Eupatorium mohrii, commonly called Mohr's thoroughwort, is a herbaceous perennial plant in the family Asteraceae native to the southeastern and south-central states of the United States, in the coastal plain from Virginia to Texas.[3] It has also been found in the Dominican Republic.[4]
Eupatorium mohrii is a perennial herb up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall and are producing tuberous rhizomes. As with other species of Eupatorium, the inflorescences contain a large number of tiny white flower heads, each with 5 disc florets but no ray florets. It forms hybrids with Eupatorium serotinum and Eupatorium rotundifolium.[3]
Eupatorium mohrii grows in moist areas, edges of ponds, and sandy soils.[3]
Eupatorium mohrii, commonly called Mohr's thoroughwort, is a herbaceous perennial plant in the family Asteraceae native to the southeastern and south-central states of the United States, in the coastal plain from Virginia to Texas. It has also been found in the Dominican Republic.
Eupatorium mohrii is a perennial herb up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall and are producing tuberous rhizomes. As with other species of Eupatorium, the inflorescences contain a large number of tiny white flower heads, each with 5 disc florets but no ray florets. It forms hybrids with Eupatorium serotinum and Eupatorium rotundifolium.
Eupatorium mohrii grows in moist areas, edges of ponds, and sandy soils.
Eupatorium mohrii es una planta herbácea de la familia Asteraceae natural de Norteamérica, desde Virginia a Texas.[1] También se ha encontrado en la República Dominicana.[2]
Eupatorium mohrii es una hierba perenne que alcanza un tamaño de hasta 100 cm de alto y se producen desde rizomas tuberosos. Al igual que otras especies de Eupatorium, las inflorescencias contienen un gran número de pequeñas cabezas de flores blancas, cada una con 5 floretes del disco, pero no tienen flores liguladas. Forma híbridos con Eupatorium serotinum y Eupatorium rotundifolium.[1]
Eupatorium mohrii crece en áreas húmedas, bordes de lagunas y suelos arenosos.[1]
Eupatorium mohrii fue descrita por Edward Lee Greene y publicado en Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 6: 762, pl. 11. 1901.[3][4]
Eupatorium: nombre genérico que viene del griego y significa "de padre noble". Cuyo nombre se refiere a Mitrídates el Grande, que era el rey del Ponto en el siglo I aC y a quien se le atribuye el primer uso de la medicina. De hecho, las especies de este género, a lo largo del tiempo, han tomado diversas denominaciones vulgares referidas sobre todo a la medicina popular, esto sirve para resaltar las propiedades de Eupatoria, aunque actualmente este uso se ha reducido algo debido a algunas sustancias hepatotóxicas presentes en estas plantas.
mohrii: epíteto
Eupatorium mohrii es una planta herbácea de la familia Asteraceae natural de Norteamérica, desde Virginia a Texas. También se ha encontrado en la República Dominicana.
Eupatorium mohrii là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được Greene mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1901.[1]
Eupatorium mohrii là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được Greene mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1901.