Due to their nocturnal habits, dasyuromorphs have reduced their dependence on sight for communication and perception and have adapted olfactory and auditory mechanisms to compensate. Dasyuromorphs utilize chemical signals such as scent markers as a primary mode of communication. Commonly used chemical signals include urine dribble, cloacal drag, chin rub, and sternal rub. These are used to mark territory or as a status signal during breeding. Other social behaviors, such as mouth sniffing, naso-nasal sniffing, touching, and cloacal sniffing have been observed. Cloacal sniffing is especially important in male-female interactions.
Auditory communication is also common in dasyuromorphs. Vocalizations are mostly associated with defensive situations, such as nest defense, food defense, and threats but are also used in parent-offspring interactions as well as courtship and mating. Dasyuromorphs emit a chatter, tail rattle, foot tap, huff, or bark as an alarm mechanism when they feel threatened or in danger. Defensive vocalizations include hisses, huffs, grunts, growls and screams. When separated from their mother, young dasyuromorphs produce vocalizations that trigger mother retrieval behavior.
Dasyuromorphs also possess vibrissae that orient their attacks during predation. Males use tactile communication during mounting and copulation by grasping the neck and abdomen of the female.
Communication Channels: tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: pheromones ; scent marks
Perception Channels: tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Dasyuromorphs did not cope well with the arrival of Europeans to Australia more than a century ago. On the IUCN red list, six species are listed as endangered, one species, Sminthopsis aitkeni, as critically endangered and one species, Tasmanian wolves, as extinct. Currently, the most prominent threat to dasyuromorphs is the rapidly expanding human population. Clearing land for agriculture, draining and salination of wetlands, and grazing by livestock both destroys and fragments habitat. Introduced placental carnivores like red foxes have decimated populations by preying on smaller dasyuromorphs and competing with larger ones. Additionally, climate change has resulted in drought and uncontrollable fire regimes that alter their habitat. Because they rely on a large number of omnivorous and herbivorous prey to survive, dasyuromorphs are vulnerable to small changes in their habitat.
If habitat destruction and fragmentation continues, other dasyuromorph species may face the same fate as Tasmanian wolves, the only large carnivores to go extinct in recent times. The last confirmed sighting of a Tasmanian wolf in the wild was in 1930, and in 1936 the last captive animal died. There are claims of recent sightings and tracks of Tasmanian wolves, but proof of their continued existence is lacking.
Today, efforts are being made to remove rabbit populations from known dasyuromorph habitats. Rabbits not only damage the habitat of dasyuromorphs but also attract predators like dingos and red foxes. In the 1800s, a government bounty led to the death of over 2,000 Tasmanian wolves because of their predation on sheep and other livestock. Today, nearly all dasyuromorphs are protected from hunting and over-harvesting under the laws of the states and territories of Australia.
Dasyuromorph are vulnerable to reptilian, avian, and mammalian predators. They do not have any physical adaptations to deter predators and thus tend to minimize predation by foraging at night and under protective covering. Small dasyuromorphs are particularly vulnerable to introduced European red foxes. Domestic dogs, dingos, and domestic cats also prey upon dasyuromorphs.
Known Predators:
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike; male larger
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
The lifespan of dasyuromorphs varies greatly among the three families. Male numbats live up to 5 or 6 years in captivity, while females generally live longer. Little is known about Tasmanian wolves in the wild, and no information about their lifespan was recorded while they were still abundant. In captivity, however, they lived up to 12 years.
The lifespan of dasyurids is related to the amount of energy invested in early reproduction. Semelparous species, such as those in the genera Antechinus and Sminthopsis, invest heavily in one reproductive event and usually only live 1 to 2 years. Iteroparous species of dasyurids do not invest as much in early reproduction and live longer lives. For example, Tasmanian devils (iteroparous dasyurids) live an average of 8 years in the wild.
Although small dasyurids appear short lived, they actually have long lifespans compared to similarly sized eutherians. Whereas small dasyurids live 1 to 2 years, mice live only 4 to 6 months. The reasons behind these differences are still unknown but appear to be related to differences in metatherian and eutherian physiology.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: desert or dune ; savanna or grassland ; forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest ; mountains
Other Habitat Features: suburban ; agricultural
The order Dasyuromorphia is restricted to Australia, New Guinea, Tasmania, and some small nearby islands. During the Pleistocene era, land bridges connected the Australian mainland to New Guinea and Tasmania, allowing the exchange of faunas between these land masses. Modern distributions and genetic relationships of particular species serve as evidence of the interchange of fauna during this era. Because the Pleistocene was characterized by cooler temperatures, savanna and woodland species primarily migrated across the land bridges.
Biogeographic Regions: australian (Native )
The order Dasyuromorphia includes 23 genera and 71 species of carnivorous marsupials in three families: Dasyuridae (dasyurids), Myrmecobiidae (numbats), and Thylacinidae (thylacinids). Both Myrmecobiidae and Thylacinidae contain a single recent species, while Dasyuridae contains many species. The single species within Thylacinidae (Tasmanian wolf) is likely extinct. Dasyurids and thylacinids are more related to each other than they are to numbats.
In Australia, the oldest known members of the order Dasyuromorphia originated from south Queensland at least 55 million years ago. However, little is known about their evolution between the late Paleocene (55 mya) and the late Oligocene (about 24 mya). Fossil records are abundant from the early Miocene (23 to 16 mya), as the warm and wet greenhouse period resulted in high levels of diversity in rainforest communities. As rainfall decreased around 15 mya and Australia became cooler and drier, there was a steady and rapid increase in diversity of dasyuromorphs. Thereafter, with the arrival of humans and increased aridity, family-level diversity declined to the present level.
Large dasyuromorphs have a reputation for killing livestock, such as sheep, but they rarely kill prey this large. However, domestic eastern quolls, Tasmanian devils, and phascolages often prey on domestic poultry. Because of this, farmers view these large dasyuromorphs as pests. Tasmanian wolves were large enough to successfully prey on sheep, and retaliation from angry farmers may have contributed to their extinction.
Dasyuomorphs are generalized predators that eat a wide range of invertebrate and vertebrate prey. Numbats are insectivorous, and one individual can consume 10,000 to 20,000 termites each day. Other families within Dasyuromorphia are carnivorous. They catch and eat both terrestrial and arboreal insects, including moths, beetles, and mosquitoes. Large species are also known to eat juvenile mice.
Vision and olfaction play key roles in hunting. Most dasyuromorph species possess vibrissae that help orient their attack toward prey; however, visual and tactile methods are also employed. Carnivorous marsupials bite or pin their prey with their forepaws. Bites are directed toward the anterior part of the body (head or neck) in order to assure capture. They are also known to shake and toss prey if they show resistance.
Foraging Behavior: stores or caches food
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Insectivore , Scavenger ); omnivore
Before placental carnivores were introduced to Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania, dasyuromorphs were the most prominent large predators. They still remain key predators, consuming a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate prey. Numbats maintain stable termite populations by consuming an average of 10,000 to 20,000 individuals a day.
Dasyuromorphs coexist with other species in the order by partitioning resources in the structurally complex arid and forest environments. In the desert, dasyuromorphs forage above ground on clay soils, sand dunes, rocks, and grasslands. In the temperate and tropical forests, dasyuromorphs may be arboreal as well as terrestrial, searching for prey in the trees. Terrestrial dasyuromorphs search for food a few feet above the ground in shrubs and hollow trees. Larger dasyuromorphs, such as eastern quolls and Tasmanian devils, avoid competitors by foraging primarily in the trees.
Because dasyuromorphs include such a diverse array of species, they take on numerous ecosystem roles. Their most influential role, however, is predatory.
Ecosystem Impact: soil aeration
Dasyuromorphs, like other marsupials, are held in great regard by the native Australian Aborigines. Cultural practices such as dreaming stories, myths, rituals and totems were devoted to dasyuromorphs, especially the larger species. Australian Aborigines have hunted many species of dasyuromorphs as a source of food for thousands of years. On their arrival, European settlers also hunted dasyuromorphs for food.
Some species of dasyuromorphs are beneficial because they deter agricultural and forest pests, insects, and rodents. Eastern quolls often live on farmland and aid farmers by consuming pasture grubs, mice, and insects that invade human crops.
Positive Impacts: food ; ecotourism ; controls pest population
Both male and female dasyuromorphs practice promiscuous mating during a relatively short but intense breeding season. Larger males are more successful at attracting females and fighting off competing males. During courtship, males display antagonistic behavior in which they chase the female. During copulation, the male grips the female’s neck with his teeth and clasps her body with his forepaws to facilitate mounting. This continues throughout copulation, which lasts several hours. While copulating, males in the genus Antechinus can turn their bodies 180 degrees to ward off other males. After mating, males may guard a female for up to 12 hours to prevent other males from mating with her. Male Tasmanian devils are particularly aggressive during mate guarding and do not allow the female to leave her den for food or water for days. Occasionally females are able to escape these aggressive males but usually not without injury.
Females release pheromones to signal their receptivity to mate. They solicit males they find attractive and ward off other males. Females have long periods of behavioral estrous which allow them to mate with several males unless particularly aggressive males prohibit their ability to do so. Thus, multiple paternity as a result of sperm competition is often observed. For example, it is not uncommon for a litter of four Tasmanian devils to have four different fathers. Dasyurids (Dasyuridae) exhibit a unique form of sperm competition, and, other than bats, they are the only mammals in which females can store competing sperm within their reproductive tracts prior to ovulation.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
Dasyuromorphs are either semelparous or iteroparous. Semelparity is very rare in mammals, having arisen only in dasyurids and didelphids. Semelparous dasyuromorphs, such as antechinuses, generally live in environments with predictable seasonal patterns of food abundance. It is thus advantageous to align reproductive patterns with seasonal variation in resource abundance. The mating season occurs in the winter when resources are scarce, and consequently young are born when resources are most abundant. Because seasonal patterns are so predictable, it not risky to dedicate all of their reproductive efforts into one brief mating season.
Males devote most of their energy to one big reproductive effort, and as a result have high concentrations of stress hormones in their blood. This inhibits inflammatory and immune responses and eventually kills the exhausted males. Females may survive for a second breeding season but almost never survive for a third. Semelparous dasyuromorphs are characterized by prolonged copulation, large testes size, male sexual dimorphism, mate guarding, long behavioral estrous of females, sperm storage in female reproductive tracts, high population densities, and sperm competition.
Iteroparous dasyuromorphs, on the other hand, reside in less restricted, less predictable environments. Therefore, it is risky to invest all of their energy into one reproductive effort when resource levels are so unpredictable. During the breeding season, Northern quolls exhibit normal levels of stress hormones and have larger body sizes and tail fat stores that help them survive to the next breeding season. Iteroparous dasyuromorphs do not display any of the identifying characteristics of semelparous dasyuromorphs. Additional reasons for semelparity in some species and iteroparity in others are not well understood.
Key Reproductive Features: semelparous ; iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; viviparous ; sperm-storing ; delayed fertilization
After the brief mating season, male dasyuromorphs leave females with all parental responsibilities. In semelparous species, such as antechinuses, males die before their offspring are born.
Gestation time varies greatly with body size, as does time spent in the mother's pouch. After leaving the pouch permanently, young are carried into well-hidden dens. Dens are lined with vegetation for protection and warmth and are located in underground burrows, caves or hollow logs. As young near weaning, mothers take more frequent trips outside of the den. When mothers begin to sleep away from their young, male offspring disperse from the den. Males move away from their mother's home range while females remain in their mother’s home range for life.
During lactation, many dasyuromorph mothers are biased towards their male offspring and provide them with more nutrient-rich milk. Because larger males are more successful in attracting mates and reproducing, it is advantageous for mothers produce larger males that have a better chances of passing on her genes.
Parental Investment: altricial ; female parental care ; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); post-independence association with parents; inherits maternal/paternal territory
Die roofbuideldiere (Dasyuromorphia) is 'n orde van soogdiere wat tot die buideldiere behoort. Hulle kom net in Australië en Nieu-Guinea voor. Die meeste Australiese buideldiere wat karnivories is, behoort tot hierdie orde.
Die orde word in drie families verdeel
Die roofbuideldiere behoort saam met die ander Australiese buideldiere soos die klimbuideldiere tot die Australidelphia. Een kenmerkende verskil tussen die buidelroofdiere en die klimbuideldiere (Diprotodontia) is dat die buidelroofdiere meer as twee snytande het.
Die roofbuideldiere (Dasyuromorphia) is 'n orde van soogdiere wat tot die buideldiere behoort. Hulle kom net in Australië en Nieu-Guinea voor. Die meeste Australiese buideldiere wat karnivories is, behoort tot hierdie orde.
Die orde word in drie families verdeel
Die Myrmecobiidae, wat net een spesies het, die numbat Die Thylacinidae, wat se laaste spesie in 1936 uitgesterf het, die Tasmaniese tier of buidelwolf. Die Dasyuridae - die regte roofbuideldiere waartoe ongeveer 70 spesies behoort, soos die Tasmaniese duiwel wat die grootste spesie is. Die ander kan so groot as 'n kat wees, soos die quoll, maar ook so klein as 'n muis soos die planigale.Die roofbuideldiere behoort saam met die ander Australiese buideldiere soos die klimbuideldiere tot die Australidelphia. Een kenmerkende verskil tussen die buidelroofdiere en die klimbuideldiere (Diprotodontia) is dat die buidelroofdiere meer as twee snytande het.
Los dasiuromorfos (Dasyuromorphia) son un orde de mamíferos marsupiales reinales del continente australianu.
L'orixe de los dasiuromorfos ta nel Oligocenu Cimeru, siendo la familia Thylacinidae la primera qu'empezó a estremase. Namái una especie d'esta familia, el llobu marsupial (Thylacinus cynocephalus) sobrevivió hasta tiempos históricos, anque se declaró estinguíu na primer metá del sieglu XX. Les otres dos especies conocíes de tilacínidos sumieron nel Pleistocenu.
La perda de la hexemonía de los tilacínidos tuvo llugar mientres el Miocenu tardíu, coincidiendo cola gran diversificación que los dasiúridos, apaecíos mientres el Miocenu Mediu .
Nengún de los grupos con especies vives nel presente surdió antes del Pliocenu, pero tolos fósiles procedentes del Pleistocenu conocen entá especies estrechamente emparentaes con exemplares vivos.
Polo que respecta a los mirmecóbidos, los datos fósiles más antiguos que se conocen proceden del Pleistocenu.
Estos animales habiten Australia, Tasmania, Nueva Guinea y les islles cercanes, colonizando gran variedá d'ecosistemes d'esta rexón xeográfica. La mayor parte d'ellos tienen vezos terrestres, magar delles especies son puramente arborícoles.
Los vezos alimenticios varien dende la dieta puramente a base de termes y otros inseutos coloniales de Myrmecobius fasciatus a la puramente carnívora de Thylacinus cynocephalus.
Tan variada como los nichos ecolóxicos qu'ocupen, ye l'aspeutu y les carauterístiques anatómiques de los animales clasificaos nel orde, presentando namái delles traces comunes a toles especies como son el tener un marsupiu escasamente desenvueltu que, en delles especies solo rescampla en dómines de cría, el nun presentar fenómenos de sindactilia y una fórmula dentaria poliprotodonta.
Los dasiuromorfos (Dasyuromorphia) son un orde de mamíferos marsupiales reinales del continente australianu.
Dasyuromorphia zo un urzhiad e rummatadur ar bronneged godellek.
3 c'herentiad zo en urzhiad-mañ :
Els dasiüromorfs (Dasyuromorphia) són un ordre de metateris compost de la majoria de marsupials carnívors, incloent-hi els gats marsupials, ratolins marsupials, numbats, diables de Tasmània i els recentment extints llops marsupials. Les úniques excepcions són els bàndicuts (omnívors de l'ordre Peramelemorphia i els talps marsupials (que s'alimenten de carn però són molt diferents i ara es troben en un ordre propi, Notoryctemorphia).
Hi ha tres famílies: una amb un únic membre, una amb només membres extints (incloent-hi el llop marsupial) i una altra, Dasyuridae, amb uns setanta membres.
Většina masožravých vačnatců náleží do řádu kunovců (Dasyuromorphia) – včetně kunovců, vakomyší, tasmánského čerta a nedávno vyhynutých vakovlků. Jedinou výjimku tvoří všežraví bandikuti a vakokrti, kteří jsou masožravci, ale velmi odlišní od kunovců, a již mají svůj vlastní řád.
Do tohoto řádu spadají tři čeledi. Dvě s jedním druhem a jedna s přibližně 55 druhy.
Na rozdíl od býložravců, kteří mají tendence specializovat se na jeden druh potravy podle toho, kde se vyskytují, se masožravci vyvíjejí podobně i při různém okolním prostředí, samozřejmě jen na úrovni celkové externí podoby. Jsou podobní masožravcům ze severní polokoule jako jsou kočky, lišky a lasičky. Svědčí o tom i původní jména která dostala od evropských osidlovatelů, vakovlk byl původně pojmenován jako tasmánský tygr, kunovci jako domorodé kočky a tak dále. Nicméně většina druhů této čeledi je malého vzrůstu, typicky mezi 15 a 20 gramy, až ke 2 kilogramům, nebo, chcete-li, od velikosti myši k velikosti kočky domácí.
Hlavní rozdíly mezi vačnatými dravci jsou ve velikosti. Ještě před velkými změnami prostředí, které přišly s prvním příchodem lidí někdy před 50 000 lety, zde žilo pár velmi velkých vačnatých masožravců. Dnes už jsou ti největší vyhynulí. Nutno podotknout, že i tak mezi kunovci nikdy nebyli velcí dravci. Ti, kteří přežili do dnešní, nebo nedávné doby, jsou spíše menší. Přibližně velikosti vlka v případě vakovlkovitých až po maličkou vakomyš dlouhoocasou, která je při svých 4 až 6 gramech velká asi jako poloviční myš.
Většina masožravých vačnatců náleží do řádu kunovců (Dasyuromorphia) – včetně kunovců, vakomyší, tasmánského čerta a nedávno vyhynutých vakovlků. Jedinou výjimku tvoří všežraví bandikuti a vakokrti, kteří jsou masožravci, ale velmi odlišní od kunovců, a již mají svůj vlastní řád.
Do tohoto řádu spadají tři čeledi. Dvě s jedním druhem a jedna s přibližně 55 druhy.
Na rozdíl od býložravců, kteří mají tendence specializovat se na jeden druh potravy podle toho, kde se vyskytují, se masožravci vyvíjejí podobně i při různém okolním prostředí, samozřejmě jen na úrovni celkové externí podoby. Jsou podobní masožravcům ze severní polokoule jako jsou kočky, lišky a lasičky. Svědčí o tom i původní jména která dostala od evropských osidlovatelů, vakovlk byl původně pojmenován jako tasmánský tygr, kunovci jako domorodé kočky a tak dále. Nicméně většina druhů této čeledi je malého vzrůstu, typicky mezi 15 a 20 gramy, až ke 2 kilogramům, nebo, chcete-li, od velikosti myši k velikosti kočky domácí.
Hlavní rozdíly mezi vačnatými dravci jsou ve velikosti. Ještě před velkými změnami prostředí, které přišly s prvním příchodem lidí někdy před 50 000 lety, zde žilo pár velmi velkých vačnatých masožravců. Dnes už jsou ti největší vyhynulí. Nutno podotknout, že i tak mezi kunovci nikdy nebyli velcí dravci. Ti, kteří přežili do dnešní, nebo nedávné doby, jsou spíše menší. Přibližně velikosti vlka v případě vakovlkovitých až po maličkou vakomyš dlouhoocasou, která je při svých 4 až 6 gramech velká asi jako poloviční myš.
Pungrovdyr (Dasyuromorphia) er en orden af pungdyr. Den omfatter fire familier, hvoraf de to er uddøde. Næsten alle arter findes i familien pungmåre (Dasyuridae). Arterne er meget forskellige både i størrelse og bygning. Fælles for dem er en lang hale, der ikke kan bruges som gribehale. De lever for det meste på jorden og er kød- eller insektædere og er mest natdyr. De har 14 lodretstillede ensartede fortænder, 8 i overkæben og 6 i underkæben. Desuden har de veludviklede hjørnetænder. De mangler ofte en pung, der i øvrigt vender bagud, hvis den er til stede.
Arterne er udbredt i Australien, Tasmanien, Ny Guinea og andre øer i nærheden heraf.
Ordenen indeholder følgende familier, slægter og arter. Ikke alle arter har danske navne.[1]
Pungrovdyr (Dasyuromorphia) er en orden af pungdyr. Den omfatter fire familier, hvoraf de to er uddøde. Næsten alle arter findes i familien pungmåre (Dasyuridae). Arterne er meget forskellige både i størrelse og bygning. Fælles for dem er en lang hale, der ikke kan bruges som gribehale. De lever for det meste på jorden og er kød- eller insektædere og er mest natdyr. De har 14 lodretstillede ensartede fortænder, 8 i overkæben og 6 i underkæben. Desuden har de veludviklede hjørnetænder. De mangler ofte en pung, der i øvrigt vender bagud, hvis den er til stede.
Arterne er udbredt i Australien, Tasmanien, Ny Guinea og andre øer i nærheden heraf.
Die Raubbeutlerartigen (Dasyuromorphia) bilden eine Ordnung innerhalb der Beutelsäuger (Metatheria). Die meisten fleischfressenden Beuteltiere gehören in diese Ordnung. Vielen Arten wurden von europäischen Siedlern Namen gegeben, die sich an höhere Säugetiere anlehnen, wie zum Beispiel „Beutelmarder“, „Beutelwolf“, „Beutelmäuse“. Die Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den Raubbeutlern und ihren Namensvorbildern beruhen jedoch auf konvergenter Evolution.
Viele Raubbeutlerartige unterscheiden sich nur geringfügig in ihrem Körperbau, dafür erheblich in ihrer Größe. Viele Beutelmäuse erreichen nur in etwa die Größe einer Maus und zählen zu den kleinsten Beuteltieren überhaupt, während der Beutelteufel mit Schwanz über 1 m lang wird und ein Gewicht von über 10 kg erreichen kann. Der ausgestorbene Beutelwolf war sogar noch größer. Sie sind allesamt geschickte, flinke Jäger, die sich je nach Größe von Insekten oder Wirbeltieren ernähren. Manche Arten fressen auch Aas.
Die Raubbeutlerartigen kommen in Australien, auf Neuguinea, Tasmanien und einigen anderen vorgelagerten Inseln vor.
Die Ordnung besteht aus zwei rezenten und zwei ausgestorbenen Familien, von denen zwei nur eine Art umfassen:
Die ausgestorbenen Beutellöwen (Thylacoleonidae) gehörten hingegen nicht zu den Raubbeutlerartigen, sondern in die Ordnung Diprotodontia.
Die Raubbeutlerartigen (Dasyuromorphia) bilden eine Ordnung innerhalb der Beutelsäuger (Metatheria). Die meisten fleischfressenden Beuteltiere gehören in diese Ordnung. Vielen Arten wurden von europäischen Siedlern Namen gegeben, die sich an höhere Säugetiere anlehnen, wie zum Beispiel „Beutelmarder“, „Beutelwolf“, „Beutelmäuse“. Die Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den Raubbeutlern und ihren Namensvorbildern beruhen jedoch auf konvergenter Evolution.
La Dasiuromorfos es un ordina de mamales de Australia. Los es la plu de la marsupiales carnivoros, e inclui la cuol ("gato tasmanian"), la diablo tasmanian, e la estinguida tigre tasmanian.
Los Dasyuromorphia forman un òrdre de marsupials comprenent tres familhas:
Id-Dasyuromorphia huwa ordni ta' mammiferi marsupjali, eżattament il-marsupjali karnivori tal-kontinent Awstraljan.
Dan l-ordni qiegħed klassifikat fil-klassi Mammalia, fis-sottoklassi Theria, fl-infraklassi Metatheria (il-marsupjali) u fis-superordni Australidelphia (il-marsupjali Awstraljani kollha u l-kolokolo tal-kontinent ta' l-Amerika ta' isfel) ma' 4 ordnijiet oħra.
Id-Dasyuromorphia jikkonsisti minn 3 familji u 2 minnhom, id-Dasyuridae u l-Myrmecobiidae għadhom rapreżentati bi speċi ħajjin, filwaqt it-Thylacinidae hija kkunsidrata estinta (għalkemm hemm possibilita li t-Tilaċin li huwa magħruf xjentifikament bħala Thylacinus cynochephalus, għadu jgħix f' partijiet mhux esplorati fuq il-gżira tat-Tasmanja u hemm proġett ta' klonazzjoni għaddej ukoll).
Dan l-ordni, jiġbor fiħ bosta ġeneri u numru konsiderevoli ta' speċi kemm estinti, kif ukoll estanti jew ħajjin u dawn ta' laħħar ilaħqu 'l fuq minn 70 speċi, li kważi kollha kemm huma jagħmlu parti mill-familja Dasyuridae ('l aktar familja ta' suċċess ta' dan l-ordni).
Id-Dasyuromorphia, flimkien ma' 4 ordnijiet oħra, in-Notoryctemorphia, il-Peramelemorphia, id-Diprotodontia u l-Microbiotheria, jifforma s-superordni Australidelphia.
(għal aktar informazzjoni ara l-artikli Dasjuromorfji, Dasjuridi, Xitan tat-Tażmanja, Tilaċin, Numbat)
"Dasyuroidea", "Dasyuriformes" u "Creatophaga" huma kollha sinonimi jew l-istess bħal u jirreferu għall-ordni Dasyuromorphia ta' Gill, 1872.
The order Dasyuromorphia (meanin "hairy tail"[1]) comprises maist o the Australian carnivorous marsupials, includin quolls, dunnarts, the numbat, the Tasmanian devil, an the recently extinct thylacine.
Los Dasyuromorphia forman un òrdre de marsupials comprenent tres familhas:
Dasyuridae Myrmecobiidae ThylacinidaeId-Dasyuromorphia huwa ordni ta' mammiferi marsupjali, eżattament il-marsupjali karnivori tal-kontinent Awstraljan.
Dan l-ordni qiegħed klassifikat fil-klassi Mammalia, fis-sottoklassi Theria, fl-infraklassi Metatheria (il-marsupjali) u fis-superordni Australidelphia (il-marsupjali Awstraljani kollha u l-kolokolo tal-kontinent ta' l-Amerika ta' isfel) ma' 4 ordnijiet oħra.
Id-Dasyuromorphia jikkonsisti minn 3 familji u 2 minnhom, id-Dasyuridae u l-Myrmecobiidae għadhom rapreżentati bi speċi ħajjin, filwaqt it-Thylacinidae hija kkunsidrata estinta (għalkemm hemm possibilita li t-Tilaċin li huwa magħruf xjentifikament bħala Thylacinus cynochephalus, għadu jgħix f' partijiet mhux esplorati fuq il-gżira tat-Tasmanja u hemm proġett ta' klonazzjoni għaddej ukoll).
Dan l-ordni, jiġbor fiħ bosta ġeneri u numru konsiderevoli ta' speċi kemm estinti, kif ukoll estanti jew ħajjin u dawn ta' laħħar ilaħqu 'l fuq minn 70 speċi, li kważi kollha kemm huma jagħmlu parti mill-familja Dasyuridae ('l aktar familja ta' suċċess ta' dan l-ordni).
Id-Dasyuromorphia, flimkien ma' 4 ordnijiet oħra, in-Notoryctemorphia, il-Peramelemorphia, id-Diprotodontia u l-Microbiotheria, jifforma s-superordni Australidelphia.
(għal aktar informazzjoni ara l-artikli Dasjuromorfji, Dasjuridi, Xitan tat-Tażmanja, Tilaċin, Numbat)
The order Dasyuromorphia (meanin "hairy tail") comprises maist o the Australian carnivorous marsupials, includin quolls, dunnarts, the numbat, the Tasmanian devil, an the recently extinct thylacine.
D'Raubbeideldéieren (Dasyuromorphia) sinn eng Uerdnung aus der Klass vun de Mamendéieren.
D'Raubbeideldéieren (Dasyuromorphia) sinn eng Uerdnung aus der Klass vun de Mamendéieren.
Τα Δασυουρόμορφα ή Δασυουρομόρφια (Dasyuromorphia) αποτελούν τάξη των μαρσιποφόρων. Στην τάξη αυτή συγκαταλέγονται τα περισσότερα σαρκοφάγα μαρσιποφόρα της Αυστραλίας, μεταξύ των οποίον συναντάμε τα είδη του γένους Δασύουρος, τα Ντούναρτ (γένος Σμινθόψις - Sminthopsis), ο Μυρμηκόβιος ο ταινιωτός - Myrmecobius fasciatus (Νούμπατ), τον διάβολο της Τασμανίας, και την Θυλακίνη (γνωστό και ως «Τίγρης της Τασμανίας») που θεωρείται πως έχει πια εκλείψει. Στην Αυστραλία, οι μόνες εξαιρέσεις μαρσιποφόρων που μπορούν να τρέφονται με κρέας είναι το παμφάγο bandicoots (τάξη Πηραμελόμορφα) και οι τυφλοπόντικες του γένους Notoryctes, που τρώνε κρέας αλλά είναι πολύ διαφορετικοί και δημιουργούν μια δική τους τάξη, αυτή των Νοτορικτόμορφων (Notoryctemorphia).
Η τάξη των Δασυουρόμορφων περιλαμβάνει τρεις οικογένειες:
Τα Δασυουρόμορφα ή Δασυουρομόρφια (Dasyuromorphia) αποτελούν τάξη των μαρσιποφόρων. Στην τάξη αυτή συγκαταλέγονται τα περισσότερα σαρκοφάγα μαρσιποφόρα της Αυστραλίας, μεταξύ των οποίον συναντάμε τα είδη του γένους Δασύουρος, τα Ντούναρτ (γένος Σμινθόψις - Sminthopsis), ο Μυρμηκόβιος ο ταινιωτός - Myrmecobius fasciatus (Νούμπατ), τον διάβολο της Τασμανίας, και την Θυλακίνη (γνωστό και ως «Τίγρης της Τασμανίας») που θεωρείται πως έχει πια εκλείψει. Στην Αυστραλία, οι μόνες εξαιρέσεις μαρσιποφόρων που μπορούν να τρέφονται με κρέας είναι το παμφάγο bandicoots (τάξη Πηραμελόμορφα) και οι τυφλοπόντικες του γένους Notoryctes, που τρώνε κρέας αλλά είναι πολύ διαφορετικοί και δημιουργούν μια δική τους τάξη, αυτή των Νοτορικτόμορφων (Notoryctemorphia).
Зепталёквиррез - нимöтчиссез пода чукöр.
Зепталёквиррез - нимöтчиссез пода чукöр.
De roofbudelbeêsten (Dasyuromorphia) zien een orde uut de zoogdieren (Mammalia).
De orde besti uut de volhende drie femieljes:
De roofbudelbeêsten (Dasyuromorphia) zien een orde uut de zoogdieren (Mammalia).
Dasyuromorphia (/dæsijʊəroʊˈmɔːrfiə/, meaning "hairy tail"[1] in Greek) is an order comprising most of the Australian carnivorous marsupials, including quolls, dunnarts, the numbat, the Tasmanian devil, and the thylacine. In Australia, the exceptions include the omnivorous bandicoots (order Peramelemorphia) and the marsupial moles (which eat meat but are very different and are now accorded an order of their own, Notoryctemorphia). Numerous South American species of marsupials (orders Didelphimorphia, Paucituberculata, and Microbiotheria) are also carnivorous, as were some extinct members of the order Diprotodontia, including extinct kangaroos (such as Ekaltadeta and Propleopus) and thylacoleonids, and some members of the partially extinct clade Metatheria and all members of the extinct superorder Sparassodonta.
The order contains four families: one with just a single living species (the numbat), two with only extinct species (including the thylacine and Malleodectes), and one, the Dasyuridae, with 73 extant species.
Unlike herbivores, which tend to become highly specialized for particular ecological niches and diversify greatly in form, carnivores tend to be broadly similar to one another, certainly on the level of gross external form. Just as Northern Hemisphere carnivores like cats, mongooses, foxes and weasels are much more alike in structure than, for example, camels, goats, pigs and giraffes, so too are the marsupial predators constrained to retain general-purpose, look-alike forms—forms which mirror those of placental carnivores. The names given to them by early European settlers reflect this: the thylacine was called the Tasmanian tiger or Tasmanian wolves, quolls were called native cats or native foxes, and so on.
The primary specialisation among marsupial predators is that of size: prior to the massive environmental changes that came about with the arrival of humans about 50,000 years ago, there were several very large carnivores, none of them members of the Dasyuromorphia and all of them now extinct. Those that survived into historical times ranged from the wolf-sized thylacine to the tiny long-tailed planigale which at 4 to 6 grams is less than half the size of a mouse. Most, however, tend towards the lower end of the size scale, typically between about 15 or 20 grams and about 2 kilograms, or from the size of a domestic mouse to that of a small domestic cat.
To provide context, the table below also shows the other major branches of the Australasian marsupial tree.
Dasyuromorphia (/dæsijʊəroʊˈmɔːrfiə/, meaning "hairy tail" in Greek) is an order comprising most of the Australian carnivorous marsupials, including quolls, dunnarts, the numbat, the Tasmanian devil, and the thylacine. In Australia, the exceptions include the omnivorous bandicoots (order Peramelemorphia) and the marsupial moles (which eat meat but are very different and are now accorded an order of their own, Notoryctemorphia). Numerous South American species of marsupials (orders Didelphimorphia, Paucituberculata, and Microbiotheria) are also carnivorous, as were some extinct members of the order Diprotodontia, including extinct kangaroos (such as Ekaltadeta and Propleopus) and thylacoleonids, and some members of the partially extinct clade Metatheria and all members of the extinct superorder Sparassodonta.
The order contains four families: one with just a single living species (the numbat), two with only extinct species (including the thylacine and Malleodectes), and one, the Dasyuridae, with 73 extant species.
Los dasiuromorfos (Dasyuromorphia) son un orden de mamíferos marsupiales endémicos del continente australiano.
El origen de los dasiuromorfos está en el Oligoceno Superior, siendo la familia Thylacinidae la primera que comenzó a diferenciarse. Solo una especie de esta familia, el lobo marsupial (Thylacinus cynocephalus) ha sobrevivido hasta tiempos históricos, aunque se declaró extinto en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Las otras dos especies conocidas de tilacínidos desaparecieron en el Pleistoceno.
La pérdida de la hegemonía de los tilacínidos tuvo lugar durante el Mioceno tardío, coincidiendo con la gran diversificación que los dasiúridos, aparecidos durante el Mioceno Medio .
Ninguno de los grupos con especies vivas en el presente surgió antes del Plioceno, pero todos los fósiles procedentes del Pleistoceno conocen aún especies estrechamente emparentadas con ejemplares vivos.
Por lo que respecta a los mirmecóbidos, los datos fósiles más antiguos que se conocen proceden del Pleistoceno.
Estos animales habitan Australia, Tasmania, Nueva Guinea y las islas cercanas, colonizando gran variedad de ecosistemas de esta región geográfica. La mayor parte de ellos tienen hábitos terrestres, si bien algunas especies son exclusivamente arborícolas.
Los hábitos alimenticios varían desde la dieta exclusivamente a base de termes y otros insectos coloniales de Myrmecobius fasciatus a la exclusivamente carnívora de Thylacinus cynocephalus.
Tan variada como los nichos ecológicos que ocupan, es el aspecto y las características anatómicas de los animales clasificados en el orden, presentando solo algunos rasgos comunes a todas las especies como son el poseer un marsupio escasamente desarrollado que, en algunas especies solo es evidente en épocas de cría, el no presentar fenómenos de sindactilia y una fórmula dentaria poliprotodonta.
Los dasiuromorfos (Dasyuromorphia) son un orden de mamíferos marsupiales endémicos del continente australiano.
Dasyuromorphia Australiako ugaztun martsupial haragijaleen ordena bat da.
Dasyuromorphia Australiako ugaztun martsupial haragijaleen ordena bat da.
Pussipedot (Dasyuromorphia) on pussieläinlahko, johon kuuluvat melkein kaikki Australiassa elävät lihansyöjät, kuten pussinäädät, pussimuurahaiskarhu, uhanalainen pussiahma ja hiljattain sukupuuttoon kuollut pussihukka.[2] Ainoat poikkeukset ovat kaikkiruokaiset pussimäyrät (lahko Peramelemorphia) ja pussikontiaiset (lahko Notoryctemorphia). Pussipetolajeja elää myös Uudessa-Guineassa. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lahkon uudeksi suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on australianpussipedot.[3]
Pussipetoihin kuuluu kolme heimoa: pussihukat, pussipedot ja pussimuurahaiskarhut.[1] Pussihukat ovat kuolleet aivan hiljattain sukupuuttoon, ja pussimuurahaiskarhuihin kuuluu vain yksi laji.
Pussipetojen yhteinen tekijä on koko. Ennen Australiassa eli myös suurempia petopussieläimiä, mutta nämä ovat kaikki kuolleet jo sukupuuttoon ja niistä mitkään eivät kuuluneet Dasyuromorphia-lahkoon. Nykyajalla eläneet pussipedot ovat kooltaan suden kokoisen pussihukan ja yli puolet hiirtä pienemmän Planigale ingrami-pussilumikon väliltä. Suurin osa pussipedoista kuuluu skaalan pienempään päähän.
Pussipedot (Dasyuromorphia) on pussieläinlahko, johon kuuluvat melkein kaikki Australiassa elävät lihansyöjät, kuten pussinäädät, pussimuurahaiskarhu, uhanalainen pussiahma ja hiljattain sukupuuttoon kuollut pussihukka. Ainoat poikkeukset ovat kaikkiruokaiset pussimäyrät (lahko Peramelemorphia) ja pussikontiaiset (lahko Notoryctemorphia). Pussipetolajeja elää myös Uudessa-Guineassa. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lahkon uudeksi suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on australianpussipedot.
Pussipetoihin kuuluu kolme heimoa: pussihukat, pussipedot ja pussimuurahaiskarhut. Pussihukat ovat kuolleet aivan hiljattain sukupuuttoon, ja pussimuurahaiskarhuihin kuuluu vain yksi laji.
Pussipetojen yhteinen tekijä on koko. Ennen Australiassa eli myös suurempia petopussieläimiä, mutta nämä ovat kaikki kuolleet jo sukupuuttoon ja niistä mitkään eivät kuuluneet Dasyuromorphia-lahkoon. Nykyajalla eläneet pussipedot ovat kooltaan suden kokoisen pussihukan ja yli puolet hiirtä pienemmän Planigale ingrami-pussilumikon väliltä. Suurin osa pussipedoista kuuluu skaalan pienempään päähän.
Les Dasyuromorphes (Dasyuromorphia) sont un ordre de mammifères marsupiaux comprenant, selon ITIS, trois familles.
Selon BioLib (17 novembre 2020)[1] :
Les Dasyuromorphes (Dasyuromorphia) sont un ordre de mammifères marsupiaux comprenant, selon ITIS, trois familles.
A dos dasiuromorfos (Dasyuromorphia) é unha orde de mamíferos marsupiais do clado (ou magnorde, ou superorde, segundo as clasificacións) dos australidelfos, endémicos de Australia e illas próximas.
A orde foi establecida en 1872 polo zoólogo e paleontólogo estadounidense Theodore Nicholas Gill
Segundo o SIIT e máis o MSW, comprende as seguintes tres familias:[1][2]
A orixe dos dasiuromorfos está no oligoceno superior, sendo a familia dos tilacínidos (Thylacinidae) a primeira que comezou a diferenciarse.
Só unha especie desta familia, o lobo marsupial ou tigre de Tasmania (Thylacinus cynocephalus) sobreviviu até tempos históricos, aínda que se declarou extinto na primeira metade do século XX. As outras especies coñecidas de tilacínidos desapareceron no plistoceno.
A perda da hexemonía dos tilacínidos tivo lugar durante o mioceno tardío, coincidindo coa gran diversificación dos dasiúridos (Dasyuridae), aparecidos durante ol mioceno medio .
Ningún dos grupos con especies vivas no presente xurdiu antes do plioceno, pero todos os fósiles procedentes do plistoceno coñecen aínda especies estreitamente emparentadas con exemplares vivos.
Polo que respecta aos mirmecobíidos (Myrmecobiidae), os datos fósiles máis antigos que se coñecen proceden do plistoceno.
Estes animais habitan Australia, Tasmania, Nova Guinea e nas illas menores próximas, colonizando gran variedade de ecosistemas desta rexión xeográfica.
A maior parte deles teñen hábitos terrestres, aínda que algunhas especies son exclusivamente arborícolas.
Os hábitos alimenticios varían desde a dieta exclusivamente a base de termes e outros insectos coloniais de Myrmecobius fasciatus á exclusivamente carnívora de Thylacinus cynocephalus.
O aspecto e as características anatómicas dos animais integrados nesta orde son tan variadas como os nichosecolóxicos que ocupan, presentando só algúns trazos comúns a todas as especies, como son:
A dos dasiuromorfos (Dasyuromorphia) é unha orde de mamíferos marsupiais do clado (ou magnorde, ou superorde, segundo as clasificacións) dos australidelfos, endémicos de Australia e illas próximas.
Ordo Dasyuromorphia (berarti "ekor berambut"[1]) yang berisi marsupial karnivora, termasuk quoll, dunnart, Numbat, setan Tasmania dan harimau Tasmania yang baru punah. Satu-satunya hewan yang omnivora adalah bandicoot dan tikus tanah marsupial.
Ordo Dasyuromorphia (berarti "ekor berambut") yang berisi marsupial karnivora, termasuk quoll, dunnart, Numbat, setan Tasmania dan harimau Tasmania yang baru punah. Satu-satunya hewan yang omnivora adalah bandicoot dan tikus tanah marsupial.
I Dasiuromorfi (Dasyuromorphia Gill, 1872) sono un ordine di marsupiali australasiani carnivori. La famiglia dei Tilacinidi (Thylacinidae), il cui ultimo rappresentante, Thylacinus cynocephalus, si è estinto nel 1936, vi apparteneva. Oggi, tranne il mirmecobio (Myrmecobius fasciatus), tutte le specie viventi appartengono alla famiglia Dasyuridae.
I Dasiuromorfi (Dasyuromorphia Gill, 1872) sono un ordine di marsupiali australasiani carnivori. La famiglia dei Tilacinidi (Thylacinidae), il cui ultimo rappresentante, Thylacinus cynocephalus, si è estinto nel 1936, vi apparteneva. Oggi, tranne il mirmecobio (Myrmecobius fasciatus), tutte le specie viventi appartengono alla famiglia Dasyuridae.
Plėšrieji sterbliniai (lot. Dasyuromorphia) – sterblinių (Marsupialia) žinduolių būrys, kuriame trys šeimos:
Plėšrieji sterbliniai sutinkami Australijoje, Naujojoje Gvinėjoje, Tasmanijoje ir kai kuriose kitose jūros salose.
Plėšrieji sterbliniai (lot. Dasyuromorphia) – sterblinių (Marsupialia) žinduolių būrys, kuriame trys šeimos:
Šeima. Sterbliniai vilkai (Thylacinidae): sterblinis vilkas Šeima. Plėšrieji sterbliniai (Dasyuridae) Šeima. Sterblinės skruzdėdos (Myrmecobiidae)Plēsīgie somaiņi jeb plēsējsomaiņi (Dasyuromorphia) ir viena no Austrālijas somaiņu (Australidelphia) kārtām, kas apvieno divas mūsdienās dzīvojošas dzimtas un vienu izmirušo vilksomaiņu dzimtu (Thylacinidae). Nambatu dzimtā (Myrmecobiida) ir tikai viena suga — nambats (Myrmecobius fasciatus), bet plēsējsomaiņu dzimta (Dasyuridae) apvieno apmēram 75 mūsdienās dzīvojošas sugas,[1] kas ir lielākā daļa Austrālijā dzīvojošo plēsīgo somaino zīdītāju. Tie ir caunsomaiņi, šaurpēdaiņi, velnsomaiņi, peļsomaiņi un žurksomaiņi. No plēsīgajiem mūsdienās dzīvojošiem somainiem zīdītājiem šai kārtai nav piederīgi bandikutveidīgie visēdāji — bandikuti un trušbandikuti, kā arī kurmjsomaiņi. Savukārt aizvēsturiskie lauvsomaiņi pieder diprotodontu kārtai (Diprotodontia), kuras visas mūsdienu sugas ir zālēdāji.
Plēsīgo somaiņu sugas mājo Austrālijā, Tasmanijā, Jaungvinejā un citās nelielās, tuvējās saliņās.[2] Pleistocēnā Austrālija ar sauszemes tiltiem bija savienota gan ar Tasmaniju, gan Jaungvineju, tādējādi sauszemes dzīvnieki brīvi pārvietojās starp šīm teritorijām.
Austrālijā vecākās zināmās plēsīgo somaiņu fosilijas atrastas Kvīnslendā, un tās ir vismaz 55 miljonus gadu vecas, saglabājoties no paleocēna. Tomēr lielākā daļa fosiliju ir saglabājušās no miocēna laika, un tās ir apmēram 23—16 miljonus gadu vecas. Šajā laikā Austrālijā valdīja silts tropu klimats un attīstījās daudzas un dažādas lietus mežu biomai raksturīgas sugas. Pirms 15 miljoniem gadu klimats kļuva vēsāks un sausāks, strauji attīstoties plēsīgo somaiņu sugu dažādībai.[2] Līdz mūsdienām ir izdzīvojuši tikai neliela auguma plēsīgie somaiņi, lielajiem plēsējiem izzūdot līdz ar cilvēka parādīšanos kontinentā, apmēram pirms 50 000 gadiem.[2]
Plēsīgajiem somaiņiem raksturīgs, ka abi dzimumi izskatās vienādi, tikai tēviņi ir nedaudz lielāki nekā mātītes. Mazākais šajā grupā ir garastainais peļsomainis (Planigale ingrami), kura ķermeņa garums var būt tikai 55 mm, svars 4,2 g.[3] Lielākais plēsīgo somaiņu kārtā bija, nu jau 1936. gadā izmirušais, Tasmanijas vilks (Thylacinus cynocephalus).[4] Tā ķermeņa garums, asti neskaitot, bija 100—130 cm, astes garums 50—65 cm, augstums skaustā apmēram 60 cm, svars 20—30 kg.[5] No mūsdienās dzīvojošām sugām lielākais ir Tasmanijas velns (Sarcophilus harrisii), kura ķermeņa garums ir 52—80 cm, svars līdz 12 kg.[6][7] Apmēram tikpat liels ir arī plankumainais caunsomainis (Dasyurus maculatus), kura ķermeņa garums ir 38—76 cm, svars 7 kg.[8] Kopumā lielākā daļa plēsīgo somaiņu veido grupu, kuras mazākās sugas ir apmēram peles lielumā, bet lielākās kaķa lielumā, atbilstoši sverot apmēram 15—2000 g.[4]
Plēsīgie somaiņi ir aktīvi krēslā un nakts laikā. Lielākā daļa sugu ir vienpatņi un vienas sugas pārstāvji tiekas tikai pārošanās laikā. Tie dzīvo alās un būvē migas, kuras izmanto mazuļu paslēpšanai, kad tie ir atstājuši mātes somu. Tā kā plēsīgie somaiņi nesvīst, karstā laikā tie sevi laiza, tādējādi atvēsinoties.[2] Pārošanās laikā vissekmīgākie ir lielāka auguma tēviņi, tādēļ, audzinot mazuļus, mātes īpaši rūpējas par jaunajiem tēviņiem, lai tie izaugtu pēc iespējas lielāki. Kad mātīte arvien retāk iegriežas mazuļu migā, lai tos zīdītu, tēviņi pamet migu, bet jaunās mātītes visu mūžu paliek mātes teritorijā.[2]
Plēsīgie somaiņi jeb plēsējsomaiņi (Dasyuromorphia) ir viena no Austrālijas somaiņu (Australidelphia) kārtām, kas apvieno divas mūsdienās dzīvojošas dzimtas un vienu izmirušo vilksomaiņu dzimtu (Thylacinidae). Nambatu dzimtā (Myrmecobiida) ir tikai viena suga — nambats (Myrmecobius fasciatus), bet plēsējsomaiņu dzimta (Dasyuridae) apvieno apmēram 75 mūsdienās dzīvojošas sugas, kas ir lielākā daļa Austrālijā dzīvojošo plēsīgo somaino zīdītāju. Tie ir caunsomaiņi, šaurpēdaiņi, velnsomaiņi, peļsomaiņi un žurksomaiņi. No plēsīgajiem mūsdienās dzīvojošiem somainiem zīdītājiem šai kārtai nav piederīgi bandikutveidīgie visēdāji — bandikuti un trušbandikuti, kā arī kurmjsomaiņi. Savukārt aizvēsturiskie lauvsomaiņi pieder diprotodontu kārtai (Diprotodontia), kuras visas mūsdienu sugas ir zālēdāji.
De roofbuideldieren (Dasyuromorphia) zijn een orde van de buideldieren die voorkomt in Australië en Nieuw-Guinea. Het omvat vrijwel alle vleesetende buideldieren van het Australische continent, met uitzondering van de buidelmollen en de omnivore buideldassen. De orde omvat 71 soorten in drie families, één met een soort, de numbat, één met een recent uitgestorven soort, de buidelwolf, en een grote familie, Dasyuridae, die alle overige soorten omvat, waaronder de Tasmaanse duivel, buidelmarters en buidelmuizen.
De roofbuideldieren leven Australië en Tasmanië, Nieuw-Guinea en de Aru-eilanden. Zij zijn daar in alle habitats te vinden.
De meeste roofbuideldieren zijn zeer klein: het merendeel wordt niet zwaarder dan 250 gram. De kleinste soorten zijn de ningaui's (Ningaui), met een lichaamsgewicht van 9,4 gram. De orde omvat echter ook veel grotere soorten. De grootste recente soort was de buidelwolf (Thylacinus cynocephalus), die tot 35 kilogram woog. De grootste nog levende soort is de Tasmaanse duivel (Sarcophilus harrisii) met een lichaamsgewicht van 13 kilogram.
De meeste roofbuideldieren zijn insectivoor, die jagen op insecten en andere ongewervelden, aangevuld met kleine gewervelden als knaagdieren, hagedissen en kleine vogeltjes. De grotere soorten, zoals de grote buidelmarter (Dasyurus maculatus), Tasmaanse duivel en buidelwolf, jagen op grotere prooien, tot aan wallaby's toe.
Dasyuromorphia omvat 71 levende en recent uitgestorven soorten in drie families:
Een vierde familie, Malleodectidae, is alleen bekend van fossielen uit het Mioceen. De classificatie van het fossiele geslacht Mayigriphus is nog onzeker.
De roofbuideldieren (Dasyuromorphia) zijn een orde van de buideldieren die voorkomt in Australië en Nieuw-Guinea. Het omvat vrijwel alle vleesetende buideldieren van het Australische continent, met uitzondering van de buidelmollen en de omnivore buideldassen. De orde omvat 71 soorten in drie families, één met een soort, de numbat, één met een recent uitgestorven soort, de buidelwolf, en een grote familie, Dasyuridae, die alle overige soorten omvat, waaronder de Tasmaanse duivel, buidelmarters en buidelmuizen.
Rovlevende pungdyr (Dasyuromorphia) er en orden i infraklassen pungdyr (Marsupialia), som inkluderer alle kjøttetende arter i Oseania. Da europeerne kom til Oseania fikk disse artene navn som reflekterte kjente rovpattedyr (Carnivora). Likheten med rovpattedyrene skyldes imidlertid såkalt konvergent evolusjon. Kun to familiegrupper overlever i dag.
Rovlevende pungdyr (Dasyuromorphia) er en orden i infraklassen pungdyr (Marsupialia), som inkluderer alle kjøttetende arter i Oseania. Da europeerne kom til Oseania fikk disse artene navn som reflekterte kjente rovpattedyr (Carnivora). Likheten med rovpattedyrene skyldes imidlertid såkalt konvergent evolusjon. Kun to familiegrupper overlever i dag.
Rovpungdyr (Dasyuridae), cirka 72 arter fordelt i 20 slekter og to underfamilier Numbat (Myrmecobiidae), 1 art Pungulv (Thylacinidae), 1 art (†)Niełazowate[2] (Dasyuridae) – rodzina ssaków z rzędu niełazokształtnych, występujących w krainie australijskiej. Obejmuje gatunki drapieżne, według większości systematyków prymitywne ewolucyjnie. Blisko spokrewnione z nimi są owadożerne mrówkożerowate, według nowszej klasyfikacji (zobacz torbacze) zaliczane wraz z nimi do rzędu niełazokształtnych.
Niełazowate występują w różnych środowiskach Australii, Nowej Gwinei i Tasmanii. Budową zbliżone są do amerykańskich dydelfowatych. Masa ich ciała waha się, w zależności od gatunku, od 4 g (ryjowniczka długoogonowa) do 9 kg (diabeł tasmański). Charakteryzują się długim, niechwytnym i zwykle mocno owłosionym ogonem. Ich palce nie są przeciwstawne, a kły dobrze rozwinięte. Torba lęgowa słabo rozwinięta lub nie występuje.
Wzór zębowy I C P M 42-44 = 4 1 2 4 3 1 2-3 4Do rodziny należą następujące podrodziny[2][3]:
Os dasiuromorfos (Dasyuromorphia) constituem uma ordem de animais marsupiais carnívoros que inclui o diabo-da-tasmânia e o extinto tigre-da-tasmânia.[1] Em aparência exterior, estes animais são muito semelhantes aos seus equivalentes placentários que ocupam as mesmas funções na cadeia alimentar, num exemplo de evolução convergente. A maioria dos carnívoros marsupiais extinguiu-se há cerca de 40 mil anos, na sequência das alterações ecológicas resultantes da chegada do homem ao continente australiano.
Há 57 espécies registradas na ordem Dasyuromorphia, das quais 55 pertencem à família Dasyuridae.
Os dasiuromorfos (Dasyuromorphia) constituem uma ordem de animais marsupiais carnívoros que inclui o diabo-da-tasmânia e o extinto tigre-da-tasmânia. Em aparência exterior, estes animais são muito semelhantes aos seus equivalentes placentários que ocupam as mesmas funções na cadeia alimentar, num exemplo de evolução convergente. A maioria dos carnívoros marsupiais extinguiu-se há cerca de 40 mil anos, na sequência das alterações ecológicas resultantes da chegada do homem ao continente australiano.
Há 57 espécies registradas na ordem Dasyuromorphia, das quais 55 pertencem à família Dasyuridae.
Dasyuromorphia este un ordin de marsupiale carnivore, ce include și faimosul diavol tasmanian. Acest ordin include 3 familii: Dasyuridae; Myrmecobiidae; Thylacinidae.
Mărimea și greutatea acestor marsupiale variază de la câteva sute de grame la 10 kg (diavolul tasmanian). Sunt carnivore, hrănindu-se cu insecte sau cu vertebrate mici.
Dasyuromorphia on Animal Diversity Web
Dasyuromorphia este un ordin de marsupiale carnivore, ce include și faimosul diavol tasmanian. Acest ordin include 3 familii: Dasyuridae; Myrmecobiidae; Thylacinidae.
Rovlevande pungdjur (Dasyuromorphia eller Dasyurida) är en ordning i infraklassen pungdjur. De flesta köttätande pungdjur tillhör denna ordning. Dessa djur fick av europeiska nybyggare namn som hänvisar till rovdjur (Carnivora) eller till andra däggdjur som finns i Europa. Likheterna är bara ytliga och beror på konvergent evolution, så det finns ingen nära släktskap mellan europeiska och australiska "rovdjur".
Idag förekommer två familjer, rovpungdjur (Dasyuridae) och myrpungdjur (Myrmecobiidae). Den sista arten i familjen pungvargar Thylacinidae, pungvargen, dog ut 1936.
Rovlevande pungdjur skiljer sig inte så mycket i kroppsbyggnaden, däremot tydlig i storleken. Vissa arter når bara storleken av en mus och räknas till de minsta pungdjuren överhuvudtaget. Till exempel är Planigale ingrami som tillhör släktet dvärgpungmöss bara 4 till 6 gram tung och når halva längden av en husmus.[1][2] Å andra sidan blir tasmansk djävul med svans över en meter lång och vikten går upp till 12 kilogram,[3] den utdöda pungvargen blev ännu större.[4] Arterna har ingen blindtarm och deras svans kan inte användas som gripverktyg.[5]
Det är allmänt skickliga och snabba jägare som beroende på storlek livnär sig av insekter eller små ryggradsdjur som småfåglar, ödlor och möss. Tasmansk djävul och pungmården Dasyurus maculatus dödar ibland små vallabyer.[6]
Inte hos alla rovlevande pungdjur utvecklar honor en pung, pungen saknas till exempel hos myrpungdjuret och hos flera mindre arter i familjen rovpungdjur. Ibland utvecklas bara skyddande hudveck eller en tillfällig pung före dräktigheten.[6]
Ordningens medlemmar förekommer i Australien, Nya Guinea, på Tasmanien och mindre öar i samma region.[5]
Till ordningen räknas tre familjer, två recenta och en utdöd familj:[7]
De utdöda punglejon (Thylacoleonidae) listas däremot till en annan ordning, fåframtandade pungdjur (Diprotodontia).
De äldsta kända fossilen som räknas till ordningen Dasyuromorphia dateras till sen oligocen. Troligtvis uppkom djurgruppen tidigare.[8]
Rovlevande pungdjur (Dasyuromorphia eller Dasyurida) är en ordning i infraklassen pungdjur. De flesta köttätande pungdjur tillhör denna ordning. Dessa djur fick av europeiska nybyggare namn som hänvisar till rovdjur (Carnivora) eller till andra däggdjur som finns i Europa. Likheterna är bara ytliga och beror på konvergent evolution, så det finns ingen nära släktskap mellan europeiska och australiska "rovdjur".
Idag förekommer två familjer, rovpungdjur (Dasyuridae) och myrpungdjur (Myrmecobiidae). Den sista arten i familjen pungvargar Thylacinidae, pungvargen, dog ut 1936.
Yırtıcı keseliler (Latince: Dasyuromorphia) Australidelphia üst takımına ait bir keseli takımı. Çoğu etobur keseli bu takıma aitdir. Avustralya'ya gelen Avrupalılar çoğu türlere Avrupa'dan tanıdıkları türlerle benzetme yaparak isimler vermiştir: örneğin keseli sansar, keseli kurt, keseli fare vb. Ancak bu türlerin birbirlerine benzemeleri yakın akrabalıktan değil, benzeri yaşam koşullarının benzeri canlı şekillerini ortaya çıkarmasından kaynaklanmaktadır (konverjen evrim).
Yırtıcı keseli türlerinin vücut yapısında birbirlerinden fazla büyük fakları yoktur, ancak vücut ölçüleri gayet farklıdır. Çoğu keseli fareler sadece bir fare büyüklüğüne ulaşır ve en küçük keseliler olarak sayılır. Tazmanya şeytanı ise kuyruğu ile birlikte 1 metre uzunluğa ve 10 kg ağırlığa ulaşır. Bu takıma ait olan ancak soyu tükenmiş olan tazmanya kaplanı hatta daha da büyüktü. Hepsi hızlı ve yetenekli birer avcıdır ve kendi vücut ölçülerine göre ya böcek ya da omurgalılar ile beslenirler. Bazı türler leş'de yer.
Yırtıcı keseli Avustralya, Yeni Gine, Tazmanya ve bu yerlerin bazı yakın adalarında yaşarlar.
Takım 2 yaşayan familya'ya bölünür:
Yırtıcı keseliler (Latince: Dasyuromorphia) Australidelphia üst takımına ait bir keseli takımı. Çoğu etobur keseli bu takıma aitdir. Avustralya'ya gelen Avrupalılar çoğu türlere Avrupa'dan tanıdıkları türlerle benzetme yaparak isimler vermiştir: örneğin keseli sansar, keseli kurt, keseli fare vb. Ancak bu türlerin birbirlerine benzemeleri yakın akrabalıktan değil, benzeri yaşam koşullarının benzeri canlı şekillerini ortaya çıkarmasından kaynaklanmaktadır (konverjen evrim).
Дазиу́роподібні, або кво́лоподібні, або хижі сумчасті (Dasyuromorphia) — ряд сумчастих (Metatheria) з надряду австралодельфи (Australidelphia).
Ряд включає майже всіх хижих представників групи, зокрема таких як квол, сумчаста миша, намбат, тасманійський диявол та вимерлий тилацин. Ряд містить три родини, з яких:
Багато видів мають, щонайменш як один з варіантів, назви, засновані на назвах європейських ссавців, хоча спорідненості між ними немає, а зовнішня схожість є результатом конвергентної еволюції.
Багато хижих сумчастих незначно відрізняються один від одного своєю статурою, але істотно відрізняються розмірами. Так, сумчасті миші мають розміри, подібні до розмірів європейських мишей, тоді як тасманійський диявол може досягати майже метру завдовжки та важити близько 10 кг. Вимерлий тилацин (сумчастий вовк) був ще більше. Всі вони моторні і умілі мисливці, що споживають, залежно від розміру, комахами або хребетними. Деякі види живляться падаллю. Сумчасті вовки вимерли!
Хижі сумчасті зустрічаються в Австралії, на Новій Гвінеї, Тасманії і дрібніших прилеглих островах.
Дазиу́роподібні, або кво́лоподібні, або хижі сумчасті (Dasyuromorphia) — ряд сумчастих (Metatheria) з надряду австралодельфи (Australidelphia).
Dasyuromorphia (có nghĩa là "đuôi lông"[1]) bao gồm hầu hết động vật có túi ăn thịt của Úc, bao gồm mèo túi, sminthopsis, numbat, quỷ Tasmania và loài chó sói Tasmania mới tuyệt chủng gần đây.
Dasyuromorphia (có nghĩa là "đuôi lông") bao gồm hầu hết động vật có túi ăn thịt của Úc, bao gồm mèo túi, sminthopsis, numbat, quỷ Tasmania và loài chó sói Tasmania mới tuyệt chủng gần đây.
Dasyuromorphia Gill, 1872
СемействаХищные сумчатые (лат. Dasyuromorphia) — отряд австралийских сумчатых (Metatheria). Большинство питающихся мясом сумчатых относятся к этому отряду. Многие виды европейские поселенцы назвали по знакомым им плацентарным хищникам, обитающим в Европе, к примеру сумчатого волка или сумчатую куницу. Разумеется, никакого родства между этими видами и их европейскими тёзками не существует, а внешняя схожесть основывается на конвергентной эволюции.
Многие хищные сумчатые не отличаются друг от друга в значительной степени своим телосложением, но существенно в размере. Некоторые сумчатые мыши достигают лишь размеров европейских мышей, в то время как тасманский дьявол может достигать один метр в длину и вес свыше 10 кг. Вымерший сумчатый волк был ещё крупнее. Все они — проворные и умелые охотники, питающиеся в зависимости от величины насекомыми или позвоночными. Некоторые виды питаются падалью.
Хищные сумчатые встречаются в Австралии, на Новой Гвинее, Тасмании и некоторых прилегающих островах.
Отряд состоит из двух современных семейств и одного вымершего:
Хищные сумчатые (лат. Dasyuromorphia) — отряд австралийских сумчатых (Metatheria). Большинство питающихся мясом сумчатых относятся к этому отряду. Многие виды европейские поселенцы назвали по знакомым им плацентарным хищникам, обитающим в Европе, к примеру сумчатого волка или сумчатую куницу. Разумеется, никакого родства между этими видами и их европейскими тёзками не существует, а внешняя схожесть основывается на конвергентной эволюции.
フクロネコ目(フクロネコもく)は、哺乳類 後獣下綱の目のひとつ。クウォール、フトオスミントプシス、フクロアリクイ、タスマニアデビルを含むグループであり、20世紀にフクロオオカミが絶滅した。ほとんどの種が昆虫食も含んで肉食である。いわゆる有袋類の生態系において、捕食者のニッチを占めるグループ。
フクロネコ目(フクロネコもく)は、哺乳類 後獣下綱の目のひとつ。クウォール、フトオスミントプシス、フクロアリクイ、タスマニアデビルを含むグループであり、20世紀にフクロオオカミが絶滅した。ほとんどの種が昆虫食も含んで肉食である。いわゆる有袋類の生態系において、捕食者のニッチを占めるグループ。
주머니고양이목(Dasyuromorphia)은 대부분의 스펙클주머니고양이, 태즈메이니아주머니늑대 등과 같은 육식성 유대류가 포함되어있다.[1] 총 3과를 가지고 있는데, 주머니개미핥기과는 단 하나의 종만 있으며, 주머니늑대과는 최근에 멸종되었고, 주머니고양이과는 약 70개종을 가지고 있다.