Rhodostemonodaphne is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lauraceae. It is a neotropical genus consisting of approximately 41 species occurring in Central America and northern South America.[1] This genus has many species that are valued for timber. The classification of the genus is unclear since the species in the genus fall into a well-supported but unresolved clade that also includes species with unisexual flowers currently placed in the genera Endlicheria and part of Ocotea.[2]
Rhodostemonodaphne are shrubs and trees up to 30 m tall, mostly hardwood evergreen trees. They are dioecious (male and female flowers are on separate trees). The stamens have four locelli situated in a shallow arch towards the apex of the anthers. The leaves are alternately arranged, elliptic with recurved margins, and thin (chartaceous).[3] The inflorescence of small flowers is a panicle with racemose terminations.
Species include:[4]
Rhodostemonodaphne is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lauraceae. It is a neotropical genus consisting of approximately 41 species occurring in Central America and northern South America. This genus has many species that are valued for timber. The classification of the genus is unclear since the species in the genus fall into a well-supported but unresolved clade that also includes species with unisexual flowers currently placed in the genera Endlicheria and part of Ocotea.
Rhodostemonodaphne es un género de árboles y de arbustos siempreverdes de la familia de los laureles, Lauraceae. Rhodostemonodaphne es un género con 40 especies distribuidas desde Guatemala a Bolivia y sur de Brasil; hasta hace poco no se lo conocía en Centroamérica.
Son árboles que alcanzan hasta los 30 m de alto; hermafroditas. Las hojas elípticas, con base y ápice agudos, cartáceas, glabras o menudamente pubérulas en el envés. Las inflorescencias paniculadas, última ramificación cimosa, densa y cortamente pubescente, las flores de 7 mm de diámetro, blanco-cremosas, fragantes. Frutos elipsoides, de 2 cm de largo y 1.5 cm de ancho cuando secos; cúpula de 5 mm de profundidad, con lenticelas grandes.
Especies incluidas:[1]
Rhodostemonodaphne es un género de árboles y de arbustos siempreverdes de la familia de los laureles, Lauraceae. Rhodostemonodaphne es un género con 40 especies distribuidas desde Guatemala a Bolivia y sur de Brasil; hasta hace poco no se lo conocía en Centroamérica.
Rhodostemonodaphne é um género botânico pertencente à família Lauraceae.
«Rhodostemonodaphne — World Flora Online». www.worldfloraonline.org. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020