Azorella polaris, commonly known as the Macquarie Island cabbage, is a species of flowering plant usually placed in the family Araliaceae and only very distantly related to cabbage. It is a megaherb, growing up to about a metre in height, native to the subantarctic islands of New Zealand and to Australia’s Macquarie Island.
A. polaris was used as a food source and a scurvy preventative by early explorers and sealers.[2]
It is classified as "At Risk - Naturally Uncommon" in the New Zealand threatened plants classification system.[3] On Macquarie Island, it was threatened by introduced black rats and European rabbits,[2] until their eradication in 2011.
Azorella polaris, commonly known as the Macquarie Island cabbage, is a species of flowering plant usually placed in the family Araliaceae and only very distantly related to cabbage. It is a megaherb, growing up to about a metre in height, native to the subantarctic islands of New Zealand and to Australia’s Macquarie Island.
Stilbocarpa polaris (Homb.& Jacq.) Gray, detta impropriamente cavolo di Macquarie, è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Araliaceae, diffusa principalmente nell'omonima isola della Nuova Zelanda. Appartiene al gruppo delle cosiddette megaerbe.
La pianta misura fino a 90 cm ed oltre. Possiede larghe foglie piegate longitudinalmente a forma di U, simili a quelle del rabarbaro. I fiori sono color verde oliva e crescono in grappoli larghi fin a 60 cm.
Stilbocarpa polaris (Homb.& Jacq.) Gray, detta impropriamente cavolo di Macquarie, è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Araliaceae, diffusa principalmente nell'omonima isola della Nuova Zelanda. Appartiene al gruppo delle cosiddette megaerbe.