The Clavulinaceae are a family of fungi in the order Cantharellales. The family is not well defined, but currently comprises species of clavarioid (club and coral) fungi as well as some corticioid (crust- and patch-forming) fungi. These species are nutritionally diverse, some being ectomycorrhizal, others wood-rotting saprotrophs, others lichenized, and yet others lichenicolous (growing on or parasitizing lichens).
The Dutch mycologist Marinus Anton Donk first published the tribe Clavulinae in 1933 to accommodate species of clavarioid fungi in the genus Clavulina that had "stichic" basidia (basidia with nuclear spindles arranged longitudinally). He considered this feature placed the species concerned closer to the chanterelles (Cantharellales) than to other clavarioid fungi. In 1961, he raised the tribe to the rank of family, as the Clavulinaceae.[1] In 1968, Estonian mycologist Erast Parmasto added the corticioid genus Clavulicium to the family, noting that it had very similar basidia to those found in Clavulina.[2]
Molecular research, based on cladistic analysis of DNA sequences, has confirmed the placement of Clavulina within the Cantharellales,[3] but has not yet addressed the circumscription of the family Clavulinaceae. The corticioid genus Membranomyces (formerly referred to Clavulicium) is closely related.[4] The lichenized clavarioid genus Multiclavula is also closely related[3] and has been included within the family.[5] Several species formerly referred to the corticioid genus Sistotrema may be included, but have not been formally renamed.[6] The genus Burgella, described for a probable anamorph of this latter group is, however, within the family.[6] As such, the Clavulinaceae currently contain 4 genera and over 60 species.[7] The genus Clavulicium which was formerly placed in the Clavulinaceae was found to belong in the new family Stereopsidaceae.[8]
Species within the family are unusually diverse in habitat and ecology. Species of Clavulina are ectomycorrhizal, forming mutually beneficial associations with the roots of living trees and other plants.[9] Species of Multiclavula are lichens, their basidiocarps typically found scattered on sheets of their associated algae.[5] Species of Membranomyces and "Sistotrema" are presumed to be wood-rotting saprotrophs, typically forming corticioid basidiocarps on the undersides of dead, attached branches or fallen wood. Some of the latter group, however, (including the genus Burgella) often grow on and may parasitize lichens.[6] Collectively, the Clavulinaceae have a cosmopolitan distribution.
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: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) The Clavulinaceae are a family of fungi in the order Cantharellales. The family is not well defined, but currently comprises species of clavarioid (club and coral) fungi as well as some corticioid (crust- and patch-forming) fungi. These species are nutritionally diverse, some being ectomycorrhizal, others wood-rotting saprotrophs, others lichenized, and yet others lichenicolous (growing on or parasitizing lichens).
Les Clavulinaceae sont une famille de champignons de l’ordre des Cantharellales. Le type nomenclatural est le genre Clavaria. Leur aspect est donc proche des Clavaires avec des formes de massues et de coraux. Il présente quatre genres et une soixantaine d'espèces. Ces espèces ont des modes de nutrition divers, certaines étant ectomycorhizienes (symbiose avec une espèce végétale), d'autres saprotrophes (dégradation de la pourriture du bois), d'autres lichénisés, et d'autres encore lichénicoles (parasites des lichens).
Il est proposé d'ajouter à cette famille le genre Burgella mais ce n'est pas définitivement fixé.[réf. nécessaire]
Selon Catalogue of Life (29 octobre 2013)[1] :
Selon NCBI (29 octobre 2013)[2] :
Les Clavulinaceae sont une famille de champignons de l’ordre des Cantharellales. Le type nomenclatural est le genre Clavaria. Leur aspect est donc proche des Clavaires avec des formes de massues et de coraux. Il présente quatre genres et une soixantaine d'espèces. Ces espèces ont des modes de nutrition divers, certaines étant ectomycorhizienes (symbiose avec une espèce végétale), d'autres saprotrophes (dégradation de la pourriture du bois), d'autres lichénisés, et d'autres encore lichénicoles (parasites des lichens).
Il est proposé d'ajouter à cette famille le genre Burgella mais ce n'est pas définitivement fixé.[réf. nécessaire]
Clavulinaceae (Donk) Donk, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 1(4): 407 (1961)
Clavulinaceae è una famiglia di funghi basidiomiceti appartenenti all'ordine Cantharellales.
Il genere tipo è Clavulina J. Schröt., altri genere inclusi sono:
Clavulinaceae (Donk) Donk, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 1(4): 407 (1961)
Clavulinaceae è una famiglia di funghi basidiomiceti appartenenti all'ordine Cantharellales.
Goździeńczykowate (Clavulinaceae Donk) – rodzina grzybów znajdująca się w rzędzie pieprznikowców (Cantharellales)[1].
Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Cantharellales, Incertae sedis, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi[1].
Rodzina Clavulinaceae jest zaliczana według "Catalogue of Life: 2009 Annual Checklist" do rzędu Cantharellales i należą do niej rodzaje[2]::
Polskie nazwy na podstawie pracy Władysława Wojewody z 2003 r[3].
Goździeńczykowate (Clavulinaceae Donk) – rodzina grzybów znajdująca się w rzędzie pieprznikowców (Cantharellales).
Clavulinaceae é uma família de fungos pertencente à ordem Cantharellales.[1][2]
Clavulinaceae é uma família de fungos pertencente à ordem Cantharellales.
Клавулиновые (лат. Clavulinaceae) — семейство грибов, входящее в порядок Лисичковых (Cantharellales).
Плодовые тела распростёртые или рогатиковидные, нередко разветвлённые, бледные, буроватые или розоватые, кожистые или довольно мясистые. Гифальная система мономитическая, гифы неокрашенные, тонкостенные, вздутые,с пряжками или без них. У некоторых видов присутствуют цистиды. Базидии дву- или четырёхспоровые, удлинённой формы. Споры эллиптической или шаровидной формы, гладкие, неамилоидные.
Представители семейства образуют микоризу, или же являются сапротрофами.
Клавулиновые (лат. Clavulinaceae) — семейство грибов, входящее в порядок Лисичковых (Cantharellales).