
Dukerlər ( 亞塞拜然語 )

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Dukerlər: Brief Summary ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供

Dukerlər, kəkilli antiloplar (lat. Cephalophinae) — cütdırnaqlılar dəstəsinin boşbuynuzlular fəsiləsinə aid yarımfəsilə.

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Dykkerantiloper ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供

Dykkerantiloper (Cephalophinae) er en underfamilie af skedehornede.

  • Underfamilie Cephalophinae
    • Slægt Cephalopus
      • Cephalophus spadix
      • Cephalophus adersi
      • Cephalophus dorsalis
      • Cephalophus niger
      • Cephalophus nigrifrons
      • Cephalophus brookei
      • Cephalophus harveyi
      • Cephalophus jentinki
      • Cephalophus ogilbyi
      • Cephalophus callipygus
      • Cephalophus rufilatus
      • Rød dykkerantilope Cephalophus natalensis
      • Cephalophus rubidis
      • Cephalophus weynsi
      • Cephalophus leucogaster
      • Cephalophus crusalbum
      • Cephalophus silvicuitor
      • Cephalophus zebra
    • Slægt Philantomba
    • Slægt Sylvicapra


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Dykkerantiloper: Brief Summary ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供

Dykkerantiloper (Cephalophinae) er en underfamilie af skedehornede.

Underfamilie Cephalophinae Slægt Cephalopus Cephalophus spadix Cephalophus adersi Cephalophus dorsalis Cephalophus niger Cephalophus nigrifrons Cephalophus brookei Cephalophus harveyi Cephalophus jentinki Cephalophus ogilbyi Cephalophus callipygus Cephalophus rufilatus Rød dykkerantilope Cephalophus natalensis Cephalophus rubidis Cephalophus weynsi Cephalophus leucogaster Cephalophus crusalbum Cephalophus silvicuitor Cephalophus zebra Slægt Philantomba Blå dykkerantilope Philantomba monticola Philantomba maxwellii Philantomba walteri Slægt Sylvicapra Dykkerantilope Sylvicapra grimmia
Wikipedia-forfattere og redaktører
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Ducker ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Die Ducker (Cephalophini; im südlichen Afrika aus dem Afrikaans als Duiker bekannt) sind eine in Afrika beheimatete Tribus der Hornträger. Es handelt sich um kleine, zum Großteil waldbewohnende Antilopen. Obwohl sie weitgehend unbekannt sind, handelt es sich bei ihnen um ein sehr artenreiches Taxon.


Die kleinsten Arten sind nicht größer als ein Hase, die größten aber können ein Reh an Größe übertreffen. Die Kopfrumpflänge schwankt je nach Art zwischen 60 und 170 cm, die Schulterhöhe zwischen 40 und 80 cm, und das Gewicht zwischen 3,5 und 80 kg. Der Schwanz misst etwa 5 bis 10 cm. Die Färbung variiert zwischen den Arten. Oft ist die Oberseite in einem Braunton gefärbt, während die Unterseite deutlich heller ist. Einige Arten haben gelblich oder rötlich schimmerndes Fell, und der Zebraducker hat ein zebraartiges Streifenmuster. Beide Geschlechter (Gattung Cephalophus) oder nur die Männchen (Gattungen Philantomba und Sylvicapra) tragen Hörner. Diese setzen etwas weiter hinten an und sind kurz und nach hinten gerichtet. Bei manchen Arten werden sie von der Kopfbehaarung vollkommen verdeckt. Am Schädel tritt ein deutlich verdicktes Stirnbein auf, das teilweise stark verknöchert ist und als Ramme dient. Zudem ist der Gehirnschädel im Vergleich zu anderen Boviden stark vergrößert.[1]


Alle Arten leben in Afrika südlich der Sahara, und hier mehrheitlich im Bereich der tropischen Regenwälder West- und Zentralafrikas. Hier führen sie eine so verborgene Lebensweise, dass noch immer neue, bisher unbekannte Arten entdeckt werden. Jene Arten, die nicht im Regenwald leben, suchen auch den Schutz dichten Buschwerks. Niemals sieht man Ducker in offener Savanne. Im Gebirge kann man einige Arten bis in Höhen von 3500 m antreffen.


Der geringe Bekanntheitsgrad der Ducker hängt sicherlich damit zusammen, dass sie in freier Wildbahn kaum zu beobachten sind, da sie hauptsächlich nachtaktiv sind, sich stets im Bereich möglichst dichten, unwegsamen Pflanzengewirrs aufhalten und darüber hinaus sehr scheu sind. Bei der geringsten Störung fliehen sie durch das Unterholz. Hiermit hängt auch ihr Name zusammen, der vom Afrikaans-Wort duiker abgeleitet wurde und „Ducker“ bedeutet.

Die Nahrung sind Gräser, Blätter, Früchte, Knollen und Blüten. Zumindest der Kronenducker wurde dabei beobachtet, dass er gelegentlich auch Insekten, Frösche, kleine Vögel, Mäuse und Aas fraß; es wird angenommen, dass andere Arten sich ebenso verhalten, was für einen Wiederkäuer recht ungewöhnlich ist.

Ducker leben einzelgängerisch oder paarweise. Gegen Geschlechtsgenossen verhalten sich Männchen wie Weibchen sehr aggressiv. An den Grenzen der Eigenbezirke kommt es oft zu Kämpfen, die mit den kleinen Hörnern ausgetragen werden. Die Weibchen bringen nach einer Tragzeit von 120 Tagen ein einzelnes Junges zur Welt.


Innere Systematik der Ducker nach Johnston et al. 2012[2]
Cephalophini Cephalophus


Cephalophus silvicultor

Cephalophus spadix

Cephalophus jentinki

Cephalophus dorsalis

Cephalophus zebra

Cephalophus rufilatus

Cephalophus nigrifrons

Cephalophus harveyi

Cephalophus natalensis

Cephalophus leucogaster

Cephalophus niger

Cephalophus rubidus

Cephalophus weynsi

Cephalophus callipygus

Cephalophus ogilbyi

Cephalophus adersi


Philantomba monticola

Philantomba maxwelli

Philantomba walteri


Derzeit sind 41 Arten bekannt, die sich auf drei Gattungen aufteilen:[3]

  • Tribus Cephalophini Blyth, 1863

Die Systematik der Ducker ist komplex und unter Zoologen nicht unumstritten. Die Gattung Philantomba, welche die sehr kleinen Blauducker umfasst, wurde teilweise als Untergattung von Cephalophus geführt. Peter Grubb und Colin Peter Groves erkannten dann in einer Studie im Jahr 2001 Philantomba als eigenständig an und platzierten die Gattung ihren morphologischen Untersuchungen zufolge an die Seite von Sylvicapra. Zur gleichen Zeit wurde eine molekulargenetische Analyse veröffentlicht, in der Philantomba die Schwestergruppe zu Cephalophus-Sylvicapra bildete, was unabhängig von der genauen stammesgeschichtlichen Stellung den eigenen Gattungscharakter von Philantomba unterstützte. Die Studie ergab zudem drei Entwicklungslinien innerhalb von Cephalophus. Die erste umfasst dabei die Riesenducker, zu denen etwa der Jentink-Ducker (Cephalophus jentinki) und der Schwarzrückenducker (Cephalophus dorsalis) gehören, die zweite bilden die westafrikanischen Rotducker mit dem Petersducker (Cephalophus callipygus) und dem Ogilby-Ducker (Cephalophus ogilbyi) und die dritte die ostafrikanischen Rotducker, etwa der Natal-Rotducker (Cephalophus natalensis) und der Schwarzstirnducker (Cephalophus nigrifrons).[4] Eine weitere genetische Studie aus dem Jahr 2012 konnte dieses Ergebnis weitgehend bestätigen. Allerdings zeigte sie auch auf, dass weder der Sansibar-Ducker (Cephalophus adersi) noch der Zebraducker (Cephalophus zebra) einer dieser drei Gruppen genau zuzuordnen ist. Als weiteres Resultat erwies sich Sylvicapra als die Schwestergruppe der Riesenducker und somit tiefer in die Gattung Cephalophus eingebettet als ursprünglich vermutet, wodurch letztere als paraphyletisch anzusehen ist.[2] In Folge dessen wird darüber diskutiert, ob die verschiedenen Rotducker-Arten aus Cephalophus auszuschließen sind, für sie wurde als alternativer Gattungsname Cephalophorus vorgeschlagen. Ebenso ist Leucocephalophus als neue Gattung für den Sansibar-Ducker und Cephalophula für den Zebraducker in Diskussion.[5][6] Die durch die Arbeiten 2001 und 2012 herausgearbeiteten generellen Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Ducker stützt eine weitere genetische Analyse aus dem Jahr 2019.[7]

Wie die Ducker im System der Hornträger stehen, war lange Zeit stark umstritten. Es war früher allgemein üblich, die Ducker an den Beginn einer Hornträger-Systematik zu stellen; da man in ihnen große Ähnlichkeit mit den frühesten Hornträgern des Miozäns zu erkennen glaubte, hielt man sie für einen sehr ursprünglichen Zweig. Später, im Jahr 1992 verwies sie Alan W. Gentry aufgrund morphologischer Untersuchungen an die Seite der Rinder (Bovinae),[8] während andere wiederum eine Mittlerstellung zwischen den Bovinae und den Antilopinae annahmen. Erste genetische Untersuchungen ergaben ein Nahverhältnis zu den Reduncini, also den Ried- (Redunca) und Wasserböcken (Kobus),[9][10] ebenso wurde eine nahe Stellung zu den Kuhantilopen (Alcelaphini) vorgeschlagen. Neuere molekulargenetische Untersuchungen gruppieren die Ducker zusammen mit den Klippspringern (Oreotragini) und dem Kleinstböckchen (Neotragus).[5][11][12] Der Grund für die teils stark abweichenden Zuweisungen liegt in den zahlreichen Ähnlichkeiten und Abweichungen der Ducker bezüglich ihrer Gene und Anatomie.[1]


Aus stammesgeschichtlicher Sicht sind die Ducker relativ jung. Die molekulargenetischen Untersuchungen sprechen für eine Entstehung im Oberen Miozän, was konsistent ist mit der Herausbildung anderer waldbewohnender Hornträger, etwa den Buschböcken.[13] Die Gattung Philantomba spaltete sich demgemäß vor rund 7,55 Millionen Jahren von der Stammlinie ab, die Aufteilung in die Riesenducker und Sylvicapra erfolgte rund eine halbe Million Jahre später. Die Trennung der ost- und westafrikanischen Rotducker erfolgte erst im Pliozän vor etwa 3,53 Millionen Jahren. Die starke Diversifizierung der Rotducker, aber auch der anderen Linien, ist möglicherweise ein Resultat der sich häufig wechselnden Klimaverhältnisse im darauffolgenden Pleistozän. Während der Kältemaxima der Eiszeiten herrschten in Afrika trockenere Bedingungen, wodurch sich Offenlandschaften ausbreiteten und die Wälder zurückgedrängt wurden. Der geschlossene Waldgürtel in West- und Zentralafrika faserte auf und einzelne Populationen wurden so isoliert. Dies führte letztendlich zu allopatrischen Artbildungen.[2]

Fossilnachweise von Duckern sind relativ selten. Aus Laetoli in Tansania stammen einzelne isolierte Zähne und Unterkieferfragmente. Ebenso wurde von einem Hornzapfen berichtet, der aber auch einer anderen Antilopenform angehören könnte.[14] Die Funde sind knapp vier Millionen Jahre alt. Weitere Funde kamen in Koobi Fora in Kenia zu Tage und stehen am Übergang vom Pliozän zum Pleistozän. Darüber hinaus konnten einige Reste in Makapansgat in Südafrika geborgen werden, darunter einzelne Unterkieferfragmente und ein Hornzapfen.[15] Aus Taung, ebenfalls Südafrika, wurde wiederum ein Oberkieferfragment registriert.[16] Beide Fundstellen weisen eine ähnliche Alterstellung im Übergang vom Pliozän zum Pleistozän auf. Alle Funde werden bisher zur Gattung Cepahlophus gestellt.[17]

Bedrohung und Schutz

Obwohl der Gelbrückenducker, der Maxwell-Ducker, der Schwarzrückenducker und der Rotflankenducker derzeit noch sehr weit verbreitet sind, nehmen ihre Bestände in den meisten Bereichen ihrer Verbreitungsgebiete immer weiter ab. Dies ist auf die Abholzung der Tropenwälder zurückzuführen, die den Lebensraum der Ducker wesentlich reduziert. Zwar können die meisten Ducker in der waldähnlichen Sekundärvegetation durchaus auch überleben, doch besteht in dieser ein Jagddruck auf Wildtiere, nicht zuletzt, weil das zarte Fleisch der Ducker als Speise sehr geschätzt wird. Von Freizeit- und Trophäenjägern bleiben sie dagegen verschont.

Die IUCN führt den Sansibar-Ducker als vom Aussterben bedroht sowie den Jentink-Ducker, den Abbot-Ducker und den Zebraducker als stark gefährdet oder gefährdet.


  • Colin Groves und Peter Grubb: Ungulate Taxonomy. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, S. 1–317 (S. S. 108–280)
  • Colin P. Groves und David M. Leslie Jr.: Family Bovidae (Hollow-horned Ruminants). In: Don E. Wilson und Russell A. Mittermeier (Hrsg.): Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Volume 2: Hooved Mammals. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2011, ISBN 978-84-96553-77-4, S. 751–774
  • Jonathan Kingdon, David Happold, Michael Hoffmann, Thomas Butynski, Meredith Happold und Jan Kalina (Hrsg.): Mammals of Africa Volume VI. Pigs, Hippopotamuses, Chevrotain, Giraffes, Deer and Bovids. Bloomsbury, London, 2013, S. 220–301
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. 2 Bände. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD u. a. 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.
  • Don E. Wilson, DeeAnn M. Reeder (Hrsg.): Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 2 Bände. 3rd edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD u. a. 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.


  1. a b Jonathan Kingdon, David Happold, Michael Hoffmann, Thomas Butynski, Meredith Happold und Jan Kalina (Hrsg.): Mammals of Africa Volume VI. Pigs, Hippopotamuses, Chevrotain, Giraffes, Deer and Bovids. Bloomsbury, London, 2013, S. 220–301
  2. a b c Anne R. Johnston und Nicola M. Anthony: A multi-locus species phylogeny of African forest duikers in the subfamily Cephalophinae: evidence for a recent radiation in the Pleistocene. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12, 2012, S. 120 ([1])
  3. Colin P. Groves, David M. Leslie Jr.: Family Bovidae (Hollwow-horned Ruminants). In: Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier (Hrsg.): Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Volume 2: Hooved Mammals. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2011, ISBN 978-84-96553-77-4, S. 751–774.
  4. Bettine Jansen van Vuuren und Terence J. Robinson: Retrieval of Four Adaptive Lineages in Duiker Antelope: Evidence from Mitochondrial DNA Sequences and Fluorescencein Situ Hybridization. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20 (3), 2001, S. 409–425
  5. a b Alexandre Hassanin, Frédéric Delsuc, Anne Ropiquet, Catrin Hammer, Bettine Jansen van Vuuren, Conrad Matthee, Manuel Ruiz-Garcia, François Catzeflis, Veronika Areskoug, Trung Thanh Nguyen und Arnaud Couloux: Pattern and timing of diversification of Cetartiodactyla (Mammalia, Laurasiatheria), as revealed by a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial genomes. Comptes Rendus Palevol 335, 2012, S. 32–50
  6. Colin Groves: Current taxonomy and diversity of crown ruminants above the species level. Zitteliana B 32, 2014, S. 5–14
  7. Taghi Ghassemi-Khademi und Kordiyeh Hamidi: Re-evaluation of Molecular Phylogeny of the Subfamily Cephalophinae (Bovidae: Artiodactyla); with Notes on Diversification of Body Size. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 12 (5), 2019, S. 637–647
  8. Alan W. Gentry: The subfamilies and tribes of the family Bovidae. Mammal Review 22 (1), 1992, S. 1–32
  9. Maria V. Kuznetsova und Marina V. Kholodova: Molecular Support for the Placement ofSaigaand Procaprain Antilopinae (Artiodactyla, Bovidae). Journal of Mammalian Evolution 9 (4), 2002, S. 271–280
  10. Manuel Hernández Fernández und Elisabeth S. Vrba: A complete estimate of the phylogenetic relationships in Ruminantia: a dated species-level supertree of the extant ruminants. Biological Review 80, 2005, S. 269–302
  11. Fayasal Bibi: A multi-calibrated mitochondrial phylogeny of extant Bovidae (Artiodactyla, Ruminantia) and the importance of the fossil record to systematics. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13, 2013, S. 166
  12. Eva V. Bärmann und Tim Schikora: The polyphyly of Neotragus – Results from genetic and morphometric analyses. Mammalian Biology 79, 2014, S. 283–286
  13. Yoshan Moodley und Michael W. Bruford: Molecular Biogeography: Towards an Integrated Framework for Conserving Pan-African Biodiversity. PlosOne 5, 2007, S. e454 ([2])
  14. Alan W. Gentry: Bovidae. In: Terry Harrison (Hrsg.): Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context: Volume 2: Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna. Springer Science, 2011, S. 363–465
  15. L. H. Wells und H. B. S. Cooke: Fossil Bovidae from the limeworks quarry Makapansgat, Potgietersrus. Palaeontologia Africana 4, 1956, S. 1–55
  16. Robert Broom: On the fossil remains associated with Australorpithecus Africanus. South African Journal of Science 31, 1934, S. 471–480
  17. Alan W. Gentry: Bovidae. In: Lars Werdelin und William Joseph Sanders (Hrsg.): Cenozoic Mammals of Africa. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 2010, S. 741–796
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Ducker: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Die Ducker (Cephalophini; im südlichen Afrika aus dem Afrikaans als Duiker bekannt) sind eine in Afrika beheimatete Tribus der Hornträger. Es handelt sich um kleine, zum Großteil waldbewohnende Antilopen. Obwohl sie weitgehend unbekannt sind, handelt es sich bei ihnen um ein sehr artenreiches Taxon.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Dukirlar ( 烏茲別克語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Dukirlar, kokildor antilopalar— quvushshoxlilar oilasiga mansub sut emizuvchilar 2 ta urugʻining umumiy nomi. Tanasining uz. 55—145 sm, ogʻirligi 4–80 kg . Urgʻochisi erka-giga nisbatan yirikroq. Boshida bir tutam uzun yungi va bir juft kalta konussimon shoxi bor. Kokildor, yaʼni oʻrmon D. i urugʻiga 15 tur, butazor D.i urugʻiga 1 tur kiradi. Afrikaning Sah-roi kabirdan Janubrokdagi pasttekisliklari va togʻlaridagi oʻrmon va buta-zorlarida yashaydi. Barg va mevalar, baʼzan hasharotlar, qushlar va hayvonlarning oʻlimtiklari bilan oziqlanadi. Ovlanadi.


  • OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yil
Vikipediya mualliflari va muharrirlari
wikipedia emerging languages

Dukirlar: Brief Summary ( 烏茲別克語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Dukirlar, kokildor antilopalar— quvushshoxlilar oilasiga mansub sut emizuvchilar 2 ta urugʻining umumiy nomi. Tanasining uz. 55—145 sm, ogʻirligi 4–80 kg . Urgʻochisi erka-giga nisbatan yirikroq. Boshida bir tutam uzun yungi va bir juft kalta konussimon shoxi bor. Kokildor, yaʼni oʻrmon D. i urugʻiga 15 tur, butazor D.i urugʻiga 1 tur kiradi. Afrikaning Sah-roi kabirdan Janubrokdagi pasttekisliklari va togʻlaridagi oʻrmon va buta-zorlarida yashaydi. Barg va mevalar, baʼzan hasharotlar, qushlar va hayvonlarning oʻlimtiklari bilan oziqlanadi. Ovlanadi.

Vikipediya mualliflari va muharrirlari
wikipedia emerging languages

Paa (Bovidae) ( 史瓦希里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru

Paa (ing. duiker; huitwa pia: Nsya, Sylvicapra grimmia; Mindi, Cephalophus spadix; Funo, Cephalophus natalensis; na Chesi, Philantomba monticola) ni jina la kawaida kwa wanyama wadogo wa Afrika wanaofanana na swala na walio na pembe fupi. Huainishwa katika nususfamilia Cephalophinae ya familia Bovidae. Paa-chonge ni wanyama wengine katika familia Tragulidae.



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wikipedia emerging languages

Paa (Bovidae): Brief Summary ( 史瓦希里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru

Paa (ing. duiker; huitwa pia: Nsya, Sylvicapra grimmia; Mindi, Cephalophus spadix; Funo, Cephalophus natalensis; na Chesi, Philantomba monticola) ni jina la kawaida kwa wanyama wadogo wa Afrika wanaofanana na swala na walio na pembe fupi. Huainishwa katika nususfamilia Cephalophinae ya familia Bovidae. Paa-chonge ni wanyama wengine katika familia Tragulidae.

Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
wikipedia emerging languages

Дукер ( 草原馬里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Дукер (лат. Cephalophinae ) – Африкын Bovidae йамагатын гыч кугу янлык. Чылаже 19 еш куэ уло.


  • Урлык : Cephalophus
    • Cephalophus spadix
    • Cephalophus adersi
    • Cephalophus dorsalis
    • Cephalophus niger
    • Cephalophus nigrifrons
    • Cephalophus brookei
    • Cephalophus harveyi
    • Cephalophus jentinki
    • Cephalophus ogilbyi
    • Cephalophus callipygus
    • Cephalophus rufilatus
    • Cephalophus natalensis
    • Cephalophus rubidis
    • Cephalophus weynsi
    • Cephalophus leucogaster
    • Cephalophus sylvicultor
    • Cephalophus zebra
  • Урлык : Philantomba
    • Philantomba monticola
    • Philantomba maxwellii
    • Philantomba walteri
  • Урлык : Sylvicapra
    • Sylvicapra grimmia
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Дукер: Brief Summary ( 草原馬里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Дукер (лат. Cephalophinae ) – Африкын Bovidae йамагатын гыч кугу янлык. Чылаже 19 еш куэ уло.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Дукерлер ( 吉爾吉斯語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
сары жон дукер (Cephalophus sylvicultor).

Дукерлер (лат. Cephalophinae) — улук мүйүздүү бөкөнсымак кийиктердин бир тукумчасы, булардын кыйла түрү жана уруусу бар: ак боор дукер (лат. Cephalophus leucogaster), Гарвей дукери (C. harveyi), көгүш дукер (C. monticola), сары жон дукер (C. sylvicultor), алача дукер (C. zebra), кызыл дукер (C. natalensis), кадимки дукер (Sylvicapra grimmia), жээрде каптал дукер (C. rufilatus), Танзания дукери (C. spadix), жабуулуу дукер (C. jentinki), кара чеке дукер (C. nigrifrons), кара жон дукер (C. dorsalis), кара дукер (C. niger), бадалчыл дукерлер (уруу) (Sylvicapra), үрпөк дукерлер (уруу) (Cephalophus).

Колдонулган адабияттар

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wikipedia emerging languages

Дукерлер: Brief Summary ( 吉爾吉斯語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
 src= сары жон дукер (Cephalophus sylvicultor).

Дукерлер (лат. Cephalophinae) — улук мүйүздүү бөкөнсымак кийиктердин бир тукумчасы, булардын кыйла түрү жана уруусу бар: ак боор дукер (лат. Cephalophus leucogaster), Гарвей дукери (C. harveyi), көгүш дукер (C. monticola), сары жон дукер (C. sylvicultor), алача дукер (C. zebra), кызыл дукер (C. natalensis), кадимки дукер (Sylvicapra grimmia), жээрде каптал дукер (C. rufilatus), Танзания дукери (C. spadix), жабуулуу дукер (C. jentinki), кара чеке дукер (C. nigrifrons), кара жон дукер (C. dorsalis), кара дукер (C. niger), бадалчыл дукерлер (уруу) (Sylvicapra), үрпөк дукерлер (уруу) (Cephalophus).

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Mhembwe ( 修納語 )

由wikipedia emerging_languages提供
Common Duiker1.jpg

Mhembwe (Duiker in English) imhuka yemusango inofanana nemhara asi ine mumhu mudiki. Mhuka iyi ine ruvara rwe muto wenyemba. Mhembwe dzinowanikwa muZimbabwe mumatunhu akawanda uye dzine nyama yakanaka samare inodyiwa iri nyoro kana kuitwa chimukuyu.

Mwana wemhembwe anonzi tsvana kana chemera.


  • Mhembwe rudzi inozvara mwana ane kazhumu.
  • Bembwe rinotsvutsvudzirwa ramuka. Dogs are set on a duiker (only) when it shows up.
  • Mhembwe urombo ndohwayo, haisweri musvo rimwe nembudzi. The duiker is to be pitied (because) it cannot (even) spend a day together with goats.
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wikipedia emerging_languages

Mhembwe: Brief Summary ( 修納語 )

由wikipedia emerging_languages提供
Common Duiker1.jpg

Mhembwe (Duiker in English) imhuka yemusango inofanana nemhara asi ine mumhu mudiki. Mhuka iyi ine ruvara rwe muto wenyemba. Mhembwe dzinowanikwa muZimbabwe mumatunhu akawanda uye dzine nyama yakanaka samare inodyiwa iri nyoro kana kuitwa chimukuyu.

Mwana wemhembwe anonzi tsvana kana chemera.

Chemera yemhembwe (Young buck).
Wikipedia vanyori nevagadziri
wikipedia emerging_languages

Duiker ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

A duiker /ˈdkər/ is a small to medium-sized brown antelope native to sub-Saharan Africa, found in heavily wooded areas. The 22 extant species, including three sometimes considered to be subspecies of the other species, form the subfamily Cephalophinae or the tribe Cephalophini.

Taxonomy and phylogeny



Royal antelope


Kirk's dik-dik

Common duiker

Abbott's duiker

Yellow-backed duiker

Jentink's duiker

Bay duiker

Zebra duiker

Aders's duiker

Red-flanked duiker

Black-fronted duiker

Harvey's duiker

Red forest duiker

White-bellied duiker

Black duiker

Ogilby's duiker

Peters' duiker

Blue duiker

Maxwell's duiker

Cladogram of the subfamily Cephalophinae (duikers) and relationship with Tragelaphus, based on Johnston et al. 2012

The tribe Cephalophini[1] (formerly the subfamily Cephalophinae) comprises three genera and 22 species, three of which are sometimes considered to be subspecies of the other species. The three genera include Cephalophus (15 species and three disputed taxa), Philantomba (three species), and Sylvicapra (one species). The subfamily was first described by British zoologist John Edward Gray in 1871 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. The scientific name "Cephalophinae" probably comes from the combination of the New Latin word cephal, meaning head, and the Greek word lophos, meaning crest.[2]

The three disputed species in Cephalophus are Brooke's duiker (C. brookei), Ruwenzori duiker (C. rubidis), and the white-legged duiker (C. crusalbum). Considered to be a subspecies of Ogilby's duiker (C. nigrifrons), Brooke's duiker was elevated to species status by British ecologist Peter Grubb in 1998. Its status as a species was further seconded in a 2002 publication by Grubb and colleague Colin Groves.[3] However, zoologists such as Jonathan Kingdon continue to treat it as a subspecies.[4] The Ruwenzori duiker is generally considered to be a subspecies of the black-fronted duiker (C. nigrifrons). However, significant differences from another race of the same species, C. n. kivuensis, with which it is sympatric on the Ruwenzori mountain range, led Kingdon to suggest that it might be a different species altogether.[5] Grubb treated the white-legged duiker as a subspecies of Ogilby's duiker in 1978,[6] but regarded as an independent species by him and Groves after a revision in 2011.[7] This was supported by a 2003 study.[8]

A 2001 phylogenetic study divided Cephalophus into three distinct lineages - the giant duikers, east African red duikers, and west African red duikers. Abbott's duiker (C. spadix), the bay duiker (C. dorsalis), Jentink's duiker (C. jentinki) and the yellow-backed duiker (C. silvicultor) were classified as the giant duikers. The east African red duikers include the black-fronted duiker (C. nigrifrons), Harvey's duiker (C. harveyi), red-flanked duiker (C. rufilatus), red forest duiker (C. natalensis), Ruwenzori duiker, and white-bellied duiker (C. leucogaster). The third group, the west African red duikers, comprises the black duiker (C. niger), Ogilby's duiker, Peters' duiker (C. callipygus), and Weyns's duiker (C. weynsi). However, the status of two species, Aders's duiker and zebra duiker, remained dubious.[9]

In 2012, Anne R. Johnston (of the University of Orleans) and colleagues constructed a cladogram of the subfamily Cephalophinae (duiker) based on mitochondrial analysis.[10][11]


The common name "duiker" comes from the Afrikaans word duik, or Dutch duiken - both mean "to dive",[12] which refers to the practice of the animals to frequently dive into vegetation for cover.[13]


Blue duiker (Philantomba monticola) skeleton on display at the Museum of Osteology

Duikers are split into two groups based on their habitat – forest and bush duikers. All forest species inhabit the rainforests of sub-Saharan Africa, while the only known bush duiker, grey common duiker occupies savannas. Duikers are very shy, elusive creatures with a fondness for dense cover; those that tend to live in more open areas, for example, are quick to disappear into thickets for protection.

Because of their rarity and interspersed population, not much is known about duikers; thus, further generalizations are widely based on the most commonly studied red forest, blue, yellow-backed, and common grey duiker. In tropical rainforest zones of Africa, people nonselectively hunt duikers for their hide, meat, and horns at highly unsustainable rates.[14] Population trends for all species of duikers, excluding the common duiker and the smallest blue duiker, are significantly decreasing; Aders' and particularly the larger duiker species such as the Jentink's and Abbott's duikers, are now considered endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.[15]

Anatomy and physiology

Duikers range from the 3-kilogram (6+12-pound) blue duiker to the 70 kg (150 lb) yellow-backed duiker.[14] With their bodies low to the ground and with very short horns, forest duikers are built to navigate effectively through dense rainforests and quickly dive into bushes when threatened.[16] Since the common grey duiker lives in more open areas, such as savannas, it has longer legs and vertical horns, which allow it to run faster and for longer distances; only the males, which are more confrontational and territorial, exhibit horns. Also, duikers have well-developed preorbital glands, which resemble slits under their eyes, or in the cases of blue duikers, pedal glands on their hooves.[16] Males use secretions from these glands to mark their territories.

Besides reproduction, duikers behave in highly independent manner and prefer to act alone. This may, in part, explain the limited sexual size dimorphism shown by most duiker species, excluding the common duiker, in which the females are distinctly larger than the males.[17]

Also, body size is proportional to the amount of food intake and the size of food. Anatomical features such as “the head and neck shape” also limit the amount and size of food intake. “Anatomical variations... impose further constraints on ingestion” causing differences in the food sources among different species of duiker.[14]



In 2001, Helen Newing's study in West Africa on the interactions of duikers found that body size, “habitat preference, and activity patterns” were the main differentiating factors among the seven species of duikers. These differences specific to each species of duiker allow them to coexist by "limiting niche overlap".[14] However, although some species are yet to be considered ‘endangered’, because of the repeated damage and Habitat fragmentation of their habitat by human activities, such specialization of the niches are gradually becoming impaired and are contributing to the significant decrease in population.

Due to their relative size and reserved nature, duikers’ primary defense mechanism is to hide from predators. Duikers are known for their extreme shyness, freezing at the slightest sign of a threat and diving into the nearest bush.[16] Duikers’ “social behavior” involves maintaining “[sufficient distance] between” any other individual.[16] However, in contrast to their conserved nature, duikers are more aggressive when dealing with territories; they mark their territory and their mates with secretions from their preorbital glands and fight other duikers that challenge their authorities.[18] Male common duikers, especially the younger males, mark their territories also by defecation.[17]

For those duikers that travel alone, they choose to interact with other duikers once or twice a year, solely for the purpose of mating.[14] Although duikers occasionally form temporary groups to “gather…fallen fruit”, because so little is known about how they interact and affect one another, determining which factors contribute the most to their endangerment is difficult.[16]

Duikers prefer to live alone or as pairs to avoid the competition that comes from living in a large group. They have also evolved to become highly selective feeders, feeding only on specific parts of plants. In fact, in his study regarding the relationship between “group size and feeding style”, P.J. Jarman found that the more selective an organism's diet is, the more dispersed its food will be, and consequently, the smaller the group becomes.[16]


Duikers are primarily browsers rather than grazers, eating leaves, shoots, seeds, fruit, buds, and bark, and often following flocks of birds or troops of monkeys to take advantage of the fruit they drop. They supplement their diets with meat: duikers consume insects and carrion from time to time and even manage to capture rodents or small birds. Since food is the deciding factor, various locations of food sources often dictate the distribution of duikers. While they feed on a wide range of plants, they choose to eat specific parts of the plant that are most nutritious. Therefore, to feed efficiently, they must be familiar with their territory and be thoroughly acquainted with the geography and distribution of specific plants.[16] For such reasons, duikers readjusting to novel environments created by human settlements and deforestation is not easy.

The smaller species, for example the blue duiker, generally tend to eat various seeds, while larger ones tend to feast more on larger fruits.[14] Since blue duikers are very small, they are “more efficient [in] digesting small, high-quality items”. Receiving most of their water from the foods they eat, duikers do not rely on drinking water and can “be found in waterless localities”.[18][19]

Activity patterns

Duikers can be diurnal, nocturnal, or both. Since the majority of the food source is available in the daytime, duiker evolution has rendered most duikers as diurnal. A correlation exists between body size and sleep pattern in duikers. While smaller to medium-sized duikers show increased activity and scavenge for food during the daytime, larger duikers are most active at night.[14] An exception to this is the yellow-backed duiker, the largest species, which is active during both day and night.[14]

Distribution and abundance

Duikers are found sympatrically in many different regions. Most species dwell in the tropical rainforests of Central and West Africa, creating overlapping regions among different species of forest duikers. Although "body size is the primary factor in defining the fundamental niches of each species", often dictating the distribution and abundance of duikers in a given habitat,[14] distinguishing between the numerous species of duikers based purely on distribution and abundance is often difficult.[14] For example, the blue duiker and red forest duiker coexist within a small area of Mossapoula, Central African Republic. While blue duikers are seen more frequently than red forest duikers “in the heavily hunted area of Mossapoula, Central African Republic",[20] red forest duikers are more observed in a less exploited regions such as the western Dja Reserve, Cameroon.[21]


Conservation of duikers has a direct and critical relationship with their ecology. Disruption of balance in the system leads to unprecedented competition, both interspecific and intraspecific.[14] Before intervention, the system of specialized resources in which larger duikers exploit a particular type of food and smaller duikers on another, is functional as modeled in the diurnal and nocturnal nature of the duikers; this allows the niche to be shared by others without distinct interspecific competition. Similarly, they decrease intraspecific competition by being solitary, independent, and selective in eating habits. In consequence, disruption of the competitive balance in one habitat often cascades its effect on to the competitive balance in another habitat.[14]

Also, a correlation exists between body size and diet. Larger animals have more robust digestive systems, stronger jaws, and wider necks, which allow them to consume lower-quality foods and larger fruits and seeds.[14]

Similarly, bay and Peters' duikers can coexist because of their different sleep patterns. This allows Peters' duikers to eat fruits by day, and the bay duikers to eat what is left by night. In consequence of such a life pattern, the bay duiker's digestive system has evolved to consume remaining, rather poor-quality foods.[14]

Another critical influence that duikers have on the environment is acting as “seed dispersers for some plants”.[22][23] They maintain a mutualistic relationship with certain plants; the plants serve as a nutritious and abundant food source for the duikers, and simultaneously benefit from the extensive dispersal of their seeds by the duikers.


Red-flanked duiker at the San Antonio Zoo in San Antonio, Texas

Duikers live in an environment where even a subtle change in their life patterns can greatly impact the surrounding ecosystem. Two of the main factors that directly lead to duiker extinction are “habitat loss” and overexploitation. Constant urbanization and the process of “shifting agriculture” is gradually taking over many of duikers’ habitats; at the same time, overexploitation is also permitting the overgrowth of other interacting species, resulting in an inevitable disruption of coexistence.[24]

Overexploitation of duikers affects their population and organisms that rely on them for survival. For instance, plants that depend on duikers for seed dispersal may lose their primary method of reproduction, and other organisms that depend on these particular plants as their resources would also have their major source of food reduced.

Duikers are often captured for bushmeat. In fact, duikers are one of the most hunted animals “both in terms of number and biomass” in Central Africa.[25] For example, in areas near the African rain forests, because people do not raise their own livestock, “bushmeat is what most people of all classes rely on as their source of protein[26] For these people, if the trend of overexploitation continues at such a high rate, the effects of the population decrease in duikers will be too severe for these organisms to serve as a reliable food source.

In addition to the unnaturally high demand for bushmeat, unenforced hunting law is a perpetual threat to many species, including the duiker. Most hunters believe that the diminishing number of animals was due to overexploitation. “The direct effects of hunting consist of two main aspects: overexploitation of target species and incidental hunting of nontargeted or rare species because hunting is largely nonselective”.[14]

To avoid this outcome, viable methods of conserving duikers are access restriction and captive breeding. Access restriction involves imposing "temporal or spatial restrictions" on hunting duikers.[14] Temporal restrictions include closing off certain seasons, such as the main birth season, to hunting; spatial restrictions include closing off certain regions where endangered duikers are found.[14] Captive breeding has been used and is often looked to as a solution to ensuring the survival of the duiker population; however, due to the duikers’ low reproductive rate, even with the protection provided by the conservationists, captive breeding would not increase the overall population's growth rate.[14]

The greatest challenge facing the conservation of duikers is the lack of sufficient knowledge regarding these organisms, coupled with their unique population dynamics.[14] The need is to not only thoroughly understand their population dynamics, but also establish methods to differentiate among the various species.

Bushmeat industry

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the sale of duiker bushmeat as contributing to the spread of Filoviruses such as Ebola, citing Georges et al., 1999. The WHO notes that risk of infection predominantly arises from slaughter and preparation of meat, and that consumption of properly cooked meat does not pose a risk.[27]


  • Tribe Cephalophini
  • Genus Cephalophus
  • Genus Philantomba
  • Genus Sylvicapra

See also


  1. ^ Database, Mammal Diversity (2021-11-06), Mammal Diversity Database, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5651212, retrieved 2022-01-30
  2. ^ "Cephalophus". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  3. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 712. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  4. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2016). "Cephalophus ogilbyi ssp. brookei". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T136902A50198130. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T136902A50198130.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  5. ^ J., Kingdon (2015). The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals (2nd ed.). Princeton, New Jersey (USA): Princeton University Press. p. 537. ISBN 9780691164533.
  6. ^ Grubb, P. (1978). "A new antelope from Gabon". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 62 (4): 373–80. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1978.tb01048.x.
  7. ^ Groves, C.; Grubb, P. (2011). Ungulate Taxonomy. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 272. ISBN 9781421400938.
  8. ^ Cotterill, F.P.D. (2003). Plowman, A. (ed.). Ecology and conservation of small antelope: Proceedings of an international symposium on duiker and dwarf antelope in Africa. Filander-Verlag. pp. 59–118. ISBN 9783930831524.
  9. ^ van Vuuren, B.J.; Robinson, T.J. (2001). "Retrieval of four adaptive lineages in duiker antelope: evidence from mitochondrial DNA sequences and fluorescence in situ hybridization". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 20 (3): 409–25. doi:10.1006/mpev.2001.0962. PMID 11527467.
  10. ^ Johnston, A.R; Anthony, N.M (2012). "A multi-locus species phylogeny of African forest duikers in the subfamily Cephalophinae: evidence for a recent radiation in the Pleistocene". BMC Evol. Biol. 12: 120. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-120. PMC 3523051. PMID 22823504.
  11. ^ Johnston, A.R.; Morikawa, M. K.; Ntie, S.; Anthony, N. M. (2011). "Evaluating DNA barcoding criteria using African duiker antelope (Cephalophinae) as a test case". Conservation Genetics. 12 (5): 1173–82. doi:10.1007/s10592-011-0220-2. ISSN 1572-9737. S2CID 22520513.
  12. ^ "Duiker". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 17 February 2016.
  13. ^ Skinner, J.D.; Chimimba, C.T. (2005). The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 669. ISBN 9780521844185.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Newing 2001.
  15. ^ IUCN Red List.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g Jarman 1974.
  17. ^ a b Lunt 2011.
  18. ^ a b Keymer 1969.
  19. ^ Lydekker 1926.
  20. ^ Noss 2000.
  21. ^ Muchaal 1999.
  22. ^ Redford 1992.
  23. ^ Wilkie 1998.
  24. ^ Weber 2001
  25. ^ Muchall 1999.
  26. ^ Anadu 1988.
  27. ^ WHO experts consultation on Ebola Reston pathogenicity in humans. Geneva, Switzerland, 1 April 2009


Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Duiker: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

A duiker /ˈdaɪkər/ is a small to medium-sized brown antelope native to sub-Saharan Africa, found in heavily wooded areas. The 22 extant species, including three sometimes considered to be subspecies of the other species, form the subfamily Cephalophinae or the tribe Cephalophini.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Cephalophinae ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Los cefalofinos (Cephalophinae) son una subfamlia perteneciente a la familia Bovidae incluye tres géneros y 19 especies de pequeños antílopes africanos, conocidos como duikers o cefalofos.[1]



  1. Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  2. Colyn, Marc ; Hulselmans, Jan ; Sonet, Gontran ; Oude, Pascal ; Winter, de, Jan ; Natta, Armand ; Nagy, Zoltán Tamás ; Verheyen, Erik K. (2010). «Discovery of a new duiker species (Bovidae: Cephalophinae) from the Dahomey Gap, West Africa». Zootaxa (en inglés) (2637): 1-30.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Cephalophinae: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Los cefalofinos (Cephalophinae) son una subfamlia perteneciente a la familia Bovidae incluye tres géneros y 19 especies de pequeños antílopes africanos, conocidos como duikers o cefalofos.​

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Cephalophinae ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Cephalophinae Bovidae familiaren barruko animalia azpifamilia bat da. Bere barruan 3 genero eta 19 espezie daude, guztiak Afrikan bizi diren antilope txikiak.


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Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Cephalophinae: Brief Summary ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Cephalophinae Bovidae familiaren barruko animalia azpifamilia bat da. Bere barruan 3 genero eta 19 espezie daude, guztiak Afrikan bizi diren antilope txikiak.

Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Cephalophinae ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Céphalophinés, CephalophiniCéphalophes, Duikers

Les Céphalophinés (Cephalophinae) sont une sous-famille de mammifères artiodactyles de la famille des Bovidés regroupant les céphalophes, des antilopes africaines vivant principalement en forêt. Ils sont également appelés duikers.
Dans d'autres classifications, ils correspondent à la tribu Cephalophini.

Habitat et description

Les céphalophes sont de petits ongulés d'Afrique subsaharienne. Le plus petit est le céphalophe bleu qui mesure de 55 à 72 cm pour un poids de 4 à 6 kg et le plus grand, le céphalophe à dos jaune, mesure de 115 à 145 cm pour un poids de 45 à 80 kg. Toutes les espèces du genre Cephalophus vivent dans des forêts ou fourrés denses, seul le Céphalophe de Grimm vit en savane. Les céphalophes se distinguent par leurs pattes antérieures plus courtes que leurs pattes postérieures, leur donnant une forme cambrée leur permettant de mieux se mouvoir dans les sous-bois.Les céphalophes présentent deux petites cornes, au milieu desquelles pousse une crête de longs poils.


Les céphalophes (qui sont diurnes ou nocturnes selon les espèces) ont besoin d'une nourriture de qualité à cause de leur taille relativement petite et consomment des feuilles, des fruits, des pousses, des bourgeons, des écorces et des graines. Fait exceptionnel pour des ongulés, ils chassent parfois à l'affût des petits oiseaux et des rongeurs, et consomment à l'occasion des insectes et des charognes.

Les céphalophes ne sont pas grégaires et vivent généralement seuls ou en couple. Les céphalophes bleus sont monogames et les couples, unis pour la vie, défendent farouchement de petits territoires de 2 à 4 hectares. Il semblerait que d'autres espèces soient également monogames, phénomène relativement rare chez les mammifères. Les mâles prennent grand soin des petits, qui restent dans le groupe assez longtemps (environ 2 ans) et qui s'occupent ensuite de leurs jeunes frères et sœurs. Néanmoins, les membres du couple ne restent pas toujours l'un auprès de l'autre, s'alimentant et se reposant souvent séparément.


Espèce la plus rare, le céphalophe de Jentink, découvert en 1822 et peu présent dans les zoos, est considérée comme menacé.
Les céphalophes sont principalement touchés par la chasse de subsistance. Facilement éblouis la nuit par les lumières, ils sont alors assez faciles à abattre, certaines espèces étant aussi piégées dans des filets.


Liste des espèces actuels selon l'ITIS[2], d'après MSW[3] :

Les données phylogénétiques confirment qu'on ne peut dinstinguer le genre Sylvicapra sans distinguer le genre Philantomba[5].


Place au sein des Bovidés

Phylogénie des Bovidés par tribus, d'après Calamari (2021)[6] :

Bovidae Bovinae

Bovini (Bovins)

Boselaphini (Tétracère et Nilgaut)

Tragelaphini (Koudous, Nyalas)

Antilopinae l.s.

Aepycerotini (Impala)

Neotragini (Suni, Antilope pygmée...)

Antilopini (Gazelles, Antilopes naines...)

Cephalophini (Duikers)

Oreotragini (Sassa)

Reduncini (Cobes et Péléa)

Alcelaphini (Bubales, Gnous...)

Hippotragini (Oryx, Addax...)

Caprini (Caprins)

Phylogénie du groupe

Phylogénie en tant que tribu Cephalophini selon Margot (2007)[5] :


Philantomba maxwellii

Philantomba monticola

Sylvicapra grimmia

Cephalophus leucogaster

Cephalophus zebra

Cephalophus jentinki

Cephalophus dorsalis

Cephalophus silvicultor

Cephalophus spadix

Cephalophus adersi

Cephalophus niger

Cephalophus ogilbyi

Cephalophus callipygus

Cephalophus weynsi

Cephalophus natalensis

Cephalophus nigrifrons

Cephalophus rufilatus

Notes et références

  1. Revew of family-group names of living bovids
  2. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 28 avril 2022
  3. Mammal Species of the World (version 3, 2005), consulté le 28 avril 2022
  4. Le taxon a initialement désigné l'espèce Antilope philantomba = Philantomba maxwellii, puis a été promu au rang de genre par Peter Grubb.
  5. a et b Jonathan D. Margot Molecular phylogeny of terrestrial artiodactyls. in The Evolution of Artiodactyls sous la direction de Donald R. Prothero et Scott E. Foss, 2007, (ISBN 978-0-8018-8735-2)
  6. (en) Zachary T. Calamari, « Total Evidence Phylogenetic Analysis Supports New Morphological Synapomorphies for Bovidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) », American Museum Novitates, no 3970,‎ 15 juin 2021, p. 1-38 (DOI )
Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Cephalophinae: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Céphalophinés, Cephalophini • Céphalophes, Duikers

Les Céphalophinés (Cephalophinae) sont une sous-famille de mammifères artiodactyles de la famille des Bovidés regroupant les céphalophes, des antilopes africaines vivant principalement en forêt. Ils sont également appelés duikers.
Dans d'autres classifications, ils correspondent à la tribu Cephalophini.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Cefalofinos ( 加利西亞語 )

由wikipedia gl Galician提供
Cephalophus natalensis.
Cephalophus nigrifrons.
Philantomba monticola.
Sylvicapra grimmia.

A dos cefalofinos (Cephalophinae) é unha subfamilia de mamíferos artiodáctilos ruminantes da familia dos bóvidos, que comprende 3 xéneros cunhas 20 especies de pequenos antílopes africanos,[1] que son coñecidos como cefalofos o duiqueros.


Son pequenos antílopes, ás veces moi pequenos, que adoitan dividirse en dous grupos baseados no seu hábitat: cefalofos ou duiqueros de bosque e cefalofos ou duiqueros de matorral. Todas as especies de bosque habitan nas selvas tropicais da África subsahariana, mentres que o único coñecido de matorral, Sylvicapra grimmia, ocupa as sabanas arbustivas. Son animais moi tímidos e esquivos que prefiren as zonas con densa cobertura vexetal.[2][3]

Debido á súa rareza e ás súas poboacións mesturadas, non se sabe moito sobre os cefalofos, polo que as xeneralizacións baséanse sobre todo nas especies máis estudadas, o cefalofo de Natal (Cephalophus natalensis), o cefalofo silvicultor (Cephalophus silvicultor) o cefalofo azul (Philantomba monticola), e o duiquero común ou duiquero gris (Sylvicapra grimmia).

Os membos do primeiro grupo (xéneros Cephalophus e Philantomba) teñen un perfil que lles dá a aparencia de estaren de crequenas, co lombo moi arqueado. Teñe as patas curtas, e proporcionalmente finas, as dianteira a miúdo lixeiramente máis curtas que as traseiras. A cabeza, dirixida cara o chan, presenta unha crista frontal ben desenvolvida, de pelos longos entre os cornos, que chegan a ocultar ás veces. Os cornos, presentes en amnbos os sexos, son curtos (ás veces, moi curtos), rectos, de sección triangular aplanada, e dirixidos cara a atrás, continuando a liña do perfil do fociño. A pelaxe é uniforme, lisa e lustrosa.[2]

O segundo grupo está constituído, como quedou dito, por unha única especie, Sylvicapra grimmia. Esta ten o lombo máis ben recto. A crista entre os cornos está ben desenvolvida. Os cornos (xeralmente presentes só nos machos) son longos, finos, de sección circular, rectos e dirixidos cara a arriba.[2]

En zonas da selva tropical africana, a poboación local caza cefalofos para aproveitar a súa pel, carne e cornos, que alcanzan elevados prezos nos mercados da zona.[4]



  1. Wilson & Reeder (2005): Mammal species of the world.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Dorst, J. et al. (1973), p. 252.
  3. Haltenorth, T. et al. 1986), p. 40.
  4. Newing, H. (2000): "Bushmeat hunting and management: implications of duiker ecology and interspecific competition". Biodiv. and Conserv. 10: 99–118.
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 Non admitida en NCBI, pero si en MSW.
  6. Colyn, Marc ; Hulselmans, Jan ; Sonet, Gontran ; Oude, Pascal ; Winter, de, Jan ; Natta, Armand ; Nagy, Zoltán Tamás ; Verheyen, Erik K. (2010). "Discovery of a new duiker species (Bovidae: Cephalophinae) from the Dahomey Gap, West Africa". Zootaxa (en inglés) (2637): 1–30.
  7. Non admitida en MSW.

Véxase tamén


  • Dorst, J. & Dandelot, P. (1973): Guía de campo de los mamíferos salvajes de África. Barcelona: Ediciones Omega, S. A.
  • Haltenorth, T. & Diller, H. (1986): A Field Guide of the Mammals of Africa including Madagascar. London: William Collins Sons & Co Ltd. ISBN 0-00-219778-2.
  • Kowalski, Kazimierz (1981): Mamíferos. Manual de teriología. Madrid: H. Blume Ediciones. ISBN 84-7214-229-9.
  • Wilson, D. E. & D. M. Reeder, editors (2005): Mammal species of the world: a taxonomic and geographic reference. Third edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia gl Galician

Cefalofinos: Brief Summary ( 加利西亞語 )

由wikipedia gl Galician提供
 src= Cephalophus natalensis.  src= Cephalophus nigrifrons.  src= Philantomba monticola.  src= Sylvicapra grimmia.

A dos cefalofinos (Cephalophinae) é unha subfamilia de mamíferos artiodáctilos ruminantes da familia dos bóvidos, que comprende 3 xéneros cunhas 20 especies de pequenos antílopes africanos, que son coñecidos como cefalofos o duiqueros.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia gl Galician

Dujker antilope ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Dujker antilope pripadnice su svake od 19 malih ili srednje velikih vrsta antilopa izvornih za Subsahrasku Afriku.

Dujker antilope sramežljiva su i lukava bića, sklona gustim skloništima; većina vrsta obitava u šumama te čak i vrste koje obitavaju na otvorenijim prostorima brzo nestaju u gustišu ako osjete i najmanji znak opasnosti. Njihovo ime dolazi od afrikaanske riječi za ronioca, odnoseći se na njihovu naviku uranjanja u šikaru.

S lagano zasvođenim tijelom i nešto dužim stražnjim nogama od prednjih, veoma su dobro prilagođene probijanju kroz gusto nisko raslinje i šiakru. Prebirnici su, a ne travojedi, hraneći se lišćem, izdancima, sjemenkama, plodovima, pupoljcima i korom drveta, a često prate jata ptica ili grupe majmuna kako bi jeli voće koje njima ispadne. Svoju prehranu nadopunjuju mesom: dujker antilope se s vremena na vrijeme hrane kukcima i strvinama, a ponekad se prikradaju glodavcima i manjim pticama, te ih zatim jedu. Plava dujker antilopa sklona je jedenju mrava.

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wikipedia hr Croatian

Cephalophinae ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

I Cefalofini (Cephalophinae Gray, 1871) sono una delle otto sottofamiglie della famiglia dei Bovidi. Comprendono delle piccole antilopi africane, note come cefalofi, diffuse nelle foreste. Sebbene ve ne sia un gran numero di specie, la loro storia naturale è ancora in gran parte sconosciuta.


I Cefalofini comprendono 18 specie, suddivise in 3 generi[1]:

Tuttavia, l'esatta classificazione dei Cefalofini è ancora motivo di discussione tra gli zoologi. Il genere Philantomba, ad esempio, non è universalmente accettato, e molti studiosi ritengono che tutti i Cefalofini vadano raggruppati in un unico genere (Cephalophus). Talvolta il cefalofo del Ruwenzori (Cephalophus nigrifrons rubidus, una sottospecie del cefalofo dalla fronte nera) viene considerato una specie a parte e, al contrario, quello di Harvey viene visto come una sottospecie del cefalofo rosso.

Molto controversa è anche la giusta collocazione tassonomica dei Cefalofini all'interno della famiglia dei Bovidi. In passato quasi tutti gli studiosi li consideravano un ramo primitivo della famiglia, poiché molti vedevano in loro somiglianze con i primi Bovidi del Miocene. Oggi, gli zoologi non sono più così certi di questa teoria. Nel 1992 Gentry ipotizzò che i Cefalofini siano i diretti antenati dei Bovini, mentre altri li hanno considerati più imparentati con gli Alcelafini. Recenti studi di genetica molecolare, tuttavia, hanno sottolineato che questi animali siano prossimi ai Reduncini, e che quindi siano parenti stretti di redunche e di antilopi d'acqua.


Le specie più piccole di cefalofo non sono più grandi di una lepre, ma le più grandi raggiungono le dimensioni di un capriolo. Misurano 60-170 cm di lunghezza, 40-80 cm di altezza al garrese e pesano 5-60 kg. La coda misura circa 5-10 cm. La colorazione varia a seconda delle specie. Spesso le regioni superiori presentano una colorazione composta da varie tonalità di marrone, mentre quelle inferiori sono molto più chiare. Alcune specie presentano un lucido manto giallastro o rossastro, mentre il cefalofo zebra è ricoperto da una serie di strisce come quelle della zebra.

Le corna possono essere presenti in entrambi i sessi (genere Cephalophus) o solo nei maschi (generi Philantomba e Sylvicapra). Queste sono brevi e rivolte all'indietro. In alcune specie sono completamente nascoste dai peli della sommità della testa.

Distribuzione e habitat

Tutte le specie di cefalofo vivono nell'Africa sub-sahariana, ma la maggior parte di esse abita le foreste pluviali tropicali delle regioni occidentali e centrali del continente, dove conducono vita riservata. Le specie che non vivono nelle foreste prediligono le zone ricche di arbusti e cespugli, in cui trovare riparo all'occorrenza. I cefalofi non si spingono mai in aperta savana, ma alcune specie talvolta sono state viste sui monti fino a 3500 m di altezza.


Le scarse conoscenze che abbiamo sui cefalofi sono sicuramente correlate al fatto che in natura vengono avvistati molto raramente, principalmente perché sono attivi di notte, ma anche perché vivono nelle zone più fitte della foresta; inoltre, sono anche molto timidi e al minimo disturbo fuggono attraverso il sottobosco.

La loro dieta è costituita da erba, foglie, frutti, tuberi e fiori.

I cefalofi vivono da soli o in coppia. Sia i maschi che le femmine si comportano in modo aggressivo nei confronti degli altri esemplari dello stesso sesso. Presso i confini dei territori avvengono spesso scontri combattuti a suon di colpi delle piccole corna. Le femmine, dopo un periodo di gestazione di 120 giorni, partoriscono quasi sempre un unico piccolo.


Sebbene il cefalofo dal dorso giallo, il cefalofo di Maxwell, il cefalofo baio e quello dai fianchi rossi siano ancora molto numerosi, le loro popolazioni sono in continua diminuzione in molte regioni dell'areale. Ciò è dovuto in gran parte alla deforestazione delle foreste tropicali, che riduce di molto l'habitat di questi animali. Malgrado la maggior parte dei cefalofi sopravviva bene anche nelle foreste secondarie, in tali aree vengono però cacciati intensamente, dato che la loro carne tenera è considerata una leccornia. A questi animali, comunque, viene risparmiata la caccia a scopo ricreativo e per i trofei.

La IUCN inserisce il cefalofo di Aders tra le specie in pericolo critico, e i cefalofi di Jentink, di Abbott e zebra tra quelle in pericolo o vulnerabili.


  1. ^ a b (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Cephalophinae, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.


Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Cephalophinae: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供
 src= Cefalofo dal dorso giallo.

I Cefalofini (Cephalophinae Gray, 1871) sono una delle otto sottofamiglie della famiglia dei Bovidi. Comprendono delle piccole antilopi africane, note come cefalofi, diffuse nelle foreste. Sebbene ve ne sia un gran numero di specie, la loro storia naturale è ancora in gran parte sconosciuta.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Dukeriai ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Dukeriai (Cephalophinae) – dykaraginių (Bovidae) žinduolių pošeimis.

Pošeimyje 2 gentys ir 19 rūšių:

Kuoduotieji dukeriai (Cephalophus)

Krūmininiai dukeriai (Silvicapra)

ir kt. Vikiteka

Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Cephalophinae ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

É uma subfamília primitiva adaptada à florestas de planícies e de altitudes, exceto por várias espécies que estenderam-se para áreas de savana, e nativa da África Subsaariana. São antílopes pequenos, com as pernas dianteiras mais curtas que as traseiras dando-lhes uma conformação arqueada. Os chifres, presentes em ambos os sexos, são pequenos e dirigidos para trás. Sua organização social é simples: sedentários, solitários e territoriais. Embora essas características sejam primitivas, elas podem representar adaptações secundárias para recolonizar habitats de florestas densas.

Seus representantes estão distribuídos em três gêneros: Cephalophus, Philantomba e o Sylvicapra, num total de 19 espécies. São coletivamente chamados em inglês de duikers; nos países de língua portuguesa, são chamados de cabritos, com alguns tendo nomes específicos, como os bâmbis ou a seixa (Philantomba monticola). O termo inglês duiker provêm da palavra africâner para mergulhador, referindo-se a prática de pular nos arbustos.

Os espécimes do gênero Cephalophus são criaturas tímidas, a maioria é moradora de florestas, e mesmo as espécies que vivem em áreas mais abertas são ariscas.

Com um corpo ligeiramente arqueado e as patas dianteiras um pouco mais curtas do que as patas traseiras, possuem um bom formato para penetrar nas moitas. Se alimentam primariamente de plantas um pouco mais altas do chão ao invés de ser um pastador, comem folhas, caules macios, sementes, frutas, gomos e cascas de árvores, e seguem frequentemente grupos de pássaros ou macacos para aproveitar-se de frutas que os grupos deixam cair. Complementam sua dieta sendo carnívoros: insetos, carniça, e até perseguem e capturam roedores e pássaros pequenos.



  • WILSON, D. E., REEDER, D. M. eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3ª ed. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 2.142 pp. 2 vol.
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Cephalophinae: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

É uma subfamília primitiva adaptada à florestas de planícies e de altitudes, exceto por várias espécies que estenderam-se para áreas de savana, e nativa da África Subsaariana. São antílopes pequenos, com as pernas dianteiras mais curtas que as traseiras dando-lhes uma conformação arqueada. Os chifres, presentes em ambos os sexos, são pequenos e dirigidos para trás. Sua organização social é simples: sedentários, solitários e territoriais. Embora essas características sejam primitivas, elas podem representar adaptações secundárias para recolonizar habitats de florestas densas.

Seus representantes estão distribuídos em três gêneros: Cephalophus, Philantomba e o Sylvicapra, num total de 19 espécies. São coletivamente chamados em inglês de duikers; nos países de língua portuguesa, são chamados de cabritos, com alguns tendo nomes específicos, como os bâmbis ou a seixa (Philantomba monticola). O termo inglês duiker provêm da palavra africâner para mergulhador, referindo-se a prática de pular nos arbustos.

Os espécimes do gênero Cephalophus são criaturas tímidas, a maioria é moradora de florestas, e mesmo as espécies que vivem em áreas mais abertas são ariscas.

Com um corpo ligeiramente arqueado e as patas dianteiras um pouco mais curtas do que as patas traseiras, possuem um bom formato para penetrar nas moitas. Se alimentam primariamente de plantas um pouco mais altas do chão ao invés de ser um pastador, comem folhas, caules macios, sementes, frutas, gomos e cascas de árvores, e seguem frequentemente grupos de pássaros ou macacos para aproveitar-se de frutas que os grupos deixam cair. Complementam sua dieta sendo carnívoros: insetos, carniça, e até perseguem e capturam roedores e pássaros pequenos.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

다이커영양족 ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

다이커영양족(Cephalophini)은 우제목/경우제목 소과에 속하는 포유류 분류군의 하나이다.

하위 분류

계통 분류

다음은 2019년 주라노(Zurano) 등의 연구에 기초한 영양아과의 계통 분류이다.[1]









































  1. Juan P. Zurano, Felipe M. Magalhães, Ana E. Asato, Gabriel Silva, Claudio J. Bidau, Daniel O. Mesquita und Gabriel C. Costa: Cetartiodactyla: Updating a time-calibrated molecular phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133, 2019, S. 256–262
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자
wikipedia 한국어 위키백과