Comprehensive Description
由North American Flora提供
Entyloma holwayi Sydow, Ust. 282. 1901
Sori in leaves, forming subcircular or angular spots showing through on both surfaces, at first yellowish but finally reddish-brown, distinct or rarely subconfluent, 2-6 mm. in diameter ; spores hyaline to evidently tinted reddish-brown, ovoid to chiefly subspherical, 63
smooth, with evident double walls, the outer usually irregularly thickened, 12-15 fi or even 17 fi in length ; conidia not observed.
On Carduaceab :
Cosmos sulphtireus, Mexico. Type locality : Chapala, Mexico, on Cosmos sulphureus Distribution : Known only from the type locality.
- 書目引用
- George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY