they can bury easily (4). As with other long-lived trees, fire seems to pay an important role in the life of a giant sequoia. A relatively high frequency of low intensity fires helps to rid the area of competitors whilst providing rich soils for the germination of seedlings. The heat generated by fires also helps to dry out the cones and open them. Mature trees are fairly indestructible, the loosely packed fibres in the thick bark are very poor conductors of fire (3).
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Conservation ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
The giant sequoia is now recognised as a national treasure and as much as 90% of the population is protected (1). The best-known groves are found in Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (3); attracting tourists from far and wide to view these magnificent trees. The National Parks Service now practices controlled burning as part of its management strategy, although further research is needed into the natural cycle of disturbance in order to better understand these processes (4). Giant sequoias have a vital role within the Sierra Nevada ecosystem and their majesty has also provided an aesthetic and cultural role within society; thus making their future survival extremely important (6).
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
The giant sequoia is world-renowned as the largest living thing on the planet, and these majestic trees continue to inspire wonder. Although not the tallest trees, their sheer volume, with the possible exception of colonial organisms such as corals, make giant sequoias the largest living things on earth (3). Also known as 'big tree' in California, the giant sequoia lives up to its name, reaching up to 95 m in height and 11 m in diameter (2). The massive, tapering trunk is a characteristic reddish-brown colour; the bark is extremely thick, sometimes up to 60 cm, and deeply furrowed (4). In mature trees the first half of the trunk is clear of branches, they form a rounded crown towards the top with individual branches sweeping downward with upturned ends (3). The small, scale-like leaves are green and spirally arranged (4). Both male and female cones are carried on the same tree; female cones are up to 7.5 cm long and 4 cm wide, composed of spirally arranged scales. They are reddish-brown when mature and contain numerous, flattened, winged seeds (4).
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Habitat ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Inhabits mixed conifer woodlands, which are dominated by the California white fir (Abies concolor var. lowiana) (2). Found in protected areas where there are deep, moist soils, at altitudes between 1,100 and 1,500 metres above sea level (4).
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Range ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
The giant sequoia is found on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, California, United States (4). Today the range is much more discontinuous than it once was, and the species is restricted to around 75 distinct groves (2).
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Status ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Classified as Vulnerable (VU - A1cd) on the IUCN Red List 2002 (1).
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Threats ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Giant sequoia forests were massively logged from the time they were first discovered in the mid 1800s until the 1950s (1). The resistant nature of the wood made it a favourable timber and it was used to make a wide variety of items from fence posts to patio furniture (2). Roughly 34% of the original range of the giant sequoia was lost to timber extraction (4). Ironically, a further threat to sequoia groves came from fire prevention strategies imposed by forest managers; this strategy prevented sequoias from regenerating successfully, whist allowing competitor species to proliferate (4).
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Associations ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Plant / associate
fruitbody of Agaricus gennadii is associated with Sequoiadendron giganteum

Foodplant / pathogen
Armillaria mellea s.l. infects and damages Sequoiadendron giganteum

Plant / associate
fruitbody of Buchwaldoboletus lignicola is associated with rotting wood of Sequoiadendron giganteum
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Hemimycena pseudolactea is saprobic on dead, fallen, decayed needle of litter of Sequoiadendron giganteum

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Lepiota ochraceofulva is saprobic on soil of tree of Sequoiadendron giganteum

Foodplant / pathogen
fruitbody of Phaeolus schweinitzii infects and damages live root of mature tree of Sequoiadendron giganteum
Other: minor host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Postia rennyi is saprobic on dead, decayed (very) wood of Sequoiadendron giganteum
Other: minor host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
long-rooted fruitbody of Strobilurus stephanocystis is saprobic on buried, partially decayed cone of Sequoiadendron giganteum
Remarks: season: often in spring
Other: unusual host/prey

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BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

Comments ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Mature individuals of this species are the most voluminous living organisms and among the most long-lived trees. Sequoiadendron giganteum was formerly included in Sequoia , under the later homonym Sequoia gigantea (Lindley) Decaisne, a conservative placement that still has merit (J. Doyle 1945; O. Schwarz and H. Weide 1962).

Redwood, including Sequoiadendron giganteum and Sequoia sempervirens , is the state tree of California.

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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Comments ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
In the wild, this tree can reach an age of 3500 years.
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of China Vol. 4: 59 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Trees to 90 m; trunk to 11 m diam.; crown conic and monopodial when young, narrowed and somewhat rounded in age. Bark reddish brown, to ca. 60 cm thick, fibrous, ridged and furrowed. Branches generally horizontal to downward-sweeping with upturned ends. Leaves generally with stomates on both surfaces, the free portion to ca. 15 mm. Pollen cones nearly globose to ovoid, 4--8 mm. Seed cones 4--9 cm. Seeds 3--6 mm. 2 n = 22.
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Trees to 90 m tall; trunk strongly buttressed at base, to 12 m d.b.h.; bark brown, spongy, deeply fissured and finally separating into cinnamon-colored fibers; crown conical when young,

becoming open with age; branches of young trees spreading, on older trees drooping; axis of branchlets green or dark green in 1st year, thereafter pale brown to reddish brown. Leaves blue-green, base decurrent, distal free portion 3-5 mm, apex sharply pointed. Seed cones ellipsoid, 5-8 × 3-5.5 cm; cone scales shieldlike, ca. 2.5 cm, apical scales 6-10 mm wide, with distal groove, ending in a long, terete spine at middle when young. Seeds pale brown, elongate-ellipsoid, 3-6 mm.

حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of China Vol. 4: 59 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Habitat ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Mixed montane coniferous forests, in isolated groves on the w slopes of the Sierra Nevada; 900--2700m.
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Habitat & Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Cultivated. Shandong, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Zhejiang (Hangzhou Shi) [native to W United States].
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of China Vol. 4: 59 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Synonym ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Wellingtonia gigantea Lindley, Gard. Chron. 10: 823. 1853; Sequoia gigantea (Lindley) Decaisne 1854, not Endlicher 1847
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Synonym ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Wellingtonia gigantea Lindley, Gard. Chron. 1853: 823. 1853; Sequoia gigantea (Lindley) Decaisne (1854), not Endlicher (1847).
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of China Vol. 4: 59 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Broad-scale Impacts of Fire ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
Despite the general belief that giant sequoia wood is not especially
flammable, it burns hotly when splintered and dry [10].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: basal area, density, duff, fire severity, forest, fuel, fuel moisture, litter, prescribed fire, severity, tree

A fall prescribed fire in the Tharp Creek Watershed of Sequoia National Park
resulted in no giant sequoia mortality on a white fir-mixed conifer
site monitored for 5 years after fire. The fire burned from 23 to 26 October
1990. Relative humidity during the day was 21% to 30% and at night was 30%
to 40%. Fuel moisture levels in the litter and duff averaged 28%. For 100-hour
and 1,000-hour fuels, moisture levels were 14% and 64%, respectively. At the
time of ignition, air temperatures were 50 to 61 ?F (10-16 ?C), and winds were
calm. The fire was a combination of backing and strip headfires with flame
lengths of 0.16 to 7.9 feet (0.05-2.4 m). One-hour, 10-hour, and 100-hour fuels
were reduced by 96%, 77%, and 60%, respectively.  Tree (≥4.6 feet (1.4 m))
mortality was evaluated before and after fire as well as from an unburned
reference site. Basal area changes were also monitored before and after
the fire. Compared to the unburned control, mean annual percent change in giant
sequoia basal area increased by an average of 1.27% on the burned site before
the fire. From 1989 to 1994 (includes 1 year of prefire data), giant sequoia basal
area increased by 0.90% on the burned site compared to the control [31]. For
more information, see the entire Research Paper by Mutch and Parsons [31].

Summer prescribed fires (19 August-11 September 1969) promoted giant sequoia
seedling establishment in a giant sequoia-mixed-conifer forest in Kings Canyon
National Park. The summer fires burned at moderate to high severities. They
also reduced the density of white fir and incense-cedar realative to giant
sequoia and sugar pine. Favorable establishment of giant sequoia seedlings
was related to both parent tree density and fire severity. Giant sequoia
seedling densities exceeded 40,000/acre (99,000/ha) severly burned plots.
Kilgore [30] suggested that under similar fire weather conditions, follow-up
prescribed fire would be needed 7 to 10 years later. For further information,
see the Research Project Summary of Kilgore and others' study.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Common Names ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
giant sequoia
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Cover Value ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: cover

Wildlife primarily use giant sequoia for cover.  Early in giant sequoia
development, large mammals use dense stands as hiding and thermal cover.
Mature trees are used to a limited extent by arboreal species such as
birds, squirrels, and other small mammals [10].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cone, seed, serotinous

Giant sequoias grow to an average height of 250 to 275 feet (76-84 m)
and 15 to 20 feet (5-7 m) d.b.h.  Record trees have been reported to be
310 feet (95 m) in height and 35 feet (11 m) d.b.h.  The leaves are
awl-shaped, sessile, and persistent.  Seed cones are 2 to 3 inches (5-8
cm) long, serotinous, persistent, and may remain green up to 20 years.
Bark is fibrous, furrowed, and may be 2 feet (0.6 m) thick at the base
of the columnar trunk [6,10].  The oldest known giant sequoia based on
ring count is 3,200 years old [10].

Giant sequoia cone and needles. Creative Commons image by Tom DeGomez, University of Arizona, Bugwood.org.

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: natural

The natural distribution of giant sequoia is restricted to about 75
groves, comprising a total area of only 35,607 acres (14,416 ha) along a
limited area of the western Sierra Nevada, California.  The northern
two-thirds of its range, from the American River in Placer County
southward to the Kings River has only eight disjunct groves.  The
remaining groves are concentrated between the Kings River and the Deer
Creek Grove in southern Tulare County [10,28].  Groves range in size
from approximately 2,470 acres (1,000 ha) with 20,000 giant sequoias to
small groves with only six living trees [24].

Giant sequoia distribution. Map courtesy of USDA, NRCS. 2018. The PLANTS Database.
National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC [26].

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Fire Ecology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: climax, fire regime, forest, litter, serotinous

Fire is the most serious damaging agent to young giant sequoia.
Seedlings and saplings are highly susceptible to mortality or serious
injury by fire.  Giant sequoia exhibits the following adaptations to
fire:  rapid growth, fire resistant bark, elevated canopies and
self-pruned lower branches, latent buds, and serotinous cones [10,12].
Mature giant sequoia are more resistant to fire damage and few are
killed by fire alone [28].

Giant sequoia groves represent a fire climax community whose stability
is maintained by frequent fires.  In the absence of regular ground
fires, litter accumulates on the forest floor and limits germination and
establishment of seedlings [24].  Giant sequoia in Whitaker's Forest,
California, produced 9,089 pounds per acre (10,181 kg per ha) of ground
litter [3].  If these conditions are maintained in the future, the
groves will become a long-standing seral community trending toward a
mature white fir forest without giant sequoia [24].

Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this
species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Management Considerations ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fire management, fire regime, fire suppression, forest, high-severity fire, natural, prescribed burn

Restoration of historical stand structure and FIRE REGIMES is need if giant
sequoia and other mixed-conifer forests are to continue through millennia to come.
Research on the importance of periodic fire in maintaining natural giant
sequoia forests has justified the need to restore a natural fire regime.
The principal goal of fire management in giant sequoia groves in
Sequoia-Kings Canyon and Yosemite National Parks is to restore or
maintain the natural fire regime to the maximum extent possible.
Prescribed burns are now conducted by igniting fires in a spot pattern
and allowing nature to produce a mosaic of effects [20].

The long-standing fire suppression policy of federal and state land
agencies has created at least two major problems for the giant sequoia:
(1) the continuing reproduction of the species has been seriously
hampered and (2) the build-up of dead fuels and the growth of other
young trees in the understory pose threats of destructive forest fires
in the crowns of existing groves.  In 1969, the National Park Service
began a program or prescribed burning in Kings Canyon National Park.
Prescribed burning has produced relatively few deleterious side effects
on giant sequoia groves [27].

Prescribed burning is currently an active management strategy in giant
sequoia groves.  Fire prepares seedbeds, recycles nutrients, maintains
successional diversity, decreases the number of trees susceptible to
attack by insects and disease, reduces fire hazards, and favors wildlife
[5,10,27].  A prescribed burn in Kings Canyon National Park resulted in
an increase in flycatcher and robin numbers [4,13].  A number of changes
in bird and mammal populations are forecasted if fire is reintroduced on
a large scale.  High-severity fire will increase the number of
trunk-feeding birds preying on the increased amount of insects [12].

Prior to protection under Park status in 1864, the Mariposa Grove and
Yosemite National Park sustained fires every 20 to 25 years [9].  Other
research found that in presettlement times, any given site in the middle
elevations of the Sierra was burned over every 5 to 10 years [18,27].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification) ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the term: phanerophyte

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Habitat characteristics ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: density, frequency, mesic, natural

Low temperatures seem to be the limiting factor for giant sequoia at the
upper elevational limits of its range, as well as in areas with severe
winters where the species has been introduced.  Distribution of giant
sequoia at lower elevations appears to be restricted to sites with
available soil moisture throughout the summer drought period [24,28].

Climate:  Giant sequoia is found in a humid climate characterized by dry
summers.  Mean annual precipitation varies from 35 to 55 inches (88-138
cm).  Most precipitation comes in the form of snow between October and
April.  Mean annual snowfall ranges from 144 to 197 inches (360-493 cm),
and snow depths of 6.6 feet (2 m) or greater are common.  Mean daily
maximum temperatures for July are typically 75 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit
(24-29 deg C).  Mean minimum temperatures for January vary from 34 to 21
degrees Fahrenheit (1 to -6 deg C) [28].

Soils and topography:  Most giant sequoia groves are on granitic-based
residual and alluvial soils.  Some groves are on glacial outwash from
granite.  Other common parent materials include schistose, dioritic and
andesitic rocks.  Giant sequoia grows best in deep, well-drained sandy
loams.  It occurs with higher frequency on mesic sites, such as drainage
bottoms and meadow edges.  Soil pH ranges from 5.5 to 7.5, with an
average of about 6.5.  Long-term site occupancy develops soil of high
fertility, good base status, and low bulk density.  Except for its
moisture content, soil typically plays only a minor role in influencing
the distribution of the species [28].

Elevation:  Elevation of the giant sequoia groves generally range from
4,590 to 6,560 feet (1,400-2,000 m) in the north, and 5,580 to 7,050
(1,700-2,150 m) to the south.  The lowest natural occurrence of the
species is 2,720 feet (830 m) and the highest is 8,860 feet (2,700 m).
Giant sequoia generally appears on southern slopes in its northern
distribution and on more northerly slopes in the south [28].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Habitat: Cover Types ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

   243  Sierra Nevada mixed conifer
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Habitat: Ecosystem ( الإنجليزية )

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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

   FRES21  Ponderosa pine
   FRES23  Fir - spruce
   FRES28  Western hardwoods
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Habitat: Plant Associations ( الإنجليزية )

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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

   K005  Mixed conifer forest
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Immediate Effect of Fire ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: cover, prescribed fire, tree

In Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, a moderate-severity
prescribed fire contributed little to the mortality of giant sequoia
that were larger than 1 foot (0.30 m) d.b.h.  Additionally, there is no
evidence that previous fire scarring had any relationship to tree
mortality [5].  Low- to moderate-severity fires scorch the bark of giant
sequoia and usually cause scarring.  High-severity fires may reach the
crown and consume part or all of the canopy cover [2].  A direct
relationship exists between the size of the basal fire scar in mature
giant sequoias and the the likelihood of damage to the top or foliage of
the trees [23].  Reduction of supporting wood from scarring predisposes
the tree to falling, and provides an opening for fungi responsible for
root disease and heart rot [28].

Prescribed fire in a giant sequoia grove in Kings Canyon National Park. US Park Service image.

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Importance to Livestock and Wildlife ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: cone

Only a limited number of wildlife species utilize giant sequoia for food
and shelter.

Birds:  Over 30 bird species have been identified in giant sequoia
groves.  A variety of foliage- and air-feeding birds occupy the upper
canopy, while sapsuckers feed through the thin bark.  Cavity-nesters
that use giant sequoia for nesting include white-headed woodpeckers and
flickers, and an occasional perching bird such as a nuthutch.

Mammals:  Common mammal associates include the deer mouse, chipmunk,
shrew, gray squirrel, golden-mantled ground squirrel, mule deer, coyote,
black bear, and various reptiles.  Reports of chipmunks using giant
sequoia sawdust for cleansing baths have been noted.  The chickaree is
especially noted for its relationship to giant sequoia.  Chickarees make
the soft flesh of green giant sequoia cone scales a major food item.  An
individual chickaree may cut and eat as many as 3,000 to 3,500 cones per
year [10,12].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Key Plant Community Associations ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: forest, mesic, natural, shrub

Giant sequoia principally occurs in scattered groves.  Nowhere does it
grow in pure stands, although in a few small areas stands do approach a
pure condition [28].  Although the giant sequoia groves of the central
and southern Sierra Nevada represent only a specific mesic segregate of
typical white fir (Abies concolor) forest communities, these groves are
often given special community recognition.  Only giant sequoia is
restricted to the groves [24].

Typically, giant sequoia is found in a mixed conifer type dominated by
California white fir (A. concolor var. lowiana).  Characteristic
associates include sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), Jeffrey pine (P.
jeffreyi), ponderosa pine (P. ponderosa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga
menziesii), incense-cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), and California black
oak (Quercus kelloggii).  Shrub types include bush chinkapin
(Castanopsis sempervirens) and mountain whitethorn (Ceanothus
cordulatus) [10,14,28].

Giant sequoia as a dominant species in the following typings:

Terrestrial natural communities of California [29]
Montane and subalpine vegetation of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Ranges [24]
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Life Form ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: tree

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Management considerations ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: cone

Insects:  Insects do not seriously harm giant sequoias older than about
2 years.  Carpenter ants (Campanotus laevigatus) do not directly harm
the trees, although they do create pathways for fungi [28].  A
wood-boring beetle (Trachykele opulenta) may kill trees damaged by road
cuts or the undercutting of stream banks.  The larvae of this beetle may
girdle a giant sequoia by feeding on the inner bark.  The cerambycid
beetle (Phymatodes nitidus) lays its larvae in green giant sequoia
cones.  Other cone larvae predators are the gelechiid moth (Gelechia
spp.) and lygaeid bug (Ischnorrhynchus resedae).  In all, 151 species of
insects and 37 arachnids are known to be associated with the giant
sequoia in that they use it to complete some part of their life cycle

Disease:  At least nine fungi have been found associated with decayed
giant sequoia wood.  The most prevalent fungi are Heterobasidion
annosum, Armillaria mellea, Poria incrassata, and P. albipellucida.
Diseases generally do not kill trees past the seedling stage directly,
but rather by contributing to root or stem failure.  No other types of
disease, including seedling disease, are known to be problems to giant
sequoia [12,19,28].

Air-pollution creating acidic mists significantly reduce root growth of
giant sequoia [25].  The development of facilities for human use, such
as paved roads and buildings, can damage giant sequoia roots and hence
slow growth [27].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Nutritional Value ( الإنجليزية )

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The mean caloric value of giant sequoia seeds is 4,738 calories per gram
dry weight.  The outer portions of the cones provide 4,690 calories per
gram dry weight [12].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Occurrence in North America ( الإنجليزية )

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الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Other uses and values ( الإنجليزية )

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Giant sequoia is planted as an ornamental inside and outside of its
native range.  It is also used for Christmas trees [28].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Palatability ( الإنجليزية )

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Deer browse on 4- and 5-year-old giant sequoia; however, it is generally
considered low in palatability [10].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Phenology ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: cone, seed

Giant sequoia flowers from April to May; cone ripening and seed
dispersal occurs in the spring and summer months.  Seeds dropped just
before the first snow or just as the snow melts may have the best chance
of germinating and becoming successfully established.  Growth of giant
sequoia generally begins in the early spring to late fall [28].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Plant Response to Fire ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: prescribed burn

High-severity fires will generally kill pole-size and younger trees.
Immediately following the passage of fire, seeds will drop as a reaction
to hot convectional air movement through the canopy.  Seeds will
germinate on the favorable mineral seedbeds created by the fire [5].

Postfire seedling establishment:  When high-severity fires burn in dense
stands of mature giant sequoias, as many as 40,485 seedlings per acre
(100,000/ha) may develop following heat-induced seedfall [11].  After a
prescribed burn in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, a
high-severity burn resulted in 40,000 seedlings per acre (98,800/ha) the
first year after burning.  A lower-severity burn resulted in 13,000
seedlings per acre (32,110/ha).  Not a single giant sequoia seedling was
found on the unburned control plot in this study [5].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Post-fire Regeneration ( الإنجليزية )

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   crown-stored residual colonizer; long-viability seed in on-site cones
   off-site colonizer; seed carried by wind; postfire years 1 and 2
   off-site colonizer; seed carried by animals or water; postfire yr 1&2
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Regeneration Processes ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: cone, monoecious, seed, tree

Giant sequoia regenerates primarily by seed, although occasionally it
may reproduce naturally by vegetative methods.  Giant sequoias up to
about 20 years of age may produce stump sprouts subsequent to injury.
Giant sequoia of all ages may sprout from the bole when old branches are
lost to fire or breakage.  Cuttings from juvenile donors root quickly
and in high percentages (up to 94 percent) [10].

Flowering and fruiting:  Giant sequoia is monoecious; male and female
cone buds form during late summer.  Pollination takes place between the
middle of April and May.  Fertilization usually occurs in August when
the cones are nearly full-sized.  Embryos develop rapidly during the
next summer and reach maturity at the end of the second growing season.

Seed production and dissemination:  Young trees start to bear cones at
the age of 20 years.  Cones may remain attached to the tree for 8 to 12
years and much of the seed will be retained.  During the late summer,
however, some seed is shed when the cone scales shrink.  Most seeds are
liberated when the cone dries out and becomes detached.  Each cone yields
an average of 230 seeds.  The average number of cleaned seeds per pound
is approximately 81,000 (200,070/kg).  Stored giant sequoia seed remains
moderately viable for many years [5,10,28].  At any given time, a large
tree may be expected to have approximately 11,000 cones.  The upper part
of the crown of any mature giant sequoia invariably produces a greater
abundance of cones than its lower portions.

A mature giant sequoia has been estimated to disperse from 300,000 to
400,000 seeds per year.  Seed dispersal results from seed falling from
the tree-top, insect and rodent activity, or by cones falling to the
ground.  The winged seeds may be carried up to 600 feet (183 m) from the
parent tree.

Seedling development:  Giant sequoia seeds germinate best when totally
buried in disturbed mineral soil.  April, May, September, and October
temperatures are best for early development.  Soil moisture conditions
and seedling survival are generally better in spring than during any
other season.  Light conditions are generally best for growing at
one-half full sunlight.  Upon germination, the seedling stands 3/4 to 1
inch (1.9-2.5 cm) high, usually with four cotyledons.  By autumn,
seedlings have up to six branches and are 3 to 4 inches (8-10 cm) tall.
After the second year, the seedling attains a height of 8 to 12 inches
(20-30 cm) with a taproot penetrating to a depth of 10 to 15 inches
(25-38 cm) [28].

Growth and yield:  Giant sequoia is the worlds largest tree in terms of
total volume.  Beyond the seedling stage, giant sequoia unhindered by an
overstory continues to grow at the same rate as its competitors.  Yields
of second growth stands dominated by giant sequoia were found to equal
or slightly exceed those of second-growth mixed-conifer stands on the
same site.  Lower branches die fairly readily from shading, but trees
less than 100 years old retain most of their dead branches.  Boles of
mature trees generally are free of branches to a height of 98 to 148
feet (30-40 m) [28].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Regional Distribution in the Western United States ( الإنجليزية )

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More info on this topic.

This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):

   4  Sierra Mountains
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Successional Status ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: density

Giant sequoia has adapted to keep its crown higher than that of its
associates.  On disturbed sites, giant sequoia is a strong competitor,
although never totally dominating a stand [10].  Current data does not
indicate that any enlargement of giant sequoia groves is taking place.
Mature giant sequoia mark the outer boundaries, which have remained
stable over a period of 500 to 1,000+ years.  High levels of
reproduction are not necessary to maintain the present population
levels.  Few groves, however, have sufficient young trees to maintain
the present density of mature giant sequoias for the future.  The
majority of giant sequoias are currently undergoing a gradual decline in
density since the European settlement days [24].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Synonyms ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
Sequoia gigantea (Lindl.) Buchholz
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Taxonomy ( الإنجليزية )

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The scientific name of giant sequoia is Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.)
Buchholz [26,28]. There are no recognized subspecies, varieties, or forms.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Wood Products Value ( الإنجليزية )

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Giant sequoia was cut commercially from the 1850s up to the mid-1950s.

Young giant sequoia has favorable wood properties.  It is
decay-resistant and used as dimensional lumber, veneer, and plywood
[21].  Old growth has low tensile strength and brittleness, making it
unsuitable for most structural purposes.  The most historically popular
items milled from giant sequoia were fenceposts, grape stakes, shingles,
novelties, patio furniture, and pencils [10].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Habeck, R. J. 1992. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Distribution ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من IABIN
Chile Central
حقوق النشر
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
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Associated Forest Cover ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Giant sequoia groves lie wholly within the Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer type-SAF (Society of American Foresters) forest cover type 243 (8). A grove is distinguished from similar mesic habitats in this type only by the presence of giant sequoia itself: no other species is restricted to the groves (33). Nowhere does giant sequoia grow in a pure stand, although in a few small areas it approaches this condition (16).

Based on density or canopy coverage, groves typically are dominated strongly by California white fir (Abies concolor var. lowiana), despite the presence of emergent individuals of giant sequoia that overtop the canopy. Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) is a characteristic associate. Incense-cedar (Libocedrus decurrens) at low elevations and California red fir (Abies magnifica) at high elevations may rival California white fir for dominance. Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and California black oak (Quercus kelloggii) often occupy drier sites within the grove boundaries. Trees less commonly associated with giant sequoia include Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia), Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), California hazel (Corylus cornuta var. californica), white alder (Alnus rhombifolia), Scouler willow (Salix scoulerana), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata), and canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis).

Shrub species most often found in giant sequoia groves are bush chinkapin (Castanopsis sempervirens), mountain misery (Chamaebatia foliolosa), mountain whitethorn (Ceanothus cordulatus), littleleaf ceanothus (C. parvifolius), deerbrush (C. integerrimus), snowbrush (C. velutinus), greenleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula), western azalea (Rhododendron occidentale), Ribes spp., Rosa spp., and Rubus spp. (16,17,33,36).

Stand structure and species frequency vary substantially with elevation, latitude, exposure, soil moisture, and time since fire or other disturbance. In general, protection of groves from fire has resulted in increased prevalence of California white fir, reduced regeneration of giant sequoia and pines, and reduced density of shrubs. The age-class distribution of giant sequoia also varies widely among groves. Most groves today, however, appear to lack sufficient young giant sequoias to maintain the present density of mature trees in the future. In these groves, giant sequoia regeneration evidently has been declining over a period of 100 to 500 years or more (33).

حقوق النشر
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Climate ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Giant sequoia is found in a humid climate characterized by dry summers. Mean annual precipitation in the groves varies from about 900 to 1400 mm (35 to 55 in), with high year-to-year variation. Less than 30 mm. (1.2 in) usually falls between June 1 and September 30. Most of the precipitation comes in the form of snow between October and April. Mean annual snowfall ranges from 366 to 500 cm (144 to 197 in), and snow depths of 2.0 m (6.6 ft) or greater are common in midwinter (32).

Mean daily maximum temperatures for July for typical groves are 24° to 29° C (75° to 84° F). Mean minimum temperatures for January vary from 1° to -6° C (34° to 21° F). Extremes are about -24° and 40° C (-12° and 104° F) (32,37).

Low temperatures seem to be a limiting factor for giant sequoia at the upper elevational limits of its range, as well as in areas with severe winters where the species has been introduced. Distribution of the species at low elevations is limited mainly by deficient soil moisture during the growing season (34).

حقوق النشر
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Damaging Agents ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Fire is the most universal and probably most serious damaging agent of giant sequoia in its natural range (36). Seedlings and saplings of giant sequoia, like those of most other tree species, are highly susceptible to mortality or serious injury by fire. However, in those locations most favorable for successful establishment and early growth-that is, mineral soil seedbeds and well-lighted openings-fuels tend to be sparser and to accumulate more slowly than in adjacent forested areas. The more vigorous seedlings and saplings thus may be large enough to survive a light fire by the time one occurs.

Larger giant sequoias, because of their thick nonresinous bark and elevated crowns, are more resistant to fire damage than associated species. Nevertheless, repeated fires over the centuries sear through the bark of a tree's base, kill the cambium, and produce an ever-enlarging scar. Almost all of the larger trees have fire scars, many of which encompass a large percentage of the basal circumference (16). Few veterans have been killed by fire alone, but consequent reduction in supporting wood predisposes a tree to falling. Furthermore, fire scars provide entry for fungi responsible for root disease and heart rot (29). Decayed wood, in turn, is more easily consumed by subsequent fires. The net result is further structural weakening of the tree. In addition, fire scars have been cited as the main cause of dead tops, so common in older trees (35).

Lightning strikes, besides starting ground fires, sometimes knock out large portions of crowns or ignite dead tops. Mature trees seldom are killed by lightning, however (16).

Old giant sequoias most commonly die by toppling. Weakening of the roots and lower bole by fire and decay is primarily responsible (16,29). The extreme weight of the trees, coupled with their shallow roots, increases the effects of this weakening, especially in leaning trees. Other causative factors include wind, water-softened soils, undercutting by streams, and heavy snow loads (16).

Although diseases are less troublesome for giant sequoia in its natural range than for most other trees, the species is not as immune to disease as once assumed (1). Heartwood of downed sequoia logs is extremely durable, sometimes remaining largely intact for thousands of years. The heartwood of living trees, however, is less resistant to decay (2). At least nine fungi have been found associated with decayed giant sequoia wood. Of these, Heterobasidion annosum, Armillaria mellea, Poria incrassata, and P. albipellucida probably are most significant (29). The first two species also are serious root pathogens. Diseases generally do not kill trees past the seedling stage directly, but rather by contributing to root or stem failure. No other types of diseases, including seedling diseases, are known to be significant problems within the natural range of giant sequoia (2). In nurseries and when planted outside its natural range, however, giant sequoia is highly susceptible to, and sometimes rapidly killed by, a number of organisms that may attack it at any stage from seedlings to mature trees (1,25,39).

Insect depredations do not seriously harm giant sequoias older than about 2 years, although sometimes they may reduce vigor (17). Carpenter ant (Camponotus spp.) galleries in decayed wood of tree bases evidently are not a direct cause of tree failure. Carpenter ants and other insects may facilitate the entry and spread of decay fungi, although the importance of such a role is not well known (29). Like disease injury, damage by insects is more significant outside the tree's natural range.

Of various types of human impact on giant sequoia in the groves (16,17,29), the most significant has been fire exclusion. The damage caused by fire is outweighed by its benefits in perpetuating the species. Fire is necessary to create and maintain conditions favorable for regeneration (17). Furthermore, the elimination of frequent fires has permitted a large buildup of both dead and live fuels, and an associated increase in the potential for catastrophic crown fires. Agencies responsible for managing most of the groves currently have programs designed to reintroduce fire into giant sequoia ecosystems (15,27,31).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Flowering and Fruiting ( الإنجليزية )

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Giant sequoia is monoecious; male and female cone buds form during late summer. Pollination takes place between the middle of April and the middle of May when the female conelets are only two or three times as large in diameter as the twigs bearing them. Fertilization usually occurs in August, by which time cones are almost full-size. Embryos develop rapidly during the next summer and reach maturity at the end of the second growing season. The egg-shaped mature cones, 5 to 9 cm (2.0 to 3.5 in) in length, yield an average of 200 seeds each (16,17,36).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Genetics ( الإنجليزية )

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Population Differences Isolation of the groves, or populations, of giant sequoia has existed sufficiently long for a number of population differences to become discernible. A recent study (12) found differences among populations on the basis of isozyme analyses, percent germination, and frequency distribution of cotyledon numbers. Levels of heterozygosity differed between the northern and southern parts of the range. Provenance tests in West Germany showed differences in cold hardiness and early growth among populations (14,20,23). Bark pattern of mature trees varies among groves (16). Somewhat surprisingly, however, genetic variability of giant sequoia is distinctly subdued when compared with that of other Sierra Nevada conifers and other trees in general (21).

Races and Hybrids No races of giant sequoia exist (36). Fourteen horticultural forms are known, only two of which are common (16).

Hybridization of giant sequoia with redwood has been reported in the Soviet Union but is unconfirmed in the western literature (19).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Growth and Yield ( الإنجليزية )

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One tree species has a greater diameter than giant sequoia, three grow taller, and one lives longer (16). In terms of volume, however, the giant sequoia is undisputedly the world's largest tree. The most massive specimen, the General Sherman tree, located in Sequoia National Park, has an estimated bole volume of 1486 m³ (52,500 ft³) (13). The greatest known height for the species is 94.5 m (310 ft), and the greatest mean d.b.h.- for the General Grant tree, in Kings Canyon National Park- is 881 cm (347 in). The indicated mean d.b.h. includes a large abnormal buttress; excluding this abnormality gives a more realistic estimate of the maximum mean d.b.h. for the species-approximately 823 cm (324 in) (13). Mature specimens commonly reach a diameter of 305 to 610 cm (120 to 240 in) above the butt swell and average about 76 m (250 ft) in height (16).

A notable characteristic of mature giant sequoias that contributes substantially to their great volume is the slight taper of the bole-a feature more prominent in this species than in any other Sierra Nevada conifer (16). In contrast, young open-grown giant sequoias taper markedly.

The greatest known age of a giant sequoia is 3,200 years, determined from a stump count of rings (16). Calculations based on increment borings yield age estimates of 2,000 to 3,000 years for many living trees.

Beyond the seedling stage, giant sequoia unhindered by an overstory continues to grow at least as well as associated species of the same age. In both clearcuts and group selection cuts on a high site in the central Sierra Nevada, it has outgrown other conifers in plantations up to 18 years of age. Furthermore, giant sequoia appears less susceptible than associated conifers to growth reductions caused by shrub competition (18). In a survey of California plantations up to 50 years of age in which giant sequoia had been planted, it outgrew other conifers (mostly ponderosa pine) in most instances in which species differed significantly in height or diameter growth. In the best plantations, giant sequoia averaged 0.5 to 0.7 m (1.6 to 2.3 ft) per year in height growth, and 1.3 to 2.0 cm (0.5 to 0.8 in) in diameter growth per year (9).

Yields of second-growth stands dominated by giant sequoia were found to equal or slightly exceed those of second-growth mixed-conifer stands on the same high sites (site index 53 m [175 ft] at base age 300 years) (6). Volumes at selected stand ages were as follows:

Stand Age Total volume yr m³/ha fbm/acre (Scribner) 18    2.6      188 31   83.1   5,938 63 339.3 24,237 86 757.1 54,077 In cubic measure, mean annual increment at age 86 was approximately 9 m³/ha (126 ft³/acre).

In contrast to the brittleness and low tensile strength of the wood of old-growth giant sequoia, young-growth trees have wood properties comparable to those of young-growth redwood (5,28). Because most groves have protected status, the potential of the species for fiber production within its natural range is limited. It has been planted widely and often successfully in many parts of the world, however. As in California plantations, on the proper sites it outperforms most other species (7). An 80-year-old giant sequoia plantation in Belgium, for example, grew at an average annual rate of 36 to 49 m³/ha (514 to 700 ft³/acre) (20). Many foresters see considerable potential for giant sequoia as a major timber-producing species of the world.

In old-growth groves, rapid height growth continues on the better sites for at least 100 years, producing dense conical crowns. At 400 years, trees range in height from about 34 to 73 m (110 to 240 ft). The rate of height growth declines beyond 400 years, and the typical tree levels off near 76 m (250 ft) at an age of 800 to 1,500 years (17).

Analysis of a large old-growth population showed an average d.b.h. of 48 cm (18.9 in) at 100 years, 132 cm (52.0 in) at 400 years, 219 cm (86.1 in) at 800 years, and 427 cm (168.0 in) at 2,000 years (17).

Although radial growth gradually decreases with age, volume increment generally is sustained into old age. The General Sherman tree, at an approximate age of 2,500 years, has a current radial growth rate at breast height of about 1 mm (0.04 in) per year (16). Average volume increment for this tree since 1931 has been estimated by different methods at 1.13 m³ (40 ft³) per year (16) and 1.44 m³ (51 ft³) per year (13). Therefore, the world's largest tree also may be, in terms of volume increment, the world's fastest-growing tree. A related conclusion can be applied to the species: the enormous size attained by giant sequoia results not only from its longevity, but also- despite the apparent decadence of most veterans- from its continued rapid growth into old age (16).

Lower branches of giant sequoia die fairly readily from shading, but trees less than 100 years old retain most of their dead branches. Boles of mature trees generally are free of branches to a height of 30 to 45 m (98 to 148 ft) (36).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Reaction to Competition ( الإنجليزية )

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Giant sequoia is shade intolerant throughout its life. Of its common coniferous associates, ponderosa pine is also intolerant, sugar pine is intermediate in tolerance, incense-cedar is intermediate to tolerant, and California white fir is tolerant (17).

Fires or other disturbances that bare mineral soil and open the canopy characteristically benefit intolerant species, including giant sequoia, and move plant communities to earlier successional stages. In contrast, successful regeneration of giant sequoia in shade and in the absence of disturbance is less likely than that of any associated conifer (17).

Once established, and with adequate light, young giant sequoias maintain dominance over competitors through rapid growth. In dense thickets, however, trees stagnate and recover slowly if released (36). At maturity, giant sequoias are the tallest trees in the forest.

Although conspicuous in late successional communities dominated by California white fir, giant sequoia is not a true climax-stage species, because it fails to reproduce itself successfully in an undisturbed forest. Instead, mature trees are successional relicts because they live for many centuries while continuing to meet their light requirements by virtue of their emergent crowns (16).

If various natural agents of disturbance-especially fire-operated freely, giant sequoia groves would consist of a roughly steady-state mosaic of even-aged groups of trees and shrubs in various stages of succession. The patchy nature of vegetational units would correspond to the pattern of disturbances. In the absence of disturbance, however, successional pathways converge toward a multilayered climax forest of pure California white fir (4). In fact, since the advent of fire suppression, density of California white fir has increased markedly, while densities of early successional stage species have decreased (26).

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Silvics of North America

Rooting Habit ( الإنجليزية )

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During the first few years, the root system of giant sequoia seedlings consists of a taproot with few laterals-a habit that facilitates survival during dry summers (36). The ratio of root length to shoot height during this period is about 2 to 2.5, with drier sites having higher ratios (17). After 6 to 8 years, lateral root growth predominates, and elongation of the taproot practically stops (36).

Roots of a mature tree commonly extend 30 m (100 ft) or more from the bole in well-drained soils, and occupy an area of 0.3 ha (0.7 acre) or more. Along drainage bottoms or edges of meadows, the radial extent of the root system may be no more than 12 to 15 m (40 to 50 ft). The largest lateral roots are usually no more than 0.3 m (1 ft) in diameter. Few roots extend deeper than 1 m (3 ft), and even less in areas with a high water table. Most of the abundant feeder roots are within the upper 0.6 m (2 ft) of soil. Concentrations of feeder roots often are high at the mineral soil surface (16).

Immature trees, both in the groves and in older plantings, are notably windfirm (20). Considering the shallowness of the root system and the great aboveground mass of large giant sequoias, it is remarkable that so many of these giants, especially leaners, remain standing for so long (16).

Root grafting is common in giant sequoia (16,36).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Seed Production and Dissemination ( الإنجليزية )

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Cones bearing fertile seeds have been observed on trees as young as 10 years of age, but the large cone crops associated with reproductive maturity usually do not appear before about 150 or 200 years. Unlike most other organisms, giant sequoia seems to continue its reproductive ability unabated into old age. The largest specimens (not necessarily the oldest) bear heavy crops of cones containing viable seeds (16,36).

Giant sequoias have serotinous cones which, at maturity, may remain attached to the stems without opening to release seeds. For 20 years or more, cones may retain viable seeds and continue to photosynthesize and grow, their peduncles producing annual rings that can be used to determine cone age (16,36).

A typical mature giant sequoia produces an average of 1,500 new cones each year, although variability among trees and from year to year is great. Cones produced during years with ample soil moisture are more numerous (more than 20,000 cones on one large tree in an exceptional year) and yield seeds of greater viability than those produced in dry years. The upper third of the crown generally bears at least two-thirds of the cone crop. Because of extended cone retention, a mature tree may have 10,000 to 30,000 cones at any given time, two-thirds of which may be green and closed, and the remainder opened, brown, and largely seedless (16,17).

Estimates of percent germination of seeds removed from green cones range from about 20 to 40 percent (11,17,38). A number of variables, however, account for departures from these average values. Trees growing on rocky sites yield seeds with substantially higher germinability than those on bottom lands with deeper soils. Larger seeds germinate in higher percentages than small ones. In tests of cone age, germination increased from 20 percent for seeds from 2-year-old cones to 52 percent for 5-year-old cones, then dropped to 27 percent for cones 8 years of age. Germinability also varies with cone location in the crown, seed position within the cones, and among groves (16). Artificial stratification of seeds for 60 days or more resulted in faster germination, but not in higher germination percent (11).

Browning or drying of cones, with subsequent shrinkage of scales and dispersal of seeds, is brought about largely by three agents, two of which are animals. The more effective of the two is Phymatodes nitidus, a long-horned wood-boring beetle. The larvae of the beetle mine the fleshy cone scales and cone shafts, damaging occasional seeds only incidentally. As vascular connections are severed, scales successively dry and shrink, allowing the seeds to fall. Cones damaged during the summer open several scales at a time, beginning during late summer and fall, and continuing for 6 months to 1 year (17).

The second animal having a significant role in giant sequoia regeneration is the chickaree, or Douglas squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasi). The fleshy green scales of younger sequoia cones are a major food source for the squirrel. The seeds, too small to have much food value, are dislodged as the scales are eaten. During years of high squirrel densities, the animals tend to cut large numbers of cones and store and eat them at caches. When squirrels are few, most of the cone consumption is in tree crowns-a habit more conducive to effective seed dispersal. The squirrels are active all year (17).

The chickaree prefers cones 2 to 5 years old, whereas Phymatodes is more prevalent in cones at least 4 years old. The combined activities of these animals help to ensure that seeds of all age classes are shed, and that rate of seedfall is roughly constant throughout the year and from year to year, despite variability in new cone production. An average rate is about 1 million seeds per hectare (400,000/acre) per year (17).

The third and perhaps most important agent of seed release is fire. Hot air produced by locally intense fire and convected high into the canopy can dry cones, resulting in release of enormous quantities of seed over small areas-for example, 20 million/ha (8 million/acre) (17). This increased seedfall coincides both spatially and temporally with fire-related seedbed conditions favorable for seed germination and seedling survival (fig. 2).

Giant sequoia seeds are well adapted for wind dispersal. They are light (average 200,000/kg [91,000/lb]), winged, and fall in still air at a rate of 1.2 to 1.8 m (4 to 6 ft) per second. Winds common in late summer and winter storms in the Sierra Nevada can disperse seeds more than 0.4 km (0.25 mi) from the tall crowns of mature trees (16,36).

Cone and seed insects other than Phymatodes have only a minor impact on seed production (17).

Birds and mammals exert a negligible effect on giant sequoia seeds on the ground. Sequoia seeds consistently rank at or near the bottom in food preference tests that include seeds of associated species, primarily because they are small and contain little energy (17,38).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Seedling Development ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Natural reproduction in giant sequoia is an unusually tenuous process. Of the enormous numbers of seeds shed each year, extremely few encounter the combination of conditions necessary to become successfully established seedlings.

In contrast with most coniferous seeds, a large majority of seeds of giant sequoia die from desiccation and solar radiation soon after reaching the forest floor, especially during the summer. In one study, viability of seeds removed from fresh cones and placed on the ground dropped from 45 percent to 0 in 20 days. Seeds collected from the forest floor showed an average viability of 1 percent (17).

Seed dormancy is not evident in giant sequoia, so surviving seeds germinate as soon as conditions are favorable (17). Germination is epigeal. The most significant requirement for germination is an adequate supply of moisture and protection of the seed from desiccation. This is best provided by moist, friable mineral soil that covers the seed to a depth of 1 cm (0.4 in), and that is partially shaded to reduce surface drying. A wide range of temperatures is acceptable for germination. The generally sandy soils of the groves normally provide the additional requirement of adequate aeration and the optimum pH range of 6 to 7 (38). Because of rapid percolation, however, adequate moisture retention for germination and initial root development is often marginal.

Seeds dropped just before the first snow or just as the snow melts may have the best chance of germinating and becoming successfully established. Seedlings that produce roots early in the season during favorable soil moisture conditions are more likely to survive the dry summer. The first stage of germination-extension of the radicle-sometimes takes place beneath the snow (16).

Thick litter usually dries too quickly for seeds to germinate, and virtually all seedlings that do get started die before their roots can penetrate to mineral soil (17,36). Only in exceptionally wet years do significant numbers of seedlings become established on undisturbed forest floor. The role of damping-off fungi in the mortality of natural giant sequoia seedlings is not well known, but they are almost certainly a greater problem on thick litter than on mineral soil (2,25). After seedlings are established on more favorable seedbeds, a light covering of litter can moderate soil surface temperatures and retard drying (37).

Seedlings rarely become established in dense grass cover, probably because moisture is depleted in the surface soil early in the season (36).

Soil disturbance and increased availability of light and moisture resulting from past logging in some of the groves have led to establishment of several fine young-growth stands dominated by giant sequoia. Mechanical seedbed preparation is currently a legitimate regeneration option in some groves, although such treatment is inconsistent with management direction in most of the natural range of the species.

Of the various types of natural disturbances that may remove litter and bare mineral soil, fire is undoubtedly the most significant. Locally intense or highly consumptive fires are more effective than light surface fires or physical disturbance in promoting germination and subsequent seedling survival and early growth (17). The resulting short-lived friable soil condition facilitates seed penetration beneath the surface and root penetration following germination. Increased wettability in the surface soil layers resulting from high temperatures appears to improve water penetration and retention in the zones important for seeds and young seedlings. Fire also may kill some understory trees, thereby providing more light to speed the development (especially root penetration) of the shade-intolerant giant sequoia seedlings. Additional benefits include providing a surge of available nutrients, reducing populations of fungi potentially pathogenic to seedlings, and killing seeds and rootstocks of competing vegetation (17).

On the other hand, the dark surface and possibly increased insolation resulting from fire may cause more desiccation and heat killing of giant sequoia seeds and seedlings at the surface. Also, populations of endomycorrhizal fungi may be severely reduced temporarily (17). And low-consumption fires, rather than reducing competing vegetation, may instead greatly stimulate germination and sprouting of shrubs. Partially burned litter, in terms of its suitability for successful seedling establishment, ranks between undisturbed forest floor and areas subjected to hot fires (38).

First-year giant sequoia seedlings established on treated-bulldozed or burned or both-areas were 30 to 150 times more numerous than those on undisturbed forest floor (17). Mortality of first-year seedlings during the 3 summer months on one treated area averaged 39 percent, with an additional 25 percent dying during the next 9 months. Desiccation was the primary cause of mortality in the summer. During a year of increased seasonal precipitation, mortality attributable to desiccation decreased, whereas that caused by insects increased to 25 percent of total mortality. Heat canker, damage by birds and mammals, and fungal attacks were of minor importance.

In the same study, direct mortality of first-year seedlings from insect predation ranged from 3 to 18 percent of all seedlings present. Some of the significant additional insect damage probably caused delayed mortality. Largest seedling losses were in areas recently disturbed, especially by fire, probably because alternative food sources were reduced temporarily. Insects responsible for the damage were early instars of Pristocauthophilus pacificus, a camel cricket, and larvae of the geometrids Sabulodes caberata and Pero behrensaria.

Survival of sequoia seedlings for a 7- to 9-year period was 27 percent on areas subjected to a hot burn as opposed to 3.5 percent on other treated substrates. No seedlings survived in undisturbed areas. In another instance, only 1.4 percent of seedlings established following light surface burning were alive after two summers. Mortality slows substantially after the first 2 or 3 years. At the end of 3 years, surviving seedlings usually have root systems that penetrate the soil to depths that supply adequate moisture through the summer, or to about 36 cm (14 in).

Height growth of giant sequoia seedlings in the groves is relatively slow during the first few years, presumably because of competition for light and moisture from the larger trees. Seedlings 7 to 10 years old had grown at an average rate of about 4 cm (1.6 in) per year. Periodic annual height increment from 10 to 20 years was only 5 em (2 in). Seedlings grew significantly faster on areas subjected to hot burns than they did elsewhere (17).

In contrast, giant sequoia seedlings in the open grow rapidly and, given an even start, can outgrow any associated tree species. Height growth up to 60 cm (24 in) per year is not uncommon (9).

Up to 2 or 3 years of age, seedlings growing in dense shade (less than 25 percent of full sunlight) survive about as well as others, but grow poorly and develop abnormally (37). At higher light levels, one study found moderate reduction in height growth compared with seedlings in full sunlight (37), whereas another study found no significant effect of reduced light on height growth (17). The adverse effects of shade on older giant sequoias are more conspicuous with respect to both mortality and growth reduction.

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Silvics of North America

Soils and Topography ( الإنجليزية )

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Soils are derived from a variety of rock types. Most groves are on granitic-based residual and alluvial soils, and three are on glacial outwash from granite. Schistose, dioritic, and andesitic rocks also are common parent materials (16,36).

Typical soil series are Dome, Shaver, Holland, and Chaix. Characteristic soil families are coarse-loamy, mixed, mesic Dystric Xerochrepts; coarse-loamy, mixed, mesic Entic (and Typic) Xerumbrepts of the order Inceptisols; and fine-loamy, mixed, mesic Ultic Haploxeralfs of the order Alfisols. The natural range of the species lies mostly within the mesic temperature regime, extending only a short distance into the frigid regime, and wholly within the xeric moisture regime (22).

Giant sequoia grows best in deep, well-drained sandy loams. Its density also is much greater in the more mesic sites, such as drainage bottoms and meadow edges, than in other habitats within a grove. Total acreage of these productive sites is small, however. Relatively shallow and rocky soils support vigorous individuals, some large, wherever the trees can become established and where underground water is available to maintain them (16,32).

Soil pH ranges mostly from 5.5 to 7.5, with an average of about 6.5 (22). Long-term site occupancy by giant sequoia appears to develop a soil of high fertility, good base status, and low bulk density (40).

Adequate soil moisture throughout the dry growing season is critical for successful establishment of giant sequoia regeneration, although seedlings do not survive in wet soils (36). One study has shown more available soil moisture within a grove, possibly associated with subterranean flow from higher elevations, than in adjacent forested areas (34). Except for its moisture content, soil apparently plays only a minor role in influencing the distribution of the species, as evidenced by the considerable variability in parent material among groves and the fact that giant sequoia grows vigorously when planted in diverse soils around the world (16).

Elevations of the groves generally range from 1400 to 2000 m (4,590 to 6,560 ft) in the north, and 1700 to 2150 m (5,580 to 7,050 ft) in the south. The lowest natural occurrence of the species is 830 m (2,720 ft) and the highest is 2700 m (8,860 ft). The eight northern groves are all on slopes of a generally southern aspect. Between the Kings River and the southern boundary of Sequoia National Park, groves appear on north and south slopes with about equal frequency. Farther south, aspects are predominantly northerly (32).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Special Uses ( الإنجليزية )

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Within its natural range, giant sequoia is valued primarily for esthetic and scientific purposes. Outside this range, it is highly regarded as an ornamental in several parts of the United States and in numerous other countries (16). Some interest has been expressed for utilizing it in Christmas tree plantations.

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Vegetative Reproduction ( الإنجليزية )

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Giant sequoias up to about 20 years of age may produce stump sprouts subsequent to injury (19). Unlike redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), older trees normally do not sprout from stumps or roots. A recent report (30), however, noted sprouts on two small stumps from suppressed trees about 85 years old. Giant sequoias of all ages may sprout from the bole when old branches are lost by fire or breakage (17,36).

Cuttings from juvenile donors root quickly and in high percentages (up to 94 percent) (3,10,12). Limited success has been achieved in rooting cuttings from older (30- or 40-year-old) trees (3,10). Differences in vegetative regeneration capacities between juvenile and older donors may be reduced if cuttings are taken at the time of budbreak, instead of during the dormant period (24).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

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The natural range of giant sequoia is restricted to about 75 groves scattered over a 420-km (260-mi) belt, nowhere more than about 24 km (15 mi) wide, extending along the west slope of the Sierra Nevada in central California (16). The northern two-thirds of the range, from the American River in Placer County southward to the Kings River, takes in only eight widely disjunct groves. The remaining groves, including all the large ones, are concentrated between the Kings River and the Deer Creek Grove in southern Tulare County (33). Varying in size from less than 1 to 1619 ha (1 to 4,000 acres), the groves occupy a total area of 14 410 ha (35,607 acres) (17).

- The native range of giant sequoia.

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

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Taxodiaceae -- Redwood family

C. Phillip Weatherspoon

Since its discovery in the mid-nineteenth century, giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), also called sequoia, bigtree, and Sierra redwood, has been noted for its enormous size and age, and its rugged, awe-inspiring beauty. Because the species has broad public appeal and a restricted natural range, most groves of giant sequoia have been accorded protected status. Outside its natural range, both in the United States and in many other countries, giant sequoia is highly regarded as an ornamental and shows promise as a major timber-producing species.

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Physical Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من USDA PLANTS text
Tree, Very large tree more than 75 m tall, Evergreen, Monoecious, Habit erect, Trees without or rarely having knees, Tree with bark rough or scaly, Tree with bark very thick, up to 60 cm, Young shoots 3-dimensional, Buds not resinous, Leaves needle-like, Leaves scale-like, Leaves alternate, Needle-like leaf margins entire (use magnification), Leaf apex acute, Leaves < 5 cm long, Leaves < 10 cm long, Leaves not blue-green, Scale leaves without raised glands, Needle-like leaves not twisted, Needle-like leaf habit erect, Needle-like leaf habit drooping, Needle-like leaf sheath early deciduous, Needle-like leaf sheath persistent, Twigs glabrous, Twigs not viscid, Twigs without peg-like projections or large fascicles after needles fall, Berry-like cones orange, Woody seed cones < 5 cm long, Woody seed cones > 5 cm long, Bracts of seed cone included, Seeds tan, Seeds brown, Seeds winged, Seeds equally winged, Seed wings narrower than body.
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Stephen C. Meyers
المحول البرمجي
Aaron Liston
المحول البرمجي
Steffi Ickert-Bond
المحول البرمجي
Damon Little
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Nəhəng sekvoyadendron ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Gövdəsinin qabığının qalınlığı 50 mm- ə çatır, rəngi qırmızımtıl bozdur.Yarpaqları pulcuqlu iynevarıdır, uzunluğu 0,5-1,2 sm-ə çatır. Yarpaqları, əsasən, zoğ boyu yerləşir və aşağıya doğru əyiləndir. Onlar ayrı-ayrılıqda yuxarıdan əyilmiş, aşağıdan qabarıq, bozumtul-yaşıl rəngə çalır. İynəyarpaqları töküldükdən sonra zoğ və ya budaq üzərində rombşəkilli başlıqlar qalır. Çiçəklərində tozcuqlar 2-5ədəd tozcuq kisələrində yerləşir. Toxumları ellips formalıdır, kənarları batıq qanadlarla əhatə olunmuşdur, uzunluğu 5mm-ə çatır. Toxum pulcuqlarında 3-12 ədədə kimi yumurtacıq olur. Qozaları yumurtavarı olub, 5-8 sm uzunluqdadır, onların pulcuqları ucdan qalxanvarı enliləşmişdir, ensiz rombşəkillidir, qırışıqlıdır. Olduqca zəif boy atır. Quraqlığa, quru və qeyri münbit torpaqlara, dərin qatlı, hətta əhəngli torpaqlara davamlıdır. Ağır gilli və çox rütubətli torpaqlara davamsızdır. Şaxtaya davamlıdır. Azərbaycan da Abşeron yarımadasında, Lənkəran da bağ və parklarda bəzi nüsxələrinə rast gəlinir. Nəhəng Sekvoyya dendronun bir çox dekorativ formaları piramidal, sallaq, mavi, qızlı, gümüşü, iynəyarpaqlı və s. Vardır. Respublikamızda şəhər və kəndlərdə, qəsəbələrdə, digər yaşayış məntəqələrində xiyabanların salınmasında, park və bağlarda tək-tək və qurup halında, kompazisiyalarda istifadə edilə bilər.

Məlumat mənbələri:

Деревья и кустарники СССР. т.3.1954; Флора Азербайджана. т.5. 1954; Azərbaycanın ağac və kolları. III cild. 1970; Azərbaycanın “Qırmızı” və “Yaşıl Кitabları”na tövsiyə olunan bitki və bitki formasiyaları. 1996; Azərbaycan florasının konspekti. I-III cildlər. 2005; 2006; 2008.


  1. “Azərbaycan dendraflorasi” I cild, Baki, “Elm”, 2011, 312 səh.


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Nəhəng sekvoyadendron: Brief Summary ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Gövdəsinin qabığının qalınlığı 50 mm- ə çatır, rəngi qırmızımtıl bozdur.Yarpaqları pulcuqlu iynevarıdır, uzunluğu 0,5-1,2 sm-ə çatır. Yarpaqları, əsasən, zoğ boyu yerləşir və aşağıya doğru əyiləndir. Onlar ayrı-ayrılıqda yuxarıdan əyilmiş, aşağıdan qabarıq, bozumtul-yaşıl rəngə çalır. İynəyarpaqları töküldükdən sonra zoğ və ya budaq üzərində rombşəkilli başlıqlar qalır. Çiçəklərində tozcuqlar 2-5ədəd tozcuq kisələrində yerləşir. Toxumları ellips formalıdır, kənarları batıq qanadlarla əhatə olunmuşdur, uzunluğu 5mm-ə çatır. Toxum pulcuqlarında 3-12 ədədə kimi yumurtacıq olur. Qozaları yumurtavarı olub, 5-8 sm uzunluqdadır, onların pulcuqları ucdan qalxanvarı enliləşmişdir, ensiz rombşəkillidir, qırışıqlıdır. Olduqca zəif boy atır. Quraqlığa, quru və qeyri münbit torpaqlara, dərin qatlı, hətta əhəngli torpaqlara davamlıdır. Ağır gilli və çox rütubətli torpaqlara davamsızdır. Şaxtaya davamlıdır. Azərbaycan da Abşeron yarımadasında, Lənkəran da bağ və parklarda bəzi nüsxələrinə rast gəlinir. Nəhəng Sekvoyya dendronun bir çox dekorativ formaları piramidal, sallaq, mavi, qızlı, gümüşü, iynəyarpaqlı və s. Vardır. Respublikamızda şəhər və kəndlərdə, qəsəbələrdə, digər yaşayış məntəqələrində xiyabanların salınmasında, park və bağlarda tək-tək və qurup halında, kompazisiyalarda istifadə edilə bilər.

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Sequoia gegant ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Les sequoies gegants són els éssers vius més grossos del planeta. Poden tenir més de 80 metres d'alçària i poden viure milers d'anys. La sequoia més voluminosa que es coneix s'anomena General Sherman i es troba al Parc Nacional de les Sequoies de Califòrnia. Aquest arbre és viu des de fa més de 2.150 anys i té una alçada de gairebé 84 metres; el seu tronc és tan gruixut que disset persones estirant els braços amb prou feines el podrien envoltar.

El seu nom científic és Sequoiadendron giganteum, i aquesta espècie és l'únic membre del gènere Sequoiadendron de la família de les cupressàcies, que comprèn, entre els més comuns als Països Catalans, el ginebró, el càdec, la savina i el xiprer.

Normalment arriben a viure entre 2.500 i 3.500 anys.[1]


Els sequoiadendron són els més grossos dels organismes vius en termes de volum total. Arriben a fer 85 metres d'alt i amb diàmetres de tronc de 8 metres. El rècord n'és 94,8 m d'alt i 17 m de diàmetre.[2]

Fulles de Sequoiadendron

L'escorça és fibrosa i acanalada i pot fer 90 cm de gruix a la base del tronc. Proporciona força protecció contra els incendis. Les fulles són persistents, de 3 a 6 mm de llarg i disposades en espiral en els brots. Les llavors estan en pinyes, les quals fan de 4 a 7 cm de llarg i maduren en 18-20 mesos, però típicament romanen verdes i tancades durant uns 20 anys. Hi ha unes 230 llavors en cada pinya. La llavor és de color marró fosc, de 4–5 mm de llarg i 1 mm d'ample.

Pinyes de Sequoiadendron
Pinya de Sequoiadendron a l'inici del seu desenvolupament

La sequoia gegant es regenera per llavors. Els arbres comencen a fer pinyes a partir dels 12 anys.

Un gran arbre pot portar unes 11.000 pinyes i dispersa de 300.000 a 400.000 llavors cada any. Com que les llavors són alades, poden allunyar-se uns 180 metres de l'arbre progenitor.

Vegeu també


  1. «Sequoia gigantea is of an ancient and distinguished family» (en anglès). Nps.gov, 02-02-2007. [Consulta: 27 novembre 2013].
  2. Flint 2002

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Sequoia gegant: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Les sequoies gegants són els éssers vius més grossos del planeta. Poden tenir més de 80 metres d'alçària i poden viure milers d'anys. La sequoia més voluminosa que es coneix s'anomena General Sherman i es troba al Parc Nacional de les Sequoies de Califòrnia. Aquest arbre és viu des de fa més de 2.150 anys i té una alçada de gairebé 84 metres; el seu tronc és tan gruixut que disset persones estirant els braços amb prou feines el podrien envoltar.

El seu nom científic és Sequoiadendron giganteum, i aquesta espècie és l'únic membre del gènere Sequoiadendron de la família de les cupressàcies, que comprèn, entre els més comuns als Països Catalans, el ginebró, el càdec, la savina i el xiprer.

Normalment arriben a viure entre 2.500 i 3.500 anys.

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Welingtonia ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Coeden binwydd, fytholwyrdd yw Welingtonia sy'n enw benywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Cupressaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Sequoiadendron giganteum a'r enw Saesneg yw Wellingtonia.[1] Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Cochwydden Sierra.

Mae'r dail ifanc ar ffurf nodwyddau a cheir moch coed sef yr hadau ar y goeden hon.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gerddi Kew; adalwyd 21 Ionawr 2015
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Welingtonia: Brief Summary ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Coeden binwydd, fytholwyrdd yw Welingtonia sy'n enw benywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Cupressaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Sequoiadendron giganteum a'r enw Saesneg yw Wellingtonia. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Cochwydden Sierra.

Mae'r dail ifanc ar ffurf nodwyddau a cheir moch coed sef yr hadau ar y goeden hon.

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Sekvojovec obrovský ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Sekvojovec obrovský (Sequoiadendron giganteum), zvaný též mamutí strom, je nejmohutnější strom na Zemi. Jedná se o jediný druh rodu sekvojovec (Sequoiadendron).


Sekvojovec obrovský patří do kdysi bohatě zastoupené skupiny jehličnanů, které prodělaly svůj rozkvět ve druhohorách, v období křídy.

Tento strom jako botanický druh byl evropské civilizaci neznámý až do roku 1841, kdy cestovatel John Bidwell náhodou narazil na porost Calaveras. Jeho zprávám nechtěl zprvu nikdo věřit, ale již roku 1853 se jeho semena vyvážela do Evropy a východních států USA. Vzácnost sekvojovce byla brzy rozpoznána, a tak byl tento druh chráněn před těžbou a v místech jeho výskytu byly vyhlášeny přírodní parky.

Sekvojovec obrovský (generál Grant)

V Británii se pro něj používalo jméno Wellingtonia podle vévody Wellingtona, který zemřel krátce předtím, než první semena sekvojovce přišla do Evropy.


Sekvojovec obrovský je velkolepý strom impozantních rozměrů. Po celý rok zelený, až 80 m vysoký jehličnan s kuželovitou korunou a poměrně hustým zavětvením. Kmen je u báze ztlustlý, potom se však postupně zužuje. Větve starších stromů se nacházejí výše nad zemí. V mládí vyrůstají z kmene přeslenitě, ve stáří pak nepravidelně.

Borka je nápadně měkká a tlustá (až 50 cm), u starých stromů je hluboce zbrázděná a popraskaná. Vyskytuje se v různých barevných odstínech mezi ryšavou a špinavě tmavohnědou.

Jehlice jsou uspořádány spirálovitě nebo ve 3 podélných řadách. Jejich délka je až 8 mm. Jsou dlouhé, kopinaté nebo šupinovité, dlouze zašpičatělé, svrchu ploché, vespod podélně brázdité. Jejich barva je tmavozelená nebo modravě zelená.

Šišky mají charakteristickou stavbu. Dorůstají velikosti až 8 cm, jsou vejčitě kulovité a mají zdřevnatělé plodní šupiny. Za každou šupinou se vytváří 5 semen se 2 tenkými křídly.


Sekvojovec obrovský se dnes v přírodě vyskytuje pouze ve výškách mezi 1500 až 2500 m nad mořem, a to na západních svazích Sierry Nevady v Kalifornii, v Evropě však byl již dříve hojně vysazován jako okrasná dřevina v parcích.

Sekvojovec obrovský (generál Shermen)

Pěstování v Česku

Sekvojovec obrovský, Chabaně


Koruna sekvojovce obrovského
Šišky sekvojovce

Sekvojovce obrovské dosahují biblického věku, i když nepatří k nejstarším stromům (nejstarší strom je borovice osinatá, která se dožívá až 4700 let). Přesto věk 2000–3000 let znamená věk vskutku pozoruhodný. Zástupci tohoto druhu dosahují výšky kolem 100 m. Staré stromy mají zpravidla dutý a vyhnilý střed kmene, takže domorodí indiáni v něm nalézali úkryt před zvěří i nepohodou.

Nejstarší stromy nemusí být zároveň největší. Téměř všechny zralé sekvojovce vypadají, jako by jim odumřel vrchol. O příčinách tohoto jevu panují dohady, ale předpokládá se, že to buď souvisí s obřími rozměry stromu jako následek poškození bleskem nebo kvůli ztížené možnosti stromu čerpat dostatek vody s živinami do velké výšky. Kdyby sekvojovce nebyly zbaveny špičky, byly by asi zároveň nejvyššími i nejobjemnějšími stromy na světě.[zdroj?] Tento titul však patří jejich štíhlejším příbuzným, sekvojím vždyzeleným.

Sekvojovci obrovskému patří prvenství jako nejmohutnějšímu živému organismu na naší planetě. Uvedený primát náleží exempláři s názvem Generál Sherman, který se nachází v Národním parku Sequoia v Kalifornii (USA), je vysoký 83,8 m a obvod jeho kmene měří 31,3 m. Tento gigant, obsahující dnes podle odhadu přes 1500 m³ dřeva, vyklíčil před několika tisíci lety ze semene velkého jako špendlíková hlavička a dnes váží kolem 2145 tun. Jeho nejvážnějším konkurentem je opět sekvojovec pojmenovaný General Grant, který roste v národním parku Kings Canyon rovněž v Kalifornii.


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]


  • Banyard, P. J.: Přírodní divy světa, Albatros, Praha 1982
  • Kremer, B. P.: Průvodce přírodou – Stromy, Knižní klub a Ikar, Praha 1995
  • Větvička, V., Matoušová, V.: Stromy a keře, Aventinum, Praha 2000

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Sekvojovec obrovský: Brief Summary ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Sekvojovec obrovský (Sequoiadendron giganteum), zvaný též mamutí strom, je nejmohutnější strom na Zemi. Jedná se o jediný druh rodu sekvojovec (Sequoiadendron).

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Mammuttræ ( الدانماركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DA
Sequoiadendron giganteum

Mammuttræet (Sequoiadendron giganteum, også kaldet kæmpetræ og kæmpefyr) er et stort stedsegrønt nåletræ med skælagtige nåle og en blød trævlet bark. Det hører til blandt verdens største træer med en gennemsnitlig højde på 50-85 meter. Det ældste træ var 3.500 år gammelt. Barken kan være op til 90 cm tyk nederst på stammen. Slægtsnavnet Sequoiadendron stammer fra navnet for cherokee-høvdingen Se-Quo-Yah (Sequoyah) og græsk dendron = træ [1].


Koglerne er runde og aflange, 45-55 mm lange med en 3 cm lang skællet stilk. Tidligere hørte arten til taks-familien, men den plantefamilie er nu lagt sammen med Cypresfamilien.

Mammuttræet forveksles ofte med Rødtræ (Sequoia sempervirens), (Redwood, Rødved), som også er et stort træ, der vokser i Californien, men som er nøje knyttet til tågeskovene langs kysten.


Mammuttræet vokser i dag kun vildt på vestsiden af Sierra Nevada-bjergene i det centrale Californien. For fire millioner år siden (det var før istiderne) var træet udbredt over hele den nordlige halvkugle. De fleste Mammuttræer findes i små eller større, grove bevoksninger nær Yosemite National Park. Der findes også nogle få bevoksninger lidt længere mod nordvest.


Mammuttræet synes at være langsomt på retræte, og mange bevoksninger har alt for få unge træer til at erstatte dem, som dør af ælde. Tilbagegangen skyldes, at træet ikke er skyggetålende nok til, at det kan vokse op i skyggen af de andre træer. Tilbagegangen kan være periodisk og vil måske afløses af en pludselig fremgang.

En anden forklaring på mammuttræets tilbagegang kan være, at den effektive bekæmpelse af alle skovbrande forhindrer, at skoven en gang imellem brænder af, så der kommer lys på skovbunden til gavn for de nye små mammuttræer. Mammuttræet har på grund af sin halve meter tykke bark større overlevelseschancer ved skovbrande end de andre træer, og selv om træet dør, så har det en reserve af små lette frø i koglerne.

En helt tredje forklaring er, at grænsen imellem skov og prærie var meget mere flydende i fortiden på grund af de mange store planteædere. I dag ligger grænsen imellem skov og prærie ved ca. 500 mm regn pr. år, men i fortiden var grænsen imellem skov og prærie mere diffus, da elefanter er stærke nok til at vælte mindre træer selv om træet er nået over dyrenes bidehøjde. Det er kun 13.000 år siden, at det moderne menneske kom til Amerika og begyndte udryddelsen af langhornede bisoner, mammutter, elefanter og mastodonter.


Mammuttræer stiller meget små krav til jordbunden. Men kan bedst lide fuld sol. I en lysåben, hårdt græsset skov har mammuttræet den fordel frem for de andre træer, at det lever længere. Såningen er dog vanskelig, fordi frøkvaliteten er meget ringe på grund af indavl, så de fleste frøplanter dør af svamp. Mammuttræets ufrodige frø virker dog tillokkende på insekter og mindre gnavere, som efter endt indtagelse omkommer[kilde mangler]. Frøene diffunderer nu, som havde Ridley Scott instrueret dem, gennem dyrenes epitelvæv, pels eller skal og nærmest borer sig ned i underlaget[kilde mangler], typisk en skovbund. Stiklingeformering er også vanskelig, fordi det er svært at få gang i en kraftig rodudvikling.


Mammuttræets frø er næsten magen til frøene hos Rødtræ (Sequioa sempervirens), blot er mammuttræets frø lidt større og lysere. Mammuttræets frø er beskyttet af to spirehæmmede stoffer, et rødt stof og et brunlilla stof. Det røde stof kan fjernes ved først at skylle frøene i en sigte og dernæst at lægge dem i blød og skifte vandet, når det er blevet rødt, dvs. med ca. en halv times mellemrum. Det brun-lilla stof er lidt sværere at opløse og kræver, at vandet skiftes en gang om dagen i en uges tid, indtil vandet ikke længere får en lilla tone. Derefter er frøene klar til at så. Man kan godt så dem uden udblødning, men det giver dårligt resultat, da frøene så vil spire ujævnt.

Det er bedst at så tyndt i bakker, fordi de spiredygtige frø har det med at klumpe. Frøene dækkes med 2-3 cm fint grus, så frøene er beskyttet mod udtørring. Gruset dækkes af et tyndt lag letklinker eller småsten, for at gruset ikke skal skorpe. Det kan være nødvendigt at gå bakkerne efter hver dag for at vende kimrødderne ned i jorden med en lille pind, hvis man ikke har sået frøene dybt nok.

Advarsel: dæk aldrig over med plastik! Plastikfolie drukner planterne. Ikke blot ligger frøene så dybt, at de ikke tørrer ud, men kimplanterne tåler ikke høj luftfugtighed, for så rådner de. Kimplanterne er nødt til at kunne fordampe vand fra nålene, for at saften kan bevæge sig rundt i planten.

Når kimplanterne har fået deres anden krans af nåle, er de forveddet og kan pottes. Der er ingen rodhår på rødderne, så man behøver ikke beskytte dem imod udtøring. Mange små mammuttræer har kun een eneste lang, tynd, brun, trådagtig rod med tyk hvid rodspids, som når ned i dybden. Hvis roden knækker, vil planten normalt dø, så derfor er det bedst at dyrke træerne i potter og plante dem ud, inden de bliver 25 cm høje. Det er uoverkommeligt at grave et 2,5 m dybt hul, hvis den 25 cm høje plante har så lang en rod. I stedet graver man så dybt, at man ikke får urterødder med op, dog mindst 60 cm dybt, den overskydende rod fjerner man ved at klippe den af med en ren saks. Bare roden er rettet ud i dybden, så gør det ikke noget, at græsset er meget højre end planten.

Syge planter må kasseres med hård hånd, da de syge planter aldrig bliver rigtigt raske. Normalt overlever kun 1 % de første år. Jorden omkring små planter bør holdes frostfri ved dækning med flis, halm eller kvas.

Dyrkning i Danmark

Det er muligt at dyrke mammuttræ i Danmark. For eksempel findes eksemplarer i Knuthenborg Safaripark[2][3], ved Rosenhaven i Valbyparken i København, et ved Augustenborg Slot samt et lige syd for Valdemars SlotTåsinge. Det har desuden været solgt på planteskoler som alm. havetræ i mange år, og står derfor i mange haver over hele landet.

Se også


  1. ^ Jenssen, J. Ordbog for Gartnere og Botanikere side 74. 1944, G.E.C. Gads Forlag, København.
  2. ^ https://www.knuthenborg.dk/safaripark/dyrene/dinosaurskoven
  3. ^ https://www.barney.dk/produkt/mammut-trae-sequoiadendron-giganteum


  • Flint, W.D. (2002). To Find The Biggest Tree. Sequoia Natural History Association, Inc. ISBN 1-878441-09-4.
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Mammuttræ: Brief Summary ( الدانماركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DA
 src= Sequoiadendron giganteum

Mammuttræet (Sequoiadendron giganteum, også kaldet kæmpetræ og kæmpefyr) er et stort stedsegrønt nåletræ med skælagtige nåle og en blød trævlet bark. Det hører til blandt verdens største træer med en gennemsnitlig højde på 50-85 meter. Det ældste træ var 3.500 år gammelt. Barken kan være op til 90 cm tyk nederst på stammen. Slægtsnavnet Sequoiadendron stammer fra navnet for cherokee-høvdingen Se-Quo-Yah (Sequoyah) og græsk dendron = træ .

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Riesenmammutbaum ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Der Riesenmammutbaum (Sequoiadendron giganteum), gelegentlich auch Berg-Mammutbaum oder Wellingtonie genannt, ist die einzige Art in der monotypischen Pflanzengattung Sequoiadendron in der Unterfamilie der Mammutbäume (Sequoioideae) innerhalb der Familie der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae). Sie ist an den Westhängen der Sierra Nevada in Kalifornien beheimatet.

Im Englischen wird als redwood (deutsch „Rotholz“) nicht allein der Riesenmammutbaum – giant redwood –, sondern auch der Küstenmammutbaum (Sequoia sempervirens) – coast redwood – und der Urweltmammutbaum (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) – dawn redwood – bezeichnet.


Habitus und Wuchs

Der Grizzly Giant im Yosemite National Park ist etwa 64 Meter hoch und rund 3000 Jahre alt.[1]

Der Riesenmammutbaum ist ein immergrüner Baum, der Wuchshöhen von bis zu 95 Meter und einen Stammumfang von über 34 Meter an der sehr weit ausladenden Basis erreichen kann. Bei den größten Exemplaren kann der Stammdurchmesser knapp über dem Boden gemessen über 10 Meter, in 1,30 m Höhe gemessen als Brusthöhendurchmesser über 8 Meter betragen. Der Baum bildet eine hohe, schmal kegelförmige Krone aus, wobei die Stämme in hohem Alter auf bis zu 50 Meter Länge astfrei sein können. Die Kronen der berühmten größten, bis über drei Jahrtausende alten Exemplare zeigen oft Spuren erlittener Sturm- und Blitzschäden.

Junger Baum in einem Garten

Der Wuchs junger Bäume geht nur mäßig rasch in die Höhe, dafür nehmen der Stammumfang und der Durchmesser des Wurzelstocks außergewöhnlich schnell zu. In forstlichen Versuchsanbauten wurden jährliche Zuwächse von über 30 Festmeter je Hektar verzeichnet. Der Riesenmammutbaum wird mit bis zu 95 m nicht so hoch wie der Küstenmammutbaum, der bis zu 115 m hochwachsen kann. Dafür erreicht der Riesenmammutbaum größere Stammdurchmesser und wird dadurch deutlich massereicher. Der General Sherman Tree ist mit einem Stammvolumen von 1486,9 Kubikmetern (52.508 Kubikfuß),[2] nach früheren Angaben 1489 Kubikmeter,[3] der größte lebende Baum der Erde.


Die Belaubung besteht aus schmalen, spitzen Schuppenblättern bzw. kurzen Nadeln, die spiralig angeordnet sind und in drei Reihen um den Trieb laufen. Die spiralige Anordnung der Nadeln ist ein Unterscheidungsmerkmal von Sequoia sempervirens, bei der die deutlich längeren Nadeln in einer Ebene zu beiden Seiten des Triebes angeordnet sind. Die Nadeln des Sequoiadendron giganteum sind an jungen Trieben blaugrün, an älteren dunkelgrün. An Seitentrieben werden sie 3 bis 6 mm lang, an Leittrieben bis 15 mm, und bis 3 mm breit, ihre Basis läuft am Zweig herab. Sie werden nach etwa drei bis vier Jahren zusammen mit dem Zweig abgeworfen.

Blüten, Zapfen und Samen

Der Riesenmammutbaum ist einhäusig, er wird ab einem Alter von 10 (bis 15) Jahren mannbar. Die männlichen Blüten befinden sich am Ende kurzer Triebe. Die weiblichen Zapfen stehen meist einzeln, manchmal in Gruppen. Zur Blütezeit stehen sie aufrecht. Die Bestäubungstropfen, die an den Samenanlagen gebildet werden, liegen tief im Inneren des Zapfens und fangen den durch den Wind verdrifteten Pollen, wodurch sie bestäubt werden. Die Samenanlagen stehen auf den Zapfenschuppen meist in zwei Reihen.[4] Die Samen reifen im Jahr nach der Bestäubung. Die Zapfen setzen ihr Wachstum dennoch fort, bleiben dabei längere Zeit grün und können über zwanzig Jahre ungeöffnet bleiben. Sie bestehen aus etwa 25 spiralig angeordneten Zapfenschuppen, sind stumpf eiförmig, bis 8 cm lang und enthalten durchschnittlich rund 200 Samen. Reife Zapfen hängen herab. Die Samen sind flach, etwa 3 bis 6 mm lang und haben zwei Flügel. Die Zapfen verbleiben lange am Baum und entlassen die Samen meist erst bei Austrocknung oder nach starker Hitzeeinwirkung, wie sie bei einem Waldbrand entsteht. Dabei können auch die noch grünen, im Wachstum befindlichen Zapfen ihre Samenfracht abgeben. Nach Waldbränden herrschen besonders gute Keim- und Wachstumsbedingungen: der für die Keimung wichtige Mineralboden ist freigelegt und die Lichtbedingungen sind sehr günstig, weil das Unterholz verbrannt ist.


Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 22.[5]

Holz und Borke

Ältere Exemplare schützt ihre dicke Borke bei einem Waldbrand

Der Riesenmammutbaum (Sequoiadendron giganteum) hat ein rotbraunes Kernholz, von dem sich das hellgelbe Splintholz deutlich absetzt. Das Holz ist weitgehend harzfrei und im Kern sehr dauerhaft. Es besitzt eine Darrdichte von etwa 0,37 g/cm³[6] und ist insbesondere im Bereich von Ästen recht spröde, bricht daher leicht.

Die faserig-schwammige Borke ist bei älteren Bäumen ungewöhnlich dick (etwa 30 bis 75 cm), recht weich sowie tanninhaltig und harzfrei. Sie ist orangebraun bis dunkel rotbraun und tief längsrissig. Eine spezielle Funktion der Borke ist der Schutz bei Waldbränden, wie sie im über tausendjährigen Leben mancher Exemplare des Öfteren vorkommen; der Baum ist ein Pyrophyt.

Ausschnitt der Borke


Im natürlichen Verbreitungsgebiet bilden Riesenmammutbäume ein wenig tief reichendes, flach- und weitstreichendes Wurzelwerk aus. Die Wurzeln älterer Bäume dringen zumeist nicht mehr als einen Meter in die Tiefe, breiten sich aber bis zu 30 Meter seitwärts aus und können Flächen von bis zu 0,3 Hektar durchwachsen. In Mitteleuropa wurden an jüngeren Bäumen auch bis zu 1,80 Meter tiefe Pfahlwurzeln festgestellt.


Im natürlichen Areal herrschen humide Klimaverhältnisse mit trockenen Sommern und schneereichen Wintern. Die jährlichen Niederschläge reichen von 450 bis 1520 Millimeter. Für das Gedeihen des Riesenmammutbaumes ist es wichtig, dass in den trockenen Sommermonaten ausreichend Wasser zur Verfügung steht. Das ist mit den zahlreichen und nie versiegenden Quellen und Bächen in den Groves ausreichend gewährleistet. Riesenmammutbäume benötigen aber gut durchlüftete Böden, so dass staunasse Standorte gemieden werden. Bei Wintertemperaturen unter −20 °C und geringer Schneedecke können bei jüngeren Exemplaren Frostschäden auftreten, ältere Bäume ertragen aber auch Temperaturen von bis zu −30 °C.


Fossilienfunde weisen darauf hin, dass erste Vertreter dieser Art bereits vor 15 Millionen Jahren im Westen der USA heimisch waren. Vorfahren lassen sich bis in die Kreidezeit vor 125 Millionen Jahre zurückverfolgen und waren über weite Teile der Nordhalbkugel verbreitet.

Die ursprünglich weitläufigeren Bestände im Westen der USA sind zum größeren Teil abgeholzt. Unter den gefällten Bäumen gab es Exemplare, die viel größer waren als die lebenden. Der sogenannte „Vater des Waldes“ soll sogar 135 Meter hoch gewesen sein und einen Stammdurchmesser von 12 m gehabt haben. Demnach wäre er deutlich höher als der derzeit höchste Baum, der Küstenmammutbaum Hyperion mit 115 m Höhe, gewesen.

Entdeckt wurde diese Art im Jahre 1852 von A.T. Dowd. 1853 schickten der Botaniker William Lobb und der Schotte J. Matthew größere Samenmengen nach Europa. Benannt wurde die Gattung Sequoiadendron (wie auch die anderen beiden Gattungen von Mammutbäumen) wahrscheinlich nach dem Cherokee-Indianer Sequoyah, der im frühen 19. Jahrhundert die Silbenschrift für die Sprache der Cherokee entwickelt hatte.[7]



Die Heimat des Riesenmammutbaumes liegt an den Westhängen der Sierra Nevada in Kalifornien in Höhenlagen zwischen 1350 und 2500 Meter. Dort wächst er in Hainen, sogenannten „Groves“, in voneinander isolierten Talschluchten. Insgesamt gibt es 72 dieser Haine, die zwischen 1 und 1600 Hektar groß sind. Das Gesamtareal des Vorkommens erstreckt sich über einen 420 km langen Streifen, der höchstens 24 km breit ist, und umfasst eine Gesamtbestandesfläche von rund 14.400 Hektar. Der Riesenmammutbaum ist im natürlichen Verbreitungsgebiet eine vom Aussterben bedrohte Art. Heute sind nur noch zwei Drittel der natürlichen Bestände erhalten. Sie stehen zum größten Teil unter Schutz, so in den Nationalparks Yosemite, Sequoia und Kings Canyon sowie in National Forests.[8]

Außerhalb seiner heutigen Heimat ist der Riesenmammutbaum inzwischen durch Pflanzung weltweit verbreitet. In West- und Mitteleuropa wird er seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts als weitgehend winterharter Parkbaum angebaut. Zu den ältesten in Deutschland stehenden Riesenmammutbäumen zählen die Einzelexemplare im Staatspark Fürstenlager und im Schlosspark Altenstein, jeweils als Element eines frühen englischen Landschaftsgartens. Im Arboretum der Insel Mainau ließ Großherzog Friedrich I. von Baden 1864 zahlreiche Exemplare pflanzen.[9] König Wilhelm I. von Württemberg (1816–1864) ließ kurz vor seinem Tod noch Samen nach Württemberg importieren. Es wurden in der sogenannten Wilhelma-Saat 5000–8000 Exemplare herangezogen, von denen noch 35 Exemplare im Mammut-Wäldchen im zoologischen Garten Wilhelma in Stuttgart stehen. Weitere Exemplare aus dieser Saat wurden im ganzen Südwesten Deutschlands verteilt gepflanzt. Davon waren 2014 noch mindestens 132 Exemplare erhalten.

The President Tree, dessen Stamm bodennah rund 28 m Umfang hat, und dahinter mit ähnlichem Umfang der Chief Sequoyah Tree stehen im Giant Forest des Sequoia-Nationalparks unweit vom General Sherman Tree

In Frankreich und Deutschland werden forstliche Versuchsanbauten des Riesenmammutbaums durchgeführt, da sein schnelles Dickenwachstum und die im Vergleich zu alten Exemplaren gute Holzqualität junger, geasteter Bäume den Riesenmammutbaum für die kommerzielle Holzgewinnung interessant machen. So wurde ab 1952 auf Versuchsflächen in der Sequoiafarm Kaldenkirchen geforscht, ob diese Baumart in die deutsche Forstwirtschaft eingeführt werden kann. Die Gattung Sequoiadendron war vor den Eiszeiten auch in Europa heimisch.


Mit einem Alter von etwa 3200 Jahren zählt der President genannte Baum zu den ältesten lebenden Riesenmammutbäumen in der Sierra Nevada Kaliforniens.[10] Um die Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert wurden im Converse Basin des heutigen Giant Sequoia National Monument zwei Exemplare abgeholzt, deren Alter auf 3220 und 3266 Jahre bestimmt werden konnte.[11][12] Dort steht auch der Muir Snag – ein nach John Muir benannter Stumpf – als Stammrest eines abgestorbenen Baums, dessen Alter auf Basis einer unvollständigen Jahresringzählung sogar auf über 3500 Jahre geschätzt wird.[13] Riesenmammutbäume werden selten lebend vom Sturm geworfen, sterben aber manchmal durch Pilzkrankheiten ab. Aufgrund ihrer Höhe werden ältere Bäume öfter von einem Blitzschlag getroffen. Auch durch Schneebruch verlieren sie Äste. Jüngere Exemplare, die noch keine schützende dicke Borke ausgebildet haben, sind durch Waldbrände stärker gefährdet.

Aus Bohrkernen lässt sich anhand der Jahresringe ein Kalender für die Dendrochronologie erstellen, der zur wissenschaftlichen Datierung hölzerner Artefakte genutzt werden kann.[14] Die Jahrringfolgen der Sequoia-Chronologie geben daneben Hinweise auf Veränderungen klimatischer Faktoren und dienen vor allem der Abschätzung extremer Trockenheitsereignisse in der Vergangenheit.[15] Anhand der Brandnarben lässt sich die Geschichte von Waldbränden in der Region rekonstruieren.[16]


Riesenmammutbäume galten ursprünglich als hervorragend an Waldbrände angepasste Baumart. Für ihre Vermehrung sind sie als sogenannte Pyrophyten sogar auf leichte Waldbrände angewiesen, da diese die Vegetation am Boden nieder halten und Mammutbaumsamen somit gute Keimbedingungen bieten. Beginnend ab 2015 kam es in Verbindung mit ausgeprägten Dürren in Kalifornien allerdings zu einigen sehr schweren und besonders heiß brennenden Bränden, bei denen sehr viele Riesenmammutbäume vernichtet wurden. Alleine in den beiden extremen Waldbrandsaisons 2020 und 2021, in denen ebenfalls eine außergewöhnliche Dürre herrschte, verbrannten von den ursprünglich ca. 75.000 Exemplaren annähernd Zehntausend Bäume, evtl. deutlich mehr. Geschätzt wird, dass 2020 zwischen 7.500 und 10.400 Riesenmammutbäume durch Feuer vernichtet wurden, während es 2021 noch einmal zwischen 2.261 und 3.637 waren. Damit könnte in zwei Jahren fast ein Fünftel aller Riesenmammutbäume verloren gegangen sein.[17]

Größte Vertreter

Der größte lebende Riesenmammutbaum, der General Sherman Tree, steht im Giant Forest im Sequoia-Nationalpark, ist 83,8 Meter (274,9 ft) hoch und besitzt nach neueren Messungen ein Stammvolumen von 1486,9 m³ (52.508 cft).[2] Der höchste Riesenmammutbaum ist ein unbenanntes Exemplar im Redwood Mountain Grove im Kings-Canyon-Nationalpark mit einer Höhe von 95 Meter.

Dem Stammvolumen nach sind die 10 größten Vertreter der Art Sequioadendron giganteum:[18]


Diese Art wurde 1853 unter dem Namen (Basionym) Wellingtonia gigantea durch John Lindley in The Gardeners' Chronicle & Agricultural Gazette, Band 10, S. 823 erstbeschrieben. John Theodore Buchholz stellte 1939 in American Journal of Botany für diese Art die Gattung Sequoiadendron auf.[20] Weitere Synonyme für Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz sind: Americus gigantea (Lindl.) Hanford 1854, Sequoia gigantea (Lindl.) Decne. 1854, Taxodium washingtonianum Winslow 1855, Washingtonia californica Winslow 1854, Sequoia wellingtonia Seem. 1855, Taxodium giganteum (Lindl.) Kellog & Behr 1855, Washingtonia americana Hort. A. ex Gord. 1862, Gigantabies wellingtonia (Seem.) J.Nelson 1866, Sequoia washingtoniana Sudw. 1897, Steinhauera gigantea (Lindl.) Kuntze ex Voss 1909.[21][22]


  • 'Aureum': Diese seltene Form ist 1856 in Cork entstanden. Sie wächst langsamer als der Typ und wird kaum 20 Meter hoch. Die Triebspitzen sind stumpf gelb.
  • 'Glauca': bläuliche Selektion, die etwas schwächer und weniger breit wächst.
  • 'Pendulum': Diese Form ist offenbar seit 1863 bekannt und wurde von Nantes (Frankreich) aus in Europa eingeführt. Sie wächst sehr schmal säulenförmig, wobei der Haupttrieb häufig ein Stück übergebogen ist und dann wieder aufsteigend weiterwächst. Sie wird bis 28 Meter hoch und ist relativ selten.

Siehe auch


  1. Sequoia Research – Yosemite National Park (U.S. National Park Service). Abgerufen am 24. Februar 2020 (englisch).
  2. a b Liste der 30 größten Riesenmammutbäume (Sequoia & Kings Canyon: The Largest Giant Sequoias by Trunk Volume), revidierter Stand 2012 (PDF; 0,2 MB; englisch).
  3. Robert van Pelt: Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast, Seite 4 f., 2001, Canadian ISBN 0-9684143-1-1.
  4. Armin Jagel, Veit Martin Dörken: Die Zapfen der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae) – Teil 1: Unterfamilien Cunninghamioideae, Athrotaxoideae, Taiwanioideae, Sequoioideae, Taxodioideae. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 100, 2015, S. 161–176.
  5. Tropicos. [1]
  6. siehe Bericht der Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (FVA-BW) über das Versuchsgelände Liliental, dort 0,374 g/cm³.
  7. Lotte Burkhardt: Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen. Erweiterte Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin Berlin 2018. [2]
  8. Schütt et al.: Lexikon der Nadelbäume
  9. Richard Pott: Biotoptypen, Stuttgart, Ulmer, 1996, S. 363.
  10. Forest Giant. 1. Dezember 2012, abgerufen am 27. Februar 2020 (englisch).
  11. RMTRR OLDLIST. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2020.
  12. Thomas Harvey: Evolution and History of Giant Sequoia. Mai 1985, abgerufen am 24. Februar 2020 (englisch). (PDF)
  13. Philip S. Aune: Proceedings of the Symposium on Giant Sequoias: Their Place in the Ecosystem and Society. Pacific Southwest Research Station Albany, California, Juni 1992, abgerufen am 27. Februar 2020 (englisch).
  14. A. Carroll, S. Sillett, R. Kramer: Millennium-Scale Crossdating and Inter-Annual Climate Sensitivities of Standing California Redwoods. In: PLoS ONE. 9(7):e102545, Juli 2014, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102545.
  15. P. Brown, M. Hughes, C. Baisan, T. Swetnam: Giant sequoia ring-width chronologies from the central Sierra Nevada, California. In: Tree-ring bulletin. Band 52, Januar 1992, S. 1–15. (PDF)
  16. Giant sequoias yield longest fire history from tree rings. ScienceDaily, 21. April 2010, abgerufen am 26. Februar 2020 (englisch).
  17. US wildfires have killed nearly 20% of world’s giant sequoias in two years. In: The Guardian, 19. November 2021. Abgerufen am 20. November 2021.
  18. Giant Sequoias MitListe (Stand 2012; PDF), National Park Service.
  19. Im Juli 2003 wurde der im Sequoia National Park (Kalifornien) stehende, bis dahin als weltweit zweitgrößter Berg-Mammutbaum geltende „Washington Tree“ durch einen Blitzeinschlag stark beschädigt. Im folgenden Winter wüteten mehrere heftige Stürme, die die Zerstörung dieses Mammutbaumes stark vorantrieben. Der ehemals 78 m hohe „Washington Tree“ weist daher heute nur noch eine Höhe von etwa 35 m auf. Es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass dieser über 2000 Jahre alte Mammutbaum durch einen der nächsten Stürme vollständig zerstört wird.
  20. J. T. Buchholz: The Generic Segregation of the Sequoias. In: American Journal of Botany. Band 26, Nr. 7, 1939, S. 535–538.
  21. Sequoiadendron giganteum bei Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  22. Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Sequoiadendron. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 31. März 2019.
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wikipedia DE

Riesenmammutbaum: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Der Riesenmammutbaum (Sequoiadendron giganteum), gelegentlich auch Berg-Mammutbaum oder Wellingtonie genannt, ist die einzige Art in der monotypischen Pflanzengattung Sequoiadendron in der Unterfamilie der Mammutbäume (Sequoioideae) innerhalb der Familie der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae). Sie ist an den Westhängen der Sierra Nevada in Kalifornien beheimatet.

Im Englischen wird als redwood (deutsch „Rotholz“) nicht allein der Riesenmammutbaum – giant redwood –, sondern auch der Küstenmammutbaum (Sequoia sempervirens) – coast redwood – und der Urweltmammutbaum (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) – dawn redwood – bezeichnet.

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wikipedia DE

Mammoetbôom ( Vls )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Nen mammoetbôom es e sorte van noaldbôom, die indeliks grôo kan komn. Surtoe olounders, juste boven de ground, kan 't ie styf brêe zyn.

Ie kan mêer of duusd joar oud komn, en nen stamomtrek van mêer of dertig meiters oaln. Der zyn der in Amerika die zô brêed zyn da je der me nen otto tweis deure keun ryen.

Ze groein uut under eign in Californie, Amerika, mor ôok ol oezes zyn der sedert under ountdekkienge in 1852 mammoetbôomn angeplant. De grotste West-Vlamsche, me nen omtrek van mêer dan vuuf meiters stoan in Zillebeke (Yper) en by 't Kastêel d'Aertrycke in Erdryke.

Externe koppelienge

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Wikipedia authors and editors
النص الأصلي
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موقع الشريك
wikipedia emerging languages

Mammoetbôom: Brief Summary ( Vls )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Nen mammoetbôom es e sorte van noaldbôom, die indeliks grôo kan komn. Surtoe olounders, juste boven de ground, kan 't ie styf brêe zyn.

Ie kan mêer of duusd joar oud komn, en nen stamomtrek van mêer of dertig meiters oaln. Der zyn der in Amerika die zô brêed zyn da je der me nen otto tweis deure keun ryen.

Ze groein uut under eign in Californie, Amerika, mor ôok ol oezes zyn der sedert under ountdekkienge in 1852 mammoetbôomn angeplant. De grotste West-Vlamsche, me nen omtrek van mêer dan vuuf meiters stoan in Zillebeke (Yper) en by 't Kastêel d'Aertrycke in Erdryke.


Dénappels mê zôodjes


De grôotsten van België stoat in Esneux en is van 1891

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia emerging languages

Sequoiadendron giganteum ( الإسكتلنديون )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant sequoia, giant reidwid, Sierra reidwid, Sierran reidwid, or Wellingtonia) is the sole livin species in the genus Sequoiadendron, an ane o three species o coniferous trees kent as reidwids, classified in the faimily Cupressaceae in the subfaimily Sequoioideae, thegither wi Sequoia sempervirens (coast reidwid) an Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn reidwid). The common uise o the name "sequoia" generally refers tae Sequoiadendron giganteum which occurs naiturally anly in groves on the wastren slopes o the Sierra Nevada Muntains o Californie. It is named efter Sequoyah (1767–1843), the inventor o the Cherokee syllabary.


  1. Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. 2013. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Downloaded on 13 July 2013.

Freemit airtins

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia emerging languages

Sequoiadendron giganteum ( الأوكيتانية (بعد 1500) )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Lo sequòia gigant (Sequoiadendron giganteum) o wellingtonia es la sola espècia viventa del genre Sequoiadendron e l'una de las tres espècias de conifèrs conegudas jol nom de sequòias, classadas dins la familha de las Cupressaceae e la sosfamilha de las Sequoioideae, aital coma Sequoia sempervirens (sequòias costièrs) e Metasequoia glyptostroboides (sequòias de China). Los especimèns de sequòia gigant son los arbres mai massises de la planeta. En anglés (pr'amor qu'existís dos mots comuns vernaculars pels arbres de las Sequoioideae, "redwood" e "sequoia"), l'usatge corrent del nom "sequoia" fach generalament referéncia a Sequoiadendron giganteum, qu'existís naturalament sonque dins los bosquets situats suls versants occidentals de las montanhas de la Sierra Nevada en Califòrnia.


Fuelhas de S. giganteum
La fusta rogenca caracteristica d'un sequòia gigant, cultivat en Auvèrnhe.
Còns e granas del sequòia gigant
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L'Autorota dels Generals (Generals Highway) travèrsa una selva de sequòias gigants dins lo Pargue Nacional de Sequòia
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Una autra vista de "General Sherman", un dels arbres mai massisses del mond.
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Sequoiadendron giganteum ( اللغة النابولية )

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'A sequoia giagante (Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz, 1939), chiammata anche wellingtonia ('n ngrese mmerecano Giant Sequoia, Sierra Redwood o sempricemente Big Tree, granne arbero), appartiene a 'a famiglia d"e Cupressacee, anche se precedentemente fuje crasseficato int'ê Tassodiacee, ed è diffuso spontaneamente solo 'n aree ristrette d"a Sierra Nevada, 'n California, pe' nu totale 'e 14.416 ha.[1]


  1. in The Plant List
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Sequoiadendron giganteum ( السنهاليون )

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  1. Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. 2013. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Downloaded on 13 July 2013.
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Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( اللغة النابولية )

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'A sequoia giagante (Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz, 1939), chiammata anche wellingtonia ('n ngrese mmerecano Giant Sequoia, Sierra Redwood o sempricemente Big Tree, granne arbero), appartiene a 'a famiglia d"e Cupressacee, anche se precedentemente fuje crasseficato int'ê Tassodiacee, ed è diffuso spontaneamente solo 'n aree ristrette d"a Sierra Nevada, 'n California, pe' nu totale 'e 14.416 ha.

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Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( الأوكيتانية (بعد 1500) )

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Lo sequòia gigant (Sequoiadendron giganteum) o wellingtonia es la sola espècia viventa del genre Sequoiadendron e l'una de las tres espècias de conifèrs conegudas jol nom de sequòias, classadas dins la familha de las Cupressaceae e la sosfamilha de las Sequoioideae, aital coma Sequoia sempervirens (sequòias costièrs) e Metasequoia glyptostroboides (sequòias de China). Los especimèns de sequòia gigant son los arbres mai massises de la planeta. En anglés (pr'amor qu'existís dos mots comuns vernaculars pels arbres de las Sequoioideae, "redwood" e "sequoia"), l'usatge corrent del nom "sequoia" fach generalament referéncia a Sequoiadendron giganteum, qu'existís naturalament sonque dins los bosquets situats suls versants occidentals de las montanhas de la Sierra Nevada en Califòrnia.

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Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( السنهاليون )

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Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. 2013. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Downloaded on 13 July 2013.
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Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( الإسكتلنديون )

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Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant sequoia, giant reidwid, Sierra reidwid, Sierran reidwid, or Wellingtonia) is the sole livin species in the genus Sequoiadendron, an ane o three species o coniferous trees kent as reidwids, classified in the faimily Cupressaceae in the subfaimily Sequoioideae, thegither wi Sequoia sempervirens (coast reidwid) an Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn reidwid). The common uise o the name "sequoia" generally refers tae Sequoiadendron giganteum which occurs naiturally anly in groves on the wastren slopes o the Sierra Nevada Muntains o Californie. It is named efter Sequoyah (1767–1843), the inventor o the Cherokee syllabary.

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Sequoyo ( إيدو )

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Sequoyo esas genero de koniferi taxodinea, qua kreskas en Kalifornia - arboro imensa di qua ula sorto esas alta ye 140 metri.

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Wjelicki mamutowy bom ( اللغة الصوربية السفلى )

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Sequoiadendron giganteum

Wjelicki mamutowy bom (Sequoiadendron giganteum) jo bom ze swójźby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae).

Pó někotarych žrědłach se do swójźby bagnocypresowych rostlinow (Taxodiaceae) pśirědujo.

Wědomnostne mě

Botaniske mě roda bazěrujo na mjenju Indianarja Se-quo-Yah (roź. 1770, wumr. 1843), kótaryž jo wuwiwał prědny indiański alfabet.


Wjelicki mamutowy bom jo bom, kótaryž dośěgnjo wusokosć wót 30 až do 50 m (wěcej ako 80 m). Krona jo kjagelojta, ale w starstwje jo šyroko mělna. Zdonk jo tłusty a rowny. Tłusta škóra jo cerwjenobruna až šerobruna, gubicojta-nitkojta, pśi comž w pódłujkostnych smužkach njaso dłymoke rozpukliny. Z tłustosću wót až do 50 cm jo dobry šćit pśeśiwo wognjoju góli.

Bom ma nejwětšy drjewowy wolumen wšych bomowych družynow. Wón móžo starstwo wót něźi 3000 lět dośěgnuś, lěcrownož w Sequioa-narodnem parku Kaliforniskeje samo stoj bom z starstwom wót 3800 lět.


Spjerchlinojte jegły su śamnozelene až módrozelene, prědku špicne a dośěgnu dłujkosć wót něźi 5 mm a na głownych pšuśikach až do 12 mm. Wóni na gałuzach dołoj běžece rostu a su w tśich rědach šrubikojśe rědowane. Wóni pśi rozšurowanju pó anisu wónjaju.

Kwiśonki a šyški

Kwiśo wót měrca až do apryla (w maju). Rostlina jo jadnodomna. Kwiśonkowe stołki su njenadpadne. Muske kwiśonki stoje pó jadnom na kóńcykach pšuśikow. Žeńske kwiśonki stoje pó jadnom abo pó dwěma.

Šyški dośěgnu šyrokosć wót až do 4 cm a dłujkosć wót 6 cm. Zdrjałe šyški su cerwjenobrune, jajojte a dośěgnu dłujkosć wót 5 až do 8 cm. Jich spjerchliny njasu wurazny śernjowaty wurostk. Wóni wót julija až do awgusta dozdrjaju.


Rosćo na włožnych, wutkatych zmjernjeńskich zemjach we wusokosćach wót 1500 až do 2500 m. Ma lubjej do dłymi duce, pśepušćate zemje na lichotnem, słyńcnem městnje. Młode bomy pótrjebuju wjele wódy.


Bom jo pacifiskich źělach pódpołnocneje Ameriki domacna, a to pódwjacorne wótkłony Sierra Newada w Kaliforniskej. Tam móžo samo wusokosći wót až do 100 m dośěgnuś. Jogo zdonk móžo pśeměr wót až do 8 m dośěgnuś, na bazy samo wót až do 12 m. Pśi tom móžo starstwo wót něźi 3000 lět dośěgnuś.


Bom se w srjejźnej Europje pśi pśigóźbje ako gólny bom sajźa, howacej w parkach a arboretach.


  • Sorta 'Pendulum' njaso wisece pódlańske gałuzy.


Toś ta družyna bu w lěśe 1853 pód mjenim (Basionym) Wellingtonia gigantea wót John Lindley w The Gardeners' Chronicle & Agricultural Gazette, zwězk 10, S. 823 nejpjerwjej wopisana. John Theodore Buchholz jo nastajał w lěśe 1939 w American Journal of Botany, Volume 26, Issue7, S. 536 za toś tu družynu rod Sequoiadendron. Dalšne synonymy za Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J.Buchholz su: Americus gigantea Anon. 1854, Sequoia gigantea Decne. 1854, Taxodium washingtonianum Winsl. 1855, Washingtonia californica Winsl. 1854 abo 1855, Sequoia wellingtonia Seem. 1855, Taxodium giganteum Kellog et Behr 1855, Americus giganteus Anon. 1858, Washingtonia americana Hort. A. ex Gord. 1862, Gigantabies wellingtonia J.Nels. 1866, Sequoia washingtoniana Sudw. 1897, Steinhauera gigantea Kuntze 1909. [1]


  1. Zapisk pśi Tropicos.


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Wjelicki mamutowy bom: Brief Summary ( اللغة الصوربية السفلى )

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 src= Sequoiadendron giganteum

Wjelicki mamutowy bom (Sequoiadendron giganteum) jo bom ze swójźby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae).

Pó někotarych žrědłach se do swójźby bagnocypresowych rostlinow (Taxodiaceae) pśirědujo.

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Σεκοϊάδενδρο το γιγαντιαίο ( اليونانية الحديثة (1453-) )

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Το Σεκοϊάδενδρο το γιγαντιαίο (Sequoiadendron giganteum), γνωστό και ως γιγαντιαία Σεκόια (Giant Sequoia) ή Ουελλιγκτόνια (Wellingtonia), είναι μεγάλο αειθαλές κωνοφόρο δέντρο, μοναδικό ζων είδος του μονοτυπικού γένους Σεκοϊάδενδρον (Sequoiadendron), και, μαζί με την Σεκόια την αειθαλή (Sequoia sempervirens) και την Μετασεκόια την γλυπτοστροβοειδή (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), ένα από τα τρία είδη κωνοφόρων που ταξινομούνται στην υποοικογένεια των Σεκοϊομόρφων (Sequoioidae, γνωστά και ως redwoods στα αγγλικά) της οικογένειας των Κυπαρισσοειδών (Cupressaceae).


Φύλλα σεκοϊαδένδρου.

Το σεκοϊάδενδρο είναι το μεγαλύτερο σε όγκο δέντρο του πλανήτη. Φτάνει συνήθως σε ύψος τα 50-85 μ και σε διάμετρο κορμού στο ύψος του στήθους (1,3 μ.) τα 6-8 μ., έχουν καταγραφεί όμως άτομα του είδους που φτάνουν τα 94,8 μ. σε ύψος και τα 17 μ. σε διάμετρο.[1] Σχηματίζει ψηλή, στενή κωνική κόμη. Τα κατώτερα κλαδιά του πεθαίνουν σχετικά εύκολα λόγω σκίασης αλλά δέντρα ηλικίας μικρότερης των 100 ετών διατηρούν τα περισσότερα από τα νεκρά κλαδιά τους. Οι κορμοί των ενήλικων δέντρων, στο φυσικό τους περιβάλλον, συνήθως δεν έχουν κλαδιά μέχρις ύψους 30-45 μέτρων.[2]

Είναι επίσης ένα από τα μακροβιότερα δέντρα· μεταξύ μη-κλωνικών οργανισμών, μόνο τα είδη Pinus longaeva και Fitzroya cupressoides είναι μακροβιότερα[3][4]. Το γηραιότερο γνωστό σεκοϊάδενδρο (το Muir Snag, νεκρό πλέον), με βάση την καταμέτρηση ετησίων δακτυλίων, θεωρείται ότι είχε ηλικία αρκετά άνω των 3.200 ετών όταν πέθανε.[5]

Το εγκάρδιο ξύλο του σεκοϊαδένδρου έχει χρώμα καφε-κόκκινο, εξ ου και το όνομα redwood (=κόκκινο ξύλο), ενώ το σομφό, που ξεχωρίζει σαφώς, έχει χρώμα ανοιχτό κίτρινο. Η μέση πυκνότητα του ξύλου, που κατά το μεγαλύτερο μέρος δεν περιέχει ρητίνη, είναι 0,37 γρ/εκ3. Ο φλοιός είναι ινώδης, σπογγώδης, μαλακός και αυλακωτός, δεν περιέχει ρητίνη και μπορεί να φτάνει σε πάχος μέχρι και τα 75 εκ. στην βάση του κορμού, παρέχοντας στο δέντρο σημαντική προστασία από την φωτιά. Τα φύλλα είναι άμισχα, βελονοειδή, τριγωνικής διατομής, μήκους 3-6 χιλ. στα πλευρικά κλαδιά και μέχρι 15 χιλ. στα κλαδιά της κορυφής, αειθαλή, και διατάσσονται σπειροειδώς πάνω στα κλαδιά.[6] Σε νεαρά κλαδιά έχουν χρώμα γαλαζοπράσινο, σε πιο ηλικιωμένα βαθυπράσινο.

Στο φυσικό του περιβάλλον το σεκοϊάδενδρο σχηματίζει ένα εκτεταμένο, ρηχό ριζικό σύστημα, που εκτείνεται σε απόσταση μέχρι και άνω των 30 μ. μακριά από τον κορμό, σε καλά στραγγιζόμενα εδάφη, αλλά σπάνια ξεπερνά το 1 μ. σε βάθος. Παρ' όλα αυτά, το δέντρο, δεδομένου του μεγάλου ύψους και της τεράστιας μάζας του, είναι αξιοσημείωτα σταθερό απέναντι στον αέρα.[2] Σπάνια σεικοϊάδενδρα ξερριζώνονται από καταιγίδα όσο βρίσκονται εν ζωή· συχνότερα πεθαίνουν από μυκητιακές ασθένειες. Νεαρά δέντρα, που δεν έχουν ακόμη την προστασία του χοντρού φλοιού, διατρέχουν κίνδυνο από πυρκαγιές.

Ώριμοι κώνοι και σπόροι σεκοϊαδένδρου.

Το σεκοϊάδενδρο αναγεννάται κυρίως μέσω σπόρων. Δέντρα ηλικίας μέχρι περίπου 20 ετών είναι πιθανόν να αναβλαστήσουν από πρέμνα μετά από τραυματισμό αλλά, σε αντίθεση με την σεκόια, τα ενήλικα δέντρα δεν έχουν αυτή τη δυνατότητα. Σεκοϊάδενδρα όλων των ηλικιών μπορούν να βλαστήσουν από τον κορμό τους όταν χάσουν κλαδιά λόγω πυρκαγιάς ή θραύσης.[7]

Το σεκοϊάδενδρο είναι φυτό μόνοικο και δικλινές, αρσενικά δηλαδή και θηλυκά άνθη (κώνοι) είναι διακριτά αλλά βρίσκονται στο ίδιο άτομο. Οι αρσενικοί κώνοι βρίσκονται στις άκρες κοντών βλαστών· οι θηλυκοί (κουκουνάρια) βρίσκονται μεμονωμένοι, καμμιά φορά και σε ζεύγος, πάνω σε μακρύ μίσχο, και γονιμοποιούνται με τον άνεμο. Οι σπόροι ωριμάζουν σε δύο χρόνια, οι κώνοι όμως μπορεί να συνεχίσουν να αναπτύσσονται για αρκετά χρόνια (μέχρι και 20), παραμένοντας σε αυτό το διάστημα πράσινοι και κλειστοί.[2] Έχουν αμβλύ ωοειδές σχήμα και μήκος 5-8 εκατοστά. Κάθε κώνος φέρει 30-50 σπειροειδώς διατεταγμένες φολίδες, με αρκετούς σπόρους σε κάθε φολίδα, φτάνοντας να περιέχει κατά μέσον όρο 230 σπόρους. Οι σπόροι έχουν σκούρο καφέ χρώμα, μήκος 4-5 χιλ. και πλάτος 1 χιλ., με ένα κιτρινο-καφέ πτερύγιο πλάτους 1 χιλ. σε κάθε πλευρά. Ορισμένοι από τους σπόρους πέφτουν όταν οι φολίδες του κώνου συρρικνώνονται λόγω της καλοκαιρινής ζέστης, οι περισσότεροι όμως απελευθερώνονται όταν ο κώνος στεγνώσει λόγω θερμότητας από πυρκαγιά ή καταστραφεί από τρωκτικά ή έντομα.

Τα νεαρά δέντρα αρχίζουν να παράγουν κώνους σε ηλικία 10-15 ετών. Σε οποιαδήποτε δεδομένη στιγμή, ένα μεγάλο ενήλικο δέντρο μπορεί να φέρει περίπου 11.000 κώνους. Η παραγωγή κώνων είναι μεγαλύτερη στο ανώτερο τμήμα του θόλου. Υπολογίζεται ότι ένα ώριμο σεκοϊάδενδρο διασκορπίζει περίπου 300.000-400.000 σπόρους τον χρόνο. Με την βοήθεια των πτερυγίων οι σπόροι μπορούν να φτάσουν μέχρι και 180 μ. μακριά από το γονικό δέντρο.[7]


Λόγω του μεγέθους του, το δέντρο έχει μελετηθεί για τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αντλεί νερό. Το νερό από τις ρίζες μπορεί να ωθηθεί προς τα πάνω μόλις λίγα μέτρα με την ωσμωτική πίεση αλλά μπορεί να φτάσει σε ακραία ύψη με την χρήση ενός συστήματος διακλαδούμενης τριχοειδούς ανύψωσης στο ξύλωμα του δέντρου (τα σωληνάρια νερού) και υποπίεσης από το εξατμιζόμενο στα φύλλα νερό.[8]. Τα δέντρα συμπληρώνουν το νερό του εδάφους με ομίχλη η οποία απορροφάται μέσω εναερίων ριζών σε ύψη στα οποία το νερό από τις ρίζες δεν μπορεί να φτάσει.[9]


Εξάπλωση στη Σιέρρα Νεβάδα (Η.Π.Α.)

Το γένος Σεκοϊάδενδρον ενδημούσε και στην Ευρώπη προ των παγετωδών περιόδων του Τεταρτογενούς. Σήμερα η φυσική εξάπλωση του σεκοϊαδένδρου περιορίζεται σε μια μικρής έκτασης περιοχή της δυτικής Σιέρρα Νεβάδα της Καλιφόρνια. Τα δέντρα αναπτύσσονται σε απομονωμένες μεταξύ τους χαράδρες σε 68 συνολικά διάσπαρτα δασύλλια (groves), τα οποία συνθέτουν μια συνολική επιφάνεια μόλις 144,16 χλμ2. Πουθενά δεν σχηματίζουν αμιγείς συστάδες, μολονότι σε ορισμένες μικρές περιοχές οι συστάδες πλησιάζουν την αμιγή κατάσταση. Τα δασύλλια ποικίλλουν σε έκταση από 12,4 χλμ2, με 20.000 ενήλικα δέντρα, μέχρι 10.000 μ2 με μόλις 6 ζωντανά δέντρα.

Το σεκοϊάδενδρο κινδυνεύει με αφανισμό στην φυσική περιοχή εξάπλωσής του. Σήμερα διατηρούνται μόλις τα 2/3 του αρχικού πληθυσμού. Πολλά δέντρα προστατεύονται πλέον στα Εθνικά Πάρκα "Σεκόια" (Sequoia), "Κινγκς Κάνυον" (Kings Canyon), "Εθνικό Μνημείο Γιγαντιαίας Σεκόιας" (Giant Sequoia National Monument) και Γιοσέμιτι (Yosemite).[10]

Το σεκοϊάδενδρο απαντάται συνήθως σε υγρά κλίματα που χαρακτηρίζονται από ξηρά καλοκαίρια και χιονισμένους χειμώνες. Τα περισσότερα δασύλλια αναπτύσσονται πάνω σε γρανιτικής σύστασης υπολειμματικά και αλλουβιακά εδάφη. Το υψόμετρο ποικίλλει από 1.400–2.000 μ. στα βόρεια μέχρι 1.700-2.150 μ. στα νότια. Τα σεκοϊάδενδρα συνήθως αναπτύσσονται στις νοτίου προσανατολισμού πλευρές των βορείων βουνών και στις βόρειες όψεις των νοτιότερων πλαγιών. Σε πλήρη ανάπτυξη, τα δέντρα αυτά συνήθως χρειάζονται μεγάλες ποσότητες νερού και επομένως συχνά συγκεντρώνονται κοντά σε ρυάκια.

Δεν χρειάζονται υψηλά επίπεδα αναπαραγωγής για να διατηρηθούν οι πληθυσμοί στα σημερινά επίπεδα. Ωστόσο, λίγα δασύλλια έχουν αρκετά νεαρά δέντρα ώστε να διατηρηθεί η παρούσα πυκνότητα ενηλίκων δέντρων για το μέλλον. Η πλειοψηφία των δασυλλίων υφίσταται μια σταδιακή μείωση πυκνότητας από την εποχή του Ευρωπαϊκού αποικισμού.


Τα σημάδια από τις πυρκαγιές του παρελθόντος είναι ορατά στον φλοιό αυτού του σεκοϊαδένδρου.

Τα σεκοϊάδενδρα δυσκολεύονται να αναπαραχθούν στο φυσικό τους περιβάλλον (και πολύ σπάνια αναπαράγονται σε καλλιέργεια) λόγω του ότι οι σπόροι τους αναπτύσσονται με επιτυχία μόνο σε ηλιόλουστες θέσεις και εδάφη πλούσια σε μέταλλα, απαλλαγμένοι από ανταγωνιστική βλάστηση. Παρότι οι σπόροι μπορούν να βλαστήσουν στο υγρό επιφανειακό στρώμα οργανικής ύλης (χούμου) την άνοιξη, τα σπορόφυτα αυτά θα πεθάνουν καθώς τα φυτικά υπολείμματα στεγνώνουν το καλοκαίρι. Κατά συνέπεια έχουν ανάγκη περιοδικές δασικές πυρκαγιές, οι οποίες καταστρέφουν την ανταγωνιστική βλάστηση και καθαρίζουν το έδαφος από την οργανική ύλη, πριν καταστεί δυνατή η επιτυχής αναγέννησή τους. Χωρίς την φωτιά, τα σκιόφιλα είδη θα καταπνίξουν τα νεαρά σπορόφυτα σεκοϊάδενδρων και οι σπόροι δεν θα φυτρώσουν.

Οι φωτιές φέρνουν επίσης στον θόλο του δέντρου μέσω συναγωγής θερμό αέρα, ο οποίος με την σειρά του ξηραίνει και ανοίγει τους κώνους. Η συνακόλουθη απελευθέρωση μεγάλων ποσοτήτων σπόρων συμπίπτει με την ύπαρξη ιδανικών γι' αυτούς συνθηκών υποστρώματος. Επιπλέον, η χαλαρή στάχτη στο έδαφος μπορεί να λειτουργήσει σαν προστατευτικό κάλυμμα για τους σπόρους απέναντι στην υπεριώδη ακτινοβολία. Οι φυσικές πυρκαγιές μπορεί τέλος να είναι σημαντικές για τον έλεγχο των μυρμηγκιών του ξύλου (Camponotus spp.).

Λόγω των προσπαθειών καταστολής των πυρκαγιών και της βόσκησης ζώων κατά τις αρχές και τα μέσα του 20ου αιώνα, δεν ξεσπούσαν χαμηλής έντασης φωτιές με φυσικό τρόπο σε πολλά από τα δασύλλια, και ακόμα και σήμερα δεν ξεσπούν σε ορισμένα από αυτά. Η καταστολή των πυρκαγιών οδήγησε επίσης στην συσσώρευση "καυσίμου" στο έδαφος και στην πυκνή ανάπτυξη της, ευαίσθητης στις φωτιές, λευκής ελάτης (Abies concolor). Έτσι αυξήθηκε ο κίνδυνος έκρηξης πιο έντονων πυρκαγιών οι οποίες μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν τις ελάτες σαν "σκάλες" για να απειλήσουν τον θόλο των σεκοϊάδενδρων.

Το 1970 η Υπηρεσία Εθνικών Πάρκων των Η.Π.Α. (National Park Service) ξεκίνησε την πρόκληση ελεγχόμενων πυρκαγιών στα δασύλλια για να διορθώσει την κατάσταση. Η τρέχουσες πολιτικές επίσης επιτρέπουν στις φυσικές πυρκαγιές να καίνε βάσει προδιαγεγραμμένων συνθηκών.[11] Μια απ' αυτές τις ανεξέλεγκτες πυρκαγιές προκάλεσε σοβαρές ζημιές στο δεύτερο μεγαλύτερο δέντρο του κόσμου, το "δέντρο του Ουάσινγκτον" (Washington tree), τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2003, 45 μέρες αφότου ξέσπασε. Η ζημιά κατέστησε το δέντρο ανίκανο να αντέξει την χιονοθύελλα του Ιανουαρίου του 2005, πράγμα που οδήγησε στην κατάρρευση του μισού και πλέον του κορμού του.[12]

Εκτός από τη φωτιά, δύο ζωικοί παράγοντες επίσης βοηθούν στην απελευθέρωση των σπόρων του σεκοϊαδένδρου. Ο σημαντικότερος από τους δυο είναι ένα σκαθάρι της οικογένειας Cerambycidae (το Phymatodes nitidus), το οποίο γεννά τα αυγά του πάνω στον κώνο, στον οποίο ανοίγουν κατόπιν τρύπες οι νύμφες του. Αυτό διακόπτει την παροχή νερού από τα αγγεία στις φολίδες των κώνων, επιτρέποντας στους κώνους να στεγνώσουν και να ανοίξουν και στους σπόρους να πέσουν. Κώνοι που υφίστανται ζημιά από τα σκαθάρια στη διάρκεια του καλοκαιριού, ανοίγουν σιγά-σιγά στην διάρκεια των επομένων μηνών. Ορισμένες έρευνες δείχνουν ότι πολλοί κώνοι, ειδικά στα ανώτερα τμήματα των θόλων, ίσως χρειάζεται να ξεραθούν μερικώς λόγω ζημιάς από τα σκαθάρια ώστε να μπορεί η θερμότητα της φωτιάς να τους ανοίξει τελείως. Ο άλλος ζωικός παράγοντας είναι ο σκίουρος του Ντάγκλας (Tamiasciurus douglasii), ο οποίος ροκανίζει τις σαρκώδεις πράσινες φολίδες των νεαρότερων κώνων. Οι σκίουροι παραμένουν δραστήριοι όλον τον χρόνο, και ορισμένοι από τους σπόρους αποσπώνται και πέφτουν καθώς οι σκίουροι τρώνε τον κώνο.[2][13]

Ανακάλυψη και ονομασία

Το Muir Snag, που θεωρείται ότι έχει ηλικία μεγαλύτερη των 3.200 ετών
Λίγο μετά την ανακάλυψή τους, τα σεκοϊάδενδρα αποτέλεσαν αντικείμενο πολλών εκθέσεων.

Το σεκοϊάδενδρο ήταν γνωστό στις φυλές αυτοχθόνων Αμερικανών που ζούσαν στην περιοχή εξάπλωσής του. Οι αυτόχθονες το ονόμαζαν wawona, toos-pung-ish and hea-mi-withic.

Η πρώτη αναφορά στο σεκοϊάδενδρο από Ευρωπαίους χρονολογείται στο 1833, στο ημερολόγιο του εξερευνητή Τζ. Κ. Λέοναρντ (J. K. Leonard)· η αναφορά δεν αναφέρει τοποθεσία, αλλά η διαδρομή του θα πρέπει να τον είχε φέρει στο δασύλλιο Calaveras.[14] Η ανακάλυψη δεν δημοσιοποιήθηκε. Ο επόμενος Ευρωπαίος που είδε το δέντρο ήταν ο Τζον Μ. Γούστερ (John M. Wooster), ο οποίος σκάλισε τα αρχικά του στον φλοιό του δέντρου "Ηρακλής" (Hercules) το 1850· ούτε αυτή η παρατήρηση δημοσιοποιήθηκε. Πολύ περισσότερη δημοσιότητα δόθηκε στην "ανακάλυψη" του δασυλλίου Calaveras από τον Ωγκάστους Τ. Ντάουντ (Augustus T. Dowd) το 1852, και αυτή συνήθως αναφέρεται και ως ανακάλυψη του είδους.[14] Το δέντρο που ανακάλυψε ο Ντάουντ, το οποίο βαφτίστηκε "Δέντρο της ανακάλυψης" ("Discovery tree"), κόπηκε το 1853.

Η πρώτη επιστημονική ονομασία του είδους δόθηκε τον Δεκέμβριο του 1853 από τον Τζον Λίντλευ (John Lindley), ο οποίος το ονόμασε Wellingtonia gigantea, χωρίς να συνειδητοποιήσει ότι το όνομα ήταν άκυρο σύμφωνα με τον κώδικα βοτανικής ονοματολογίας, καθώς το όνομα Wellingtonia είχε ήδη χρησιμοποιηθεί νωρίτερα για ένα άλλο, άσχετο φυτό (το Wellingtonia arnottiana της οικογένειας Sabiaceae). Το όνομα Wellingtonia εξακολουθεί να χρησιμοποιείται στην Αγγλία ως κοινό όνομα.[15] Τον επόμενο χρόνο ο γάλλος βοτανολόγος Ζοζέφ Ντεκαίν (Joseph Decaisne) μετέφερε το είδος στο ίδιο γένος με την σεκόια, ονομάζοντάς το Sequoia gigantea, αλλά και αυτό το όνομα ήταν άκυρο, καθώς είχε αποδοθεί νωρίτερα (1847) στην σεκόια από τον Έντλιχερ (Endlicher). Το όνομα Washingtonia californica δόθηκε επίσης από τον Ουίνσλοου (Winslow) το 1854· ωστόσο και αυτό είναι άκυρο, αφού ανήκει στο γένος φοινίκων Washingtonia.

Το 1907 τοποθετήθηκε από τον Καρλ Ερνστ Όττο Κούντσε (Karl Ernst Otto Kuntze) στο γένος Steinhauera, που κατά τα άλλα περιλαμβάνει απολιθώματα, αλλά αμφιβολίες σχετικά με την σχέση του σεκοϊαδένδρου με το απολίθωμα που είχε πρώτο ονομαστεί έτσι καθιστούν και αυτό το όνομα άκυρο.[16]

Οι ονοματολογικές αβλεψίες διορθώθηκαν τελικά το 1939 από τον Τζ. Μπούχολτς (J. Buchholtz),[17] ο οποίος επεσήμανε επίσης ότι το σεκοϊάδενδρο διαφέρει από την σεκόια σε επίπεδο γένους και επινόησε γι' αυτό το όνομα Sequoiadendron giganteum.


Υλοτόμοι δίπλα σε κομμένο κορμό σεκοϊαδένδρου, γύρω στο 1890

Το ξύλο των ώριμων σεκοϊάδενδρων είναι εξαιρετικά ανθεκτικό στην φθορά αλλά επειδή είναι ινώδες και εύθρυπτο δεν είναι γενικά κατάλληλο για κατασκευές. Από την δεκαετία του 1880 μέχρι την δεκαετία του 1920 πολλά από τα δασύλλια υλοτομήθηκαν, παρά τις οριακές εμπορικές αποδόσεις. Λόγω του βάρους και του ευθρύπτου χαρακτήρα τους, τα δέντρα συχνά θρυμματίζονταν πέφτοντας στο έδαφος, με αποτέλεσμα την σπατάλη μεγάλου μέρους του ξύλου. Οι υλοτόμοι επιχειρούσαν να μετριάσουν την ορμή της πρόσκρουσης σκάβοντας χαντάκια και γεμίζοντάς τα με κλαδιά. Παρόλα αυτά, υπολογίζεται ότι μόλις το 50% της ξυλείας έφτανε άθικτο στα πριονιστήρια. Το ξύλο χρησιμοποιόταν στην κατασκευή κυρίως σανίδων και στύλων για φράκτες, αλλά ακόμα και σπίρτων.

Οι εικόνες των άλλοτε μεγαλόπρεπων δέντρων σπασμένων και εγκαταλελειμμένων στα πρώην παρθένα δασύλλια και η σκέψη της ευτελούς χρήσης των γιγάντων προκάλεσαν την δημόσια κατακραυγή που οδήγησε στην διατήρηση των περισσότερων δασυλλίων ως προστατευόμενων περιοχών. Δείγμα της αποψιλωτικής υλοτομίας της δεκαετίας του 1880 αποτελεί το "Δασύλλιο των Μεγάλων Πρέμνων" (Big Stump Grove), κοντά στο "Δασύλλιο του Στρατηγού Γκραντ" (General Grant Grove), που είναι ανοιχτό στο κοινό. Ακόμα και κατά δεκαετία του 1980, ορισμένα ανώριμα δέντρα υλοτομήθηκαν στο "Εθνικό Δάσος Σεκόια" (Sequoia National Forest), γεγονός του οποίου η δημοσιοποίηση συνέτεινε στην δημιουργία του "Εθνικού Μνημείου Γιγαντιαίας Σεκόιας" (Giant Sequoia National Monument).

Το ξύλο των ανώριμων δέντρων είναι λιγότερο εύθρυπτο, και πρόσφατες δοκιμές με νεαρά δέντρα, καλλιεργημένα σε φυτείες, έδειξαν ότι έχει ιδιότητες παρόμοιες με αυτό της σεκόιας. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την δημιουργία ενδιαφέροντος για την καλλιέργεια του σεκοϊαδένδρου ως υψηλής απόδοσης δέντρου παραγωγής ξυλείας, τόσο στην Καλιφόρνια όσο και σε τμήματα της Δυτικής Ευρώπης, όπου μπορεί να αναπτυχθεί πολύ καλύτερα απ' ό,τι οι σεκόιες. Στις βορειοδυτικές Η.Π.Α., ορισμένοι επιχειρηματίες έχουν επίσης ξεκινήσει να καλλιεργούν σεκοϊάδενδρα ως χριστουγεννιάτικα δέντρα. Πέραν αυτών των προσπαθειών για καλλιέργεια, οι κύριες χρήσεις του σεκοϊαδένδρου στην οικονομία σήμερα είναι στον τουρισμό, ως αξιοθέατου, και στην φυτοκομία, ως καλλωπιστικού φυτού.


Το σεκοϊάδενδρο είναι πολύ δημοφιλές καλλωπιστικό φυτό σε πολλές περιοχές. Καλλιεργείται με επιτυχία στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος της δυτικής και νότιας Ευρώπης, από το βόρειο τμήμα της ΒΔ Βόρειας Αμερικής μέχρι το νοτιοδυτικό τμήμα της Βρετανικής Κολομβίας, την νοτιοανατολική Αυστραλία, την Νέα Ζηλανδία και την κεντρική-νότια Χιλή. Καλλιεργείται επίσης, αν και με λιγότερη επιτυχία, σε τμήματα της ανατολικής Βόρειας Αμερικής. Στην Γερμανία το ζεύγος Ερνστ και Ίλλα Μάρτιν, μέλη της Γερμανικής Δενδρολογικής Εταιρείας, ξεκίνησαν το 1952, σε ιδιόκτητη έκταση (Sequoiafarm Kaldenkirchen), έρευνα σχετικά με την επανεισαγωγή του, άλλοτε ενδημικού, σεκοϊαδένδρου στην γερμανική δασοκομία.

Τα δέντρα μπορούν να αντέξουν θερμοκρασίες −31°C ή και χαμηλότερες για μικρά χρονικά διαστήματα, με την προϋπόθεση το έδαφος γύρω από τις ρίζες να είναι μονωμένο είτε με παχύ στρώμα χιονιού είτε με οργανικό υλικό εδαφοκάλυψης. Εκτός της φυσικής περιοχής εξάπλωσής τους, το φύλλωμα τους είναι πιθανό να υποφέρει από επιζήμια "εγκαύματα" από τον άνεμο.

Στην Ελλάδα δεν θα συναντήσουμε πολλά φυτά του είδους που πάντως αναπτύσσονται με μεγάλη επιτυχία τουλάχιστον στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα[18] καθώς και σε περιοχές της Νότιας Ελλάδας με μεγάλο υψόμετρο.[19]

Από την εποχή της ανακάλυψής του, ένα ευρύ φάσμα καλλιεργούμενων ποικιλιών του έχει επιλεγεί, ειδικά στην Ευρώπη. Υπάρχουν, μεταξύ άλλων, κρεμοκλαδείς (pendulum), ποικιλόχρωμες (variegatum), γλαύκες (glaucum), χρυσοκίτρινες (aureum), και νάνες (pygmaeum) μορφές.[20]

Τα 10 μεγαλύτερα δέντρα

Το μεγαλύτερο εν ζωή σεκοϊάδενδρο είναι ο Στρατηγός Σέρμαν (General Sherman), που βρίσκεται στο "Δάσος των Γιγάντων" (Giant Forest), στο Εθνικό Πάρκο Σεκόια, έχει ύψος 83,8 μ και, σύμφωνα με τις πιο πρόσφατες μετρήσεις, έχει όγκο 1489 μ3.[21]

Τα 10 μεγαλύτερα σε όγκο άτομα του είδους Sequoiadendron giganteum είναι[22]



  1. Flint 2002
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 USDA Forest Service-Silvics of North America, Volume 1
  3. Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research OldList
  4. Sierra Nature Notes-Estimated Ages of Some Large Giant Sequoias
  5. USDA Forest Service-Sequoia National Forest
  6. Watson, Frank D. 1993. Taxodiaceae. Flora of North America Editorial Committee (eds.): Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 2. Oxford University Press.
  7. 7,0 7,1 USDA Forest Service Database-Sequoiadendron giganteum-Botanical and Ecological characteristics
  8. Water pull at Cropsview (an agriculture science magazine) website
  9. Studies on tree height limits, and the Sequoia in particular
  10. Schütt, Weisgerber, Schuck, Lang, Stimm, Roloff (2008). Lexikon der Nadelbäume. Hamburg: Nikol. ISBN 3-933203-80-5.
  11. National Park Service-Fire Management
  12. Block, M (2005-02-25). «Giant 'Washington Tree' Gets Smaller». NPR. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4513582. Ανακτήθηκε στις 2011-08-14.
  13. Hartesveldt, RJ; Harvey, HT (1967). «The Fire Ecology of Sequoia Regeneration». Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference 7: 7. http://www.nps.gov/seki/naturescience/upload/hh_tt67.pdf.
  14. 14,0 14,1 Farquhar, Francis P. (1925). «Discovery of the Sierra Nevada». California Historical Society Quarterly 4 (1): 3–58. doi:10.2307/25177743. http://www.yosemite.ca.us/library/exploration_of_the_sierra_nevada/. , Yosemite.ca.us
  15. Ornduff, R. (1994). «A Botanist's View of the Big Tree». Στο: Aune, P. S. Proceedings of the Symposium on Giant Sequoias (PDF). US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service (Pacific Southwest Research Station). General Technical Report PSW-GTR-151.
  16. Nomenclatural and Specimen Database of the Missouri Botanical Garden
  17. Buchholz, J. T. (1939). «The Generic Segregation of the Sequoias». American Journal of Botany 26 (7): 535–538. doi:10.2307/2436578.
  18. Sequoiadendron giganteum Gardensandplants.com
  19. Ο δρυίδης του Πάρνωνα thegreektraveller.com
  20. Monumental Trees - Sequoiadendron giganteum cultivars
  21. 21,0 21,1 Robert van Pelt: Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast, Σελίδα 4f, 2001, Canadian ISBN 0-9684143-1-1
  22. National Park Service The Giant Sequoia -- Forest Masterpiece

Επιπλέον βιβλιογραφία

  • Conifer Specialist Group (1998). Sequoiadendron giganteum. 2006. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. www.iucnredlist.org. Ανακτήθηκε 11 Μαίου 2006. Listed as Vulnerable (VU A1cd v2.3)
  • Hartesveldt, Richard J.; Harvey, H. Thomas; Shelhammer, Howard S.; Stecker, Ronald E. (1975). The giant sequoia of the Sierra Nevada. Washington DC: National Park Service.CS1 maint: Πολλαπλές ονομασίες: authors list (link)
  • Flint, W.D. (2002). To Find The Biggest Tree. Sequoia Natural History Association, Inc. ISBN 1-878441-09-4.
  • Schütt, Weisgerber, Schuck, Lang, Stimm, Roloff (2008). Lexikon der Nadelbäume. Hamburg: Nikol. σελίδες 545–557. ISBN 3-933203-80-5.CS1 maint: Πολλαπλές ονομασίες: authors list (link)
  • Πατλής, Ιωάννης (2004). Καλλωπιστικά κωνοφόρα. Σταμούλη Α.Ε. ISBN 978-960-351-500-5.
  • Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Πάπυρος Larousse Britannica. T. 36. Αθήνα: Πάπυρος Λαρούς. 2007. σελίδες 545–557. ISBN 978-960-6715-09-9.
  • Εγκυκλοπαιδικόν λεξικόν Ελευθερουδάκη. T. 10. Αθήνα: Εκδοτικός Οίκος ¨Ελευθερουδάκης¨ Α.Ε. 1927–1931. σελ. 221.
  • Illa Martin (1984). Die Wiedereinführung des Mammutbaumes (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in die deutsche Forstwirtschaft. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft. T. 75. Stuttgart: Ulmer. σελίδες 57–75. ISBN 3-8001-8308-0.
  •  src= «Sequoia» Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μπριτάννικα (11η έκδοση) 1911

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Σεκοϊάδενδρο το γιγαντιαίο: Brief Summary ( اليونانية الحديثة (1453-) )

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Το Σεκοϊάδενδρο το γιγαντιαίο (Sequoiadendron giganteum), γνωστό και ως γιγαντιαία Σεκόια (Giant Sequoia) ή Ουελλιγκτόνια (Wellingtonia), είναι μεγάλο αειθαλές κωνοφόρο δέντρο, μοναδικό ζων είδος του μονοτυπικού γένους Σεκοϊάδενδρον (Sequoiadendron), και, μαζί με την Σεκόια την αειθαλή (Sequoia sempervirens) και την Μετασεκόια την γλυπτοστροβοειδή (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), ένα από τα τρία είδη κωνοφόρων που ταξινομούνται στην υποοικογένεια των Σεκοϊομόρφων (Sequoioidae, γνωστά και ως redwoods στα αγγλικά) της οικογένειας των Κυπαρισσοειδών (Cupressaceae).

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Sequoiadendron giganteum

Џиновската секвоја (лат.: Sequoiadendron giganteum) е единствениот вид во родот Секвојадендрон (Sequoiadendron), и еден од трите видови на четинарски дрва познати како секвои класифицирани во фамилијата Чемпреси (Cupressaceae) во подфамилијата Sequoioideae, заедно со Sequoia sempervirens (обичната секвоја) и Metasequoia glyptostroboides (метасеквојата).

Џиновската секвоја е позната и под имињата Секвојадендрон (по родот) и Велингтонија. Џиновската секвоја уште е позната како и црвено дрво коешто се наоѓа во областите на Северна Калифорнија . Џиновската секвоја е најголемиот жив организам на планетата коешто живее околу 4900 години , а расте просечно 120 метри и е широка 11 метри. Во времето на диносаурусите имало разни врсти на секвоја , но со катаклизмата на диносаурусите пред 65 милиони години опстојале да живеат само две врсти на џиновска секвоја .

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Секвойядендрон ( الأدمرت )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages
Sequoiadendron giganteum

Секвойядендрон ( лат. Sequoiadendron giganteum ) — Cupressaceae семьяысь Уйпал Америкалэн (Калифорния) лысо писпу.

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பெரு மரம் ( التاميلية )

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பெரு மரம்

Big Tree


கலிபோர்னியா பெருமரம்

தாவரவியல் பெயர் :செக்குவாய் டெண்ட்ரான் ஜைகாண்டியா Sequiadendron gigantea


இதரப் பெயர்கள்

  • பெருஞ்செக்குவாயா Giantsequia
  • கலிபோர்னியா பெருமரம் California big tree

மரத்தின் அமைவு முறை

கலிபோர்னியா மரம்

கலிபோர்னியாவில் சியரா நெவாடா மலைத் தொடரில் வளர்கிறது. இது மற்ற மரங்களோடு வளர்கிறது. இது 200 முதல் 325 அடி உயரம் வளரக்கூடியது. இம்மரம் 275 அடி உயரமும் அடிமரம் 33 அடி விட்டமும், 100 அடி சுற்றளவும் உடையது. தரையிலிருந்து 8 அடி உயரத்திற்கு 30 அடியும், 100 அடி உயரத்தில் 20 அடி விட்டமும் கொண்டுள்ளது. இதன் பட்டை 2 அடி தடிமன் உடையது. 5000 ஆண்டுகள் உயிர; வாழக்கூடியது. இம்மரத்தின் பட்டை சிவப்பு நிறமாக இருக்கும். இலைகள் சிறியவை.விதை முற்றுவதற்கு 2 ஆண்டுகள் ஆகும். விதை முற்றினப் பிறகும் கனி 12 ஆண்டுகள் பச்சையாகவே மரத்தில் இருக்கும்.

பாதுகாப்பு நடவடிக்கை

இம்மரங்களை அழியாமல் பாதுகாக்க இவை வளரும் காட்டின் ஒரு பகுதியைச் செக்குவாயா பார்க்

செக்குவாயா பார்க் மரம்

என்று பெயரிட்டு பாதுகாத்து வருகின்றனர். மேலும் இம்மரங்களை வெட்ட கனிபோர்னியாவில் தடை விதிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. ஆகவே போக்குவரத்திற்கு இடைஞ்சல் உள்ள பகுதிகளில் இம்மரங்களை குடைந்து இதன் உள்பகுதியில் வண்டி செல்ல சாலை போட்டுள்ளனர்.

பொருளாதார பயன்கள்

இம்மரம் 600 டன் எடை கொண்டுள்ளது. இதன் மூலம் 300 அறை கொண்ட வீடுகள் கட்ட முடியும



| 1 || சிறியதும் - பெரியதும் [1] || அறிவியல் வெளியீடு || ஜூன் 2001

  1. சிறிதும் - பெரியதும். அறிவியல் வெளியீடு. http://books.google.com/books/about/%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B1%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%86%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BF.html?id=vKXyPAAACAAJ.
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Sequoiadendron giganteum ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Sequoiadendron giganteum, also known as the giant sequoia,[note 1] is the sole living species in the genus Sequoiadendron, and one of three species of coniferous trees known as redwoods, classified in the family Cupressaceae in the subfamily Sequoioideae, together with Sequoia sempervirens (coast redwood) and Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn redwood). Giant sequoia specimens are the most massive trees on Earth.[4] The common use of the name sequoia usually refers to Sequoiadendron giganteum, which occurs naturally only in groves on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California.

The giant sequoia is listed as an endangered species by the IUCN, with fewer than 80,000 trees remaining. Since its last assessment as an endangered species in 2011, it was estimated that another 13–19% of the population (or 9,761–13,637 mature trees) was destroyed during the Castle Fire of 2020 and the KNP Complex & Windy Fire in 2021, events attributed to fire suppression and drought. Despite their large size and adaptations to fire, giant sequoias have become severely threatened by a combination of fuel load from fire suppression, which fuels extremely destructive fires. These conditions have led to the death of many populations in large fires in recent decades. Prescribed burns to reduce available fuel load may be crucial for saving the species.[5][6]

The etymology of the genus name has been presumed—initially in The Yosemite Book by Josiah Whitney in 1868[7]—to be in honor of Sequoyah (1767–1843), who was the inventor of the Cherokee syllabary.[8] An etymological study published in 2012 concluded that Austrian Stephen L. Endlicher is actually responsible for the name. A linguist and botanist, Endlicher corresponded with experts in the Cherokee language including Sequoyah, whom he admired. He also realized that coincidentally the genus could be described in Latin as sequi (meaning to follow) because the number of seeds per cone in the newly classified genus aligned in mathematical sequence with the other four genera in the suborder. Endlicher thus coined the name "Sequoia" as both a description of the tree's genus and an honor to the indigenous man he admired.[9]


Opened pollen cones
Mature cones and seed

Giant sequoia specimens are the most massive individual trees in the world.[4] They grow to an average height of 50–85 m (164–279 ft) with trunk diameters ranging from 6–8 m (20–26 ft). Record trees have been measured at 94.8 m (311 ft) tall. Trunk diameters of 17 m (56 ft) have been claimed via research figures taken out of context.[10] The specimen known to have the greatest diameter at breast height is the General Grant tree at 8.8 m (28.9 ft).[11] Between 2014 and 2016, it is claimed that specimens of coast redwood were found to have greater trunk diameters than all known giant sequoias - though this has not been independently verified or affirmed in any academic literature.[12] The trunks of coast redwoods taper at lower heights than those of giant sequoias which have more columnar trunks that maintain larger diameters to greater heights.

Leaves with closed pollen cones

The oldest known giant sequoia is 3,200–3,266 years old based on dendrochronology.[13][14] Giant sequoias are among the oldest living organisms on Earth, and are the verified third longest-lived tree species after the Great Basin bristlecone pine and alerce. Giant sequoia bark is fibrous, furrowed, and may be 90 cm (3 ft) thick at the base of the columnar trunk. The sap contains tannic acid, which provides significant protection from fire damage.[15] The leaves are evergreen, awl-shaped, 3–6 mm (1814 in) long, and arranged spirally on the shoots.

The giant sequoia regenerates by seed. The seed cones are 4–7 cm (1+12–3 in) long and mature in 18–20 months, though they typically remain green and closed for as long as 20 years. Each cone has 30–50 spirally arranged scales, with several seeds on each scale, giving an average of 230 seeds per cone. Seeds are dark brown, 4–5 mm (0.16–0.20 in) long, and 1 mm (0.04 in) broad, with a 1-millimeter (0.04 in) wide, yellow-brown wing along each side. Some seeds shed when the cone scales shrink during hot weather in late summer, but most are liberated by insect damage or when the cone dries from the heat of fire. Young trees start to bear cones after 12 years.

Trees may produce sprouts from their stumps subsequent to injury, until about 20 years old; however, shoots do not form on the stumps of mature trees as they do on coast redwoods. Giant sequoias of all ages may sprout from their boles when branches are lost to fire or breakage.

A large tree may have as many as 11,000 cones. Cone production is greatest in the upper portion of the canopy. A mature giant sequoia disperses an estimated 300–400 thousand seeds annually. The winged seeds may fly as far as 180 m (590 ft) from the parent tree.

Lower branches die readily from being shaded, but trees younger than 100 years retain most of their dead branches. Trunks of mature trees in groves are generally free of branches to a height of 20–50 m (70–160 ft), but solitary trees retain lower branches.


The Generals Highway passes between giant sequoias in Sequoia National Park

The natural distribution of giant sequoias is restricted to a limited area of the western Sierra Nevada, California. As a paleoendemic species,[16] they occur in scattered groves, with a total of 81 groves (see list of sequoia groves for a full inventory), comprising a total area of only 144.16 km2 (35,620 acres). Nowhere does it grow in pure stands, although in a few small areas, stands do approach a pure condition. The northern two-thirds of its range, from the American River in Placer County southward to the Kings River, has only eight disjunct groves. The remaining southern groves are concentrated between the Kings River and the Deer Creek Grove in southern Tulare County. Groves range in size from 12.4 km2 (3,100 acres) with 20,000 mature trees, to small groves with only six living trees. Many are protected in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks and Giant Sequoia National Monument.

The giant sequoia is usually found in a humid climate characterized by dry summers and snowy winters. Most giant sequoia groves are on granitic-based residual and alluvial soils. The elevation of the giant sequoia groves generally ranges from 1,400–2,000 m (4,600–6,600 ft) in the north, to 1,700–2,150 metres (5,580–7,050 ft) to the south. Giant sequoias generally occur on the south-facing sides of northern mountains, and on the northern faces of more southerly slopes.

High levels of reproduction are not necessary to maintain the present population levels. Few groves, however, have sufficient young trees to maintain the present density of mature giant sequoias for the future. The majority of giant sequoia groves are currently undergoing a gradual decline in density since European settlement.

Historic range

While the present day distribution of this species is limited to a small area of California, it was once much more widely distributed in prehistoric times, and was a reasonably common species in North American and Eurasian coniferous forests until its range was greatly reduced by the last ice age. Older fossil specimens reliably identified as giant sequoia have been found in Cretaceous era sediments from a number of sites in North America and Europe, and even as far afield as New Zealand[17] and Australia.[18]

Artificial groves

Lake Fulmor, featuring a small grove of giant sequoia trees (top center)

In 1974, a group of giant sequoias was planted by the United States Forest Service in the San Jacinto Mountains of Southern California in the immediate aftermath of a wildfire that left the landscape barren. The giant sequoias were rediscovered in 2008 by botanist Rudolf Schmid and his daughter Mena Schmidt while hiking on Black Mountain Trail through Hall Canyon. Black Mountain Grove is home to over 150 giant sequoias, some of which stand over 6.1 m (20 ft) tall. This grove is not to be confused with the Black Mountain Grove in the southern Sierra. Nearby Lake Fulmor Grove is home to seven giant sequoias, the largest of which is 20 m (66 ft) tall. The two groves are located approximately 175 mi (282 km) southeast of the southernmost naturally occurring giant sequoia grove, Deer Creek Grove.[19][20]

It was later discovered that the United States Forest Service had planted giant sequoias across Southern California. However, the giant sequoias of Black Mountain Grove and nearby Lake Fulmor Grove are the only ones known to be reproducing and propagating free of human intervention. The conditions of the San Jacinto Mountains mimic those of the Sierra Nevada, allowing the trees to naturally propagate throughout the canyon.[21]


Two giant sequoias, Sequoia National Park. The right-hand tree bears a large fire scar at its base; fires do not typically kill the trees but do remove competing thin-barked species, and aid giant sequoia regeneration.

Giant sequoias are in many ways adapted to forest fires. Their bark is unusually fire resistant, and their cones will normally open immediately after a fire.[22] Giant sequoias are a pioneer species,[23] and are having difficulty reproducing in their original habitat (and very rarely reproduce in cultivation) due to the seeds only being able to grow successfully in full sun and in mineral-rich soils, free from competing vegetation. Although the seeds can germinate in moist needle humus in the spring, these seedlings will die as the duff dries in the summer. They therefore require periodic wildfire to clear competing vegetation and soil humus before successful regeneration can occur. Without fire, shade-loving species will crowd out young sequoia seedlings, and sequoia seeds will not germinate. When fully grown, these trees typically require large amounts of water and are therefore often concentrated near streams. Squirrels, chipmunks, finches and sparrows consume the freshly sprouted seedlings, preventing their growth.[24]

Fires also bring hot air high into the canopy via convection, which in turn dries and opens the cones. The subsequent release of large quantities of seeds coincides with the optimal postfire seedbed conditions. Loose ground ash may also act as a cover to protect the fallen seeds from ultraviolet radiation damage. Due to fire suppression efforts and livestock grazing during the early and mid-20th century, low-intensity fires no longer occurred naturally in many groves, and still do not occur in some groves today. The suppression of fires leads to ground fuel build-up and the dense growth of fire-sensitive white fir, which increases the risk of more intense fires that can use the firs as ladders to threaten mature giant sequoia crowns. Natural fires may also be important in keeping carpenter ants in check.[25] In 1970, the National Park Service began controlled burns of its groves to correct these problems. Current policies also allow natural fires to burn. One of these untamed burns severely damaged the second-largest tree in the world, the Washington tree, in September 2003, 45 days after the fire started. This damage made it unable to withstand the snowstorm of January 2005, leading to the collapse of over half the trunk.

In addition to fire, two animal agents also assist giant sequoia seed release. The more significant of the two is a longhorn beetle (Phymatodes nitidus) that lays eggs on the cones, into which the larvae then bore holes. Reduction of the vascular water supply to the cone scales allows the cones to dry and open for the seeds to fall. Cones damaged by the beetles during the summer will slowly open over the next several months. Some research indicates many cones, particularly higher in the crowns, may need to be partially dried by beetle damage before fire can fully open them. The other agent is the Douglas squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasi) that gnaws on the fleshy green scales of younger cones. The squirrels are active year-round, and some seeds are dislodged and dropped as the cone is eaten.[26]


The genome of the giant sequoia was published in 2020. The size of the giant sequoia genome is 8.125 Gb (8.125 billion base pairs) which were assembled into eleven chromosome-scale scaffolds, the largest to date of any organism.[27][28]

This is the first genome sequenced in the Cupressaceae family, and it provides insights into disease resistance and survival for this robust species on a genetic basis. The genome was found to contain over 900 complete or partial predicted NLR genes used by plants to prevent the spread of infection by microbial pathogens.

The genome sequence was extracted from a single fertilized seed harvested from a 1,360-year-old tree specimen in Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Park identified as SEGI 21. It was sequenced over a three-year period by researchers at University of California, Davis, Johns Hopkins University, University of Connecticut, and Northern Arizona University and was supported by grants from Save the Redwoods League and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture as part of a species conservation, restoration and management effort.[29]

Discovery and naming

Shortly after their discovery by Europeans, giant sequoias were subject to much exhibition

The giant sequoia was well known to Native American tribes living in its area. Native American names for the species include wawona, toos-pung-ish and hea-mi-withic, the latter two in the language of the Tule River Tribe.

The first reference to the giant sequoia by Europeans is in 1833, in the diary of the explorer J. K. Leonard; the reference does not mention any locality, but his route would have taken him through the Calaveras Grove.[30] Leonard's observation was not publicized. The next European to see the species was John M. Wooster, who carved his initials in the bark of the 'Hercules' tree in the Calaveras Grove in 1850; again, this observation received no publicity. Much more publicity was given to the "discovery" by Augustus T. Dowd of the Calaveras Grove in 1852, and this is commonly cited as the species' discovery by non-natives.[30] The tree found by Dowd, christened the 'Discovery Tree', was felled in 1853.

The first scientific naming of the species was by John Lindley in December 1853, who named it Wellingtonia gigantea, without realizing this was an invalid name under the botanical code as the name Wellingtonia had already been used earlier for another unrelated plant (Wellingtonia arnottiana in the family Sabiaceae). The name "Wellingtonia" has persisted in England as a common name.[31] The following year, Joseph Decaisne transferred it to the same genus as the coast redwood, naming it Sequoia gigantea, but again this name was invalid, having been applied earlier (in 1847, by Endlicher) to the coast redwood. The name Washingtonia californica was also applied to it by Winslow in 1854, though this too is invalid, belonging to the palm genus Washingtonia.

Clothespin tree in the Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park

In 1907, it was placed by Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze in the otherwise fossil genus Steinhauera, but doubt as to whether the giant sequoia is related to the fossil originally so named makes this name invalid.

The nomenclatural oversights were finally corrected in 1939 by John Theodore Buchholz, who also pointed out the giant sequoia is distinct from the coast redwood at the genus level and coined the name Sequoiadendron giganteum for it.

The etymology of the genus name has been presumed—initially in The Yosemite Book by Josiah Whitney in 1868[7]—to be in honor of Sequoyah (1767–1843), who was the inventor of the Cherokee syllabary.[8] An etymological study published in 2012, however, concluded that the name was more likely to have originated from the Latin sequi (meaning to follow) since the number of seeds per cone in the newly classified genus fell in mathematical sequence with the other four genera in the suborder.[9]

John Muir wrote of the species in about 1870:

"Do behold the King in his glory, King Sequoia! Behold! Behold! seems all I can say. Some time ago I left all for Sequoia and have been and am at his feet, fasting and praying for light, for is he not the greatest light in the woods, in the world? Where are such columns of sunshine, tangible, accessible, terrestrialized?'[32]


Albert Bierstadt's "Giant Redwood Trees of California", 1874 – a large oil on canvas painting in the Berkshire Museum, Massachusetts, United States[33]

Wood from mature giant sequoias is highly resistant to decay, but due to being fibrous and brittle, it is generally unsuitable for construction. From the 1880s through the 1920s, logging took place in many groves in spite of marginal commercial returns. The Hume-Bennett Lumber Company was the last to harvest giant sequoia, going out of business in 1924.[34] Due to their weight and brittleness, trees would often shatter when they hit the ground, wasting much of the wood. Loggers attempted to cushion the impact by digging trenches and filling them with branches. Still, as little as 50% of the timber is estimated to have made it from groves to the mill. The wood was used mainly for shingles and fence posts, or even for matchsticks.

Pictures of the once majestic trees broken and abandoned in formerly pristine groves, and the thought of the giants put to such modest use, spurred the public outcry that caused most of the groves to be preserved as protected land. The public can visit an example of 1880s clear-cutting at Big Stump Grove near General Grant Grove. As late as the 1980s, some immature trees were logged in Sequoia National Forest, publicity of which helped lead to the creation of Giant Sequoia National Monument.

The wood from immature trees is less brittle, with recent tests on young plantation-grown trees showing it similar to coast redwood wood in quality. This is resulting in some interest in cultivating giant sequoia as a very high-yielding timber crop tree, both in California and also in parts of western Europe, where it may grow more efficiently than coast redwoods. In the northwest United States, some entrepreneurs have also begun growing giant sequoias for Christmas trees. Besides these attempts at tree farming, the principal economic uses for giant sequoia today are tourism and horticulture.


The Castle Fire wiped out a significant portion of the giant sequoia population.

Formerly threatened through excess logging, sequoias are now threatened by both a combination of fire and fire suppression, along with drought. Fire suppression caused by European land management practices promotes the excessive growth of smaller trees such as fir, which can dry out in droughts, and serve as a fuel load for devastating crown fires fueled by strong winds, which can kill large amounts of sequoias. One such fire, the Castle Fire of 2020, is thought to have wiped out almost 10–14% of the species' whole population, or 7500–10,600 mature trees, including potentially the King Arthur Tree, the 10th tallest known individual. 3 to 5% more, or 2,261–3,637 sequoias, are thought to have died during the KNP Complex and Windy Fire in 2021, with a combined total of 13–19%. The most effective remedy for these impacts is heavy prescribed burning, which will need to be multiplied by 30 times current burning practices in order to ensure heathy sequoia groves.[5][35][6][36]


Giant sequoia is a very popular ornamental tree in many areas. It is successfully grown in most of western and southern Europe, the Pacific Northwest of North America north to southwest British Columbia, the southern United States, southeast Australia, New Zealand and central-southern Chile. It is also grown, though less successfully, in parts of eastern North America.

Trees can withstand temperatures of −31 °C (−25 °F) or colder for short periods of time, provided the ground around the roots is insulated with either heavy snow or mulch. Outside its natural range, the foliage can suffer from damaging windburn.

A wide range of horticultural varieties have been selected, especially in Europe, including blue, compact blue, powder blue, hazel smith, pendulum—or weeping—varieties, and grafted cultivars.[37]

Sequoias in Eurodisney (near Paris) in 2009 and 2017


The tallest giant sequoia ever measured outside of the United States[38] is a specimen planted near Ribeauvillé in France in 1856 and measured in 2014 at a height between 57.7 m (189 ft)[39] and 58.1 m (191 ft)[40] at age 158 years.

United Kingdom

The well-known giant sequoia avenue planted in 1863 at Benmore Botanic Garden, Scotland. These trees are all over 50 metres (160 ft) tall

The giant sequoia was first brought into cultivation in Britain in 1853 by the horticulturist Patrick Matthew of Perthshire from seeds sent by his botanist son John in California.[41] A much larger shipment of seed collected from the Calaveras Grove by William Lobb, acting for the Veitch Nursery near Exeter, arrived in England in December 1853;[42] seed from this batch was widely distributed throughout Europe.

Growth in Britain is very fast, with the tallest tree, at Benmore in southwest Scotland, reaching 56.4 m (185 ft) in 2014 at age 150 years,[43] and several others from 50–53 m (164–174 ft) tall; the stoutest is around 12 m (39 ft) in girth and 4 m (13 ft) in diameter, in Perthshire. The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, and in their second campus at Wakehurst, contain multiple large specimens of the specie. Biddulph Grange Garden in Staffordshire holds a fine collection of both Sequoiadendron giganteum and Sequoia sempervirens (coast redwood). The General Sherman of California has a volume of 1,489 m3 (52,600 cu ft); by way of comparison, the largest giant sequoias in Great Britain have volumes no greater than 90–100 m3 (3,200–3,500 cu ft), one example being the 90 m3 (3,200 cu ft) specimen in the New Forest.

Sequoiadendron giganteum at New Forest, Hampshire, England, one of the tallest in the UK at 52.73 m (173.0 ft).[44]

Sequoiadendron giganteum has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[45][46]

An avenue of 218 giant sequoias was planted in 1865 near the town of Camberley, Surrey, England. The trees have since been surrounded by modern real estate development.[47]


Numerous giant sequoia were planted in Italy from 1860 through 1905. Several regions contain specimens that range from 40 to 48 metres (131 to 157 ft) in height. The largest tree is in Roccavione, in the Piedmont, with a basal circumference of 16 metres (52 ft). One notable tree survived a 200-metre (660 ft) tall flood wave in 1963 that was caused by a landslide at Vajont Dam. There are numerous giant sequoia in parks and reserves.[48]

Growth rates in some areas of Europe are remarkable. One young tree in Italy reached 22 m (72 ft) tall and 88 cm (2.89 ft) trunk diameter in 17 years (Mitchell, 1972).

Northern and Central Europe

Growth further northeast in Europe is limited by winter cold. In Denmark, where extreme winters can reach −32 °C (−26 °F), the largest tree was 35 m (115 ft) tall and 1.7 m (5.6 ft) diameter in 1976 and is bigger today. One in Poland has purportedly survived temperatures down to −37 °C (−35 °F) with heavy snow cover.

Two members of the German Dendrology Society, E. J. Martin and Illa Martin, introduced the giant sequoia into German forestry at the Sequoiafarm Kaldenkirchen in 1952.[49]

Twenty-nine giant sequoias, measuring around 30 m (98 ft) in height, grow in Belgrade's municipality of Lazarevac in Serbia.[50]

The oldest Sequoiadendron in the Czech Republic, at 44 m (144 ft), grows in Ratměřice u Votic castle garden.

United States and Canada

The giant sequoia tree in downtown Seattle, located adjacent to the historic The Bon Marché building, is unique for its urban setting.
Unopened pollen (male) cones of cultivated tree in Portland, Oregon, US (fall)
Immature seed (female) cones of cultivated tree in Portland, Oregon, US (fall)

Giant sequoias are grown successfully in the Pacific Northwest and southern US, and less successfully in eastern North America. Giant sequoia cultivation is very successful in the Pacific Northwest from western Oregon north to southwest British Columbia, with fast growth rates. In Washington and Oregon, it is common to find giant sequoias that have been successfully planted in both urban and rural areas.

In Seattle, a 100 ft (30 m) sequoia stands as a prominent landmark at the entrance to Seattle's downtown retail core.[51][52] Other large specimens exceeding 90 ft (27 m) are located on the University of Washington[53] and Seattle University[54] campuses, in the Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park cemetery,[55] and in the Leschi, Madrona, and Magnolia neighborhoods.[56]

In the northeastern US there has been some limited success in growing the species, but growth is much slower there, and it is prone to Cercospora and Kabatina fungal diseases due to the hot, humid summer climate there. A tree at Blithewold Gardens, in Bristol, Rhode Island, is reported to be 27 metres (89 ft) tall, reportedly the tallest in the New England states.[57][58] The tree at the Tyler Arboretum in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, at 29.1 metres (95 ft) may be the tallest in the northeast.[59] Specimens also grow in the Arnold Arboretum in Boston, Massachusetts (planted 1972, 18 m tall in 1998), at Longwood Gardens near Wilmington, Delaware, in the New Jersey State Botanical Garden at Skylands in Ringwood State Park, Ringwood, New Jersey, and in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Private plantings of giant sequoias around the Middle Atlantic States are not uncommon, and other publicly accessible specimens can be visited at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. A few trees have been established in Colorado as well.[60] Additionally, numerous sequoias have been planted with success in the state of Michigan.[61]

S. giganteum "Hazel Smith", photographed at the U.S. National Arboretum in September, 2014.

A cold-tolerant cultivar 'Hazel Smith' selected in about 1960 is proving more successful in the northeastern US. This clone was the sole survivor of several hundred seedlings grown at a nursery in New Jersey. The U.S. National Arboretum has a specimen grown from a cutting in 1970 that can be seen in the Gotelli Conifer Collection.


The Ballarat Botanical Gardens contain a significant collection, many of them about 150 years old. Jubilee Park and the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve in Daylesford, Cook Park in Orange, New South Wales and Carisbrook's Deep Creek park in Victoria both have specimens. Jamieson Township in the Victorian high country has two specimens which were planted in the early 1860s.

In Tasmania, specimens can be seen in private and public gardens, as sequoias were popular in the mid-Victorian era. The Westbury Village Green has mature specimens with more in Deloraine. The Tasmanian Arboretum contains both Sequoiadendron giganteum and Sequoia sempervirens specimens.[62]

The Pialligo Redwood Forest consists of 3,000 surviving redwood specimens, of 122,000 planted, 500 meters east of the Canberra Airport. The forest was laid out by the city's designer Walter Burley Griffin, though the city's arborist, Thomas Charles Weston, advised against it.[63][64] The National Arboretum Canberra began a grove of Sequoiadendron giganteum in 2008.[65] They also grow in the abandoned arboretum at Mount Banda Banda in New South Wales.

New Zealand

S. giganteum in Queenstown, New Zealand

Several impressive specimens of Sequoiadendron giganteum can be found in the South Island of New Zealand. Notable examples include a set of trees in a public park of Picton, as well as robust specimens in the public and botanical parks of Christchurch and Queenstown. There are also several in private gardens in Wanaka. Other locations in Christchurch and nearby include a number of mature trees at the Riccarton Park Racecourse, three large trees on the roadside bordering private properties on Clyde Road, near Wai-Iti Terrace—these are at least 150 years old. The suburb of ‘Redwood’ is named after a 160 years old Giant Redwood tree in the grounds of a local hotel. At St James Church, Harewood, is a protected very large specimen believed to be about 160 years old. A grove of about sixteen Redwood trees of varying ages is in Sheldon Park in the Belfast, New Zealand suburb. Some of these trees are in poor condition because of indifferent care. There is also a very large tree at Rangiora High School, which was planted for Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee and is thus over 130 years old.[66] Other Giant Redwood trees in Rangiora include mature specimens in Victoria Park, Rangiora Borough School and the street opposite, Lilybrook Reserve, and in the carpark of a supermarket in Ivory Street.

Giant Redwood at Rangiora High School

The location of a large number of New Zealand Redwoods can be found at https://register.notabletrees.org.nz


Largest by trunk volume

General Sherman, largest known living single stem tree in the world

Some sequoias, such as the Mother of the Forest, were undoubtedly far larger than any living tree today. However, as of 2009, the top ten largest giant sequoias sorted by volume of their trunks are:[10][note 2]

  • The General Sherman tree is estimated to weigh about 2100 tonnes.[69]
  • The Washington Tree was previously arguably the second largest tree with a volume of 47,850 cubic feet (1,355 m3) (although the upper half of its trunk was hollow, making the calculated volume debatable), but after losing the hollow upper half of its trunk in January 2005 following a fire, it is no longer of great size.



The Muir Snag, believed to be over 3500 years old

Greatest girth

  • Waterfall Tree – Alder Creek Grove – 47 metres (155 ft) – tree with enormous basal buttress on very steep ground.[10]

Greatest base diameter

  • Waterfall Tree – Alder Creek Grove – 21 metres (69 ft) – tree with enormous basal buttress on very steep ground.[10]
  • Tunnel Tree – Atwell Mill Grove – 17 metres (57 ft) – tree with a huge flared base that has burned all the way through.[10]

Greatest mean diameter at breast height

Largest limb

Thickest bark

  • 0.9 metres (3 ft) or more[10]

See also


  1. ^ other names include giant redwood, Sierra redwood, Sierran redwood, California big tree, Wellingtonia or simply big tree—a nickname also used by John Muir[3]
  2. ^ The volume figures have a low degree of accuracy (at best about ±14 cubic metres or 490 cubic feet), due to difficulties in measurement; stem diameter measurements are taken at a few set heights up the trunk, and assume that the trunk is circular in cross-section, and that taper between measurement points is even. The volume measurements also do not take cavities into account. The measurements are trunk-only, and do not include the volume of wood in the branches or roots.
  3. ^ a b c d This table presents giant sequoias sorted by the volume of their trunks. In December 2012, Stephen Sillett announced a measurement of the President tree with a total of 54,000 cubic feet (1,500 m3) of wood and 9,000 cubic feet (250 m3) of wood in the branches.[67][68] Ranked according to the total amount of wood in the tree, the General Sherman tree is first, the President tree is second, and the General Grant tree is third.[67][68] General Sherman has 2,000 cubic feet (57 m3) more wood than the President tree.[67]


  1. ^ Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. (2013). "Sequoiadendron giganteum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2013: e.T34023A2840676.
  2. ^ NatureServe. 2020. Sequoiadendron giganteum, Giant Sequoia. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available https://explorer.natureserve.org/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.130747/Sequoiadendron_giganteum. Accessed 11 November 2021.
  3. ^ "Sequoia and Kings Canyon brochure" (PDF). National Park Service. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-10-26. Retrieved 2016-10-26.
  4. ^ a b "The Giant Sequoia National Monument". usda.gov. United States Department of Agriculture – Forest service. Archived from the original on November 19, 2018. Retrieved December 6, 2018.
  5. ^ a b Alexander, Kurtis (2021-06-04). "Super-hot California wildfire wiped out 10% of world's sequoia trees. Can they survive climate change?". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
  6. ^ a b Group), Aljos Farjon (IUCN SSC Conifer Specialist; Berkeley), Rudi Schmid (UC (2011-04-18). "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Sequoiadendron giganteum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
  7. ^ a b Lowe, Gary D. (2012). "Endlicher's Sequence: The Naming of the Genus Sequoia" (PDF). cnps.org. California Native Plant Society. p. 27. Retrieved January 15, 2017. Whitney states, 'The genus was named in honor of Sequoia* or Sequoyah, a Cherokee Indian.'
  8. ^ a b Sierra Nevada – The Naturalist's Companion. University of California Press. 1 June 2000. p. 55. ISBN 978-0-520-92549-6.
  9. ^ a b Lowe, Gary D. (2012). "Endlicher's Sequence: The Naming of the Genus Sequoia" (PDF). cnps.org. California Native Plant Society. p. 33. Retrieved January 15, 2017. ...the foregoing has shown that the name of the genus Sequoia as a tribute to the Cherokee linguist Sequoyah is an unsubstantiated opinion...Endlicher named the genus for the operation that he had conducted. The new genus fell in sequence with the other four genera in his suborder.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Flint 2002
  11. ^ Flint, Wendell D. (1987). To Find the Biggest Tree. Sequoia National Forest Association. p. 94.
  12. ^ Vaden, M.D. "Coast Redwood Discovery. Sequoia sempervirens".
  13. ^ H. Thomas Harvey, Evolution and History of Giant Sequoia. Presented at the Workshop on Management of Giant Sequoia, May 24–25, 1985, Reedley, California. Retrieved 2019-12-05.
  14. ^ Yosemite National Park (U.S. National Park Service). "Sequoia Research". www.nps.gov. Retrieved 2019-12-05.
  15. ^ Peattie, Donald Culross (1953). A Natural History of Western Trees. New York: Bonanza Books. p. 10.
  16. ^ DeSilva, Rainbow; Dodd, Richard S. (2016). "Variation in Genetic Structure and Gene Flow Across the Range of Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant sequoia)" (PDF). Proceedings of the Coast Redwood Science Symposium. Retrieved January 22, 2022.
  17. ^ James E Eckenwalder. Conifers of the World, The Complete Reference. p. 586. Timber Press 2009. ISBN 978-0881929744
  18. ^ Bryan G Bowes. Trees and Forests, a colour guide. pp. 48–49. Manson Publishing 2010. ISBN 978-1840760859
  19. ^ Schmidt, Rudolf; Mena, Schmidt (2012). "Naturalization of Sequoiadendron giganteum (Cupressaceae) in Montane Southern California". Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany. 30 (1): 19–32. doi:10.5642/ALISO.20123001.04. S2CID 84948955.
  20. ^ Schmidt, Rudolf; Mena, Schmidt (2013). "Sequoiadendron giganteum (Cupressaceae) at Lake Fulmor, Riverside County, California". Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany. 30 (2): 103–107 – via Scholarship @ Claremont.
  21. ^ Masters, Nathan (21 May 2014). "These Sequoia Trees Are Thriving 175 Miles South of Their Natural Range". Gizmodo. Retrieved April 15, 2018..
  22. ^ Quammen, David (2012-12-01). "Forest Giant". nationalgeographic.com. Archived from the original on 3 October 2021. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  23. ^ "Giant Sequoias and Fire". Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks. National Park Service. Retrieved 2021-08-26.
  24. ^ Peattie, Donald Culross (1953). A Natural History of Western Trees. New York: Bonanza Books. p. 11.
  25. ^ Stephens, Scott; Finney, Mark (2002). "Prescribed fire mortality of Sierra Nevada mixed conifer tree species: effects of crown damage and forest floor combustion". Forest Ecology and Management. 162 (3): 261–271. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00521-7.
  26. ^ Hartesveldt, RJ; Harvey, HT (1967). "The Fire Ecology of Sequoia Regeneration" (PDF). Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference. 7: 7.
  27. ^ Carr, Robin (December 16, 2021). "Completed Redwood Genome Sequence Reveals Genes for Climate Adaptation and Offers Insights into Genetic Basis for Survival" (Press release). Associated Press. Landis Communications Inc. Retrieved 2021-12-30.
  28. ^ Scott, Alison D; Zimin, Aleksey V; Puiu, Daniela; Workman, Rachael; Britton, Monica; Zaman, Sumaira; Caballero, Madison; Read, Andrew C; Bogdanove, Adam J; Burns, Emily; Wegrzyn, Jill; Timp, Winston; Salzberg, Steven L; Neale, David B (November 1, 2020). "A Reference Genome Sequence for Giant Sequoia". G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 10 (11): 3907–3919. doi:10.1534/g3.120.401612. PMC 7642918. PMID 32948606.
  29. ^ "Coast redwood and sequoia genome sequences completed". Science Daily. December 17, 2021. Retrieved December 30, 2021. Research reveals genes for climate adaptation and insights into genetic basis for survival
  30. ^ a b Farquhar, Francis P. (1925). "Discovery of the Sierra Nevada". California Historical Society Quarterly. 4 (1): 3–58. doi:10.2307/25177743. hdl:2027/mdp.39015049981668. JSTOR 25177743., Yosemite.ca.us
  31. ^ Ornduff, R. (1994). "A Botanist's View of the Big Tree". In Aune, P. S. (ed.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Giant Sequoias (PDF). US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service (Pacific Southwest Research Station). General Technical Report PSW-GTR-151.
  32. ^ Muir, John (November 1996). Gifford, Terry (ed.). John Muir: His Life and Letters and Other Writings. Mountaineers Books. pp. 139–140. ISBN 0898864631.
  33. ^ berkshireeagle.com / 'Giant Redwood Trees' will fall at Berkshire Museum despite interpretive value, Posted Saturday, June 30, 2018
  34. ^ "Battle against Rough fire intensifies as blaze bears down on Hume Lake". fresnobee. Retrieved 2015-10-18.
  35. ^ "Study: California fire killed 10% of world's giant sequoias". AP NEWS. 2021-06-02. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
  36. ^ "2021 Fire Season Impacts to Giant Sequoias (U.S. National Park Service)". www.nps.gov. Retrieved 2021-11-20.
  37. ^ "Species Level Browse Results". NurseryGuide.com. Oregon Association of Nurseries. 2011. Archived from the original on 2012-03-09. Retrieved 2016-10-31.
  38. ^ a b "The thickest, tallest, and oldest giant sequoia trees (Sequoiadendron giganteum)". monumentaltrees.com. Retrieved August 2, 2015.
  39. ^ a b "Giant sequoia in the forêt domaniale de Ribeauvillé". monumentaltrees.com. Retrieved August 2, 2015.
  40. ^ a b "Riquewihr/Ribeauvillé (68) : Forêt Domaniale de Ribeauvillé". Sequoias.eu. Retrieved August 2, 2015.
  41. ^ "The History of Cluny – The Plant Collectors". clunyhousegardens.com. Retrieved 23 December 2008.
  42. ^ Christopher J. Earle. "Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindley) Buchholz 1939". University of Hamburg. Archived from the original on 2012-02-29. Retrieved 23 December 2008.
  43. ^ Tree Register of the British Isles, tree-register.org
  44. ^ "Top Trunks". Redwood World. Retrieved September 19, 2013.
  45. ^ "RHS Plantfinder – Sequoiadendron giganteum". Retrieved 10 November 2018.
  46. ^ "AGM Plants – Ornamental" (PDF). Royal Horticultural Society. July 2017. p. 96. Retrieved 10 November 2018.
  47. ^ "Redwood World". Retrieved 14 May 2019.
  48. ^ "Sequoie d'Italia". 4 August 2012. Retrieved January 22, 2014.
  49. ^ Die Wiedereinführung des Mammutbaumes (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in die deutsche Forstwirtschaft. In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. 75. pp. 57–75. Ulmer. Stuttgart 1984, ISBN 3-8001-8308-0
  50. ^ Puzović, B. (August 15, 2011). "Lazarevac: Visoke sekvoje niču iz uglja" (in Serbian). Novosti.rs. Retrieved September 17, 2013.
  51. ^ "Seattle's Giant Sequoia Undergoes Emergency Care". SDOT Blog. Seattle Department of Transportation. June 14, 2010. Retrieved December 29, 2021.
  52. ^ Uitti, Jake. "Seattle's Giant Sequoia Tree". Atlas Obscura. Retrieved December 29, 2021. This grand old 80-foot sequoia towers above the buildings in the city's retail center.
  53. ^ "Giant sequoia at the University of Washington campus in Seattle, Washington, United States". Monumental Trees. Retrieved December 29, 2021.
  54. ^ "Giant sequoia north of The Quad on the campus of Seattle University in Seattle, Washington, United States". Monumental Trees. Retrieved December 29, 2021.
  55. ^ "Giant sequoia at the cemetery of The Evergreen Washelli in Seattle, Washington, United States". Monumental Trees. Retrieved December 29, 2021.
  56. ^ "Giant sequoia trees (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in King County". Monumental Trees. Retrieved December 29, 2021.
  57. ^ "Mansion and History". Blithewold Mansion, Gardens, and Arboretum.
  58. ^ "Gardens". Blithewold Mansion, Gardens, and Arboretum.
  59. ^ Big Trees Of Pennsylvania: Sequoiadendron – Giant Sequoia, pabigtrees.com
  60. ^ "Colorado giant sequoia". giant-sequoia.com.
  61. ^ "Michigan giant sequoia". Giant-sequoia.com.
  62. ^ "A listing of species planted in the Tasmanian Arboretum". tasmanianarboretum.org.au. The Tasmanian Arboretum Inc. Retrieved 3 June 2019.
  63. ^ "Pialligo Redwood Forest". VisitCanberra.com. Canberra and Region Visitors Centre. Retrieved 3 June 2019.
  64. ^ "Pialligo Redwoods – FACTT – Canberra". sites.google.com. Retrieved 4 June 2019.
  65. ^ "Forest 33 – Giant Sequoia". nationalarboretum.act.gov.au. National Arboretum Canberra. Retrieved 3 June 2019.
  66. ^ "History". Rangiora High School.
  67. ^ a b c Cone, Tracie (2012-12-01). "Upon further review, giant sequoia tops a neighbor". Associated Press. Archived from the original on 2012-12-02.
  68. ^ a b Quammen, David. "Giant Sequoias". National Geographic.
  69. ^ White & Fry 1938.
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Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Sequoiadendron giganteum, also known as the giant sequoia, is the sole living species in the genus Sequoiadendron, and one of three species of coniferous trees known as redwoods, classified in the family Cupressaceae in the subfamily Sequoioideae, together with Sequoia sempervirens (coast redwood) and Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn redwood). Giant sequoia specimens are the most massive trees on Earth. The common use of the name sequoia usually refers to Sequoiadendron giganteum, which occurs naturally only in groves on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California.

The giant sequoia is listed as an endangered species by the IUCN, with fewer than 80,000 trees remaining. Since its last assessment as an endangered species in 2011, it was estimated that another 13–19% of the population (or 9,761–13,637 mature trees) was destroyed during the Castle Fire of 2020 and the KNP Complex & Windy Fire in 2021, events attributed to fire suppression and drought. Despite their large size and adaptations to fire, giant sequoias have become severely threatened by a combination of fuel load from fire suppression, which fuels extremely destructive fires. These conditions have led to the death of many populations in large fires in recent decades. Prescribed burns to reduce available fuel load may be crucial for saving the species.

The etymology of the genus name has been presumed—initially in The Yosemite Book by Josiah Whitney in 1868—to be in honor of Sequoyah (1767–1843), who was the inventor of the Cherokee syllabary. An etymological study published in 2012 concluded that Austrian Stephen L. Endlicher is actually responsible for the name. A linguist and botanist, Endlicher corresponded with experts in the Cherokee language including Sequoyah, whom he admired. He also realized that coincidentally the genus could be described in Latin as sequi (meaning to follow) because the number of seeds per cone in the newly classified genus aligned in mathematical sequence with the other four genera in the suborder. Endlicher thus coined the name "Sequoia" as both a description of the tree's genus and an honor to the indigenous man he admired.

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Sekvojadendro ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO

La sekvojadendro (Sequoiadendron) estas genro el la familio de cipresacoj, hodiaŭ taksodiacoj, kun nur unu specio (Sequoiadendron giganteum) de konifera arbego (ĝis 105 m alta kaj 12 m de diametro), tre longviva (eble ĝis 3 000 jaroj), kun mallongaj, akre pintaj, blue grizaj aŭ malhele verdaj pingloj; hejma en Kalifornio, pororname kultivata.

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Sequoiadendron giganteum ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Sequoiadendron giganteum es la única especie de Sequoiadendron, un género monotípico de árboles perteneciente a la familia de las Cupresáceas, también llamadas Taxodiáceas. Es conocida como secuoya, secoya gigante, velintonia, wellingtonia, secoya de Sierra o gran árbol. Sequoaidendron giganteum es una de las tres especies de coníferas conocidas como secuoyas, clasificada en la subfamilia de las Sequoioideae, junto con Sequoia sempervirens (secoya de costa) y Metasequoia glyptostroboides (secoya del alba). Entre los 4 y los 10 años la secuoya gigante crece 1,80 metros por año.


La secuoya gigante es el organismo vegetal más grande del mundo en términos de suma del volumen. Crecen a una altura media de entre 50 a 85 m y de 5 a 7 m de diámetro. Se tienen referencias de árboles que han existido de 94 m de altura y más de 11 m de diámetro. La secuoya gigante, conocida y más vieja con 3200 años, se calculó su edad, con el recuento de sus anillos de crecimiento.

En 2010 se encontró una secuoya de 105,5 metros de alto y 10 metros de diámetro en su tronco, sus raíces alcanzan los 35 metros aproximadamente.

La corteza de la secuoya es fibrosa, fruncida, y puede ser 60 cm (2 pies) de grueso en la base del tronco de forma de columna. Proporciona una protección significativa del fuego para los árboles. Las hojas son perennes, con forma de lezna, de unos 3 a 6 mm de largo, y dispuestas espiralmente en los renuevos.

Las semillas se encuentran en conos de conífera de 4 a 7 cm de largo y maduran en 18-20 meses, aunque se quedan normalmente de color verde y cerrados hasta 20 años; cada cono tiene 30 a 50 tecas dispuestas espiralmente, con varias semillas en cada teca que da un promedio de 230 semillas por cono. La semilla es marrón oscura, de 4 a 5 mm largo y 1 mm ancho, con un 1 mm de alas amarillo-marrón por cada lado. Alguna semilla es soltada cuando las tecas de cono se encogen durante el tiempo cálido a finales del verano, pero la mayoría de las semillas son liberadas cuando el cono se seca por el calor del fuego o el daño de un insecto.

Los conos de la secuoya gigante.

La secuoya gigante se regenera por semillas. Los árboles jóvenes de unos 20 años de edad pueden producir brotes de los restos de un tocón. Las Secuoyas Gigantes de todas las edades pueden brotar del tronco cuando las ramas viejas se pierden por rotura pero, a diferencia de la secuoya de la costa, los árboles maduros no brotan de los cortes de los tocones. Los árboles jóvenes empiezan a producir conos a los 20 años de vida.

En algún momento de su vida, un árbol grande puede llegar a tener aproximadamente 11 000 conos. La parte superior de la corona de la secuoya gigante madura produce más cantidad de conos que sus partes más bajas. Se estima que una secuoya gigante madura pueda dispersar de 300.000 a 400.000 semillas por año. Las semillas aladas pueden ser llevadas hasta 180 m de distancia con respecto del árbol padre.

Las ramas más bajas se mueren bastante fácilmente, pero en los árboles de menos de 100 años de edad retienen la mayor parte de sus ramas muertas. Los troncos de los árboles maduros en arboledas se encuentran generalmente libres de ramas a una altura de 20 a 50 m, pero los árboles solitarios retendrán las ramas bajas muertas.


La distribución natural de la secuoya gigante está restringida a un área limitada de la parte occidental de Sierra Nevada, California. Comprendiendo un área total de solo 14.416 ha (144,16 km²). En ningún lugar se encuentran creciendo en bosques de solamente ejemplares de esta especie, aunque en unas pequeñas áreas se acerquen a un bosque puro. En la parte septentrional se encuentran los dos tercios de sus ejemplares, del Río Americano en el Condado de Placer hacia el sur al Río de Reyes, hay solamente ocho arboledas desconectadas. Aún quedan arboledas meridionales estando concentradas entre el Río de Reyes y la Arboleda de Riachuelo de Venado en el meridional Condado de Tulare. Las arboledas alcanzan un tamaño de 1.240 ha con 20.000 árboles maduros, en pequeñas arboledas con solo seis árboles vivos. Muchas están protegidas en los parques nacionales de Cañón de Secoya y Reyes y Secoya Gigante Monumento Nacional.

La secuoya gigante se encuentra generalmente en un clima húmedo caracterizado por veranos secos e inviernos con nieve abundante. La mayoría de las arboledas de secuoyas gigantes están en tierras de base granítica, residuales y aluviales. La altitudes donde se encuentran las arboledas de las secuoyas gigantes están comprendidas generalmente entre 1.400 y 2.000 msnm en el norte, y entre 1700 y 2150 msnm al sur.

La secoya gigante se encuentra generalmente en la ladera sur de las montañas septentrionales, y en la ladera septentrional de las sierras más meridionales.

Para mantener la densidad de población actual serían necesarios unos altos niveles de reproducción. Pocas arboledas tienen suficiente cantidad de árboles jóvenes para mantener la densidad actual de Secoyas Gigantes maduras para el futuro. La mayoría de Secoyas Gigantes experimenta actualmente un descenso gradual en la densidad desde la llegada de los colonos europeos.


Las secoyas gigantes tienen dificultad para reproducirse en su hábitat original (y muy raramente se reproducen en cultivo) debido a que las semillas solo puede crecer exitosamente en suelos minerales y con la luz del sol directa, liberados de competir con el resto de la vegetación. Aunque las semillas puedan germinar en sustrato húmedo mantillo en la primavera, estos semilleros morirán con la sequía del verano. Por lo tanto requieren de un incendio controlado periódico para vaciar el mantillo de vegetación competidora y con la regeneración de la tierra se pueda producir una germinación con éxito.

Automóvil atravesando un túnel excavado en una sequoia.

Los fuegos traen también chorros de aire caliente en lo alto del dosel forestal, vía corrientes de convección, que seca y abre los conos. La liberación subsiguiente de cantidades grandes de semillas coincide con las condiciones óptimas de semillero posteriormente al fuego. Junto con ceniza en el suelo que puede actuar también como una cubierta para proteger las semillas caídas del daño ultravioleta de la radiación.

Sin el fuego, las especies existentes con su sombra excluirán a los jóvenes semilleros de la secoya, y las semillas de la secoya no germinarán. Cuándo hay un plantel repleto de árboles, estos árboles requieren unas cantidades grandes de agua, por lo que generalmente se concentran cerca de corrientes de agua.

Debido a los esfuerzos en la supresión de los fuegos y al ganado que pastaba durante los inicios y a mediados del siglo XX, la baja intensidad de los incendios que ya no se producían de forma natural en muchas arboledas, y actualmente no ocurre en algunas arboledas. La supresión de fuegos llevó también al aumento de combustible de suelo y el crecimiento denso de Abeto Blanco, muy sensible a los incendios. Este aumentó el riesgo de los fuegos más intensos que pueden utilizar los abetos como escalas para amenazar las coronas de la Secoyas Gigantes maduras. Los fuegos naturales pueden ser también factores muy importantes para mantener a la hormiga de carpintero en buen estado de salud.

En 1970 el Servicio Nacional de los Parques empezó las quemas controladas de sus arboledas para corregir estos problemas. Las políticas actuales permiten también a los fuegos naturales proseguir sin interrupciones. Una de estas quemas incontroladas dañó severamente el segundo árbol más grande del mundo, el árbol de Washington, en septiembre de 2003, 45 días después de que empezara el fuego. Este daño lo hizo incapaz de resistir a la tormenta de nieve de enero de 2005, que le llevó al desplome de la mitad del tronco.

Pero además del fuego, hay también dos agentes animales que influyen en la liberación de gran cantidad de las semillas de la Secoya gigante. El más significativo de los dos es un escarabajo de cuernos (Phymatodes nitidus) este pone huevos en los conos, en el que las larvas abren hoyos. Esto corta el abastecimiento de agua vascular a las tecas del cono, permitiendo que los conos se puedan secar y abrir para permitir caer las semillas. Los conos dañados por los escarabajos, durante el verano abrirán lentamente durante los meses siguientes. Alguna investigación indica que muchos conos, especialmente los situados más alto en las coronas, pueden necesitar secarse parcialmente por el daño de escarabajo antes que el fuego los pueda abrir completamente. El otro agente es el "ardilla de Douglas" (Tamiasciurus douglasi) esta roe en las tecas verdes carnosas de los conos más jóvenes. Las ardillas se encuentran activas durante todo el año, y cuando roen el cono, algunas semillas son sacadas y dejadas caer al suelo.


Véase simbología de la secuoya

Descubrimiento y nombramiento

Una secuoya gigante comparada con un automóvil.

La Secoya Gigante era una vieja conocida de las tribus nativas de EE. UU. que vivían en esta área. Los antiguos nativos norteamericanos llamaban a la Secoya Wawona, Toos-pung-ish y Hea-mi-withic, las dos últimas de la tribu del río Tule.

La primera referencia a la Secoya Gigante por europeos es de 1833, en el diario del explorador J. K. Leonard; la referencia no menciona ninguna localidad, pero su ruta habría sido por Calaveras. Este descubrimiento no se publicó. El siguiente europeo en ver la especie fue John M. Wooster, que talló sus iniciales en la corteza del árbol de "Hércules" en la Arboleda de Calaveras en 1850; tampoco este hallazgo se publicó. Se dio mucha más publicidad al "descubrimiento" de la Arboleda de Calaveras por Augusto T. Dowd en 1852, y estos son comúnmente citados como las especies del descubrimiento. El árbol que encontró Dowd, y que bautizó como el "Árbol del Descubrimiento", fue derribado en 1853.

El primero en dar un nombre científico a la especie fue John Lindley en 1853, que lo denominó como Wellingtonia gigantea, sin darse cuenta de este era un nombre inválido bajo el Código Internacional de Nomenclatura pues el nombre Wellingtonia ya había sido utilizado anteriormente para otra planta no relacionada (Wellingtonia arnottiana en la familia Sabiaceae). El nombre "Wellingtonia" ha persistido en Inglaterra como un nombre común, aunque está desaprobado como una reliquia de imperialismo cultural (R. Ornduff en Aune 1994). El año siguiente, Joseph Decaisne la incluyó en el mismo género que la Secoya de Costa, denominándolo Secoya gigantea, pero tampoco fue válido este nombre, pues se había aplicado anteriormente a la Secoya de la Costa (en 1847, por Endlicher). El nombre Washingtonia californica fue aplicado también por Winslow en 1854, aunque tampoco era válido, pues pertenecía al género de las Palmas Washingtonia.

En el parque nacional Yosemite.

En 1907 fue incluido por Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze en el género fósil Steinhauera, pero la duda en cuanto a si la Secoya Gigante estaba relacionada o no al fósil, han dejado invalidado este nombre.

Los fallos de nomenclatura fueron corregidos finalmente en 1939 por J. Buchholz, que indicó también que la Secoya Gigante es distinta de la Secoya de la Costa en el nivel de género y acuñó el nombre Sequoiadendron giganteum para ella.

John Muir escribió de la especie en 1870: ¡: Percibe la Secoya Rey! ¡Perciba! Perciba! puedo decir que parece todo. ¿Tiempo atrás yo dejé todo por la Secoya y he estado y estoy a sus pies, en ayuno y orando para la luz, pero ¿no es ella la luz más grande en el bosque?, ¿en el mundo? ¿Dónde están tales columnas de sol, palpables, accesibles, terrenas?

A fecha de febrero de 2005, los diez árboles con un mayor volumen son:

Fuente: United States National Park Service - [1]. Note que las figuras del volumen tienen un grado bajo de certeza, debido a dificultades en la medida; las medidas del diámetro del tallo están tomadas en unas pocas alturas fijas arriba del tronco, y asumen que el tronco es circular en la sección transversal, y que ese estrechamiento entre puntos de medida es constante. Las medidas del volumen tampoco toman en cuenta las cavidades. Las medidas son sin embargo del tronco solo, y no incluyen el volumen de madera de las ramas ni de las raíces.

Al árbol General Sherman se le estima un peso de 2100 toneladas (Fry & White 1938).


Secuoya gigante en el Mariposa Grove, parque nacional de Yosemite.

La madera de las Secoyas Gigantes maduras es sumamente resistente a la descomposición, pero es fibrosa y quebradiza, lo que generalmente la hace inapropiada para la construcción. Desde la década de 1880 hasta los inicios de la de 1920 se cortaron gran cantidad de árboles, aunque para usos comerciales marginales. Debido al enorme peso de los árboles y a su carácter quebradizo a menudo se astillaban cuando golpeaban el suelo, malgastando mucha de la madera. Los leñadores procuraron almohadillar el impacto cavando zanjas y llenándolas con ramas. Todavía, se estima que tan solo un 50 por ciento de la madera lo hizo de arboledas al molino. La madera fue utilizada principalmente para producir tablillas de postes y de cercas, e incluso para fósforos.

Los retratos de los árboles una vez majestuosos rotos y abandonados en arboledas anteriormente prístinas, y el uso tan marginal que de estos gigantes se hacía, espoleó la protesta pública que causó que la mayor parte de las arboledas fueran preservadas como tierra protegida. El público puede visitar un ejemplo claro de 1880 como se encuentran los restos de las cortas en Arboleda de Tocón Grande cerca de la Arboleda de Beca. Tan tarde como el 1980 algunos árboles inmaduros fueron apuntados en el Secoya Bosque Nacional, la publicidad fue lo que ayudó a llevar a la creación del parque Secoya Gigante Monumento Nacional.

La madera de árboles inmaduros es menos quebradiza, con pruebas recientes en jóvenes árboles Plantaciones que muestran semejanza a la Secoya de Costa con madera de calidad. Esto tiene como resultado algún interés a cultivar la Secoya Gigante como un árbol de muy alto rendimiento de cosecha de madera, en California y también en partes de Europa occidental, donde puede crecer más eficientemente que las Secoyas rojas de la costa. En el noroeste Estados Unidos algunos empresarios han empezado también las Secoyas Gigante crecientes para árbol de Navidad. Aparte de estas tentativas en la sivicultura, los usos económicos principales para la Secoya Gigante son hoy el turismo y la horticultura (ver Cultivo, más abajo).


Sequoiadendron giganteum Secuoya del Noguer, Viladrau (Cataluña), España.

La Secoya gigante es un árbol decorativo muy popular en muchas áreas. Las áreas donde se cría exitosamente incluyen la mayor parte de Europa occidental y meridional, el Noroeste del pacífico de Norteamérica del norte al suroeste de la Columbia Británica, el sureste de Australia, Nueva Zelanda y la zona central y meridional de Chile. Se cría también, aunque menos favorablemente, en partes de Norteamérica oriental.

Estos árboles pueden aguantar temperaturas mínimas de unos −30 °C o más frías durante cortos periodos, unos pocos individuos se ha comprobado que parecen haber superado temperaturas más bajas, especialmente donde la nieve hace una cubierta profunda sobre las raíces. Fuera de su rango de temperatura natural el follaje puede sufrir quemaduras por el viento helado.

Quizás uno de los más raros ejemplares que se ha llevado a cabo la siembra de esta especie fuera de su hábitat natural, curiosamente ha sido en el municipio de Sonson (Antioquia), Colombia, un ejemplar estudiado por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia que se encontró en este pueblo colombiano, con 30 m de altura y 90 cm de diámetro, el cual se conoce por la persona que era oriunda de dicha región, don Joaquín Antonio Uribe, un natural de la región que vivió allí muchos años, llegó a sembrar dicho árbol en la región, sin embargo, se ha datado que el árbol apenas ha logrado sobrepasar al menos los 100 años desde su siembra, haciéndole quizás el único sequioa más antiguo y tal vez el único ejemplar joven en ser sembrado en Colombia.[2][3]


Las primeras semillas que llegaron a Europa para su cultivo fueron en 1853 por John Scotsman D. Matthew, que reunió una cantidad pequeña de semillas en la Arboleda de Calaveras, llevándolas consigo a Escocia en agosto de 1853 (Mitchell 1996). Un embarque mucho más grande de semillas que recolectó (también en la Arboleda de Calaveras) William Lobb, actuando como agente para el Vivero de Veitch en Budlake cerca Exeter, llegando a Inglaterra en diciembre de 1853; las semillas de esta serie se distribuyeron extensamente a través de toda Europa.

El crecimiento que presentan en el Reino Unido es muy rápido, con los árboles más grandes, en Benmore en el suroeste de Escocia, alcanzando los 54 m con 150 años (Registro de los árboles de las islas Británicas), y varios otros ejemplares con alturas entre 50 y 53 m de alto; el más robusto con 3.55 m diámetro, en Perthshire.

El promedio de crecimiento en algunas zonas es considerable; un ejemplar joven en Italia alcanzó los 22 m de altura y 88 cm de diámetro de tronco en tan solo 17 años (Mitchell, 1972).

Su desarrollo en el noreste de Europa se encuentra limitado por los fríos inviernos. En Dinamarca, pueden alcanzar los −32 °C, el mayor árbol tiene 35 m de altura y de 1,7 m diámetro en 1976 y actualmente aún mayor. Uno en Polonia soporta temperaturas por debajo de −37 °C con una gran cubierta de nieve.

En España ya desde mediados del siglo XIX se plantaron sequoyas con intención puramente decorativa en los jardines de diversas ciudades y residencias privadas. Entre todos ellos los considerados como más longevos y de dimensiones más impresionantes son los que subsisten todavía en los jardines del Palacio Real de la Granja de San Ildefonso (plantados alrededor de 1870); el mayor de los ejemplares cuenta ya con un perímetro de tronco medido ( 2 metros de ancho), de altura superior a los 14 metros, lo que arroja una tasa de crecimiento anual espectacular. El situado desde aproximadamente 1880 en el Monasterio de Silos, el que crece desde el siglo XIX en el patio de las Escuelas Mayores de la Universidad de Salamanca, y, sobre todo, los que todavía subsisten en Pamplona situados en el patio del edificio del Instituto Navarro de Administración Pública, en la pradera de la Universidad de Navarra y en los jardines del Palacio de Navarra. Este último alcanza actualmente más de 37 metros de altura y se tiene constancia de haber sido plantado en su actual ubicación en 1855 lo que lo convierte en uno de los sequoyas más antiguos de Europa, teniendo en cuenta que son más antiguas y más grandes, todavía, las sequoias que se encuentran en los jardines de La Casa del Príncipe de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, de unos 60 m de altura y de 1853, regalo de la reina Victoria de Inglaterra.

EE. UU. y Canadá

Su cultivo es óptimo en la zona del noroeste del Pacífico, desde el oeste de Oregón al norte y suroeste de Columbia Británica, con unos promedios de desarrollo elevados.

En el noreste EE. UU. en el cultivo de la especie ha habido algún éxito limitado, pues el crecimiento es mucho más lento allí, y son propensos a la Cercospora y la Kabatina enfermedades micóticas debido al clima caliente y húmedo del verano en esta zona. El árbol más alto que se encuentra en el este es uno que alcanza los 35 M de altura, en Blithewold, en Rhode Island Bristol. Los especímenes crecen también en el Arnold Arboretum en Massachusetts Boston (plantado en 1972, 18 M alta en 1998), en los Jardines de Longwood Delaware Wilmington, y en el Lago de Dedo la región de Nueva York durante muchos años. No son raras las Secoyas Gigantes en los jardines privados alrededor de los Estados atlánticos Medios. También se encuentran en la parte noreste, desde que en el año 2000, se inició una pequeña plantación experimental en el Lago Champlain en el valle de Vermont donde las temperaturas de invierno pueden alcanzar los −37 °C con cubierta de nieve variable.

Un cultivar 'Hazel Smith' seleccionado en 1960 se ha mostrado muy válido en los EE. UU. del noreste. Este clon fue el único sobreviviente de varios cientos de semilleros crecidos en un vivero de Nueva Jersey.


El Ballarat Botanical Gardens contiene una colección considerable, muchos de ellos con unos 150 años.


Sequoiadendron giganteum fue descrita por (Lindl.) J.Buchholz y publicado en American Journal of Botany 26(7): 536. 1939.[4]

  • Gigantabies wellingtoniana (Seem.) J. Nelson
  • Sequoia gigantea (Lindl.) Decne.
  • Sequoia gigantea f. pendula (Briolay-Goiffon ex Carrière) Beissn.
  • Sequoia washingtoniana Sudw.
  • Sequoia wellingtonia Seem.
  • Sequoia wellingtonia var. pendula (Briolay-Goiffon ex Carrière) A.H.Kent
  • Sequoiadendron giganteum f. pendulum (Briolay-Goiffon ex Carrière) Rehder
  • Steinhauera gigantea (Lindl.) Kuntze ex Voss
  • Taxodium giganteum (Lindl.) Kellogg & Behr
  • Taxodium washingtonianum Winslow
  • Taxodium washingtonium Winsl.
  • Washingtonia americana Gordon
  • Washingtonia californica Winslow
  • Washingtonia gigantea (Lindl.) Carrière
  • Wellingtonia californica Sarg.
  • Wellingtonia gigantea Lindl.
  • Wellingtonia gigantea var. pendula Carrière
  • Wellingtonia pendula Briolay-Goiffon ex Carrière[5]


  1. Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. (2013). «Sequoiadendron giganteum». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2014.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 3 de octubre de 2014.
  2. El Sequioa sembrado en Colombia el colombiano - fecha de publicación: Junio de 2012 - fecha de acceso: 10 de enero del 2020
  3. Estudio del Sequioa del Municipio de Sonsón - Universidad Nacional Agencia de Noticias - UNAL o - fecha de publicación: Octubre de 2015 - fecha de acceso: 10 de enero del 2020
  4. «Sequoiadendron giganteum». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 24 de marzo de 2015.
  5. «Sequoiadendron giganteum». The Plant List. Consultado el 24 de marzo de 2015.


  • Aune, P. S., ed. (1994). Proceedings of the Symposium on Giant Sequoias. US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service (Pacific Southwest Research Station) General Technical Report PSW-GTR-151.
  • Fry, W. & White, J.B. (1938). Big Trees. Stanford University Press.
  • Mitchell, A. F. (1972). Conifers in the British Isles. Forestry Commission Booklet 33. HMSO.
  • Mitchell, A. F. (1996). Alan Mitchell's Trees of Britain. HarperCollins ISBN 0-00-219972-6.
  • Thomas, H. H., Shellhammer, H. S., & Stecker, R. E. (1980). Giant sequoia ecology. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Scientific Monograph Series 12. Washington, DC. 182 p.
  • Kilgore, B. (1970). Restoring Fire to the Sequoias. National Parks and Conservation Magazine 44 (277): 16-22.

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wikipedia ES

Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Sequoiadendron giganteum es la única especie de Sequoiadendron, un género monotípico de árboles perteneciente a la familia de las Cupresáceas, también llamadas Taxodiáceas. Es conocida como secuoya, secoya gigante, velintonia, wellingtonia, secoya de Sierra o gran árbol. Sequoaidendron giganteum es una de las tres especies de coníferas conocidas como secuoyas, clasificada en la subfamilia de las Sequoioideae, junto con Sequoia sempervirens (secoya de costa) y Metasequoia glyptostroboides (secoya del alba). Entre los 4 y los 10 años la secuoya gigante crece 1,80 metros por año.

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Mammutipuu ( الإستونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ET

Mammutipuu ehk hiidsekvoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) on igihaljas okaspuuliik, perekonna Sequoiadendron ainuliik. Koos ranniksekvoia (Sequoia sempervirens) ja metasekvoiaga (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) kuulub mammutipuu küpressiliste sugukonna alamsugukonda Sequoioideae.

Väidetavalt said kõik kolm liiki oma nime tšerokii silptähestiku looja Sequoyah' järgi.

Kohalikud indiaanlased tundsid mammutipuud juba ammu. Eurooplased mainisid teda esmakordselt 1833. aastal.

Liigi kirjeldus

Mammutipuu okkad
Mammutipuu käbid

Mammutipuu on maailma kogukaim puu. Keskmiselt kasvab puu 50–85 meetri kõrguseks. Tüve läbimõõt võib ulatuda 6–8 meetrini. Kõrgeima teadaoleva mammutipuu kõrguseks mõõdeti 94,8 meetrit, jämedaima läbimõõt ulatus aga 17 meetrini. Vanim teadaolev puu on umbes 3500-aastane.

Mammutipuu nõeljad okkad on 3–6 millimeetri pikkused ning kinnituvad spiraalselt. Mammutipuu tolmleb aprillis-mais. Käbid on 4–7 sentimeetri pikkused ning valmivad 18–20 kuuga. Puu hakkab käbisid looma 12–20-aastaselt. Ühes käbis on keskmiselt 230 seemet. Seeme on tumepruun, 4–5 millimeetri pikkune, kahe heledama tiivakesega. Käbid jäävad tavaliselt aastateks suletuks, vabastades seemneid üksnes väga kuiva suve, tulekahjude või putukkahjustuste toimel. Suurel puul on korraga peal umbes 11 000 käbi, ning täiskasvanud puu levitab 300 000–400 000 seemet aastas. Seemned võivad tuulega kanduda kuni 180 meetri kaugusele.

Mammutipuu paljuneb seemnete abil, kuigi kuni 20 aasta vanused puud võivad ka vigastusejärgseid juurevõsusid ajada.

Mammutipuu koor on paks ja kiuline, selle paksus võib tüve tüükaosas ulatuda 90 sentimeetrini. Koor annab puule tõhusa kaitse tule vastu.

Varjulises metsas kipuvad puud alt laasuma, vanematel kui 100-aastastel puudel püsivad kuivanud oksad küljes. Tavaliselt on alumine tüveosa 20–50 meetri kõrguseni ilma oksteta. Lagedal kasvavatel puudel püsivad ka alumised oksad elus.


Looduslikult kasvab mammutipuu ainult Sierra Nevada mäestiku lääneosas Californias. Mammutipuud kasvavad üksikute hajutatud saludena kokku umbes 14 416 hektaril.

Mammutipuu eelistab kuivade suvede ja lumiste talvedega niisket kliimat. Ta kasvab eelkõige põhjapoolsete mägede lõunanõlvadel ja lõunapoolsete mägede põhjanõlvadel. Looduslik levila on merepinnast 1400–2150 meetri kõrgusel.

Mammutipuu kaitseks on loodud mitu rahvusparki, sealhulgas Sekvoia rahvuspark, Kings Canyoni rahvuspark ja Suure sekvoia rahvusmonument.


Tänu kaitsvale koorele elavad mammutipuud väiksemad metsatulekahjud edukalt üle, söestudes vaid pinnalt. Samal ajal hävitab tuli neid ümbritsevad taimed, kes nendega ressursside pärast võistlevad. Ka seemnete idanemiseks vajatakse regulaarseid tulekahjusid, mis kuivanud okkakihi maapinnalt eemaldaksid. Kuumus sunnib ka käbid avanema ning seemnekülv satub tulejärgsele viljakale pinnasele. Spontaansed pisitulekahjud aitasid ka putukate arvukust kontrolli all hoida. Kui aga järelevalvet tõhustama hakati, tuli enam eriti ei puhkenud ning maapinnale kogunes palju kergestisüttivat materjali, mille tõttu harvad tulekahjud olid seda metsikumad. Seetõttu hakati 1970. aastatel ise piiratud tulekahjusid süütama.


Mammutipuuallee Benmore'i botaanikaaias Šotimaal
Mammutipuu Tyleri arboreetumis Pennsylvanias

Mammutipuu kasvab sageli okaspuu segametsades koos halli nulu, suhkrumänni, Jeffrey männi, kollase männi, hariliku ebatsuuga, kalifornia lõhnaseedri, kalifornia tammega.

Loomariigis on suhteliselt vähe liike, kes oma elutegevuses mammutipuust kasu saavad. Tüveõõnsusi asustavad kuld-kollarähn ja puukoristaja. Leitud on üle 30 linnuliigi, kes toituvad lehestikus ja tüvel.

Imetajatest jagavad mammutipuuga asuala teiste hulgas vöötorav, karihiir, koiott, must karu, mustsaba-pampahirv. On ka erinevaid roomajaid. Osa oravlasi sööb rohelisi käbisid; üks näriline võib süüa üle 3000 käbi aastas.

Mammutipuud kasutab oma elutegevuses ühel või teisel viisil 151 putukaliiki ja 37 ämblikuliste liiki. Üle kahe aasta vanust puud ei suuda nad üldjuhul kahjustada.

Leitud on üheksa erinevat seenhaigust, mis puud otseselt ei kahjusta, kuid võivad kaasa aidata juure või tüve nõrgenemisele.

Õhusaaste ja happevihmad ning inimeste loodud teed ja ehitised mõjuvad pärssivalt juurte kasvule.

Kasutamise ajalugu

Teadaolevalt raiuti mammutipuud vähemalt 1850. aastatest kuni 1950. aastate keskpaigani. Noore puu puit on väärtuslik ning muu hulgas hea mädanemiskindlusega. Vananedes muutub puit hapraks ja kaotab oma tugevuslikud omadused. Sageli purunes habras tüvi juba langetamise käigus kasutuskõlbmatuks. Traditsiooniliselt valmistati mammutipuu puidust näiteks aiaposte, viinamarjatugesid, sindleid, aiamööblit, tuletikke ja pliiatseid.

Veel 1980. aastatel raiuti üksikuid mammutipuid. Üldsuse hukkamõist sellele tõi kaasa suurema tähelepanu kaitsealade loomisele.

Praegu on mammutipuusalud peamiselt turismiobjektiks. Mammutipuid kasutatakse ka haljastuses ning jõulupuudena.

Mammutipuud väljaspool looduslikku levilat

Mammutipuud kasvatatakse ilupuuna muuhulgas Lõuna- ja Lääne-Euroopas, USA ja Kanada läänerannikul, Kagu-Austraalias, Uus-Meremaal ja Tšiilis. Haljastuse tarbeks on Euroopas aretatud mitmesuguseid erivorme. Taimi saab ka Eesti puukoolidest.

Rekordilisi mammutipuid

General Sherman
  • Suurim mahult – General Sherman Giant Forestis – 1486,9 m3
  • Kõrgeim – nimetu puu Redwood Mountain Grove'is – 94,8 meetrit
  • Vanim – vähemalt 3500 aastat
  • Suurima ümbermõõduga (maapinnalt mõõdetuna) – Waterfall Tree Alder Creek Grove'is – 47 meetrit (läbimõõt 17 meetrit)
  • Suurima keskmise läbimõõduga rinnakõrgusel – General Grant Grant Grove'is – 8,8 meetrit
  • Jämedaim oks – Arm Tree Atwell Millis East Fork Grove'is – läbimõõt 3,9 meetrit



  1. "Conifer database: "Sequoiadendron giganteum".". Catalogue of Life: 2010 Annual Checklist. Vaadatud 18.11.2010. Inglise.
  2. Conifer Specialist Group (1998). Sequoiadendron giganteum. IUCNi punase nimistu ohustatud liigid. IUCN 2007.
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Mammutipuu: Brief Summary ( الإستونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ET

Mammutipuu ehk hiidsekvoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) on igihaljas okaspuuliik, perekonna Sequoiadendron ainuliik. Koos ranniksekvoia (Sequoia sempervirens) ja metasekvoiaga (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) kuulub mammutipuu küpressiliste sugukonna alamsugukonda Sequoioideae.

Väidetavalt said kõik kolm liiki oma nime tšerokii silptähestiku looja Sequoyah' järgi.

Kohalikud indiaanlased tundsid mammutipuud juba ammu. Eurooplased mainisid teda esmakordselt 1833. aastal.

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Sekuoia erraldoi ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Sekuoia erraldoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) Sequoiadendron generoaren bizirik dagoen espezie bakarra da eta sekuoia luze (Sequoia sempervirens) eta Metasequoia glyptostroboides zuhaitzekin batera Sequoioideae azpifamiliaren kide bakarra. Normalean "sekuoia" esatean, sekuoia erraldoia esan nahi dugu, naturan Kaliforniako Sierra Nevada mendien mendebaldeko magaletik at bizi ez dena.

Sequoiadendron generoak beste kide bat bazuen, egun iraungita dagoen S. chaneyi hain zuzen ere.[1]

Zuhaitz apaingarri moduan hazia, egun mundu osoko klima epeleko eskualdeetan ikus ditzakegu sekuoiak.


Mother of the Forest izeneko sekuoia egun daudenak baino handiagoa izan arren, hona hemen egun bizirik dauden sekuoien zerrenda:

# Izena Lekua Altuera Zirkunferentzia Bolumena (m) (m) () 1 General Sherman Giant Forest 83,79 31,27 1486,9 2 General Grant Grant Grove 81,72 32,77 1319,8 3 President Giant Forest 73,43 28,35 1278,4 4 Lincoln Giant Forest 77,97 29,96 1259,3 5 Stagg Alder Creek 74,07 33,22 1205,0 6 Boole Converse Basin 81,93 34,44 1202,7 7 Genesis Mountain Home 77,11 26,00 1186,4 8 Franklin Giant Forest 68,21 28,90 1168,9 9 King Arthur Garfield 82,39 31,76 1151,2 10 Monroe Giant Forest 75,53 27,82 1135,6


  1. Axelrod, Daniel L. (1959) «Late Cenozoic evolution of the Sierran Bigtree forest» Evolution 13 (1): 9–23.

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Sekuoia erraldoi: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Sekuoia erraldoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) Sequoiadendron generoaren bizirik dagoen espezie bakarra da eta sekuoia luze (Sequoia sempervirens) eta Metasequoia glyptostroboides zuhaitzekin batera Sequoioideae azpifamiliaren kide bakarra. Normalean "sekuoia" esatean, sekuoia erraldoia esan nahi dugu, naturan Kaliforniako Sierra Nevada mendien mendebaldeko magaletik at bizi ez dena.

Sequoiadendron generoak beste kide bat bazuen, egun iraungita dagoen S. chaneyi hain zuzen ere.

Zuhaitz apaingarri moduan hazia, egun mundu osoko klima epeleko eskualdeetan ikus ditzakegu sekuoiak.

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Mammuttipetäjä ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI
Sequoiadendron giganteum

Mammuttipetäjä (Sequoiadendron giganteum) on sypressikasvien heimoon kuuluva puulaji. Se on tilavuudeltaan maailman suurin puu sekä yksi maailman pitkäikäisimmistä puulajeista. Korkeimman mammuttipetäjän on laskettu olleen 93,6 metriä.


Mammuttipetäjiä esiintyy luonnonvaraisina vain Sierra Nevadan vuoristossa Kaliforniassa, mutta viljeltynä paljon laajemmalla alueella. Läntisessä Euroopassa laji voi kasvaa noin 50-metriseksi.


Mammuttipetäjälle metsäpalot ovat lisääntymisen kannalta välttämättömiä, sillä kuumuus saa kävyt aukeamaan ja varistamaan siemenensä maahan. Siemenet itävät parhaiten palaneella kasvualustalla, sillä palaneessa maassa on tuhkaa, mikä sisältää runsaasti puulle hyödyllisiä ravinteita. Täysikasvuisia yksilöitä suojaa paksu, sienimäinen kaarna.

Suurimmat yksilöt

Tilavuudeltaan suurimmat yksilöt vuonna 2005:

  • Kenraali Sherman, tilavuus 1486,9 m³, pituus 83,79 metriä
  • "General Grant", tilavuus 1319,8 m³, pituus 81,72 metriä


  • Euroopan puuopas (Otava)


  1. Schmid, R. & Farjon, A.: Sequoiadendron giganteum IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016.2. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 8.11.2016. (englanniksi)
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Mammuttipetäjä: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI
 src= Sequoiadendron giganteum

Mammuttipetäjä (Sequoiadendron giganteum) on sypressikasvien heimoon kuuluva puulaji. Se on tilavuudeltaan maailman suurin puu sekä yksi maailman pitkäikäisimmistä puulajeista. Korkeimman mammuttipetäjän on laskettu olleen 93,6 metriä.

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Séquoia géant ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Sequoiadendron giganteum

Le Séquoia géant (Sequoiadendron giganteum) est une espèce de conifères de la famille des Taxodiaceae (classification classique) ou des Cupressaceae (classification phylogénétique)[1]. Il est l'unique représentant actuel du genre Sequoiadendron.

Endémique des montagnes de la Sierra Nevada en Californie, le Séquoia géant comprend les arbres les plus grands du monde en volume. Un certain nombre de caractères biologiques l'apparentent aux deux autres espèces de la sous-famille des Sequoioideae (en) : le Séquoia à feuilles d'if, qui le dépasse en hauteur et pousse le long des côtes californiennes, et Metasequoia glyptostroboides, plus petit et originaire de Chine.


Il doit son nom à l'orfèvre cherokee Sequoyah, aussi connu sous le nom de George Guess[2], inventeur du syllabaire cherokee. Cette dédicace fut faite par le botaniste autrichien Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher, en raison de la force de caractère et de la persévérance de cet Amérindien[3],[4]


Le Séquoia géant n'est pas l'arbre le plus haut (Sequoia sempervirens le dépasse assez largement avec des records à plus de 115 mètres contre 95 pour S. giganteum) ni le plus large du monde (Taxodium mucronatum — le fameux Árbol del Tule — dépasse 40 mètres de circonférence), mais c'est celui qui peut atteindre les volumes les plus importants. Il atteint habituellement une hauteur de 50 à 85 m pour un diamètre de 6 à 8 m. Le spécimen le plus imposant est le « General Sherman », dans le Parc national de Séquoia (États-Unis), haut de 83 m pour une circonférence de 30 m, un volume de 1 400 m3 et une masse estimée à 2 100 tonnes.

Le Séquoia géant se caractérise également par sa longévité[1] puisqu'il peut atteindre plus de 3 000 ans. Sa croissance initiale est vigoureuse et verticale avec une forme conique caractéristique. Au-delà de 100 ans, il a tendance à se développer plutôt en diamètre et son sommet s'arrondit. S'il ne pousse pas en situation isolée, il perd rapidement ses branches basses à cause de l'ombrage provoqué par les arbres voisins, ce qui explique l'absence de branches sur une hauteur de 20 à 50 m.

Souche d'un séquoia fraîchement coupé, caractéristique par sa couleur rouge
Cones mâles ouverts
Rameau avec cônes mâles fermés
Cônes et graine de Sequoiadendron giganteum Muséum de Toulouse.
Graine tout juste germée de Sequoiadendron giganteum.
  • Les feuilles sont des aiguilles pointues en forme d'alènes, persistantes et arrangées en spirale autour de la tige, de couleur vert grisâtre et d'une longueur de 3 à 15 mm[1]. Elles dégagent une odeur d'anis quand on les froisse.
  • Le bois, riche en tanins est de couleur rouge assez vive. Sa résistance mécanique est faible mais sa résistance à la dégradation par les champignons et insectes est exceptionnelle, à tel point que les troncs tombés au sol sont souvent détruits lors des incendies et non par les pathogènes[5].
  • Son écorce, très épaisse et fibreuse, est de couleur rougeâtre, d'où son nom anglais de Redwood (bois rouge). Dépourvue de résine et riche en tanins, elle protège l'arbre du feu. Elle peut atteindre 90 cm à la base du tronc des plus grands arbres. L'écorce du séquoia géant peut présenter différents motifs allant de la forme lisse à la forme réticulée en passant par des motifs rectilignes ou spiralés. Ce caractère semble être d'origine génétique.
  • Le système racinaire de l'arbre peut s'étendre sur une distance de 30 à 40 m selon la capacité du sol à retenir l'eau. Cependant les racines s'enfoncent rarement à plus de 90 cm de profondeur, ce qui peut sembler paradoxal pour un arbre si grand. C'est cette faible profondeur combinée à l'érosion qui est la cause principale de la chute de ces géants.
  • Arbre monoïque. Les fleurs mâles, situées à l'extrémité des rameaux, sont minuscules et jaunâtres (mars-avril). Les fleurs femelles, ovoïdes, sont érigées au sommet d'une petite tige écailleuse et brillante. Elles donnent des fruits qui mûrissent en deux ans et se présentent sous forme de cônes ovoïdes de 4 à 7 cm, constitués d'écailles (30 à 50 arrangées en spirale) ayant la forme de losanges aplatis. Chaque écaille abrite de 5 à 7 semences aux bords ailés[1], ce qui donne une moyenne de 230 semences par cône. Ces fruits cônes peuvent rester en place sur l'arbre pendant plus de 20 ans. La graine, de couleur brun foncé mesure 4-5 mm de long pour une épaisseur de 1 mm avec 2 ailes brun-jaune de chaque côté.

Les graines peuvent tomber au sol lorsque les écailles se dessèchent durant les étés chauds mais la plupart sont libérées au cours d'incendies et/ou d'attaques par des insectes ou animaux (voir la section Écologie). Le séquoia géant se reproduit par graines et commence généralement à produire des cônes vers l'âge de 12 ans. Contrairement au séquoia à feuilles d'if, il ne produit pas de rejet lorsque son tronc est coupé. Un arbre adulte porte en moyenne 11 000 cônes dont la majeure partie se situe dans le tiers supérieur du feuillage. Un séquoia géant adulte disperse ainsi 300 000 à 400 000 graines chaque année sur une distance pouvant atteindre 1,8 km.

  • Il est capable de rejeter de souche mais de façon plus limitée que Sequoia sempervirens : cette capacité disparaît chez les arbres adultes (après une vingtaine d'années environ[6] - contre plusieurs siècles chez S. sempervirens[7]) et de plus il ne produit pas de lignotuber. Il reste cependant toujours capable de produire des réitérations à partir du tronc.

Il est superficiellement similaire au Cyprès du Japon (Cryptomeria japonica), dont il se différencie par ses écailles plus écartées du rameau[8], ses cônes plus grands (environ 2 cm pour le cryptomeria), et son écorce plus molle.


Séquoia pleureur à Nancy.

Il existe un cultivar à port pleureur : Sequoiadendron giganteum 'pendulum' : Il commence par un tronc en forme de flèche aigue. Ce tronc est assez souple. Quand il finit par se courber sous son propre poids et retomber, un autre rameau le remplace comme flèche verticale. Il en résulte une forme générale assez irrégulière. Les rameaux latéraux retombent très bas le long du tronc et portent un feuillage gris-vert. Peut atteindre 4m de haut en 10 ans[9].


Le séquoïa géant a une croissance rapide annuelle moyenne de 50 cm dans ses premières années et peut atteindre un accroissement en hauteur d'un mètre par an dans son milieu naturel en Californie.


Les séquoias sont les géants de la forêt tempérée, ici dans le Parc national de Séquoia en Californie.

Des fossiles de séquoia âgés de 200 millions d'années témoignent de la présence du taxon sur Terre dès la fin du Trias.

Lors des grandes glaciations du Quaternaire, il a disparu d'Europe et est resté confiné en Californie. De nos jours il ne pousse plus à l'état naturel que dans 75 forêts réparties sur 14 416 ha situées sur les versants occidentaux de la Sierra Nevada californienne. Cet arbre apprécie les climats humides avec des étés chauds et de la neige en hiver. On trouve le séquoia géant à des altitudes comprises entre 1 500 et 2 100 mètres[10] où il pousse généralement sur un socle granitique et riche en matière minérale. Il résiste à des températures pouvant chuter jusqu'à −25 °C[1]. En hiver, l'épaisseur de neige peut atteindre plusieurs mètres. Ce manteau permet de protéger les jeunes pousses du froid et constitue une réserve d'eau au printemps. Les populations de séquoias sont souvent situées sur le versant sud des montagnes du nord de la Sierra Nevada et sur le versant nord des montagnes du sud.


Un Sequoiadendron giganteum surnommé « l'Arbre sentinelle ».

La nécessité des feux de forêts

Paradoxalement, la politique de lutte contre les incendies appliquée durant la première moitié du XXe siècle — aujourd'hui abandonnée — a porté un grand préjudice à ces arbres. Ils sont en effet bien adaptés aux incendies (écorce épaisse et résistante, feuillage porté haut par des branches souples, cônes qui ne s'ouvrent que lors de grosses chaleurs provoquées par un incendie (pyriscence), etc.), et la suppression des incendies a permis la prolifération d'espèces concurrentes qui ne supportent pas le feu.

La niche écologique des séquoias est caractérisée, outre le passage régulier du feu, par une forte pluviométrie et un sol pauvre (du fait, notamment, du lessivage par la pluie).

La reproduction des séquoias nécessite des conditions particulières qui ne sont réunies que dans leur habitat naturel. C'est pourquoi les populations ne peuvent élargir leur aire de répartition. Les graines ne peuvent germer que dans un sol minéral car un sol riche en humus se dessècherait trop rapidement en été. De plus les jeunes séquoias ont besoin de pousser en plein soleil.

Le feu joue donc un rôle important dans le renouvellement des séquoias. Il élimine les buissons, jeunes pins et autres arbres sans détruire les séquoias adultes qui sont protégés par leur écorce fibreuse. Ainsi, le sol est enrichi en matière minérale et la compétition pour la lumière est supprimée.

La chaleur dégagée par les feux de forêt permet également l'ouverture des cônes. La dispersion des graines survient alors au moment où le sol est idéal pour la germination.

La suppression des feux de forêts entre le début et le milieu du XXe siècle a entraîné une réduction des feux de faible intensité, ce qui a provoqué la multiplication du Sapin du Colorado et l'accumulation de branchages au niveau du sol. Ceci a augmenté les risques de feux de forte intensité menaçant ainsi les arbres adultes. De plus, les feux réguliers permettent de réguler les populations de fourmis charpentières.


Dans les forêts californiennes, deux agents sont également responsables de la dissémination des graines : l'écureuil de Douglas qui se nourrit des écailles fraîches des cônes ainsi que le Phymatodes nitidus, un insecte de la famille des longicornes qui pond des œufs dans les écailles et la tige des cônes. Les larves creusent dans l'écaille provoquant une rupture des tissus vasculaires et ainsi le dessèchement de l'écaille. Les graines sont alors libérées dans les mois qui suivent l'attaque par l'insecte.


Peu de temps après leur découverte, beaucoup de séquoias géants furent découpés et exposés.

Le séquoia géant était bien connu par les Amérindiens de la région. Ces derniers utilisaient plusieurs noms pour désigner cet arbre : Wawona, Toos-pung-ish et Hea-mi-withic, les deux derniers étant utilisés par la tribu de la rivière Tule.

Il est fait mention pour la première fois du séquoia géant lors d'une expédition menée en 1833 par Joseph Reddeford Walker à travers la Sierra Nevada. L'arbre est alors décrit dans le journal de l'explorateur J.K. Leonard; Il n'indique aucune localité mais il aurait apparemment emprunté un chemin l'ayant amené à traverser Calaveras Grove. Cette découverte ne fut pas publiée. John M. Wooster fut le second européen à découvrir l'espèce. Il grava ses initiales dans l'écorce de l'arbre nommé 'Hercules' situé dans Calaveras Grove en 1850. Cette découverte passa également inaperçue. Il faudra attendre 1852 pour que la découverte par August T. Dowd, employé de la Union Water Company soit annoncée officiellement. L'arbre découvert par Dowd, baptisé 'Discovery Tree' fut abattu en 1853.

Dès 1852, l'annonce de la découverte de cet arbre géant provoqua un certain élan de curiosité au sein de la communauté scientifique. Des semences furent expédiées dans le monde entier. C'est ainsi que le 28 août 1853, les premières graines arrivèrent en Europe (Gourdie Hill, Écosse) où elles furent rapidement semées.

Cependant, la découverte du séquoia géant n'attira pas que des scientifiques. Beaucoup d'entreprises forestières s'installèrent dans la Sierra Nevada et commencèrent à abattre ces géants. Ainsi, entre 1852 et le milieu des années 1950, un tiers de la surface des forêts de séquoias fut coupée[11]. Les plus gros arbres étaient parfois abattus à l'aide d'explosifs et on déplorait dans certains cas jusqu'à 75 % de perte. Face à ce désastre, John Muir fut le premier à réagir en réclamant la création du Parc national de Yosemite. D'autres parcs nationaux tels que le Parc national de Sequoia et Kings Canyon furent ensuite établis. C'est ainsi que de nos jours, plus de 90 % des forêts de séquoias sont situées dans des zones protégées.

Origine du nom actuel

Le premier nom scientifique de l'espèce Wellingtonia gigantea fut attribué par John Lindley en 1853 en l'honneur du duc de Wellington, général britannique vainqueur de Napoléon Ier à la bataille de Waterloo. Cependant, le nom de "Wellingtonia" étant déjà attribué à Wellingtonia arnottiana, une plante de la famille des Sabiaceae, il fallut trouver un autre nom. L'année suivante, Joseph Decaisne renomma l'espèce en Sequoia gigantea, mais encore une fois ce nom n'était pas valable car il avait été attribué en 1847 par Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher au Séquoia à feuilles d'if. Winslow attribua ensuite en 1854 le nom de Washingtonia californica également invalidé car appartenant au palmier du genre Washingtonia. En 1907, Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze place le séquoia géant dans le genre fossile Steinhauera mais des doutes sur leur parenté rend invalide encore une fois le nouveau nom. Finalement, en 1939, alors que l'arbre avait reçu 12 noms invalidés, John Theodore Buchholz attribua au séquoia géant son nom définitif. Remarquant que la différence avec le Séquoia à feuilles d'if se faisait au niveau du genre, il lui attribua le nom de Sequoiadendron giganteum.

Liste des 12 plus gros séquoias géants

Pour des raisons physiologiques la hauteur maximum pouvant être atteinte est de l'ordre de 130 m[12].

Base du tronc du Séquoia nommé General Sherman.
Voiture devant un Séquoia en Californie.


Il ne subsiste à l'état naturel que dans 75 peuplements de Californie, dont certains très limités en individus[13]. Certains endroits où il pousse comme le Kings Canyon ou encore le Parc national de Yosemite sont des zones protégées[1].

Datation par dendrochronologie

Le fait que cet arbre puisse atteindre 3 000 ans[14] permet par l'étude de ses anneaux de croissance de faire une datation de tout morceau de bois situé à proximité. Cela a permis d'apporter une correction à la datation au carbone 14.


Le séquoia géant est utilisé en menuiserie en Amérique du Nord, peu en Europe. Son bois, résistant à la décomposition mais cassant, sert avant tout pour réaliser des poteaux de téléphone, des toitures, des piquets de clôture, des palissades et des bardeaux.

Le séquoia est utilisé aussi en menuiserie d'intérieur lambris, dessus de bureau, plans de travail, en solives courtes et de bonnes sections, pour des portails au dehors, durabilité dans le temps sans pourriture. Il ne se voile pas, ne se fend pas en bout de plots, se ponce, se vernit et se colle bien (colle blanche vinylique ou polyuréthane). Avec l'huile de lin, il prend une belle couleur rubis. Le bois frais sans protection tache la maçonnerie. Il colore les mains d'un bleu tenace. La sève est de couleur rubis, sucrée, son odeur est forte et agréable. L'aubier est large de 80 mm a 120 mm. Le Sequoia sempervirens n'a pas de canaux résinifères, sa résistance mécanique est supérieure, la couleur de son bois est orangée, avec veines longues, noires et courbes. Les grumes de cimes en plots ont des petits nœuds, le bois est plus dur, il se fend un peu en bout de plots, se voile un peu plus, il sonne bien. Son aubier est réduit, de 30 mm a 40 mm pour un arbre de 140 ans. Son écorce très filandreuse se décroche facilement. Son bois est un peu plus dense que le sequoia. Son séchage est rapide dans un endroit abrité et bien ventilé. Il faut dépoussiérer les planches après sciage pour un séchage rapide, placer des tasseaux d'écartement de 12 mm, dans l'aubier.

Le séquoia géant en France

Sequoias à Eurodisney en 2009 et 2017.

Il a été introduit après 1853 et de nos jours le séquoia a été acclimaté et est souvent planté dans les parcs publics ou dans les grandes demeures privées du fait de son allure imposante. La plupart des séquoias atteignent rarement les 40 m, car une grande partie de ces arbres fut plantée au début du XXe siècle : ce sont donc encore des arbres jeunes vis-à-vis des grands spécimens qu'on trouve dans l'aire d'origine. De plus, ils ont souvent été plantés en dehors des forêts où la compétition pour l'accès à la lumière favorise une croissance verticale. Le spécimen le plus grand connu hors des États-Unis se trouve à Ribeauvillé en France avec 58,10 m et a été planté avec 5 autres en 1856 pour célébrer la naissance du fils de Napoléon III[15].

Une partie du tronc d'un séquoia de plus de 2 000 ans est conservée au Muséum national d'histoire naturelle de Paris.

Un impressionnant spécimen, âgé d'environ 110 ans domine l'arboretum de Pézanin, en Bourgogne.

Le Pioneer Cabin Tree

Le Pioneer Cabin Tree, un séquoia géant dont le tronc avait été creusé pour laisser passer les gens, s’est effondré le 8 janvier 2017 dans le Calaveras Big Trees State Park, en Californie. La cause de sa chute est une tempête très puissante, une rafale de vent à 278 km/h a été relevée, et 90 000 Californiens ont été privés d’électricité[16] ,[17].

Notes et références

  1. a b c d e et f (fr) Arbres - Jaromir Pokorny - p.58 - (ISBN 2-7000-1818-4) - Éditions Gründ - 1987
  2. Grant Foreman, « Sequoyah », University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Publishing division of the University, 1938, réédition 1996, p. 3 (ISBN 0806110562)
  3. Grant Foreman, « Sequoyah », p.
  4. Sequoyah était probablement le fils d'un blanc et d'une indienne cherokee, George Fronval, La véritable histoire des Indiens peaux-rouges, Fernand Nathan, 1971, p. 84
  5. The Giant Sequoia of the Sierra Nevada (Chapter 5)
  6. Site de l’US Forest Service, Index of Species Information - « Sequoiadendron giganteum »
  7. Peter Del Tredici, « The Economics of Lignotubers », in Redwood Burls: Immortality Underground
  8. Flore forestière française : Plaines et collines, Jean-Claude Rameau, G. Dumé, p. 311
  9. http://www.pepilaurains.com/laurains/1198/boutique/35939/sequoiadendron_giganteum_pendulum.htm#.Wh6BP4WcH4Y
  10. Corine Lesnes, « En Californie, le Général Sherman a soif », lemonde.fr, 14 août 2015.
  11. The Giant Sequoia of the Sierra Nevada (Chapter 1)
  12. http://www.sequoias.eu/Pages/hauteur_maxi.htm
  13. The Giant Sequoia of the Sierra Nevada (Appendix 6)
  14. Voir sur Gymnosperm Database (en)
  15. http://www.sequoias.eu/Pages/Locations/Alsace/ribeauville_foret_domaniale.htm
  16. (en) Peter Hockaday, « Historic Pioneer Cabin Tree toppled in California storm », 8 janvier 2017 (consulté le 9 janvier 2017)
  17. « L’un des plus vieux séquoias du monde a été terrassé par une tempête », sur Paris match, 10 janvier 17 (consulté le 7 mars 17)

Voir aussi

Un séquoia géant cultivé à l'arboretum John J. Tyler.

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Séquoia géant: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Sequoiadendron giganteum

Le Séquoia géant (Sequoiadendron giganteum) est une espèce de conifères de la famille des Taxodiaceae (classification classique) ou des Cupressaceae (classification phylogénétique). Il est l'unique représentant actuel du genre Sequoiadendron.

Endémique des montagnes de la Sierra Nevada en Californie, le Séquoia géant comprend les arbres les plus grands du monde en volume. Un certain nombre de caractères biologiques l'apparentent aux deux autres espèces de la sous-famille des Sequoioideae (en) : le Séquoia à feuilles d'if, qui le dépasse en hauteur et pousse le long des côtes californiennes, et Metasequoia glyptostroboides, plus petit et originaire de Chine.

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Sequoia xigante ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

Sequoiadendron é un xénero de árbores pertencente á familia das Cupresáceas, tamén chamada Taxodiáceas. Este xénero ten unha soa especie, Sequoiadendron giganteum Buchh, a sequoia xigante[2]. Sequoaidendron giganteum é unha das tres especies de coníferas coñecidas como sequoias, clasificada na subfamilia das Sequoioideae, xunto con Sequoia sempervirens (a sequoia común) e Metasequoia glyptostroboides (a sequoia do alba ou metasequoia).


A sequoia xigante é o organismo vexetal máis grande do mundo en términos de volume total. Crece a unha altura media de entre 50 a 85 metros con de 5 a 7 de diámetro. Hai referencias de que existiron árbores de 94 metros de altura e máis de 11 de diámetro. A sequoia xigante máis vella coñecida, segundo o reconto dos seus aneis de crecemento, tiña 3.200 anos de idade.

En 2010 encontrouse unha sequoia de 105,5 metros de alto e 10 de diámetro de tronco cuxas raíces alcanzan aproximadamente os 35 metros.

A casca da sequoia é fibrosa e pregada, e pode ter 60 cm de groso na base do tronco, que ten forma de columna, o que lle proporciona unha protección significativa contra o lume. As follas son perennes, con forma de subela, de 3 a 6 mm de longo e dispostas espiralmente nos rebentos.

As sementes encóntranse en conos de conífera de 4 a 7 cm de longo e maduran en 18 a 20 meses, aínda que normalmente permanecen verdes e pechadas por ata 20 anos; cada cono ten de 30 a 50 tecas dispostas espiralmente, con varias sementes en cada teca, o que dá unha media de 230 sementes por cono. A semente é marrón escura, de 4 a 5 mm de longo e 1 de ancho, cunhas ás amarelo-marróns de 1 mm por cada lado. Algunhas sementes sóltanse cando as tecas do cono se encollen durante o tempo cálido a finais do verán, pero a maioría das sementes son liberadas cando o cono seca pola calor do lume ou o dano dun insecto.

Conos de sequoia xigante.

A sequoia xigante rexenérase por sementes. As árbores novas empezan a producir conos á idade de 12 anos, e ata os 20 poden xerar brotes dos restos dunha cachopa. As sequoias xigantes de calquera idade poden brotar do tronco cando as ramas vellas se perden por rotura ou lume pero, a diferenza da sequoia común, as árbores maduras non brotan dos cortes das cachopas.

Nalgún momento de súa vida, unha árbore grande pode chegar a ter aproximadamente 11.000 conos. A parte superior da copa dunha árbore madura produce máis cantidade de conos cás súas partes máis baixas e estímase que pode dispersar de 300.000 a 400.000 sementes por ano; estas sementes aladas poden chegar ata a 180 metros de distancia da árbore orixinaria.

As ramas máis baixas morren bastante facilmente por mor da moita sombra, polo que os troncos das árbores maduras que viven en arboredos encóntranse xeralmente libres de ramas ata unha altura de 20 a 50 metros, pero as árbores solitarias e as de menos de 100 anos reteñen a maior parte das ramas baixas mortas.


A distribución natural da sequoia xigante está restrinxida a unha área limitada da parte occidental de Serra Nevada, California, que comprende un total de só 14.416 ha (144,16 km²). Non existen bosques formados soamente por exemplares desta especie, aínda que nalgunhas pequenas áreas chegan a formar case un bosque puro. Na parte setentrional encóntranse os dous terzos dos exemplares, do río dos Americanos no Condado de Placer contra o sur ao río dos Santos Reis, hai soamente oito arboredos desconectados. Aínda quedan arboredos meridionais concentrados entre o río dos Santos Reis e o Arboredo de Deer Creek no meridional Condado de Tulare. Os arboredos alcanzan un tamaño de 1.240 ha con 20.000 árbores maduras, ata pequenos arboredos con só seis árbores vivas, e moitos están protexidos nos parques nacionais de Kings Canyon National Park e Giant Sequoia National Monument.

A sequoia xigante encóntrase xeralmente nun clima húmido caracterizado por veráns secos e invernos con neve abundante. A maioría dos arboredos de sequoias xigantes áchanse en terras de base granítica, residuais e aluviais, a altitudes comprendidas entre 1.400 e 2.000 msnm no norte, e entre 1.700 e 2.150 ao sur.

A sequoia xigante encóntrase xeralmente na ladeira sur das montañas setentrionais, e na ladeira setentrional das serras máis meridionais.

Para manter a densidade de poboación actual serían necesarios uns altos niveis de reprodución, pero poucos arboredos teñen suficiente cantidade de árbores novas para manteren a densidade actual de sequoias xigantes maduras no futuro. A maioría das sequoias xigantes experimenta un descenso gradual na densidade dende a chegada dos colonos europeos.


As sequoias xigantes teñen dificultade para reproducirse no seu hábitat orixinal, e moi raramente se reproducen en cultivo, debido a que as sementes só pode crecer satisfactoriamente en solos ricos en minerais e con luz directa do sol, liberados de competiren co resto da vexetación. Aínda que as sementes poidan xerminar nun substrato húmido na primavera, estas plántulas morrerán coa seca do verán. Por tanto requiren dun incendio controlado periódico para baleirar o humus da vexetación competidora e coa rexeneración da terra poderen producir unha xerminación proveitosa.

Automóbil atravesando unha sequoia con forma de túnel.

Os lumes traen tamén chorros de aire quente no alto do dosel forestal, mediante as correntes de convección, que secan e abren os conos. A subseguinte liberación de grandes cantidades de sementes coincide coas condicións óptimas de sementeiro posterior ao lume, xunto con cinza solta no solo que pode actuar tamén como cuberta para protexer as sementes caídas dos danos da radiación ultravioleta.

Sen o lume, a sombra das especies existentes excluirá aos novos sementeiros da sequoia, e as sementes non xerminarán. Cando hai un alcouve repleto de árbores, dado que requiren moita humidade, xeralmente se concentran cerca de correntes de auga.

Debido aos esforzos na supresión dos lumes e ao pastoreo de gando a principios e mediados do século XX, a baixa intensidade dos incendios que xa non se producían de forma natural en moitos arboredos e tampouco se dan na actualidade. A supresión dos lumes levou tamén ao acumulación de combustible no solo e o crecemento denso do abeto branco, moi sensible aos incendios, o que aumentou o risco de lumes máis intensos que poden utilizar aos abetos coma escalas para acadar as copas das sequoias xigantes maduras. Os lumes naturais poden ser tamén factores moi importantes para manter á formiga carpinteira baixo control.

En 1970 o Servizo Nacional de Parques de EUA empezou queimas controladas de arboredos para corrixir estes problemas. As políticas actuais permítenlle tamén aos lumes naturais proseguir sen interrupcións. Un dos incendios incontrolados estragou severamente a segunda árbore máis grande do mundo, a árbore de Washington, en setembro de 2003, 45 días despois de empezar o lume, por mor do que non foi capaz de resistir a tormenta de neve de xaneiro de 2005, que causou o abatemento da metade do seu tronco.

Pero ademais do lume, hai tamén dous axentes animais que inflúen na liberación de gran cantidade de sementes da sequoia xigante. O máis significativo dos dous é un escaravello de cornos longos (Phymatodes nitidus) que pon os ovos nos conos, nos que as larvas abren furados, o que corta o abastecemento de auga vascular ás tecas do cono, facendo que os conos poidan secar e abrir e permitan caer as sementes. Os conos estragados polos escaravellos durante o verán, abrirán lentamente durante os meses seguintes. Algunhas investigacións indican que moitos conos, especialmente os situados no máis alto das copas, poden secar parcialmente polo dano do escaravello antes que o lume os poida abrir completamente. O outro axente é o esquío de Douglas (Tamiasciurus douglasi) que roe nas tecas verdes carnosas dos conos máis novos; os esquíos están activos durante todo o ano e cando roen o cono, sacan e deixan caer sementes ao solo.

Descubrimento e nomeamento

Unha Sequoia Xigante comparada cun automóbil.

A sequoia xigante era moi coñecida polas tribos nativas dos EUA que moraban nesta área. Os antigos nativos americanos dábanlle á sequoia os nomes de wawona, toos-pung-ish e hea-mi-withic, os dous últimos na lingua da Tribo do Río Tule.

A primeira referencia á sequoia xigante por europeos é de 1833, no diario do explorador J. K. Leonard; a referencia non menciona ningunha localidade, pero a súa ruta fora polo Arboredo de Calaveras; este descubrimento non se publicou. O seguinte europeo en ver a especie foi John M. Wooster, que gravou as súas iniciais na casca da árbore "Hércules" no Arboredo de Calaveras en 1850, mais este descubrimento tampouco se publicou. Déuselle moita máis publicidade ao "descubrimento" do Arboredo de Calaveras por Augusto T. Dowd en 1852, e isto é comunmente citado como o descubrimento da especie. A árbore que atopou Dowd, e que bautizou como a "Árbore do Descubrimento", foi tallada en 1853.

O primeiro en dar un nome científico á especie foi John Lindley en 1853, que a denominou Wellingtonia gigantea, sen se decatar de que este era un nome inválido baixo o Código Internacional de Nomenclatura pois o nome Wellingtonia xa fora utilizado anteriormente para outra planta non relacionada (Wellingtonia arnottiana da familia Sabiaceae). O nome "Wellingtonia" persistiu en Inglaterra como un nome común, aínda que está desaprobado como unha reliquia de imperialismo cultural (R. Ornduff en Aune 1994). O ano seguinte, Joseph Decaisne incluíuna no mesmo xénero que a sequoia común da costa, denominándoa sequoia xigantea, mais tampouco foi válido este nome, pois se aplicara anteriormente á sequoia común (en 1847, por Endlicher). O nome Washingtonia californica foi aplicado tamén por Winslow en 1854, aínda que tampouco era válido, pois pertencía ao xénero das Palmeiras Washingtonia.

No Parque Nacional Yosemite.

En 1907 foi incluído por Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze no xénero fósil Steinhauera, porén a dúbida en canto a se a sequoia xigante estaba relacionada ou non co fósil, tamén invalidou este nome.

Os fallos de nomenclatura foron corrixidos finalmente en 1939 por J. Buchholz, quen indicou tamén que a sequoia xigante era distinta da sequoia común no nivel de xénero e acuñou o nome Sequoiadendron giganteum para ela.

Sequoias destacadas

A data de febreiro de 2005, as dez árbores cun maior volume eran:

Fonte: United States National Park Service - [1]. Nótese que as cifras do volume teñen un baixo grao de certeza, debido ás dificultades na medida; as medidas do diámetro do talo están tomadas nunhas poucas alturas fixas por riba do tronco, e asumen que o tronco é circular na sección transversal e que ese estreitamento entre puntos de medida é constante. As medidas do volume tampouco toman en conta as cavidades. As medidas son do tronco só, e non inclúen o volume de madeira das pólas nin das raíces.

A árbore Xeneral Sherman estimáselle un peso de 2.100 toneladas (Fry & White 1938).


Sequoia Xigante no Arboredo de Mariposa, Yosemite National Park.

A madeira da sequoia xigante madura é sumamente resistente á descomposición, pero é fibrosa e quebradiza, o que xeralmente a fai inapropiada para a construción. Dende a década de 1880 até os inicios da de 1920 cortáronse gran cantidade de árbores, aínda que para usos comerciais marxinais. Debido ao enorme peso das árbores e ao seu carácter quebradizo a miúdo estrelábanse cando batían no chan, malgastándose moita madeira. Os leñadores procuraron diminuír o impacto da caída cavando sucos e enchéndoos con pólas. A madeira utilizábase principalmente para producir táboas, para postes e valados, e incluso para mistos.

As imaxes de árbores nun tempo maxestosos, rotos e abandonados en arboredos anteriormente prístinos, e o uso tan marxinal que se facía destes xigantes, esporeou a protesta pública que motivou que a maior parte dos arboredos foran preservados como espazo protexido. O público pode visitar un exemplo claro dos restos das cortas de 1880 no Arboredo de Big Stump, preto do Arboredo General Grant. Aínda en 1980 algunhas árbores inmaturas foron apuntaladas no Bosque Nacional de Sequoias, e a publicidade foi o que axudou á creación do Giant Sequoia National Monument.

A madeira das árbores inmaturas é menos quebradiza, e probas recentes en árbores novas de plantacións amosan que a súa madeira é de calidade semellante á da sequoia común, o que deu como resultado algún interese en cultivar a sequoia xigante como unha árbore de moi alto rendemento para colleita de madeira, en California e tamén en partes de Europa occidental, onde pode medrar máis eficientemente cás sequoias vermellas da costa. No noroeste dos Estados Unidos algúns empresarios empezaron tamén a cultivar sequoias xigantes para árbore de Nadal. Aparte destas tentativas na silvicultura, os usos económicos principais para a sequoia xigante son actualmente o turismo e a horticultura.


Sequoiadendron giganteum Sequoia do Noguer, Viladrau (Cataluña), España.

A sequoia xigante é unha árbore decorativa moi popular en moitas zonas. As áreas onde se cría exitosamente inclúen a maior parte de Europa occidental e meridional, o noroeste do Pacífico de Norteamérica, do norte ao suroeste da Columbia Británica, o sueste de Australia, Nova Zelandia e a zona central e meridional de Chile. Críase tamén, aínda que menos favorablemente, en partes da Norteamérica oriental.

Estas árbores poden aguantar temperaturas mínimas duns −30 °C ou máis frías durante curtos períodos, e comprobouse que algúns individuos parecen soportar temperaturas máis baixas, especialmente onde a neve fai unha cuberta profunda sobre as raíces. Fóra de seu rango de temperatura natural a follaxe pode sufrir queimaduras polo vento xeado.


As primeiras sementes para o cultivo foron levadas a Europa en 1853 polo escocés John D. Matthew, que reuniu unha cantidade pequena de sementes no Arboredo de Calaveras, levándoas consigo a Escocia en agosto de 1853 (Mitchell 1996). Un envío moito maior de sementes foi o que colectou (tamén no Arboredo de Calaveras) William Lobb, actuando como axente para o Viveiro de Veitch en Budlake cerca de Exeter, chegando a Inglaterra en decembro de 1853; as sementes desta serie distribuíronse extensamente a través de toda Europa.

O crecemento que presentan no Reino Unido é moi rápido, coas árbores máis grandes, en Benmore no suroeste de Escocia, alcanzando os 54 metros con 150 anos (Rexistro das árbores das illas Británicas), e varios outros exemplares con alturas entre 50 e 53 metros de alto; o máis robusto, con 3.55 metros de diámetro, está en Perthshire.

A media de crecemento nalgunhas zonas é considerable; un exemplar novo en Italia alcanzou os 22 metros de altura e 88 cm de diámetro de tronco en tan só 17 anos (Mitchell, 1972).

O seu desenvolvemento no nordeste de Europa está limitado polos fríos invernos. En Dinamarca, poden alcanzar os −32 °C, e a maior árbore tiña 35 metros de altura e de 1,7 diámetro en 1976. Unha en Polonia soporta temperaturas por debaixo de −37 °C cunha gran cuberta de neve.

En España xa dende mediados do século XIX plantáronse sequoias con intención puramente decorativa nos xardíns de diversas cidades e residencias privadas. Entre todas elas, as consideradas como máis lonxevas e de dimensións máis impresionantes son as que subsisten aínda nos xardíns do Pazo Real da Granxa de San Ildefonso, plantadas contra 1870; o maior dos exemplares conta xa cun perímetro de tronco (medido a 2 metros de altura) superior aos 14 metros, o que evidencia unha taxa de crecemento anual espectacular.

Son tamén salientables a situada dende aproximadamente 1880 no Mosteiro de Silos, a que crece dende o século XIX no patio das Escolas Maiores da Universidade de Salamanca, e, sobre todo, as que aínda subsisten en Pamplona situadas no patio do edificio do Instituto Navarro de Administración Pública, na pradería da Universidade de Navarra e nos xardíns do Palacio de Navarra; esta última alcanza actualmente máis de 37 metros de altura e tense constancia de ser plantada na súa actual localización en 1855 o que a converte nunha das sequoias máis antigas de Europa. As sequoias dos xardíns da Casa do Príncipe de San Lorenzo del Escorial, duns 60 metros de altura e de 1853, foron regalo da raíña Vitoria de Inglaterra.


En Galiza plántanse como ornamental en arboredos e pazos dende hai anos. Algúns exemplares de sequoias figuran no Catálogo de Árbores Senlleiras de Galicia, coma por exemplo a sequoia xigante do Pazo do Casal, en Bergondo (A Coruña).

EUA e Canadá

As sequoias xigantes cultívanse satisfactoriamente no noroeste do Pacífico, dende o oeste de Oregón ao norte e suroeste da Columbia Británica, cunhas taxas de crecemento rápidas.

No nordés dos Estados Unidos de América o cultivo da especie tivo un éxito limitado, pois alí o crecemento é moito máis lento, e as árbores son propensas a enfermidades fúnxicas coma a Cercospora e a Kabatina debido ao clima quente e húmido do verán nesta zona. A árbore máis alta que se encontra no este é unha que alcanza os 35 metros de altura nos xardíns de Blithewold, en Brístol, Rhode Island. Crecen tamén espécimes no Arnold Arboretum de Massachusetts, en Boston, onde hai unha sequoia plantada en 1972, con 18 metros de altura en 1998, e tamén en Delaware, Wilmington, e nos lagos Finger na rexión de Nova York.

Un cultivar 'Hazel Smith' seleccionado en 1960 está a resultar máis satisfactorio nos EUA do nordeste. Este clon foi o único sobrevivente de varios centos de plántulas cultivadas nun viveiro de Nova Jersey.

Australia e Nova Zelandia

Os Xardíns Botánicos de Ballarat, en Australia, conteñen unha colección significativa con moitas sequoias de máis de 150 anos. Hai tamén interesantes espécimes en diversos xardíns privados e públicos de Nova Gales do Sur, Victoria ou Tasmania.

Pódense atopar varias mostras impresionantes de sequoia xigante na Illa Meridional de Nova Zelandia. Os máis destacados son un conxunto de árbores nun parque público de Picton, así como grandes espécimes nos parques públicos e botánicos de Queenstown[3].


  1. Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. 2013. Sequoiadendron giganteum. En: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Consultado o 13 de xullo de 2013. (en inglés)
  2. Nome vulgar galego en Termos esenciais de botánica, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2004; a través de Buscatermos da USC
  3. "Sphaydenphotography.com". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 03 de marzo de 2016. Consultado o 08 de setembro de 2014.

Véxase tamén


  • Aune, P. S., ed. (1994). Proceedings of the Symposium on Giant Sequoias. US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service (Pacific Southwest Research Station) General Technical Report PSW-GTR-151.
  • Fry, W. & White, J.B. (1938). Big Trees. Stanford University Press.
  • Mitchell, A. F. (1972). Conifers in the British Isles. Forestry Commission Booklet 33. HMSO.
  • Mitchell, A. F. (1996). Alan Mitchell's Trees of Britain. HarperCollins ISBN 0-00-219972-6.
  • Thomas, H. H., Shellhammer, H. S., & Stecker, R. E. (1980). Giant sequoia ecology. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Scientific Monograph Series 12. Washington, DC. 182 p.
  • Kilgore, B. (1970). Restoring Fire to the Sequoias. National Parks and Conservation Magazine 44 (277): 16-22.

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wikipedia gl Galician

Sequoia xigante: Brief Summary ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

Sequoiadendron é un xénero de árbores pertencente á familia das Cupresáceas, tamén chamada Taxodiáceas. Este xénero ten unha soa especie, Sequoiadendron giganteum Buchh, a sequoia xigante. Sequoaidendron giganteum é unha das tres especies de coníferas coñecidas como sequoias, clasificada na subfamilia das Sequoioideae, xunto con Sequoia sempervirens (a sequoia común) e Metasequoia glyptostroboides (a sequoia do alba ou metasequoia).

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Golemi mamutovac ( الكرواتية )

المقدمة من wikipedia hr Croatian

Golemi mamutovac (lat. Sequoiadendron giganteum) jedina je vrsta iz roda Sequoiadendron porodice Cupressaceae. On je najstarija, iznimno dugovječna, najviša (prosječne visine 50–85 m) vrsta drveća koja (uz prosječni promjer stabla 6-8 m) ima i najveći volumen. Najstarije živo drvo staro je 3266 godina. Od njega su stariji samo pravi tisućljetni bor (lat. Pinus longeava) i patagonski trolist (lat. Fitzroya cupressoides).


Kora je crveno-smeđe boje, debela, vlaknasta i toliko mekana da se može probiti šakom bez ozljeđivanja. S vremenom kora tamni i dobija brazde. Drvo je slabo iskoristivo u građevinske svrhe. Ima tamnoplavo ili zeleno igličasto lišće dugo od 3 do 6 mm. Češeri su smeđi i jajoliki, 5-8 cm dugi, vise na dugim stapkama. Cvjeta u veljači i ožujku. Počinje plodonositi u starosti od oko 125 godina, najbolje rodi pri starosti 200 i više godina. [1] Odraslo stablo je zbog debele kore otporno na šumske požare.


Danas prirodno raste u Kaliforniji, na zapadnim padinama Sierra Nevade. U ledenom dobu rastao je na puno većim prostorima sjeverne polutke. Otkriven je u Europi u fosilnim slojevima lignita. Najveće stablo golemog mamutovca zove se "General Sherman" i nalazi se u Nacionalnom parku Sequoia u Kaliforniji, volumen mu je 1487 m3, a visina 83 m.


Golemi mamutovci sadili su se u Europi od druge polovice 19. stoljeća kao ukrasno drveće, no stabla su znatno manja od američkih. Prvo stablo golemog mamutovca u Hrvatskoj posadio je dr. Ivan Malin 1862. godine u Zagrebu (Malinov park, Nemetova ulica). To je samo 9 godina nakon što je posađen prvi golemi mamutovac u Europi.



  1. Regent B.: Šumsko sjemenarstvo, Zagreb 1972.
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wikipedia hr Croatian

Golemi mamutovac: Brief Summary ( الكرواتية )

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Golemi mamutovac (lat. Sequoiadendron giganteum) jedina je vrsta iz roda Sequoiadendron porodice Cupressaceae. On je najstarija, iznimno dugovječna, najviša (prosječne visine 50–85 m) vrsta drveća koja (uz prosječni promjer stabla 6-8 m) ima i najveći volumen. Najstarije živo drvo staro je 3266 godina. Od njega su stariji samo pravi tisućljetni bor (lat. Pinus longeava) i patagonski trolist (lat. Fitzroya cupressoides).

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Hoberski žerowc ( اللغة الصربية العليا )

المقدمة من wikipedia HSB

Hoberski žerowc (Sequoiadendron giganteum) je štom ze swójby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae). Dalše serbske mjeno je mamutowy štom.

Po někotrych žórłach so do swójby ćisowcowych rostlinow (Taxodiaceae) přirjaduje.

Wědomostne mjeno

Botaniske mjeno roda bazuje na mjenje Indiana Se-quo-Yah (rodź. 1770, zemr. 1843), kotryž wuwiwaše prěni indianski alfabet.


Hoberski žerowc je štom, kotryž docpěje wysokosć wot 30 hač do 50 m (wjace hač 80 m). Króna je kehelojta, ale w starobje je šěroko čumpata. Zdónk je tołsty a zrunany. Tołsta skora je čerwjenobruna hač šěrobruna, hubicojta-nitkojta, při čimž w podołhostnych smužkach njese hłuboke rozpukliny. Z tołstosću wot hač do 50 cm je dobry škit přećiwo lěsnemu wohnjej.

Štom ma najwjetši drjewowy wolumen wšěch štomowych družinow. Wón móže starobu wot něhdźe 3000 lět docpěć, hačrunjež w Sequioa-narodnym parku Kaliforniskeje pječa samo steji štom z starobu wot 3800 lět.


Šupiznojte jehły su ćmowozelene hač módrozelene, prědku kónčkojte a docpěja dołhosć wot něhdźe 5 mm a na hłownych wurostkach hač do 12 mm. Wone na hałuzach dele běžace rostu a su w třoch rjadach šrubikojće rjadowane. Wone při rozrybowanju po anisu wonjeja.

Kćenja a hable

Kćěje wot měrca hač do apryla (w meji). Rostlina je jednodomna. Kwětnistwa su njenapadne. Muske kćenja steja po jednym na kónčkach wurostkow. Žónske kćenja steja po jednym abo po dwěmaj.

Hable docpěja šěrokosć wot hač do 4 cm a dołhosć wot 6 cm. Zrałe hable su čerwjenobrune, jejkojte a docpěja dołhosć wot 5 hač do 8 cm. Jich šupizny njesu wurazny ćernjojty wurostk. Wone wot julija hač do awgusta dozrawja.


Rosće na włóžnych, wutkatych rozprochnjenskich pódach we wysokosćach wot 1500 hač do 2500 m. Ma radšo hłubokosahace, přesakliwe pódy na swobodnym, słónčnym městnje. Młode štomy potrjebuja wjele wody.


Štom je pacifiskich dźělach sewjerneje Ameriki domjaca, a to zapadne zwisy Sierra Newada w Kaliforniskej. Tam móže samo wysokosće wot hač do 100 m docpěć. Jeho zdónk móže přeměr wot hač do 8 m docpěć, na bazy samo wot hač do 12 m. Při tym móže starobu wot něhdźe 3000 lět docpěć.


Štom so w srjedźnej Europje při składnosći jako lěsny štom plahuje, hewak w parkach a arboretach.


  • Sorta 'Pendulum' njese wisace pódlanske hałuzy.


Tuta družina bu w lěće 1853 pod mjenom (Basionym) Wellingtonia gigantea wot John Lindley in The Gardeners' Chronicle & Agricultural Gazette, zwjazk 10, S. 823 najprjedy wopisana. John Theodore Buchholz nastaješe w lěće 1939 w American Journal of Botany, Volume 26, Issue7, S. 536 za tutu družinu ród Sequoiadendron. Dalše synonymy za Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J.Buchholz su: Americus gigantea Anon. 1854, Sequoia gigantea Decne. 1854, Taxodium washingtonianum Winsl. 1855, Washingtonia californica Winsl. 1854 abo 1855, Sequoia wellingtonia Seem. 1855, Taxodium giganteum Kellog et Behr 1855, Americus giganteus Anon. 1858, Washingtonia americana Hort. A. ex Gord. 1862, Gigantabies wellingtonia J.Nels. 1866, Sequoia washingtoniana Sudw. 1897, Steinhauera gigantea Kuntze 1909. [1]


  1. Zapisk při Tropicos.


  • Botanica, Bäume und Sträucher, Über 2000 Pflanzenporträts, ISBN 978-3-8331-4467-7, strona 857 (němsce)
  • Bruno P. Kremer: Steinbachs Naturführer Bäume & Sträucher, ISBN 978-3-8001-5934-5, strona 80 (němsce)
  • Mayer, Schwegler: Welcher Baum ist das?, Bäume, Sträucher, Ziergehölze, ISBN 978-3-440-11273-1, strona 248 (němsce)
  • Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)

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Hoberski žerowc: Brief Summary ( اللغة الصربية العليا )

المقدمة من wikipedia HSB

Hoberski žerowc (Sequoiadendron giganteum) je štom ze swójby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae). Dalše serbske mjeno je mamutowy štom.

Po někotrych žórłach so do swójby ćisowcowych rostlinow (Taxodiaceae) přirjaduje.

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Fjallarauðviður ( الآيسلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IS

Fjallarauðviður, risarauðviður eða mammúttré (og áður þekkt sem risafura)(fræðiheiti: Sequioadendron giganteum)er barrtré sem vex í fjalllendi Kaliforníu. Heimkynni þeirra eru í 1.000-2.000 metra hæð í vesturhlíðum Snjófjalla (Sierra Nevada). [2] Fjallarauðviður er verndaður innan þjóðskóga eða þjóðgarða. Það tekur þúsund ár eða meira að ná þeim gríðarlega sverleika sem þær eru þekktastar fyrir. Þær sverustu eru meira en 3000 ára gamlar.

Fjallarauðviður er stærsta tré í heimi. Stærsta eintakið heitir Sherman hershöfðingi og vex í Sequoia-þjóðgarðinum. Sherman er 83,8 m hár og ummál er 31,3 m við jörð. [3] Trén geta orðið allt að 95 metrar á hæð. [4]

Í Sequioa national park, Kaliforníu.

Tréð hefur verið þekkt lengi á íslensku sem risafura en það er ekki nákvæmt þar sem tréð er ekki af furuætt, heldur einisætt. Skyld tegund heitir strandrauðviður. [5] Eintök af tegundinni má finna víða í trjásöfnum í Evrópu.

Árið 1985 fékk Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands til varðveislu sneið af fjallarauðvið sem ríkisstjórn Bandaríkjanna gaf íslensku þjóðinni á 1100 ára afmæli Íslandsbyggðar árið 1974. Vegna húsnæðisvanda Náttúrufræðistofnunar var þjóðargjöfinni komið fyrir í Háskólabíói til bráðabirgða. Sneiðin er nú til sýnis í Perlunni.


  1. Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. 2013. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Downloaded on 13 July 2013.
  2. http://www.skogur.is/um-skograekt-rikisins/frettir/nr/1975
  3. http://www.visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=676
  4. http://www.visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=5443
  5. http://www.skogur.is/um-skograekt-rikisins/frettir/nr/1975
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Fjallarauðviður: Brief Summary ( الآيسلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IS

Fjallarauðviður, risarauðviður eða mammúttré (og áður þekkt sem risafura)(fræðiheiti: Sequioadendron giganteum)er barrtré sem vex í fjalllendi Kaliforníu. Heimkynni þeirra eru í 1.000-2.000 metra hæð í vesturhlíðum Snjófjalla (Sierra Nevada). Fjallarauðviður er verndaður innan þjóðskóga eða þjóðgarða. Það tekur þúsund ár eða meira að ná þeim gríðarlega sverleika sem þær eru þekktastar fyrir. Þær sverustu eru meira en 3000 ára gamlar.

Fjallarauðviður er stærsta tré í heimi. Stærsta eintakið heitir Sherman hershöfðingi og vex í Sequoia-þjóðgarðinum. Sherman er 83,8 m hár og ummál er 31,3 m við jörð. Trén geta orðið allt að 95 metrar á hæð.

 src= Í Sequioa national park, Kaliforníu.

Tréð hefur verið þekkt lengi á íslensku sem risafura en það er ekki nákvæmt þar sem tréð er ekki af furuætt, heldur einisætt. Skyld tegund heitir strandrauðviður. Eintök af tegundinni má finna víða í trjásöfnum í Evrópu.

Árið 1985 fékk Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands til varðveislu sneið af fjallarauðvið sem ríkisstjórn Bandaríkjanna gaf íslensku þjóðinni á 1100 ára afmæli Íslandsbyggðar árið 1974. Vegna húsnæðisvanda Náttúrufræðistofnunar var þjóðargjöfinni komið fyrir í Háskólabíói til bráðabirgða. Sneiðin er nú til sýnis í Perlunni.

Tilvísun Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. 2013. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Downloaded on 13 July 2013. http://www.skogur.is/um-skograekt-rikisins/frettir/nr/1975 http://www.visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=676 http://www.visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=5443 http://www.skogur.is/um-skograekt-rikisins/frettir/nr/1975  src= Wikimedia Commons er með margmiðlunarefni sem tengist Fjallarauðviður Einkennismerki Wikilífvera Wikilífverur eru með efni sem tengist Fjallarauðviður  src= Þessi líffræðigrein er stubbur. Þú getur hjálpað til með því að bæta við greinina.
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Sequoiadendron giganteum ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

La sequoia gigante (Sequoiadendron giganteum [Lindley, Buchholz, 1939]), chiamata anche wellingtonia[3] (in inglese Giant Sequoia o Sierra Redwood)[4], è un albero appartenente alla famiglia delle Cupressacee (precedentemente classificata nelle Taxodiacee).

È diffusa spontaneamente solo in aree ristrette della Sierra Nevada, in California. Il Parco nazionale di Sequoia, situato circa 300 km a sud est di San Francisco, contiene la maggior parte degli esemplari si questa specie.[5]

Dimensioni e caratteristiche

Le sequoie giganti sono gli alberi più grandi del mondo in termini di volume: più massicce delle sequoie della California (Sequoia sempervirens), ma meno alte. Tuttavia solo sette esemplari di Sequoiadendron giganteum superano i 1200 del Lost Monarch, un gigantesco esemplare di Sequoia sempervirens.

La sequoia gigante può raggiungere i 95 m di altezza ed avere un diametro basale, molto allargato rispetto alla parte superiore al colletto, di quasi 9 m. Non si hanno informazioni certe sulla longevità di questi alberi, ma le analisi dendrocronologiche permettono di fissare per la massima età raggiunta un limite inferiore di circa 2 200 anni.

Il portamento è conico simmetrico, con i rami che scendono verso il basso. La corteccia è di colore rosso scuro. Ha foglie aghiformi (lesiniformi, quasi squamiformi), di colore verde scuro, lunghe 5-6 mm, che ricoprono tutto il rametto; i microsporofilli, di colore giallo-marrone, sono riuniti in amenti ascellari e terminali, i macrosprofilli sono verdi, in amenti apicati.

Gli strobili ovali di 6-8 cm per 4-5 cm di diametro sono costituiti da scaglie peltate, termine proveniente dal nome dell'antico scudo greco (in greco antico: πέλτη, péltē), con scudo romboidale. Maturano in due anni.


Il legno della sequoia gigante è molto resistente alla decomposizione, ma è fibroso e fragile, quindi inadatto a uso edile.

Dall'ultimo ventennio del diciannovesimo secolo fino agli anni venti del ventesimo secolo molte sequoie vennero abbattute a scopo commerciale, ma con scarso guadagno visto che a causa della loro fragilità e all'altezza degli alberi stessi molti tronchi si frantumavano divenendo inutilizzabili. I boscaioli cercarono di attutire l'impatto con strati di rami tagliati da altri alberi, ma nonostante ciò fino al 50% del legname andava sprecato.

Il legno veniva perciò utilizzato solo per fabbricare staccionate, tegole in legno e perfino fiammiferi, uno scopo umile per un albero di una tale mole e questo spreco spinse l'opinione pubblica a richiedere la protezione di questi maestosi giganti.

Sequoie giganti famose

Sequoia gigante a confronto con un'automobile
Sequoiadendron giganteum

Alle più grandi e più pittoresche sequoie giganti della California, che si trovano in parchi nazionali, è stato dato un nome, come alla sequoia chiamata Generale Sherman, alla Generale Grant, alla Capanna del pionere, alla President, alla Lincoln, alla Grizzly Giant (nella foto) e alla Bull Buck. In particolare il Generale Sherman, con i suoi 32 m di circonferenza basale e i suoi quasi 85 m di altezza, è considerato uno tra gli esseri viventi più voluminosi della Terra. Il suo peso è stimato in circa 1910 tonnellate.

A Longarone (Belluno) esiste una sequoia gigante che porta il segno indelebile del disastro del Vajont: una grande scortecciatura lasciata dal passaggio dell'ondata devastatrice. L'ondata ha sradicato tutte le piante circostanti, ma la sequoia ha resistito. Nel 2017 la Regione Veneto la ha dichiarata albero monumentale.[6]

Una sequoia del parco-arboreto del castello di Sammezzano, nel comune di Reggello in Toscana, raggiunge i 46 metri ed è uno degli alberi più alti d'Italia. Nel parco sono presenti oltre 100 sequoie, di cui 57 superano i 35 metri d'altezza.[7]


  1. ^ (EN) R. Schmid, Sequoiadendron giganteum, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (FR) Sequoiadendron giganteum, su elianto.fisica.unimi.it. URL consultato il 7 ottobre 2019.
  3. ^ Polunin 1977, p. 22.
  4. ^ Toogood 1992, p. 201.
  5. ^ (EN) Sequoiadendron giganteum, in The Plant List. URL consultato il 3 maggio 2014.
  6. ^ L'onda del Vajont non la piegò: ora la sequoia gigante è un monumento, su www.ilgazzettino.it. URL consultato l'8 giugno 2020.
  7. ^ Parco o arboreto di Sammezzano (PDF) , su floricoltura.arsia.toscana.it.


  • Born F. Gli ultimi paradisi naturali. De Agostini, 1961
  • Coombes, A.J. Alberi. Fabbri editori, 1995
  • Lanzara, P.; Pizzetti, M. Alberi. Mondadori, 1977, 19952
  • Oleg Polunin, Guida agli alberi e arbusti d'Europa, traduzione di Piero Brunelli, illustrazioni di Barbara Everard, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1977, SBN ITICCUIEI069608. 1ª ed. originale: (EN) Trees and Bushes of Europe, London, Oxford University Press, 1976.
  • Alan Toogood, Guida agli alberi ornamentali, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1992, ISBN 88-08-11372-8. 1ª ed. originale: (EN) Garden Trees Handbook. A complete guide to choosing, planting and caring for garden trees, London, Swallow Publishing, 1990.
  • (EN) Conifer Specialist Group 1998, Sequoiadendron giganteum, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.

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Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

La sequoia gigante (Sequoiadendron giganteum [Lindley, Buchholz, 1939]), chiamata anche wellingtonia (in inglese Giant Sequoia o Sierra Redwood), è un albero appartenente alla famiglia delle Cupressacee (precedentemente classificata nelle Taxodiacee).

È diffusa spontaneamente solo in aree ristrette della Sierra Nevada, in California. Il Parco nazionale di Sequoia, situato circa 300 km a sud est di San Francisco, contiene la maggior parte degli esemplari si questa specie.

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Sequoiadendron ( لاتينية )

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Sequoiadendron: Brief Summary ( لاتينية )

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Didysis mamutmedis ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT
Sequoiadendron giganteum levila.png

Didysis mamutmedis, dažnai klaidingai vadinamas gigantiškąja sekvoja (lot. Sequoiadendron giganteum, angl. Giant Sequoia, Sierra Redwood, Wellingtonia) – kiparisinių šeimos (Cupressaceae) medžių rūšis, vienintelė mamutmedžių gentyje.


Savaime auga tik labai nedidelėje teritorijoje – JAV vakaruose, Kalifornijoje esančiuose Siera Nevados kalnuose (daugiausia Karalių kanjono ir Sekvojos nacionaliniuose parkuose).[1] Dabar plačiai auginamas už savaiminio paplitimo arealo ribų, tai Šiaurės Amerikos žemyno š. v. iki pat Kanados Britų Kolumbijos p.v. dalies, pietinėje JAV dalyje, p.r. Australijoje, Naujojoje Zelandijoje, pietų ir centrinėje Čilėje. Taip pat auginamas ir atšiauresnio klimato Šiaurės Amerikos žemyno rytuose.

Mamutmedžiai gali atlaikyti -31 °C ar net žemesnę temperatūrą, jeigu šaltis tęsiasi neilgai ir aplink medį gausi sniego paklodė. Bet už natūralaus arealo paplitimo ribų, jo lapija gali nukentėti nuo atšiauraus vėjo, taip pat nepakenčia per didelės dirvožemio drėgmės.

Į Europą pirmą kartą mamutmedžius atgabeno 1853 metų rugsėjį, škotų kilmės John D. Matthew, kuris surinko nedidelį kiekį sėklų Kalavero giraitėje. Dar didesne mamutmedžių sėklų siuntą tų pačių metų gruodžio mėnesį į Angliją (netoli Ekseterio) atgabeno William Lobb, kuris taip pat sėklas buvo surinkęs toje pačioje Kalavero giraitėje. Vėliau šios siuntos sėklos buvo plačiai išplatintos Europoje. Nuo mamutmedžių atradimo iki šių dienų buvo išvesta daug sukultūrintų šio medžio veislių, ypač Europoje.

Pavienių entuziastų dėka, mamutmedžiai bandomi auginti ir Lietuvoje, nors jiems ir per atšiaurus mūsų šalies klimatas, nes per žiemos sezoną medeliai apšąla. Žiemą juos būtina pridengti, ypač jaunus medelius.


Didžiojo mamutmedžio šakelė

Didžiųjų mamutmedžių žievė plaušuota, stora (iki 90 cm) ir tai turi didelę reikšmę medžiui apsisaugojant nuo ugnies. Lapeliai 3-6 mm ilgio, amžinai žaliuojantys. Kankorėžiai 4-7 cm ilgio, subręsta per 18-20 mėnesių, nors paprastai jie išlieka žali iki 20 metų. Kankorėžyje būna apie 230 sėklų. Jos tamsiai rudos, 4–5 mm ilgio ir 1 mm pločio su 1 mm pločio geltonai rudu sparneliu kiekvienoje sėklos pusėje. Kartais sėklos ima kristi, kada vėlai vasarą nuo karščio kankorėžių lukštai (žvynai) ima trauktis, nors paprastai sėklos iškrenta, kada kankorėžis džiūva nuo ugnies karščio arba buna pažeistas vabzdžių.

Aukštis, kamieno storis, tūris, amžius

Vieni iš aukščiausių, masyviausių, vieni iš turinčių storiausią kamieną, ilgiausiai gyvenančių medžių rūšių. Vidutinis subrendusio medžio aukštis 50-85 m, kamieno skersmuo iki 6-8 m.

  • Didieji mamutmedžiai – masyviausi medžiai Žemėje pagal tūrį, tarp jų visų didžiausio tūrio yra Generolo Šermano medis (1489 m³ tūrio).
  • Generolo Šermano medis sveria apie 210 tonų.
  • Vieni aukščiausių medžių Žemėje. Dabar žinomas aukščiausias bevardis mamutmedis medis 95,8 m aukčio.
  • Storiausią kamieną turi Krioklio medis (Waterfall Tree)47 m.
  • Su masyviausiu kamieno pamato skersmeniu yra Krioklio (Waterfall Tree) ir Olos (Tunnel Tree) medžiai – 17 m.
  • Su masyviausiu medžio kamieno skersmeniu žmogaus krūtinės aukštyje yra Generolo Granto (General Grant) medis – 8,8 m.
  • Masyviausią šaką turi Rankų medis (Arm Tree) – 3,9 m.
  • Storiausia žievė91 cm.
  • Vieni ilgiausiai gyvenančių medžių Žemėje. „Muir Snag“ medis yra seniausias, jis žaliuoja 3266 metų. Amžius oficialiai nustatytas pagal medžio rieves.

Stambiausi medžiai:

  1. Generolo Šermano medis – aukštis 84,2 m, apimtis 33,0 m, tūris 1489 m³
  2. Generolo Granto medis – aukštis 82,0 m, apimtis 33,5 m, tūris 1357 m³
  3. Prezidento medis – aukštis 73,4 m, apimtis 28,4 m, tūris 1318 m³
  4. Linkolno medis – aukštis 78,0 m, apimtis 30,0 m, tūris 1275 m³
  5. Stagg – aukštis 74,1 m, apimtis 33,2 m, tūris 1249 m³
  6. Boole medis – aukštis 81,9 m, apimtis 34,8 m, tūris 1244 m³
  7. Robert E. Lee – aukštis 78,2 m, apimtis 26,8 m, tūris 1235 m³
  8. Franklin – aukštis 68,2 m, apimtis 28,9, tūris1223 m³
  9. King Arthur – aukštis 82,4 m, apimtis 31,8, tūris1151 m³
  10. Monroe – aukštis 75,5, apimtis, 27,8, tūris 1183 m³

Aukščiausi medžiai:

  1. Aukštis 95,8 m. Auga Mamutmedžių valstybiniame miške.
  2. Aukštis 94,9 m, apimtis 4,87 m. Auga Karalių kanjono nacionaliniame parke, jį pastebėjo Michael Taylor 1998 metų liepą. Įkopė ir su rulete jį išmatavo Steve Sillett
  3. Aukštis 94,8 m, kamieno skersmuo 3,04 m. Auga Karalių kanjono nacionaliniame parke. Jį pastebėjo Chris Atkins, Taylor 2003 metais.
  4. Aukštis 93,9 m, kamieno skersmuo 5,02 m. Auga Karalių kanjono nacionaliniame parke, tai yra už 152 metrų į pietus nuo antro pagal aukštį (94,9 m) mamutmedžio. Išmatuotas su nešiojamu lazeriniu matuokliu (preliminarūs duomenys).
  5. Aukštis 93,3 m. Auga Karalių kanjono nacionaliniame parke. Išmatuotas su nešiojamu lazeriniu matuokliu (preliminarūs duomenys).
  6. Aukštis 92,4 m. Auga Karalių kanjono nacionaliniame parke netoli trečio pagal aukštį (94,8 m) mamutmedžio.
  7. Aukštis 92,4 m. Auga Karalių kanjono nacionaliniame parke. (Preliminarūs duomenys).
  8. Aukštis 92,0 m. Auga Mamutmedžių valstybiniame miške. Išmatuotas su nešiojamu lazeriniu matuokliu. Preliminarūs duomenys.
  9. Aukštis 92,0 m. Auga Mamutmedžių valstybiniame miške. Išmatuotas su nešiojamu lazeriniu matuokliu. Preliminarūs duomenys.
  10. Aukštis 91,7 m. Auga Karalių kanjono nacionaliniame parke. Išmatuotas su nešiojamu lazeriniu matuokliu. Preliminarūs duomenys.


  1. USDA Forest Service – Sequoia National Forest




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Didysis mamutmedis: Brief Summary ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT

Didysis mamutmedis, dažnai klaidingai vadinamas gigantiškąja sekvoja (lot. Sequoiadendron giganteum, angl. Giant Sequoia, Sierra Redwood, Wellingtonia) – kiparisinių šeimos (Cupressaceae) medžių rūšis, vienintelė mamutmedžių gentyje.

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Mammoetboom ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

De mammoetboom of reuzensequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) is een boom uit het geslacht Sequoiadendron van de cipresfamilie (Cupressaceae). Het is de zwaarste boom in de wereld. De soort komt van nature voor in Californië waar ze groeit op de westelijke hellingen van de Sierra Nevada. Voor de ijstijden kwam de boom algemeen voor op het noordelijk halfrond. In bijvoorbeeld Europa is de boom bekend als fossiel in bruinkoollagen.

De grootste mammoetboom is de General Sherman Tree. Deze boom is te vinden in het Sequoia National Park in Californië, heeft een hoogte van ruim 83 meter, een omtrek van 31 meter bij de bodem en 26 meter op borsthoogte. De boom zou uiteindelijk een hoogte kunnen bereiken van 95 meter en een omtrek bij de bodem van ruim 34 meter.[2]


De kroon is smal en kegelvormig. De uiteinden van de takken buigen naar voren. De schors is net als die van de kustmammoetboom (Sequoia sempervirens) roodachtig bruin, dik, zacht en vezelig. Later wordt de schors donkerder en gegroefd. De richels steken soms ver uit. De schors is heel zacht en kan gemakkelijk ingeduwd worden. Men kan ertegen stompen zonder de vuist te verwonden. De boom heeft blauwgroene of donkergroene schubnaalden van 4-7 mm lang. De kegelvruchten zijn bruin en eivormig, 5-8 cm lang en hangen aan lange steeltjes aan de hoofdtwijgen.

De mammoetboom heeft een zeer dikke bast en een hoge kruin, zodat bij een bosbrand het vuur de belangrijkste delen van de boom niet kan aantasten. Voor de voortplanting is het zelfs noodzakelijk dat de zaden deels verbrand worden. Het snel blussen en voorkomen van bosbranden in het verspreidingsgebied schijnt ertoe geleid te hebben dat er vrijwel geen nieuwe sequoia's meer opkomen. Overigens zijn de zeer hevige bosbranden die af en toe toch oplaaien wel degelijk in staat om zelfs aan oude exemplaren fatale schade toe te brengen.[3]

De boom levert duurzaam hout, dat echter te zacht is om als constructiemateriaal gebruikt te worden. Reuzenbomen die worden geveld versplinteren niet zelden in ernstige mate als ze omvallen, waardoor een groot deel van het hout onbruikbaar wordt.


Als sierboom worden mammoetbomen aangeplant in Europa, maar daar zijn ze voorlopig aanmerkelijk kleiner. De dikste mammoetboom in België is een boom in het Waalse Esneux, die een stamomtrek van 8,9 m heeft op 1,5 m hoogte. In Nederland zijn de dikste exemplaren te vinden in Brummen in Gelderland, met stamomtrekken van 7,9 en 7,8 meter (op 1,3 m hoogte). Om zo groot te worden als in Amerika zijn duizenden jaren nodig. De planten zijn in Europa pas in de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw voor het eerst ingevoerd. De leeftijd van de oudste reuzensequoia wordt na jaarringenonderzoek op 3200 jaar geschat. In de Zoo van Antwerpen staat een schijf uit een mammoetboom met een geschatte leeftijd van meer dan 400 jaar op het moment van kap, waarop verschillende gebeurtenissen uit de geschiedenis, waaronder de Slag der Gulden Sporen en de ontdekking van Amerika door Columbus, op de jaarringen gemarkeerd staan.

Top tien

De tien grootste bomen uit het geslacht van de S. giganteum zijn:

Naam Locatie Hoogte
(meter) Omtrek
(meter) Volume
(kubieke meter) General Sherman Giant Forest 83,79 31,27 1486,9 General Grant[4] Grant Grove 81,72 32,77 1319,8 President Giant Forest 73,43 28,35 1278,4 Lincoln Giant Forest 77,97 29,96 1259,3 Stagg Alder Creek 74,07 33,22 1205,0 Boole Converse Basin 81,93 34,44 1202,7 Genesis Mountain Home 77,11 26,00 1186,4 Franklin Giant Forest 68,21 28,90 1168,9 King Arthur Garfield Grove 82,39 31,76 1151,2 Monroe Giant Forest 75,5 27,8 1135,6


Externe links

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Mammoetboom op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. (en) Sequoiadendron giganteum, US Forest Service
  3. (en) Fire's Role in a Sequoia Forest, US National Park Service, ingezien op 16 november 2014
  4. Via de website van de National Park Service: in juli 2003 werd de tot op dat moment op een na grootste mammoetboom ter wereld, de Washington Tree in Sequoia National Park, door een blikseminslag sterk beschadigd. In de daaropvolgende winter woedden meerdere heftige stormen die de boom verder beschadigden. Van de oorspronkelijk 78 meter hoge boom is nu minder dan 35 meter over. Het is niet uitgesloten dat deze ruim 2000 jaar oude boom door een volgende storm volledig verwoest wordt.
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wikipedia NL

Mammoetboom: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

De mammoetboom of reuzensequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) is een boom uit het geslacht Sequoiadendron van de cipresfamilie (Cupressaceae). Het is de zwaarste boom in de wereld. De soort komt van nature voor in Californië waar ze groeit op de westelijke hellingen van de Sierra Nevada. Voor de ijstijden kwam de boom algemeen voor op het noordelijk halfrond. In bijvoorbeeld Europa is de boom bekend als fossiel in bruinkoollagen.

De grootste mammoetboom is de General Sherman Tree. Deze boom is te vinden in het Sequoia National Park in Californië, heeft een hoogte van ruim 83 meter, een omtrek van 31 meter bij de bodem en 26 meter op borsthoogte. De boom zou uiteindelijk een hoogte kunnen bereiken van 95 meter en een omtrek bij de bodem van ruim 34 meter.

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Mammuttre ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Mammuttreet eller kjempesequoiatreet (Sequoiadendron giganteum) tilhører Kjempesequoiaslekten i sypressfamilien. Treet kan bli over 80 m høyt, og i sjeldne tilfelle opp til maksimalt 95 meter med stammetverrmål på åtte til ti meter.

Blader av mammuttre.
Kongler av mammuttre.
Dette individet, General Sherman, er verdens største tre, med et volum på 1487 m³ (2002), og en anslått vekt på 2100 tonn. Høyden er 83,7 m (2002). Det antas at treet er mellom 2300 og 2700 år gammelt.
Benmore Botanic Garden, Skottland. Flere av trærne er over 45 m høye.

Den kraftige stammen og greinene danner en luftig krone som er sylindrisk av form. Barken er rødbrun og trevlete, samt porøs og elastisk. De små og skjellaktige nålene er radiale og står ut i en spiss vinkel fra greinene. Hannblomstene kan sees fra vinteren av, og blir gule om våren. Hunnblomsterstandene er grønne og kongleaktige.

Konglene går fra eggformet (1. år), 10 cm lange og grønne, til noe lengre størrelse og rødbrun farge de neste årene. Trebukker (Phymatodes nitidus) og douglasekornet (Tamiasciurus douglasii) bidrar til å spre frøene fra konglene.

Treet regnes som verdens største, men ikke det høyeste, for her overgås det av noen andre bartrær. Treet har en bark som inneholder mye garvesyre og derfor vanskelig kan bli skadet av ild. Trevirket er også motstandsdyktig mot forråtnelse. Det blir sagt at et tre kan inneholde nok tømmer til femti hus med seks rom hver. Et fullt utvokst tre har imidlertid porøs ved som derfor er lite egnet til materialer. Trevirket er uvanlig lett med en densitet på bare 0,29.

Utbredelse og økologi

Det er viltvoksende i vestskråningene av Sierra Nevada i California. Det vokser gjerne i 1500-2100 meters høyde, med habitater som har en samlet utstrekning på 144,16 km². Treet kan bli 3800 år gammelt. Som prydtre plantes mammuttreet av og til i Norge. I Polen skal et individ ha overlevd en temperatur på -37 °C.

Treet har vanskelig for å spre seg, fordi nye spirer bare vokser i solfull, mineralholdig jord hvor det er få konkurrenter. Skogbrann kan være bra for arten, siden brann ofte fjerner konkurrerende bartrær og begrenser skadelige stokkmaur.

Allerede i 1834 ble de første frøene tatt med til Storbritannia, hvor det er flere parkbestander. Ni år senere ble en større forsendelse med frø spredt over hele Europa. Det er et eksemplar i Botanisk hage i Oslo. Parkindivider finnes også i blant annet USA, Canada, Australia, Italia, Danmark, Polen, Nederland, Belgia, New Zealand og Australia.

Norske trær

Mammuttreet ved Fevik bad.
Mammuttreet ved Fevik bad. På bakken ligger en del av en avkappet gren.

Oddvin Reisæters lærebok i plantenomenklatur (samling av leksjoner fra 1966 til 1972) nevner følgende trær:

  • Ved Fevik bad, Fevik – Mål 1972: Høyde: 23 m, Omkrets: 4,44 m. (Ved landmåling den 5. august 2009 ble høyden målt til 27,55 m og omkrets, 1,3 m over bakkenivå til 6,5 m. Omkrets på bakkenivå: 11 m. Trestammens volum ble anslått til ca. 23 m³. Grunneier opplyste da at treet var plantet i 1888.)
  • Ved Leikanger prestegård – Plantet ca. 1880. Mål (1969): Høyde: 22 m. Omkrets i brysthøyde: 5,27 m. Omkrets ved bakken: 8 m.
  • Utåker i Sunnhordland ble det plantet et 5 år gammelt tre i 1905. I 1920 var treet bare 1,5 m høyt, men i 1952 var høyden 20,2 m og omkretsen 2,47 m.
  • Ved Florida sykehus i Bergen var to trær henholdsvis 15 m og 17 m høye i 1960.
  • Furuholmen i Høle var et tre 11,7 m i 1959.
  • Myren gård ved Kristiansand står et tre som ble plantet i 1865 og som i 1971 ble målt til en høyde på 22 m og med omkrets 3,40 m.
  • Risholmen i Onsøy ble det plantet et tre i 1953 som var 6 m høyt i 1965, men treet frøs bort i 1966.
  • Fritzøehus ved Larvik ble det plantet et tre i 1955 som målte 4,5 m i 1965.

Eksterne lenker

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Mammuttre: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Mammuttreet eller kjempesequoiatreet (Sequoiadendron giganteum) tilhører Kjempesequoiaslekten i sypressfamilien. Treet kan bli over 80 m høyt, og i sjeldne tilfelle opp til maksimalt 95 meter med stammetverrmål på åtte til ti meter.

 src= Blader av mammuttre.  src= Kongler av mammuttre.  src= Dette individet, General Sherman, er verdens største tre, med et volum på 1487 m³ (2002), og en anslått vekt på 2100 tonn. Høyden er 83,7 m (2002). Det antas at treet er mellom 2300 og 2700 år gammelt.  src= Benmore Botanic Garden, Skottland. Flere av trærne er over 45 m høye.

Den kraftige stammen og greinene danner en luftig krone som er sylindrisk av form. Barken er rødbrun og trevlete, samt porøs og elastisk. De små og skjellaktige nålene er radiale og står ut i en spiss vinkel fra greinene. Hannblomstene kan sees fra vinteren av, og blir gule om våren. Hunnblomsterstandene er grønne og kongleaktige.

Konglene går fra eggformet (1. år), 10 cm lange og grønne, til noe lengre størrelse og rødbrun farge de neste årene. Trebukker (Phymatodes nitidus) og douglasekornet (Tamiasciurus douglasii) bidrar til å spre frøene fra konglene.

Treet regnes som verdens største, men ikke det høyeste, for her overgås det av noen andre bartrær. Treet har en bark som inneholder mye garvesyre og derfor vanskelig kan bli skadet av ild. Trevirket er også motstandsdyktig mot forråtnelse. Det blir sagt at et tre kan inneholde nok tømmer til femti hus med seks rom hver. Et fullt utvokst tre har imidlertid porøs ved som derfor er lite egnet til materialer. Trevirket er uvanlig lett med en densitet på bare 0,29.

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Sequoia giganteum ( Pms )

المقدمة من wikipedia PMS
Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


Da finì.


Da finì.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

  • Sequoia giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz
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Sequoia giganteum: Brief Summary ( Pms )

المقدمة من wikipedia PMS

Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


Da finì.


Da finì.

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Mamutowiec olbrzymi ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Mamutowiec olbrzymi, sekwojadendron, sekwoja olbrzymia, mamutowe drzewo, welingtonia[a] (Sequoiadendron giganteum) – gatunek drzew iglastych, wyróżniających się potężnymi rozmiarami. Osiągają wiek 2000-3500 lat. Współczesne drzewa dorastają do 95 m wysokości i 10 m średnicy (z Parku Narodowego Sekwoi w Kalifornii znane są pnie drzew ściętych w XIX wieku, o średnicy 12 m i wysokości szacowanej na 135 m). Do gatunku tego należą jedne z najwyższych drzew świata, obok eukaliptusa królewskiego i sekwoi wieczniezielonej. Do Europy pierwsze mamutowce sprowadzono ok. połowy XIX wieku. Są często uprawiane jako drzewa ozdobne w parkach, wymagają klimatu łagodnego, morskiego, są wrażliwe na mróz. W Polsce przemarzają, dlatego większość okazów rośnie w zachodniej części kraju.


Poza rdzenną ludnością indiańską ludźmi, którzy jako pierwsi zetknęli się z potężnymi mamutowcami, byli najwyraźniej członkowie wyprawy Josepha Walkera w 1833 roku, którzy przechodząc na północ od doliny Yosemite musieli przejść przez lasy z mamutowcami, zwane Merced i Toulumne. Jednak istotne skutki dla nauki miało spotkanie z tymi drzewami jednego z poszukiwaczy złota w 1852 roku[5]. Wielkie drzewa szybko stały się sławne. Jeszcze w tym samym roku materiały zielnikowe trafiły do Alberta Kellogga z California Academy of Sciences. On też zdradził lokalizację drzew Williamowi Lobbowi, który z zebranymi materiałami pojechał w 1853 roku do Anglii. Tam jeszcze przed końcem tego roku John Lindley opisał gatunek pod nazwą Wellingtonia gigantea. Zirytowało to amerykańskich botaników, bowiem nazwa upamiętniała brytyjskiego wojskowego – Arthura Wellesleya, księcia Wellington, poza tym nadana została przez Anglika, który nie widział drzew na oczy. Szczęśliwie dla nich Lindley zrobił błąd, bowiem nazwa rodzaju Wellingtonia została użyta wcześniej w 1840 roku w odniesieniu do rodzaju roślin z rodziny sabiowatych. W zamieszaniu skorzystał francuski botanik – Joseph Decaisne, który w 1854 opisał gatunek jako Sequoia gigantea. Wyprzedził Amerykanów (m.in. Kelloga), którzy gatunek opisali pod nazwą Taxodium giganteum w 1855. Mimo zyskanej popularności nazwa autorstwa Decaisne okazała się także niezgodna z zasadami nomenklatury botanicznej (wcześniej użyta została przez Stephana Endlichera do określenia jednej z odmian sekwoi wieczniezielonej Sequoia sempervirens). W tej sytuacji przyjęta została (początkowo z silnymi oporami, wynikającymi z przyzwyczajenia do wyróżniania dwóch gatunków sekwoi) diagnoza amerykańskiego botanika Johna Buchholza z 1939, który wyodrębnił ten gatunek w ramach monotypowego rodzaju Sequoiadendron jako S. giganteum[6].


Występują dziko tylko na obszarach położonych pomiędzy 1500-2500 m n.p.m. na zachodnich stokach gór Sierra Nevada w Kalifornii[7].

Poza naturalnym zasięgiem gatunek został szeroko rozpowszechniony jako roślina ozdobna i kolekcjonerska[8].


Pokrój młodego drzewa
Korona jest gęsta, w młodości stożkowata, z czasem wąskocylindryczna[9]. U starszych okazów konary wyrastają dopiero na dużej wysokości nad ziemią, z wiekiem rosną nieregularnie. Gałęzie rozpostarte są horyzontalne lub lekko opadają, ze wzniesionymi końcówkami.
prosty, u nasady wyraźnie rozszerzony, w dolnej części zwęża się wyraźnie, wyżej nieznacznie. Kora cynamonowoczerwona, uderzająco miękka i gruba (do 50–60 cm[7]). Na starych drzewach jest głęboko bruzdowana i spękana, włóknista, łuszcząca się płatami. Młode pędy barwy zielonkawoszarej, z czasem brązowieją[9] są bardzo sztywne i mocne[8]. Największy obecnie osobnik tego gatunku, drzewo o nazwie "General Sherman Tree", rośnie na terenie leżącego w górach Sierra Nevada, Narodowego Parku Sekwoi. Drzewo to przy wysokości 84 m i średnicy pnia 8 m waży około 1200 ton. Masa drewna tego drzewa odpowiada mniej więcej masie drewna ze świerków rosnących na powierzchni ponad hektara (wynosi 1487 m3, podczas gdy najbardziej zasobne w Polsce drzewostany świerka istebniańskiego osiągają ok. 1200 m3 na 1 hektar).
ciemnozielone lub niebieskawozielone igły, niekiedy błyszczące, po roztarciu wydzielają zapach[8]. Ułożone spiralnie w trzech podłużnych szeregach[10]. Osiągają ok. 5-10 mm długości, są łuskowate, lancetowate lub szydlaste, ostro zaostrzone, na wierzchu płaskie, a pod spodem z rowkiem. Na starszych częściach pędów przylegają do gałęzi, a w strefie wierzchołkowej wyraźniej odstają[8]. Zaschnięte liście długo utrzymują się na pędach[10].
Kwiaty rozdzielnopłciowe - jednopienne. Kwiatostany męskie i żeńskie powstają pojedynczo na końcach pędów, czasem te drugie wyrastają w parach obok siebie[8]. Kwiatostany męskie są owalne i białawe[11], 4-8 mm długie, zbudowane z 12-20 sporofili, rosną zawsze pojedynczo na końcach pędów. Szyszki żeńskie wyrastają na najpierw wzniesionych, a później zwisających szypułach[9], stale grubiejących w trakcie dojrzewania nasion[10]. Mają kształt elipsoidalny o długości od 4 do 9 cm, i szerokości do 5 cm, zbudowane są z 25-45 silnie zdrewniałych i silnie przylegających łusek[10][9]. Pomarszczone tarczki na łuskach szyszkowych z wyraźnym ciernistym wyrostkiem[9].
Ułożone po kilka (od 3 do 9) na każdej łusce[10]. Są jasnobrązowe[12], spłaszczone i wąsko oskrzydlone. Osiągają długość 3—6 mm[9].

Biologia i ekologia

Drzewa tego gatunku dożywają do ok. 3,5 tys. lat[10]. W odpowiednich warunkach rosną szybko, osiągając ponad 21 m w ciągu 17 lat. Corocznie drzewo jest wyższe o ok. 45-60 cm. Średnica pnia może przyrastać o 5–10 cm rocznie[11]. Kwitnienie trwa od marca do kwietnia[8]. Szyszki osiągają pełną wielkość jesienią w następnym roku od powstania, dojrzewają w trzecim roku, po czym po wysypaniu nasion długo wiszą jeszcze na drzewie (w ojczyźnie nawet do 20[10]–30 lat[11]). Siewka ma 3—5 liścieni[12].

W obrębie naturalnego zasięgu rośnie w lasach mieszanych na wysokościach od 900 do 2700 m n.p.m. w towarzystwie jodeł olbrzymich, cedrzyńców kalifornijskich, sosen żółtych i daglezji zielonych[10]. Mamutowiec dobrze rośnie na głębokich glebach dobrze drenowanych. Ma zdolność penetracji niekorzystnej warstwy powierzchniowej do głębszej warstwy o korzystnych warunkach. Odpowiedzią na tą możliwość jest dodatni wzrost, gdy penetracja korzeni w głąb jest realizowana. Mamutowce posadzone w różnych częściach świata rosną szybko zarówno w glinie, żwirze, glebach torfowych, a nawet w jałowych glebach zasadowych (pH 7,6 do 8,5).

Czerwonawe, lekkie i miękkie, a przy tym bardzo trwałe – pozostaje zdrowe nawet u okazów padłych tysiąc lat temu[10]. Jest jednak kruche i trudne do obróbki[10].

Systematyka i zmienność

Gatunek Sequoiadendron giganteum reprezentuje monotypowy rodzaj Sequoiadendron Buchholz, Amer. J. Bot. 26: 536. Jul 1939[13]. Rodzaj ten jest jednym z trzech w obrębie podrodziny Sequoioideae z rodziny cyprysowatych (Cupressaceae)[14]. W dawniejszych systemach rodzaj zaliczany był do rodziny cypryśnikowatych (Taxodiaceae)[15], która jako takson parafiletyczny nie jest już wyróżniana[2]. Powiązania filogenetycznie między trzema współczesnymi rodzajami podrodziny Sequoioideae są niejasne i rozmaicie przedstawiane. Część analiz genowych świadczy o tym, że kladem bazalnym w obrębie tej grupy jest rodzaj metasekwoja, według innych mamutowiec, czasem więc relacja przedstawiana jest w formie politomii[14][12].

Powiązania filogenetyczne rodzaju w obrębie rodziny cyprysowatych[14]





metasekwoja Metasequoia

sekwoja Sequoia

mamutowiec Sequoiadendron




Odmiany uprawne

Jeszcze w XIX wieku wyróżniono dwie odmiany[11]:

  • 'Aureum' – bardzo rzadko spotykana, rośliny wolno rosnące, z gęstymi pędami, których najmłodsze części są jasnożółte.
  • 'Pendulum' – rzadko spotykana, rośliny z odgałęzieniami bocznymi rosnącymi niemal pionowo ku dołowi, z liśćmi ściśle przylegającymi do pędów.

Zagrożenia i ochrona

Ze względu na majestatyczne rozmiary i rzadkość występowania drzewa tego gatunku budziły od początków ich odkrycia duże zainteresowanie. W ich ochronę od początku angażowali się prezydenci Stanów Zjednoczonych[8]. Mimo to od odkrycia do 1955 roku były przedmiotem intensywnej eksploatacji. Poza tym pogorszyły warunki dla naturalnego odnowienia tego gatunku działania zmierzające do ograniczenia zagrożenia pożarowego, wiążące się z wprowadzaniem do lasów gatunków podszytowych[16]. Obecnie ok. 90% zasobów tego gatunku znajduje się pod ochroną prawną[16].


Gatunek jako roślina ozdobna sadzony jest w Europie[8][11][9] oraz w Chinach[12]. Najstarsze okazy sprowadzone i posadzone zostały w Wielkiej Brytanii w 1854[11]. Dzięki powszechnemu zainteresowaniu jakie gatunek ten wzbudził w XIX wieku, szybko został rozpowszechniony w europejskich parkach i ogrodach botanicznych. Ze względu na wrażliwość na mróz doskonale rosną okazałe dziś drzewa w Europie południowej i Zachodniej[11] (na wschodzie po wybrzeża Morza Czarnego), w Europie Środkowej w Austrii i na Słowacji[9].

W Polsce może być uprawiany na obszarach pod silniejszymi wpływami klimatu morskiego – w zachodniej części kraju. I tu jednak drzewa przemarzają. Obumarł m.in. największy w okresie przedwojennym okaz rosnący w Kłaninie (zaszkodziły mu surowe zimy z końca lat 20. i 30 XX wieku. Podobny los spotkał kolejny pod względem wielkości okaz w Glinnej, które osiągnęło 4,5 m obwodu i 38 m wysokości[10]. Po obumarciu drzewa w Glinnej największy w Polsce okaz tego gatunku rośnie w Brwicach (zachodniopomorskie). W 1983 jego wiek określono na 88 lat, więc rośnie od 1895 roku[17]. W 2014 roku miał 26,6 m wysokości, a obwód pnia (na wysokości 1,3 m) wynosił 3,73 m[18]. Drzewo jest pomnikiem przyrody[19].

Dobrze rośnie tylko tam, gdzie zimy są łagodne, a lata ciepłe i wilgotne. Ze względu na wrażliwość na niskie temperatury, w warunkach środkowoeuropejskich zwłaszcza młode okazy wymagają okrywania na zimę[9].
Z nasion wysiewanych w szklarni[9].

Obecność w kulturze i znaczenie symboliczne

Mamutowiec wspólnie z sekwoją wieczniezieloną określane w języku angielskim nazwą zbiorową jako redwood, stanowią drzewo stanowe (symbol) Kalifornii[7].


  1. Gatunek zaliczany był dawniej do rodzaju sekwoja (Sequoia)(Seneta, Dolatowski 1997), dlatego w starszych źródłach bywa opisywany jako ”sekwoja olbrzymia”.


  1. P. F. Stevens: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. 2001–.
  2. a b Christenhusz, M.J.M., J.L. Reveal, A. Farjon, M.F. Gardner, R.R. Mill, and M.W. Chase (2011). A new classification and linear sequence of extant gymnosperms. Phytotaxa 19: 55-70.
  3. a b Sequoiadendron giganteum (ang.). W: The Plant List [on-line]. [dostęp 2011-11-25].
  4. Schmid, R. & Farjon, A., 2013: Sequoiadendron giganteum (ang.). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. . [dostęp 2015-03-20].
  5. Christopher J. Earle: A Tale of Big Tree Hunting In California (ang.). W: The Gymnosprm Database [on-line]. [dostęp 2011-11-25].
  6. Christopher J. Earle: Sequoiadendron giganteum (ang.). W: The Gymnosprm Database [on-line]. [dostęp 2011-11-25].
  7. a b c Sequoiadendron giganteum (ang.). W: Flora of North America [on-line]. eFloras.org. [dostęp 2011-11-25].
  8. a b c d e f g h Josef H. Reichholf, Gunter Steinbach (red.): Wielka Encyklopedia. Drzewa i krzewy. Warszawa: Muza SA, 1995, s. 63. ISBN 83-7079-440-8.
  9. a b c d e f g h i j Władysław Bugała: Drzewa i krzewy dla terenów zieleni. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1991, s. 80-82. ISBN 83-09-00013-8.
  10. a b c d e f g h i j k Włodzimierz Seneta, Jakub Dolatowski: Dendrologia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1997, s. 69. ISBN 83-01-12099-1.
  11. a b c d e f g A. F. Mitchell: Conifers in the British Isles. London: Forestry Commission Booklet, 1975, s. 277. ISBN 0-11-710012-9.
  12. a b c d V.P. Singh: Gymnosperm II. Structure and Development. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons, 2006, s. 548-549. ISBN 81-7625671-4.
  13. Index Nominum Genericorum (ING) (ang.). Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. [dostęp 2011-11-25].
  14. a b c Gadek, P. A., Alpers, D. L., Heslewood, M. M., & Quinn, C. J.. Relationships within Cupressaceae sensu lato: a combined morphological and molecular approach. „American Journal of Botany”. 87, s. 1044–1057, 2000 (ang.).
  15. The Taxonomicon. Taxon: Genus Sequoiadendron. Classification by T.A. Zanoni (1982) Pinophyta (ang.). [dostęp 2010-08-26].
  16. a b Conifer Specialist Group: Sequoiadendron giganteum (ang.). W: IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2. [on-line]. [dostęp 2011-11-25].
  17. Włodzimierz Seneta, Jakub Dolatowski: Dendrologia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1997. ISBN 83-01-12099-1.
  18. Giant sequoia 'Mamutowiec w Brwicach' (ang.). październik 2014.
  19. Baza Drzew w Polsce - Mamutowiec olbrzymi (pol.). [dostęp 2012-08-24].
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Mamutowiec olbrzymi: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Mamutowiec olbrzymi, sekwojadendron, sekwoja olbrzymia, mamutowe drzewo, welingtonia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) – gatunek drzew iglastych, wyróżniających się potężnymi rozmiarami. Osiągają wiek 2000-3500 lat. Współczesne drzewa dorastają do 95 m wysokości i 10 m średnicy (z Parku Narodowego Sekwoi w Kalifornii znane są pnie drzew ściętych w XIX wieku, o średnicy 12 m i wysokości szacowanej na 135 m). Do gatunku tego należą jedne z najwyższych drzew świata, obok eukaliptusa królewskiego i sekwoi wieczniezielonej. Do Europy pierwsze mamutowce sprowadzono ok. połowy XIX wieku. Są często uprawiane jako drzewa ozdobne w parkach, wymagają klimatu łagodnego, morskiego, są wrażliwe na mróz. W Polsce przemarzają, dlatego większość okazów rośnie w zachodniej części kraju.

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Sequoiadendron giganteum ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT
Sequoiadendron giganteum no Sequoia National Park.
Sequoiadendron giganteum (pinhas e uma semente).
Folhas de S. giganteum.
Folhas com cones masculinos fechados.
Lake Fulmor, com um pequeno bosque de S. giganteum (topo central).
A estrada conhecida por Generals Highway passa entre sequoias-gigantes no Sequoia National Park.

Sequoiadendron giganteum é a única espécie extante do género Sequoiadendron da subfamília Sequoioideae da família Cupressaceae. A espécie é conhecida pelos nomes comuns de sequoia-gigante ou árvore-mamute (John Muir chamava-lhe apenas «the big tree»;[5] «a grande árvore»), já que entre os seus espécimes estão as árvores com maior volume e peso presentemente existentes na Terra.[6] A espécie tem distribuição natural restrita a matas situadas nas encostas oeste das montanhas da Sierra Nevada da Califórnia.


O nome comum sequoia é geralmente aplicado às espécies Sequoiadendron giganteum e às restantes espécies de coníferas da subfamília Sequoioideae da família Cupressaceae, nomeadamente Sequoia sempervirens (sequoia-costeira) e Metasequoia glyptostroboides.

A etimologia do nome genérico foi presumida, inicialmente na obra The Yosemite Book da autoria de Josiah Whitney, publicada em 1868,[7] como sendo uma homenagem a Sequoyah (1767-1843), o inventor do silabário Cherokee.[8] Um estudo etimológico publicado em 2012 concluiu que austríaco Stephen L. Endlicher é realmente responsável pelo nome. Linguista e botânico, Endlicher correspondia-se com especialistas na língua cherokee, incluindo Sequoyah, personalidade que admirava. Endlicher também percebeu que coincidentemente o género poderia ser descrito em latim como sequi (que significa seguir) porque o número de sementes por cone no género recém-classificado alinhado em sequência numérica com os restantes quatro géneros que então integravam a subordem. Endlicher cunhou o nome Sequoia como uma descrição do género da árvore e uma homenagem ao homem indígena que admirava.[9]

Alguns espécimes de sequoia-gigante são as árvores mais massivas do mundo.[6] Estas árvores crescem até uma altura média de 50-85 m, com diâmetros de tronco à altura do peito que variam de 6-8 m. Foram medidas algumas árvores especialmente altas, tendo uma delas atingido os 94,8 m de altura. Têm sido apontados diâmetros do tronco de até 17 m, mas os dados parecem ter sido obtidos a partir de citações pouco credíveis por estarem fora do contexto.[10] O espécime conhecido por ter o maior diâmetro à altura do peito é a árvore conhecida por General Grant, com 8,8 m, mas medidas recordes de sequoias como 115 metros de altura e 18 metros de diâmetro já foram reportadas.[11][12] Entre 2014 e 2016 foi noticiado que teriam sido localizados espécimes de Sequoia sempervirens com diâmetros de tronco maiores do que todas as sequoias gigantes conhecidas, mas essa informação não foi verificada de forma independente ou afirmado em qualquer literatura académica.[13] Os troncos das sequoias-costeiras afilam-se em alturas mais baixas do que os das sequoias-gigantes, que têm troncos colunares que mantêm grandes diâmetros até maior altura.

A sequoia-gigante mais idosa que se conhece tem 3 200-3 266 anos, idade determinada com base na dendrocronologia.[14][15] As sequoias-gigantes estão entre os organismos vivos com maior longevidade que se conhecem na Terra.

A casca da sequoia-gigante é fibrosa, enrugada e pode ter até 90 cm de espessura na base do tronco colunar. A seiva contém ácido tânico, composto que fornece proteção significativa contra danos infligidos pelo fogo.[16] As folhas são perenes, em formato de agulha, com 3-6 mm de comprimento e dispostos em espiral nos ramos (filotaxia espiralada).

A sequoia-gigante regenera por sementes que se formam nos típicos cones característicos das coníferas. Os cones femininos apresentam 4-7 cm de comprimento, maturando 18–20 meses após a fecundação, embora normalmente permaneçam verdes e fechados por períodos que podem atingir os 20 anos. Cada cone tem de 30 a 50 escamas dispostas em espiral, com várias sementes em cada escama, o que leva a uma média de 230 sementes por cone. As sementes são castanho-escuras, com 4-5 mm de comprimento e 1 mm de largura, com uma asa alargada, com 1 mm de largura, com laivos amarelo-acastanhados ao longo de cada lado. Algumas sementes são libertadas quando as escamas do cone encolhem durante períodos de tempo quente e seco no final do verão, mas a maioria é libertada por danos mecânicos causados por insetos ou quando o cone seca com o calor de um incêndio florestal. Árvores jovens começam a produzir cones após os 12 anos de idade.

Até cerca dos 20 anos de idade, as árvores podem produzir rebentos a partir dos cepos após uma lesão, mas a partir dessa idade os rebentos não se formam nos cepos de árvores maduras como ocorre nas sequoias-costeiras. Sequoias-gigantes de todas as idades podem brotar do seu fuste quando os ramos são perdidos pelo fogo ou por quebra devido a tempestade.

Uma grande árvore pode ter até 11 000 cones presentes na sua ramagem. A produção de cones é maior na parte superior da copa. Uma sequoia-gigante madura dispersa cerca de 300-400 mil sementes anualmente. As sementes aladas podem voar até 180 m da árvore progenitora.

Os ramos mais baixos morrem rapidamente quando sombreados, mas as árvores com menos de 100 anos retêm a maior parte de seus ramos mortos. Os troncos das árvores maduras nos bosques geralmente não têm ramos até uma altura de 20-50 m, mas as árvores solitárias retêm ramos mais baixos.

Por causa de seu tamanho, a árvore foi estudada para determinar a sua capacidade de extrair água do solo. A água absorvida pelas raízes pode ser empurrada apenas alguns metros por pressão osmótica, mas pode atingir alturas extremas devido às grandes pressões negativas[17] geradas no xilema da árvore (os túbulos de água) e a subpressão da evaporação da água nas folhas.[18] As sequoias suplementam a água extraída do solo com captação de névoas, cujas gotículas são absorvidas por raízes aéreas alimentando ramos situados em alturas para além do nível até onde a água da raiz pode ser puxada.[19]


A distribuição natural da espécie S. giganteum é restrita a uma área limitada ao oeste da Sierra Nevada da Califórnia, onde ocorre em bosques dispersos, com um total de 68 bosques, compreendendo uma área total de apenas 144,16&nvbsp;km2. Em nenhum lugar da sua área de distribuição a espécie ocorre em povoamentos puros, embora em algumas pequenas áreas os povoamentos se aproximem de uma condição pura. Os dois terços do norte da sua distribuição, do American River em Placer County ao sul até ao Kings River, tem apenas oito bosques disjuntos. Os bosques do sul restantes estão concentrados entre o Rio Kings e o Bosque de Deer Creek no sul de Tulare County. Os bosques variam em tamanho de 12,4 km2, com 20 000 árvores maduras, a pequenos bosques com apenas seis árvores vivas. Muitos são protegidos no Sequoia National Park, no Kings Canyon National Park e no Giant Sequoia National Monument.

A sequoia-gigante é geralmente encontrada em áreas de clima húmido, caracterizado por verões secos e invernos nivosos. A maioria dos bosques de sequoias-gigantes estão em solos residuais e aluviais de base granítica. A altitude dos bosques de sequoia-gigante geralmente varia de 1400-2000 m no norte a 1700-2150 m para o sul. As sequoias-gigantes geralmente ocorrem nas faces voltadas para o sul das montanhas do norte e nas faces voltadas a norte das encostas mais a sul.

Altos níveis de reprodução não são necessários para manter os atuais níveis populacionais. Poucos bosques, no entanto, têm árvores jovens o suficiente para manter a densidade atual de sequoias-gigantes maduras para o futuro. A maioria dos bosques de sequoias-gigantes estão atualmente atravessando um período de declínio gradual em densidade desde a colonização europeia.

Embora a distribuição atual desta espécie seja limitada a uma pequena área da Califórnia, A espécie já foi muito mais amplamente distribuída nos tempos pré-históricos e foi uma espécie razoavelmente comum nas florestas de coníferas da América do Norte e da Eurásia até que a sua distribuição foi bastante reduzida pela última glaciação. Espécimes fósseis mais antigos identificados de forma confiável como sequoia-gigante foram encontrados em sedimentos da era Cretácea em vários locais da América do Norte e da Europa, e até mesmo em lugares distantes como a Nova Zelândia[20] e Austrália.[21]

Em 1974, um grupo de sequoias-gigantes foi plantado pelo Serviço Florestal dos Estados Unidos nas Montanhas San Jacinto do Sul da Califórnia logo após um incêndio florestal que deixou a paisagem árida. As sequoias-gigantes foram redescobertas em 2008 pelo botânico Rudolf Schmid e sua filha Mena Schmidt durante uma caminhada no Black Mountain Trail através do Hall Canyon, constatndo que o agora designado Black Mountain Grove alberga mais de 150 sequoias-gigantes, algumas das quais com mais de 6,1 m de altura. Este bosque não deve ser confundido com o Black Mountain Grove na região sul da Sierra Nevada. O Lake Fulmor Grove, situado nas proximidades, alberga sete sequoias gigantes, a maior das quais tem 20 m de altura. Os dois bosques estão localizados a aproximadamente 282 km a sudeste do bosque de sequoias-gigantes que ocorre naturalmente mais ao sul, conhecido por Deer Creek Grove.[22][23]

Mais tarde, foi descoberto que o Serviço Florestal dos Estados Unidos havia plantado sequoias-gigantes em todo o sul da Califórnia. No entanto, as sequoias-gigantes de Black Mountain Grove e das proximidades do lago Fulmor são as únicas que se conhece estarem a reproduzir-se propagar-se sem intervenção humana. As condições das Montanhas San Jacinto são similares às da Sierra Nevada, permitindo que as árvores se propaguem naturalmente por todo o vale.[24]


As sequoias-gigantes estão, de muitas maneiras, adaptadas aos incêndios florestais. A sua casca é excecionalmente resistente ao fogo e os seus cones normalmente abrem imediatamente após um incêndio.[25] Essa adaptação aos fogos leva a que as sequoias-gigantes tenham presentemente dificuldade em se reproduzir no seu habitat original (e muito raramente se reproduzem no cultivo) já que a ausência de fogos não permite que as sementes germinem e sejam capazes de crescer com sucesso a pleno sol em solos ricos em minerais e livres de vegetação concorrente. Embora as sementes possam germinar na primavera sobre o húmus de agulhas húmidas, as plântulas resultantes morrem à medida que o substrato seca no verão. Para uma reprodução com sucesso, a espécie exige incêndios florestais periódicos para limpar a vegetação concorrente e o húmus do solo antes que a regeneração bem-sucedida possa ocorrer. Sem o fogo, as espécies ciófitas que crescem à sombra das árvores adultas não permitem o desenvolvimento dos espécimes juvenis de sequoia, e em geral nem mesmo as sementes de sequoia germinam.

Quando totalmente crescidas, as árvores normalmente requerem grande quantidade de água e, portanto, muitas vezes se concentram perto de riachos. Várias espécies de esquilos e aves como os tentilhões e pardais consomem as plântulas recém-germinadas, impedindo seu crescimento.[26]

Os fogos florestais também trazem ar quente para o alto da copa pela convecção gerada, que por sua vez seca e abre os cones. A subsequente libertação de grandes quantidades de sementes coincide com as condições ideais de sementeira pós-fogo. As cinzas soltas também podem atuar como uma cobertura que protege as sementes caídas a fase inicial de germinação dos danos causados pela radiação ultravioleta que resultariam de uma exposição irrestrita ao sol.

Devido aos esforços de supressão de incêndios e ao pastoreio por gados que ocorreram desde o início a meados do século XX, os incêndios de baixa intensidade deixaram de ocorrer naturalmente em muitos bosques e ainda hoje não ocorrem em algumas florestas. A supressão de incêndios leva à acumulação de combustível no solo e ao crescimento denso de Abies concolor (abeto-do-colorado) sensível ao fogo, o que aumenta o risco de incêndios mais intensos que podem usar os abetos como escada para ameaçar as copas das sequoias-gigantes maduras. Os incêndios naturais também podem ser importantes para manter controladas as populações de formigas do género Camponotus.[27]

Em 1970, o National Park Service começou a queimar de forma controlada os bosques sob sua gestão para corrigir esses problemas. As políticas atuais também permitem a queima por fogos naturais em vez de proceder à sua imediata supressão. Uma dessas queimas selvagens danificou severamente a segunda maior árvore do mundo, a árvore de Washington (Washington tree), em setembro de 2003, 45 dias após o início do incêndio. Esse dano debilitou a árvore, impedindo-a de resistir à tempestade de neve de janeiro de 2005, levando ao colapso de mais da metade do tronco.

Além do fogo, dois agentes animais também auxiliam na liberação das sementes da sequoia-gigante. O mais significativo dos dois é o coleóptero Phymatodes nitidus que põe ovos nos cones, nos quais as larvas fazem buracos ao eclodir, os quais leva à redução do suprimento de água vascular para as escamas dos cones, permitindo que os cones sequem e abram para que as sementes caiam. Os cones danificados pelos coleópteros durante o verão abrem lentamente nos meses seguintes. Algumas pesquisas indicam que muitos cones, especialmente os mais altos nas copas, podem precisar de ser parcialmente secos por danos daqueles insetos antes que o fogo os possa abrir totalmente. O outro agente é o esquilo da espécie Tamiasciurus douglasi que ao roer as escamas verdes carnudas dos cones mais jovens leva a que os cones danificados sequem e abram. Os esquilos estão ativos o ano todo e algumas sementes são libertadas e deixadas cair quando o cone é comido.[28]

Taxonomia e sistemática

Pouco depois de descobertas pelos europeus, as sequoias-gigantes foram objeto de muitas exposições.
A Clothespin tree no Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park.
"Giant Redwood Trees of California", obra de Albert Bierstadt, um óleo sobre tela pintado em 1874, pertencente à colecção do Berkshire Museum de Massachusetts.[29]

A sequoia-gigante era bem conhecida pelas tribos ameríndias que viviam na região de distribuição natural. Os nomes nativos para as espécies incluem wawona, toos-pung-ish e hea-mi-withic, os dois últimos na língua da tribo do rio Tule.

A primeira referência conhecida à sequoia-gigante por europeus foi encontrada no diário do explorador J. K. Leonard, escrito em 1833. A referência não menciona nenhuma localidade específica, mas a sua rota teria atravessada a região que hoje é o Parque Estadual das Grandes Árvores de Calaveras (o Calaveras Big Trees State Park ou Calaveras Grove).[30] A observação de Leonard não foi divulgada. O próximo europeu que se sabe ter mencionado a espécie foi John M. Wooster, que gravou as suas iniciais na casca da árvore hoje conhecida como Hércules no Bosque de Calaveras em 1850. Tal como a anterior, esta observação não recebeu publicidade. A publicidade apenas surgiu com a descoberta por Augustus T. Dowd do Bosque de Calaveras em 1852, sendo por isso esse evento comumente citado como a descoberta da espécie por não-nativos.[30] A árvore encontrada por Dowd, baptizado como Árvore da Descoberta (Discovery Tree), foi abatida em 1853.

A primeira denominação científica da espécie foi proposta por John Lindley em dezembro de 1853, que lhe atribuiu o binome Wellingtonia gigantea, sem perceber que era um nome inválido à luz do Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Botânica pois o nome genérico Wellingtonia já havia sido usado anteriormente para outra planta não relacionada (a Wellingtonia arnottiana na família Sabiaceae). Apesar disso, o nome "Wellingtonia" persistiu no Reino Unido como um nome comum.[31] No ano seguinte, Joseph Decaisne transferiu-o para o mesmo género da sequoia-costeira, renomeando a espécie como Sequoia gigantea, mas novamente o nome foi considerado inválido pois havia sido aplicado anteriormente (em 1847, por Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher) à sequoia-costeira. O nome Washingtonia californica também foi aplicado à espécie por Charles Frederick Winslow em 1854,[32] embora também inválido já que a colocava num género da família Arecaceae (as palmeiras do género Washingtonia).

Em 1907, a espécie foi colocada por Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze no género fóssil Steinhauera, mas há dúvidas que a sequoia-gigante esteja relacionada com o fóssil originalmente assim denominado, o que torna este nome inválido.

As omissões nomenclaturais foram finalmente corrigidas em 1939 por John Theodore Buchholz, que também determinou que a sequoia-gigante é distinta da sequoia-costeira ao nível taxonómico de género e cunhou o nome Sequoiadendron giganteum para a espécie.

A etimologia do nome do género foi presumida inicialmente em The Yosemite Book, obra de Josiah Whitney publicada em 1868,[7] como uma homenagem a Sequoyah (1767-1843), o inventor do silabário cherokee.[8] Um estudo etimológico publicado em 2012, no entanto, concluiu que o nome provavelmente tem origem no latim sequi (que significa a seguir), uma vez que o número de sementes por cone no género recém-classificado caiu em sequência matemática com os outros quatro géneros na subordem.[9]

John Muir escreveu sobre a árvore em 1870: ​[33]

«Observe o Rei em sua glória, Rei Sequoia! Ver! Ver! parece tudo o que posso dizer. Há algum tempo deixei tudo por Sequoia e estive e estou a seus pés, jejuando e orando por luz, pois não é ele a maior luz do bosque, do mundo? Onde estão essas colunas de sol, tangíveis, acessíveis, terrestrializadas?»


A madeira das sequoias-gigantes maduras é altamente resistente à decomposição, mas por ser fibrosa e quebradiça, geralmente é inadequada para uso em construção civil ou marcenaria. De 1880 a 1920, a exploração madeireira ocorreu em muitos bosques, apesar dos retornos comerciais serem marginais. A Hume-Bennett Lumber Company foi a última a cortar sequoia-gigante, fechando as portas em 1924.[34] Devido ao seu peso e fragilidade, as árvores muitas vezes estilhaçavam-se ao atingir o solo, desperdiçando grande parte da madeira. Os madeireiros tentaram amortecer o impacto cavando trincheiras e enchendo-as de ramagens. Ainda assim, estima-se que apenas 50% da madeira tenha chegado dos bosques à fábrica. A madeira era usada principalmente para revestimentos (shingles) e postes de cerca, ou mesmo para palitos de fósforo.

Imagens das árvores outrora majestosas quebradas e abandonadas em bosques antes intocados, e a ideia dos gigantes desperdiçados em um uso tão modesto, estimularam o clamor público que fez com que a maioria dos bosques fossem preservados como terras protegidas. O público pode visitar um exemplo de corte raso de 1880 em Big Stump Grove, próximo a General Grant Grove. Ainda na década de 1980, algumas árvores imaturas foram derrubadas na Floresta Nacional da Sequoia, cuja publicidade ajudou a criar o Monumento Nacional da Sequoia Gigante (Giant Sequoia National Monument).

A madeira de árvores imaturas é menos quebradiça, com testes recentes em árvores jovens cultivadas em plantações mostrando que a sua madeira tem qualidade semelhante à madeira de sequoia-costeira. Desse conhecimento resultou em algum interesse no cultivo de sequoia-gigante como árvore silvícola de alto rendimento para produção de madeira, tanto na Califórnia quanto em partes da Europa Ocidental, onde pode crescer com mais eficiência do que as sequoias-costeiras.

No noroeste dos Estados Unidos, alguns empresários também começaram a cultivar sequoias-gigantes para produção de árvore de Natal. Além dessas tentativas de cultivo de árvores, os principais usos económicos da sequoia-gigante hoje são turismo e o paisagismo, sendo muito apreciada por ser considerada um fóssil vivo (daí o nome de árvore-mamute).


A sequoia-gigante é uma árvore ornamental muito popular em muitas regiões temperadas. É cultivada com sucesso na maior parte do oeste e sul da Europa, no noroeste da costa do Pacífico da América do Norte (do norte a sudoeste British Columbia), no sul dos Estados Unidos, sudeste da Austrália, Nova Zelândia e centro-sul do Chile. Também é cultivado, embora com menos sucesso, em partes do leste da América do Norte.

As árvores podem suportar temperaturas de −31 °C ou mais frias por curtos períodos de tempo, desde que o solo ao redor das raízes esteja isolado com neve pesada ou cobertura morta. Fora de sua área natural, a folhagem pode sofrer queimaduras causadas pelo vento.

Uma ampla gama de cultivares tem vindo a ser seleccionada, especialmente na Europa, incluindo folhagem com coloração azulada, fuste compacto, fuste pêndulo e cultivares destinados a enxertia.[35]

Sequoias no Eurodisney (arredores de Paris) em 2009 e 2017.

A sequoia-gigante mais alta já medida fora dos Estados Unidos[36] é um espécime plantado perto de Ribeauvillé em França, no ano de 1856, que quando medido em 2014 apresentava uma altura entre 57,7 m e 58,1 m aos 158 anos de idade.[37][38]


Tem sido plantada no Brasil para fins ornamentais e de adaptação da espécie, já que em seu lugar de origem vem sendo destruída.


Em Portugal existem alguns exemplares classificados como de Interesse Público:

  • Guarda, Parque da Saúde
  • Sabugal, Jardim do Museu e Auditório do Sabugal
  • Cernache do Bonjardim, Piscina Municipal
  • Guarda, Quinta do Alarcão
  • Tabuaço, Quinta do Hospital
  • Mata do Bussaco, Bussaco
  • Açores, Povoação, Furnas, Mata de José do Canto
Reino Unido
A conhecida alameda de sequoias-gigantes plantada em 1863 no Benmore Botanic Garden, Escócia. As árvores têm mais de 50 m de altura.
Sequoiadendron giganteum na New Forest, Hampshire, England, um dos espécimes mais altos do Reino Unido com 52,73 m de altura.[39]

A sequoia-gigante foi cultivada pela primeira vez na Grã-Bretanha em 1853 pelo horticultor Patrick Matthew, de Perthshire, a partir de sementes enviadas pelo seu filho John Matthew, que ao tempo eran colector e botânico na Califórnia.[40] Uma remessa muito maior de sementes recolhidas por William Lobb na região do actual Calaveras Big Trees State Park, por encomenda da Veitch Nursery, um estabelecimento localizado próxima a Exeter, chegou à Inglaterra em dezembro de 1853.[41] Sementes deste lote foram amplamente distribuídas por toda a Europa.

O crescimento na Grã-Bretanha é muito rápido, com a árvore mais alta, no Benmore Botanic Garden situado no sudoeste da Escócia, com um espécime a atingir os 56,4 m de altura em 2014, aos 150 anos de idade,[42] e vários outros com 50-53 m de altura. O espécime mais robusto tem cerca de 12 m de circunferência e 4 m de diâmetro, em Perthshire. Os Royal Botanic Gardens de Kew, em Londres, também contém um grande espécime. O jardim de Biddulph Grange, em Staffordshire, mantém uma bela coleção de Sequoiadendron giganteum e de Sequoia sempervirens (sequoia-da-costa). Contudo, a árvore conhecida por General Sherman, da Califórnia, tem um volume de 1489 m3 e, a título de comparação, as maiores sequoias-gigantes da Grã-Bretanha têm volumes não superiores a 90-100 m3, sendo um exemplo os 90 m3 do espécime que existe na New Forest.

Sequoiadendron giganteum ganhou um Award of Garden Merit da Royal Horticultural Society.[43][44]

Uma alameda com 218 sequoias-gigantes foi plantada em 1865 perto da cidade de Camberley, Surrey, na Inglaterra. As árvores foram cercadas por um desenvolvimento imobiliário moderno.[45]


Ver também


  1. Schmid, R.; Farjon, A. (2013). «Sequoiadendron giganteum». Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas. 2013: e.T34023A2840676
  2. “Description of the Great Tree, recently felled upon the Sierra Nevada, California, now placed for Public Exhibition, in the spacious Racket Court of the Union Club, No. 596 Broadway, adjoining the Metropolitan Hotel, New York., New York, 1854.
  3. The Californian Redwood Genera: Sequoia and Americus! by Bart O’Brien.
  4. Charles Frederick Winslow in The California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, August 24, 1854.
  5. «Sequoia and Kings Canyon brochure» (PDF). National Park Service. Consultado em 26 de outubro de 2016. Cópia arquivada (PDF) em 26 de outubro de 2016
  6. a b «The Giant Sequoia National Monument». usda.gov. United States Department of Agriculture – Forest service. Consultado em 6 de dezembro de 2018. Cópia arquivada em 19 de novembro de 2018
  7. a b Lowe, Gary D. (2012). «Endlicher's Sequence: The Naming of the Genus Sequoia» (PDF). cnps.org. California Native Plant Society. p. 27. Consultado em 15 de janeiro de 2017. Whitney states, 'The genus was named in honor of Sequoia or Sequoyah, a Cherokee Indian.'
  8. a b Sierra Nevada – The Naturalist's Companion. [S.l.]: University of California Press. 1 de junho de 2000. p. 55. ISBN 978-0-520-92549-6
  9. a b Lowe, Gary D. (2012). «Endlicher's Sequence: The Naming of the Genus Sequoia» (PDF). cnps.org. California Native Plant Society. p. 33. Consultado em 15 de janeiro de 2017. ... the foregoing has shown that the name of the genus Sequoia as a tribute to the Cherokee linguist Sequoyah is an unsubstantiated opinion... Endlicher named the genus for the operation that he had conducted. The new genus fell in sequence with the other four genera in his suborder.
  10. Flint 2002
  11. Flint, W.D. (2002). To Find The Biggest Tree. [S.l.]: Sequoia Natural History Association, Inc. ISBN 1878441094
  12. Flint, Wendell D. (1987). To Find the Biggest Tree. [S.l.]: Sequoia National Forest Association. p. 94
  13. Vaden, M.D. «Coast Redwood Discovery. Sequoia sempervirens»
  14. H. Thomas Harvey, Evolution and History of Giant Sequoia. Presented at the Workshop on Management of Giant Sequoia, May 24–25, 1985, Reedley, California. Retrieved 2019-12-05.
  15. Yosemite National Park (U.S. National Park Service). «Sequoia Research». www.nps.gov (em inglês). Consultado em 5 de dezembro de 2019
  16. Peattie, Donald Culross (1953). A Natural History of Western Trees. New York: Bonanza Books. p. 10
  17. «Water Transport in Plants: Xylem». Organismal Biology (em inglês). 13 de novembro de 2016. Consultado em 8 de janeiro de 2021
  18. water pull at Cropsview (an agriculture science magazine) website
  19. Studies on tree height limits, and the Sequoia in particular
  20. James E Eckenwalder. Conifers of the World, The Complete Reference. p. 586. Timber Press 2009. ISBN 978-0881929744
  21. Bryan G Bowes. Trees and Forests, a colour guide. pp. 48–49. Manson Publishing 2010. ISBN 978-1840760859
  22. Schmidt, Rudolf; Mena, Schmidt (2012). «Naturalization of Sequoiadendron giganteum (Cupressaceae) in Montane Southern California» (PDF). Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology. 30 (1): 19–32. doi:10.5642/ALISO.20123001.04 – via Semantic Scholar
  23. Schmidt, Rudolf; Mena, Schmidt (2013). «Sequoiadendron giganteum (Cupressaceae) at Lake Fulmor, Riverside County, California.». Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology. 30 (2): 103–107 – via Scholarship @ Claremont
  24. Masters, Nathan (21 de maio de 2014). «These Sequoia Trees Are Thriving 175 Miles South of Their Natural Range». Gizmodo. Consultado em 15 de abril de 2018
  25. National Geographic Magazine December 2012
  26. Peattie, Donald Culross (1953). A Natural History of Western Trees. New York: Bonanza Books. p. 11
  27. Stephens, Scott; Finney, Mark (2002). «Prescribed fire mortality of Sierra Nevada mixed conifer tree species: effects of crown damage and forest floor combustion». Forest Ecology and Management. 162 (3): 261–271. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00521-7
  28. Hartesveldt, RJ; Harvey, HT (1967). «The Fire Ecology of Sequoia Regeneration» (PDF). Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference. 7: 7
  29. berkshireeagle.com / 'Giant Redwood Trees' will fall at Berkshire Museum despite interpretive value, Posted Saturday, June 30, 2018.
  30. a b Farquhar, Francis P. (1925). «Discovery of the Sierra Nevada». California Historical Society Quarterly. 4 (1): 3–58. JSTOR 25177743. doi:10.2307/25177743. hdl:, Yosemite.ca.us
  31. Ornduff, R. (1994). «A Botanist's View of the Big Tree». In: Aune, P. S. Proceedings of the Symposium on Giant Sequoias (PDF). [S.l.]: US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service (Pacific Southwest Research Station). General Technical Report PSW-GTR-151
  32. Bart O’Brien: The Californian Redwood Genera: Sequoia and Americus! in Manzanita Supplement Autumn 2016.
  33. Muir, John (novembro de 1996). Gifford, Terry, ed. John Muir: His Life and Letters and Other Writings. [S.l.]: Mountaineers Books. pp. 139–140. ISBN 0898864631
  34. «Battle against Rough fire intensifies as blaze bears down on Hume Lake». fresnobee. Consultado em 18 de outubro de 2015
  35. «Species Level Browse Results». NurseryGuide.com. Oregon Association of Nurseries. 2011. Consultado em 31 de outubro de 2016. Arquivado do original em 9 de março de 2012
  36. «The thickest, tallest, and oldest giant sequoia trees (Sequoiadendron giganteum)». monumentaltrees.com. Consultado em 2 de agosto de 2015
  37. «Giant sequoia in the forêt domaniale de Ribeauvillé». monumentaltrees.com. Consultado em 2 de agosto de 2015
  38. «Riquewihr/Ribeauvillé (68) : Forêt Domaniale de Ribeauvillé». Sequoias.eu. Consultado em 2 de agosto de 2015
  39. «Top Trunks». Redwood World. Consultado em 19 de setembro de 2013
  40. «The History of Cluny – The Plant Collectors». clunyhousegardens.com. Consultado em 23 de dezembro de 2008
  41. Christopher J. Earle. «Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindley) Buchholz 1939». University of Hamburg. Consultado em 23 de dezembro de 2008. Arquivado do original em 29 de fevereiro de 2012
  42. Tree Register of the British Isles, tree-register.org
  43. «RHS Plantfinder – Sequoiadendron giganteum». Consultado em 10 de novembro de 2018
  44. «AGM Plants – Ornamental» (PDF). Royal Horticultural Society. Julho de 2017. p. 96. Consultado em 10 de novembro de 2018
  45. «Redwood World». Consultado em 14 de maio de 2019


  • Conifer Specialist Group (1998). «Sequoiadendron giganteum». Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas. 1998. Consultado em 11 de maio de 2006old-form url Listed as Vulnerable (VU A1cd v2.3)
  • Aune, P. S., ed. (1994). Proceedings of the Symposium on Giant Sequoias. [S.l.]: US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service (Pacific Southwest Research Station). General Technical Report PSW-GTR-151
  • Flint, W.D. (2002). To Find The Biggest Tree. [S.l.]: Sequoia Natural History Association, Inc. ISBN 1-878441-09-4
  • Mitchell, Alan (1972). Conifers in the British Isles. [S.l.]: HMSO. Forestry Commission Booklet 33
  • Mitchell, Alan (1996). Alan Mitchell's Trees of Britain. [S.l.]: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-00-219972-6
  • Harvey, H. T.; Shellhammer, H. S.; Stecker, R. E. (1980). Giant sequoia ecology. Col: Scientific Monograph Series. 12. Washington, DC: U.S. National Park Service
  • Kilgore, B. (1970). «Restoring Fire to the Sequoias». National Parks and Conservation Magazine. 44 (277): 16–22
  • Zsolt Debreczy; Istvan Racz (2012). Kathy Musial, ed. Conifers Around the World 1st ed. [S.l.]: DendroPress. p. 1089. ISBN 978-9632190617

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Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT
 src= Sequoiadendron giganteum no Sequoia National Park.  src= Sequoiadendron giganteum (pinhas e uma semente).  src= Folhas de S. giganteum.  src= Folhas com cones masculinos fechados.  src= Lake Fulmor, com um pequeno bosque de S. giganteum (topo central).  src= A estrada conhecida por Generals Highway passa entre sequoias-gigantes no Sequoia National Park.

Sequoiadendron giganteum é a única espécie extante do género Sequoiadendron da subfamília Sequoioideae da família Cupressaceae. A espécie é conhecida pelos nomes comuns de sequoia-gigante ou árvore-mamute (John Muir chamava-lhe apenas «the big tree»; «a grande árvore»), já que entre os seus espécimes estão as árvores com maior volume e peso presentemente existentes na Terra. A espécie tem distribuição natural restrita a matas situadas nas encostas oeste das montanhas da Sierra Nevada da Califórnia.

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Sequoiadendron giganteum ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Sequoia gigantică este numele copacilor din genul Sequoiadendron, din familia Cupressaceae.

Sequoiadendron giganteum în România

O sequoia gigantică din Apuseni, comuna Sacuieu, CLUJ plantat de un agronom pe nume Gaal.Acesta a plantat în zonă foarte mulți arbori pentru a reface terenurile degradate dar și pentru a reface versanții golași ce străjuiau localitatea.El a plantat mai multe specii rare pe teritoriul Romaniei, printre care: Laricele, Pinul Negru dar și un Sequoia adus din Statele Unite ale Americii. Acesta s-a aclimatizat foarte bine pe dealul Secuieului cunoscut sub numele de dealul D-lui. Coroana sa are peste 30m.

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Sequoiadendron giganteum: Brief Summary ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO
 src= Sequoia

Sequoia gigantică este numele copacilor din genul Sequoiadendron, din familia Cupressaceae.

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Sekvojovec mamutí ( السلوفاكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SK

Sekvojovec mamutí (Sequoiadendron giganteum) je ihličnatý strom z triedy ihličnanov (pinopsida) a radu cyprusotvarých (cupressales). Korunu má široko kužeľovitú, kôru škoricovo hnedej farby, mäkkú, zvislo ryhovanú (až 60 cm hrubú), ihlice má sivozelené až modrastozelené. Drevo má ľahké, červenej farby, mimoriadne tvrdé a nehorľavé. Sekvojovec rodí šišky asi v 200 rokoch svojho života. Šišky sekvojovca sú vzhľadom na veľkosť stromu pomerne malé (2 až 7 cm), semeno váži len 4,7 mg. Klíčivosť semien je malá vyklíči len asi jedno z miliardy, ostatným semenám bráni vo vyklíčení hrubý koberec z opadaného ihličia. Výšku dosahuje okolo 100 m a vek až 4 000 rokov a patrí medzi najstaršie dreviny na Zemi. Sekvojovec rastie na dne dolín, roklín a v zmiešaných porastoch s borovicou, cédrovcom, jedľou a inými druhmi.


Rozšírenie v USA

Pôvodne rastie v západnej časti severoamerického kontinentu v Kalifornii, na západných svahoch Sierry Nevady, od 1400 do 2600 metrov nad morom. Najvyššie exempláre rastú v Mamuťom háji v Kalifornii, v Maripolskom a Obrovskom pralese (Giant Forest) v južnom Oregone a na iných miestach na západe USA. V Obrovskom pralese dodnes rastie asi 20 000 stromov.

Rozšírenie v Európe

Do Európy bol dovezený v rokoch 1853 – 1855 a bol hojne vysádzaný v zámockých parkoch ako okrasná drevina. Na Slovensku je známych niekoľko jedincov sekvojovca mamutieho aj ako chránených stromov. Niekoľko exemplárov sekvojovca sa nachádza aj v Arboréte Mlyňany.



Rod sekvoja bol pomenovaný na počesť náčelníka indiánskeho kmeňa irokézov Sequoia, ktorý vytvoril písmo pre svoj ľud. V preklade z jazyka indiánov znamená sekvoja "veľký strom".

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Sekvojovec mamutí: Brief Summary ( السلوفاكية )

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Sekvojovec mamutí (Sequoiadendron giganteum) je ihličnatý strom z triedy ihličnanov (pinopsida) a radu cyprusotvarých (cupressales). Korunu má široko kužeľovitú, kôru škoricovo hnedej farby, mäkkú, zvislo ryhovanú (až 60 cm hrubú), ihlice má sivozelené až modrastozelené. Drevo má ľahké, červenej farby, mimoriadne tvrdé a nehorľavé. Sekvojovec rodí šišky asi v 200 rokoch svojho života. Šišky sekvojovca sú vzhľadom na veľkosť stromu pomerne malé (2 až 7 cm), semeno váži len 4,7 mg. Klíčivosť semien je malá vyklíči len asi jedno z miliardy, ostatným semenám bráni vo vyklíčení hrubý koberec z opadaného ihličia. Výšku dosahuje okolo 100 m a vek až 4 000 rokov a patrí medzi najstaršie dreviny na Zemi. Sekvojovec rastie na dne dolín, roklín a v zmiešaných porastoch s borovicou, cédrovcom, jedľou a inými druhmi.

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Mamutovec ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SL

Mamutovec, znan tudi kot orjaška ali gorska sekvoja, (znanstveno ime Sequoiadendron giganteum) je vrsta drevesa iz rodu Sequoiadendron, ki lahko v višino zrase več kot 75 m, deblo pa ima obseg 29 m. Doseže lahko starost več tisoč let. Ima rdečerjavo, do 60 cm debelo skorjo, ki je globoko razbrazdana ter odporna proti ognju. Iglice so kratke (3–6 mm), zašiljene in v prečnem prerezu trikotne.

Mamutovca ljudje pogosto zamešajo s sekvojo (Sequoia sempervirens), ki tako kot mamutovec in metasekvoja spada v isto družino Cupressaceae'.

Zaradi deževnega podnebja v Kaliforniji (ZDA) rastejo največji živi organizmi na svetu. Največja in najbolj znana primerka se po ameriških generalih imenujeta Shermannovo in Grantovo drevo. Stari sta približno 2000 let, pri čemer Shermannovo drevo s 1489 m³ prostornine velja za največje živo bitje.


Mamutovec najbolje uspeva na rahlih do zmerno vlažnih in dobro prepustnih tleh. Na naravnih rastiščih raste na granitu, moč pa ga je opaziti tudi na zmerno apnenčastih tleh. Odlično prenaša sneg, prav tako tudi hud mraz, slabo pa se obnese v mestnih okoljih, saj raste izjemno počasi.


V naravi mamutovec kot relikt raste le še v narodnih parkih na zahodnih pobočjih Sierre Nevade na zahodu ZDA v Kaliforniji. Najdemo ga lahko na okrog 70 manjših nahajališčih na 400 km dolgem območju med 1400 do 2500 m nadmorske višine. V Evropo so mamutovca prinesli leta 1853. V Sloveniji mamutovec ne raste samoniklo, vendar pa ga sejanega najdemo kot okras po celotni domovini. Pri nas najbolj znan je mamutovec iz Preddvora.


Zaradi redkosti in zavarovanosti je mamutovec gospodarsko nepomembna vrsta, poleg tega je njegov les slabo trajen, zaradi njegove velikosti pa ga je bilo izjemno težko posekati (potrebovali so 25 mož in 10 dni trdega dela, da so ga posekali) . Izjemno priljubljen pa je kot okrasno drevo, predvsem zaradi svojih izjemnih mer, lepo oblikovane krošnje in velike simbolne vrednosti.

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Mamutovec: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SL

Mamutovec, znan tudi kot orjaška ali gorska sekvoja, (znanstveno ime Sequoiadendron giganteum) je vrsta drevesa iz rodu Sequoiadendron, ki lahko v višino zrase več kot 75 m, deblo pa ima obseg 29 m. Doseže lahko starost več tisoč let. Ima rdečerjavo, do 60 cm debelo skorjo, ki je globoko razbrazdana ter odporna proti ognju. Iglice so kratke (3–6 mm), zašiljene in v prečnem prerezu trikotne.

Mamutovca ljudje pogosto zamešajo s sekvojo (Sequoia sempervirens), ki tako kot mamutovec in metasekvoja spada v isto družino Cupressaceae'.

Zaradi deževnega podnebja v Kaliforniji (ZDA) rastejo največji živi organizmi na svetu. Največja in najbolj znana primerka se po ameriških generalih imenujeta Shermannovo in Grantovo drevo. Stari sta približno 2000 let, pri čemer Shermannovo drevo s 1489 m³ prostornine velja za največje živo bitje.

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Mammutträd ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV
Sequoiadendron giganteum

Mammutträd (Sequoiadendron giganteum) är en barrväxt och den enda arten i mammutträdssläktet (Sequoiadendron). Mammutträdet växer vilt i Sierra Nevadas bergstrakter i Kalifornien, USA. Trädens antal är mycket begränsade och har ingen kommersiell betydelse.

Den högsta uppskattade åldern på ett mammutträd är 3266 år, vilket gör mammutträden till de tredje äldsta organismerna i världen. Mammutträden når en höjd på 50-85 meter och det högsta uppmätta trädet är 94,9 meter. Mammutträden är till volymen de största träd som funnits på jorden. Den största nu levande individen kallas General Sherman och har en volym på nästan 1 500 m³.

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Mammutträd: Brief Summary ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV
 src= Sequoiadendron giganteum

Mammutträd (Sequoiadendron giganteum) är en barrväxt och den enda arten i mammutträdssläktet (Sequoiadendron). Mammutträdet växer vilt i Sierra Nevadas bergstrakter i Kalifornien, USA. Trädens antal är mycket begränsade och har ingen kommersiell betydelse.

Den högsta uppskattade åldern på ett mammutträd är 3266 år, vilket gör mammutträden till de tredje äldsta organismerna i världen. Mammutträden når en höjd på 50-85 meter och det högsta uppmätta trädet är 94,9 meter. Mammutträden är till volymen de största träd som funnits på jorden. Den största nu levande individen kallas General Sherman och har en volym på nästan 1 500 m³.

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Секвоядендрон ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK


Кора червоно-бурого забарвлення, з глибокими тріщинами, дуже товста — 60-70 см. Кора дерева дуже погано загоряється, що захищає рослину під час пожеж. Обвуглюючись, кора запобігає пошкодженню деревини. Крона правильна, пірамідальної форми. Хвоя дрібна. Має дуже багато декоративних форм: плакучу, карликову, блакитну, золотисту. Завдяки цьому широко використовується для монументальних контрастних композицій у лісопарковому будівництві. Крім того, має дуже цінну деревину. Вона легка і міцна, не гниє, добре піддається обробці[1][2].

Популяції рослин були широко розповсюджена в Північній Америці. Сьогодні вона вважається реліктовим видом і потребує охорони. Спосіб мікроклонального розмноження рослини[3][4][5] є досить дорогий і наукомісткий. Рослину дуже важко розмножити насіннєвим або вегетативним способами. Для насіннєвого розмноження необхідні специфічні умови[6]], а живці важко вкорінюються.

Назву вид отримав через велетенські розміри і зовнішню схожість своїх величезних звисаючих гілок з бивнями мамонта. Цей вид був широко поширений в північній півкулі наприкінці крейдового періоду і в третинному періоді, зараз збереглося лише близько 30 гаїв, що знаходяться на західному схилі Сьєрра-Невади в Каліфорнії на висоті 1500–2000 м над рівнем моря.

Листя Секвоядендрону велетенського

Назва секвоядендрону велетенського, описаного в 1853 році, змінювалося кілька разів унаслідок бажання привласнити дереву ім'я одного з великих людей того часу. Найкрупніші секвоядендрони носять власні імена: «Батько лісів», «Генерал Шерман», «Генерал Грант» та інші. Сучасну назву дерево отримало на честь винахідника алфавіту Черокі — індіанця на ім'я Секвоя.

Секвоядендрон як декоративна рослина розводиться в багатьох країнах світу: південно-західній частині Європи, куди був завезений ще в середині XIX століття, а також в Південному Криму, Середній Азії, на Чорноморському узбережжі Кавказу, в Закарпатті.

Секвоядендрон відображений на монеті номіналом 25 центів Каліфорнії.

Секвоядендрон в Україні

  • м.Ужгород, ботанічний сад Ужгородського національного університету, вік дерева близько 100 років[7].
  • Дендропарк в с.Березинка, мукачівського району, на території парку росте два дерева секвоядендрону.
  • Карпатський біосферний заповідник, поблизу сіл Косівська Поляна, Росішка, Луг (Рахівський район, Закарпатська область): 47°58'12"N 24°5'52"E, див. на Wikimapia.
  • м. Львів, на території Ботанічного саду ЛНУ: 49°50′01.1″N 24°01′51.6″E, див. на Youtube.
  • м. Миколаїв, біля ДОЦ Дельфін[8]. Висаджено 07.06.2014.
  • м. Миколаїв, на території зоопарку.
  • смт. Нікіта, АР Крим, Нікітський ботанічний сад. Висаджено 1885 р.
  • м. Одеса, на території військового госпіталя.
  • м. Ялта, Масандрівський парк: 44°30′18″N 34°11′15″E (засохле).


  1. Калініченко О. А. Декоративна дендрологія. К.: Вища шк., 2003. 199 с
  2. Колесников А. И. Декоративная дендрология. Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. М.: Лесная пром-сть, 1974. 704 с
  3. Huang L., Lius S., Huang B. et al. Rejuvenation of sequoia sempervirens by repeated grafting of shoot tips onto juvenile rootstocks in vitro // Plant Physiol. 1992. Vol. 98. N 1. P. 166–173.
  4. Monteuuis O. In vitro meristem culture of juvenile and mature Sequoiadendron giganteum // Tree Physiol. 1987. Vol. 3. N 3. Р. 265–272.
  5. Monteuuis O., Gendraud M. Nucleotide and nucleic acid status in shoot tips from juvenile and mature clones of Sequoiadendron giganteum during rest and growth phases // Tree Physiol. 1987. Sep. Vol. 3. N. 3. P. 257–263.
  6. Fenn M. E, Dunn P. H, Durall D. M. Effects of ozone and sulfur dioxide on phyllosphere fungi from three tree species // Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1989. Vol. 55. N 2. Р. 412–418
  7. Зелені перлини, релікти та екзоти Ужгорода
  8. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10205414750543092&id=1079582035


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Cự sam ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Sequoiadendron giganteum là loài sống duy nhất trong chi Sequoiadendron, nó được phân loại trong họ Cupressaceae chứa phân họ Sequoioideae, cùng với Sequoia sempervirens (cù tùng) và Metasequoia glyptostroboides (thủy tùng).

Chú thích

  1. ^ Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. 2013. Sequoiadendron giganteum. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1.. Downloaded on ngày 13 tháng 7 năm 2013.

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Cự sam: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Sequoiadendron giganteum là loài sống duy nhất trong chi Sequoiadendron, nó được phân loại trong họ Cupressaceae chứa phân họ Sequoioideae, cùng với Sequoia sempervirens (cù tùng) và Metasequoia glyptostroboides (thủy tùng).

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Секвойядендрон гигантский ( الروسية )

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Секвойядендрон гигантский в Партените, Южный берег Крыма

На территории бывшего СССР секвойядендроны хорошо растут только в регионах с не очень суровыми зимами — Южном Крыму, Средней Азии (при поливе), на Черноморском побережье Кавказа, Закавказье, Закарпатье.


Род Секвойядендрон относится к подсемейству Sequoioideae семейства Кипарисовые (Cupressaceae), в которое также входят роды Секвойя (Sequoia Endl.) и Метасеквойя (Metasequoia Miki ex Hu & W.C.Cheng).


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    Калифорния, США

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    В Бельгии

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    Двухлетний саженец

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    Калифорния, США

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    Самое большое дерево в Бельгии

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  1. По данным сайта Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) (см. раздел Ссылки).
  2. 1 2 Жизнь растений. В 6-ти т. / Гл. ред. Ал. А. Фёдоров. — М.: Просвещение, 1978. — Т. 4. Мхи. Плауны. Хвощи. Папоротники. Голосеменные растения. Под ред. И. В. Грушвицкого и С. Г. Жилина.
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Секвойядендрон гигантский: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

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 src= Секвойядендрон гигантский в Партените, Южный берег Крыма

На территории бывшего СССР секвойядендроны хорошо растут только в регионах с не очень суровыми зимами — Южном Крыму, Средней Азии (при поливе), на Черноморском побережье Кавказа, Закавказье, Закарпатье.

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巨杉 ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Sequoiadendron giganteum
(Lindl.) J. Buchholz Sequoiadendron giganteum levila.png

巨杉学名Sequoiadendron giganteum),俗称世界爷,属柏科巨杉屬唯一物種。主要分佈於美国加利福尼亚州內华达山脈西部。阳性树,生长快,而树龄极长。播种繁殖,但幼苗易生病害。巨杉是所有树中最粗大的一种。巨杉不仅是最大的红木,而且也是地球上最庞大的并且尚存活着的生物。平均可長到50~85米(164~279英尺),直徑約5~7米(16~23英尺)。紀錄中樹高最高可達93.6米(307英尺)、最大直径超过10米(33英尺)。

其中一棵位于内华达山巨杉国家公园中的巨杉雪曼將軍樹,树高83.8米(275英尺),基部直径幹11.1米(36英尺),树干围长31.1米(102英尺),树高18.3公尺处仍有5.3米(17英尺)直径,树高54.9公尺处直径4.3米(14英尺),树高39.6公尺处最大分支直径达2.1米(6英尺11英寸)。1985年测算重量约为2,800公噸(2,800長噸;3,100短噸)。據估計其樹齡約2150年左右,應該不超過3100年[3],其体积达到1,487 m3(52,500 cu ft),是地球上现存最大的单一有机体(曾经有数棵更大的巨杉,但因为19世纪后期发现后的砍伐,已经消失)。



常绿巨型乔木,在原产地可高达 100 公尺,直径可达 10 公尺。树冠阔圆锥形。树干基部有垛柱状膨大物;树皮深纵裂,厚 30 至 60 公分,呈海绵质;冬芽小而裸露:小枝初现绿色,后变为淡褐色。叶鳞状锥形,螺旋状排列,下部贴生小枝,上部分离,分离部分长 3 到 6 毫米,先端锐尖,两面有气孔线。雌雄异株。


阳性树,耐 -20℃ 低温,喜酸性、肥沃、疏松土壤,亦适应石灰土壤,生长迅速。在排水不良的低湿地生长不良。




目前天然原生的世界爺群落只分佈於加州內華達山脈西部,一塊長約 420 公里,海拔約 1400 到 2150 公尺高的狹小範圍內。除少數群落分佈於優勝美地國家公園及其以北之地區外,大多數的自然群落座落於國王峽谷國家公園巨杉國家公園及其鄰近的國家森林範圍。[4]它們生長的地方通常是有著乾燥夏天、下雪的冬天、潮濕的氣候,海拔約1,500公尺到2,000公尺的山谷中。



世界爺的木材非常的抗腐朽,但是易碎,因此不適合當建築材料。在 1880 年到 1920 年時的伐木潮時發現:由於它們巨大的重量和易碎性,因此在它們被砍伐倒下時,大部份的木材都會被浪費。伐木工人嘗試挖壕溝並填滿樹枝來緩和衝擊;不過,估計還是最少會損失 50% 的木材。世界爺的木材通常用來作屋頂木板或柵欄,或甚至火柴棒。

除了用來做聖誕樹以外,世界爺的主要經濟用途是觀光園藝。 在美国克拉马斯有一棵树名叫“大教堂树”,从同一根系长出了九棵树,围成一圈,就像一座大教堂。加利福尼亚人有时挑选此地举行婚礼。红杉能从树桩上重新再长出。当伐木工人用红杉给自己筑小木屋时,所用的原木会长出幼苗,于是经常要修剪房屋,好像修剪树篱一样。




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巨杉: Brief Summary ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

巨杉(学名:Sequoiadendron giganteum),俗称世界爷,属柏科巨杉屬唯一物種。主要分佈於美国加利福尼亚州內华达山脈西部。阳性树,生长快,而树龄极长。播种繁殖,但幼苗易生病害。巨杉是所有树中最粗大的一种。巨杉不仅是最大的红木,而且也是地球上最庞大的并且尚存活着的生物。平均可長到50~85米(164~279英尺),直徑約5~7米(16~23英尺)。紀錄中樹高最高可達93.6米(307英尺)、最大直径超过10米(33英尺)。

其中一棵位于内华达山巨杉国家公园中的巨杉雪曼將軍樹,树高83.8米(275英尺),基部直径幹11.1米(36英尺),树干围长31.1米(102英尺),树高18.3公尺处仍有5.3米(17英尺)直径,树高54.9公尺处直径4.3米(14英尺),树高39.6公尺处最大分支直径达2.1米(6英尺11英寸)。1985年测算重量约为2,800公噸(2,800長噸;3,100短噸)。據估計其樹齡約2150年左右,應該不超過3100年,其体积达到1,487 m3(52,500 cu ft),是地球上现存最大的单一有机体(曾经有数棵更大的巨杉,但因为19世纪后期发现后的砍伐,已经消失)。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

セコイアデンドロン ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語
Question book-4.svg
セコイアデンドロン Sequoiadendron giganteum 08145.JPG
保全状況評価[1] ENDANGERED
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 EN.svg 分類 : 植物界 Plantae : 裸子植物門 Pinophyta : マツ綱 Pinopsida : ヒノキ目 Cupressales : ヒノキ科 Cupressaceae : セコイアデンドロン属 Sequoiadendron J.Buchholz(1939) : セコイアオスギ S. giganteum 学名 Sequoiadendron giganteumLindl.) J.Buchholz(1853) 和名 セコイアオスギ、セコイアデンドロン 英名 Giant Sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum levila.png

セコイアデンドロン学名Sequoiadendron giganteum)は、ヒノキ科(またはスギ科)セコイアデンドロン属の巨木。セコイアデンドロン属の現生種は、S. giganteum1種のみである。





ジャイアントセコイアセコイアオスギ(世界爺雄杉)などとも呼ばれる。メスギ(雌杉)はセコイア(レッドウッド)のこと 。かつてはセコイア属に含められ、Sequoia giganteum とされていたが、1939年に新属セコイアデンドロン属に移された。そのため、単に「セコイア」という場合はセコイアと同時に、この樹についても言及されていることがある。





 src= ウィキスピーシーズにセコイアデンドロンに関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、セコイアデンドロンに関連するカテゴリがあります。
  1. ^ Schmid, R. & Farjon, A. ("Sequoiadendron giganteum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 11 March 2015閲覧. Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: Uses authors parameter
執筆の途中です この項目は、植物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますプロジェクト:植物Portal:植物)。
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wikipedia 日本語

セコイアデンドロン: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語

セコイアデンドロン(学名Sequoiadendron giganteum)は、ヒノキ科(またはスギ科)セコイアデンドロン属の巨木。セコイアデンドロン属の現生種は、S. giganteum1種のみである。


حقوق النشر
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك
wikipedia 日本語

거삼나무 ( الكورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

Sequoiadendron giganteum

거삼나무(Sequoiadendron giganteum)는 자이언트세쿼이아, 혹은 빅트리라고도 불리며, 거삼나무속의 살아남은 유일한 종이다. 같은 속에 속한 멸종한 종은 'Sequoiadendron chaneyi' 하나다.

حقوق النشر
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك
wikipedia 한국어 위키백과