

Hacrobia ( 波士尼亞語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Skupina kriptomonadina–haptofita je predložena monofiletska grupacija [1] ili jednoćelijske eukarote koji su uključeni u that grupu SAR.Za grupu je korišteno nekoliko alternativnih imena, uključujući „Hacrobia“ (izvedeno od „ha-“ koji se odnosi na Haptophyta, -cr- koji se odnosi na kriptomonadine i -bia kao Several alternative names have been used for the group, including Hacrobia (derived from "ha-" referring to Haptophyta, "-cr-" referring to cryptomonads, and "-bia" kao opći sufiks za život;[2][3] CCTH (za Cryptophyta, Centrohelida, Telonemia i Haptophyta)[4] i "Eukaryomonadae".[5]

Od februara 2012., nije jasno da li je ova grupa monofiletka ili ne; rezultati filogenetskih studija "često ovise o izboru podataka o taksonima i genima". Dvije studije iz 2012. imale su suprotne rezultate.[4][6]


U prošlosti su se Heterokonta, Haptophyte i Cryptomonadina ponekad grupirali u skupinu koja je poznata kao Cnromista.[7] Iako su heterokonti sada podijeljeni, Cryptophyta i Haptophyta se u nekim studijama smatraju usko povezanim[8][9] (a ponekad se jednostavno nazivaju i grupa "Cryptophyta + Haptophyta").[10] Jedan rad iz 2009. Sugerirao je da Telonemia i Centrohelida mogu formirati [kladus]] sa kriptofitama i haptofitama.[11] Picobiliphyte bi mogle pripadati ovoj grupi, ali su nedovoljno poznate da bi se mogle zadovoljavajuće klasificirati.[3]

Nekoliko nedavnih studija zaključilo je da Haptophyta i Cryptophyta ne čine monofiletnu grupu.[12] Prve su sestrinska skupina grupe SAR, druge su skupina Archaeplastida (biljke u širem smislu).[6]

Jedna druga studija[13] sugerirala je slijedeći raspored: centrohelide su srodnici haptofita i tvore kladus Haptista; Haptista je sestrinska grupa za SAR; Cryptista su u vezi s Archaeplastidom, a Haptista + SAR je sestrini kladus sa Cryptista + Archaeplastida.


Naredni prikaz bazira na Silarovim radovima iz 2016.[14][15]

Hacrobia   Alveidia


Haptista Centroheliozoa


  Haptophytina Rappemonada






          Cryptista u širem smislu Corbihelia Endohelia






      Cryptista, u užem smislu Palpitia


  Rollomonadia Leucocrypta







Opravdanje za uključivanje Hacrobia u Chromista nalazi se u teorijama o nastanku i evoluciji glavnih eukariotskih linija, što čini Cavalier-Smith. Obje grupe su sa hloroplastima s hlorofilima a i c koji okruženi s četiri membrane. Pretpostavlja se da su izvedene iz sekundarne endosimbioze crvenih algi. Cavalier-Smith pretpostavlja da je postojao samo jedan slučaj endosimbioze kod predaka ovih organizama koji su usrodni svim grupama.

Na genetičkim testovima, međutim, Hacrobia je obično sestrinska grupa sa Archaeplastida.[17] Cavalier-Smith to opravdava, s jedne strane, porijeklom gena crvenih algi kao rezultat endosimbioze, što iskrivljuje rezultate genetičkih analiza i približavaju Hacrobia biljkama. S druge strane, gotovo istovremeno razdvajanje supergrupe Eucaria i njihova brza evolucija objasnili bi artefakte u filogenetskim stablima.

Postojanje grupa bez hloroplasta, Telonemia, Centrohelida, Kathablepharida i Picozoa, vrlo bliskih Haptophyta ili Cryptophyta, ugrožava uobičajenu hipotezu porijekla hloroplasta. Alternativa je da su različite rlinije hloroplaste dobile nezavisno, horizontalnim prenosom, umjesto nasljeđivanjem. Odnosno, postojalo bi nekoliko endosimbiotskih događaja, vjerovatno tercijarnog doba, a ne sekundarnih. Hloroplasti iz crvenih algi imaju prednost u odnosu na njihovo porijeklo iz zelenih algi, jer imaju relativno velike genome, posebno gene vezane za regulaciju fotosinteze, što omogućava njihovo lahko umetanje u metaboličke procese domaćina.[18]

Još problematičnije je pitanje što neka nedavna filogenetska stabla pokazuju Haptophyta pored supergrupe SAR, dok je Cryptophyta sestrinska grupa Archaeplastida. S tim u vezi, Burki et al. 2016,[13] zvršili su sekvenciranje transkriptoma grupe Centrohelida koje im omogućava da rekonstruiraju nedostajuće filogenetske podatke. Na taj način oni nalaze da je Centrohelida povezana sa Haptophyta, što potvrđuje Haptista, osim toga oni smatraju da seHaptista srodni supergrupi SAR, a s druge strane oni nalaze da Cryptist ima snažan afinitet sa Archaeplastida. Na taj način zaključuju da je Haptista + supergrupa SAR sestrinska sa Cryptista + Archaeplastida. Ukratko, pitanje je prilično teško riješiti i nijedna hipoteza ne može biti isključena.

Ispod su tri mogućnosti koje su razmatrane za Hacrobia:

Također pogledajte


  1. ^ Sakaguchi M, Takishita K, Matsumoto T, Hashimoto T, Inagaki Y (juli 2009). "Tracing back EFL gene evolution in the cryptomonads-haptophytes assemblage: separate origins of EFL genes in haptophytes, photosynthetic cryptomonads, and goniomonads". Gene. 441 (1–2): 126–31. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2008.05.010. PMID 18585873.CS1 održavanje: koristi se parametar authors (link)
  2. ^ [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CE%B2%CE%AF%CE%BF%CF%82#Ancient_Greek general suffix
  3. ^ a b Okamoto, N.; Chantangsi, C.; Horák, A.; Leander, B.; Keeling, P.; Stajich, J. E. (2009). Stajich, Jason E. (ured.). "Molecular Phylogeny and Description of the Novel Katablepharid Roombia truncata gen. et sp. nov., and Establishment of the Hacrobia Taxon nov". PLoS ONE. 4 (9): e7080. Bibcode:2009PLoSO...4.7080O. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007080. PMC 2741603. PMID 19759916.
  4. ^ a b Zhao, Sen; Burki, Fabien; Bråte, Jon; Keeling, Patrick J.; Klaveness, Dag; Shalchian-Tabrizi, Kamran (2012). "Collodictyon—An Ancient Lineage in the Tree of Eukaryotes". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29 (6): 1557–68. doi:10.1093/molbev/mss001. PMC 3351787. PMID 22319147.
  5. ^ "EUKARYOMONADAE". Pristupljeno 1. 3. 2015.
  6. ^ a b Burki, F.; Okamoto, N.; Pombert, J.F. & Keeling, P.J. (2012). "The evolutionary history of haptophytes and cryptophytes: phylogenomic evidence for separate origins". Proc. Biol. Sci. 279 (1736): 2246–54. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.2301. PMC 3321700. PMID 22298847.
  7. ^ Csurös M, Rogozin IB, Koonin EV (maj 2008). "Extremely intron-rich genes in the alveolate ancestors inferred with a flexible maximum-likelihood approach". Mol. Biol. Evol. 25 (5): 903–11. doi:10.1093/molbev/msn039. PMID 18296415.
  8. ^ Rice DW, Palmer JD (2006). "An exceptional horizontal gene transfer in plastids: gene replacement by a distant bacterial paralog and evidence that haptophyte and cryptophyte plastids are sisters". BMC Biol. 4: 31. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-4-31. PMC 1570145. PMID 16956407.CS1 održavanje: koristi se parametar authors (link)
  9. ^ Aharon Oren; R. Thane Papke (1. 7. 2010). Molecular Phylogeny of Microorganisms. Horizon Scientific Press. str. 190–. ISBN 978-1-904455-67-7. Pristupljeno 21. 1. 2011.
  10. ^ Reeb VC, Peglar MT, Yoon HS et al. (maj 2009). "Interrelationships of chromalveolates within a broadly sampled tree of photosynthetic protists". Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 53 (1): 202–11. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.04.012. PMID 19398025. Izričita upotreba et al. u: |authors= (pomoć)CS1 održavanje: koristi se parametar authors (link)
  11. ^ Burki, F; Inagaki, Y; Bråte, J; Archibald, J.; Keeling, P.; Cavalier-Smith, T; Sakaguchi, M; Hashimoto, T; Horak, A; Kumar, S; Klaveness, D; Jakobsen, K.S; Pawlowski, J; Shalchian-Tabrizi, K (2009). "Large-scale phylogenomic analyses reveal that two enigmatic protist lineages, Telonemia and Centroheliozoa, are related to photosynthetic chromalveolates". Genome Biology and Evolution. 1: 231–8. doi:10.1093/gbe/evp022. PMC 2817417. PMID 20333193. Arhivirano s originala (Free full text), 10. 7. 2012.
  12. ^ Baurain, Denis; Brinkmann, Henner; Petersen, Jörn; Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara; Stechmann, Alexandra; Demoulin, Vincent; Roger, Andrew J.; Burger, Gertraud; Lang, B. Franz & Philippe, Hervé (2010), "Phylogenomic Evidence for Separate Acquisition of Plastids in Cryptophytes, Haptophytes, and Stramenopiles", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27 (7): 1698–1709, doi:10.1093/molbev/msq059, PMID 20194427
  13. ^ a b Burki, F; Kaplan, M; Tikhonenkov, DV; Zlatogursky, V; Minh, BQ; Radaykina, LV; Smirnov, A; Mylnikov, AP; Keeling, PJ (2016). "Untangling the early diversification of eukaryotes: a phylogenomic study of the evolutionary origins of Centrohelida, Haptophyta and Cryptista". Proc Biol Sci. 283 (1823): 20152802. doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.2802. PMC 4795036. PMID 26817772.
  14. ^ Silar, Philippe (2016), "Protistes Eucaryotes: Origine, Evolution et Biologie des Microbes Eucaryotes", HAL Archives-ouvertes: 1–462
  15. ^ Ruggiero; et al. (2015), "Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms", PLoS ONE, 10 (4): e0119248, Bibcode:2015PLoSO..1019248R, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119248, PMC 4418965, PMID 25923521
  16. ^ Cavalier-Smith, T.; Chao, E. E.; Lewis, R. (17. 4. 2018), "Multigene phylogeny and cell evolution of chromist infrakingdom Rhizaria: contrasting cell organisation of sister phyla Cercozoa and Retaria", Protoplasma, 255 (5): 1517–1574, doi:10.1007/s00709-018-1241-1, PMC 6133090, PMID 29666938
  17. ^ Katz, L. A., & Grant, J. R. (2014). Taxon-rich phylogenomic analyses resolve the eukaryotic tree of life and reveal the power of subsampling by sites. Systematic biology, syu126.
  18. ^ Dorrell, R. G., & Smith, A. G. (2011). Do red and green make brown?: perspectives on plastid acquisitions within chromalveolates. Eukaryotic cell, 10(7), 856-868.

External links

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia emerging languages

Hacrobia: Brief Summary ( 波士尼亞語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Skupina kriptomonadina–haptofita je predložena monofiletska grupacija ili jednoćelijske eukarote koji su uključeni u that grupu SAR.Za grupu je korišteno nekoliko alternativnih imena, uključujući „Hacrobia“ (izvedeno od „ha-“ koji se odnosi na Haptophyta, -cr- koji se odnosi na kriptomonadine i -bia kao Several alternative names have been used for the group, including Hacrobia (derived from "ha-" referring to Haptophyta, "-cr-" referring to cryptomonads, and "-bia" kao opći sufiks za život; CCTH (za Cryptophyta, Centrohelida, Telonemia i Haptophyta) i "Eukaryomonadae".

Od februara 2012., nije jasno da li je ova grupa monofiletka ili ne; rezultati filogenetskih studija "često ovise o izboru podataka o taksonima i genima". Dvije studije iz 2012. imale su suprotne rezultate.

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia emerging languages

Hacrobia ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The cryptomonads-haptophytes assemblage is a proposed but disputed monophyletic grouping[1] of unicellular eukaryotes that are not included in the SAR supergroup. Several alternative names have been used for the group, including Hacrobia (derived from "ha-" referring to Haptophyta, "-cr-" referring to cryptomonads, and "-bia" as a general suffix referring to life);[2] CCTH (standing for Cryptophyta, Centrohelida, Telonemia and Haptophyta);[3] and "Eukaryomonadae".[4]

As of February 2012, it is unclear whether this group is monophyletic or not; results of phylogenetic studies are "often dependent on the selection of taxa and gene data set".[3] Two 2012 studies produced opposite results.[3][5]


In the past, heterokonts, haptophytes, and cryptomonads have sometimes been grouped together in a group known as chromists.[6] Though the heterokonts are now split out, Cryptophyta and Haptophyta are considered in some studies to be closely related[7][8] (and are sometimes simply referred to as the "Cryptophyta+Haptophyta" group).[9] A 2009 paper suggested that the Telonemia and centrohelids may form a clade with the cryptophytes and haptophytes.[10] The picobiliphytes may belong in this group but are too poorly known to be classified with confidence.[2]

Several recent studies have concluded that Haptophyta and Cryptophyta do not form a monophyletic group.[11] The former are a sister group to the SAR group, the latter cluster with the Archaeplastida (plants in the broad sense).[5] As of February 2012, it remains unclear whether the Hacrobia forms a monophyletic group.[3]

Another study[12] suggested the following arrangement: centrohelids are related to haptophytes and form the clade Haptista; Haptista is the sister group to SAR; Cryptista are related to Archaeplastida; and Haptista + SAR is the sister clade to Cryptista + Archaeplastida.


Based on work done by Silar 2016.[13][14]

Hacrobia Alveidia


Haptista Centroheliozoa


Haptophytina Rappemonada





Cryptista s.l. Corbihelia Endohelia





Cryptista s.s. Palpitia


Rollomonadia Leucocrypta






  1. ^ Sakaguchi M, Takishita K, Matsumoto T, Hashimoto T, Inagaki Y (July 2009). "Tracing back EFL gene evolution in the cryptomonads-haptophytes assemblage: separate origins of EFL genes in haptophytes, photosynthetic cryptomonads, and goniomonads". Gene. 441 (1–2): 126–31. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2008.05.010. PMID 18585873.
  2. ^ a b Okamoto, N.; Chantangsi, C.; Horák, A.; Leander, B.; Keeling, P.; Stajich, J. E. (2009). Stajich, Jason E. (ed.). "Molecular Phylogeny and Description of the Novel Katablepharid Roombia truncata gen. et sp. nov., and Establishment of the Hacrobia Taxon nov". PLOS ONE. 4 (9): e7080. Bibcode:2009PLoSO...4.7080O. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007080. PMC 2741603. PMID 19759916.
  3. ^ a b c d Zhao, Sen; Burki, Fabien; Bråte, Jon; Keeling, Patrick J.; Klaveness, Dag; Shalchian-Tabrizi, Kamran (2012). "Collodictyon—An Ancient Lineage in the Tree of Eukaryotes". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29 (6): 1557–68. doi:10.1093/molbev/mss001. PMC 3351787. PMID 22319147.
  4. ^ "EUKARYOMONADAE". Retrieved 2015-03-01.
  5. ^ a b Burki, F.; Okamoto, N.; Pombert, J.F. & Keeling, P.J. (2012). "The evolutionary history of haptophytes and cryptophytes: phylogenomic evidence for separate origins". Proc. Biol. Sci. 279 (1736): 2246–54. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.2301. PMC 3321700. PMID 22298847.
  6. ^ Csurös M, Rogozin IB, Koonin EV (May 2008). "Extremely intron-rich genes in the alveolate ancestors inferred with a flexible maximum-likelihood approach". Mol. Biol. Evol. 25 (5): 903–11. doi:10.1093/molbev/msn039. PMID 18296415.
  7. ^ Rice DW, Palmer JD (2006). "An exceptional horizontal gene transfer in plastids: gene replacement by a distant bacterial paralog and evidence that haptophyte and cryptophyte plastids are sisters". BMC Biol. 4: 31. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-4-31. PMC 1570145. PMID 16956407.
  8. ^ Aharon Oren; R. Thane Papke (1 July 2010). Molecular Phylogeny of Microorganisms. Horizon Scientific Press. pp. 190–. ISBN 978-1-904455-67-7. Retrieved 21 January 2011.
  9. ^ Reeb VC, Peglar MT, Yoon HS, et al. (May 2009). "Interrelationships of chromalveolates within a broadly sampled tree of photosynthetic protists". Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 53 (1): 202–11. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.04.012. PMID 19398025.
  10. ^ Burki, F; Inagaki, Y; Bråte, J; Archibald, J; Keeling, P; Cavalier-Smith, T; Sakaguchi, M; Hashimoto, T; Horak, A; Kumar, S; Klaveness, D; Jakobsen, KS; Pawlowski, J; Shalchian-Tabrizi, K (2009). "Large-scale phylogenomic analyses reveal that two enigmatic protist lineages, Telonemia and Centroheliozoa, are related to photosynthetic chromalveolates" (Free full text). Genome Biology and Evolution. 1: 231–8. doi:10.1093/gbe/evp022. PMC 2817417. PMID 20333193.
  11. ^ Baurain, Denis; Brinkmann, Henner; Petersen, Jörn; Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara; Stechmann, Alexandra; Demoulin, Vincent; Roger, Andrew J.; Burger, Gertraud; Lang, B. Franz & Philippe, Hervé (2010), "Phylogenomic Evidence for Separate Acquisition of Plastids in Cryptophytes, Haptophytes, and Stramenopiles", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27 (7): 1698–1709, doi:10.1093/molbev/msq059, PMID 20194427
  12. ^ Burki, F; Kaplan, M; Tikhonenkov, DV; Zlatogursky, V; Minh, BQ; Radaykina, LV; Smirnov, A; Mylnikov, AP; Keeling, PJ (2016). "Untangling the early diversification of eukaryotes: a phylogenomic study of the evolutionary origins of Centrohelida, Haptophyta and Cryptista". Proc Biol Sci. 283 (1823): 20152802. doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.2802. PMC 4795036. PMID 26817772.
  13. ^ Silar, Philippe (2016), "Protistes Eucaryotes: Origine, Evolution et Biologie des Microbes Eucaryotes", HAL Archives-ouvertes: 1–462
  14. ^ Ruggiero; et al. (2015), "Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms", PLOS ONE, 10 (4): e0119248, Bibcode:2015PLoSO..1019248R, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119248, PMC 4418965, PMID 25923521
  15. ^ Cavalier-Smith, T.; Chao, E. E.; Lewis, R. (17 April 2018), "Multigene phylogeny and cell evolution of chromist infrakingdom Rhizaria: contrasting cell organisation of sister phyla Cercozoa and Retaria", Protoplasma, 255 (5): 1517–1574, doi:10.1007/s00709-018-1241-1, PMC 6133090, PMID 29666938

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Hacrobia: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The cryptomonads-haptophytes assemblage is a proposed but disputed monophyletic grouping of unicellular eukaryotes that are not included in the SAR supergroup. Several alternative names have been used for the group, including Hacrobia (derived from "ha-" referring to Haptophyta, "-cr-" referring to cryptomonads, and "-bia" as a general suffix referring to life); CCTH (standing for Cryptophyta, Centrohelida, Telonemia and Haptophyta); and "Eukaryomonadae".

As of February 2012, it is unclear whether this group is monophyletic or not; results of phylogenetic studies are "often dependent on the selection of taxa and gene data set". Two 2012 studies produced opposite results.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN