Gnathosoma. Pedipalps 5-segmented and reach beyond the subcapitulum by at most the distal half of the last segment. Simple or spine-like setae on the basi- and telofemora present. Pedipalp tibiotarsi long and S-shaped (as opposed to short and cylindrical as in Neoscirula). Subcapitulum with 4 pairs of setae (hg1–4). 2 pairs of adoral setae present. Chelicera with seta present (usually) or absent. Extensive reticulated pattern present on the gnathosoma.
Idiosoma, dorsal. Plates lightly sclerotized and not be well defined or demarcated. The proterosomal plate bears 2 pairs of setae (lps and mps) and 2 pairs of setose sensillae (at and pt). Extensive reticulated pattern present. Hysterosomal plate absent. Setae c1–h1 present; setae c2, f2, and h2 present or absent. Cupules im present laterad and caudally of e1. Integument striated.
Idiosoma, ventral. Coxae restricted to the trochantral bases. Coxae I–II fused. Coxae III–IV fused. All coxae lightly sclerotized and may be ill-defined. Coxae with extensive reticulated pattern. Coxae I–IV usually have setal formula 3-3-3-3. Genital plates each bear 3–4 setae; 2 pairs of genital papillae visible underneath the plates. 2 pairs of setae (ps1–2) occur on the anal plates and 1 pair of setae (pa) occurs on the integument near the anal plates. Cupules ih present ventrally near the anal plates. Legs. Basal leg podomeres with reticulated pattern present or absent. Tarsi never constricted apically so as to end in lobes. Apices of solenidia cylindrical, not swollen as in Coleoscirus and Scutascirus. Trichobothrium on leg tibia IV present. Ambulacral claws are rippled and occur on either side of a 4-rayed empodium.
- 許可
- cc-by-3.0
- 版權
- Michael J. Skvarla, J. Ray Fisher, Ashley P. G. Dowling
- 書目引用
- Skvarla M, Fisher J, Dowling A (2014) A review of Cunaxidae (Acariformes, Trombidiformes): Histories and diagnoses of subfamilies and genera, keys to world species, and some new locality records ZooKeys 418: 1–103
- 作者
- Michael J. Skvarla
- 作者
- J. Ray Fisher
- 作者
- Ashley P. G. Dowling