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Macrosiphum (Macrosiphum) euphorbiae (Thomas & C. 1878)

Associations ( 英語 )

由BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK提供
Virus / infection vector
Bearded Iris Mosaic virus is spread by Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Virus / infection vector
Lettuce Mosaic virus is spread by Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Plant / hibernates / on
egg of Macrosiphum euphorbiae overwinters on Rosa

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of Magnoliopsida

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Solanum tuberosum

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Lycopersicon esculentum

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Lactuca sativa

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Aquilegia

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Dianthus caryophyllus garden hybrids

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Pericallis x hybrida

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Callistephus chinensis

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Dendranthema

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Dahlia

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Gladiolus

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Alcea rosea

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Iris

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Lathyrus odoratus

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Fragaria

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Tulipa

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Zantedeschia aethiopica

Foodplant / sap sucker
Macrosiphum euphorbiae sucks sap of live shoot (young) of Zinnia elegans

Virus / infection vector
Narcissus Yellow Stripe virus is spread by Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Virus / infection vector
Tulip Breaking virus is spread by Macrosiphum euphorbiae

BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

The potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae ( 英語 )

由EOL authors提供
The potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae infests over than 200 plant species in more than 20 plant families, including several commercially important crops. M. euphorbiae originated in North America but it has spread to the temperate parts of Europe and Asia and is found in all areas in which potatoes are grown. It has been introduced into Europe in 1917 and infestations occur commonly on potato, beet, cabbage, glasshouse plants (such as lettuce, endive, red pepper, aubergine and cucumber), wild plants and flowers, including silver ragwort (Senecio), Chrysanthemum, dahlia, carnation and pink (Dianthus). M. euphorbiae aphids range from light green, yellowish green to pinkish red greyish-green to pink, spindle-shaped with antennae longer than body and brown on the apical half; its siphunculi are cylindrical and very long; cauda finger-shaped with 8-11 setae. It often has a darker stripe down the centre of its back, especially in immature nymphs. This species has noticeably long legs, and two long siphunculi at the rear end. The potato aphid colonies increase rapidly from early spring onwards and can double in less than 3 days, and 30 to nymphs may produced by each virginopara. It can cause physical damage to foliage resulting in yield loss when populations are high. In lettuce crops small numbers can persist late into autumn and will affect marketability. On the contrary, it is of little importance in the field as a virus vector of potato viruses, even if it can transmit over 50 plant viruses, mainly of the non- persistent variety, but less efficiencly than Myzus persicae. In particular it is known to transmit the potato leaf roll virus, the beet mild yellowing virus, the beet yellows virus and the lettuce mosaic virus. The parthenogenetic females of M. euphorbiae showed a chromosome number of 2n=10.
Mauro Mandrioli
EOL authors

Macrosiphum euphorbiae ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Macrosiphum euphorbiae, the potato aphid, is a sap-sucking pest insect in the family Aphididae. It infests potatoes and a number of other commercially important crops.


Macrosiphum euphorbiae originated in North America but it has spread to the temperate parts of Europe and Asia and is found in all areas in which potatoes are grown.[2]


The wingless female potato aphid is green or occasionally pink, often with a darker dorsal stripe. It has a pear-shaped body reaching about four millimetres long. The antennae are dark at the joints between the segments and are longer than the body. They are set on outward facing tubercles. The legs are longer than in other aphids, pale green but darker at the apices. The siphunculi are pale coloured, cylindrical with dark tips and operculi, and are about one third the length of the body. The tail is sword-shaped and bears 6 to 12 hairs and is much shorter than the siphunculi. The winged female has a uniform darker coloured body and appendages and has a green abdomen. The nymphs are like miniature versions of the adults and go through several moults in the course of about ten days.[3][4]

The green biotype is most often found on the lower, older leaves of potato plants whereas the pink biotype had no such preference. The numerical predominance of the green biotype was greater on older plants.[5]


Female potato aphids overwinter as eggs on weeds, the sprouts of potatoes in storage and on lettuce under glass.[4] They usually emerge in April and begin feeding on perennial weeds, preferring plants in the family Chenopodiaceae. In May or early June, they migrate to potato, cabbage, tomato and others crops where they feed on shoots, the lower side of leaves, buds and flowers, often on the lower parts of the plant. They are highly polyphagous, feeding on over two hundred species in more than twenty plant families, but their preference is for plants in the family Solanaceae.[4] The female produces up to seventy young by parthenogenesis over the course of three to six weeks and there may be ten generations over the summer.[3] The optimum temperature for population increase is 68 °F.[6] When populations build up, winged individuals are produced and fly off to infest new host plants. The production of winged individuals is also dependent on the day length, the temperature, the parent type (winged or wingless) and the generation.[7]

The aphids migrate back to primary hosts in August and overwinter as eggs on weeds. In North America they are heavily parasitized by the braconid wasp Aphidius nigripes, which lays its eggs in the aphid nymphs, and these are eventually killed by the wasp larvae developing inside them.[8]


Various factors influence aphid populations. High temperatures or heavy rainfall may reduce infestations and the numbers are naturally controlled by predators, parasites and pathogens.[9] Some plant varieties are more resistant to attack than others. In a study on tomatoes, it was shown that the aphids preferred smooth to hairy leaves and that susceptible tomato plants had higher sucrose, lower quinic acid and higher alanine and tyrosine levels.[10] In lettuce, butterhead varieties are mostly moderately to highly resistant to the aphid whereas crisphead varieties are susceptible.[11] If numbers of aphids are sufficiently high, chemical control can be attempted using insecticidal soaps. This is not always effective because the aphids usually congregate on the underside of lower leaves where they are difficult to reach with sprays.[12]

Disease spread

A number of virus diseases are spread by Macrosiphum euphorbiae. These include lettuce mosaic virus, bearded iris mosaic virus, narcissus yellow stripe virus, tulip breaking virus,[13] potato leaf roll virus, potato virus Y, beet mild yellowing virus and beet yellows virus.[4]


  1. ^ Crop Protection Compendium Archived 2006-10-04 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ "Crop Knowledge Master". Archived from the original on 2012-03-18. Retrieved 2011-03-26.
  3. ^ a b "AgroAtlas". Archived from the original on 2012-03-10. Retrieved 2011-03-26.
  4. ^ a b c d "Rothamsted Research". Archived from the original on 2012-03-18. Retrieved 2011-03-26.
  5. ^ Wightman J. A. (1972). "Comparison of the Distributions of the Pink and the Green Biotypes of the Potato Aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thos.), on Potato Plants". Plant Pathology. 21 (2): 69–72. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.1972.tb01726.x.
  6. ^ Barlow, C. A. 1962. The Influence of Temperature on the Growth of Experimental Populations of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Macrosiphium euphorbiae (Thomas) (Aphididae). Can. J. Zool. 40: 146-156.
  7. ^ MacGillivray, M. E. and G. B. Anderson. 1964. The Effect of Photoperiod and Temperature on the Production of Gamic and Agamic Forms in Macrosiphium euphorbiae (Thomas). Can. J. Zool. 42: 491-510.
  8. ^ Brodeur, Jacques; Mcneil, Jeremy N. (1994). "Seasonal Ecology of Aphidius nigripes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), a Parasitoid of Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae)". Environmental Entomology. 23 (2): 292–298. doi:10.1093/ee/23.2.292.
  9. ^ Walker, G. P., L. R. Nault, and D.E. Simonet. 1984. Natural Mortality Factors Acting on Potato Aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) Populations in Processing-Tomato Fields in Ohio. Environ. Entomol. 13(3): 724-732.
  10. ^ Quiros, C. F., M. A. Stevens, C. M. Rick, M. L. Kok-Yokomi. 1977. Resistance in Tomato to the Pink Form of the Potato Aphid
  11. ^ Reinink, K and F. L. Dieleman. 1989. Resistance in Lettuce to the Leaf Aphids Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Uroleucon sonchi. Ann. Appl. Biol. 115(3): 489-498.
  12. ^ Koehler, C. S., L. W. Barclay and T. M. Kretchun. 1983. Pests in the Home Garden. California Agriculture. 37(9/10): 11-12.
  13. ^ Encyclopedia of Life
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Macrosiphum euphorbiae: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Macrosiphum euphorbiae, the potato aphid, is a sap-sucking pest insect in the family Aphididae. It infests potatoes and a number of other commercially important crops.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Macrosiphum euphorbiae ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Macrosiphum euphorbiae, el pulgón de las patatas, es una especie de pulgón o áfido, familia Aphididae. Se alimenta de la savia de patatas y otras plantas que son de importancia económica. Es un vector de varios virus de la patata.


Las hembras ápteras son verdes y a veces rosadas, a menudo con una banda dorsal más oscura. Tienen forma de pera llegandoa medir cuatro mm de longitud. Las antenas tienen uniones oscuras entre segmentos y son más largas que el cuerpo. Las patas son más largas que en la mayoría de los áfidos, verdes claras, un poco más oscuras cerca de la terminación. Los cornículos son cilíndricos, de color pálido, con un extremo más oscuro.[2][3]

El biotipo verde es más común en las hojas bajas, más viejas de las plantas de patata, el rosado no demuestra ninguna preferencia. Hay más pulgones verdes en las plantas más viejas.[4]


Las hembras pasan el invierno como huevos, en las plantas.[3]​ Generalmente emergen en abril en el hemisferio norte y comienzan a limentarse en diversas plantas, preferentemente de la familia Chenopodiaceae. En mayo o a principios de junio emigran a las plantas de patata, tomate, repollo u otras cosechas, donde se alimentan de los brotes, el envés de las hojas y de las flores. Hay más de dos centenares de especies de las cuales pueden alimentarse, preferentemente de la familia Solanaceae.[3]

La hembra produce hasta setenta juveniles por partenogénesis en el curso de tres a seis semanas y puede llegar a haber hasta diez generaciones en el curso del verano.[2]​ La temperatura óptima para el crecimiento de las poblaciones es de 20°C.[5]​ Cuando las poblaciones crecen hasta cierto punto se producen ejemplares alados que vuelan en busca de otras plantas huéspedes. La producción de individuos alados depende también del largo del día, la temperatura, el tipo de madre (alada o no) y de la generación.[6]

Los pulgones emigran de regreso a sus huéspedes primarios en agosto (en el hemisferio norte) y pasan el inviernno como huevos en las malezas cercanas. En Norteamérica la avispa bracónida Aphidius nigripes los parasita con frecuencia; pone sus huevos en las ninfas, se alimenta de ellas y termina matándolas.[7]


Macrosiphum euphorbiae se originó en Norteamérica, pero se ha difundido a las regiones templadas de Europa y Asia y se encuentre en todas las zonas donde se cultiva la patata.[8]


  1. Crop Protection Compendium
  2. a b «AgroAtlas». Archivado desde el original el 10 de marzo de 2012. Consultado el 26 de marzo de 2011.
  3. a b c «Rothamsted Research». Archivado desde el original el 18 de marzo de 2012. Consultado el 26 de marzo de 2011.
  4. Wightman J. A. (1972). «Comparison of the Distributions of the Pink and the Green Biotypes of the Potato Aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thos.), on Potato Plants». Plant Pathology 21 (2): 69-72. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.1972.tb01726.x.
  5. Barlow, C. A. 1962. The Influence of Temperature on the Growth of Experimental Populations of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Macrosiphium euphorbiae (Thomas) (Aphididae). Can. J. Zool. 40: 146-156.
  6. MacGillivray, M. E. and G. B. Anderson. 1964. The Effect of Photoperiod and Temperature on the Production of Gamic and Agamic Forms in Macrosiphium euphorbiae (Thomas). Can. J. Zool. 42: 491-510.
  7. Brodeur, Jacques; Mcneil, Jeremy N. (1994). «Seasonal Ecology of Aphidius nigripes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), a Parasitoid of Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae)». Environmental Entomology 23 (2): 292-298. doi:10.1093/ee/23.2.292.
  8. «Crop Knowledge Master». Archivado desde el original el 18 de marzo de 2012. Consultado el 26 de marzo de 2011.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Macrosiphum euphorbiae: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Macrosiphum euphorbiae, el pulgón de las patatas, es una especie de pulgón o áfido, familia Aphididae. Se alimenta de la savia de patatas y otras plantas que son de importancia económica. Es un vector de varios virus de la patata.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Ansarikirva ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Ansarikirva (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) on kirvoihin kuuluva pieni hyönteislaji. Se on kansainvälisesti merkittävä kasvien tuholainen ja luokiteltu myös Suomessa haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Siivettömät yksilöt ovat pitkulaisen päärynänmuotoisia, melko kiiltäviä ja väriltään vihreitä tai vaaleanpunaisia. Vihreillä yksilöillä on selkäpuolella tummanvihreä pitkittäisjuova. Verkkosilmät ovat aina punaiset. Tuntosarvet, raajat, vaharauhasputket ja takaruumiin kärjen cauda ovat pitkät ja vaaleat. Näistä tuntosarvet ja vaharauhasputket tummenevat hieman kärkeä kohti. Lisäksi raajoissa säären kärkiosa on hyvin tumma. Siivelliset yksilöt muistuttavat siivettömiä, mutta tuntosarvet ja vaharauhasputket ovat tummemmat. Keskenkasvuiset yksilöt ovat vaalean, jauhemaisen vahan peittämiä ja niillä on tumma selkäjuova. Ruumiin pituus 2,0–4,0 mm.[1][2]

Kromosomiluku 2n=10.[1]


Ansarikirva on peräisin Pohjois-Amerikasta, mutta levinnyt ihmisen mukana ja on nykyisin levinneisyydeltään kosmopoliittinen. Ensimmäiset kirvat kulkeutuivat Eurooppaan vuonna 1917[1][2]

Elinympäristö ja elintavat

Alkuperäisellä elinalueellaan ansarikirvan primääri-isäntiä ovat ruusut, joilta neitseellisesti lisääntyvät yksilöt siirtyvät myöhemmin moniin eri sekundääri-isäntiin, kunnes kirvat lopulta palaavat ruusuihin lisääntymään suvullisesti ja munimaan. Sen sijaan muualla maailmassa laji lienee täysin anholosyklinen eli lisääntyminen tapahtuu sekundääri-isännillä ja kokonaan neitseellisesti. Ansarikirvan sekundääri-isäntien valikoima on huomattavan laaja ja siihen kuuluu lajeja yli 20 eri kasviheimosta, mukaan lukien monet viljelykasvit kuten peruna, salaatti, juurikkaat, paprikat, kurkut ja erilaiset koristekukat kuten daaliat ja krysanteemit. Laji on erityisen merkittävä tuholainen lämmittämättömissä kasvihuoneissa ja koisokasveille.[1][2][3][4]

Ansarikirvat muodostavat ravintokasvien lehdille tai kukintoihin kirvakolonioita. Yksittäinen kirva elää 10–35 vuorokautta ja tuottaa 30–50 poikasta. Neitseellinen lisääntyminen on tehokasta ja kirvojen määrä voi kaksinkertaistua alle kolmessa vuorokaudessa[3][5]

Kasvinesteiden imeminen heikentää ravintokasvia. Tämän lisäksi ansarikirva levittää lähes 70 kasvien virustautia, joista merkittävä on ainakin perunan Y-virus.[3][4] Suomessa ansarikirva kuuluu haitallisten vieraslajien luetteloon.[6]

Ansarikirvan saalistajia ovat ainakin seuraavat: kaksipistepirkko (Adalia bipunctata), kosteikkopirkko (Anisosticta novemdecimpunctata), Aphidoletes aphidimyza, maakiitäjäiset (Carabidae), Ceraeochrysa cubana, pihaharsokorento (Chrysoperla carnea), Chrysoperla harrisii, Chrysoperla rufilabris, seitsenpistepirkko (Coccinella septempunctata), Coccinella transversoguttata, Dicyphus tamaninii, Episyrphus balteatus, Eupeodes corollae, harlekiinileppäpirkko (Harmonia axyridis), Hippodamia undecimnotata, nummipirkko (Hippodamia variegata), Macrolophus melanotoma eli (Macrolophus caliginosus), Melanostoma fasciatum, Orius insidiosus, Orius sauteri, seinälukki (Phalangium opilio), tarhasysikiitäjäinen (Pterostichus madidus), aitosysikiitäjäinen (Pterostichus melanarius) ja Scymnus apetzi.


Laji on erittäin polyfagi ja se on tavattu yli 200 eri kasvilajilta.[5]


Aiheesta muualla

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Ansarikirva: Brief Summary ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Ansarikirva (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) on kirvoihin kuuluva pieni hyönteislaji. Se on kansainvälisesti merkittävä kasvien tuholainen ja luokiteltu myös Suomessa haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi.

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Macrosiphum euphorbiae ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Puceron vert et rose de la pomme de terre, Puceron vert de la tomate

Macrosiphum euphorbiae (synonyme : Macrosiphum solani), est une espèce d'insectes de l'ordre des hémiptères, de la famille des Aphididae, originaire d'Amérique du Nord. C'est un puceron de grande taille, polyphage et cosmopolite qui est surtout dangereux parce qu'il est le vecteur de maladies à virus.

Noms vernaculaires

Cette espèce est connue en français sous divers noms vernaculaires : puceron vert et rose et de la pomme de terre, puceron à stries vertes de la pomme de terre, puceron vert de la tomate.


Insecte adulte

L'adulte se présente sous deux formes : aptère, la plus fréquente, ou ailée. Il existe des souches de couleur verte et d'autres de couleur rose, d'où le nom vernaculaire en français.

Cycle biologique


Ces pucerons ont pour hôtes diverse plantes potagères (pomme de terre, tomate, pois, haricot, céleri, etc.), ornementales (rosier, iris, dahlia, etc.) ainsi que des plantes sauvages (bourse-à-pasteur)[1]. Ils hivernent sous forme d'œufs sur diverses plantes-hôtes et dans les serres.

La pullulation de ce puceron peut entraîner une sénescence des plantes, mais surtout le puceron vert et rose de la pomme de terre est le vecteur de diverses viroses : virus Y, A et M et virus de l'enroulement.

Moyens de lutte

Notes et références

  1. Wolfgang Radtke et Walter Rieckmann, Maladies et ravageurs de la pomme de terre, éd. Th. Mann-Gelsenkircher-Buer, 1991, (ISBN 3-7862-0090-4), p. 97.

Voir aussi

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Macrosiphum euphorbiae: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Puceron vert et rose de la pomme de terre, Puceron vert de la tomate

Macrosiphum euphorbiae (synonyme : Macrosiphum solani), est une espèce d'insectes de l'ordre des hémiptères, de la famille des Aphididae, originaire d'Amérique du Nord. C'est un puceron de grande taille, polyphage et cosmopolite qui est surtout dangereux parce qu'il est le vecteur de maladies à virus.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Macrosiphum euphorbiae ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

Il Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Macrosiphum euphorbiae Linnaeus, 1758) è un insetto dell'ordine degli Emitteri, appartenente alla famiglia degli Afidi.

Questo afide infetta le patate e altre colture succhiandone la linfa.


Il Macrosiphum euphorbiae è originario del nord America, ma si è diffuso nelle zone temperate dell'Europa e dell'Asia in cui vengono coltivate le patate.[2]


La femmina senza ali è verde e occasionalmente rosa, spesso con una striscia dorsale più scura. Ha un corpo piriforme che raggiunge i 4 millimetri di lunghezza. Le antenne sono scure nelle giunture fra i segmenti e sono più lunghe del corpo, si trovano su tubercoli esteriori. Le loro gambe sono più lunghe rispetto a quelle degli altri afidi, di un verde pallido e nere agli apici. I sipunculi sono di colore chiaro, di forma cilindrica con punte scure e gli opercoli, e sono lunghi circa un terzo del corpo. La coda è a forma di spada e presenta 6 o 12 peli ed è molto più corta dei sipunculi.

La femmina alata ha un colore più scuro uniforme in tutto il corpo, ha appendici e ha l'addome verde. Le larve sono come versioni in miniatura degli adulti e compiono diverse metamorfosi in circa dieci giorni.[3][4] Il biotipo verde si trova più spesso sulle foglie più vecchie e più in basso delle piante di patata, mentre il biotipo rosa non ha tale preferenza, perciò il biotipo verde predomina nelle piante più vecchie.[5]


Le femmine degli afidi delle patate svernano sulle erbacce, sui germogli di patata in giacenza e sulla lattuga in serra. Solitamente escono in aprile e iniziano a nutrirsi di erbe infestanti perenni, in particolare delle piante della famiglia Chenopodiaceae. Durante il mese di maggio o all'inizio di giugno migrano su patate, cavoli, pomodori e su altri ortaggi dove si nutrono di germogli, sul lato inferiore delle foglie, e fiori. Si nutrono di oltre 200 specie di piante diverse, ma preferiscono quelle appartenenti alla famiglia delle Solanaceae.[4] La femmina produce fino a 70 larve grazie alla partenogenesi nel corso di 3-6 settimane e ci possono essere 10 generazioni di figli durante un'estate.[3] La temperatura ottimale per la popolazione di questo animale è di circa 20 °C.[6] La specie è in grado di differenziare individui alati, i quali hanno la capacità di compiere lunghi spostamenti, determinando la diffusione del fitofago. La produzione di individui alati dipende dal fotoperiodo, dalla temperatura, dal genotipo paterno (alato o senz'ali) e dalla generazione.[7]


  1. ^ Crop Protection Compendium, su cabicompendium.org (archiviato dall'url originale il 4 ottobre 2006).
  2. ^ Crop Knowledge Master, su extento.hawaii.edu. URL consultato il 22 settembre 2012 (archiviato dall'url originale il 18 marzo 2012).
  3. ^ a b AgroAtlas, su agroatlas.ru. URL consultato il 22 settembre 2012 (archiviato dall'url originale il 10 marzo 2012).
  4. ^ a b Rothamsted Research, su rothamsted.ac.uk. URL consultato il 22 settembre 2012 (archiviato dall'url originale il 18 marzo 2012).
  5. ^ Comparison of the Distributions of the Pink and the Green Biotypes of the Potato Aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thos.), on Potato Plants, su onlinelibrary.wiley.com. URL consultato il 22 settembre 2012 (archiviato dall'url originale il 2 novembre 2012).
  6. ^ Barlow, C. A. 1962. The Influence of Temperature on the Growth of Experimental Populations of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Macrosiphium euphorbiae (Thomas) (Aphididae). Can. J. Zool. 40: 146-156.
  7. ^ MacGillivray, M. E. and G. B. Anderson. 1964. The Effect of Photoperiod and Temperature on the Production of Gamic and Agamic Forms in Macrosiphium euphorbiae (Thomas). Can. J. Zool. 42: 491-510.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Macrosiphum euphorbiae: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

Il Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Macrosiphum euphorbiae Linnaeus, 1758) è un insetto dell'ordine degli Emitteri, appartenente alla famiglia degli Afidi.

Questo afide infetta le patate e altre colture succhiandone la linfa.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Pulgão-da-batata ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Macrosiphum euphorbiae é um afídeo conhecido pelos nomes pulgão-das-solanáceas, pulgão-da-batata, pulgão-verde-da-batata, pulgão-verde-escuro, pulgão-grande-da-batatinha (com as versões afídio, afídeo e piolho, em vez de pulgão). São pragas importantes na cultura da batata e da alface (estufa ou ar livre). As formas adultas, ápteras, medem de 1,7 a 3,6 mm com corpo piriforme e caracterizam-se pelos seus membros invulgarmente longos, o mesmo acontecendo com os sifúnculos e a cauda. A sua coloração vai do verde claro ao vermelho rosado. Por vezes têm uma lista escura no centro do dorso, especialmente entre as ninfas imaturas. As formas aladas medem de 1,7 a 3,4 mm de comprimento e com uma lista centro-dorsal menos acentuada. As antenas e sifúnculos são mais pálidos que nas formas ápteras.

Costumam sobreviver ao inverno utilizando vários meios: pondo ovos em plantas do género Rosa, estagiando em diversas ervas e rebentos de batata (por exemplo, em armazéns) bem como em alfaces de estufa. Entre Maio e Junho, as formas aladas migram para batateiras e outras culturas. É, de facto, uma espécie altamente polífaga, alimentando-se de mais de 200 espécies de 20 famílias botânicas distintas, ainda que prefiram as solanáceas, como se depreende dos seus nomes vernáculos. Se o seu número aumentar muito, pode ocorrer uma segunda migração em Julho. No Outono, as migrações são pouco relevantes.

Podem transmitir cerca de 50 vírus de plantas, mas com menor gravidade que os afídios da espécie Myzus persicae.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT