Comprehensive Description
由Smithsonian Contributions to Botany提供
Campylopus clavatus
Campylopus clavatus (R. Brown) Wils. in Hook. f., Fl. Nov. Zel. 2:69, 1854.
Dicranum clavatum R. Brown in Schwaegr., Sp. Musc., Suppl. 3(2):255a, 1829. [Original material: Tasmania, coll. R. Brown & G. Sieber, 1801–1803.]
Campylopus leptodus Mont., Ann. Sc. Nat. Bot. ser. 3, 4:111, 1845. [Original material: Southern Chile, coll. C. Gay.]
Campylopus insititius Hook. f. & Wils., Fl. Tasman. 2:172, 1859. [Original material: Tasmania, Southport, Brown’s River, coll. Stuart.]
Campylopus appressifolius Mitt. in Hook. f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 414, 1867. [Original material: Mt. Eden near Auckland, North Island, New Zealand, coll. Jupp (NY).]
Campylopus cylindrothecium R. Brown ter., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 29:473, 1892. [Original material: Bealey, New Zealand, coll. R. Brown ter., Feb. 1889.]
Dicranum sulphureo-fiavus C. Müll., Hedwigia 36:352, 1897. [Original material: Near Greymouth, South Island, New Zealand, coll. R. Helms, 1886.]
Campylopus traillii R. Brown ter., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 29:468, 1897. [Original material: Stewart Isl., New Zealand, coll. R. Brown ter., Mar. 1892.]
Campylopus walkeri R. Brown ter., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 29:469, 1897, hom. illeg. [Original material: New Zealand, coll. R. Brown ter., Mar. 1892.]
Campylopus rarus R. Brown ter., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 29:470, 1897. [Original material: New Zealand, near Lake Te Anau, coll. R. Brown ter., Jan. 1890.]
Campylopus ellipticothecum R. Brown ter., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 29:473, 1897. [Original material: New Zealand, coll. R. Brown ter., Mar. 1892.]
Campylopus otaramaii R. Brown ter., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 29:474, 1897. [Original material: New Zealand, Mt. Torlesse, near Otarama, coll. R. Brown ter., Mar. 1896.]
Campylopus arcuatus R. Brown ter., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 29:474, 1897, hom. illeg. [Original material: Stewart Isl., New Zealand, coll. R. Brown ter., Mar. 1892.]
Campylopus arenarius R. Brown ter., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 29:475, 1897, in part. [Original material: Stewart Isl., New Zealand, coll. R. Brown ter., Mar. 1892.]
Campylopus persimplex C. Müll., Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 16(3):496, 1900. [Original material: Frenchpass, Cook Strait, New Zealand, coll. H. Schauinsland, 1896–1897.]
Stems elongate in dense tufts to 5 cm high, usually tomentose below. Leaves 4–7 mm long, narrowly oblong-lanceolate with slender, sometimes hyaline, and often secund scabrous tips; costa 1/3–1/2 basal leaf width, nearly filling tip, slightly ridged on back, well-developed stereid band abaxially, small, often very thick-walled cells in 1–2 series adaxially; upper lamina cells short, obliquely rhomboidal with porose walls, mostly 13–20 μm long; alar cells forming prominent auricles; supraalar cells in triangular area reaching upward along margin, narrow, thin-walled, usually hyaline, 50–100 μm long, 10–15 μm wide, ca. 5 rows of narrower cells along margin. Setae usually aggregated, up to 7 mm long. Capsule scabrous basally, smooth to sulcate when dry. Calyptra fringed at base.
MAS AFUERA: Q. Casas, innermost accessible part, H. & E. 200; Q. Mono, H. & E. 434, 713; trail to Los Innocentes, ca. 3000 ft, H. & E. 582; Q. Sanchez, H. & E. 684; Campo Correspondencia, 1000 m, I. 36992.
MAS A TIERRA: Portezuelo (Mirador), 500 m, K. 308/25 (B), 308/29 (B); Cordon rechts v. Yunque, 600 m, K. 313/9b (B); Wand Damajuana, 400–500 m, K. 317/14b (B).
The species is known from Chile, Australia, Tasmania, Auckland and Campbell Islands, New Zealand, and apparently South Africa. Sainsbury (1955a) established the identity of C. leptodus of South America with C. clavatus of Tasmania and New Zealand and he also mentioned the variation in the adaxial cells of the costa. Sections of some leaves are difficult to distinguish from those of C. introflexus. Campylopus clavatus is closely related to C. richardii Brid. of tropical America, and the latter name has been used for some Juan Fernandez material. In South America the distinction seems sharp, with the supraalar cells of C. richardii being shorter, thicker-walled, and porose. The question of whether this character is variable in New Zealand and Australian material as indicated by Sainsbury or whether the range of C. richardii extends to Hawaii and Asia as indicated by Dixon (1922) remains unresolved at this time.
- 書目引用
- Robinson, Harold E. 1975. "The mosses of Juan Fernandez Islands." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-88.