
Broad-scale Impacts of Fire ( 英語 )

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More info for the term: prescribed burn

Great laurel has been described as "fire-intolerant" [14] and as having intermediate to high fire tolerance [75].

Stems less than 2 inches (5 cm) DBH are more susceptible to fire than larger stems. A North Carolina prescribed burn resulted in 70% of stems less than 1.0 inch top-killed, but only 5% of stems over 3.0 inches died [56].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Common Names ( 英語 )

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great laurel

great rhododendron
white laurel
Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Conservation Status ( 英語 )

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Information on state-level protected status of plants in the United States is available at Plants Database.
Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Description ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: root crown, seed, shrub, tree

This description provides characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology, and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available (e.g., [44,92,108]).

Great laurel is an evergreen shrub or small tree [24,92,105,109,121] that grows up to 40 feet (12 m) tall [15,18,44,63,72,84,90,99,105,108,109,121,127] and 25 feet (7.5 m) wide [72]. Mature height depends on climate and varies from 3 feet (1 m) in the colder northeast to 40 feet in the southeast [66,106]. Growth form often exhibits a crooked trunk [15] reaching 1 foot (0.3 m) in diameter [18,90,99,108,121] and heavy, contorted branches [15]. Multiple stems grow from a large root crown, and individual stems may reach 100 years old [90].

Great laurel's thick, leathery leaves are oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic, 3 to 14 inches (8-35 cm) long and 0.8 to 3 inches (2-8 cm) wide [15,18,44,72,86,92,108,109]. In cold temperatures or during droughts, great laurel leaves roll up around the axis of the leaf [15,109]. Leaves are retained for up to 8 years, and once shed, are slow to decompose [18]. Great laurel leaf area has been positively correlated to the likelihood of flowering, with the probability of flowering greatest for younger shoots (≤ 2 years) [23]. The rose to white colored flowers of great laurel are numerous, 1.5 inches (3.5 cm) wide, and borne in an umbel-like inflorescence [15,44,66]. Great laurel fruits are oblong capsules that split along the sides soon after ripening to release large numbers of seed (approximately 400 seeds per capsule) [18,97]. Seeds are 1.5 to 2 mm long [92].

Stand Structure: The predominant growth form of great laurel is a dense thicket that excludes nearly all other plants under its closed crown [26,57,62,63,77,90]. Here great laurel can achieve greater than 80% coverage [90]. These thickets grow 10 to 23 feet (3-7 m) tall [10,84,108], and may form an almost unbroken shrub stratum. In one study, great laurel attained an average height of 8 to 10 feet (2.5-3 m) with nearly impenetrable, low-branching woody growth [2].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Distribution ( 英語 )

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Great laurel occurs throughout much of eastern and southeastern North America, from Nova Scotia and southern Ontario south to Georgia and west to Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama [11,15,44,71,92,105,108,126]. It is especially common in the eastern mountains of the United States [11,44,84,86]. It is rare in Maine [31,73]. In Massachusetts great laurel is "local", occurring in very few places though populations may be large where they do occur, and is vulnerable to depletion due to collection and/or habitat destruction [21].

Plants Database provides a distributional map of great laurel.

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Fire Ecology ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: fire exclusion, fire regime, forest, hardwood, heath, layering, low-severity fire, natural, potential natural vegetation, potential natural vegetation group, presence, root crown, woodland, xeric

Fire adaptations: Great laurel typically survives fire by sprouting from the root crown or stump [56,75,98].

FIRE REGIMES: Woodland and forest communities in which great laurel occurs have a range of FIRE REGIMES including replacement, mixed-severity, and surface fires (see the fire regime table below). Most fires in these regimes are of low or mixed-severity, particularly in the Southern Appalachian and Southeastern regions. Fire intervals are wide-ranging, with low-severity fires averaging 4-year intervals in some communities to 100 or 1,000 years in other communities. Fires of mixed-severity and stand-replacing fires are much less frequent. Great laurel is well-adapted to these predominantly low-severity FIRE REGIMES, with its ability to survive fire through sprouting [56,75,98] and spread into canopy openings through stem layering and suppression of other species (for more discussion of these characteristics, see Successional Status and Other Management Considerations). In the southern Appalachians, where great laurel is likely to form dense, pure understories, fires are neither severe enough or frequent enough to eliminate great laurel. Fire exclusion in the southern Appalachians has contributed to the spread of great laurel [96]. Though occasional fires serve to increase the vigor of great laurel populations, annual intense burning over extended periods, as was historically common in many Appalachian forests, resulted in the eventual elimination of great laurel from many areas [90]. Baker and Van Lear [4] speculate that historic fires top-killed great laurel, allowing other species to grow ahead of its sprouting, and frequent fires during the growing season could have completely killed individual stems.

Great laurel is also well-adapted to FIRE REGIMES with a high proportion of stand-replacing fires. If present in a community, great laurel is effective at colonizing canopy gaps and maintaining an understory presence. Following large-scale stand-replacement events, great laurel often sprouts and forms dense thickets where reestablishment of overstory species is substantially reduced. Great laurel often dominates xeric coniferous heathlands in the southern Appalachians, a vegetation type that is maintained in part by fire [77]. Heath balds likely represent secondary successional communities following disturbance, especially fire in extreme exposure sites [77]. Once established, heath balds can also be considered topographic climaxes, with exposure producing microclimate and edaphic conditions to maintain them [77,120].

The following table provides fire regime information that may be relevant to great laurel. Find further fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".

Fire regime information on vegetation communities in which great laurel may occur. For each community, fire regime characteristics are taken from the LANDFIRE Rapid Assessment Vegetation Models [65]. These vegetation models were developed by local experts using available literature, local data, and/or expert opinion as documented in the PDF file linked from each Potential Natural Vegetation Group listed below. Cells are blank where information is not available in the Rapid Assessment Vegetation Model. Great Lakes Northeast Southern Appalachians Southeast Great Lakes Vegetation Community (Potential Natural Vegetation Group) Fire severity* Fire regime characteristics Percent of fires Mean interval
(years) Minimum interval
(years) Maximum interval
(years) Great Lakes Forested Northern hardwood maple-beech-eastern hemlock Replacement 60% >1,000     Mixed 40% >1,000     Oak-hickory Replacement 13% 66 1   Mixed 11% 77 5   Surface or low 76% 11 2 25 Northeast Vegetation Community (Potential Natural Vegetation Group) Fire severity* Fire regime characteristics Percent of fires Mean interval
(years) Minimum interval
(years) Maximum interval
(years) Northeast Woodland Eastern woodland mosaic Replacement 2% 200 100 300 Mixed 9% 40 20 60 Surface or low 89% 4 1 7 Rocky outcrop pine (Northeast) Replacement 16% 128     Mixed 32% 65     Surface or low 52% 40     Pine barrens Replacement 10% 78     Mixed 25% 32     Surface or low 65% 12     Oak-pine (eastern dry-xeric) Replacement 4% 185     Mixed 7% 110     Surface or low 90% 8     Northeast Forested Northern hardwoods (Northeast) Replacement 39% >1,000     Mixed 61% 650     Eastern white pine-northern hardwoods Replacement 72% 475     Surface or low 28% >1,000     Northern hardwoods-eastern hemlock Replacement 50% >1,000     Surface or low 50% >1,000     Northern hardwoods-spruce Replacement 100% >1,000 400 >1,000 Appalachian oak forest (dry-mesic) Replacement 2% 625 500 >1,000 Mixed 6% 250 200 500 Surface or low 92% 15 7 26 Northeast spruce-fir forest Replacement 100% 265 150 300 Southeastern red spruce-Fraser fir Replacement 100% 500 300 >1,000 Southern Appalachians Vegetation Community (Potential Natural Vegetation Group) Fire severity* Fire regime characteristics Percent of fires Mean interval
(years) Minimum interval
(years) Maximum interval
(years) Southern Appalachians Woodland Appalachian shortleaf pine Replacement 4% 125     Mixed 4% 155     Surface or low 92% 6     Table Mountain-pitch pine Replacement 5% 100     Mixed 3% 160     Surface or low 92% 5     Southern Appalachians Forested Bottomland hardwood forest Replacement 25% 435 200 >1,000 Mixed 24% 455 150 500 Surface or low 51% 210 50 250 Mixed mesophytic hardwood Replacement 11% 665     Mixed 10% 715     Surface or low 79% 90     Appalachian oak-hickory-pine Replacement 3% 180 30 500 Mixed 8% 65 15 150 Surface or low 89% 6 3 10 Eastern hemlock-eastern white pine-hardwood Replacement 17% >1,000 500 >1,000 Surface or low 83% 210 100 >1,000 Oak (eastern dry-xeric) Replacement 6% 128 50   Mixed 16% 50 20   Surface or low 78% 10 1 10 Appalachian Virginia pine Replacement 20% 110 25 125 Mixed 15% 145     Surface or low 64% 35 10 40 Appalachian oak forest (dry-mesic) Replacement 6% 220     Mixed 15% 90     Surface or low 79% 17     Southern Appalachian high-elevation forest Replacement 59% 525     Mixed 41% 770     Southeast Vegetation Community (Potential Natural Vegetation Group) Fire severity* Fire regime characteristics Percent of fires Mean interval
(years) Minimum interval
(years) Maximum interval
(years) Southeast Woodland Longleaf pine/bluestem Replacement 3% 130     Surface or low 97% 4 1 5 Longleaf pine (mesic uplands) Replacement 3% 110 40 200 Surface or low 97% 3 1 5 Longleaf pine-Sandhills prairie Replacement 3% 130 25 500 Surface or low 97% 4 1 10 Pond pine Replacement 64% 7 5 500 Mixed 25% 18 8 150 Surface or low 10% 43 2 50 Atlantic wet pine savanna Replacement 4% 100     Mixed 2% 175     Surface or low 94% 4      Southeast Forested Coastal Plain pine-oak-hickory Replacement 4% 200     Mixed 7% 100       Surface or low 89% 8     Atlantic white-cedar forest Replacement 34% 200 25 350 Mixed 8% 900 20 900 Surface or low 59% 115 10 500 Loess bluff and plain forest Replacement 7% 476     Mixed 9% 385     Surface or low 85% 39     *Fire Severities: Replacement=Any fire that causes greater than 75% top removal of a vegetation-fuel type, resulting in general replacement of existing vegetation; may or may not cause a lethal effect on the plants.
Mixed=Any fire burning more than 5% of an area that does not qualify as a replacement, surface, or low-severity fire; includes mosaic and other fires that are intermediate in effects.
Surface or low=Any fire that causes less than 25% upper layer replacement and/or removal in a vegetation-fuel class but burns 5% or more of the area [50,64].
Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Fire Management Considerations ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: basal area, density, fire exclusion, fire use, forest, frequency, prescribed burn, prescribed fire, top-kill, tree

Great laurel has increased in the Appalachian Mountains due to fire exclusion [75,95]. Historically, great laurel occurred primarily in riparian zones, but fire exclusion and the cessation of fire use as a management tool in the 20th century, combined with other factors, allowed great laurel to expand into other areas under some conditions. For more information on the expansion of great laurel, see Other Management Considerations. Baker and Van Lear [4] speculate that, historically, fires in forests of the southern Appalachians may have top-killed great laurel and allowed other species to grow ahead of its sprouting, while frequent fire could have completely killed individual stems.

Great laurel has been described as a "serious woody weed" in the southeastern United States [37]. Prescribed fire has been used to control great laurel with limited success [18]. A fall prescribed burn to control great laurel on the Bent Creek Experimental Forest in North Carolina found that some shoots survived fire and vigorous sprouting occurred the following spring. The sprouts were "very susceptible" to herbicide applications in the second postfire growing season, with nearly 100% top-kill achieved [98].

A spring prescribed burn conducted in a dry, mixed-oak (Quercus spp.) community type at Wine Spring Creek Watershed, North Carolina reduced frequency of great laurel but had little effect on density (see table below) [36]. More information on this prescribed fire and postfire response of plant community species can be found in the Research Project Summary Early postfire effects of a prescribed fire in the southern Appalachians of North Carolina.

Great laurel abundance before and after prescribed fire (April 1995) at Wine Spring Creek watershed, North Carolina [36]

  Pre-burn (July 1994) Postfire year 1 (July 1995) Frequency (%) 22 11 Density (stems/ha) 1,605 1,358 Average basal area (m²/ha) 7.231 7.789

If fire is used to control great laurel, desired tree seedlings should be planted immediately in patches with complete top-kill to overcome vigorous great laurel sprouting [90].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification) ( 英語 )

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More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: geophyte, phanerophyte

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Habitat characteristics ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: fitness, herbaceous, layering, litter, mesic, xeric

Great laurel occurs beneath a variety of canopy types, both evergreen and deciduous, predominantly along stream complexes and adjacent slopes and coves [84,86]. Great laurel occupies a variety of mesic sites [26,127], including lakeshores [5], stream banks [72,92,126], cool acid swamps [63,109], and moist or wet wooded areas [44,72,88,92,103,108,121,126]. It is found in Appalachian bogs, montane floodplains, and high elevation (>3000 ft) seepage swamps [28,39]. Great laurel is a facultative species, strongly associated with groundwater [48]. Preferred habitat is a sheltered mountain cove, along a stream to insure an abundance of both soil moisture and atmospheric humidity, though good aeration is also necessary [90,99]. Though historically confined to riparian areas and other mesic sites, great laurel takes advantage of disturbed areas where it is present to advance onto submesic, subxeric, or even xeric sites and rock outcrops [18,90,120,121]. It grows in valley bottoms and on north-facing slopes [33,70,105], expanding along watercourses and the peripheries of existing great laurel patches [33,105].

Great laurel is shade tolerant, generally occurring on sites with medium to dense shade receiving little direct sunlight [90,105]. Optimum site condition is medium shade produced by a high canopy [90]. Great laurel growth is inhibited both by high irradiance and by low water availability [69,70,105]. These factors limit growth of great laurel on southwestern slopes [69]. Twig elongation in low, moist, sunny sites is 25% to 30% greater than on dry, exposed sites at higher elevations. The mesic sites produce 50% to 100% more leaves and the mean weights of these leaves are 25% to 100% greater than on xeric sites [78]. In a southern Appalachian study at Coweeta Hydrological Laboratory, North Carolina, great laurel understory with >70% coverage was common in valley bottoms and north-facing slopes, while a mix of great laurel and mountain-laurel was common on south-facing slopes and along mid-elevation slopes. Mountain-laurel occurrred in greater numbers with increasing distance from streams [33].

Soils: Great laurel prefers deep, well-drained, acidic soils (pH 3.55 to 5.6) [18,26,30,72,77,90,97,105,105,123] high in organic matter, where the litter produces a thick, peat-like humus [18,99]. In xeric heathlands, it is also found on nutrient poor soils [77]. Ectomycorrhizal associations improve great laurel fitness in nutrient-poor, acidic soils where availability of soluble inorganic nutrients is likely to be low. In particular, these associations improve phosphorus uptake [32]. Great laurel is generally unable to colonize high pH soils; establishment of seedlings and layering of branches is potentially inhibited where pH is >6.0 [12].

Great laurel leaves and roots are rich in phenolics and other organic compounds. According to an eastern Kentucky study of single-tree influence on soil properties, the release of these compounds through decomposition "results in intensified leaching and acidification of soil, and may interfere with mineral soil retention of basic cations liberated from decomposing organic matter". By reducing pH on sites where they are established, great laurel thickets prevent herbaceous growth and establish stable boundaries over time [12].

Elevation and Aspect: Great laurel occurs from sea level to 6,000 feet (1,830 m) [4,40,66,72,92,99,120]. Slope aspect is generally more important in great laurel success than topography [99], with better development found on north-facing slopes [33,70,105]. Great laurel is also present, however, on east, west, and dry southern exposures [127].

Climate: Great laurel generally prefers cool, humid climates with annual precipitation >79 inches (2,000 mm) [122]. Great laurel thickets maintain a favorable microclimate by reducing summer temperatures, excluding desiccating winter winds, moderating cold temperatures, and increasing relative humidity [90]. Arora and others [3] report that great laurel is generally cold-hardy to -62 °F (-52 °C). Sakai and others [101] offer the following limits for specific plant tissues: flower buds are cold hardy to -16.6 °F (-27 °C); xylem to -31 °F (-35 °C); and leaf, vegetative bud, and cortex to -76 °F (-60 °C).

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Immediate Effect of Fire ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: high-severity fire, wildfire

Great laurel is top-killed by fire [4,14,56,98,100] and may be killed by high-severity fire [43] or repeated burning during long drought periods [4]. A study of wildfire effects on acidic cove forests in North Carolina that were dominated by eastern hemlock and great laurel found that great laurel suffered high mortality following severe fire [94].
Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Importance to Livestock and Wildlife ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: cover, forest, fresh, hardwood, litter

Great laurel is browsed by white-tailed deer [22,42,51,74,99,109], primarily in fall and winter [60,97,99]. Ruffed grouse [97,99], wild turkeys [47,99], and sharp-tailed grouse eat the buds and leaves [74,99]. Beavers browse great laurel twigs [74]; small mammals, including the white-footed mouse and Allegheny wood rat, eat the leaves [74,97]; and rabbits eat the bark, young wood, leaves, and buds [99].

Great laurel is poisonous to horses, causing labored breathing, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and death [38].

Palatability/nutritional value: The following tables describe great laurel nutrient levels. The first is based on plant structure; the second table is based on leaf age.

Great laurel nutrient levels (kg/ha), Southern Appalachian hardwood forest [27,76]

Structure N P K Ca Mg Bark --- --- 1.22 3.71 0.13 Wood --- --- 8.38 4.11 0.47 Twigs 0.24 0.01 0.37 0.24 0.04 Leaves 14.47 1.51 6.02 13.92 2.21

Great laurel leaf nutrient levels (% dry weight), Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina [78]

Leaf age N P K Ca Mg 1 month 1.60 0.17 1.34 0.36 0.17 6 months 1.05 0.16 0.87 1.00 0.29 2 years 0.93 0.13 0.41 1.20 0.20 3 years 0.86 0.12 0.35 1.30 0.21 4 years 0.88 0.12 0.34 1.40 0.16 5 years 0.99 0.13 0.47 1.40 0.14 >5 years 0.95 0.14 0.54 1.10 0.17 Fresh litter 0.48 0.10 0.19 1.50 0.19

Cover value: Great laurel provides valuable winter and escape cover for white-tailed deer, eastern cottontail, black bear, snowshoe hare, ruffed grouse, wild turkey, and many songbirds [18,90,97]. Dense thickets of great laurel provide den sites, daybeds, and escape cover for black bears [118].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Key Plant Community Associations ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: bog, fern, forest, heath, shrub, shrubs, swamp, xeric

Great laurel is an important species in several eastern plant communities, most
notably southern Appalachian forest communities where it occurs as an understory
dominant on millions of acres [18]. It often occurs as a dominant shrub in Table
Mountain pine (Pinus pungens) and pitch pine (P. rigida) forests
[29,77], xeric coniferous heathlands [77], mixed heath balds [77,122,127], chestnut oak
(Quercus prinus) forests and heaths [77,122], lower elevations of the
southern Appalachian spruce zone (red spruce (Picea rubens)) [1,62], and scarlet
oak-red maple forests (Q. coccinea-Acer rubrum) [77]. It is also a dominant
shrub in mixed mesophytic forests [15], particularly eastern hemlock (Tsuga
canadensis) [57,77,88] and oak-hickory (Quercus spp.-Carya
spp.) forests (formerly oak-American chestnut (Castanea dentata))
[15,77,83,127]. Great laurel is common in northern red oak-white oak
forests (Q. rubra-Q. alba) [16] and northern red oak-yellow-poplar
(Liriodendron tulipifera)-chestnut oak forests [77]. Great laurel
is commonly associated with mountain-laurel (Kalmia latifolia) [26,127];
together these are the 2 most typical and frequent shrubs of the southern Appalachian
forest [26].

Though great laurel often occurs as a component in various mixed shrub
associations and in the understory of Appalachian forest types, the predominant
growth form is that of a dense thicket in which crown closure has occurred and
nearly all other herbs, shrubs, and trees have been excluded [26,57,62,63,77,90].
Here great laurel can achieve greater than 80% coverage [90]. For more information
on great laurel thickets see Stand Structure.

Plant communities where great laurel is a dominant species are
described by state as follows:

North Carolina:

  • heath balds
  • northern red oak forests
  • mixed northern hardwoods (American beech (Fagus grandifolia), yellow birch (Betula
    alleghaniensis), yellow buckeye (Aesculus flava))
  • acidic cove forests (yellow-poplar, sweet birch (B. lenta), yellow birch, eastern hemlock,
    red maple, northern red oak)
  • eastern hemlock forests
  • pine-oak heath (Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana), Table Mountain pine, pitch pine, scarlet oak)
  • chestnut oak forest (oak, hickory, Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana), black tupelo (Nyssa
    sylvatica), red maple, pine (Pinus spp.), yellow-poplar)
  • great laurel montane acidic cliff communities
  • piedmont/coastal plain heath buff
  • swamp forest-bog complex (eastern hemlock, red maple, red spruce)
  • southern Appalachian bog communities [102]


  • eastern hemlock-great laurel community type [129]


  • Piedmont/coastal plain-oak-beach/heath community
  • Mountain/Piedmont acidic cliffs [40]

West Virginia:

  • swamp forests - red spruce/great laurel/bristly dewberry (Rubus hispidus)/sphagnum (Sphagnum
    affine) plant community
  • eastern hemlock/great laurel/bog goldenrod-cinnamon fern (Solidago uliginosa-Osmunda
    cinnamomea)/mixed sphagnum (Sphagnum spp.) plant community
  • eastern hemlock-yellow birch/great laurel/mixed herbs/mixed sphagnum plant community [116]

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Life Form ( 英語 )

由Fire Effects Information System Plants提供
More info for the terms: shrub, tree

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Management considerations ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: allelopathy, basal area, competition, cover, density, forest, formation, frequency, hardwood, herbaceous, litter, presence, seed, shrub, shrubs, species richness, succession, tree

Great laurel has been described as a "serious woody weed" in the southeastern
United States [37]. As great laurel increases its range and understory abundance in southern
Appalachian forests, it may reduce species richness, limit advanced regeneration
of overstory tree species, and change successional patterns [4,18,52,81,85].
Several studies in the southern Appalachian region have documented that
great laurel inhibits recruitment of canopy tree seedlings and may reduce the growth
of mature canopy trees [7,9,10,17,81,83]. Studies at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory
found great laurel thickets significantly decreased (P=0.051) seedling
survival of yellow-poplar, red maple, and northern red oak [7]. Red maple seedlings
beneath great laurel were 0.41 times less likely to survive as seedlings in areas
without the shrub [9], and seedling survival of northern red oak was reduced 40% in the
presence of a great laurel thicket compared to forest without thickets [81]. Great laurel can
substantially or completely eliminate midstory and overstory species in riparian forests [4]. A
riparian ecosystem study of the Wine Spring Creek watershed, North Carolina found that
species richness and percent cover in the regeneration layer were inversely
related to great laurel thicket density. On average, 6 species were found on
plots with high great laurel stem density (7,950-17,400 stems/ha) compared to 26
species present on plots with low great laurel stem density (0-2,600 stems/ha).
The regeneration layer was dominated by great laurel with only a few trees
present (eastern hemlock, red maple, yellow birch, northern red oak, American
beech). Both woody and herbaceous species regenerated poorly under the thicket
canopy [4]. A study of southern Appalachian riparian areas previously dominated by American
chestnut found that vegetative diversity and eastern hemlock regeneration were greatly reduced
on sites where great laurel was present [115].

Great laurel's inhibition of canopy tree regeneration may cause incomplete or slowed
succession [86]. Possible sources of inhibition include allelopathy, competition for
resources including light, physical and chemical attributes of the forest floor and soil,
and interactions between some or all sources [13,18,81,85,111]. Seedling mortality of
transplanted first-year oak seedlings (northern red oak, chestnut oak) at Coweeta was
positively correlated with great laurel basal area, soil aluminum, and leaf herbivory.
Oak seedling biomass and tissue C:N ratios were negatively correlated with great
laurel basal area. The results indicate tree seedling establishment and growth
are limited by shade beneath great laurel, and suggest the potential importance of
herbivory and aluminum toxicity in great laurel thickets [10]. Another Coweeta
investigation found that great laurel had no significant effect on canopy tree species
(red maple, yellow-poplar, northern red oak, chestnut oak, hickory) seed reaching the
forest floor. Germination of tree seeds was also not reduced by leaves and substrates
in the great laurel thicket. Seedling mortality, however, was 5 times higher in great
laurel thickets than outside the thickets. Tree seedlings under great laurel were not
nitrogen limited, and lack of tree seedling success was therefore attributed to light
limitation, herbivory, and litter fall [68]. The effects of light limitation and great
laurel litter characteristics are discussed in more detail below.

Light attenuation: Other studies have also demonstrated the effects of
great laurel on species richness, species diversity, and seedling regeneration. A study
of canopy gaps at Coweeta found that the presence of great laurel affected these variables
more than gaps did, reducing species richness and diversity and seedling establishment.
Weak recruitment was attributed to both low seed availability and competition with the
great laurel shrub understory, largely due to the attenuation of light. Outside the
great laurel understory, gap formation increased light levels 2-fold; beneath great
laurel light levels did not increase following gap formation [8]. Most seedling inhibition
by great laurel occurs after emergence and is attributed to substantially reduced
light (50-80%) where great laurel thickets are present, compared to hardwood forest
understory without shrubs [83]. Clinton [17] studied great laurel subcanopies at Coweeta
Hydrologic Laboratory and found light levels were 77% lower during the growing season
and 70% lower in the dormant season in areas with great laurel compared to areas without.
During the growing season, light levels beneath great laurel were <2% of full sun.
These low-light environments are extremely limiting to regeneration of hardwood species
[17]. Another North Carolina study found that the presence of a great laurel thicket
reduced the availability of light by 80%, the frequency and duration of sunflecks
(sudden, short-term increases in light intensity) by 96%, the availability of
water by 20%, and the availability of several soil nutrients by variable amounts
[81]. Additional studies have demonstrated that while great laurel reduces light
sufficiently to prevent the regeneration of tree seedlings such as northern red oak
and black cherry (Prunus serotina), there is enough heterogeneity in the
light to suggest that the deep shade only partially explains the complete
inhibition of regenerating canopy trees under great laurel [67].

Litter characteristics: Inhibition of canopy tree seedlings is
exacerbated by competition for soil water, nitrogen, and phosphorus [83],
thick accumulations of litter, potential loss of mycorrhizal benefits, and
inhibition of soil fauna.

Great laurel litter is slow to decompose [13,111], and the thick litter may
inhibit tree seedling establishment [8]. One study of plant litter at Coweeta Hydrologic
Laboratory compared great laurel litter to that of yellow-poplar and chestnut oak and found
significantly more (α=0.05) great laurel litter mass retained after 1 year [58]. When
newly germinated tree seedlings were found in a Southern Appalachian great laurel understory,
they preferentially occurred in microsites with mineral soil, suggesting that great laurel
litter suppresses seedling recruitment [8]. However, other studies have found that leachates
from great laurel leaves, litter, humus, or throughfall had no ecologically significant
toxicity [83], and alleopathic effect is not an important inhibitor of black cherry or
northern red oak seedling survival in great laurel thickets [85]. Allelochemicals in great
laurel litter can depress growth of some ectomycorrhizal species and reduce soil nutrient
availability, therefore indirectly reducing canopy tree seedling survival [85].
A Coweeta-based study found great laurel on study plots reduced mycorrhizal colonization of
eastern hemlock seedlings after the first year; results showed 62% colonization on
plots without great laurel compared to 19% on plots with great laurel present [117].

Hoover and Crossley [58] demonstrated that microarthropod abundance was significantly
lower (α=0.05) in great laurel litter than in yellow-poplar and chestnut oak litter.
Great laurel litter also depresses earthworm activity [13,111]. A study done in Kentucky
found significantly fewer (P<0.01) earthworms in the mineral soil under both eastern
hemlock and yellow-poplar trees with a great laurel understory than under the same tree species
without a great laurel understory [13]. The authors hypothesized that the lower earthworm
density is likely due to phenolics or other chemicals leached from great laurel litter,
foliage, and roots [13]. Slow decomposition and reduced soil fauna facilitate the
development of a thick forest floor which may give competitive advantage to great laurel
seedlings over other understory vegetation [13,111].

Due to great laurel's preference for low pH soils, efforts at control have included
the addition of of limestone to increase soil pH. However, over 5 years, limestone applications
did not change pH below 1-inch (2.5 cm) depths and had no effect on great laurel growth
[30]. Sprouts may be suppressed with 2,4-D [35,104,128], and the use of surfactants may
improve foliar herbicide uptake and efficiency [37]. Picloram may also be useful in
controlling great laurel [80].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Phenology ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: cohort, fruit, seed, tree

Great laurel produces 1 annual leaf cohort [84] in a growth period that begins in early May [76,76,78]. The flowering period of great laurel varies from late May in the southern parts of its range to August in the northern areas [18,44,66,72,86,92,97,103,106,108,123,126], beginning when approximately 60% of current twig growth is complete [76,78]. Twig growth continues until late summer, when the enlargement of flower buds in August terminates the growing season [76,78]. Fruit develops in September and October [92], with seed fall in November [99].

Leaf mortality occurs during late August and September [84]. Abscission begins in late August, but senescent leaves may remain on great laurel through November [78,86]. In an Appalachian study of great laurel, leaf mortality was primarily due to senescence (as opposed to herbivory or pathogens) [84]. Leaves can remain on great laurel for 7 or 8 years [18,27,76,78,86] under a tree canopy; however, at Virginia study sites where the overstory was absent, leaf survivorship decreased to zero after 3 years. Leaf survivorship is greater in low light environments [84,86] because great laurel chloroplasts are rapidly damaged in high light environments [82,84,86]. Decreased irradiance also results in decreased shoot growth, earlier initiation and cessation of annual growth, and reduced woody biomass in relationship to leaf area [86].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Plant Response to Fire ( 英語 )

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More info for the term: prescribed burn

Great laurel typically sprouts vigorously after the aboveground portions are killed by fire [56,75,98]. A fall prescribed burn in North Carolina top-killed 70% of great laurel less than 1inch (2.5 cm) DBH, but 17 months after the burn, nearly all the top-killed great laurel had sprouted [56].
Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Post-fire Regeneration ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: adventitious, ground residual colonizer, root crown, shrub

Tall shrub, adventitious buds and/or a sprouting root crown
Ground residual colonizer (on site, initial community)
Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Regeneration Processes ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: capsule, density, forest, layering, litter, monoecious, natural, seed, stratification

Great laurel reproduces primarily through layering, root sprouting, or stump sprouting, and occasionally by seed when conditions are conducive [96,109]. Despite its shade tolerance, any great laurel regeneration, whether by seed or vegetative growth, requires openings in the canopy before thickets can form or increase in size [91]. Site requirements under which great laurel can reproduce are often quite restrictive; reproduction and colonization by seed often occurs in very scattered patches [90]. An abundance of seedlings has been linked to drier great laurel thickets with more open canopies, while thickets with wetter conditions and denser canopies produce very few seedlings but exhibit profuse layering [44,91,103].

Pollination: Great laurel is insect-pollinated [99].

Breeding system: Romancier [98] reports some evidence of self-pollination in great laurel, implying it is at least sometimes monoecious.

Seed production: Great laurel seeds are produced in capsules, each containing 300 to 400 seeds 1/32 inch long [109]. One study found that a great laurel thicket produced an average of 300 seeds per square foot [99].

Some authors [76,78,123] have observed that only twigs receiving full sunlight flower.

Seed dispersal: Great laurel seeds are dispersed passively or by wind [55,97,109].

Seed banking: Reports of great laurel seed banks are inconclusive. Romancier [99] states that great laurel "seed viability may persist for several years under normal forest conditions". A study of low- to mid-elevation slopes at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in North Carolina found some evidence of great laurel seed banking, though a persistent seed bank could not be unequivocally determined [55]. A study of riparian forest (dominated by black cherry (Prunus serotina), red maple, sugar maple (A. sacharum), and American beech) seed banking on the Allegheny Plateau, Pennsylvania found no evidence of great laurel seed banks [49].

Germination: Great laurel requires moist, partially shaded areas for germination and growth [97,109]. However, because some light is required for germination, the dense shade and thick litter layer that typically develops beneath mature great laurel is an effective physical barrier to seedling establishment [90,99]. No stratification is required for great laurel germination; seeds can germinate as soon as they are released from the capsule [99]. Germination rates range from 75% to 90% [96].

Seedling establishment/growth: Great laurel seedlings may be highly specific in their establishment and growth requirements, including relatively high humidity, moderate light exposure (e.g., lightly wooded forest), and soil pH 3.5 to 5.0 [18,96,105]. Seedlings grow best in partial shade and can survive in deep shade, but do poorly in fully exposed sites [99]. In extremely dense shade, great laurel growth is straggly and crooked, with leaves confined almost entirely to new growth at stem tips. Branches grow only 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5 cm) per growing season, and the number of blooms produced per season is relatively small [105]. In less dense shade, plants are more upright with thick compact stems, leaves more or less all along the stems, branches exhibiting 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) terminal growth per season, and many blooms [105]. Plocher [90], in his study of great laurel population dynamics in West Virginia, found no seedlings within a live great laurel thicket. The seedlings that did establish were always in light to medium shade adjacent to thickets (up to 100 feet distant). In general, great laurel exposed to high sunlight (such as with overstory removal) display reduced vigor [109].

Great laurel seedlings grow well on bare mineral soil but may be susceptible to frost heaving [99]. Once established, great laurel has a "tremendous" capacity for avoiding cavitation during freeze-thaw cycles [18].

Vegetative regeneration: Great laurel reproduces clonally [10]. It benefits from overstory disturbance, forming even-aged thickets via rapid vegetative spread [87]. Once a thicket is formed, little outward spread occurs unless the thicket is disturbed [90]. Great laurel sprouts vigorously following disturbance [86,90] and stems layer readily to fill openings in thickets [90]. Layering is one of the principal means of vegetative regeneration in natural stands [78,109]. Branches that bend to the ground, especially on the perimeter of the stand, form a root system where the branch contacts the ground. Shoots and sprouts develop from the root system to contribute to the spread of a stand, and suckers grow profusely when stems are cut [109,128]. A study of Appalachian oak forests found the density of great laurel was significantly greater (P<0.05) in gaps caused by ice storm damage than in understory plots [79].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Successional Status ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: climax, cover, density, fire exclusion, forest, formation, heath, herbaceous, litter, presence, shrub, species richness, succession, tree

Great laurel is often found in climax forest associations [26]. It is suited for low light conditions and flourishes in shaded areas [106]. Great laurel is also quick to occupy open sites (often forest gaps) [95,96], and may aggressively invade cleared or disturbed land in areas of high moisture and humidity [90]. Great laurel may not be initially competitive at low density with vigorous overstory trees. However, once established, great laurel is capable of preventing other species from regenerating and competing under its dense canopy [4,53,54,89,95,112].

Where extensive mortality has eliminated most of the overstory, great laurel forms a thick and continuous subcanopy known locally as "laurel slicks" or "laurel hells" [18]. In southern Appalachian forests, great laurel thicket development has been linked to limited livestock grazing [20], fire exclusion [20,43], and the widespread loss of American chestnut trees from chestnut blight [4,127]. The canopy openings resulting from disturbance [4,127], combined with the loss of great laurel inhibition by allelopathic properties of American chestnut litter [114], likely permit the establishment of great laurel thickets, which in turn reduce or even eliminate the recruitment of overstory trees [4,32,37]. The process of gap formation and recolonization plays an important role in the structure and composition of southern Appalachian forests [95,96]. Where great laurel is present, however, it plays a greater role in determining species richness and diversity than gaps or gap size, and alters forest structure. Great laurel dominates the midstory, adversely affecting mid- and understory development and diversity, and limiting advance regeneration of overstory tree species [95,96,112]. Where great laurel was present, Rivers and others [95] found significantly lower (P<0.05) species richness and density in both the herbaceous understory and midstory components of gap regeneration in a Blue Ridge Mountain study of riparian areas. Shade-intolerant midstory species were almost completely eliminated, and shade-tolerant species were severely reduced, preventing recruitment into the overstory [95]. A study at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory also found that tree species establishment in canopy gaps of southern Appalachian forests was a function of gap area, age, topographic position, and cover of great laurel. Gaps containing over 50% great laurel cover had significantly lower (P=0.01) tree seedling density (primarily northern red oak) than all other gaps, including those with >50% mountain-laurel cover [19]. Another study at Coweeta, simulating open to closed canopy conditions combined with the presence of great laurel, also suggested that in addition to light limitation associated with great laurel, low soil moisture and allelopathic compounds under great laurel thickets may inhibit red maple success [20]. For more information and discussion regarding the effects of great laurel on forest structure and canopy tree species, see Other Management Considerations.

Heath balds, which are often dominated or codominated by great laurel, are found in both disturbed and undisturbed areas. They have been considered both as pioneer successional communities on rocky and shallow-soiled ridges and as stable "end points" of succession. Some heath balds have developed from forest-heath communities after canopy disturbance [77,119]. Following the loss of the tree layer, deep leaf litter, acidic soils, and dense shade may prevent reestablishment of tree species. Many heath balds, whether the result of disturbance or not, become stable shrub communities [119], with exposure producing microclimate and edaphic conditions to maintain them [77,120].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Synonyms ( 英語 )

由Fire Effects Information System Plants提供
Rhododendron ashleyi Coker [61]
Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Taxonomy ( 英語 )

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The scientific name of great laurel is Rhododendron maximum L. (Ericaceae) [15,41,44,61,92,108,126].
Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites ( 英語 )

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More info for the terms: layering, seed, series

Great laurel thickets effectively stabilize soil on slopes and stream banks [18,90,96].

Seeding, layering, and cutting are the major means of propagating great laurel [97]. Great laurel propagates well from stem cuttings [59,124,125]; however, based on a series of greenhouse experiments in Poland, increased age of stock plants may reduce rooting of stem cuttings [25]. Hormone treatments are useful in stimulating root development of great laurel cuttings. For further details on hormone treatments and rooting success, see Williams and Bilderbeck [124,125]. Under cultivation, great laurel usually reaches 13 to 16 feet (4-5 m) tall [106].

Mature great laurel seeds germinate with no pretreatment [46] but require light immediately after imbibing for germination [6,11,46]. If imbibed seeds are not exposed to light or if exposure is delayed, secondary seed dormancy may be induced, preventing germination [46]. Romancier [99] found germination rates in a field study ranged from 25% to 71%. A greenhouse study of great laurel seeds and watering regimes found average germination of 79%. The highest germination rate (88%) was reached with intermittent mist irrigation, compared to 77% with mat irrigation or 69% with hand-sprinkling irrigation [34]. Gibberellic acid treatment for 36 hours at 0, 50, 200, and 1000 ppm did not affect germination [34]. In a laboratory study, great laurel germination rates reached 92% to 97% after 21 days. Experimental conditions included photoperiods of >4 hours and alternating temperatures of 77/59 °F (25/15 °C) [11]. Baskin and Baskin [6] report optimum germination of great laurel at 79/70 °F (26/21 °C). Great laurel seed may be kept at room temperature if it will be used within 2 months [97], but seed viability can be maintained for longer periods with cold storage. In a laboratory study, viability was relatively unchanged after 5 years storage at constant 0 °F (-18 °C) and at 39 °F (4 °C), with total germination of 88%. Storage at 73 °F (23 °C) for 4 years, however, essentially reduced viability to zero [45].

Great laurel seedling growth was evaluated under laboratory conditions that included 9 hour days at 64, 72, 79, or 86 °F (18, 22, 26, 30 °C) combined with 15 hour nights at 57 (14 °C), 64, 72, or 79 °F. Total dry matter produced was greatest with 79 °F days and lowest with 64 °F days. The optimum day/night cycle for dry matter production was 79/72 °F. Leaf area was optimized with 64 °F nights, while 72 °F nights maximized total plant, leaf, and stem dry weights [106].

Anderson, Michelle D. 2008. Rhododendron maximum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/shrub/rhomax/all.html
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Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Rhododendron maximum L. Sp. PL 392. 1753
Khododendrom purpureum G. Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 843. 1834. Rhododendron Purshii G. Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 843. 1834.
An evergreen shrub commonly 5 m. tall, or rarely a small tree, with scmrfy-pubescent twigs; leaf-blades oblong or oblongoblanceolate, 10-25 cm. long, acute or short-acuminate, glabrous, or somewhat sciu-fy beneath, bright-green above, pale-green beneath, abruptly narrowed at the base, the stout petioles tomentulose when young; calyx-lobes ovate to oblong, mostly longer than wide; corolla mainly white or pink, often somewhat greenish in the throat and with yellow or orange spots within, broadly campanulate, 2-3 cm. long, the lobes not crisped; filaments slender, the longer ones about 2 cm. long; anthers about 2 mm. long; style elongate; capsules narrowly oblong or cylindric-oblong or slightly narrowed upward, 1-1.5 cm. long; seeds less than 2 mm. long.
Type locality: Virginia.
Distribution: Nova Scotia to Ontario, Ohio, Georgia, and Alabama.
John Kunkel Small, NathanieI Lord Britton, Per Axel Rydberg, LeRoy Abrams. 1914. ERICALES, CLETHRACEAE, LENNOACEAE, PTROLACEAE, MONOTROPACEAE, ERICACEAE, UVA-URSI. North American flora. vol 29(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora

Rhododendron maximum ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供

Rhododendron maximum er en rododendron fra det østlige USA. Den kan vokse fra områder ved kysten til ret højt op i bjergene.


Planten er opret og vokser i kratform. Den bliver typisk 2-4 meter høj, men kan undertiden findes helt op til 8-9 meter høj. Den er stedsegrøn med en vækst, der er bred og løs, og den har tykke, læderagtige og mørkegrønne blade.

Den blomstrer ret sent med små rosa eller hvidlige blomster.


Arten er meget sjældent dyrket, og det, som dyrkes under dette artsnavn, er som regel hybrider. Der findes følgende varieteter:

  • 'Album'
  • 'Purpureum'
  • 'Roseum'
  • 'Leachii'
  • 'Midsummer'
  • 'Pride's Pink'

Eksterne henvisninger

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Rhododendron maximum: Brief Summary ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供

Rhododendron maximum er en rododendron fra det østlige USA. Den kan vokse fra områder ved kysten til ret højt op i bjergene.

Wikipedia-forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia DA

Rhododendron maximum ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Rhododendron maximum ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Rhododendren (Rhododendron) innerhalb der Familie der Heidekrautgewächse (Ericaceae). Sie ist im östlichen Nordamerika von Alabama im Süden nordwärts bis an die Küsten von Nova Scotia verbreitet und wird dort englisch great laurel,[1] great rhododendron, rosebay rhododendron, American rhododendron, big rhododendron, Late rhododendron, Summer rhododendron, Bigleaf laurel, Deertongue laurel, Rose tree, Rose bay, Bayis, Mountain laurel genannt.


Illustration aus Österreichs allgemeine Baumzucht
Fünfzählige Blüte im Detail

Vegetative Merkmale

Rhododendron maximum wächst als immergrüner Strauch und erreicht Wuchshöhen von bis zu 4, selten bis zu 10 Metern.

Die wechselständig angeordneten Laubblätter sind in Blattstiel und Blattspreite gegliedert. Die ledrig-derbe, einfache Blattspreite ist bei einer Länge von 10 bis 19 Zentimetern sowie einer Breite von 2 bis 4 Zentimetern länglich.[2] Die Laubblätter können giftig sein. Sie behalten ihre wachsartige, dunkelgrüne Oberfläche bis zu acht Jahre lang, sind nach dem Abwurf jedoch schwer zu kompostieren.

Generative Merkmale

Die Blütezeit liegt im Juni und Juli.[2] Die Blüten haben einen Durchmesser von 2,5 bis 3 Zentimetern. Die Blütenkrone ist weiß, rosafarben, blass purpurn und oft mit grünlich-gelben Punkten versehen.

Die trockene Kapselfrucht ist 15 bis 20 Millimeter lang und enthält zahlreiche kleine Samen.


Rhododendron maximum ist eine klonale Pflanze. Sie ist jedoch sowohl zur vegetativen als auch zur geschlechtlichen Vermehrung in der Lage. Vegetativ pflanzt sie sich über Absenker fort und treibt aus den den Boden berührenden niederliegenden oberirdischen Teilen Wurzeln aus.

Die Früchte entstehen aus den attraktiven Blüten zwischen März und August. Die Kapselfrucht reift im Herbst und reißt schon bald nach der Reife an den Seiten auf und setzt eine große Zahl winziger Samen (etwa 400 pro Kapselfrucht) frei.[3] Die Anforderungen an das Mikroklima sind für das Keimen relativ spezifisch (d. h. hoher Humusgehalt wie bei verrottenden Baumstämmen); sonst erfolgt der Hauptteil der Reproduktion vegetativ durch klonales Wachstum.

Als kälteresistente Art reagiert Rhododendron maximum auf Frost mit Einrollen, Einfalten und einklappen seines Laubes. Dies bewahrt die Pflanzen vor den austrocknenden Effekten kalter Luft.
Natürliches Verbreitungsgebiet


Rhododendron maximum kommt im östlichen Noramamerika vom kanadischen Nova Scotia bis zu den östlichen US-Bundesstaaten Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee sowie Virginia vor.[4]

Rhododendron maximum ist die am häufigsten vorkommende und dominante Rhododendron-Art in den südlichen Appalachen;[5] sie kommt gelegentlich auf frischen Standorten der Hänge im Piedmont Crescent in den südöstlichen Vereinigten Staaten vor. Im Norden reicht das Verbreitungsgebiet bis nach Ost-Kanada (Nova Scotia).

Mehr als 31.000 km² werden in den südlichen Appalachen von dieser Art besiedelt,[6] wo sie den Unterwuchs dominiert. Das Vorkommen der Art war historisch gesehen auf die Auenzonen und andere frische Standorte beschränkt, zieht jedoch Vorteile aus gestörten Bereichen, wo sie sich in trockeneren Gebieten ausbreitet. Sie bevorzugt gut durchlüftete saure Böden mit hohem Humusgehalt, wo sie eine dicke, torfartige Auflage produziert. Sie bevorzugt schattige oder halbschattige Bereiche für ein optimales Wachstum und hat enorme Kapazitäten, eine Hohlraumbildung in Frost-Tauwetter-Zyklen zu vermeiden.[7] Wo ein exzessives Absterben des Kronendachs den größten Teil davon eliminiert hat, bildet die Art ein dichtes und durchgehendes sekundäres Kronendach, das örtlich als laurel slicks oder laurel hells bezeichnet wird. Rhododendron maximum ist eine bedeutende strukturelle und funktionale Komponente des Wald-Ökosystems in den südlichen Appalachen. Unklar bleibt der Status der Art, ob sie sich ausbreitet oder zurückzieht. An schlecht entwässerten Standorten auf Bergrücken oder oberen Hanglagen sind insbesondere in den höheren Lagen große Populationen der Art aufgrund einer Phytophthora-Infektion oder möglicherweise auch aufgrund langanhaltender Perioden mit unterdurchschnittlichen Niederschlägen zusammengebrochen. Rhododendron maximum besiedelt jedoch zunehmend Gebiete, die früher frei von einem immergrünen Unterwuchs waren. Es sind noch viele Fragen offen, um die ökologische Rolle von Rhododendron maximum im Unterwuchs der Wälder zu klären.


Die Erstveröffentlichung von Rhododendron maximum erfolgte durch Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum, 1, Seite 392.[4]

Rhododendron maximum gehört zur Sektion Ponticum aus der Untergattung Hymenanthes in der Gattung Rhododendron.[4]

Management als invasive Pflanzenart

Die Samen von Rhododendron maximum sind winzig, man schätzt, dass ein Kilogramm etwa 11 Millionen enthält. Die kommerzielle Samenproduktion erfolgt generell aus kultivierten Hybriden. Samen aus Wildpflanzen werden allgemein nicht gehandelt. Die Pflanzen wachsen langsam und haben ein großes Potential, vegetativ auszutreiben. Wenn eine mechanische Entfernung im Rahmen von forstwirtschaftlichen Maßnahmen versucht wird, ist dies bei dieser Art extrem oft innerhalb einiger Jahre erforderlich. Kontrollierte Brände sind auch gegen die Art eingesetzt worden, doch nur mit begrenztem Erfolg.[8]



Rhododendron maximum ist ein auffallender und ästhetischer Bestandteil frischer Wälder in den südlichen Appalachen. Er ist einer der größten und zähesten Rhododendron-Arten, die kommerziell angebaut werden. Mehrere Cultivare mit weißen bis purpurfarbenen Blüten sind gezüchtet worden.[9] Wo er natürlicherweise vorkommt, werden die attraktiven weißen, rosa oder purpurfarbenen Blüten im Juni produziert, gelegentlich jedoch auch von März bis August. Rhododendron maximum behält sein dunkelgrünes Laub das ganze Jahr über. Rhododendron maximum bietet Schutz vor niedrigen Grundwasserspiegeln und Schutz für Wildtiere. Das Holz ist sehr hart und wird gelegentlich für spezielle Holzprodukte genutzt.


Trotz aller gepriesenen Vorteile als natürlich vorkommender Bestandteil der Landschaft oder als Zierpflanze in Wohn- und Industriegebieten kann Rhododendron maximum auch hemmende Effekte auf die Regeneration anderer Pflanzenarten haben. Es gibt einige Hinweise darauf, dass sich die Art wegen der Brandbekämpfung und des Fehlens wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten (z. B. der Beweidung von Berggebieten) aus den frischen Standorten heraus auch in trockenere Gebiete ausgebreitet hat.[10] Die Signifikanz dieser Ausbreitung auf bisher unbesiedelte Flächen konzentriert sich rund um die Einflüsse von Rhododendron maximum auf die pflanzliche Sukzession[11] und die Ressourcenverfügbarkeit.[12] Ein Vorkommen von Rhododendron maximum ist in seinem gesamten Verbreitungsgebiet verbunden mit einer reduzierten Dichte von Setzlingen von Gehölzen und krautigen Pflanzen und übt daher einen starken Einfluss auf die Produktion von Holzprodukten aus. Der Mechanismus (oder die Mechanismen), die zur Reduktion der Setzlinge führen, war Gegenstand so mancher Debatte. Diskutiert wurden Allelopathie, Wettbewerb um Ressourcen wie Licht, physikalische und chemische Merkmale der Waldböden und deren Auflagen sowie Interaktionen zwischen all diesen Quellen.[13][12]


Rhododendron maximum ist das staatliche Blumensymbol des US-Bundesstaates West Virginia.


  1. Rhododendron maximum. In: Plants Database. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Abgerufen am 21. Oktober 2015.
  2. a b Rhododendron maximum. Missouri Botanical Garden. Abgerufen am 27. August 2019.
  3. C. S. Schopmeyer: Seeds of woody plants in the United States (= Agricultural Handbook No. 45Q). USDA Forest Service, 1974, S. 883.
  4. a b c Rhododendron maximum im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 29. August 2019.
  5. R. E. Swanson: A Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of the Southern Appalachians. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD 1994, S. 399.
  6. M. M. Dobbs: Spatial and temporal distribution of the evergreen understory in the southern Appalachians. University of Georgia, Athens, GA 1995, S. 100: „M. Sci. Thesis“
  7. C. C. Lipp, E. T. Nilsen: The impact of subcanopy light environment on the hydraulic vulnerability of Rhododendron maximum to freeze-thaw cycles and drought. In: Plant, Cell and Environment. 20, 1997, S. 1.264-1.272.
  8. B. D. Clinton, J. M. Vose: Plant succession and community restoration following felling and burning in the southern Appalachian Mountains. In: W. K. Moser & C. F. Moser (Hrsg.): Fire and forest ecology: innovative silviculture and vegetation management (= Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceedings), Band 21. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL 2000, S. 22-29.
  9. C. L. Brown, L. K. Kirkman: Trees of Georgia and Adjacent States. Timber Press, Portland, OR 1990, S. 292.
  10. M. M. Dobbs: Dynamics of the evergreen understory at Coweeta. University of Georgia, Athens GA 1998, S. 179: „PhD Dissertation“
  11. B. D. Clinton, J. M. Vose: Effects of Rhododendron maximum L. on Acer rubrum L. seedling establishment. In: Castanea. 61, Nr. 1, 1996, S. 38-45.
  12. a b E. T. Nilsen, B. D. Clinton, T. T. Lei, K. Miller, S. W. Semones, J. F. Walker: Does Rhododendron maximum L. (Ericaceae) reduce the availability of resources above and belowground for canopy tree seedlings?. In: American Midland Naturalist. 145, 2001, S. 325-343.
  13. E. T. Nilsen, J. F. Walker, O. K. Miller, S. W. Semones, T. T. Lei, B. D. Clinton: Inhibition of seedling survival under Rhododendron maximum (Ericaceae): could allelopathy be a cause?. In: American Journal of Botany. 86, Nr. 11, 1999, S. 1.597-1.605..
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Rhododendron maximum: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Rhododendron maximum ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Rhododendren (Rhododendron) innerhalb der Familie der Heidekrautgewächse (Ericaceae). Sie ist im östlichen Nordamerika von Alabama im Süden nordwärts bis an die Küsten von Nova Scotia verbreitet und wird dort englisch great laurel, great rhododendron, rosebay rhododendron, American rhododendron, big rhododendron, Late rhododendron, Summer rhododendron, Bigleaf laurel, Deertongue laurel, Rose tree, Rose bay, Bayis, Mountain laurel genannt.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Rhododendron maximum ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Rhododendron maximum — its common names include great laurel,[2] great rhododendron, rosebay rhododendron, American rhododendron and big rhododendron — is a species of Rhododendron native to the Appalachians of eastern North America, from Alabama north to coastal Nova Scotia.


Rhododendron maximum is an evergreen shrub growing to 4 m (13 ft), rarely 10 m (33 ft), tall. The leaves are 9–19 cm (3.5–7.5 in) long and 2–4 cm (0.79–1.57 in) broad.[3] The flowers are 2.5–3 cm (0.98–1.18 in) diameter, white, pink or pale purple, often with small greenish-yellow spots. The fruit is a dry capsule 15–20 mm (0.59–0.79 in) long, containing numerous small seeds. The leaves can be poisonous. Leaves are sclerophyllous, simple, alternate, and oblong (10 to 30 cm long, 5 to 8 cm wide). It retains its waxy, deep-green leaves for up to 8 years, but once shed are slow to decompose. It produces large, showy, white to purple flowers each June and July.[3]

Bark of Rhododendron maximum


Rosebay rhododendron is the most frequently occurring and dominant species of Rhododendron in the southern Appalachian region,[4] and occurs occasionally on mesic hill-slopes throughout the upper Piedmont Crescent of the Southeastern United States.


American rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum)

Approximately 12,000 square miles in the southern Appalachians are occupied by this species[5] where it dominates the understory. This species has historically been confined to riparian areas and other mesic sites but takes advantage of disturbed areas where it is present to advance onto sub-mesic sites. It prefers deep well-drained acid soils high in organic matter where it produces a thick, peat-like humus. It prefers low to medium light conditions for optimum carbon gain, and has a tremendous capacity for avoiding cavitation during freeze-thaw cycles.[6] Where extensive overstory mortality has eliminated most of the overstory, this species forms a thick and continuous subcanopy known locally as ‘laurel slicks’ or ‘laurel hells’. Rosebay rhododendron is an important structural and functional component of southern Appalachian forest ecosystems. What isn't clear is whether or not we are in a period of advancement or retreat for this species. For example, on poorly drained sites on ridge or upper slope positions, large areas of rosebay rhododendron, particularly at the high elevations, have recently died out presumably due to the Phytophthora fungus, or due to recent prolonged periods of below-average precipitation. Yet, rosebay rhododendron now occupies sites that historically were free of evergreen understory. There are still important questions to be answered regarding this species to completely understand its role in forest understories.

In North Carolina, USA, Pestalotiopsis which is a genus of ascomycete fungi causes grey-brown spots on the living leaves.[7]


Rosebay rhododendron is clonal. It is capable, however, of reproducing both vegetatively and sexually. It reproduces vegetatively through a process called ‘layering’ where it produces roots from above ground woody parts when in contact with the forest floor. The fruit is produced from showy flowers from March to August. The fruit is an oblong capsule that ripens in the fall, and splits along the sides soon after ripening to release large numbers of minute seed (approx. 400 per capsule).[8] Microsite requirements for seed germination are relatively specific (e.g., high in organic matter such as rotting logs); hence, the majority of reproduction is vegetative resulting in a clonal distribution.

A cold-hardy species, R. maximum responds to subfreezing temperatures by curling, folding down, and clamping shut its foliage. This action helps protect the shrub from the desiccating effects of cold air.

Growth and management

Seeds from rosebay rhododendron are minute and it is estimated that approximately 11 million are contained in 1 kg. Commercial seed production is generally from cultivated hybrids. Seeds from wild sources are not commonly sold commercially. Rosebay rhododendron is a slow-growing shrub and has a very high sprout potential. If mechanical removal is attempted in the case of forest management, extremely high densities are attained by this species in a matter of a few years. Prescribed fire has also been used to control this species but with limited success.[9]


Rosebay rhododendron is a striking and aesthetically pleasing feature of mesic southern Appalachian forests. It is one of the largest and hardiest rhododendrons grown commercially. Several cultivars with white to purple flowers have been selected for the horticultural trade.[10] Where it occurs naturally, it produces a showy, white, pink, or light purple flower primarily in June, but occurs from March into August. Rosebay rhododendron maintains deep-green foliage year round. This species affords protection to steep watersheds and shelter for wildlife. The wood is very hard and is occasionally used for specialty wood products.

Detrimental effects

For all its prized qualities as a naturally occurring component of the landscape or as plantings in residential and commercial landscaping, rosebay rhododendron can have an inhibitory effect on regeneration of other plant species. There is some evidence to suggest that due to fire suppression and the absence of other cultural activities (i.e., mountain-land grazing), this species has advanced beyond the mesic forest sites into sub-mesic understories.[11] The significance of this movement onto previously unoccupied sites centers around the impacts of rosebay rhododendron on plant succession[12] and resource availability.[13] Rosebay rhododendron is associated with reduced woody and herbaceous seedling abundance throughout its range, and hence poses a serious impediment to the production of wood products. The mechanism(s) by which rosebay rhododendron reduces seedling survival has been the subject of much debate. Possible sources of inhibition include allelopathy, competition for resources including light, physical and chemical attributes of the forest floor and soil, and interactions between some or all sources.[14][13]

Alternate common names

R. maximum has also been called:

  • Great rhododendron
  • Late rhododendron
  • Summer rhododendron
  • Great laurel
  • Bigleaf laurel
  • Deertongue laurel
  • Rose tree
  • Rose bay
  • Bayis


Rhododendron maximum is the state flower of the U.S. state of West Virginia.

See also


  1. ^ Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI).; IUCN SSC Global Tree Specialist Group (2018). "Rhododendron maximum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T82889952A135956342. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T82889952A135956342.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Rhododendron maximum". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 21 October 2015.
  3. ^ a b "Rhododendron maximum". Missouri Botanical Garden. Retrieved 2019-08-27.
  4. ^ Swanson, R. E. (1994). A Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of the Southern Appalachians. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 399.
  5. ^ Dobbs, M. M. (1995). Spatial and temporal distribution of the evergreen understory in the southern Appalachians (M. Sci. Thesis). Athens, GA: University of Georgia. p. 100.
  6. ^ Lipp, C. C.; Nilsen, E. T. (1997). "The impact of subcanopy light environment on the hydraulic vulnerability of Rhododendron maximum to freeze-thaw cycles and drought". Plant, Cell and Environment. 20 (10): 1.264–1.272. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3040.1997.d01-22.x.
  7. ^ Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N.; Hyde, K.D.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Xu, J.; Crous, P.W. (September 2014). "Pestalotiopsis revisited". Studies in Mycology. 79: 121–186. doi:10.1016/j.simyco.2014.09.005. PMC 4255583. PMID 25492988.
  8. ^ Schopmeyer, C. S. (1974). Seeds of woody plants in the United States. Agricultural Handbook No. 45Q. USDA Forest Service. p. 883.
  9. ^ Clinton, B. D.; Vose, J. M. (2000). "Plant succession and community restoration following felling and burning in the southern Appalachian Mountains". In W. K. Moser & C. F. Moser (ed.). Fire and forest ecology: innovative silviculture and vegetation management. Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceedings. Vol. 21. Tallahassee, FL: Tall Timbers Research Station. pp. 22–29.
  10. ^ Brown, C. L.; Kirkman, L. K. (1990). Trees of Georgia and Adjacent States. Portland, OR: Timber Press. p. 292.
  11. ^ Dobbs, M. M. (1998). Written at Athens GA. Dynamics of the evergreen understory at Coweeta (PhD Dissertation). Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina: University of Georgia. p. 179.
  12. ^ Clinton, B. D.; Vose, J. M. (1996). "Effects of Rhododendron maximum L. on Acer rubrum L. seedling establishment". Castanea. 61 (1): 38–45.
  13. ^ a b Nilsen, E. T.; Clinton, B. D.; Lei, T. T.; Miller, K.; Semones, S. W.; Walker, J. F. (2001). "Does Rhododendron maximum L. (Ericaceae) reduce the availability of resources above and belowground for canopy tree seedlings?". American Midland Naturalist. 145 (2): 325–343. doi:10.1674/0003-0031(2001)145[0325:DRMLER]2.0.CO;2. S2CID 7021773.
  14. ^ Nilsen, E. T.; Walker, J. F.; Miller, O. K.; Semones, S. W.; Lei, T. T.; Clinton, B. D. (1999). "Inhibition of seedling survival under Rhododendron maximum (Ericaceae): could allelopathy be a cause?". American Journal of Botany. 86 (11): 1.597–1.605. doi:10.2307/2656796. JSTOR 2656796.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Rhododendron maximum: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Rhododendron maximum — its common names include great laurel, great rhododendron, rosebay rhododendron, American rhododendron and big rhododendron — is a species of Rhododendron native to the Appalachians of eastern North America, from Alabama north to coastal Nova Scotia.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Rhododendron maximum ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Rhododendron maximum, laurel grande, rosa de la bahía, rododendro, es una especie de Rhododendron nativa del este de Norteamérica, del sur de Nueva Escocia al norte de Alabama.


Es un arbusto o árbol pequeño siempre verde de 4 m, raramente 10 m, de altura. Hojas de 10-16 cm × 2-4 cm . Flores 2,5-3 cm de diámetro, blancas, rosas o púrpuras pálidas, a veces con pecas pequeñas verde amarillentas. Fruto cápsula seca 15-20 mm de largo, con numerosas semillas pequeñas. Las hojas son tóxicas.

Nombres comunes

  • Azalea
  • Gran rododendro
  • Rododendro tardío
  • Rododendro de verano
  • Gran Laurel
  • Laurel de hoja grande
  • Laurel lengua de ciervo
  • Árbol rosa
  • Rosa de la bahía
Corteza de Rhododendron maximum


R. maximum es la flor del estado estadounidense de Virginia Occidental.


Rhododendron maximum fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 1: 392. 1753.[1]


Rhododendron: nombre genérico que deriva de las palabras griegas ῥόδον, rhodon = "rosa" y δένδρον, dendron = "árbol".

maximum: epíteto latino que significa "la más grande".[2]




  1. Anonymous. 1986. List-Based Rec., Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S.D.A. Database of the U.S.D.A. Beltsville
  2. Fernald, M. 1950. Manual (ed. 8) i–lxiv, 1–1632. American Book Co., New York
  3. Gleason, H. A. 1968. The Sympetalous Dicotyledoneae. vol. 3. 596 pp. In H. A. Gleason Ill. Fl. N. U.S. (ed. 3). New York Botanical Garden, New York.
  4. Gleason, H. A. & A. J. Cronquist. 1991. Man. Vasc. Pl. N.E. U.S. (ed. 2) i–910. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx.
  5. Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell. 1968. Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas i–lxi, 1–1183. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
  6. Small, J. K. 1933. Man. S.E. Fl. i–xxii, 1–1554. Published by the Author, New York.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Rhododendron maximum: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Rhododendron maximum, laurel grande, rosa de la bahía, rododendro, es una especie de Rhododendron nativa del este de Norteamérica, del sur de Nueva Escocia al norte de Alabama.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Różanecznik olbrzymi ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供

Różanecznik olbrzymi (Rhododendron maximum) – gatunek krzewu, należący do rodziny wrzosowatych. Pochodzi ze Stanów Zjednoczonych i Kanady. Pomimo, że jest odporny na mróz, w Polsce nie jest zwykle uprawiany ze względu na źle wyglądające, gnijące liście młodych osobników[1]. Można go spotkać w starych ogrodach i parkach przypałacowych na Dolnym Śląsku[1]. W łatwy sposób rozmnażane z nasion.


Zimozielony, gęsto ulistniony, 4-5 metrowy krzew o zwartym pokroju. W stanie dzikim osiąga nawet 12 metrów wysokości.
Ciemnozielone, z lekkim połyskiem, zwężające się do podstawy.
W pąku różowe, stopniowo przechodzące do białego.


W Polsce jest całkowicie mrozoodporny (strefy mrozoodporności 4-9), znosi bez szwanku najcięższe u nas mrozy, pod warunkiem, że na jesieni został dobrze nawodniony. Lubi miejsca półcieniste, o stałej wilgotności podłoża. Podłoże powinno być żyzne, próchniczne, o kwaśnym odczynie (pH 4– 5). Takie podłoże można otrzymać poprzez dodanie do dobrej ziemi ogrodniczej kwaśnego torfu, zmielonej kory lub przegniłego igliwia. Źle toleruje silne wiatry, (powodujące zwiększoną transpirację), dlatego powinien rosnąć na zasłoniętym stanowisku. Doskonale prezentuje się na tle iglaków.
Sposób uprawy
Sadzi się go tylko wraz z bryłą korzeniową. W utrzymaniu wilgoci pomaga ściółkowanie podłoża. Łatwo można przesadzać nawet duże różaneczniki (oczywiście wraz z bryłą korzeniową), gdyż mają zwartą, niedużą bryłę korzeniową. Należy systematycznie nawozić od maja do sierpnia, ale niedużymi dawkami nawozów, gdyż jest wrażliwy na zasolenie gleby, lub stosować nawozy o przedłużonym działaniu. Koniecznie należy stosować nawozy kwaśne (siarczan amonu, siarczan potasu), a najlepiej specjalne mieszanki nawozów do rododendronów. Nie należy wapnować. Aby rośliny obficie kwitnęły na następny rok, należy po przekwitnięciu ściąć całe kwiatostany, gdyż stają się nieładne, a ponadto wyczerpują nadmiernie roślinę. Nie wymaga żadnego cięcia, należy tylko usuwać uschnięte liście i obumarłe pędy.


  1. a b Mieczysław Czekalski: Różaneczniki. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1983. 83-09-00758-2.


  1. Mieczysław Czekalski: Różaneczniki. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1983. 83-09-00758-2.
  2. Różaneczniki i Azalie. Weltbild Media, 2009. 978-83-7404-258-0142-7.
  3. Różaneczniki i Azalie. Wydawnictwo Działkowiec, 2005.
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Różanecznik olbrzymi: Brief Summary ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供

Różanecznik olbrzymi (Rhododendron maximum) – gatunek krzewu, należący do rodziny wrzosowatych. Pochodzi ze Stanów Zjednoczonych i Kanady. Pomimo, że jest odporny na mróz, w Polsce nie jest zwykle uprawiany ze względu na źle wyglądające, gnijące liście młodych osobników. Można go spotkać w starych ogrodach i parkach przypałacowych na Dolnym Śląsku. W łatwy sposób rozmnażane z nasion.

Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Рододендрон крупнейший ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Asteranae
Семейство: Вересковые
Подсемейство: Эриковые
Триба: Rhodoreae
Вид: Рододендрон крупнейший
Международное научное название

Rhododendron maximum L., 1753



на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 23721NCBI 191528EOL 586660GRIN t:31441IPNI 219492-2TPL tro-12300644

Рододе́ндрон крупне́йший[2] (лат. Rhododéndron máximum) — вечнозелёный кустарник родом из Северной Америки, вид рода Рододендрон (Rhododendron) семейства Вересковые (Ericaceae).

Ботаническое описание

Ботаническая иллюстрация из книги Ф.-А. Мишо The North American sylva…, 1819

Рододендрон крупнейший — ветвистый вечнозелёный кустарник или, редко, небольшое дерево, достигающее 3,5 м в высоту. Молодые веточки железисто-опушённые, вскоре оголяющиеся.

Листья обратноланцетовидные до эллиптических, с цельным краем; верхняя поверхность голая и блестящая, нижняя — с паутинистым налётом. Черешок листа с сохраняющимся опушением. На горе Митчелл произрастает форма рододендрона с красными цветками.

Соцветие состоит из 14—25 цветков. Венчик колокольчатый, белый, бледно-розовый или сиреневый, лепестки до 3 см длиной, часто с мелкими зеленоватыми пятнышками. Чашечка маленькая, железистая, разделённая на округлые чашелистики. Завязь ворсисто-железистая, пестик голый.

Плодкоробочка 17—20 × 4—6 мм.


Рододендрон произрастает в лесах на возвышенностях, обычно на высоте от 300 до 1700 м над уровнем моря.

Охранный статус NatureServe
Status TNC G5 ru.svg

Находящиеся в надёжном состоянии
Secure: Rhododendron maximum


Рододендрон крупнейший распространён на востоке Северной Америки. Северная граница ареала — Новая Шотландия (где вид очень редок, возможно, исчез) и Мэн, южная — северная часть Джорджии.

В культуре

Рододендрон крупнейший в культуре с XVIII века, впервые культивирован в Европе Питером Коллинсоном в 1736 году. Описан по образцам, выращенным Коллинсоном. Наиболее известные сорта, созданные с его участием: 'Albert Close', 'Harold Amateis', 'Independence Day', 'Judy Spillane', 'Lady Eleanor Cathcart', 'Maxecat', 'Midsummer', 'Mountain Marriage', 'Paul Vossberg', 'Red River', 'Summer Rose', 'Summer Snow' и 'Summer Summit'.

Выдерживает зимние понижения температуры до −32 °С[3].

В условиях Нижегородской области сорт 'Album' выращиваемый в стелющейся форме относительно зимостоек, в суровые зимы подмерзают концы однолетних побегов и цветочные почки. Семена вызревают[4].

Болезни и вредители


Естественные гибриды


  • Hymenanthes maxima (L.) H.F.Copel., 1943
  • Rhododendron ashleyi Coker, 1935
  • Rhododendron album (Pursh) Hoffmanns., 1826
  • Rhododendron latifolium Hoffmanns., 1826
  • Rhododendron maximum f. album (Pursh) Fernald, 1941
  • Rhododendron maximum f. purpureum (Pursh) Fernald, 1941
  • Rhododendron maximum var. albiflorum Raf., 1840, nom. inval.
  • Rhododendron maximum var. album Pursh, 1814
  • Rhododendron maximum var. roseum Pursh, 1814
  • Rhododendron maximum var. purpureum Pursh, 1814
  • Rhododendron procerum Salisb., 1796, nom. superfl.
  • Rhododendron purpureum (Pursh) G.Don, 1834
  • Rhododendron purshii G.Don, 1834


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Кондратович Р. Виды и сорта рододендронов, пригодные для выращивания в Латвийской ССР // Рододендроны. — Рига: Зинатне, 1981.
  3. Description of Rhododendron maximum (неопр.). American Rhododendron Society. Проверено 21 января 2014.
  4. Мишукова И. В., Хрынова Т. Р. Результаты интродукции рододендронов в НИИ Ботанический сад Нижегородского государственного университета // Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского. — 2014. — № 3-3.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Рододендрон крупнейший: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供

Рододе́ндрон крупне́йший (лат. Rhododéndron máximum) — вечнозелёный кустарник родом из Северной Америки, вид рода Рододендрон (Rhododendron) семейства Вересковые (Ericaceae).

Авторы и редакторы Википедии