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Pinguicula macroceras Pall. ex Link

Pinguicula macroceras ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Pinguicula macroceras ist eine fleischfressende Pflanze aus der Gattung der Fettkräuter (Pinguicula).


Pinguicula macroceras ist eine ausdauernde, in einer bodenständigen Rosette wachsende krautige Pflanze. Das einfache Wurzelwerk besteht aus zahlreichen, weißen und kurzen, feinen Haarwurzeln.

Die drei bis sechs fleischigen, kurzgestielten, länglich- bis schmal eiförmigen Blätter sind 2 bis 8 Zentimeter lang und 1 bis 3 Zentimeter breit. Ihr Ende ist stumpf, die Oberfläche ist mit Drüsenhaaren besetzt, die ein Fangsekret ausscheiden, mit dem sie kleine Insekten fangen und durch darin enthaltene Enzyme verdauen.

Der zwischen April und August ausgebildete Blütenstängel ist 5 bis 15 Zentimeter lang und trägt eine endständige Einzelblüte. Die Kelchblätter sind 2 bis 4 Millimeter lang. Das obere Kelchblatt ist dreiteilig gelappt, die Lappen sind eiförmig, das untere Kelchblatt ist zweiteilig, die Lappen sind lanzettlich. Die Korolla ist violett, das obere Kronblatt ist zweiteilig und 1,5 bis 2 Millimeter lang, das untere dreiteilig gelappt. Die Lappen des oberen Kronblattes sind elliptisch, 5 bis 7 Millimeter lang und 4 Millimeter breit. Der Mittellappen des unteren Kelchblattes ist vergrößert (7 bis 12 Millimeter lang und 6 bis 7 Millimeter breit) und mittig ausgerandet, die elliptischen Seitenlappen sind 6 bis 9 Millimeter lang und 4 bis 6 Millimeter breit. Der linealische Sporn erreicht eine Länge von 7 bis 10 Millimetern und ist am Ende stumpf. Die beiden Staubfäden sind gebogen, der Fruchtknoten rund.

Die eiförmigen Kapselfrüchte erreichen eine Länge von 5 bis 7 Millimetern. Die Samen sind länglich ellipsoid, rund 1,5 Millimeter lang und 0,3 bis 0,5 Millimeter breit.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 16.[1]


Die Art findet sich in einem großen Bogen von Honshū und den Kurilen in Japan über Kamtschatka und die Aleuten nach Alaska, British Columbia und Alberta in Kanada und die gesamte Westküste herab bis in den Norden Kaliforniens. Sie wächst dort auf Felsen ab der subalpinen Stufe in Höhenlagen von 1200 bis 5450 m.


  • S. Jost Casper: Monographie der Gattung Pinguicula L. (= Bibliotheca Botanica. H. 127/128, ). Schweizerbart, Stuttgart 1966.
  • Yasuro Kadono: Pinguicula vulgaris var. macroceras. In: Flora of Japan, (Online), Zugriff am 11. August 2007


  1. Pinguicula macroceras bei Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Pinguicula macroceras: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Pinguicula macroceras ist eine fleischfressende Pflanze aus der Gattung der Fettkräuter (Pinguicula).

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Pinguicula macroceras ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Pinguicula macroceras, the California butterwort[1] or horned butterwort, is a species of perennial carnivorous herb that is native to the North American Pacific coast, as well as other select distributions in Canada, Russia, Japan, and the United States.[3] [7] Common names include California butterwort, horned butterwort and butterwort. Pinguicula macroceras belongs to the genus Pinguicula and the family Lentibulariaceae.


Pinguicula macroceras is a carnivorous perennial herb growing less than 20 cm tall.[3] With simple fleshy leaves (green-dark brown) that form a basal rosette, that are often recognized as slimy or sticky, and occasionally incurving over trapped prey.[3] The leaves are adaxially glandular with stalked glands for capturing small organisms and sessil glands for the digestion of their prey.[3] A single rosette can have 1-5 inflorescences held up by individual stems, which are composed of a single purple-blue flower (rarely observed with 2) that lack bracts.[3] The calyx upper lip of the flower is 3-lobed, while the lower lip is 2-lobed with the center colored white.[3] The corolla measures 13–21 mm with a lip that is often found to be hairy and generally does not block the throat of the flower.[3] The flowers form a distinct horn on the top, hence the common name horned butterwort.


Pinguicula macroceras are found growing in moist habitats and often in serpentine conditions.[3] Moist slopes and serpentine banks along creeks and rivers, at an altitude less than 1800 m are places where they are likely to be located.[4] Serpentine cliff sides (most often north facing) with fast flowing seeps have also been documented habitat of the Pinguicula macroceras.[4] Moist habitats that are home to Pinguicula macroceras are often dominated by layers of moss that they form basal rosettes on top of and bury their roots underneath.


In North America P. macroseras is found within 750 km of the Pacific coast in California, Oregon, Washington, and into Canada.[1] [7] Other populations of P. macroceras are known to exist in Russia and Japan.[3] Disputes over the classification of P. macroceras as a species rather than a sub-species of P. vulgaris along with the difficulties of distinguishing the two species from each other have made defining the distribution of P. macroceras difficult in areas where the species are sympatric.[2]


Pinguicula macroceras - growing on moss covered cliff side in Hiouchi, California.

Pinguicula macroceras exists in an ecological niche that is unsuitable for most other types of plant life with some exceptions e.g. moss. They have done this by growing in water abundant, nutrient deprived serpentine soils and cliff sides, adopting a carnivorous behavior to supplement the nutrients that are absent in the serpentine habitats.

Dispute over classification

Pinguicula macroceras was described in 1820 and was characterized it by a long spur.[4] The original specimens collected by Link were stored in Berlin and destroyed during World War II.[4] Surviving specimens collected in 1933 by several other botanists from the same locations documented by Link were noted to have shorter spurs and named P. microceras.[4] In 1968, Casper asserted that P. microceras was not a species or sub-species, and demonstrated that P. macroceras grown in harsher conditions will develop a reduced spur.[5] In 1972, Komiya asserted that P. macroceras was not a species, but rather a large flowered sub-species of P. vulgaris.[6] The debate continues today between the two camps on whether P. macroceras is morphologically distinct enough from P. vulgaris to be considered a species.[2]


  1. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Pinguicula macroceras". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 3 October 2015.

1. Baalim, F., Peters, C., & Cota-Sánchez, J. (2013). Distribution and natural history of carnivorous plants of Saskatchewan, Canada. Check List, Journal of Species List and Distributions, 9(4), 883-893.

2. Rice, B. (2011). Flower studies do not support subspecies within Pinguicula macroceras. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, 40, 44-49. Retrieved June 9, 2015.

3. Rice, B. A. 2014. Pinguicula macroceras, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/get_IJM.pl?tid=38246, accessed on June 8, 2015.

4. Rondeau, J. (1997). Pinguicua macroceras subsp. nortensis, a new subspecies of Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) from the California-Oregon border. International Pinguicula Study Group Newsletter, 8, 3-9.

5. Casper, S. J.. 1962. On Pinguicula macroceras Link in North America. Rhodora, 64: 212-221.

6. Komiya, S.. 1972. Systematic Studies on the Lentibulariaceae. Tokyo: NGC, Dept. of Biology. pp 44–48.

7. Rondeau, J. H. 1995. Carnivorous Plants of the West, Volume II: 37. California, Oregon, Washington.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Pinguicula macroceras: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Pinguicula macroceras, the California butterwort or horned butterwort, is a species of perennial carnivorous herb that is native to the North American Pacific coast, as well as other select distributions in Canada, Russia, Japan, and the United States.[3] [7] Common names include California butterwort, horned butterwort and butterwort. Pinguicula macroceras belongs to the genus Pinguicula and the family Lentibulariaceae.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Pinguicula macroceras ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供

Pinguicula macroceras[1] este o specie de plante carnivore din genul Pinguicula, familia Lentibulariaceae, ordinul Lamiales, descrisă de Heinrich Friedrich Link.[1][2]


Această specie cuprinde următoarele subspecii:[1]

  • P. m. macroceras
  • P. m. nortensis
  • P. m. microceras


  1. ^ a b c Roskov Y., Kunze T., Orrell T., Abucay L., Paglinawan L., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Decock W., De Wever A., Didžiulis V. (ed) (2014). „Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2014 Annual Checklist”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Accesat în 26 mai 2014.Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link) Mentenanță CS1: Text în plus: lista autorilor (link)
  2. ^ World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World

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Pinguicula macroceras: Brief Summary ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供
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