Lasthenia, commonly known as goldfields, is a genus of flowering plants family Asteraceae. The genus is named after Lasthenia of Mantinea, a cross-dressing female pupil of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.
The goldfield genus comprises annual (rarely perennial) herbs that are either glabrous or hairy. Stems are typically branched and erect, attaining a height of less than 60 cm (24 in). Their opposite leaves, up to 20 cm (8 in) in length, have entire margins and pinnate venation.
Inflorescences are characterized by solitary heads (sometimes in cymes), with phyllaries free or partly fused. The receptacle may present as naked and narrowly conic to hemispherical. The normally yellow ray florets may number 4 to 16, and the ligules are typically yellow as well. The numerous disk florets typically have yellow, 5-lobed corollae. Anther tips manifest as acuminate to triangular. Style tips may be triangular or round and are typically hair-tufted.
Fruits are less than 5 mm (0.2 in) across, cylindric to obovoid in shape, and black or gray in color. The pappus may present awns or scales, or infrequently neither. The genus is mostly cross-pollinated, with some insects serving as pollinators.[1]
Goldfield species occur over a range of habitat, such as meadows, shrubland and open forest, but tend towards semiarid conditions. They are commonly found at ephemeral pools and are important plants in coastal regions. They are visited by Sciaridae fungus gnats for nectar, and it is possible that these animals are key pollinators at least for Contra Costa Goldfields (L. conjugens).
In horticulture, most make hardy ornamental plants, suitable for flower-beds or borders. Autumn is the best time for sowing the seed, but it may also be sown early in the spring.[2]
There are a total of eighteen species, seventeen are endemic to North America and one species is only found in Chile. Of the seventeen species found in North America, most are endemic to California.
Lasthenia, commonly known as goldfields, is a genus of flowering plants family Asteraceae. The genus is named after Lasthenia of Mantinea, a cross-dressing female pupil of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.
Lasthenia es un género de plantas con flores de la familia Asteraceae. Hay un total de 19 especies de ellas 18 endémicas de Norteamérica, especialmente California y una de Chile.
El género comprende plantas herbáceas anuales, raramente perennes, que puede ser glabras o con tricomas. Sus tallos son típicamente erectos alcanzando una altura de 60 cm. Las hojas son opuestas con una longitud de 20 cm, siendo enteras o pinnadas. Las inflorescencias se caracterizan por cabezas solitarias (algunas veces en cimas), con las brácteas libres o fusionadas. El receptáculo puede ser desnudo y estrechamente cónico o hemisférico. Los rayos florales pueden ser de 4 a 21, y las lígulas son también amarillas, los discos son numerosos y la corola de 5 lóbulos son amarillos.
El género fue descrito por Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini y publicado en Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 66: 141. 1928.[1]
Lasthenia: nombre genérico que deriva del griego antiguo donde Lasthenia era una pupila de Platón que vestía de hombre.
Lasthenia es un género de plantas con flores de la familia Asteraceae. Hay un total de 19 especies de ellas 18 endémicas de Norteamérica, especialmente California y una de Chile.
El género comprende plantas herbáceas anuales, raramente perennes, que puede ser glabras o con tricomas. Sus tallos son típicamente erectos alcanzando una altura de 60 cm. Las hojas son opuestas con una longitud de 20 cm, siendo enteras o pinnadas. Las inflorescencias se caracterizan por cabezas solitarias (algunas veces en cimas), con las brácteas libres o fusionadas. El receptáculo puede ser desnudo y estrechamente cónico o hemisférico. Los rayos florales pueden ser de 4 a 21, y las lígulas son también amarillas, los discos son numerosos y la corola de 5 lóbulos son amarillos.
Lasthenia é um género botânico pertencente à família Asteraceae[1].
Lasthenia é um género botânico pertencente à família Asteraceae.
«Lasthenia — World Flora Online». Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020Lasthenia là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc (Asteraceae).[1]
Chi Lasthenia gồm các loài:
Lasthenia là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc (Asteraceae).