This plant is a herb, canescent or tomentose. Stems are procumbent, and branched near the base. Basal leaves are 1-6 x 0.4-2 cm, oblong-obovate, petiolate, the margins are entire or toothed. Cauline leaves are smaller, clasping, and auriculate. Flowers are in short racemes. Sepals are 5-7 mm. Petals are 1-1.3 cm, white. Siliqua 3.5-6 x 0.2 cm, linear, compressed, torulose. Seeds are 1-1.25 mm, narrowly-winged.
Nile Valley North of Nubia at Luxor.
Mediterranean Region, West Asia, Subalpine regions.
Waste Land.
Height: 10-25 cm.