
Morpho menelaus ( 阿斯圖里亞斯語 )

由wikipedia AST提供
Dos puntos de vista de mesmu espécime

La morfo azul (Morpho menelaus) ye una especie de lepidópteru ditrisio de la familia Nymphalidae nativa de Centru y Suramérica.

Morpho menelaus


Ye de color azul iridiscente y gran tamañu, con un valumbu alar de 15 centímetros. L'adultu bebe'l zusmiu de les frutes en descomposición cola so llarga Probóscide. Los machos adultos tienen colores más brillosos que les femes y ye una de les 3.000 especies topaes en Bolivia.[cita [ensin referencies]

El bárabu come plantes de nueche. Ye de color colorada-marrón con toques brillosos de verde o mariellu. Los bárabos son tamién bien propenses a ser caníbales.[cita [ensin referencies]


Les caparines, polo xeneral acostumen a tener diversos significaos en toles cultures, tales como vida, amor, renacencia, cambéu, etc. Les caparines morfo azul, por cuenta de el so color azul llétricu atribúyense-y una serie de simbolismos positivos.[1]


Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia AST

Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 阿斯圖里亞斯語 )

由wikipedia AST提供
 src= Dos puntos de vista de mesmu espécime

La morfo azul (Morpho menelaus) ye una especie de lepidópteru ditrisio de la familia Nymphalidae nativa de Centru y Suramérica.

 src= Morpho menelaus
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia AST

Morpho menelaus ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供
Aquest article o secció no cita les fonts o necessita més referències per a la seva verificabilitat.

El morfo blau (Morpho menelaus) és una espècie de lepidòpter ditrisi de la família Nymphalidae nativa de l'Amèrica Central i del Sud.


És de color blau iridescent i de dimensions grans, amb una envergadura alar de 15 centímetres. L'adult beu el suc de les fruites en descomposició amb la llarga espiritrompa, que és un tub que li permet xuclar. Els mascles tenen colors més brillants que les femelles.

La larva menja plantes de nit. És de color vermell-marró amb tocs brillants de verd o groc. Les larves són també molt caníbals.

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Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

El morfo blau (Morpho menelaus) és una espècie de lepidòpter ditrisi de la família Nymphalidae nativa de l'Amèrica Central i del Sud.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Морфа мэнэлай ( 白俄羅斯語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
Морфа мэнэлай

Морфа мэнэлай (Morpho menelaus) — матылёк зь сямейства німфалідаў (Nymphalidae) атраду лускакрылых.

Колер зіхоткіх яркіх з мэталічным бляскам крылаў да цёмна-сіняга. Сустракаюцца асобіны і з прамежкавай афарбоўкай — блакітная, цёмна-блакітная, сіняя.

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Commons-logo.svgсховішча мультымэдыйных матэрыялаў

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Морфа мэнэлай: Brief Summary ( 白俄羅斯語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
 src= Морфа мэнэлай

Морфа мэнэлай (Morpho menelaus) — матылёк зь сямейства німфалідаў (Nymphalidae) атраду лускакрылых.

Колер зіхоткіх яркіх з мэталічным бляскам крылаў да цёмна-сіняга. Сустракаюцца асобіны і з прамежкавай афарбоўкай — блакітная, цёмна-блакітная, сіняя.

Аўтары і рэдактары Вікіпедыі
wikipedia emerging languages

Morpho menelaus ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The Menelaus blue morpho (Morpho menelaus) is one of thirty species of butterfly in the subfamily Morphinae.[1] Its wingspan is approximately 12 cm, and its dorsal forewings and hindwings are a bright, iridescent blue edged with black, while the ventral surfaces are brown.[2] Its iridescent wings are an area of interest in research because of its unique microstructure.[3] Due to its characteristic blue color, Morpho menelaus is considered valuable among collectors and was widely hunted in the 20th century.[4]


This neotropical butterfly is found in Central and South America, including the Cerrado which is a vast tropical savanna in Brazil.[5] Other locations include Mexico[2] and Venezuela.[6] Ancestors of the Morpho menelaus butterfly may have been distributed in the Andean regions.[4] Morpho menelaus is one of the six species of Morpho in Costa Rica. The genus of Morpho is present in regions beginning in Mexico and throughout South America, except Chile. Moreover, the Morpho menelaus struggle to survive in the northern Pacific area of Costa Rica since they can’t tolerate such dry conditions. They also need habitats in old growth forests with proper differentiation between the understories and canopies (Murillo-Hiller & Canet, 2018).


There is great variation among the various species of Morpho. Two groups of Morpho butterflies, achilles and hecuba, are distinct in flight behavior and vertical forest distribution. This habitat stratification between the two forest levels may have led to the diversification of the Morpho butterflies.[4] Flight pattern behavior may also have led to changes in the wing shape to make it more suitable for gliding or flapping.[4] Phylogenetic studies suggest these are indicative of ancestral qualities.[1]

Morpho menelaus is part of the achilles subclade of Morpho.[1] Within this species, there are no differences between males and females regarding forewing length, aspect ratio and wing centroid measurement which may be indicative of morphological homogeneity.[1] Despite the popularity of the genus Morpho, there is not a general consensus on the number of species or on how these species are defined. For instance, some consider M. amanthonte a subspecies of Morpho melanus, but this is not supported by morphology.[4] Some older studies have identified 75 Morpho species, and newer studies recognize about 30 species.[4] Despite the many species of the Morpho butterfly displayed in collections, they usually have mismatched or missing abdomens which make it difficult for research.[4] Using combined studies of parsimony and Bayesian analyses, Morpho melanus is associated with the M. helenor, M. sulkowskyi and M. amonthonte clades.[4] The split of Morpho melanus from M. amonthonte is estimated to fall under the Pliocene era.[4]

Related Species


Two views (dorsal and ventral) of the same specimen

Females inhabit the forest understory and perch on tree stumps, but are found near the tree tops when it is time to lay eggs.[1] Both sexes have a slow and floppy flight pattern and feed on rotting fruit that has dropped to the ground.[5] Males tend to fly in open clearings or high in the canopy.[7] These butterflies collectively emerge in the beginning and the end of the wet season in Cerrado.[5] They do not appear in the middle of the wet season because the heavy rain can cause physical harm to their wings. Their emergence depends on the availability of food which is dependent on climate.[5] For protection from the rain, Morpho menelaus prefers small and enclosed spaces.[5]

Life Cycle


These butterflies lay their eggs one by one on the underside of host plants. The eggs are very small, are pale green in color and shaped like dew drops. The eggs are laid so that the caterpillars may feed as soon as they hatch.


These social caterpillars feed on Erythroxylum, Dalbergia, and Fabaceae, and may prefer to feed on new leaves of host plants since these new leaves are easier and more nutritious to eat.[5] The caterpillars are red-brown in color with bright green spots. They are covered with bristles that release an irritant upon contact. Conversely, the peak of the caterpillar is in the dry season, a climate that is unsuitable for most animal communities. These caterpillars will enter diapause or suspend development and can delay pupation in order to survive this harsh period and the lack of water.[5] As the dry season continues, the caterpillar population declines due to predation.[5]


One of the best predictors of adult butterfly occurrence is the observation of species in captivity interact with ripe fruit.[5] Adult emergence occurs primarily in the beginning of the wet season, when the climate and air humidity makes food resources plentiful and oviposition advantageous.[5] The butterfly spends 3 to 4 weeks as an adult, and the entire life cycle is about 115 days. Adults fly along rivers, or anywhere that open land has been revealed.[8]


Eyespots on wings are visual anti-predatory adaptations that have evolved in many species within Lepidoptera. The eyespots are usually dark circles surrounded by a brighter outer layer. The 'pupil' of the eye has a sparkle that mimics the natural reflection of the cornea. These eyes are thought to deflect a predator's attack away from more vital organs and toward that spot on the wings. Bigger eyespots have also been shown to deter predators from attacking completely. Menelaus specifically has an eyespot that is 6.8 mm in diameter on its ventral wings that it uses to help avoid predation.[9]

Wing Structure

The wings of Morpho menelaus are a prime example of iridescent blue coloration in the insect world. The bright and iridescent colors of other butterflies are typically caused by optical interference, but the iridescent blue color of butterflies in the family Morphidae results from the microstructures of the wings. Scientists use SEM, scanning electronic microscope, and spectroscopy, to understand the wings in greater detail.

Structural components

Each wing is covered in multi-layered scales, which are responsible for the coloration of the wings.[10] The wing colors vary with viewing angle, a phenomenon referred to as structural color.[2] In the female, the dorsal side is more camouflaged while the male presents with a vibrant blue.[10] In the male, the outer layer of the cover scales are long and narrow (250 μm × 50 μm), 2 μm apart, and parallel to the wing plane.[10] The dimensions of the cover scales in other species of the subfamily Morphinae vary greatly, but all are pigment-less and lowly iridescent. The inner layer, called ground scales, are pigmented, iridescent, do not overlap, and are responsible for the blue coloration. They consist of alternating layers of chitin and air, each having its own refractive indexes. The wings of the genus Morpho are noteworthy for their diversity of function, including being hydrophobic, lightweight, sturdy, thermally regulated, and bright blue iridescent. These unique characteristics originate from the photonic nanostructures in the ridges of the scales. There has been increasing interest in the bioengineering community into understanding the structural components of the wing which can have potential applications in creating structural-color devices and selective gas-sensors.[2]

Upperside (female)


Iridescence is the phenomenon when light interacts with a particular surface, and at differing angles of illumination and observation the color begins to gradually change. The Morpho Menelaus' characteristic iridescent wings has a unique wing structure. The ground scales are covered by a set of longitudinal ridges, and within the ridges are layers of lamella.[11] Because the size of the microstructure is the same as the wavelength of light, the layers in the wings react strongly with visible light.[2] The ground and cover scales have an observable "Christmas-tree" structure which is responsible for the diffraction or bending of light pattern of the wings which results in the characteristic iridescence blue color.[2]

Within the ground scales are layers of lamella. The upper lamina is closely marked with longitudinal ridges. The ridges themselves consist of individual lamellae (6–12) which overlap like shingles on a roof. The inter-spacings of the lamella layers is around 80 nm, but there are variations in the thickness of each lamella.[11] A network of netted trabeculae separates neighboring lamellae.[11]

Hydrophobic surface

A superhydrophobic surface is when water is dropped, a spherical ball forms and rolls off the surface. Any dirt or dust that is on the surface will be removed along with the water drop forming. The wings of Morpho menelaus have attracted potential research interest because of its self-cleaning property. The microstructure of the wing plays an important role in this unique feature.[12]


Morpho menelaus is unique because of its iridescent blue color and large wingspan.[4] They are one of the most familiar and recognizable neotropical insects. Over the past century, there has been an accumulation of these butterflies in both private and museum collections, and are considered highly valuable among collectors, artists, and designers for their beautiful coloration and are widely hunted or bred for decorative purposes.[4] Because of the popularity of collecting and rearing Morpho species for sale, there is a wide discrepancy in its taxonomic understanding among collectors.[13]


  1. ^ a b c d e DeVries, P. J.; Penz, Carla M.; Hill, Ryan I. (2010-09-01). "Vertical distribution, flight behaviour and evolution of wing morphology in Morpho butterflies". Journal of Animal Ecology. 79 (5): 1077–1085. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01710.x. ISSN 1365-2656. PMID 20487088.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Liu, Feng; Liu, Yuping; Huang, Lei; Hu, Xinhua; Dong, Biqin; Shi, Wangzhou; Xie, Yiqun; Ye, Xiang (2011-05-01). "Replication of homologous optical and hydrophobic features by templating wings of butterflies Morpho menelaus". Optics Communications. 284 (9): 2376–2381. Bibcode:2011OptCo.284.2376L. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2011.01.017.
  3. ^ Niu, Shichao; Li, Bo; Mu, Zhengzhi; Yang, Meng; Zhang, Junqiu; Han, Zhiwu; Ren, Luquan (2015-04-01). "Excellent Structure-Based Multifunction of Morpho Butterfly Wings: A Review". Journal of Bionic Engineering. 12 (2): 170–189. doi:10.1016/S1672-6529(14)60111-6. S2CID 137334058.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Penz, Carla M.; Devries, Philip J.; Wahlberg, Niklas (2012-10-01). "Diversification of Morpho butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae): a re-evaluation of morphological characters and new insight from DNA sequence data". Systematic Entomology. 37 (4): 670–685. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.2012.00636.x. ISSN 1365-3113. S2CID 86232372.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Geraldo, Freire; Rangel, Nascimento, André; Konstantinov, Malinov, Ivan; R., Diniz, Ivone (2014-04-01). "Temporal Occurrence of Two Morpho Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): Influence of Weather and Food Resources". Environmental Entomology. 43 (2): 274–282. doi:10.1603/EN12352. ISSN 0046-225X. PMID 24495483. S2CID 33135459.
  6. ^ Han, Zhiwu; Niu, Shichao; Yang, Meng; Mu, Zhengzhi; Li, Bo; Zhang, Junqiu; Ye, Junfeng; Ren, Luquan (2014). "Unparalleled sensitivity of photonic structures in butterfly wings". RSC Advances. 4 (85): 45214–45219. Bibcode:2014RSCAd...445214H. doi:10.1039/C4RA06117A.
  7. ^ Miller, Jacqueline Y. (1994). "Behavior in Butterflies as a Means of Conservation: Comparison of Insular and Continental Fauna". The Florida Entomologist. 77 (1): 74–84. doi:10.2307/3495873. JSTOR 3495873.
  8. ^ "Blue Morpho - Morpho peleides - Details - Encyclopedia of Life". Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved 2017-10-04.
  9. ^ Blut, C.; Wilbrandt, J.; Fels, D.; Girgel, E.i.; Lunau, K. (2012-06-01). "The 'sparkle' in fake eyes – the protective effect of mimic eyespots in lepidoptera". Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 143 (3): 231–244. doi:10.1111/j.1570-7458.2012.01260.x. ISSN 1570-7458. S2CID 86329449.
  10. ^ a b c Berthier, Serge; Charron, Eric; Da Silva, Anabela (2003-12-15). "Determination of the cuticle index of the scales of the iridescent butterfly Morpho menelaus". Optics Communications. 228 (4): 349–356. Bibcode:2003OptCo.228..349B. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2003.10.032.
  11. ^ a b c Berthier, Serge; Charron, Eric; Boulenguez, Julie (2006-04-01). "Morphological structure and optical properties of the wings of Morphidae". Insect Science. 13 (2): 145–158. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7917.2006.00077.x. ISSN 1744-7917. S2CID 84678065.
  12. ^ Sato, Osamu; Kubo, Shoichi; Gu, Zhong-Ze (2009-01-20). "Structural Color Films with Lotus Effects, Superhydrophilicity, and Tunable Stop-Bands". Accounts of Chemical Research. 42 (1): 1–10. doi:10.1021/ar700197v. ISSN 0001-4842. PMID 18837520.
  13. ^ Penz, Carla M.; DeVRIES, P. J. (2002-07-01). "Phylogenetic Analysis of Morpho Butterflies (Nymphalidae, Morphinae): Implications for Classification and Natural History". American Museum Novitates (374): 1–33. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2002)374<0001:PAOMBN>2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/2863. ISSN 0003-0082. S2CID 55554335.

Murillo-Hiller, L.R., and Canet, N. (2018, March) Early Stages and Natural History of Morpho menelaus amathonte Deyrolle, 1860 and Morpho helenor marinita Butler, 1872 (Nymphalidae: Morphinae) from Costa Rica. Journal of the Lepidopterists Society. BioOne Complete. 72(1), 74-80. https://complete.bioone.org/about

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wikipedia EN

Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The Menelaus blue morpho (Morpho menelaus) is one of thirty species of butterfly in the subfamily Morphinae. Its wingspan is approximately 12 cm, and its dorsal forewings and hindwings are a bright, iridescent blue edged with black, while the ventral surfaces are brown. Its iridescent wings are an area of interest in research because of its unique microstructure. Due to its characteristic blue color, Morpho menelaus is considered valuable among collectors and was widely hunted in the 20th century.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Morpho menelaus ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供
Vista dorsal y ventral de mismo espécimen

La mariposa morfo azul (Morpho menelaus) es una especie de lepidóptero ditrisio de la familia Nymphalidae nativa de Centro y Sudamérica.


Es de color azul iridiscente y gran tamaño, con una envergadura alar de 15 centímetros. El adulto bebe el jugo de las frutas en descomposición con su larga probóscide. Los machos adultos tienen colores más brillantes que las hembras y es una de las 3.000 especies halladas en Bolivia.[1]

La larva come plantas de noche. Es de color roja-marrón con toques brillantes de verde o amarillo. Las larvas son propensas a ser caníbales al igual que otros miembros del género.[2]​ Unas de las plantas hospederas de esta especies son Inga semialata o siquili y Ormosia spp. en el parque nacional Cotapata en Bolivia, sin embargo, se conoce que la mariposa es polífaga.[3]


Las mariposas, en general acostumbran a tener diversos significados en todas las culturas, tales como vida, amor, renacimiento, cambio, etc. Las mariposas morfo azul, debido a su color azul eléctrico se le atribuyen una serie de simbolismos positivos.[4]


  1. Geraldo, Freire; Rangel, Nascimento, André; Konstantinov, Malinov, Ivan; R., Diniz, Ivone (1 de abril de 2014). «Temporal Occurrence of Two Morpho Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): Influence of Weather and Food Resources». Environmental Entomology (en inglés) 43 (2): 274-282. ISSN 0046-225X. PMID 24495483. doi:10.1603/EN12352.
  2. Molecular expressions. Blue Morpho Butterfly./
  3. Guerra-Serrudo,Juan Fernando; Ledezma-Arias, Julieta. «Biología y morfología de Morpho menelaus godartii (Lepidoptera:Nymphalidae: Morphinae) en el Parque Nacional Cotapata (Bolivia)». Consultado el {{subst:CURRENTDAY}} de {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} de {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}.
  4. http://www.ehowenespanol.com/significado-mariposa-azul-sobre_38333/

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供
 src= Vista dorsal y ventral de mismo espécimen

La mariposa morfo azul (Morpho menelaus) es una especie de lepidóptero ditrisio de la familia Nymphalidae nativa de Centro y Sudamérica.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Morpho menelaus ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Morpho menelaus, le Morpho bleu, est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères (papillons) qui appartient à la famille des nymphalidés, sous-famille des Morphinae, à la tribu des Morphini et au genre Morpho.


Morpho menelaus est un très grand papillon, d'une envergure d'environ 138 mm au bord externe des ailes antérieures concave avec le dessus des ailes de couleur bleu avec des reflets métalliques[1]. Le revers est marron avec une ligne de gros ocelles à la base de l'aire postdiscale.


Sa chenille est brune à taches jaunes.



Morpho (Grasseia) menelaus a été décrit par Carl von Linné en 1758 sous le nom initial de Papilio menelaus.

Nom vernaculaire

En Guyane, le Morpho bleu est appelé "Morpho commun" ou tout simplement "Morpho", car il est beaucoup plus répandu que d'autres espèces telle le Morpho Cypris. En anglais il se nomme Blue Morpho


Liste des sous-espèces
  • Morpho menelaus menelaus au Venezuela, au Brésil, au Suriname, en Guyana et en Guyane
  • Morpho menelaus alexandrovna Druce, 1874; au Pérou
  • Morpho menelaus amathonte (Deyrolle, 1860); à Panama, au Costa Rica, au Venezuela, en Colombie, en Équateur
  • Morpho menelaus argentiferus Fruhstorfer, 1913; au Pérou
  • Morpho menelaus assarpai Röber, 1903; au Pérou
  • Morpho menelaus coeruleus (Perry, 1810); au Brésil.
  • Morpho menelaus didius Hopffer, 1874 au Pérou
  • Morpho menelaus eberti Weber, 1963; au Brésil.
  • Morpho menelaus godartii Guérin-Méneville, [1844]; en Bolivie et au Pérou
  • Morpho (Grasseia) menelaus huebneri (Fischer, 1962; (preocc. Le Moult, 1933))
  • Morpho menelaus julanthiscus Fruhstorfer, 1907; en Colombie et en Équateur
  • Morpho menelaus kesselringi Fischer, 1962; au Brésil.
  • Morpho (Grasseia) menelaus melacheilus (Staudinger, 1886)
  • Morpho (Grasseia) menelaus occidentalis (Felder & Felder, 1862); en Colombie, en Équateur, au Pérou et au Brésil.
  • Morpho menelaus orinocensis Le Moult, 1925 ; au Venezuela
  • Morpho menelaus terrestris Butler, 1866 ; au Brésil.
  • Morpho menelaus verae Weber, 1951 ; au Brésil.
  • Morpho menelaus zischkai Fischer, 1962 ; en Bolivie[2].

Répartition et habitat

Morpho menelaus est présent à Panama, au Costa Rica, au Venezuela, en Colombie, en Équateur, en Bolivie, au Pérou, au Brésil, au Suriname, en Guyana et en Guyane[2].
Il réside dans la canopée.

Le Morpho menelaus et l'Homme


Pas de statut de protection particulier


La poste française a émis un timbre, d'une valeur de 0,58 euro, représentant le Morpho bleu en 2010.

Notes et références

  1. « fiche 757 », sur Parc de Sanguay (consulté le 7 février 2012)
  2. a et b « Morpho », sur funet.fi (consulté le 7 février 2012)

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Morpho menelaus, le Morpho bleu, est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères (papillons) qui appartient à la famille des nymphalidés, sous-famille des Morphinae, à la tribu des Morphini et au genre Morpho.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Morpho menelaus ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

Il morfo blu (Morpho menelaus, (Linnaeus, 1758)) è un lepidottero appartenente alla famiglia Nymphalidae, diffuso in America centrale e meridionale.


Il nome della farfalla deriva da Menelao, il re dell'antica Sparta.



Vista dorsale e ventrale

Questa specie ha ali di un blu metallico iridescente; le femmine, al contrario dei maschi, hanno un'ampia fascia terminale nera, con macchie bianche. I maschi adulti hanno colori più vivaci.
Ha un'apertura alare di 15 cm.


La larva si nutre di piante durante la notte; essa è di color marrone-rosso con macchie giallo-verdi o gialle. Le larve sono anche fortemente cannibali.


La particolare colorazione blu di queste farfalle è dovuta alla particolare conformazione superficiale delle sue ali. Le ali di questo lepidottero sono infatti un esempio di materiale gerarchico, il quale attraverso una serie di interferenze create da una struttura frattale riesce a annullare tutte le lunghezze d’onda ad esclusione di quella che consideriamo blu. Questo fenomeno e comune anche ad altri animali ed è pressoché il solo caso in cui è possibile vedere il colore blu in natura, non essendovi pigmenti naturali di tale colore.



È una specie che vola molto velocemente.[1]


La farfalla adulta si nutre bevendo il succo da frutta marcia con la lunga spirotromba. La farfalla ha sensori tattili sulle zampe e percepisce le sostanze chimiche presenti nell'aria grazie alle antenne. Si ciba anche dei fluidi corporei di animali morti e di funghi; ciò la rende importante per la dispersione delle spore dei funghi.

Distribuzione e habitat

Le farfalle del genere Morpho si trovano in Messico, in Brasile, Costa Rica, Panama e Venezuela. Esse dimorano nelle zone riparate della foresta e raramente nelle zone aperte.



Sono state riconosciute ventuno sottospecie:

  • Morpho menelaus amseli (Weber, 1963)
  • Morpho menelaus chlorophorus (Rousseau-Decelle, 1935)
  • Morpho menelaus innocentia (Ribeiro, 1931)
  • Morpho menelaus mattogrossensis (Talbot, 1928)
  • Morpho menelaus melanippe (Nutler, 1866)
  • Morpho menelaus mineiro (Fruhstorfer, 1907)
  • Morpho menelaus naponis (Le Cerf, 1925)
  • Morpho menelaus nestira (Hübner, 1816/24)
  • Morpho menelaus nestirina (Le Cerf, 1925)
  • Morpho menelaus niger (Weber, 1951)
  • Morpho menelaus occidentalis (Felder, 1862)
  • Morpho menelaus offenbachi (Bryk, 1953)
  • Morpho menelaus orinocensis (Le Moult, 1925)
  • Morpho menelaus ornata (Fruhstorfer, 1913)
  • Morpho menelaus pulchra (Le Cerf, 1933)
  • Morpho menelaus pulverosa (Le Cerf, 1925)
  • Morpho menelaus purpureotinctus (Rousseau-Decelle, 1935)
  • Morpho menelaus sapphirus (Le Cerf, 1925)
  • Morpho menelaus tenuilimbata (Fruhstorfer, 1907)
  • Morpho menelaus terrestris (Butler, 1866)
  • Morpho menelaus verae (Weber, 1951)


Sono stati riportati tre sinonimi:

  • Morpho alexandra (Hewitson, 1863)
  • Morpho maxima (Strand)
  • Papilio nestor (Linnaeus, 1758)

Nella cultura di massa

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  1. ^ David Carter, Guarda e scopri - Farfalle & falene, Fabbri Editori, 1992, ISBN 88-450-4452-1.


  • (EN) Kükenthal, W. (Ed.), Handbuch der Zoologie / Handbook of Zoology, Band 4: Arthropoda - 2. Hälfte: Insecta - Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies, in Kristensen, N. P. (a cura di), Handbuch der Zoologie, Fischer, M. (Scientific Editor), Teilband/Part 35: Volume 1: Evolution, systematics, and biogeography, Berlino, New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1999 [1998], pp. x + 491, ISBN 978-3-11-015704-8, OCLC 174380917.
  • (EN) Scoble, M. J., The Lepidoptera: Form, Function and Diversity, seconda edizione, London, Oxford University Press & Natural History Museum, 2011 [1992], pp. xi, 404, ISBN 978-0-19-854952-9, LCCN 92004297, OCLC 25282932.
  • (EN) Stehr, F. W. (Ed.), Immature Insects, 2 volumi, seconda edizione, Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1991 [1987], pp. ix, 754, ISBN 978-0-8403-3702-3, LCCN 85081922, OCLC 13784377.

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Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

Il morfo blu (Morpho menelaus, (Linnaeus, 1758)) è un lepidottero appartenente alla famiglia Nymphalidae, diffuso in America centrale e meridionale.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Morpho menelaus ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供


Morpho menelaus is een vlinder uit de onderfamilie Satyrinae.


De blauwe kleur van de vlinder komt niet door pigment maar door de microscopische structuur van de vleugels en is dus een structurele kleur. De kleur verandert wat met de waarnemingshoek en de intensiteit neemt sterk toe bij opvallend licht. Dit wordt iriseren genoemd. De mannetjes zijn feller van kleur dan de vrouwtjes die ook een bruine rand met witte vlekken aan de voorvleugel hebben. De onderzijde van de vleugels is bruin met verschillende 'ogen'. De vlinder heeft een spanwijdte van tussen de 100 en 120 millimeter.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze vlindersoort komt voor in de regenwouden van Midden- en Zuid-Amerika.

De rups en zijn waardplanten

De waardplant van de rupsen is Erythroxylum pilchrum waaraan in de nachtelijke uren wordt gepeuzeld. De volwassen vlinders drinken het sap van rottend fruit.

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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

Morpho menelaus is een vlinder uit de onderfamilie Satyrinae.

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Morpho menelaus ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
M. m. godarti

Morpho menelausgatunek motyla z rodziny rusałkowatych

Rozpiętość skrzydeł 13-14 cm. Skrzydła mają metaliczny połysk, u samic okrążone czarnym pasem z kilkoma białymi kropkami, wykazują opalizację. Spód brązowy z pomarańczowymi oczkami. Czerwono-brązowa gąsienica. Bardzo szybki lot[potrzebny przypis].

Owad neotropikalny. Występuje od Kostaryki i Panamy przez Kolumbię, Boliwię, Wenezuelę i Brazylię po Peru, Ekwador, Gujanę, Surinam i Gujanę Francuską[1].

Wyróżnia się w jego obrębie podgatunki[1]:

  • Morpho menelaus alexandrovna Druce, 1874
  • Morpho menelaus amathonte Deyrolle, 1860
  • Morpho menelaus argentiferus Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • Morpho menelaus assarpai Röber, 1903
  • Morpho menelaus coeruleus (Perry, 1810)
  • Morpho menelaus didius Hopffer, 1874
  • Morpho menelaus eberti Weber, 1963
  • Morpho menelaus godarti Guérin-Méneville, 1844
  • Morpho menelaus julanthiscus Fruhstorfer, 1907
  • Morpho menelaus kesselringi Fischer, 1962
  • Morpho menelaus menelaus (Linnaeus, 1775)
  • Morpho menelaus occidentalis C. & R. Felder, 1862
  • Morpho menelaus orinocensis Le Moult, 1925
  • Morpho menelaus terrestris Butler, 1866
  • Morpho menelaus verae Weber, 1951
  • Morpho menelaus zischkai Fischer, 1962


  1. a b Markku Savela: Morpho Fabricius, 1807. W: funet.fi [on-line]. [dostęp 2017-04-27].
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
 src= M. m. godarti

Morpho menelaus – gatunek motyla z rodziny rusałkowatych

Rozpiętość skrzydeł 13-14 cm. Skrzydła mają metaliczny połysk, u samic okrążone czarnym pasem z kilkoma białymi kropkami, wykazują opalizację. Spód brązowy z pomarańczowymi oczkami. Czerwono-brązowa gąsienica. Bardzo szybki lot[potrzebny przypis].

Owad neotropikalny. Występuje od Kostaryki i Panamy przez Kolumbię, Boliwię, Wenezuelę i Brazylię po Peru, Ekwador, Gujanę, Surinam i Gujanę Francuską.

Wyróżnia się w jego obrębie podgatunki:

Morpho menelaus alexandrovna Druce, 1874 Morpho menelaus amathonte Deyrolle, 1860 Morpho menelaus argentiferus Fruhstorfer, 1913 Morpho menelaus assarpai Röber, 1903 Morpho menelaus coeruleus (Perry, 1810) Morpho menelaus didius Hopffer, 1874 Morpho menelaus eberti Weber, 1963 Morpho menelaus godarti Guérin-Méneville, 1844 Morpho menelaus julanthiscus Fruhstorfer, 1907 Morpho menelaus kesselringi Fischer, 1962 Morpho menelaus menelaus (Linnaeus, 1775) Morpho menelaus occidentalis C. & R. Felder, 1862 Morpho menelaus orinocensis Le Moult, 1925 Morpho menelaus terrestris Butler, 1866 Morpho menelaus verae Weber, 1951 Morpho menelaus zischkai Fischer, 1962
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Morpho menelaus ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Morpho menelaus é uma borboleta neotropical da família Nymphalidae, subfamília Satyrinae[2] e tribo Morphini,[1] descrita por Carolus Linnaeus em 1758 e nativa da Costa Rica, Panamá, Guianas, Venezuela, Colômbia, Equador, Peru, Bolívia e Brasil (Amazonas, Rondônia, Pará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas,[5] Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, e Rio Grande do Sul).[3] Visto por cima, o padrão básico da espécie (macho) apresenta asas de coloração azul iridescente com as pontas das asas anteriores de coloração enegrecida, por vezes apresentando duas pontuações brancas no ápice das asas anteriores e uma pequena linha de igual coloração no contorno localizado na frente do mesmo par de asas.[6][7] Vista por baixo, a borboleta possui asas de coloração castanho escura, com geralmente um número de sete ocelos em cada par (anterior e posterior) de asas (podendo ir de cinco,[8] seis[9][10] a dez ocelos[11]).[12][13] O dimorfismo sexual é acentuado, com as fêmeas maiores, menos frequentes e com asas contendo uma maior superfície enegrecida.[14] O zoólogo Eurico Santos cita os seguintes nomes vernáculos para esta espécie: "Praia-grande", "Corcovado" e "Azul-seda".[15] A lagarta de M. menelaus amathonte foi encontrada em planta do gênero Pterocarpus (Pterocarpus officinalis).[3] No Brasil, Otero a encontrou sobre planta do gênero Erythroxylum conhecida por "Arco-de-pipa" (Erythroxylum pulchrum).[16]

De acordo com Markku Savela esta espécie já foi descrita, dentro de seu gênero, com a denominação Morpho godartii, Morpho amathonte, Morpho alexandra, Morpho melanippe, Morpho alexandrovna, Morpho didius, Morpho melacheilus, Morpho nestira, Morpho paris, Morpho kruegeri, Morpho punicae, Morpho agamemnon, Morpho mattogrossensis, Morpho centralis e Morpho occidentalis; o que evidencia sua grande variação individual.[3]


Adrian Hoskins cita que a maioria das espécies de Morpho passa as manhãs patrulhando trilhas ao longo dos cursos de córregos e rios. Nas tardes quentes e ensolaradas, às vezes, podem ser encontradas absorvendo a umidade da areia, visitando seiva a correr de troncos ou alimentando-se de frutos em fermentação.[17]


M. menelaus possui dezoito subespécies:[3]

  • Morpho menelaus menelaus - Descrita por Linnaeus em 1758, de exemplar proveniente do Suriname.[6]
  • Morpho menelaus coeruleus - Descrita por Perry em 1810, de exemplar proveniente do Brasil.[18]
  • Morpho menelaus godartii - Descrita por Guérin-Méneville em 1844, de exemplar proveniente da Bolívia.
  • Morpho menelaus amathonte - Descrita por Deyrolle em 1860, de exemplar proveniente da Colômbia.
  • Morpho menelaus occidentalis - Descrita por C. & R. Felder em 1862, de exemplar proveniente do Peru.
  • Morpho menelaus terrestris - Descrita por Butler em 1866, de exemplar proveniente do Brasil.
  • Morpho menelaus alexandrovna - Descrita por Druce em 1874, de exemplar proveniente do Peru.
  • Morpho menelaus didius - Descrita por Hopffer em 1874, de exemplar proveniente do Peru.
  • Morpho menelaus assarpai - Descrita por Röber em 1903, de exemplar proveniente do Peru.
  • Morpho menelaus tenuilimbata - Descrita por Fruhstorfer em 1906, de exemplar proveniente do Brasil.[19]
  • Morpho menelaus julanthiscus - Descrita por Fruhstorfer em 1907, de exemplar proveniente do Equador.
  • Morpho menelaus argentiferus - Descrita por Fruhstorfer em 1913, de exemplar proveniente do Peru.
  • Morpho menelaus orinocensis - Descrita por Le Moult em 1925, de exemplar proveniente da Venezuela.
  • Morpho menelaus verae - Descrita por Weber em 1951, de exemplar proveniente do Brasil.
  • Morpho menelaus kesselringi - Descrita por Fischer em 1962, de exemplar proveniente do Brasil.[7]
  • Morpho menelaus huebneri - Descrita por Fischer em 1962,[20] de exemplar proveniente do Brasil.[carece de fontes?]
  • Morpho menelaus zischkai - Descrita por Fischer em 1962, de exemplar proveniente da Bolívia.
  • Morpho menelaus eberti - Descrita por Weber em 1963, de exemplar proveniente do Brasil.[5]


  1. a b «Morphinae» (em inglês). Lepidoptera and some other life forms. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  2. a b M. A. Marín; C. Peña; A. V. L. Freitas; N. Wahlberg; S. I. Uribe (2011). «From the phylogeny of the Satyrinae butterflies to the systematics of Euptychiina (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): history, progress and prospects» (em inglês). Neotropical Entomology (Scielo.br). 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
  3. a b c d e f g «Morpho» (em inglês). Lepidoptera and some other life forms. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  4. Pieter Cramer; Caspar Stoll (1779). «"De uitlandsche kapellen: voorkomende in de drie waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America = Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde, l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amérique". Plate XXI.» (em alemão). Biodiversity Heritage Library. 1 páginas. Consultado em 22 de junho de 2015 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
  5. a b Douglas Henrique Alves Melo; Bruno Karol Cordeiro Filgueiras; Inara Roberta Leal; André Victor Lucci Freitas (2014). «Scientific note: recent records of Morpho menelaus eberti (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) an endangered butterfly in Northeast Brazil» (PDF) (em inglês). Research gate. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
  6. a b Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus menelaus (Linnaeus, 1758) - macho» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  7. a b Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus kesselringi (H. Fischer, 1962) - macho» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  8. Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus argentiferus (Fruhstorfer, 1913) - macho (verso)» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  9. Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus occidentalis (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862) - macho (verso)» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  10. Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus didius (Hopffer, 1874) - macho (verso)» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  11. Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus julanthiscus (Fruhstorfer, 1907) - macho (verso)» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  12. Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus amathonte (Deyrolle, 1860) - macho (verso)» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  13. Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus julanthiscus (Fruhstorfer, 1907) - macho (verso)» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  14. Gerardo Lamas. «Morpho menelaus menelaus (Linnaeus, 1758) - fêmea» (em inglês). Butterflies of America. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  15. SANTOS, Eurico (1985). Zoologia Brasílica, vol. 10. Os Insetos 2ª ed. [S.l.]: Itatiaia. p. 46
  16. OTERO, Luiz Soledade; MARIGO, Luiz Claudio (1990). Borboletas. Beleza e comportamento de espécies brasileiras 1ª ed. [S.l.]: Marigo Comunicação Visual. p. 70. 128 páginas. ISBN 85-85352-01-9 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda); |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
  17. Adrian Hoskins. «Sickle-winged Morpho - Morpho rhetenor cacica (Staudinger, 1876)» (em inglês). Learn about butterflies. 1 páginas. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2015
  18. Thomas Neubauer. «Morpho nestira ( = Morpho menelaus coeruleus (em inglês). Butterfly corner. 1 páginas. Consultado em 26 de junho de 2015
  19. «Morpho menelaus (Linnaeus, 1758)» (em inglês). Lepidoptera brasiliensis. 1 páginas. Consultado em 22 de junho de 2015
  20. «Male, Morpho menelaus huebneri (Fischer, 1962) Upperside. Pinned/dry specimen» (em inglês). Learn about butterflies. 1 páginas. Consultado em 22 de junho de 2015

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Morpho menelaus: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Morpho menelaus é uma borboleta neotropical da família Nymphalidae, subfamília Satyrinae e tribo Morphini, descrita por Carolus Linnaeus em 1758 e nativa da Costa Rica, Panamá, Guianas, Venezuela, Colômbia, Equador, Peru, Bolívia e Brasil (Amazonas, Rondônia, Pará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, e Rio Grande do Sul). Visto por cima, o padrão básico da espécie (macho) apresenta asas de coloração azul iridescente com as pontas das asas anteriores de coloração enegrecida, por vezes apresentando duas pontuações brancas no ápice das asas anteriores e uma pequena linha de igual coloração no contorno localizado na frente do mesmo par de asas. Vista por baixo, a borboleta possui asas de coloração castanho escura, com geralmente um número de sete ocelos em cada par (anterior e posterior) de asas (podendo ir de cinco, seis a dez ocelos). O dimorfismo sexual é acentuado, com as fêmeas maiores, menos frequentes e com asas contendo uma maior superfície enegrecida. O zoólogo Eurico Santos cita os seguintes nomes vernáculos para esta espécie: "Praia-grande", "Corcovado" e "Azul-seda". A lagarta de M. menelaus amathonte foi encontrada em planta do gênero Pterocarpus (Pterocarpus officinalis). No Brasil, Otero a encontrou sobre planta do gênero Erythroxylum conhecida por "Arco-de-pipa" (Erythroxylum pulchrum).

De acordo com Markku Savela esta espécie já foi descrita, dentro de seu gênero, com a denominação Morpho godartii, Morpho amathonte, Morpho alexandra, Morpho melanippe, Morpho alexandrovna, Morpho didius, Morpho melacheilus, Morpho nestira, Morpho paris, Morpho kruegeri, Morpho punicae, Morpho agamemnon, Morpho mattogrossensis, Morpho centralis e Morpho occidentalis; o que evidencia sua grande variação individual.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Морфо менелай ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
Вид крыльев бабочки снизу.

Морфо менелай[1] (лат. Morpho menelaus) — вид бабочек рода Морфо из семейства Nymphalidae.


Бабочка была названа в 1758 году шведским учёным Карлом Линнеем как Papilio menelaus в честь греческой мифологического персонажа — Менелая, царя древней Спарты[2].


Цвет крыльев от синего до тёмно-синего с металлическим блеском. Встречаются экземпляры и с промежуточной окраской — голубой, тёмно-голубой. Размах крыльев 120[3] — 140 мм[4]. Самка крупнее самца. Окраска самки отличается от окраски самца: голубым цветом окрашены только внутренние участки крыльев, обрамлённые каймой почти чёрного цвета, на которой проходят две параллельные перевязи, состоящие из пятнышек светлого цвета[1][4].


Бабочка встречается в тропических лесах Бразилии, Гайаны, Колумбии, Эквадора и Венесуэлы. Обитает на опушках и лесных полянах почти круглый год[4].


  1. 1 2 Каабак Л. В., Сочивко А. В. Бабочки мира. — М.: Аванта+, 2003. — ISBN 5-94623-008-5.
  2. Blue Morpho Menelaus Butterfly Wing
  3. Morpho menelaus Linnaeus, 1758 (неопр.). Архивировано 30 июня 2006 года.
  4. 1 2 3 Morpho menelaus — Морфо Менелай
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Морфо менелай: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
 src= Вид крыльев бабочки снизу.

Морфо менелай (лат. Morpho menelaus) — вид бабочек рода Морфо из семейства Nymphalidae.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

大藍閃蝶 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供
二名法 Morpho menelaus
Linnaeus, 1758

大藍閃蝶学名Morpho menelaus)又名蓝摩尔福蝶,是蛱蝶科閃蝶属中最大的一个物种,是一种热带蝴蝶,生活在中美洲南美洲,包括巴西哥斯大黎加委内瑞拉。它是巴西的国蝶。





雌性色彩不及雄性鲜艳,雄性绚丽的颜色是为了恐吓那些试图闯入它的领地的敌人。雄性的翅膀能够在一个相当大的角度内反射明亮且富有变化的光线,以最大可能的提高它在热带雨林里的能见度。大藍閃蝶的色彩是一种防卫机制。这些蝴蝶在白天活动,有一种叫做“crypis”的能力[來源請求],指的是当它们在晚上睡觉时,会将自己的翅膀折叠起来,这使得在夜晚只能看见它们翅膀的下表面——这样就不易被肉食动物发现。它们还有一种叫做“flashing”的防御机制,他们翅膀的频率低,这使得它们能在绚丽翅膀升起并发光的短时间内隐藏到另一个地方, 这使得他们的天敌在大藍閃蝶利用翅膀的下表面隐藏到丛林里的枯叶的瞬间,只能看见一片蓝光,而失去了大藍閃蝶的踪迹。而大藍閃蝶翅膀的鲜艳颜色则源于它们翅膀鳞片不同于其他种类蝴蝶的特殊排列方式,光线在这些鳞片之间的干涉产生了变换多端的蓝色。大蓝闪蝶的生命周期长度约137天。成年的大蓝闪蝶只有1个月的生命。由于幼虫含有有毒化合物,大藍閃蝶鲜少有天敌。







  • Smart, Paul (1976). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly World in Color. London, Salamander:Encyclopedie des papillons. Lausanne, Elsevier Sequoia (French language edition)ISBN 9780948427046 ISBN 0600313816 page 235, fig. 11 as nestira Hubner (synonym of ssp. coeruleus (Perry, 1810) (Brazil) and page 236 fig. 3 ssp. terrestris Butler, female (Brazil), fig. 4 ssp. guyanensis Le Moult (Guyana).
wikipedia 中文维基百科

大藍閃蝶: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供

大藍閃蝶(学名:Morpho menelaus)又名蓝摩尔福蝶,是蛱蝶科閃蝶属中最大的一个物种,是一种热带蝴蝶,生活在中美洲南美洲,包括巴西哥斯大黎加委内瑞拉。它是巴西的国蝶。

wikipedia 中文维基百科