Cells oval from the ventral side, dorso-ventrally flattened. Length 11 - 17 microns, width 9 - 13 microns, breadth (lateral) approximately 6 microns, length to width ratio 1.2 - 1.6. Epicone crescent-shaped from the ventral side, clearly deflected towards the left. Cingulum beginning 0.3 - 0.4 of the cell length from the apex, midway across the ventral face, rising initially, then descending on the ventral side, distal end 0.5 of the cell length from the apex, 1 - 2 microns from the right margin of the ventral face. Sulcus beginning 1 - 2 microns below the proximal end of the cingulum, continuing to posterior. Nucleus in the posterior part of the hypocone, rounded. Chloroplast greenish-yellow, probably single with multiple lobes. Division is by binary fission in the motile cell. Central pyrenoid, approximately 3 microns diameter. A clonal culture has been made of this species.