Perennial plants on grassy, rarely mowed, undeveloped prairie remnant. An attractive but weedy, invasive non-native species introduced from Europe for unknown but possibly ornamental reasons. Named from the distinctive, swollen, bulbous, corm-like portion of buried stem base from which leaves arise
Perennial plants on grassy, rarely mowed, undeveloped prairie remnant. An attractive but weedy, invasive non-native species introduced from Europe for unknown but possibly ornamental reasons. Named from the distinctive, swollen, bulbous, corm-like portion of buried stem base from which leaves arise
Perennial plants roadside in grassy, rarely mowed, undeveloped prairie remnant. An attractive but weedy, invasive non-native species introduced from Europe for unknown but possibly ornamental reasons. Named from the distinctive, swollen, bulbous, corm-like portion of buried stem base from which leaves arise
Perennial plants roadside in grassy, rarely mowed, undeveloped prairie remnant. An attractive but weedy, invasive non-native species introduced from Europe for unknown but possibly ornamental reasons. Named from the distinctive, swollen, bulbous, corm-like portion of buried stem base from which leaves arise
Perennial plants roadside in grassy, rarely mowed, undeveloped prairie remnant. An attractive but weedy, invasive non-native species introduced from Europe for unknown but possibly ornamental reasons. Named from the distinctive, swollen, bulbous, corm-like portion of buried stem base from which leaves arise
Slo.: gomoljasta zlatica
Slo.: gomoljasta zlatica
Slo.: gomoljasta zlatica
Christiansø, Ertholmene, Danmark
Øland, Öland, Sverige
Øland, Öland, Sverige
Sildehagen, Hobro, Danmark
Radnor Lake State Natural Area, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Jernhatten, Djursland, Danmark
Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Jernhatten, Djursland, Danmark
Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Havkær Skov
Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Havkær Skov
Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Saaremaa, Estonia
Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Muldbjerge v Dokkedal, sydlige del, Jylland, Danmark