Melicope knudsenii (lat. Melicope knudsenii) - sədokimilər fəsiləsinin melicope cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Melicope knudsenii (lat. Melicope knudsenii) - sədokimilər fəsiləsinin melicope cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Melicope knudsenii, commonly known as Olokele Valley melicope[2] or Knudsen's melicope, is a species of flowering plant in the family Rutaceae, that is endemic to Hawaii. It inhabits montane mesic forests dominated by Acacia koa, Metrosideros polymorpha, and Dicranopteris linearis on Kauaʻi (Olokele Valley and Waimea Canyon) and East Maui (Auwahi). Associated plants include Syzygium sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Myrsine lessertiana, Ilex anomala, Alphitonia ponderosa, Zanthoxylum dipetalum, Kadua terminalis, Pleomele aurea, Bobea spp., Tetraplasandra waimeae, Xylosma hawaiensis, Eurya sandwicensis, Psychotria mariniana, Melicope anisata, Melicope barbigera, Pouteria sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, and Dianella sandwicensis.[3] It is threatened by habitat loss. Like other Hawaiian Melicope, this species is known as alani.[4] This is a federally listed endangered species of the United States.
This is a tree which can reach 10 meters tall. It bears large inflorescences containing up to 200 flowers each.[5]
This tree is very rare today, existing only on the islands of Kauai and Maui in small numbers. By 2008 there were three individuals remaining on Kauai. A 1999 survey reported only a single wild individual remaining on Maui, and one cultivated tree in an arboretum. The latter is producing seeds, which are being collected. The seedlings will be planted in appropriate habitat.[6]
Melicope knudsenii, commonly known as Olokele Valley melicope or Knudsen's melicope, is a species of flowering plant in the family Rutaceae, that is endemic to Hawaii. It inhabits montane mesic forests dominated by Acacia koa, Metrosideros polymorpha, and Dicranopteris linearis on Kauaʻi (Olokele Valley and Waimea Canyon) and East Maui (Auwahi). Associated plants include Syzygium sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Myrsine lessertiana, Ilex anomala, Alphitonia ponderosa, Zanthoxylum dipetalum, Kadua terminalis, Pleomele aurea, Bobea spp., Tetraplasandra waimeae, Xylosma hawaiensis, Eurya sandwicensis, Psychotria mariniana, Melicope anisata, Melicope barbigera, Pouteria sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, and Dianella sandwicensis. It is threatened by habitat loss. Like other Hawaiian Melicope, this species is known as alani. This is a federally listed endangered species of the United States.
This is a tree which can reach 10 meters tall. It bears large inflorescences containing up to 200 flowers each.
This tree is very rare today, existing only on the islands of Kauai and Maui in small numbers. By 2008 there were three individuals remaining on Kauai. A 1999 survey reported only a single wild individual remaining on Maui, and one cultivated tree in an arboretum. The latter is producing seeds, which are being collected. The seedlings will be planted in appropriate habitat.
Melicope knudsenii, es una especie de arbusto pertreneciente a la familia de las rutáceas. Es un endemismo de Hawái. Se encuentra en los bosques lluviosos dominados por Acacia koa, Metrosideros polymorpha, y Dicranopteris linearis en Kauai. Las plantas asociadas incluyen a Syzygium sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Myrsine lessertiana, Ilex anomala, Alphitonia ponderosa, Zanthoxylum dipetalum, Kadua terminalis, Pleomele aurea, Bobea spp., Tetraplasandra waimeae, Xylosma hawaiiense, Eurya sandwicensis, Psychotria mariniana, Melicope anisata, Melicope barbigera, Pouteria sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, y Dianella sandwicensis.[2] Está tratada en peligro de extinción por la pérdida de hábitat.[3]
Es un árbol que puede alcanzar los 10 metros de altura. Lleva grandes inflorescencias que contienen hasta 200 flores cada una.[4]
Este árbol es muy raro hoy en día, sólo existe en las islas de Kauai y Maui en pequeñas cantidades. Para 2008 había tres plantas en Kauai. Una encuesta de 1999 informó de un solo individuo salvaje que quedaba en Maui, y un árbol cultivado en un jardín botánico. Este último es utilizado en la producción de semillas, que son recogidas. Las plántulas se plantaron en el hábitat apropiado.[5]
Melicope knudsenii fue descrita por (Hillebr.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone y publicado en Taxon 38: 121, en el año 1989.[6]
Melicope knudsenii, es una especie de arbusto pertreneciente a la familia de las rutáceas. Es un endemismo de Hawái. Se encuentra en los bosques lluviosos dominados por Acacia koa, Metrosideros polymorpha, y Dicranopteris linearis en Kauai. Las plantas asociadas incluyen a Syzygium sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Myrsine lessertiana, Ilex anomala, Alphitonia ponderosa, Zanthoxylum dipetalum, Kadua terminalis, Pleomele aurea, Bobea spp., Tetraplasandra waimeae, Xylosma hawaiiense, Eurya sandwicensis, Psychotria mariniana, Melicope anisata, Melicope barbigera, Pouteria sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, y Dianella sandwicensis. Está tratada en peligro de extinción por la pérdida de hábitat.
Melicope knudsenii (tiếng Anh thường gọi là Knudsen's Melicope) là một loài thực vật thuộc họ cam chanh, Rutaceae. Đây là loài đặc hữu của quần đảo Hawaii. Chúng hiện đang bị đe dọa vì mất môi trường sống.
Melicope knudsenii (tiếng Anh thường gọi là Knudsen's Melicope) là một loài thực vật thuộc họ cam chanh, Rutaceae. Đây là loài đặc hữu của quần đảo Hawaii. Chúng hiện đang bị đe dọa vì mất môi trường sống.